Oral Communication in Context: Quarter 2: Week 3 Learning Activity Sheets
Oral Communication in Context: Quarter 2: Week 3 Learning Activity Sheets
Oral Communication in Context: Quarter 2: Week 3 Learning Activity Sheets
Oral Communication in
Quarter 2: Week 3
Learning Activity Sheets
Background Information:
The way people communicate with others is shaped by many factors. Oftentimes, people
miscommunicate due to poor choice of words, use of language, and the manner of the speaker in
uttering sentences, individual perceptions, or inapt verbal and nonverbal cues. According to Lowery
(2017), most people are unaware of how they actually sound when they communicate. Sometimes,
we are unconscious that someone is offended by the way we speak. Therefore, it is essential to
understand the strategies in various speech situations to avoid miscommunication. Knowing the
appropriate uses of these strategies in various speech situations will help us recognize when to speak
formally, or informally (Sipacio and Balgos, 2016). It was discussed from the previous lesson how the
shift in these strategies affects the language form, duration of interaction, and the relationship of
speaker. In this module, we will explain how these shifting affects the role and responsibilities of the
speaker, message, and delivery. To have a clear understanding, let us have a short review of the
mentioned strategies.
Strategies in Various
Definition Types
Speech Situations
A. Intrapersonal
B. Interpersonal
This refers to the setting in
1. Speech ➢ Dyad
which communication
Context ➢ Small Group
situation takes place.
➢ Public
➢ Mass Communication
This refer to the pattern of
A. Intimate
speaking characterized by
B. Casual
distinctive pronunciation,
2. Speech Style C. Consultative
vocabulary, intent,
D. Formal
participants, and
E. Frozen
grammatical structures.
A. Locutionary Act
B. Illocutionary Act
This refer to the utterance ➢ Assertive
that a speaker delivers to ➢ Directive
3. Speech Act
achieve an intended effect ➢ Commissive
toward a specific purpose. ➢ Expressive
➢ Declarative
C. Perlocutionary Act
A. Nomination
“Communicative Strategy is
B. Restriction
a systematic technique
C. Turn-taking
4. Communicative employed by a speaker to
D. Topic Control
Strategy express his own idea when
E. Topic Shift
faced with some difficulties.”
F. Repair
– Corder (1978)
G. Termination
The communicative competence strategies that a communicator adopts depend on the audience,
environment, and situation. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, shift means to make a change.
Hence, the shift in Speech Context, Speech Style, Speech Act and Communicative Strategy means
3 that the communicator’s style of speaking changes according to the context and how statements
elicit various responses from listeners (Sipacio and Balgos, 2016). The shift of these strategies in
various speech situations affects the following:
A. Role and Responsibilities of the Speaker
A speaker plays an important role in the process of communication. He/she can be a
teacher, a friend, an employer, a doctor, and a husband or wife. It may vary depending
on the situation, and the receiver of the message. In addition, a communicator also has
responsibilities in order to communicate effectively. These are to inform, to persuade, to
entertain, to express emotions, or to give some advice.
B. Message
This refers to the information conveyed by words (in speech or writing), and/or other signs
and symbols. A message (verbal or nonverbal, or both) is the content of the communication
process. Its structure may be influenced by many factors. For instance, the language use
in expressing the message may be formal, informal or slang words and the content of the
message maybe informative, persuasive or expression of emotions. It may vary depending
on the occurrence and the person you are having a conversation with.
C. Delivery
This refers to the manner a message is conveyed. Language, tone of the voice, choice of
words, and body language contribute to the interpretation of the message. The meaning
of the message can be misunderstood when the speaker delivers it inappropriately. For
instance, talking informally to your teacher may cause misinterpretation.
Examine the examples given below. Notice how the shift in Speech Context, Speech Style,
Speech Act and Communicative Strategy affects the Role and Responsibilities of the Speaker,
Message, and Delivery.
1. Giving an informative speech about COVID-19 pandemic.
Speech Context: Interpersonal (Public)
Speech Style: Formal
Speech Act: Assertive, Directive, Commissive, Expressive
Communicative Strategy/ies: Nomination, Termination
EXPLANATION: In the example given above, the role and responsibility of the speaker is to
share knowledge since she/he is giving an informative speech. The speaker may use formal
words because the situation indicates that it is a formal gathering. Therefore, the manner of
delivery is formal.
2. A conversation with a classmate about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speech Context: Interpersonal (Small Group)
Speech Style: Consultative
Speech Act: Assertive, Directive, Expressive
Communicative Strategy/ies: All types
The message being conveyed is personal. However,
Message the speakers will prefer to use informal language or
slang words.
Since the speakers are classmates, the manner of
delivery is casual.
EXPLANATION: The speakers may share their insights about the topic. Since they are
classmates, they must have a close relationship. Hence, informal language may be used, and
the manner of delivery is casual.
Read carefully the directions indicated in the following exercises then provide what is needed
or asked in each item.
A. Observe five (5) different situations in your environment. Using the table below, list them down
and distinguish the type of speech context, speech style, speech act, and communicative
strategy/ies used in each situation. One (1) point will be given for every correct answer written
on each box.
Type of Type of
Type of Speech Communicative
Situations I Observed Speech Speech
Act Strategy
Context Style
Example: Our neighbor, o Dyad o Casual o Locutionary Act o Nomination
Mr. Francisco, went to o Illocutionary Act o Turn-taking
our house and borrowed - Directive o Topic Shifting
a screwdriver from my - Expressive o Repair
father. o Termination
B. Identify the types of speech context, speech style, speech act, and communicative strategy
used in the following situations. Then, describe how the communicative strategies used affect
the role and responsibilities of the speaker, message, and deliver
1. You are telling stories with your best friend about your quarantine vacation.
Speech Context: _________________________________________________
Speech Style: ____________________________________________________
Speech Act: _____________________________________________________
Communicative Strategy/ies: _______________________________________
2. The president is delivering his State of the Nation Address (SONA) as you watch him from
the television.
Speech Context: _________________________________________________
Speech Style: ____________________________________________________
Speech Act: _____________________________________________________
Communicative Strategy/ies: _______________________________________
3. You are brainstorming with six of your groupmates after your teacher assigned you with a
Speech Context: _________________________________________________
Speech Style: ____________________________________________________
Speech Act: _____________________________________________________
Communicative Strategy/ies: _______________________________________
5. You are opening up to your adviser about a problem you encountered with your family at
Speech Context: _________________________________________________
Speech Style: ____________________________________________________
Speech Act: _____________________________________________________
Communicative Strategy/ies: _______________________________________
C. We convey the same message to people we talk to. However, our manner in expressing
ourselves varies depending on who we are speaking with. How would you ask each of the
following people to ask assistance/guidance in answering your modules? Write sentences
showing a conversation inside the dialogue box. Then identify the types of speech context,
speech style, speech act, and communicative strategy used in the following conversations.
To your Friends
To your teacher
To your mother
To your girlfriend or
D. Based on your answers from Activity C, explain how the shift in Speech Context, Speech Style,
Speech Act and Communicative Strategy occurred in the conversations and why it happened.
How did the role and responsibilities of the speaker, message and delivery change? Write
your answers in the space provided below. You may use an extra sheet of paper if needed.
Reflection: Reflect on what you have learned after taking up the lesson.
Sipacio, Philippe John F., and Balgos, Anne Richie G. Oral Communication in Context for
Senior High School. Quezon City. C & E Publishing, Inc., 2016
Lowery, Joan. “More Than Words Can Say: How Delivery Affects the Message.” Accessed
October 03, 2020. https://www.physicianleaders.org/news/more-than-words-can-say-
Neale, Thomas H., and Ely, Dana. “Speechwriting in Perspective: A Brief Guide to Effective
and Persuasive Communication.” Accessed October 03, 2020.
Answer Key
Activity 1: Answers may vary
Activity 2: Answers may vary
Activity 3: Answers may vary
Activity 4: Answers may vary