SOP 17 - Idler & Pulley Cleaning Activity
SOP 17 - Idler & Pulley Cleaning Activity
SOP 17 - Idler & Pulley Cleaning Activity
Rev. No.: 00
Effective date:2021-22
SOP No. MEC-OPR-SOP-17 Effective Date 27.07.2020 REVISION No 00
Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar
(Site Incharge) (Manager)
Step Activity Associated Requirements/Hazards/Impacts Responsibility Process / tools / PPEs (HOW) Remarks /
No. (WHAT) (WHO) Reference
Check the straightness, length & welding of joint of
a) Pocking Valla should be straight, and its length should be the pocking Valla before stating the job.
1000mm, made of 20mm dia M.S.rod for idler & pulley Information to be given to cleaning operators/
cleaning activity. casuals about tools and process of cleaning the jam
at various locations
Before the start of b) Normal pocking rod/ bari/ tana should be ready at site.
the Idler & pulley
1 cleaning activity General Health Hazard: Shift In charge General precautions to prevent covid infection:
(Tool box talk ) Covid infection: (Operations) 1. All persons should use hand sanitizer. Person should use
face mask, maintain social distance norms. Every person to
be check by infrared thermometer at the plant entry gates and
if Covid symptoms like high temperature, dry cough etc are
found, matter needs to refer to OHC for further advise.
Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar
(Site Incharge) (Manager)
Step Activity Associated Requirements/Hazards/Impacts Responsibility Process / tools / PPEs (HOW) Remarks /
No. (WHAT) (WHO) Reference
2 Idler & pulley
cleaning activity SAFETY: During jammed material cleaning by pocking Valla, eye sight
2.1 Hazard Risk should be on pocking Valla, and foot step on platform.
Cleaning of a) Slip & Trip a) Ankle fracture of Always maintain proper distance during cleaning activity and
jammed material leg always use safety googles, safety helmet & Cotton clothing/ Apron,
b) Fall of material b) Head/ body parts nose mask.
injury While cleaning the jammed material judgment to be taken so that
c) Collision of head / a) Head/ body the activity is completed safely. Proper communication with in
body parts with structure parts injury charge/supervisor during cleaning. If suddenly belt run, then
& equipment’s. pocking Valla may hit at head/ any parts of the body or the cleaning
d) Figure cut, sharp edge d) Cut injury man may be trap between structure & valla and caused serious
etc. Operators/ injury.
ENVIRONMENT: casuals All the operators / casual performing cleaning activity should use
proper hand gloves without failing, and most skilled operator to be
Aspact Impact deployed.
a) SPM of air quality a) Air pollution During jammed material cleaning activity, job to be perform with
(work zone) > 2000 interval, and water to be used, ,that way dust emission can
µg/m3 controlled. Also, all the operator/ casuals should use nose mask
during activity
Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar
(Site Incharge) (Manager)
Step Activity Associated Requirements/Hazards/Impacts Responsibility Process / tools / PPEs (HOW) Remarks /
No. (WHAT) (WHO) Reference
b) Noise level (work b) Sound pollution Ear plug to be used during material cleaning activity
zone) > 85 dB Material to be collected from below cleaned platform and shifted
c) Material spillage from c) Soil contamination to dump area to prevent soil contamination
QUALITY: Jammed material to be cleaned completely which is coated on idler
& pulley. Rotation can be taken for new position with proper
a) Complete cleaning of jammed material. communication with In charge if required.
After cleaning the jammed material from idler & pulley, some
b) Cleaning of material from platform. portion of material will be lie on the platform .This material also to
be cleaned to ground.
c) Clearance of cleaning. After completion of cleaning, move away in a safe distance and give
clearance to closing the permit.
Step Activity Associated Requirements/Hazards/Impacts Responsibility Process / tools / PPEs (HOW) Remarks /
No. (WHAT) (WHO) Reference
After the job SAFETY:
3 including Hazard Risk If suddenly conv. Belt run and emergency condition is created
emergency a) suddenly running of a) Fatal incident move away from the working area to the safe place and inform
preparedness belt the shift In charge
b) Lock of valla b) Belt damage If suddenly Valla is locked between belt & idler/pulley,
emergency condition is created move away from the working
c) foreign dust c) Foreign material in area to the safe place and inform the shift In charge for support.
eyes Use safety googles and other PPEs to prevent foreign material in
ENVIRONMENT: eye while working.
Aspact Impact .
If suddenly dust emission happened, emergency condition is
Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar
(Site Incharge) (Manager)
Step Activity Associated Requirements/Hazards/Impacts Responsibility Process / tools / PPEs (HOW) Remarks /
No. (WHAT) (WHO) Reference
a) SPM of air quality a) Air pollution created move away from the working area to the safe place and
(work zone) > 2000 Operators/ inform the shift In charge.
µg/m3 casuals
Use ear plug while working.
b) Noise level (work b) Sound pollution
zone) > 85 dB
a) 1 S to be maintained after completion of job. In any emergency condition stop the job and inform the shift In
charge immediately.
b) Immediate restoration of emergency condition.
Material to be collected from ground and move it to the specified
c) Movement of spillage material to specified area.
2 Use of proper PPE’s during idler & pulley cleaning activity by cleaning operators/ casuals. Shift In charge (Operations)
Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar
(Site Incharge) (Manager)
3 Properly barricade the underneath ground area with safety ribbon where cleaning activity is going on to prevent any injury due to fall of material. Shift In charge (Operations)
6 Always maintain safe distance from the line of fall of material during cleaning activity Cleaning operator/Casual
3 Do not perform idler and pulley cleaning activity in running conveyor Cleaning operator/Casual
Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar Name and Designation: Mr. Rajeev Kumar
(Site Incharge) (Manager)