Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting en
Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting en
Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting en
Outdoor lighting
Repsol petrol station, Spain
Congress Palace, Valencia
Federal Chancellery, Berlin
Coal washery, Zollverein colliery,
Private residence, Ravensburg
Private residence, Ravensburg
Bodegas Vega Sicilia Wine Cellar,
Private residence, Southern
Highlands, Australia
ERCO Lightpark, Lüdenscheid
Church, Rörvik
Monastery ruins, Paulinzella
Regional government of Lower
Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein
in Berlin
Kaufhof media facade, Hamburg
Museo del Teatro de Caesar
augusta, Zaragoza
Porches de la Boquería, Barcelona
Directional downlights
Conclusion Accent lighting enables good
appreciation of form and surface
structure. The focused light pro-
duces pronounced shadows and
good modelling ability, as well as
brilliance. A narrow beam and a
high brightness contrast to the
surroundings give the object par-
ticular emphasis.
ERCO Lightpark, Lüdenscheid
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple,
Tommy Hilfiger, Düsseldorf
Floor washlights
Wall-mounted downlights
Orientation luminaires
Sevens department store,
Hilton Hotel, Dubai
Czartoryski Square, Krakow
Private residence, Palamos
Norwegian Aviation Museum,
ERCO Lightpark, Lüdenscheid
ERCO Lightpark, Lüdenscheid
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
Floodlights with axially symmetri-
cal light distribution provide even
illumination of objects or areas.
Light distribution with focal
Private residence, Southern
Highlands, Australia
ERCO Lightpark, Lüdenscheid
Centenary Hall, Bochum
Sri Senpaga Vinyagar Temple,
Wallwasher, tiltable
Recessed-mounted wallwashers
with asymmetric light distribu-
tion provide an even illumina-
tion of areas. Surface-mounted
downlights can be mounted on
walls, ceilings or floors and in
addition can also be tilted.
Regional government of Lower
Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein,
Kaufhof Media Facade, Hamburg
ERCO P1, Lüdenscheid
Concentration Camp memorial,
Façade luminaires
Façade luminaires are offered
with narrow-beam, wide-beam,
symmetrical or asymmetric light
distribution. The light can be dis-
tributed either via a single-sided
or double-sided light aperture.
Wall-mounted downlights
Wall-mounted downlights, with
their diffuse beam in the room,
provide good visual comfort.
They can also be mounted on
the ceiling.
Wall-mounted downlights,
Wall-mounted downlights with
half-shielded face offer good
visual comfort and illuminate
the floor area in particular.
Private residence, Ravensburg
Private residence, Ravensburg
Zara, Munich
Cultural Centre and Coastal
Museum NORVEG, Rörvik
Facade washlights
Floor washlights with asymmetric
light distribution provide an even
illumination of buildings.
Panticosa resort, Panticosa
Private residence, Berlin
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
Art hall, Emden
Downlights have a rotationally
symmetric beam that is directed
vertically downwards.
Wallwashers have an asym-
metrical light distribution that is
directed onto vertical surfaces.
They provide even illumination
for wall or façade surfaces.
Special lens systems for lens
wallwashers ensure even wall
illumination. The light is spread
out by the lens and directed onto
the wall by wallwasher reflectors.
The Darklight reflectors of lens
wallwashers are visible from
below and are glare-free.
Directional luminaires
Directional luminaires provide
highlighting for individual areas
or objects with a medium to
narrow light distribution.
Repsol petrol station, Spain
Congress Palace, Valencia
Federal Chancellery, Berlin
Intercontinental Resort,
Downlights have a rotationally
symmetrical beam that is directed
vertically downwards.
Surface-mounted wallwashers
with asymmetrical light distribu-
tion provide an even illumination
of areas.
Directional downlights
Directional downlights provide
highlighting for individual areas
or objects with a medium to nar-
row light distribution.
Uplights feature an upwards
directed beam with symmetrical
light distribution. The narrow,
rotationally symmetrical beam
is used for highlighting objects.
Lens wallwashers
Lens wallwashers feature an
upwards directed beam with
asymmetrical light distribution.
They provide an even illumina-
tion of walls.
Directional uplights
Directional luminaires provide
highlighting for individual areas
or objects with a medium to nar-
row light distribution. The beam
can be titled.
Uplight, diffuse
Recessed floor luminaires with
diffuse light intensity distribution
are used for marking paths or
emphasising architectural lines.
Glass pavilion, Glass technical
college, Rheinbach
Brandenburg Gate, Berlin
Khalil Al-Sayegh, Dubai
Benrath Castle, Düsseldorf
Orientation luminaires
Orientation luminaires with
point-form front lens act as
a local orientation light.
Floor washlights
Floor washlights form points of
light on the wall and serves as
an orientation light on the floor
Sevens department store,
Hilton Hotel, Dubai
Czartoryski Square, Krakow
Private residence, Palamos
Wallwasher, underside
Recessed-mounted washlight
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
Benrath Castle, Düsseldorf
Berliner Tor Center, Hamburg
Concentration Camp memorial,
Observation Given the same lighting, as washers have special lens reflec-
the wall height increases the tor systems.
brightness of the wall decreases.
Wallwashers are characterised by
the even progression of bright
ness along the wall. Lens wall-
Lens wallwashers
Regional government of Lower
Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein
in Berlin
Georg Schäfer Museum,
Brandenburg Gate, Berlin
Sacred Heart church, Munich
Lens wallwashers
Directional luminaires
Rohrmeisterei restaurant,
Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple
Private residence, Germany
Museu Etnològic, Barcelona
Stansted Airport, London
Glass pavilion, Glass technical
college, Rheinbach
Jahrhunderthalle, Bochum
Cosmo petrol station, Tokyo
Post-Tower, Bonn
Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias,
Jahrhunderthalle, Bochum
Museo del Teatro de Caesar
augusta, Zaragoza
Pathway luminaires
Downlights, narrow-beamed
Floor washlights
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
Eberbach monastery, Eltville
Private residence, Berlin
Private residence, Palamos
Observation Objects in the room or area can below produces an interesting but
be illuminated with spotlights or mysterious effect since the light
floodlights. When illuminating an is coming from an angle which is
object head-on with one spot- unusual for the observer.
light in the direction of vision,
the modelling effect is weak.
Two spotlights, with sculpture
accessories, shining from differ-
ent directions create a balanced,
three-dimensional effect. The
brightness contrasts are milder
compared to when using just
one spotlight. Illuminating from
Directional luminaires
Directional uplights
Norwegian Aviation Museum,
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
Rhenish State Museum, Bonn
Let The Dance Begin, Strabane
Observation Objects on the wall can be illumi floodlights accentuate the object
nated with spotlights or flood- less than spotlights.
lights. Spotlights highlight the
object and create a decorative
effect. Due to their even illumina-
tion of the complete wall surface,
Lens wallwashers
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
Vietnam Veterans Memorial,
Washington DC
Sinnet Tennis Club, Warsaw
Transparent facade
Cantilever arm
Facade luminaires
Georg Schäfer Museum,
ERCO Lightpark, Lüdenscheid
ERCO Lightpark, Lüdenscheid
Cultural Centre and Coastal
Museum NORVEG, Rörvik
Brandenburg Gate, Berlin
Municipal works, Lüdenscheid
Ruhr Festival Theatre Congress
Centre, Recklinghausen
Faena Hotel, Buenos Aires
Lines of light
Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank,
Hong Kong
Palazzo della Borsa, Triest
Kaufhof department store,
Museum of Arts and Crafts,
Palacio de la Aljaferia, Zaragoza
Downlights, indoor
Lines of light
Humboldt-University, Ehrenhof,
Pentacon Tower, Dresden
Ernst-August-Carree, Hannover
DZ Bank, Berlin
Uplights, indoor
Band of light
Municipal works, Lüdenscheid
Astra Administration, Stockholm
E-Werk event halls/SAP SI offices,
Downlights, indoor
Uplights, indoor
Lines of light
Uplights, outdoor
Office building, Basel
Ruhr Festival Theatre Congress
Centre, Recklinghausen
Zürich Insurance, Buenos Aires
Biblioteca Foral de Bizkaia, Bilbao
Floodlight behind
Small tree
Large tree
Conclusion Tree growth and avoiding glare of landscape better but require
are two points that must be more work to reposition however.
considered when arranging and
aiming the luminaires. On large
trees, several luminaires may be
necessary to achieve an even illu-
mination and to avoid a distorted
perception of light and dark parts.
Flexible, directable luminaires
with ground spikes can be repo-
sitioned and re-aimed as the tree
grows. Luminaires recessed into
the ground blend into the area
Observation Floodlit illumination of the tree leaves are characteristic for the
Season crown particularly brings out the autumn. In the winter, the light-
beauty of the outermost blossom ing effect is reduced to the fili-
in the springtime. In the summer, gree branch work.
the dense foliage makes the crown
appear as a solid mass. Coloured
Ernst-August-Carree, Hannover
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
Floodlight, front
Floodlight behind
Floodlight in front
Floodlight behind
Spotlight in front
Spotlight behind
Floodlight at front
Floodlight behind
Spotlight in front
Spotlight behind
Floodlight at front
Floodlights at sides
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
Bank of China, Beijing
Bank of China, Beijing
ERCO, Lüdenscheid
Loher Wäldchen park,
Planning Design 1
The wallwashers integrated in
the ceiling provide a very homoge
nous illumination of the wall. The
luminaires are integrated into the
Design 2
The light intensity distribution
of the downlights determines the
overall impression of the scene.
On the wall, uniform beams of
become apparent and become
the formative element. The mate-
rial texture on the back wall is
brought out by the light.
Design 3
To meet the functional criteria
of an entrance, it is sufficient to
illuminate the ground. The overall
volume of the entrance recedes
into the background.
Arrangement Design 1
The offset of the wallwashers
from the wall measures half the
wall height. The luminaire spac-
ing is equal to the offset from
the wall.
Design 2
To achieve a decorative lighting
effect, the downlights are posi-
tioned near to the wall.
Design 3
The floor washlights are located
at a height of 60cm in order to
avoid glare.
Planning Design 1
Downlights follow the form of the
cantilever roof along the struts.
The circles of light made by the
beams on the floor emphasise the
dynamics of the circular facade.
The wall adjoining onto the glass
facade is delicately brightened by
recessed ceiling wallwashers.
Design 2
Light is projected onto the canti-
lever roof via ceiling washlights.
The roof reflects the light onto
the floor. The indirect lighting
casts evenly diffused light onto
the ground. Additional illumina-
tion of the wall can be dispensed
with since the wall is also given
sufficient light by the reflection
from the roof. The luminaires
appear as independent architec-
tural elements.
Design 3
Each strut is highlighted by four
surface-mounted downlights. The
physical makeup of the struts is
Design 2
The ceiling washlights are
mounted at two thirds of the
strut height.
Design 3
The offset of the recessed ceiling
wallwashers from the wall meas-
ures a quarter of the wall height.
The surface-mounted downlights
are placed in a circular arrange-
ment around the struts at a short
distance away.
Planning Design 1
The columns are silhouetted
against the entrance area, which
is illuminated by surface-mount-
ed downlights. The three-dimen-
sional impression of the portico
is greatly reduced by the columns
that now appear almost flat. The
front elevation of the building is
clearly divided into three because
of the emphasis given to the
facade‘s central section.
Design 2
The columns are illuminated with
narrow-beam uplights. The tym-
panum is illuminated separately.
The fact that the entrance area
is set forward from the facade
becomes much more pronounced.
The view is attracted to the cen-
tral section of the building.
Design 3
The facade is clearly given a hori-
zontal division by illuminating the
frieze. The overall breadth of the
facade becomes more significant.
The columns were illuminated
as in design 2, but with reduced
light intensity so as not to overly
emphasise the entrance. Overall,
this differentiated lighting con-
cept lends the historical facade
a most magnificent character.
Design 1
One surface-mounted downlight
with a wide light intensity distri-
bution is positioned behind each
and every column.
Design 2
The columns are emphasised by
narrow-beam uplights arranged
circularly around the columns.
Design 3
Directional luminaires for high-
lighting the frieze are located at
a distance of one tenth of the
wall height in front of the two
side sections of the facade. The
spacing between the directional
luminaires themselves is relatively
small so that an even illumination
of the frieze is obtained. Narrow-
beam uplights in the semicircle
around the four columns add
Planning Design 1
Orientation is provided here on
the one hand by linearly arranged
points of light from floor wash-
lights and on the other by mark-
ing points of interest. In this
example, a low illumination of
the pathway by floor washlights
is sufficient because illuminating
the row of trees provides orien
Design 2
The path surface is well lit with
wide-beam floor washlights. The
evenly arranged floor washlights
guide one‘s view. The adjacent
trees are silhouetted against the
evenly illuminated wall behind
them. The spatial limits are
emphasised and this gives the
viewer an indication about the
volume of the area.
Arrangement Design 1
The uplights are arranged to the
right and left of the trees. A row
of floor washlights runs parallel
to this.
Design 2
The lens wallwashers for illumi-
nating the wall are recessed in
the floor at an offset from the
wall of a third of the wall height.