ORCINO vs. Atty. Gaspar
ORCINO vs. Atty. Gaspar
ORCINO vs. Atty. Gaspar
Complainant engaged the service of Atty. Gaspar to handle CANON 22 — A LAWYER SHALL WITHDRAW HIS SERVICES
the case she was planning to institute against the suspect of killing ONLY FOR GOOD CAUSE AND UPON NOTICE APPROPRIATE IN THE
her husband. They entered into a contract, stipulating that said CIRCUMSTANCES.
lawyer shall handle the case, also included payments and how
payment be made. Rule 22.01— A lawyer may withdraw his services in any of the
following cases:
In accordance with the contract, complainant made
several payments. Respondent as a private prosecutor, he religiously a) when a client insists upon an unjust or immoral conduct of his
attended the hearing, however in one time he that was absent, the case;
accused were all granted bail. The complainant became belligerent
b) when the client insists that the lawyer pursue conduct violative of
and started accusing him of jeopardizing the case by his absence, the Code of Professional Responsibility;
she get the record from respondent and said that she could refer
them to another lawyer. Respondent in dying, said that he did not c) when the client has two or more retained lawyers and the lawyers
receive anotice. could not get along to the detriment of the case;
Respondent filed its withdrawal as counsel for d) when the mental or physical condition of the lawyer makes him
complainant on the criminal case, but then, his withdrawal was incapable of handling the case effectively;
bearing no conformity from the complainant, so the court advice
e) when the client deliberately fails to pay the attorney's fees agreed
him or else he would remain the complainant’s counsel. upon;
Respondent did not secure the conformity of the f) when the lawyer is elected or appointed to public office;
complainant as it refused of doing so. Criminal case continued its
hearing but counsel did not appear nor contact the complainant. In g) other similar cases.
result, the latter forced to engage the service of another lawyer.
The instant case does not fall under any of the grounds
ISSUE: mentioned. Neither can this be considered analogous to the grounds
Whether or not he would be allowed to withdraw as enumerated. As found by the Commission on Bar Discipline, this
counsel without complainant’s concurrence. case arose from a simple misunderstanding between complainant
RULING: and respondent. Complainant was upset by respondent's absence at
Section 26 of Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Court provides: the hearing where bail was granted to the suspected killers of her
husband. She vehemently opposed the grant of bail. It was thus a
Sec. 26. Change of attorneys — An attorney may retire at any time spontaneous and natural reaction for her to confront respondent
from any action or special proceeding, by the written consent of his with his absence. Her belligerence arose from her overzealousness,
client filed in court. He may also retire at any time from an action or nothing more. Complainant's words and actions may have hurt
special proceeding, without the consent of his client, should the respondent's feelings considering the work he had put into the case.
court, on notice to the client and attorney, and on hearing, But her words were uttered in a burst of passion. And even at that
determine that he ought to be allowed to retire. In case of moment, complainant did not expressly terminate respondent's
substitution, the name of the attorney newly employed shall be services. She made this clear when she refused to sign his "Motion
entered on the docket of the court in place of the former one, and to Withdraw as Counsel."
written notice of the change shall be given to the adverse party.