Science Content Area Unit Plan
Science Content Area Unit Plan
Science Content Area Unit Plan
Title of Unit: Inside-Out: Plate Tectonics Time (days) Required for Unit: 6 Days
1. Standards
a. GSE: S6E5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to show how Earth’s surface is
■ f. Construct an explanation of how the movement of lithospheric plates, called plate
tectonics, can cause major geologic events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
(Clarification statement: Include convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries.)
■ g. Construct an argument using maps and data collected to support a claim of how fossils
show evidence of the changing surface and climate of the Earth.
○ NGSS: MS-ESS2-2. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how geoscience processes
have changed Earth’s surface at varying time and spatial scales.
i. SEP: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions - Construct a scientific
explanation based on valid and reliable evidence obtained from sources (including the
students’ own experiments) and the assumption that theories and laws that describe nature
operate today as they did in the past and will continue to do so in the future.
ii. DCI: ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems - The planet’s systems interact over scales
that range from microscopic to global in size, and they operate over fractions of a second to
billions of years. These interactions have shaped Earth’s history and will determine its
iii. CCC: Scale Proportion and Quantity - Time, space, and energy phenomena can be
observed at various scales using models to study systems that are too large or too small.
2. Objectives
1. Students will explain how the theory of plate tectonics was developed and supported.
2. Students will construct Pangea using fossil evidence and the theory of plate tectonics.
3. Students will develop a model of sea-floor spreading at the Mid-Ocean Ridge, and explain how it
contributes to new material on the ocean floor.
4. Students will identify the three types of plate boundaries that are recognized by scientists: transform,
convergent, and divergent.
5. Students will analyze maps of the world to identify the location of these plate boundaries.
6. Students will analyze a map depicting the major plates and draw the movement (type of boundary)
occurring at each plate, and construct an explanation for the geological events that occur on these plates.
3. Vocabulary
○ Pangea, Plate Tectonics, Divergent Boundary, Convergent Boundary (continental-continental,
oceanic-oceanic, oceanic-continental), Transform Boundary, Ring of Fire, Subduction, Continental
Drift, Sea-Floor Spreading, Subduction zone, Mid-Ocean Ridge.
5. Summative Assessment
1. Recall the newspaper and terracotta pot activity done in class.
a. What evidence did you use to piece together the newspaper?
b. How was/is this evidence similar to what we use to reconstruct the terracotta pot?
c. If the earth’s crust were in pieces, what evidence would be used by scientists to determine
how the pieces fit?
2. Draw a rough sketch of pangea, and tell me who came up with this theory.
3. Remember the sea-floor spreading activity with the water bottle? In your own words, tell me:
a. Where was sea-floor spreading discovered?
b. Recall the water bottle activity. As you were pulling the ends of the paper outward, what
was being created?
c. What happens to the new sea-floor v.s. old sea-floor?
4. The earth is physically changing everyday.
a. Provide 2 examples of how the earth is physically changing.
b. Along which boundaries would you find the examples that you provided above?
5. Label the diagrams below with the name of the boundary the image represents, and .
6. Label the diagram with the names of the major plates by writing the corresponding letter on the box
provided in the diagram and map. (Word Bank Provided) (Diagram will be a world map with the
plates outlined. Students will be provided with a word bank. Students will write that letter of the
plate onto the corresponding place on the diagram.)
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7. In your own words, tell me how mountains are formed? What are some examples
8. What geological events can occur at the plate boundaries? Provide 2 world examples.
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V. Instruction:
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● Conclusion: Sea-floor spreading at the Mid-Ocean Ridge
continuously adds new material to the ocean floor. New material
moves away from the ridge over time. Old material is
● Review lesson targets and assign homework.
● Ask students to provide examples of how the earth is changing
-- Physically.
● Discuss with students how the earth is physically changing.
○ Teach examples: Mountains, volcanoes, human impact.
● Show students an interactive map of the locations of
earthquakes and volcanoes. *Don’t show plate boundaries*
○ Earthquakes/Volcanoes Interactive
● Plate Boundaries Video: Divergent, Convergent, Transform:
Plate Boundaries-Divergent-Convergent-Transform
● PPT on Plate boundaries: Distribute the notes handout to each ● Informal: Questions during
student. Students draw a diagram to represent each boundary, instruction
Day 3 3, 4, and explain what is occurring at each one.
○ Today’s Points: Convergent and three types ➔ Formal: NA
○ Added Value: Convergent Boundaries - Fold Mountains
in South Africa. What are other examples in which
convergent boundaries occur? Can scientists tell how old
rocks are at convergent boundaries? If so, how?
Rev for F21
● Plate Tectonics: Brain Pop Video: PLATE TECTONICS
● Oreo Cookie- Tectonic Plate Demonstration.
○ NPS Plate tectonics: Oreo Activity
● Added Value: San Andreas Fault - Which boundary is
occurring?/What is happening at the fault? Why is it
considered a ‘disaster zone’? What cities are affected if an
earthquake were to occur at this fault?
○ San Andreas Fault in California
● Demonstrate the Plate Boundaries Chant to students. Have
students volunteer with the teacher.
○ Plate Boundaries on the move (2x),
Convergent, Divergent, Transform Boundaries ● Informal: Questions during
All 3 are ways tectonic plates move. instruction
Day 5 4, 5
Convergent collide together (show with arms/hands)
Divergent spread apart (show with arms/hands) ● Formal: Flipgrid
Transform slide past like the San Andreas Fault (show
with arms/hands)
Plate boundaries on the move (2x)
Convergent, Divergent, Transform Boundaries!
● Review the lesson and assign homework:
○ HW: record and upload a video of yourself to
flipgrid demonstrating the plate boundaries in your
home. You can use any objects to do so (i.e. two:
cans of food, pencils, toy cars, the chant done in
class, another partner, etc.)
Day 6 5, 6 ● Show maps where plate boundaries can be/are identified. ● Informal: Questions during
Rev for F21
○ Google Earth: Plate Tectonics
● Show students a map of seismic activity:
○ Seismic-Explorer
● Show students a map of the major and minor tectonic plates
○ Major and minor Tectonic Plates
● Label the map on the handout provided with the names of the plates,
and arrows/lines depicting the direction in which the plates are
moving. Image below for reference.
○ First: Label the tectonic plates.
○ Second: Mark the boundaries that occur at each plate.
○ Third: Label the “Ring of Fire” and draw a red dot to signify
active volcanoes.
Rev for F21