Eec 236
Eec 236
Eec 236
The cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is a common laboratory instrument that provides
accurate time and amplitude measurements of voltage signals over a wide range of
frequencies. Its reliability, stability, and ease of operation make it suitable as general
purpose laboratory instrument. The block diagram of cathode ray oscilloscope is shown in
fig 1.1.
A simplified block diagram of a typical oscilloscope is shown in fig 1.0. in general the
instrument is operated in the following manner.
(i)Vertical amplifier:
This amplifies the input signal to observed. The vertical amplifier is the principle factor
determining the sensitivity and bandwidth of an oscilloscope. Greater sensitivity expressed in
V/cm of the vertical deflecting is obtained at the expense of the bandwidth.
(ii)Horizontal amplifier:
The sweep generator output or any signal applied to the horizontal input terminal will be
amplified by the horizontal amplifier and applied to the horizontal deflection plates.
During sweep time (a), the beam is deflected to the right by increasing the amplitude of
the ramp voltage and the fact that the position voltage attracts the negative electrons. During the
retrace fly-back time, the beam returns quickly to left side of the screen, thus blanking out the
beam by means of blanking circuit.
(iv)Triggered sweep:
A trigger circuit is incorporated into the oscilloscope . The trigger circuit may receive an
input from an external source when the trigger selector switch is set to EXT and from a low
amplitude a.c voltage at the line frequency when the switch is set to LINE or from the vertical
amplifier when the switch is set to INT.
When set for internal triggering (INT), the trigger circuit receives it input from the
vertical amplifier. When the vertical input signal is being amplified by the vertical input signal is
being amplified by the vertical amplifier until it reaches a certain level, Then the trigger circuit
provide a pulse to the sweep generator output is synchronized with the signal that trigger it.
whatever type of sweep is used, it must be synchronized with the signal being measured.
Synchronization has to be done to obtain a stationary pattern. This requires the time base to
operate at a submultiples frequency of the signal under measurement (signal applied to Y-plate).
See fig. below. If synchronization is not done the pattern is not stationary, but appears to drift
V output V
t t
(vi)Blanking circuit:
The control grid is generally “gated off” which blank out the beam during the retrace
(flyback) time to prevents undesirable retrace pattern from appearing on the screen.
The graticules has to be calibrated in order to give the desired scale for measurements
carried out. The graticule is a grid of lines that serves as a scale when making time and amplitude
measurements. See fig below.
2.1 Introduction:
The heart of the CRO is a cathode ray tube shown schematically in Fig 2.
The cathode ray tube (CRT) is the heart of the CRO and works as discussed below. The
CRT consist of essentially three basic components.
This produces a sharply focused beam of electrons, and accelerates it at a very high
2.1.2 The deflecting system:
which deflects the electron beam in both X-horizontal and Y-vertical planes in
accordance with the waveform to be displayed.
upon which the beam of electrons impinges to produce a spot of visible light.
The cathode ray is a beam of electrons which are emitted by the heated cathode (negative
electrode) and accelerated towards the fluorescent screen. The assembly of the cathode, intensity
grid, focus grid, and accelerating anode (positive electrode) is called an electro gun. Its purpose
is to generate the electron beam and control its intensity and focus. Between the electron gun and
fluorescent screen are two pairs of plates-one oriented to provide horizontal deflection of the
beam and one pair oriented to give vertical deflection to the beam. These plates are thus referred
to as the horizontal and vertical deflection of the plates. The combination of these two
deflections allows the beam to reach any portion of the fluorescent screen. Where ever the
electron beam hits the screen ,the phosphor is excited and light is emitted from that point. This
conversion of electron energy into light allows us to write with points or lines of light on an
otherwise darkened screen.
In most common use of the oscilloscope the signal to be studied is first amplified and
then applied to the vertical (deflection) plates to deflect the beam vertically and at the same time
a voltage that increases linearly with time is applied to the horizontal (deflection) plates thus
causing the beam to be deflected horizontally at a uniform constant rate. The signal applied to
the vertical plates is thus displayed on the screen as a function of time .The horizontal axis serves
as a uniform time scale.
2.2 A simple circuit diagram of a cathode ray oscilloscope
Heater screen
Cathode sys.
Brilliance Focus coat
control control
The basis of the cathode ray oscilloscope is shown by the simplified circuit diagram that
carries the required controls.
The cathode ray tube incorporates electrodes which form the electron gun, the electron
lens system and the deflecting system. In the electron gun, the cathode is heated by the current
which flows in the heating element, and the electrons that are released by the cathode form the
cathode ray (electron beam), which is made to focus on the screen of the tube. The screen
mentioned earlier is coated with a fluorescent phosphor which glows when bombarded with
electrons. The spot intensity on the face of the tube depends on the beam current, and is adjusted
by means of brilliance control which alters grid voltage. The beam is brought into focus by
means of the electron lens system, and is adjusted by means of the focus control which alters the
potentials of the focusing anode.
The electron beam is deflected in the Y and X directions by means of voltage applied to
Y and X deflecting plates respectively. Two voltages or signal are applied to each set of plates,
one being a d.c shift voltage, which is under the control of the C.R.O operator and is used to
position the trace on the screen. The X-shift in the X direction and the Y-shift in the Y- direction.
The second signal, in the case of the Y plate is the input signal whose waveform is to be
observed, while for the X plate, the signal known as the time base signal is applied, which causes
the spot to transverse repeatedly across the face of the tube. And that is why the sweep generator
is incorporated to generate a saw tooth waveform.
1.1 Introduction:
The expression for electrostatic deflection shows that the deflection is proportional to the
deflection-plate voltage. Thus the cathode ray tube will measure voltage. It is usual to calibrate
the tube under the given operating conditions by observing the deflection produced by a known
voltage. Direct voltages may be obtained from the static deflection of the spot, alternating
voltages from the length of the line produced when the voltage is applied to Y-plates when no
voltage is applied to X-plates. The length of this line corresponds to the peak to peak voltage.
When dealing with sinusoidal voltages, the rms value is given by dividing the peak to peak
voltage by 2
To determine the size of the voltage signal appearing at the output of terminals of the
signal generator, an AC (Alternating current) voltmeter is connected in parallel across the
terminals (fig 2.1).The AC voltmeter is designed to read the dc “effective value” of the voltage.
This effective value is known as the” root mean square value” (RMS) value of the voltage.
The peak or maximum voltage seen on the scope(fig 2.1b) is Vm volts and is represented
by the distance from the symmetry line CD to the maximum deflection . The relationship
between the magnitude of the peak voltage displayed on the scope and the effective or RMS
voltage (VRMS) read on the AC voltmeter is
Thus Vm = VRMS/0.707
When two sinusoidal voltages of equal frequency which are in phase with each other are
applied to the horizontal and vertical deflection plates, the pattern appearing on the screen is a
straight line.
Two sinusoidal waveforms of the same frequency produce a lissajous pattern, which may
be a straight line, a circle or an eclipse depending upon the phase and magnitude of the voltages.
A circle can be formed only when the magnitudes of the two signals are equal and the phase
difference between them is either 900 or 2700. However, if the two voltages are not equal or
out of phase an ellipse is formed.
When sine wave signals of different frequencies are input to the horizontal and vertical
amplifier as stationary pattern is formed on the CRT when the ratio of the two frequencies is an
integral fraction such as ½, 2/3, 4/3, 1/5,etc. These stationary patterns are known as lissajous
figures and can be used for comparison measurement of frequencies.
Set the oscillator to 1000HZ. Display the signal on the CRO and measure the signal of
the oscillations. Use the horizontal distance between two points. Set the horizontal again so that
only one complete waveform is displayed. Then reset the horizontal until 5 waves are seen. Keep
the time base control in a calibrated position. Measure the distance (and hence time) for 5
complete cycles and calculate the frequency from this measurement.
On measuring the current, voltage and power in a.c circuit ,its power factor can be
calculated from the relationship COS∅=p/IV. The method of determining the power factor of an
electric circuit is however, of low accuracy and is rarely used in practice. It is obviously
desirable to an instantaneous indication of the power factor of an a.c circuit, especially where
this is varying continuously, without having resource to mathematical calculation of the readings
of several instruments. Power factor meters indicate directly , by a single reading , the power
factor of the circuit to which they are connected. The accuracy obtained with the use of p.f
meters is sufficient for most purpose other than high precision testing.
Power factor meters like wattmeters have a current circuit and a pressure circuit. The
current circuit the current (or definite fraction of this current) in the circuit whose power factor is
to be measured. The pressure circuit is connected across the circuit whose power is to be
measured and is usually split up into two parallel paths, one inductive and the other non-
inductive. The deflection of the instruments depend upon the phase difference between the main
current and current in two paths of the pressure circuit, i.e upon the phase angle or power factor
at the circuit. The deflection is indicated by a pointer.
The moving system of power factor meters is perfectly balanced at equilibrium by two
opposing forces and therefore there is no need for a controlling devices. Hence when a power
factor meter is disconnected from a circuit the pointer remain at its position which is occupied at
the instant of disconnection.
Fixedcoil Fixedcoil
Movable coil
I2 Multiplier Load
The diagram in fig.5.0 consist of a fixed coil which acts as the current coil. The coil is
split up into two parts and carries the current of the circuit under test. Therefore the magnetic
field produced by this coil is proportional to the main current. Two identical pressure coil A and
B pointed on a spindle constitute the moving system. Pressure in coil A non-inductive resistance
R connected in series with it, and coil B has a highly inductive choke coil L connected in series
with it. The two coils are connected across the voltage of the circuit. The value of R and L are so
adjusted that the two coils carry the same values of current at normal frequency, i.e R=WL. The
circuit through coil A is in phase with the circuit voltage while that through coil B lags the
voltage by nearly 90o
When the load power factor is unity (COS ∅=1); current is in phase with the voltage.
Then I1 is in phase with the voltage. Then I1 is in phase with I where as I2 lags behind by
90o.Consequently, a torque will act on coil A which will set its plane perpendicular to the
common magnet axis of fixed coils (FA + FB) i.e. corresponding to the pointer position of unity
p.f. However, there will be no torque acting on coil B. When load power factor is zero, current
(I) lags behind voltage (v) by 90o and I2 will be in phase with I where as I1 will be 90o out phase.
As a result, there will be no torque on coil A but that acting on coil B will bring its plane
perpendicular to the common magnetic axis F1 and F2. For intermediate values of power factor,
the deflection of the pointer correspond to the load power factor angle ∅ or to COS ∅, if the
instrument has been calibrated to read the power factor directly.
For reliable readings the instrument has to be calibrated at the frequency of the supply on
which is to be used. At any other frequency, the reactance of L will be change so that the
magnitude and the phase of current through coil B will be incorrect and that will lead to serious
errors in the instrument readings.
1. Draw a simplified diagram for a power factor meter.
2. Briefly explain the principles of operation of it.
5.1 Introduction:
Power in a d.c circuit is calculated by multiplying current and voltage (P =I X V) but the
power in an a.c circuit depends on the phase relationship between current and voltage is taken
into consideration by using a power factor in the calculation of a.c power.
In a.c circuit analysis the product of r.m.s value of current and voltage, VI is referred to
as the volt-amperes. As has been seen, this product does not in general represent the power
absorbed by a load. The “power factor” is defined as that factor by which the volt-amperes
must be multiplied to give the time power absorbed. Thus power absorbed (watts) =volt-
amperes x power factor………………………………………(1)
Comparing equation (1) and (2) it is seen that the power factor when the current and
voltage waves are sinusoidal is cos ∅, i.e the power factor (P.F) is the cosine of angle of the
phase difference between the current and voltage. It must be emphasized that this result
obtains only when waves shapes are sinusoidal (see fig 5.o)
P.F = cos
90 2700
For the case of sinusoidal waves the power factor of a circuit is said to be leading or
lagging according to whether the current in the circuit leads or lag the applied voltage.
From equation ( 2) above , the power(P=IVCOS∅) in watts is often referred to as the true
power. We can also determine true power in a circuit by measuring it with a wattmeter.
A wattmeter is constructed so that it takes into account any phase difference between
current voltage.
watts. When we look closely at the formular for apparent power and true power
We notice that, the only difference between the two is that the true power includes
COS∅ term. Combining these two formulars yields COS ∅ = P/Papp
This relationship makes it relatively easy to determine COS∅ and thus the phase
relationship between current and voltage. All we need to know is the crrent, the voltage and
the true power.
Example 1
An electric motor draws 18A of current from a 240V source. A wattmeter connected to the
current indicates 3024W. what is the power factor of the circuit.
Power factor = 3024/4320 = 0.7. Therefore the power factor is 0.7 or 70%
(i)By using the impedance triangle (use the trigonometric ratio COS∅
=adjacent/hypotenuse where COS∅ =p.f, adjacent =resistance and hypotenuse =
impedance. Therefore power factor =R/Z.
Impedance triangle
Apparent power
Reactive power triangle (IAR)
Example 2:
Example 3:
A 230v , 50HZ a.c supply to a coil of 0.06H inductance and 2.5Ω resistance connected in
series with a 6.8 µf capacitor. Calculate (i) impedance (ii) current (iii) phase angle between
current and voltage (iv) power factor (v) power consumed.
The negative sign with ∅ shows that current is leading the voltage.
(iv)power factor = cos∅ = R/Z = 2.5/449.2 = 0.0056 lead
I reactive
IT = 0.572A
= 89.7
6.1 Introduction:
6.2.1 Construction:
When dynamometer instrument is used as a wattmeter, the fixed coil are connected in
series with the load and carry the load current( I1) while the moving coil is connected across the
load through a series multiplier Rand carries a current (I2 ) proportional to the load voltage as
shown in fig 6.1. The fixed coil (or coils) is called the current coil and the movable coil is known
Fixedcoil Fixedcoil
Movable coil
I2 Multiplier Load
potential coil. The controlling coil is provided by two spiral spring which also serve the
additional purpose of leading current into out of the moving coil. Air friction damping is
provided in such instruments. A pointer is attached to the movable coil.
6.2.2 Operation:
When the wattmeter is connected in the circuit to measure power (see fig 6.1), the
current coil carries the load current and potential coil carries current proportional to the load
voltage. Due to currents in the coils, mechanical force exists between them. The result is that
movable coil moves the pointer over the scale. The pointer comes to rest at a position where
deflecting torque is equal to controlling torque. Reversal of current reverses currents in both
the fixed coils and the movable coil so that the direction of deflecting torque remains
unchanged . Hence, such instruments can be used for the measurement of d.c as well as a.c
We shall now prove that deflecting torque is proportional to load power in a d.c as well
as a.c circuit.
(i)Consider that the wattmeter is connected in a d.c circuit to measure power as shown
in fig (6.1b). the power taken by the load is VI1.
(ii)Consider that the wattmeter is connected in a.c circuit to measure power . Suppose
at any instant , current through the load is I and voltage across the load is V.
I1 coil
V = VM Sin𝜃
I =IM sin(𝜃-∅)
The pointer cannot follow the rapid changes in the instantaneous power owing to the
large inertia of the moving system. Hence the instruments indicates the mean
oType equation here.r average power.
Td 𝛼 1/2π 0
𝑣𝑚𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝑥 𝐼𝑚𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃 − ∅ 𝑑𝜃
2𝜋 𝑉𝑚𝐼𝑚𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 sin 𝜃 − ∅ 𝑑𝜃
∝ 1/2π 0
∝ VmIm/2π 0
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 sin 𝜃 − ∅ 𝑑𝜃
∝ VmIm/2π 0
𝐶𝑂𝑆∅ − 𝐶𝑂𝑆 2𝜃 − ∅ 𝑑𝜃
∝ VmIm/4π[𝜃𝐶𝑂𝑆∅ − sin
(2𝜃 − ∅)/2]
6.4 Advantages of Dynamometer Wattmeters
(i)Such instruments can be made to give a very high degree of accuracy . Hence, they are
used as standard for calibration purposes.
(iii)Scales are more or less uniform because the deflection is proportional to the average
(iv)It can be used for both ac and dc supply, for any waveform of voltage and current,
and is not restricted to sinusoidal waveforms.
6.4.1 Disadvantages:
(i)At low power factors, the inductance of the potential coils causes serious errors unless
special precautions are taken to reduce this effect.
(ii)The readings of the instrument may be affected by strong magnetic fields. In order to
prevent it, the instrument is shielded from the external magnetic fields by enclosing it with a
soft-iron case.
6.4.2 Errors:
(i)The inductance of the moving (or voltage)coil causes errors, which cam be avoided to
some extent by connecting a high non-inductive resistance in series with the coil.
(iii)Errors due to current taken by the voltage coil.
Example 1:
A dynamometer type wattmeter with its voltage coil connected across the load sides reads
192w. The load voltage is 208v and the resistance of the potential coil circuit is 3825Ω, calculate
(i)True load power (ii) percentage errorto wattmeter connection.
=2082/3825 = 11.3w
Example 2:
A dynamometer type wattmeter with its voltage coil connected across the load side of the
instrument reads 250w. If the load voltage is 200v, what power is being taken by load? The
voltage coil branch has a resistance of 2000Ω.
Example 3:
The resistance of the two coils of a wattmeter are 0.01Ωand 1000Ω respectively and both are
non-inductive. The load is taken a current of 20A at 200V and 0.8 p.f lagging. Show the two
ways in which the voltage coil can connected and find the error in the reading of the meter in
each case.
The figure below shows the two ways of connecting the voltage coil of the wattmeter.
7.1 Introduction:
The following methods are available for measuring power in a 3-phase load (STAR OR
In this method , three watt meters connected in such away that each has its current coil
in one line and its potential coil between that line and some common point. The algebraic sum
of the readings of the three wattmeters give the total power consumed whether the load is
balanced or not. If neutral wire is available, the common point should be at the neutral wire.
L3 L2
B W2
It can be shown mathematically that algebraic sum of their readings gives the total power
consumed whether the load is balanced or not i.e Total power = w1 + w2 +w3
In this method, the current coils of the two watt wattmeters are connected in any two
lines and the potential coil of each joined to the third line. The algebraic sum of their readings
gives the total power consumed whether the load is balance or not. If the neutral wire is
available, it should carry no current or else the neutral of the load should be isolated from the
neutral of the source.
R 0R
L3 L1
B Y 0Y
R 0R
L3 L1
B Y 0Y
It can be proved that the sum of the instantaneous power indicated by W1 and W2 gives
the instantaneous power absorbed by the three loads L1, L2 and L3. The star connected load is
considered in the following discussion , although it can equally applied to a delta connection
load because a delta connected load can always be replaced by an equivalent Y-connected
Now before we consider the current through and p.d across each wattmeter, it may be
pointed out that it is important to take the direction of the voltage through the circuit is the
same as that taken for the current when establishing the reading of the two wattmeter.
∴ iR + iY = −Ib
P3 is absorbed by load L3
This proof is true whether the load is balanced or unbalanced. If the load is Y connected,
then it should have no neutral connection (i.e.3-∅ , 3-wire connected) and if it has a neutral
connection (i.e. 3- ∅, 4-wire connected), then it should be exactly balanced so that in each case
there is no neutral current iN, otherwise kirchoff’s point law will give iN + iR + iY + iB = 0.
If the 3- phase load (𝛾 𝑜𝑟∆) is balanced, power factor of the load can also be found from
two wattmeter readings. The 𝛾- connected load in fig. above will be assumed inductive. The
phasor diagram of such a balanced 𝛾-connected load is shown in fig. below. We shall now
consider the problem in terms of r.m.s values instead of instantaneous values.
Let VR, VY and VB be the r.m.s value of the three phase voltages and IR, IY and IB be the
r.m.s values of the currents. Since these voltages and currents are assumed sinusoidal, they can
be represented by vectors, the currents lagging behind their phase voltages by ∅ as shown in
the phasor diagram.
Thus VRB is found by compounding VR and VB as shown in fig. below. It is seen that phase
difference between VR and IR = (30 − ∅)
Current through W2 = IY
Again VYB is found by compounding VY with VB reversed as shown in fig. below. The angle
between IY and VYB is (30o + ∅)
Reading of W2 = VYBIYCOS (30o + ∅)
IR = IY = line current IL
∴ W1 = VLILCOS (30− ∅)
W2 = VLILCOS(30 + ∅)
∴ W1 + W2 = VLILCOS(30 − ∅) + VLILCOS(30 + ∅)
Hence the sum of the two wattmeter readings give the total power consumption in the
three phase load.
A three phase generator has 15000V and 400Aat 0.9 power factor. Find the power in
kilowatt if it is star Y connected.
P = 9353074/1000 = 9353KW
1. Draw a simplified diagram for a three phase wattmeter two elements. Label the parts.
2. Three phase induction motor operating at 415V and draw a current of 8A at power factor
of 0.85. Find
a. The power consumed in kilowatts.
b. The apparent power in KVA
3. Find the line current of a three phase star connected balanced load, if the operating
voltage is 2400Vwith 400KW at 0.9 power factor.
8.1 Introduction:
The method can be used only when load is balanced, the power in any phase can be
measured by a single wattmeter. The total circuit power can be measured by a single
wattmeter. The total circuit power is given by multiplying the wattmeter reading by three. This
method can only be used if the load is balanced. For the shown in fig. below, the current coil is
connected in one of the lines and one two lines. The phasor diagram is shown in fig, below.
Fig. 8.1.1 phasor diagram of one wattmeter method.
How can we tell which wattmeter reads higher and which reads lower?
W1 = VLILCOS (30O − ∅)
W2 = VLILCOS (30O+ ∅)
Since the value of the load P.F. can vary from 0 to 1 (i.e. ∅ can vary from 90o to 0o), it is
clear that wattmeter whose deflection is proportional to (30o− ∅) is always positive and always
higher reading wattmeter (i.e. w1 in this case). Except for the case when load P.F. is unity, (i.e.∅
= 𝑜℃) at, which the two wattmeter have equal readings.
= 3VLILCOS∅ …………………………………….(1)
Knowing tan ∅ and hence ∅, the value of power factor COS∅ can be found.
It should how ever , be kept in mind that if W2 reading has been taken after reversing the
pressure coil i.e. if W2Type equation here. is negative, then the above relationship becomes,
𝑊1−(−𝑊2) 𝑊1+𝑊2
Tan ∅ = 3 𝑊1+ −𝑊2 = 3 𝑊1−𝑊2
For ∅ = + 60(lag), W2 is zero. But for ∅ = −60°(lead). W1 is zero so, we find that for angles of
lead, the reading of the two wattmeter are inter-changed. Hence, for a leading power factor
W1 = VLIL COS(30° + ∅)
W2 =VLILCOS(30° − ∅)
∴W1 + W2 =VLILCOS∅
𝑊1 –𝑊2
Then tan∅ = − 3 𝑊1+𝑊2
Example 1
A 220V has a full load output of 10hp, the power factor being 0.8. Full load efficiency
82%. Find the reading on each of the two wattmeter connected to measure the input.
Output = 10 x 746 = 7460W
Input = 7460/0.82 = 9100W
tan∅ = 0.672
𝑤1−𝑤2 𝑤1−𝑤2
0.672 = 3 𝑤1+𝑤2 = 3 9.1
0.672 ×9.1
W1 – W2= = 3.53𝐾𝑊
W1 +W2 = 9.10KW
W1 = 6.315KW, W2 = 2.785KW
Example 2
Two wattmeter connected to measure the power input to a three phase balanced load
give the following readings. 10KW, AND 20KW, the latter reading after reversal of the current
coil connections. Calculate the power and the power factor of the load.
Power = 10 – 1.2 =8.8KW
𝑤1−𝑤2 10+1.2
Tan ∅ = 3 𝑤1+𝑤2 = 3 10−1.2
∅ = 65.6°
9.1 Introduction:
The considerations for selecting an instrument may be regarded as falling into two
categories: either an engineer is selecting the most suitable instrument from those within a
department or establishment to perform a particular measurement, or he is undertaking the
purchase of a new instrument to perform a particular measurement and possibly at the same time
extend the measurement capabilities of the department or establishment in which he works.
Many of the criteria in selecting an instrument are the same, whether an engineer is selecting an
instrument off the shelf or purchasing new equipment.
The general criteria for selecting an instrument may be summarized by the following
factors, which although it will be more suitable when considering a moderately sophisticated
instrument, could prove valuable as a guide in selecting the right instrument on every occasion.
The important factors of selecting measurement instruments are explain as follows.
The difference between the greatest and the least values of data.
(i)what are the maximum and minimum magnitude of the values to be measured.
This is the closeness in which an instrument approaches the true of the quantity being
(ii)Is the same accuracy required over the entire range of measurement?
(iv)Is the resolution of the instrument consistent with its specified errors?
(III)For a.c instruments, to what aspect of the waveform should the instrument respond i.e peak,
mean or r.m.s values?
(iv)For auto range (for example d.v.m) instruments must include the time for range and polarity
(ii)What will be the consequences of failure , and will a standby instrument be required?
(iii)What are the maintenance requirements and will any special equipment be required?
(i)Is the quantity being measured floating or has it one side earthed?
(iii)What are the required common mode and normal mode rejection ration ratio?
On the completion of the above factors for a particular application, the derived specifications for
the desired instrument may not be possible in practical terms, and a compromise between that
which is available within an organization, or can be afforded, will have to be adopted.
(i) Range
(ii) Accuracy
(iii) Response
(iv) Sensitivity
(v) reliability
Measurement can be defined as finding the size, unit, standard, device or system used for
obtaining action taken for a purpose. Many instruments have been invented to measure the
following importance of instrument listed below, with different advantages and disadvantages.
Instruments are of different ranges and cost all vary by several orders of magnitude from one
instrument design to the next.
1 Instrumentation plays a significant role in both gathering information from the field and
changing field parameters, and as such are a key part of control loops.
2 Instrumentation can be used to measure certain field parameters (physical values): such
as pressure, either differential or static, flow.
3 In addition to measuring field parameters, information is also responsible for providing
the ability to modify some field parameters.
(a) Pressure
(d)Flow rate
Many techniques have been developed for the measurement of pressure and vacuum
instruments used to measure pressure are called PRESSURE GAUGES or VACUUM GAUGES.
(and sometimes ultra-high vacuum). The applicable pressure range of many of the techniques
used to measure vacuums have an overlap. Hence by combining several different types of gauge,
it is possible to measure system pressure continuously from 10mbar down to 10-11mbar.
Hydrostatic gauges (such as the mercury column manometer) compare pressure to the
hydrostatic force per unit area at the base of a column of fluid. Hydrostatic gauge measurements
are independent of the type of gas being measured, and can be designed to have a very linear
calibration. They have poor dynamic response.
Piston type gauge counter balance the pressure of fluid with a solid weight or a spring.
For example dead-weight testers used for calibration and tire pressure gauges.
11.1 Introduction:
Temperature is a physical quantity which determines the direction of flow of heat when
two bodies are placed in contact. It can be defined as that which measures the degree of
hotness or coldness of a body. A thermometer is an instrument used to measure the
temperature of a body. For it to be used as temperature measuring instrument:
(i) It must posses certain physical quantities that will be to change continuously with
temperature and
(ii) Its physical nature must not change as a result of an increase in temperature.
The existence of different types of thermometer comes from taking advantage of the
responsiveness of certain physical properties to change in temperature. Areas where use is
made of such physical properties to slight change in temperature are in:
11.3 Classification of thermometers
These are thermometers used for temperature measurement, e.g. all liquid-in-glass
thermometer, resistance thermometer, gas thermometer etc.
11.3.2Common Thermometers:
These are thermometers that use the expansion of a liquid to indicate temperature
rise. Example are liquid-in-glass thermometers: mercury-in-glass thermometer, maximum and
minimum thermometers.
The existence of the different types of thermometer comes from taking advantage of the
responsiveness of certain physical properties to change in temperature. Areas used of such
physical properties to slight change in temperature are in:
(i) Expansion of liquid due to increase in temperature e.g. liquid in glass thermometer.
(ii) Expansion of gas volume at constant pressure e.g. gas thermometer.
(iii) Change in electric resistance of a metal such as platinum e.g. resistance
(iv) Change in electric current generated by a thermocouple e.g. thermoelectric
(v) Difference in expansion of the two metals that make up a bimetallic strip, e.g.
bimetallic thermometer.
Integral to process measurement sensors fall into two main types. Point level
measurement sensors are used to mark a single discrete liquid height-a preset level condition.
Generally, this type of sensor functions as a high alarm, signaling an overfill condition, or as a
marker for a low alarm condition. Continuous level sensors are more sophisticated and can
provide level monitoring of an entire system. They measure fluid level within a range, rather
than at one point, producing an analog output that directly correlates to the level in the vessel.
To create a level management system, the output signal linked to a process control loop and to
a visual indicator.
With a continuous sensor, the microprocessor converts the average value to an analog 4
to 20MA signal linear with the liquid level. When the echo from the level does not return to the
sensor within 8 seconds, the output signal from the system drops below 4MA, indicating a low
level condition or empty pipe. With a point sensor, the microprocessor compares the average
value with BCD switch setting and energizes an output relay for either high or low level
indication. A signal loss exceeding 8 second de-energizes the relays and restores their original
states. The electronics incorporate a half second delay that minimizes surface turbulence
With the wide variety of approaches to level measurement and as many as 163 suppliers
offering one or more types of level measuring instrument, identifying the right one for your
application can be difficult. In recent years, technologist that capitalized on microprocessor
developments have stood out from the pack. For example, the tried true technique of
measuring the head of a liquid has gained new life thanks to “smart” differential pressure (DP)
Today’s local level measuring instruments can include diagnostic as well as configuration
and process data that can be communicated over a network to remote monitoring and control
instrumentation. One model even provides local PID control. Some of the most commonly used
liquid- level measurement methods are:
-RF capacitance
-Conductance (conductivity)
12.1 Introduction:
The driving factor in today’s investment in waste water treatment most be cost
reduction. The only way to maintain high standards while reducing costs is to invest in highly
sophisticated measurement and process control technology, ideally from a supplier offering the
whole basket of instrument.
The density of a fluid is its weight per unit volume. Both temperature and pressure
affect the density of fluids and can alter the accuracy of measurements especially for gases and
vapors. High temperatures or lower pressure cause the fluid expand so that molecules move
farther apart, which causes the weight of given volume to be less than it will be at a lower
temperature of higher pressure.
If you use high- viscosity engine oil in your car, the oil puddles in your driveway will be
smaller, but your engine will run hotter and it probably won’t start on a cold winter
If you use low viscosity engine oil in your car, the position rings may wear out in a few
thousand miles, the crankshaft bearings may seize and the puddles in your drive will
amaze your neighbors!
As we said, the simplest definition of viscosity is resistance to flow. Sir Isaac Newton defined
it as “the resistance that arises from lack of slipperiness in a fluid.” Cold maple syrup is thick
and not slippery, but cold water is thin and slippery.
The importance of characterizing the viscosity behavior over a wider range of shear rates is that
there are a wide variety of shear rates in the coating and ancillary processes process. Therefore,
the behavior needs to determined to insure compatibility.
Routing measurements of viscosity prior to coating should be part of the normal quality
control determine the source of the problem.
Humidity measurement instruments and sensors can sense a number of different factors.
Absolute humidity, expressed as grams of water vapor per cubic meter volume of air, regardless
of the air’s temperature. Relative humidity (RH), express as percent, also measures water vapor,
but also relative to the temperature of the air. The dew point temperature , which provides a
measure of the actual amount of water vapor in the air, is the temperature to which the air must
be cooled in for that air to be saturated and dew to form. Because of the intertwining of
atmospheric measurements, humidity measurement instruments are sometimes equipped with
pressure and temperature sensors as well. Three main application s for humidity measurement
are judging moisture in gas or air, bulk solids or powders, or else if fuels or other liquids.
One critical specification for these devices is the humidity for moisture range to be
measured or else the dew point range. Humidity and moisture accuracy is expressed in terms of
percentage of measurement. The dew point accuracy, since this is a temperature reading, express
as a variance in temperature output.
14.1 Introduction:
(a)Indicating instruments
(b)Recording instruments
(c)Controlling instruments
These are the instruments which indicate the instantaneous value of the quantity being
measured, at the time it is being measured. The indication is in the form of a pointer deflection
(analog instruments) or digital readout (digital instruments). Ammeters, voltmeters and watt
meters are example of such instruments. In analog instruments, a pointer moving over a
graduated scale directly gives the value of the electrical quantity being measured. For example
when an ammeter is connected in the circuit, the pointer of the meter directly indicates the value
of the current flowing in the circuit at that time
14.2.2 Recording instruments:
These are instruments which gives a continuous record of the variations of the electrical
quantity being measured over a selected period of time. e.g. recording ammeters which are used
in sub-stations for registering the amount of current taking from the batteries while recording
voltmeters are used in sub-stations to record the variation of supply voltage the day. Many of
these instruments are electromechanical devices which use paper chart and mechanical writing
instruments such as an inked pen or stylus.
These are instruments used to control a varying system at a fixed value or range. The
instruments serve as a component of an automatic control system.
(ii)Dynamometer type
15.1 Introduction:
The deflecting torque is produced by utilizing the various effects of electric current or
voltage and causes the moving system (and hence the pointer) to move from zero position. The
controlling torque is provided by spring or gravity and opposes the deflecting torque. The pointer
comes to rest at a position where these two opposing torque are equal. The damping torque is
provided by air friction or eddy currents. It ensures that the pointer comes to the final position
without oscillations, thus enabling accurate and quick readings to be taken.
quantity being measured. The actual method of producing the deflecting torque depends upon the
type of instrument.
If deflecting torque were acting alone, the pointer will continue to move indefinitely and
would swing over to the maximum deflected position irrespective of the magnitude of current (or
voltage or power) to be measured. This necessitates to provide some form of controlling or
opposing torque (Tc). This controlling torque should oppose the deflecting torque and should
increase with the deflection of the moving system. The pointer will be brought to rest at a
position where the two opposing torque are equal i.e. Td = Tc. The controlling torque performs
two functions:
(i) It increase with the deflection of the moving system so that the final position of the
pointer on the scale will be according to the magnitude of current (or voltage or
power) to be measured.
(ii) It brings the pointer back to zero position when the deflecting torque is removed. If it
were not provided, the pointer once deflected would not return to zero position
removing the deflecting torque.
If the moving system is acted upon by deflecting and controlling torques alone, then the
pointer, due to inertia, will oscillate about its final deflected position for quite sometimes before
coming to rest. This often undesirable because it makes difficult to obtain quick and accurate
readings. In order to avoid these oscillations of the pointer and to bring it quickly to its final
deflected position, a damping torque is provided in the indicating instruments. This damping
torque acts only when pointer is in motion and always opposes the motion. The position of the
pointer when stationary is therefore not affected by damping.
The degree of damping decides the behavior of the moving system. If the instruments are
under damped, the pointer will oscillate about the final position for sometime before coming to
rest. On the other hand if the instrument is over-damped, the pointer will become slow and
lethargic. However, if the degree of damping is adjusted to such a value that the pointer comes to
the correct reading quickly without passing beyond it or oscillating about it, the instrument is
said to be dead-beat or critical damped. Fig. below shows graph for under damping, over
damping and critical damping (dead-beat).
1. What are the essentials of indicating instruments? Hence explain at least two.