Legacy-Fall 2019
Legacy-Fall 2019
Legacy-Fall 2019
Many of you have heard the saying, “Time flies when you are having fun!” Well, I have to
say, that is a very true statement as I reflect on my many years in our Vincennes Catholic
Schools. It all began when my mother graduated from St. Rose Academy & my parents
raised me & my 4 siblings in the school system. My brothers graduated Rivet Class of
1980 & 1981. As a Freshman, I remember wondering if I would get to graduate from Rivet since there were
rumors of closing our school doors. My sister graduated Rivet Class of 1983. My husband, Chad, graduated
Rivet Class of 1985. I found my Senior year to be very exciting, as my class had made it through the so
called ‘scare of closure’ and I graduated Rivet Class of 1986. The Catholic Schools tradition continued as
our three sons started their school years at Flaget and continued to Rivet. Jared graduated Class of 2012,
Tanner graduated Class of 2016, and our youngest son, Austin graduated this past school year, Rivet Class of
2019! Wow…. if only the school walls & the Ralph Holscher Gymnasium could speak of the wonderful times
and years that I have been blessed with during my life with our Vincennes Catholic Schools! Thank you to all
of our past, present and future supporters for making these special memories happen for my family. Without
everyone’s generosity and big hearts, the tradition of the Vincennes Catholic Schools would not and could not
continue. I am always amazed of how so many wonderful friends and family come together to help strive for
the same goal - Keeping the Faith and keeping our Vincennes Catholic Schools going.
The 2018/2019 school year came to an end with many wonderful accomplishments and great fundraisers for
us all to be very proud of. Our school buildings are looking better & improving each day and our technology
is making great advancements. CEF is grateful to be able to provide the schools with the use of such funds
which are made possible from all of our great donors! Please help us continue to progress every day and
strive for the best education for our children. The wonderful works of God, daily prayer, acts of kindness, and
your generosity, all make for a successful continuation of the Tradition of our Vincennes Catholic Schools.
Please enjoy our Legacy and see the many great things happening within our “Family” at the Vincennes
Catholic Schools and Christian Educational Foundation.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers, love, and support of our Vincennes Catholic Schools.
The 2018-2019 school year ended with the retirement of one of Flaget's finest, Jhan Kocher.
After serving Flaget for 33 years, our beloved PreK teacher said goodbye to all the “littles” and the
families she so dearly cared for throughout her career.
Miss Jhan's send-off included an enormous card shower, as well as a celebration of all the traditions
that became synonymous with Miss Jhan's PreK. During the celebration, students presented Miss
Jhan with all sorts of things, from art projects to favorite books to the newly “retired” Tuttles. It goes,
without saying, that the halls of Flaget will be a little different this year without our scarf-clad PreK
Thank you, Miss Jhan for loving our kiddos ... and enjoy your retirement!
Rivet High School competed in the TEAMS (Tests for Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics and Science) competition at
Rose Hulman on March 12, 2019. The Junior Varsity team competed at the grade 9/10 level. The Varsity team competed
at the grade 11/12 level. Both teams coached by Beverly Adams. Essay questions were written by each team &
submitted prior to the competition. Day of competition, each team of 8 students worked together for 90 minutes to solve
80 multiple choice questions, focusing on 8 engineering scenarios related to the annual competition theme. Teams then
had 75 minutes to complete a hands-on design challenge using designated material.
The Junior Varsity team consisted of Katie Daugherty, Danica Dunn, Drake Dunn, Maddi Halter, Kathryn Herman, Charlie
Niehaus, Emma Spurgeon and April Tripp. Out of 10 teams in the state, JV finished 4th in Essay, 5th in Design/Build, 6th
in Multiple Choice and 9th overall.
The Varsity A team (photo) consisted of (LtoR) Savannah Cook,
Jack Whitsett, Aaron Wyatt, James Hancock, Grace Waggoner,
Cedric Schleiss, Noah Donovan and Grant Freeman. They won
the local competition at Rose Hulman, finishing 1st in Division
1. Out of 16 teams, they finished 2nd in the State. Finished 1st
in Design/Build, 3rd in Essay and 8th in Multiple Choice. The
team advanced this summer to the National Competition in
Washington, DC.
My first-year teaching at Rivet was the 1995-1996 school year. I remember early on in the school year, one of my seniors
in Calculus asked if I would be coaching JETS, since the previous teacher had coached it the year before. I said I would,
and then later learned what JETS was. JETS was the Junior Engineering Technical Society. The competition was held at
Rose Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute. The competition was held in the fall and then later moved to the
spring. Eight students were on a team. Almost every year, Rivet had both a Junior Varsity and a Varsity team. For a few
years, Rivet had a JV and 2 Varsity teams.
At first, the JETS competition did not have a requirement for who could be on JV and who could be on Varsity. Then, a
requirement was added that the Varsity team had to be junior/senior students and the JV team had to be sophomore/
freshman students. Also, the name was changed from JETS to TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and
The competition has changed a little over the years. Early on, there were only multiple-choice questions; later on, an
essay component was added. The students were required to write the essay during the competition. A few years ago,
the Essay part changed to where the students wrote it ahead of time and submitted it prior to the competition. A design/
build component is the latest addition to the competition.
Awards and rankings have changed some over the years as well. At the local competition at Rose Hulman, Rivet would
compete in our division based on school enrollment. Rose Hulman would award an overall winner. These scores
would be used to determine State ranking. My first year at Rivet, the Varsity team finished 3rd in the Nation, but I’m
unsure of how that was determined. For many more years after that, I am not sure they even had the National Ranking
component. In 2013, an actual National Competition event was added. In 2016, a Rivet junior varsity team and in 2019, a
Rivet Varsity team qualified and went to the National Competition. Each year, students involved in TEAMS continue to
improve on their skills and continue to make Rivet and the Vincennes Catholic Schools proud of their accomplishments.
Safety First
Student safety is top-of-mind for Cameron Klein, James Hancock and Colten Mouzin. Students themselves and first-place
winners of the 2019 Innovate WithIN pitch competition, the trio set out to invent something to improve the education system.
Innovate WithIN plays a key role in the Hoosier entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing high school students programming that
nurtures young innovators. Programs like this equip Indiana students with insight, skills and expertise necessary to support
long-term economic growth as our next generation of leaders.
“I think in the back of all of our minds, we wanted to do something that could make a significant impact on many lives.
Eventually, school shootings came up in conversation, and I think the little lightbulb above all of our heads went off at the same
time, and we all thought we should try to solve that problem,” recounts James.
The LyfePack is a backpack combining solar power and student safety for the purpose of bettering student lives inside and
outside the classroom. Its charging capabilities make it an ideal backpack for someone, like a student, who is constantly on the
move. But what sets LyfePack apart from other backpacks more than modern features is its life-saving ability.
to our 2019
Rivet Graduates:
James Hancock,
Colten Mouzin, &
Cameron Klein.
Flaget • Rivet • St. Rose • Central • Gibault 7
Vincennes Catholic Alumni & Friends
Congratulations to the Rivet High School Academic Teams who competed at the State Qualifying meet on April 16th at
North Knox.
The Rivet English Team finished 1st. Team members were (L to R): Coach Jill Herb, Savannah Cook, Tia Tolbert, Abby
Niehaus, Kathryn Herman and Taylor Lammert.
Rivet Social Studies team finished 3rd. Team members were (L to R): Coach Joe Hopf, Kathryn Herman, Grant Freeman,
Abby Niehaus and Brynn Phillps.
The Rivet Interdisciplinary team also finished 3rd. Team members were Taylor Lammert, Cedric Schleiss, Grant Freeman,
and Savannah Cook.
Fine Arts was tied for 3rd, but lost to tie breakers. Team members were Noah Donovan, Taylor Lammert, Colten Mouzin
and Tia Tolbert. Math team finished 4th. Team members were Drake Dunn, Cedric Schleiss, and Luke Weiss. Science
team members were Savannah Cook, Noah Donovan, Grant Freeman, James Hancock, Caroline Herman and Cedric
Schleiss. Congratulations to all!
The 2019 Mr. Ralph Holscher This year, the Mr. Ralph Holscher
“Up & Beyond” Teacher Award was “Up & Beyond” Scholarship was
presented to Flaget teacher, awarded to Kenadee Frey. Kenadee is
Mrs. Dana Greenwood. the daughter of Kolby & Jill Frey.
This was the first year the Judy A. Halter Memorial Scholarship was presented and we hope to make it a
long-time reoccurring thing we can do. This scholarship opportunity is really about one act of generosity
leading to another generous act. The scholarship is made possible this year by a donor who wishes to remain
anonymous, but was a person touched by my mom’s caring outreach. Years ago, in the late 70’s when we
were of high school age, Mom was working at this St Johns parish at the time, learned of a VU student,
a Chinese girl, who was in need of a place to stay, and assistance to help her complete her final year of
schooling. Mom and Dad,without giving it a second thought, brought this girl in to our home and we welcomed
her best we could.
That student went on to complete that year of school, go on to get her PHD, and now is head of an
international division for a major multinational corporation. That person was touched by my Moms spirit of
giving and wishes to honor that with this scholarship.
How did this unlikely pair and meeting become a 40-year relationship? Really, two things they had in common,
the Catholic Faith, and a passion for learning and studies.
Judy Halter, although confined and limited much of her adult life due to serious illness, had a determination to
live out her faith life by helping others, and she had a child-like curiosity and fascination of God’s creation and
a desire to learn. She would encourage those around her to go, learn and do!
It is in that spirit of character, that we wish to present 3 scholarships each for $1,000.
“In honor of Judy’s life of generously giving to others, the recipient is asked to strive to live a life of caring
Christian values.”
In Memory
Our Recently Deceased Alumni Donations to CEF
Jackie Keller Edwards – 1948 Ruth Ann Frey Myers - 1965 In Memory of
Richard Williams - 1951 Sam Marcroft – 1967 March 2019 through August 2019
Patricia Brown Werner - 1953 Tom Elkins – 1969
Richard D. Cannon
Lawrence Sanneman – 1954 Rebecca Lane Siebe – 1972
Mike Dixon
Tom McAllister - 1955 Diane Fortner Toth - 1972 Rene “Bud” Dognaux Jr.
Richard D. Cannon – 1957 Martin Fox – 1974 Elmer Lambiotte
Richard Thais - 1957 Phil Rath - 1974 Phil Rath
Sharon McCormick Kras – 1959 Denise Ostendorf - 1980 Zachary Tromley
C. Kenny Newton - 1961 (Brother) Carl J. Koch - Faculty
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
• 2014
Thank you
to all for
this great