SP 1157
SP 1157
SP 1157
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Sept 2019
Document Title:
Health, Safety and Environment Specification
HSE Training
Document ID SP-HSE-1157
Security Unrestricted
Version 3.1
Document Authorisation
Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the four most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to
these are held on file by the Document Custodian.
Version No. Month & Year Author’s Name and Title Scope / Remarks
Copyright: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part
of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent
of the owner.
H2S course
HSE Orientation
Abdulla Al Brumy
Removal of Hoist Lifting Courses
Corporate HSE Learning
Removal of SP-1251 – Lifting Operation
User Notes:
1. The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance shall only be authorised by a designated authority
through STEP-OUT approval as described in this document.
2. A controlled copy of the current version of this document is on PDO's live link. Before making reference to this document,
it is the user's responsibility to ensure that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current. For assistance, contact the
Document Custodian.
3. Users are encouraged to participate in the ongoing improvement of this document by providing constructive feedback.
Parent Document(s)
PR 1172 Part I Contract HSE Management Part I – Mandatory for PDO personnel involved in Contract Management
PR 1172 Part II Contract HSE Management Part II – Mandatory for Contractors and Contract Holders
The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Business Control Documentation Register CMF.
Document Authorisation ........................................................................................................................................ 2
REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................................................. 2
RELATED BUSINESS PROCESSES & CMF DOCUMENTS ............................................................. 4
1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 7
1.1 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES ..........................................................................................................7
1.2 SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY ...........................................................................................................7
1.3 REVIEW AND IMPROVEMENT .........................................................................................................7
1.4 DISTRIBUTION ..........................................................................................................................7
2.0 COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................8
2.1 General....................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Attendance Classification........................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Competency and Course Levels ................................................................................................................. 8
2.4 Course Delegate categories ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Creation and Revision of HSE Courses ................................................................................................... 11
2.6 HSE Competency process ........................................................................................................................ 11
COURSE SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................... 15
PRE-REQUISITES FOR ALL COURSES ...................................................................................... 15
(ORTNS) HSE ORIENTATION FOR NON SUPERVISORY STAFF....................................................................... 15
(ORTS) HSE ORIENTATION FOR SUPERVISORY STAFF................................................................................ 17
(H2S) STAYING ALIVE IN A H2S ENVIRONMENT -PART 1 ............................................................................ 18
(H2S) STAYING ALIVE IN A H2S ENVIRONMENT - PART 2 ............................................................................ 20
(H2SR) STAYING ALIVE IN A H2S ENVIRONMENT RECERTIFICATION ............................................................... 22
(SCBAR) SCBA & CONFINED SPACE RESCUE SCHEDULED RECERTIFICATION.................................................... 26
(AHAF) AHA HEARTSAVER 1ST AID, CPR & AED FOUNDATION COURSE ........................................................ 28
(AHAR) AHA HEARTSAVER FIRST AID, CPR & AED SCHEDULED RECERTIFICATION .......................................... 30
(CHA) CHEMICAL HANDLING – DEALING WITH THE RISK ............................................................................. 32
(EA) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 33
(FW) FIRE WARDEN RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................. 34
(HRA) CONDUCTING HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENTS ...................................................................................... 36
APPENDIX B – LEVEL 2 HSE COURSES AND ASSESSMENTS .................................................... 37
(AGT) AUTHORISED GAS TESTER COURSE ............................................................................................... 37
(AGTR) AUTHORISED GAS TESTER SCHEDULED RECERTIFICATION ................................................................. 40
(HII) HSE INCIDENT INVESTIGATION COURSE .......................................................................................... 42
(PSRI) PROCESS SAFETY RISK ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................ 45
(PTWH) PERMIT TO WORK HOLDERS COURSE ......................................................................................... 47
(PTWHR) PERMIT TO WORK HOLDERS SCHEDULED RECERTIFICATION ........................................................... 49
(PTWS) PERMIT TO WORK SIGNATORIES COURSE ..................................................................................... 51
(PTWSR) PERMIT TO WORK SIGNATORIES SCHEDULED RECERTIFICATION ...................................................... 53
(PTWA) PERMIT TO WORK AUDITORS COURSE......................................................................................... 55
(PTWAR) PERMIT TO WORK AUDITORS SCHEDULED RECERTIFICATION .......................................................... 56
(HSELFS) HSE LEADERSHIP FOR FRONT LINE SUPERVISORS ....................................................................... 57
(HSELFSR) HSE LEADERSHIP FOR FRONT LINE SUPERVISORS REFRESHER ...................................................... 58
1.0 Introduction
1.4 Distribution
The following groups will be advised by email of any revision either directly or through their contract
holder. An electronic link to the revised document will be included in the advisory email to enable
viewing or download and be sent to MSEM, PCL, PCL8 team, PDO/Contractor HSE
Advisers/Managers & HSE Training focal points, PDO HSE Training course Technical Authorities
and respective CFDH’s, PDO Contract Holders, PDO ATPs, PDO and Contractor Skill Pool
Managers, PDO HSE training Services and 1st aid and driver training/assessment contractor.
2.1 General
The principles applied to the provision of HSE training and performance assessment are to:
Fulfil the Company’s legal and HSE Management System obligations towards its workforce
with respect to managing workplace risks.
Provide sufficient training in PDO specific safety systems,
Provide a competency criteria and standards framework to assure minimum competency
standards are met,
Offer HSE professional HSE qualification development opportunities to Company staff that
require them as part of their professional development within the Company.
Contractor Management
Management & supervisory staff within PDO or contractors who are based full time, office based and on
the coast shall comply with the following:
Position Type Influence on HSE Risk Typical Positions Example PDO positions or Leadership
Management equivalent contractor Oman Course
coastal based positions
LDR - 1/2/3 Supports development of HSE Senior Management Managing Director, Directors SLE
policy strategy and business
Directors objectives. Enables a positive
HSE culture
SPT-1/2 Significantly affects technical Supervisor or Manager Production Planning Supervisor, HSELPDOC
plans, schedules, practices and of team(s) supporting Transport Scheduler, Production
Systems resources HSE Critical Activities Planning Mgr
OTE-1 /2 Responsible for procedure and Operational, Technical Ops Shift Team Leader, Senior HSELM
practice in own discipline, or Engineering positions Technician, Maintenance Lead
Ops/Tech/Eng operation or trade area and leading a Hands-On (single discipline), Drilling
interfaces Discipline or Trade Supervisor, Maintenance
Team Supervisor, Seismic Party
Lead, Marine Supervisor,
Control Room Supervisor
OTE-4 Ultimately Accountable Operational, Technical Onsite Construction Mgr, Asset HSELM
or Engineering position Mgr, Terminal Mgr, Production
Ops/Tech/Eng Delivers ALARP managing a major asset, Mgr (onsite)
group of small assets,
major project or
technical discipline
Coastal office Supporting functions not directly Support Function C&P team lead, Finance ORT only
based influencing definition or delivery managers & supervisors business partner, HR business
Managers/ of ALARP partner May
Frontline occasionally
Supervisors visit the
interior but
2.5.1 HSE courses shall in general be created and reviewed by a HSE training committee which will
consist of:
PCL8, (Chair), TA/CFDH for the particular competency, MSE team member and support from the
PDO HSE Training Provider, and a PDO contractor representative (when required)
2.5.2 Decisions on content, delivery, duration, assurance, competency criteria etc will be agreed within
the committee.
2.5.3 All courses will be signed as authorised by PCL8.
2.2.4 Any member of the committee can call for it to convene when they have identified a suitable and
sufficient reason for a review, e.g. after a change in the law, an incident learning, new technology
etc. The Chair must be contacted to arrange a meeting within three weeks of a request.
2.6.1 Every new employee entering the PDO operation or workforce, including contractors and their sub-
contractor workforce shall undergo a minimum HSE competency process including all entry level
courses and additional familiarisation training provided by his employer. These must be achieved
during the employees induction phase and provided in the early part of their work with the company.
2.6.2 Employees can attempt to claim equivalence from alternative training which they have previously
attended and do so the process in PR 2010 Part I should be followed.
2.6.3 Competencies are by Level and Role and course and competencies consist of:
Level 1 HSE courses - Entry
HSE courses shall be attended before being deployed to worksites
Level 1 HSE courses – Role based (Progression)
HSE courses shall be attended before beginning work in specific roles.
Level 2 HSE courses - Entry
HSE courses shall be attended before being deployed to worksites
Level 2 HSE courses – Role based (Progression)
HSE courses shall be attended before beginning work in specific managerial or
specialised roles.
Level 3 Professional HSE Qualifications (Progression)
Externally accredited or requiring comprehensive production of evidence
The following table outlines the HSE course requirements to comply with the PDO HSE Management
system for level 1 and 2 courses.
1. “Role based”, means only people who are employed that specific task.
2. “Before commencing role” means that they must have either a) obtained the industry
competency certification or b) passed the PDO training course before being allowed to fulfill the
specific task.
3. Where the employee has no industry competency certification and passes the PDO training
course, he must undergo and pass a PDO competency assessment within 3 months of passing
the training course.
2.6.4 The Updated PDO HSE Leadership Program for Supervisors and
HSELFS HSE Leadership for Frontline Supervisors – 3 days People who only manage employees
HSELM HSE Leadership for Non frontline Supervisors and People who manage front line
Managers– 3 days supervisors or other managers
HSELPDOC HSE Leadership for Non frontline Supervisors and Supervisors or management who are
Managers – PDO Coastal – 3 days coastal based and occasionally visit
the interior (4 < per year)
HSELFSR HSE Leadership for Frontline Refresher – 1 day People whose SLS is due to expire
and need to attend refresher
HSELMR HSE Leadership for Non frontline Supervisors and People whose SLM is due to expire
Managers Refresher – 1 day and need to attend refresher
1. The prices are fixed and any contractor attempting to secure additional discount from a Training Provider
will be investigated for breach of contract for the C9.
2. Surveillance, cross-checks and audits between PDO and the HSE Training Providers are being introduced
to identify and expose any contractors putting supervisory staff through the employee learning ladder and
hence bypassing the supervisory learning ladder. Instances of such practices will be investigated for
breach of contract for the C9.
Depending on the nature of the activity and duration, visitors may be required to attend HSE training
before starting the work as per below:
If the visit is for less than 7 days, and in non-sour classified facility, site specific HSE Induction
given by the host is sufficient , no extra training required
If the visit is for less than 7 days, but in SOUR classified facility, H2S course part1 (and part 2 for
EPZ) is required, conducted by Approved Training Provider, ATP, and site specific HSE Induction
by the host at the site.
If the visit is for longer than 7 days, but not in SOUR classified facility, the visitor must attend
HSE Orientation Course for one days, conducted by ATP, and site specific HSE Induction by the
host at the site.
If the visit is for longer than 7 days and in SOUR classified facility, the visitor must attend HSE
Orientation Course for one day followed by H2S course part1 (and part 2 for EPZ), conducted by
ATP and site specific HSE Induction by the host at the site
If the visitor has a valid H2S permit but not conducted at PDOs ATPs, he/she may choose to
attend one hour assessment at ATP, but if the visitor fails the assessment, he/she will have to
attend the full course.
A) All courses require a candidate to have a current and valid HSE Passport and ID/Residents card
and HSE orientation (except for the orientation). All other courses have the additional pre-
requisites as laid out in the course specifications in this appendix.
Course Title:
(ORTNS) HSE Orientation for Non Supervisory Staff
Course Aim:
Provide new staff with basic awareness knowledge and understanding of work within the Oil and Gas industry related
to health, safety, environment and sustainable development issues and on successful completion provide attendees
with a PDO Approved HSE passport.
Course Objectives
1. To introduce the new workers into the Oil and Gas HSE mindset, particularly in construction
2. Explore the ways in which people will be injured
3. Explain the basics of keeping safe
4. Explain the basics of tackling a fire
5. Explain the importance of the Golden Rules and Life Saving Rules.
6. Explain how to report and accident and how to summon emergency services.
Essential Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. PDO Golden Rules, Life Saving Rules and consequence matrix.
2. Identification of most common hazards in the Industry (must include the main hazards) using photographs,
video and/or site visits to facilitate delegate activities.
3. How to report an accident and call Emergency Services (internal and external)
4. Health, Medical, 1st Aid and other site facilities.
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min Delegates Max Delegates
Course Title:
(ORTS) HSE Orientation for Supervisory Staff
Course Aim:
Provide new staff with basic awareness knowledge and understanding of work within the Oil and Gas industry related
to health, safety, environment and sustainable development issues and on successful completion provide attendees
with a PDO Approved HSE passport.
Course Objectives
7. To introduce the new workers into the Oil and Gas HSE mindset, particularly in construction
8. Explore the ways in which people will be injured
9. Explain the basics of keeping safe
10. Explain the basics of tackling a fire
11. Explain the importance of the Golden Rules and Life Saving Rules.
12. Explain how to report and accident and how to summon emergency services.
Essential Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
5. PDO Golden Rules, Life Saving Rules and consequence matrix.
6. Identification of most common hazards in the Industry (must include the main hazards) using photographs,
video and/or site visits to facilitate delegate activities.
7. How to report an accident and call Emergency Services (internal and external)
8. Health, Medical, 1st Aid and other site facilities.
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min Delegates Max Delegates
Course Title:
(H2S) Staying alive in a H2S Environment -Part 1
Course Aim:
To provide individuals with awareness of the H2S hazard and an understanding of how to protect themselves and
their colleagues against exposure.
Course Objectives
1. Provide awareness of H2S and SO2 hazards and effects.
2. Provide awareness of safe systems of work specific to Sour facilities.
3. Provide knowledge of PPE required for Sour facilities.
Essential H2S Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Hazards, characteristics & properties of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and sulphur dioxide (SO2).
2. Symptoms of H2S and SO2 exposure.
3. Sources of H2S & SO2.
4. Access control requirements for PDO facilities classified as Low Risk Sour, including selection of PPE for
working area (personal gas monitor, filter hoods, escape sets, etc
5. Emergency response procedures for PDO facilities classified as Low Risk Sour
6. Wind direction awareness and routes of egress.
7. Demonstrated checks, use & care of RPE for working in an H2S & SO2 atmosphere.
8. Correct use of H2S & SO2 detection methods at the workplace.
9. Proper response to warning signals for H2S & SO2 detection systems used at the workplace.
10. Rescue techniques and 1st Aid to victims of H2S and SO2 exposure.
Desirable H2S Syllabus components (nice to have topic areas)
11. Discussion: Locations & use of safety equipment in a typical Low Sour facility.
12. Discussion: Locations & use of emergency assembly areas in a typical Low sour facility.
13. Roles and responsibilities in a contingency plan for a H2S incident.
14. Effects of H2S & SO2 on components of process system, (corrosion, embrittlement, etc.)
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Four (4) hours - Morning Four (4) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic, English or Hindi
Course Title:
(H2S) Staying alive in a H2S environment - Part 2
Course Aim:
To provide individuals with awareness of the H2S hazard and an understanding of how to protect themselves and
their colleagues against exposure in areas classified as High and Critical sour.
Course Objectives
4. Provide awareness of H2S and SO2 hazards and effects in areas classified as High and Critical sour. .
5. Provide awareness of safe systems of work specific to in areas classified as High and Critical sour.
6. Provide knowledge of PPE required for areas classified as High and Critical sour.
Essential H2S Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Hazards, characteristics & properties of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) in areas classified
as High and Critical sour.
2. Access control requirements for PDO facilities classified as High and Critical sour, including selection of PPE
for the working area (personal gas monitor, filter hoods, escape sets, etc)
3. Emergency response procedures for PDO facilities classified as High and Critical sour.
4. Wind direction awareness and routes of egress.
5. Demonstrated checks, use & care of RPE for working in areas classified as High and Critical sour.
6. Proper response to warning signals for H2S & SO2 detection systems used in areas classified as High and
Critical sour.
7. Rescue techniques and 1st Aid to victims of H2S and SO2 exposure.
Desirable H2S Syllabus components (nice to have topic areas)
11. Discussion: Locations & use of safety equipment in a typical CHRS or HRS facility.
12. Discussion: Locations & use of emergency assembly areas in a typical CHRS or HRS facility.
13. Roles and responsibilities in a contingency plan for a H2S incident.
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Four (4) hours Four (4) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic, English or Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
H2S Awareness & All PDO and Contractor personnel who may need
Escape – Part2: H2S – P2 to enter PDO facilities (including well sites) Entry
Afternoon classified as High and Critical sour (EPZ).
Assessment Title:
(H2SR) Staying alive in a H2S environment Recertification
Assessment Aim:
To confirm individuals have retained awareness of the H2S hazard and an understanding of how to protect
themselves and their colleagues against exposure.
Assessment Objectives
1. Confirm delegate’s awareness of H2S and SO2 hazards and effects.
2. Confirm delegate’s awareness of safe systems of work specific to Sour facilities.
3. Confirm delegate’s knowledge of PPE required for Sour facilities.
Essential H2S Recertification components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Hazards, characteristics & properties of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and sulphur dioxide (SO2).
2. Symptoms of H2S and SO2 exposure.
3. Sources of H2S & SO2.
4. Access control requirements for PDO facilities classified as Low Risk Sour, High Risk Sour or Critical High Risk
Sour, including selection of PPE for working area (personal gas monitor, filter hoods, escape sets, etc),
Emergency Planning Zones and confined space entry procedures.
5. Emergency response procedures that have been established for PDO facilities classified as High Risk Sour or
Critical High Risk Sour.
6. Wind direction awareness and routes of egress.
7. Demonstrated checks, use & care of RPE for working in an H2S & SO2 atmosphere.
8. Correct use of H2S & SO2 detection methods at the workplace.
9. Proper response to warning signals for H2S & SO2 detection systems used at the workplace.
10. Rescue techniques and 1st Aid to victims of H2S and SO2 exposure.
Desirable H2SR Recertification components (nice to have topic areas)
11. Discussion: Locations & use of safety equipment in a typical CHRS or HRS facility.
12. Discussion: Locations & use of emergency assembly areas in a typical CHRS or HRS facility.
13. Roles and responsibilities in a contingency plan for a H2S incident.
14. Effects of H2S & SO2 on components of process system, (corrosion, embrittlement, etc.)
All staff
Current, valid H2S permit Supervisory /Management staff 2 x passport sized photos
All delegates
Safety footwear & hard hat Coverall or working clothing
H2SR Recertification Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
1. Correctly explain the hazards and effects of H2S and SO2.
2. Correctly explain the access control requirements for PDO facilities classified as Low Risk Sour, High Risk Sour
or Critical High Risk Sour.
3. During a simulated escape from an H2S or SO2 accidental release scenario; correctly demonstrate the
emergency response actions that need to be followed by individuals working in facilities, where H2S hazards
are present.
4. Demonstrate the correct use of a filter-type escape hood (PDO specification) and a positive pressure-type
escape set (PDO specification), including the ‘Camlock Fastmask’ and ‘Fastcowl.’
Course Title:
(SCBA) Self-contained Breathing Apparatus & Confined Space Rescue course
Course Aim:
To provide delegates with basic knowledge and understanding of SABA and SCBA, confined space entry hazards,
controls and responsibilities, and the basic skills required to safely prepare and use a SCBA, in toxic, other
irrespirable atmospheres, confined spaces and for emergency rescue purposes, solo or as a team member.
Course Objectives
1. Be able to use, test and maintain SCBA for routine and non-routine activities.
2. Identify the differences between SABA and SCBA.
3. Recognise and identify confined space hazards, controls, key personnel and their responsibilities.
4. Use SCBA under a variety of different circumstances, including devising and carrying out rescue plans.
Essential SCBA Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Types, functions and limitations of Respiratory Protection Equipment using compressed air. (SABA, SCBA,
Escape sets)
2. Negative pressure & Positive pressure facemasks and cowls – what they can do and what they cannot.
3. Draeger ‘PA94 Plus’ SCBA backplate and harness, pressure reducer, demand valve, gauge and whistle,
Panorama Nova facemask, cylinder types.
4. Camlock ‘Fastmask’ and ‘Fastcowl’
5. Pre-use tests, Donning & start-up tests, ‘Doffing’ SCBA, after-use disassembling, cleaning/maintaining SCBA for
further use, test records.
6. The PDO ‘Buddy’ system
7. Confined spaces - types, hazards, activities, entry controls and procedures.
8. Procedures for emergencies and rescues, confined space entry team members roles and responsibilities
9. Rescue equipment, considerations, devising a rescue plan, solo and team rescue techniques.
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. Delegates
Eight (8) hours Three (3) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic, English or Hindi
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
Self-Contained Breathing PDO & Contractor staff who are required to use
Apparatus & Confined SCBA SCBA for gas testing or other operational Compulsory
Space Rescue activities, or in operational emergencies.
Pre-requisites for SCBA training
Non-supervisory staff Supervisory/Managerial staff All staff
(ORT) HSE Orientation OR (ORT) HSE Orientation for Supervisors Safety Footwear & Hard hat
HSE Induction
H2S Coverall or working clothing
H2S (HSELFS) HSE Leadership for Frontline Supervisors 2 x Passport sized photos
(HSELM) HSE Leadership for Non frontline No claustrophobic tendency and
Supervisors and Managers Medically & physically fit*
No facial hair (sideburns, beard or
‘stubble’ growth)
*Medically & physically fit: Candidate required to produced signed authorization from their supervisors
Assessment Title:
(SCBAR) SCBA & Confined Space Rescue scheduled Recertification
Assessment Aim:
To ensure delegates have retained their basic knowledge and understanding of SABA and SCBA, confined space
entry hazards, controls and responsibilities, and the basic skills required to safely prepare and use a SCBA, in toxic,
other irrespirable atmospheres, confined spaces and for emergency rescue purposes, solo or as a team member.
Assessment Objectives
1. Confirm the delegate can use, test and maintain SCBA for routine and non-routine activities.
2. Confirm knows the differences between SABA and SCBA.
3. Confirm delegate recognises a confined space, the associated hazards, controls, key personnel and their
4. Provide opportunities to use SCBA under a variety of different circumstances, including devising and carrying
out rescue plans.
Essential SCBAR Recertification components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Types, functions and limitations of Respiratory Protection Equipment using compressed air. (SABA, SCBA,
Escape sets)
2. Negative pressure & Positive pressure facemasks and cowls – what they can do and what they cannot.
3. Draeger ‘PA94 Plus’ SCBA backplate and harness, pressure reducer, demand valve, gauge and whistle,
Panorama Nova facemask, cylinder types.
4. Camlock ‘Fastmask’ and ‘Fastcowl’
5. Pre-use tests, Donning & start-up tests, ‘Doffing’ SCBA, after-use disassembling, cleaning/maintaining SCBA for
further use, test records.
6. The ‘Buddy’ system
7. Confined spaces, types, hazards, activities, entry controls and procedures.
8. Procedures for emergencies and rescues, confined space entry team members roles and responsibilities
9. Rescue equipment, considerations, devising a rescue plan, solo and team rescue techniques.
Max. Duration Max. recertification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Two (2) hours Three (3) years One (1) Twelve (12)
Assessment Language(s)
Arabic, English or Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
Self-Contained Breathing
PDO & Contractor staff who are required to use SCBA
Apparatus & Confined
SCBAR for gas testing or other operational activities, or in Compulsory
Space Rescue Re-
operational emergencies.
Pre-requisites for SCBAR Recertification
Non-supervisory staff Supervisory/Managerial staff All staff
(H2S) Valid, current H2S permit (H2S) Valid, current H2S permit Safety Footwear & Hard hat
(SCBA) Valid, current SCBA (SCBA) Valid, current SCBA certificate Coverall or working clothing
Medically & physically fit
Course Title:
(AHAF) AHA Heartsaver 1st Aid, CPR & AED Foundation course
Course Aim:
To provide delegates with knowledge , understanding and basic skills using the American Heart Association
Heartsaver 1st Aid, CPR & AED Foundation course, so that they can function competently as first-response First
Aiders in the PDO community and the community at large, whenever required.
Course Objectives
1. In conformance with Internationally recognised standards, ensure delegates can:
Diagnose and provide First Aid (1st Aid) treatment in accordance with AHA and Internationally
recognised standards.
Diagnose and provide cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in accordance with AHA and
Internationally recognised standards.
Diagnose when to use and provide aid with an Automatic External Defibrillator in accordance with
AHA and Internationally recognised standards.
2. Create opportunities for delegates to apply First Aid diagnostic skills with CPR & AED treatment skills during
Essential AHAF Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. First aid basics, including Rescuer duties, Victim & Rescuer safety, planning for help; finding the problem.
2. Medical emergencies including breathing problems, choking in an adult,, allergic reactions, heart attack,
fainting, diabetes and low blood sugar, stroke, seizure and shock.
3. Injury emergencies including bleeding you can see, wounds, bleeding you can’t see, head, neck and spine
injuries, broken bones and sprains, burns and electrical injuries.
4. Environmental emergencies including bites and stings, heat related emergencies, cold related emergencies,
poison emergencies.
5. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation for adults, children and infants.
6. Preparation and use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (as in use by PDO).
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. delegates Max. delegates
Fourteen (14) hours Two (2) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic or English
Course Title Target Population Type
PDO & Contractor professional drivers, PDO &
AHA Heartsaver First Aid, Contractor staff who are to be certified AHA
AHAF Compulsory
CPR & AED. Heartsaver first response First Aiders. 10% of the work
population to be designated as First Aiders
Fourteen (14) hours Two (2) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic or English
Course Title Target Population Type
PDO & Contractor professional drivers, PDO &
AHA Heartsaver Aid, CPR Contractor staff who are to certified AHA first
AHAR Compulsory
& AED Recertification response First Aiders. 10% of the work
population to be designated as First Aiders
Pre-requisites for AHAR Recertification
All delegates
Safety Footwear Coverall or working clothing 2 x Passport sized photos
(AHAF) Valid, current AHA Heart-saver 1st Aid certificate,
Provide copy of evidence in the form of certificates to prove the English Language certification to IELTS Band 5
Assessment Title:
Course Title:
(CHA) Chemical Handling – Dealing with the risk
Course Aim:
Be able to control, the potential safety and health hazards or environmental damage arising from the transport,
storage, handling and disposal of hazardous chemicals.
Course Objectives
1. Identify the hazardous chemical class from signs, symbols and labels.
2. Describe the safety, Health and environmental hazards of commonly occurring hazardous chemicals.
3. Apply safety handling data in the SHOC system.
Essential CHA Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Classification, labeling and marking of Chemical Substances and Preparations
2. Routes of Entry into the body.
3. Material Safety Data Sheets/SHOC/TREM cards
4. Safe systems of work & Personal Protective Equipment
5. Transport, Use, Storage, and Disposal of hazardous substances
6. Legislative responsibilities (Royal Decree No. 46/95 Issuing the Law of Handling and Use of Chemicals)
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Three (3) hours Four (4) years Three (3) Sixteen (16)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic, English or Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
PDO & Contractor Drivers, Operational and
Maintenance staff who are required to handle, use
Chemical Handling CHA Entry
or transport hazardous chemicals as part of their
Additional Pre-requisites for CHA training
(ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Coverall or working clothing Hard hat, GP gloves & Safety Footwear
CHA Assessment Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
1. Correctly identify and describe the class of a hazardous chemical when shown signs, symbols and labels.
2. Correctly explain the four routes of exposure to hazardous chemicals.
3. Correctly explain the safety, health and environmental hazards of 5 common hazardous chemicals.
4. Correctly explain the hazard control procedures and associated activities applicable to chemical transport,
handling, storage and disposal.
5. During a simulated spill or release of a hazardous chemical demonstrate you can find information
concerning the chemicals and hazards involved from the available information, and can carry out the
correct emergency action procedures
6. Given an assortment of marked and labelled packages/containers of hazardous chemicals, demonstrate
you understand and can use the segregation rules for incompatible chemicals, and explain why the rules
have been made.
Course Title:
(EA) Environmental Management
Course Aim:
To provide the target population with an awareness of environmental issues and risks related to company
activities and operations, and the means by which such issues can be managed.
Course Objectives
Provide knowledge and understanding of:
1. PDO’s operations and activity environmental hazards and risks.
2. The legal environment and key environmental limits PDO needs to comply with.
3. The requirements for environmental impact assessments within PDO projects at the planning stage.
Essential EA Course components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. PDO specific environmental issues, e.g. oil spills; waste handling, emissions to atmosphere
2. Management of oil spills, waste handling, and environmental risk management
3. The Omani legal and regulatory requirements related to the environment and permit requirements.
4. PDO’s environmental specifications.
5. Aspect/Impact of different activities/projects and their management.
6. Integrated impact assessment
Max. Course Duration Max. re-assessment interval Min. delegates Max. delegates
To provide delegates with basic knowledge and understanding of fire protection, fire prevention and fire
defence so that they may function effectively as a fire warden at any location.
To provide basic knowledge, understanding and skills relating to fire, portable fire-fighting equipment
and the correct actions to take in the event of fire
Course Objectives
Preparing delegates to function as effective fire wardens by providing them with sufficient knowledge and
understanding on the Roles and Responsibilities of Fire Wardens
Essential FW Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. To understand what causes fires and why fires spread very fast
2. What I can do to prevent fires or them spreading?
3. Fire prevention – house-keeping; flammables and hazardous materials storage and handling; contractors
activities; common fire hazards; electrical safety; smoking controls;
4. Means of Escape in case of fire - smoke and fire stop self-closing doors, wall, floor and ceiling surfaces,
escape corridors and stairways, fire exit doors and signs, emergency lighting, assembly points, panic bars,
key locks (and boxes), alarmed doors.
5. Fire Evacuation – Emergency Response Plans; Automatic Heat/Fire/Smoke/Gas Detection systems,
detector types, alarm panels, zone diagrams, fixed fire-fighting systems (sprinklers, total flooding, risers,
hose-reels), portable fire-fighting equipment;
6. Fire Warden’s role – Before a fire; during a fire; after a fire. Zone clearance; Assisting Evacuation, Leaving
your zone; Reports to Lead Fire Warden. After the event – what next?
7. Identify fire types, common causes of fire in the workplace, and fire spread mechanisms.
8. Provide awareness of how to react in the event of fire.
9. Recognise the markings of portable fire-fighting equipment and their meanings.
10. Select and operate portable fire-fighting equipment on different fire types.
11. Provide opportunities to develop skills in the selection and use of portable fire-fighting equipment on
various fire types.
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
1. Name four elements correctly, that would collectively be used to achieve fire protection within a
2. Demonstrate during a tour of a building at a real or simulated workplace, what you would look for, and
why, when checking if the fire protection and Means of Escape are intact and effective, in a zone you have
been given responsibility for.
3. Demonstrate, during a tour of a real or simulated workplace, that you can identify 4 different types of fire
hazard, and can identify how to remove or reduce the risk of fire of at least 2 of those hazards.
4. Correctly identify at least one smoke control door and at least one fire-stop door during a tour of a real or
simulated workplace, explain the differences between them and ordinary doors, and why their closed
status needs to be maintained.
5. When given responsibility for one of the zones on a provided zone diagram of a simulated workplace,
when the emergency alarm sounds, demonstrate that you can take the correct actions as a fire warden
during and after the event.
6. Correctly name the three most common causes of workplace fires
7. When shown four different items of portable fire-fighting equipment, correctly identify what
type of fire each is best suited to deal with, why and at least one limitation for use of each one.
Course Title:
(HRA) Conducting health risk assessments
Course Aim:
To enable attendees to identify health hazards, assess the risk and implement controls whilst conducting and
preparing Job Type HRA’s
Course Objectives
1. Prepare delegates to identify health hazards i.e. chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic and psycho-social.
2. Confirm delegates’ ability to conduct health risk assessments, health surveillance measuring and monitoring,
and to recommend appropriate controls.
3. Prepare delegates to use the Job Type HRA template to demonstrate hazards are controlled to ALARP
Essential HRA Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. The five key health hazard categories with examples
2. Use of Risk Matrix and Control Matrix and their function during assessment of the risk
3. Occupational Exposure Limits e.g. Chemical, radiation, noise, heat, manual handling etc
4. Health Surveillance and Fitness to work requirements
5. Hierarchy of Controls
6. Practical assessment of job type in the field
7. Exposure monitoring requirements and field assessments
8. Completion of Job Type HRA template and remedial action plan
9. Remedial action plan
10. Legislative requirements in Oman
Desirable HRA Syllabus components (nice to have topic areas)
1. Monitoring equipment e.g. noise meters, sampling pumps, radiation meters
Max. Course Duration Max. re-assessment interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
5. Gas testing for hot work, covering the different types of detectors used for the flammable product; how to
set up the relevant detector for each gas testing application and confirm its correct functioning; how to
correctly select between aspirating and non-aspirating detectors, relevant to the atmosphere being tested;
the operating principles of atmospheric monitoring and measuring equipment including their strengths,
weaknesses and frequently observed failure modes; and where to locate ‘sentinel styled’ portable or
transportable site monitoring equipment for optimum benefit.
6. Interpreting and documenting the results of a gas test, covering how to interpret the results, to include both
normal and abnormal; how to document the results and advise relevant personnel.
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Eight (8) hours Three (3) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
English ONLY
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
PDO & contractor personnel designated as
Authorised Gas Tester AGT Entry
Authorised Gas Testers
Additional Pre-requisites for AGT training
(ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction H2S Awareness & Escape Safety Footwear & Hard hat
Medically & physically fit All staff
Coverall or working clothing 3 months concession area work experience
Provide a copy of evidence in the form of certificates to prove the English Language certification to IELTS Band 4 or equivalent
AGT Assessment Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
1. When given the names of three different hydrocarbons, correctly explain their narcotic effects.
2. Correctly explain:
The implications of applicable PDO procedures;
The hazards of operations within an oxygen deficient, toxic or flammable environment;
What the confined space criteria are;
The behaviour of different flammable and toxic gases including H2S, SO2, CO, CO2, and alkanes that
are normally vapour at ambient conditions;
The acceptable levels of another flammable and toxic gases including H2S, , SO2, CO, CO2, and alkanes
that are normally vapour at ambient conditions;
The operating principles of atmosphere monitoring and measuring equipment;
3. The pre-start – correctly explain
How you would correctly calibrate atmosphere monitoring and measuring equipment;
How to set up the relevant detector for each gas testing application;
4. The range and frequency of tests – correctly explain:
How a representative atmosphere sample should be obtained;
How to specify continuous monitoring or retesting frequency;
Given an operational scenario, where you would site ongoing monitoring equipment;
What ‘hot work’ means;
The hazards associated with it in relation to the production of flammable and toxic gases;
The hazards and properties of flammable gases;
The principles of hot work gas testing;
The strengths and weaknesses of flammable and toxic gas detection equipment.
5. At an actual or simulated operational workplace for confined space entry:
Carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment after interpreting operational requirements.
Demonstrate you can correctly identify the appropriate safe systems of work needed and can use
them, including the Permit to Work system
Demonstrate you can select and use the correct PPE and RPE before a gas testing operation.
Demonstrate you can carry out gas detector pre-start checks correctly.
Demonstrate you can perform gas tests in the correct sequence.
6. Given a set of readings from the instruments you selected, demonstrate you are able to correctly interpret
and document the results.
7. At an actual or simulated operational workplace where hot work is to take/is taking place:
Carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment after interpreting operational requirements and
Demonstrate you can correctly identify the appropriate safe systems of work needed and can use
them, including the Permit to Work system;
Demonstrate you can identify the correct detector to use for a given flammable product;
Carry out detector pre-start checks;
Demonstrate how to locate and set up the relevant detector and confirm its correct functioning;
Demonstrate where to locate sentinel styled equipment for optimum benefit;
Demonstrate you can correctly obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested;
Given a set of readings from the instruments you selected, demonstrate you are able to correctly
interpret and document the results.
Assessment Title:
(AGTR) Authorised Gas Tester scheduled Recertification
Assessment Aim:
Confirm individuals have retained the knowledge, understanding and skills to act as authorised gas testers.
Assessment Objectives
1. Confirm the delegate has retained awareness of when and why gas testing is required, i.e. for confined spaces
and for hot work.
2. Confirm delegate has retained the knowledge on use of gas testing equipment.
3. Confirm delegate has retained the knowledge of how to conduct, interpret and document gas testing in
confined spaces and for hot work.
Essential AGTR Assessment components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Narcotic effects of hydrocarbons.
2. Testing in confined spaces, covering confined space criteria
3. Testing for hot work, covering hot work criteria
4. Use of atmosphere / gas measuring and monitoring equipment
5. Gas testing in confined spaces
6. Gas testing for hot work
7. Interpreting and documenting the results of a gas test
Max. Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Two (2) hours Three (3) years One (1) Six (6)
Delivery Language(s)
English ONLY
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
Authorised Gas Tester Re- PDO & contractor personnel who have been
AGTR Entry
certification previously trained as Authorised Gas Testers
Course Title:
(HII) HSE Incident Investigation course
Course Aim:
To prepare staff who may be nominated, as individuals or as a member of a team, to investigate incidents or
Course Objectives
Ensuring, through tutoring, that delegates have:
1. Confirmation, clarification and expansion of knowledge and understanding related to incident types,
records, risk assessment matrix and the Bow-Tie concept previously gained on HSE Tools & Skills course.
2. Sufficient knowledge and clarity concerning human factors in incident investigation.
3. An awareness of Tripod Trees and the ability to prepare incident reports.
Essential HII Course components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Why investigate incidents?
2. The PDO ICAM investigation process
3. The PDO investigation management process
4. Forming and effective investigation team and its terms of reference
5. Determining relevance of information.
6. Following information leads.
7. Validation of gathered evidence and corroboration.
8. Determining human behaviour and motivators.
9. Analysing the Management System and Procedures.
10. Analysis of findings.
11. Finding the reasons behind the cause(s).
12. Determining sensible and SMART actions to learn from the incident.
13. Preparation, review and publication of the report.
14. Practical role play with case studies. (6 hours)
15. Case study test to show competency
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
2. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the connectivity between the different levels above and
how each drills deeper into the management causations.
3. Accurately, but in your own words, explain why it is important to establish underlying cause(s)
and latent failures in relation to an incident, rather than just the immediate cause(s) and
human factors they tend to indicate.
4. Demonstrate, after role play and group work concerning a specific incident scenario, that you
can prepare a clear and structured investigation report and presentation, that both include the
key cause(s) and management system failures.
5. Demonstrate, using your investigation report and presentation, that you can recognise and
formulate SMART recommendations related to the investigation role play you have
participated in.
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Course Title:
(PSRI) Process safety Risk Assessment
Course Aim:
Provide skills to use risk assessment to deliver credible controls to protect our assets.
Course Objectives
To learn or enhance your skills to use risk assessment to deliver credible controls to protect our assets,
their integrity and our people and processes in AIPS management
Course Title:
(PTWH) Permit to Work Holders course
Course Aim:
To provide the knowledge and understanding of the PTW procedure to enable delegates to competently carry out
the role of a permit holder.
Course Objectives
1. Promote a thorough knowledge & understanding of the PDO PTW System, its scope and objectives.
2. Confirm delegates are able to identify hazards and carry out risk assessment procedures.
3. Using role plays, have delegates participate in a step-by-step flow through the operation of the PTW system.
4. Ensure delegates are provided with the opportunity to demonstrate their competence to function as a PTW
Essential PTWH Course components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Carrying out hazard identification and the risk assessment process.
2. The PDO PTW System, its scope and objectives.
3. Work that needs a permit, who produces and signs it, when, where and for what activities.
4. Roles and Responsibilities of persons who sign permit documents.
5. A step-by-step flow through how the PTW system operates.
6. Control of isolations, the work tracking system and PTW system certificates.
7. Hazard management, job safety plans, TRIC cards and toolbox talks.
Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval
Sixteen (16) hours Three (3) years Three (3) Sixteen (16)
Delivery Language(s)
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
PDO and Contractor personnel who will directly supervise a
Permit to Work Holder PTWH work party (e.g. first-line supervisor, leading hand, charge Entry
hand or technician etc)
Additional Course pre-requisites
HSELFS or HSELM - HSE Leadership Supervisors or Managers (as role dictates) (ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction
Coverall or working clothing Safety Footwear & Hard Hat 2 x Passport sized photo
Provide a copy of evidence in the form of certificates to prove the English Language Age over 21 years
certification to IELTS Band 4 or equivalent.
7. Given a specific work activity that is said to be required at a simulated (HSE Training Centre) or actual
operational area, meet with the Permit Applicant and carry out the role of a Permit Holder and sign or reject to
sign the permit, based on your assessment.
8. At a simulated (HSE Training Centre) or operational work area, conduct an effective Toolbox talk using the TRIC
attached to a valid, authorised PTW to a team of no less than four people, who are role playing work staff, and
carry out the procedures that must then be followed by the permit holder.
9. When the Area Authority verbally agrees to it, hand over a valid permit to another permit holder carrying out
all the required procedures correctly.
10. Whilst role playing a permit holder, carry out all of the required actions for suspension, completion of work and
revalidation with other PTW signatories.
Assessment Title:
(PTWHR) Permit to Work Holders scheduled Recertification
Assessment Aim:
To provide the knowledge and understanding of the PTW procedure to enable delegates to competently carry
out the role of a permit holder.
Assessment Objectives
1. Promote a thorough knowledge & understanding of the PDO PTW System, its scope and objectives.
2. Confirm delegates are able to identify hazards and carry out risk assessment procedures.
3. Using role plays, have delegates participate in a step-by-step flow through the operation of the PTW system.
4. Ensure delegates are provided with the opportunity to demonstrate their competence to function as a PTW
Essential PTWHR Assessment components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Carrying out hazard identification and the risk assessment process.
2. The PDO PTW System, its scope and objectives.
3. Work that needs a permit, who produces and signs it, when, where and for what activities.
4. Roles and Responsibilities of persons who sign permit documents.
5. A step-by-step flow through how the PTW system operates.
6. Control of isolations, the work tracking system and PTW system certificates.
7. Hazard management, job safety plans, TRIC cards and toolbox talks.
Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Max. Duration Max. re-certification interval
One (1) hour Three (3) years One (1) Six (6)
Delivery Language(s)
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
PDO and Contractor personnel who will directly
supervise a work party (e.g. first line supervisor,
Permit to Work Holder
PTWHR leading hand, charge hand or technician etc) and Entry
are trained and currently licensed as a permit
PTWHR Assessment Additional Pre-requisites
Valid, current PTWH permit Coverall or working clothing Age 21 or over
2 x Passport sized photo HSELFS or HSELM - HSE Leadership Supervisors or Managers (as role dictates)
Provide a copy of evidence in the form of certificates to prove the English Language certification to IELTS Band 4 or equivalent
7. Given a specific work activity that is said to be required at a simulated (HSE Training Centre) or actual
operational area, meet with the Permit Applicant and carry out the role of a Permit Holder and sign or reject
to sign the permit, based on your assessment.
8. At a simulated (HSE Training Centre) or operational work area, conduct an effective Toolbox talk using the
TRIC attached to a valid, authorised PTW to a team of no less than four people, who are role playing work
staff, and carry out the procedures that must then be followed by the permit holder.
9. When the Area Authority verbally agrees to it, hand over a valid permit to another permit holder carrying
out all the required procedures correctly.
10. Whilst role playing a permit holder, carry out all of the required actions for suspension, completion of work
and revalidation with other PTW signatories.
Course Title:
(PTWS) Permit to Work Signatories course
Course Aim:
To provide the knowledge and understanding of the PTW procedure to enable delegates to competently carry
out the role of a signatory.
Course Objectives
1. Promote a thorough knowledge & understanding of the PDO PTW System, its scope and objectives.
2. Confirm delegates are able to identify hazards and carry out risk assessment procedures.
3. Using a role play, have delegates participate in a step-by-step flow through the operation of the PTW
4. Ensure delegates are provided with the opportunity to demonstrate their competence to function as a
PTW signatory.
Essential PTWS Course components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Carrying out hazard identification and the risk assessment process.
2. The PDO PTW System, its scope and objectives.
3. Work that needs a permit, who produces and signs it, when, where and for what activities.
4. Roles and Responsibilities of persons who sign permit documents.
5. A step-by-step flow through how the PTW system operates.
6. Control of isolations, the work tracking system and PTW system certificates.
7. Hazard management, job safety plans, TRIC cards and toolbox talks.
Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval
Sixteen (16) hours Three (3) years Three (3) Sixteen (16)
Delivery Language(s)
English ONLY
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
PDO and Contractor personnel who will fulfill a
Permit to Work
PTWS role within the Permit to Work System as a permit C
applicant, area authority or responsible supervisor
Additional Pre-requisites for PTWS training
Coverall or working clothing (ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction 2 x Passport sized photo
Safety Footwear & Hard Hat HSELFS or HSELM - HSE Leadership Supervisors or Managers (as role dictates)
Provide a copy of evidence in the form of certificates to prove the English Language Age 21 yrs or over
certification to IELTS Band 5 or equivalent
PTWS Assessment Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
1. Identify 4 different hazards at a simulated operational workplace and conduct a risk assessment on the
hazard presenting the highest potential risk, using the recommended procedure.
2. Accurately describe the scope and objectives of PDO’s PTW system.
3. Accurately explain the roles and responsibilities of the persons that are authorised to sign PTWs.
4. State correctly, the controls relating to isolations and when they would be used within the PTW procedure.
5. Explain correctly what work requires a permit, and given 6 different work activities, indicate correctly which
require permits and what type.
6. Given a specific work activity that is said to be required at a simulated (HSE Training Centre) or actual
operational area, carry out the role of a Permit Applicant, and produce all necessary documentation for
both the Job Safety plan and the Permit application as required by the PTW procedure.
7. Given a specific permit application, carry out the role of a Responsible Supervisor and when satisfied or not
satisfied all conditions have been met as set out in the PTW procedure, correctly authorise or reject the
8. Given a specific authorised permit, carry out the role of the permit applicant and brief the permit holder, to
include all relevant detail.
9. Decide correctly, in accordance with the PTW procedure, whether to validate a specific PTW or not (and
why) after being given a briefing by a permit holder on the intended task.
10. Acting as an Area Authority, when presented with a PTW certificate and a request to revalidate it by a
permit holder, determine correctly whether to do so when supplied with the relevant information.
11. Acting as an Area Authority, when presented with a PTW that has been signed by the permit holder as job
completed, correctly carry out the required actions.
Assessment Title:
(PTWSR) Permit to Work Signatories scheduled Recertification
Assessment Aim:
To provide the knowledge and understanding of the PTW procedure to enable delegates to competently carry
out the role of a signatory.
Assessment Objectives
Promote a thorough knowledge & understanding of the PDO PTW System, its scope and objectives.
Confirm delegates are able to identify hazards and carry out risk assessment procedures.
Using a role play, have delegates participate in a step-by-step flow through the operation of the PTW system.
Ensure delegates are provided with the opportunity to demonstrate their competence to function as a PTW
Essential PTWSR Assessment components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Carrying out hazard identification and the risk assessment process.
2. The PDO PTW System, its scope and objectives.
3. Work that needs a permit, who produces and signs it, when, where and for what activities.
4. Roles and Responsibilities of persons who sign permit documents.
5. A step-by-step flow through how the PTW system operates.
6. Control of isolations, the work tracking system and PTW system certificates.
7. Hazard management, job safety plans, TRIC cards and toolbox talks.
Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Max. Duration Max. re-certification interval
One (1) hour Three (3) years One (1) Six (6)
Delivery Language(s)
Course Title Target Population Type
PDO and Contractor personnel who have been trained and hold a
Permit to Work valid, current PTW signatory license to fulfill a role within the
PTWS Entry
Signatories Permit to Work System as a permit applicant, area authority or
responsible supervisor
Additional Pre-requisites for PTWSR Assessment
Current, valid PTWS permit Coverall or working clothing Age 21 or over
Safety Footwear & Hard Hat 2 x Passport sized photo
Valid SLS/SLM or HSELFS/HSELM - HSE Leadership Supervisors or Managers (as role
Provide a copy of evidence in the form of certificates to prove the English Language certification to IELTS Band 5 or equivalent
6. Given a specific work activity that is said to be required at a simulated (HSE Training Centre) or actual
operational area, carry out the role of a Permit Applicant, and produce all necessary documentation for
both the Job Safety plan and the Permit application as required by the PTW procedure.
7. Given a specific permit application, carry out the role of a Responsible Supervisor and when satisfied or
not satisfied all conditions have been met as set out in the PTW procedure, correctly authorise or reject
the permit.
8. Given a specific authorised permit, carry out the role of the permit applicant and brief the permit holder,
to include all relevant detail.
9. Decide correctly, in accordance with the PTW procedure, whether to validate a specific PTW or not (and
why) after being given a briefing by a permit holder on the intended task.
10. Acting as an Area Authority, when presented with a PTW certificate and a request to revalidate it by a
permit holder, determine correctly whether to do so when supplied with the relevant information.
11. Acting as an Area Authority, when presented with a PTW that has been signed by the permit holder as job
completed, correctly carry out the required actions.
Course Title:
(PTWA) Permit to Work Auditors course
Course Aim:
Provide sufficient knowledge and understanding of the PTW audit system to delegates so they may function as an
effective member of a PTW Audit team.
Course Objectives
1. To demonstrate a thorough understanding of PDO PTW system through structured training and assessment
modules for the role as PTW Auditor
2. To provide necessary knowledge to be able to demonstrate thorough understanding to a PDO PTW licensing
panel for the role as PTW Auditor
Essential PTWA Course components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Auditing system definitions
2. Auditing objectives
3. Purpose of Level I and II Audits.
4. Roles and responsibilities within the Audit team
5. Audit organisation, conduct, corrective actions, reporting and archiving.
6. PTW System Review: - Frequency, objectives, review mechanism.
7. Interim amendments
8. PTW system audit forms
Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval
Sixteen (16) hours Three (3) years Three Sixteen (16)
Delivery Language(s)
English ONLY
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
PDO and Contractor personnel who may fulfill a
Permit to Work Auditor PTWA role within the Permit to Work Audit Team as the C
nominated Auditor.
Additional Pre-requisites for PTWA training
(ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction Min. 2 yrs as licensed PTW Signatory. Safety footwear
Valid PTWS permit. Valid SLS/SLM or HSELFS/ HSELM - HSE Leadership Coverall or work clothing
Supervisors or Managers (as role dictates)
Provide a copy of evidence in the form of certificates to prove the English Language certification to IELTS Band 6 or equivalent
Assessment Title:
(PTWAR) Permit to Work Auditors scheduled Recertification
Assessment Aim:
To ensure that PTW Auditors retain the required knowledge and understanding of the PTW system so they may
continue to function as an effective member of a PTW Audit team.
Assessment Objectives
To ensure the delegate retains a thorough knowledge and understanding of the PDO PTW system through
structured assessment of the PTW Auditor.
Essential PTWAR Assessment components
1. Auditing system definitions
2. Auditing objectives
3. Purpose of Level I and II Audits.
4. Roles and responsibilities within the Audit team
5. Audit organisation, conduct, corrective actions, reporting and archiving.
6. PTW System Review: - Frequency, objectives, review mechanism.
7. Interim amendments
8. PTW system audit forms
Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Max. Duration Max. re-certification interval
One (1) hour Three (3) years One (1) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
English ONLY
Course Title Target Population Type
Permit to Work PDO and Contractor PTWA trained personnel who have to
Auditor Re- PTWAR fulfil a role within the Permit to Work Audit Team as the Entry
certification nominated Auditor.
Additional Pre-requisites for PTWAR training
Min. 2 yrs as licensed PTW Signatory. Valid PTWA permit
Valid SLS/SLM or HSELFS/HSELM - HSE Leadership Supervisors or Managers (as role dictates)
Provide a copy of evidence in the form of certificates to prove the English Language certification to IELTS Band 6 or equivalent
Course Title:
(HSELFS) HSE Leadership for Front line Supervisors
Course Aim:
To enable management to become leaders in health, safety and the environment
Course Objectives
The course provides guidance and support exploring what effective leadership means, what HSE management
means, how to be a successful leader, how to communicate, motivate, mentor and coach a team. How to
conduct risk assessments, how to manage HSE in your team, how to use behavior to your advantage, how to
conduct reflective learning, how to investigate incidents, how to manage the environment and how to manage
asset integrity and process safety as a supervisor.
Twenty Four (24) hours Four (4) years Six (6) Sixteen (16)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic or English
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
All PDO & Contractor staff whose role involves the
HSE Leadership for Front
HSELSFS supervision of work done by employees at the Entry
line supervisors
front line.
Additional Pre-requisites for training
(ORTS) HSE Orientation for Supervisors OR HSE Induction
Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
1. The course has a formative assessment criteria for each section and is assessed on understanding,
acceptance, participation and confirmation of understanding
Course Title:
(HSELFSR) HSE Leadership for Front line Supervisors Refresher
Course Aim:
To enable front line supervisors to remain up to date with the latest techniques and issues in HSE
Course Objectives
The course provides instruction and training in the latest relevant issues in HSE management as they relate to
supervisory tools or philosophies.
Eight (8) hours Four (4) years Six (6) Sixteen (16)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic or English
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
HSE Leadership for Front All PDO & Contractor staff whose role involves the
line supervisors HSELSFS supervision of work done by employees at the Entry
Refresher front line.
Additional Pre-requisites for training
(HSELFS) – Valid HSE Leadership for Frontline supervisors
Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
HSELFS HSE Leadership for Frontline Supervisors
The course has a formative assessment criteria for each section and is assessed on understanding, acceptance,
participation and confirmation of understanding
Course Title:
(HSELM) HSE Leadership for Management
Course Aim:
To enable management to become leaders in health, safety and the environment
Course Objectives
The course provides guidance and support exploring what effective leadership means, what HSE management
means, how to be a successful leader, how to communicate, motivate, mentor and coach a team. How to
conduct risk assessments, how to manage HSE in your team, how to use behavior to your advantage, how to
conduct reflective learning, how to investigate incidents, how to manage the environment and how to manage
asset integrity and process safety as a non frontline supervisor or manager.
Twenty Four(24) hours Four (4) years Six (6) Sixteen (16)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic or English
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
All PDO & Contractor staff whose role involves the
HSE Leadership for supervision of work done another supervisor or
Supervisors and HSELSMS manager. Note that if you have attended the Entry
Management HSELFS program then you do not need to attend
this one.
Additional Pre-requisites for training
(ORTS) HSE Orientation for Supervisors OR HSE Induction
Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
The course has a formative assessment criteria for each section and is assessed on understanding, acceptance,
participation and confirmation of understanding
Course Title:
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Sept 2019
Eight (8) hours Four (4) years Six (6) Sixteen (16)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic or English
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
HSE Leadership for Non All PDO & Contractor staff whose role involves the
frontline Supervisors and HSELSMS supervision of work done another supervisor or Entry
Managers Refresher manager.
Additional Pre-requisites for training
(HSELM) Valid HSE Leadership for Non frontline Supervisors and Managers
Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
The course has a formative assessment criteria for each section and is assessed on understanding, acceptance,
participation and confirmation of understanding
Course Title:
(HSELPDOC) HSE Leadership for PDO Coastal Management
Course Aim:
To enable management to become leaders in health, safety and the environment
Course Objectives
The course provides guidance and support exploring what effective leadership means, what HSE management
means, how to be a successful leader, how to communicate, motivate, mentor and coach a team. How to
conduct risk assessments, how to manage HSE in your team, how to use behavior to your advantage and how to
conduct reflective learning in MAF.
Twenty Four (24) hours Four (4) years Six (6) Sixteen (16)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic or English
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
Only office based management or supervisory staff
based on the coast who will visit the interior less
HSE Leadership for PDO
HSELPDOC than 4 times a year. Note that if you have Entry
Coastal Management
attended the HSELFS or HSELM program then you
do not need to attend this one.
Additional Pre-requisites for training
(ORTS) HSE Orientation for Supervisors OR HSE Induction
Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
The course has a formative assessment criteria for each section and is assessed on understanding, acceptance,
participation and confirmation of understanding
Note: Coast is defined as the Muscat and surrounding areas up to but not including the following towns
Barka, Bid bid and Quiryat.
Course Title:
Eight (8) hours Four (4) years Five (5) Thirty (30)
Delivery Language(s)
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
Safety Leadership for PDO and Contractor Executives and deputies having full
SLE Entry
Executives executive authority.
Pre-requisites for training
To be a MDC member or Senior Leadership Team for PDO or Chief Executive /Managing Director of Contractor
SLE Assessment performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
1. Demonstrate, through workshop contributions, personal accountability for you and your team
2. Demonstrate during workshop activities that you can apply the agreed principles of the aligned safety approach to all of
the workshop, and intended future plans.
3. Demonstrate during the workshop that you use an appropriate safety leadership style for situations, and use the INCLUDE,
See-Hear-Feel-Do and actively listening models when interacting with others.
4. Demonstrate through workshop activities, that you recognise safe initiatives on the part of others or yourself, whist using
any available tools (e.g. Hazard Id, Risk Assessment, TRIC & TBTs, STOP, A-B-C etc).
5. Prepare a personal safety leadership action plan, with specific goals, time scales, accountability agent, together with the
monitoring, measuring and review mechanisms to be used.
6. Demonstrate how you will measure the impact you have on others’ safe behaviours, how you will review this against your
personal action plan’s intent, and at what frequency.
Course Title:
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Eight (8) hours Four (4) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic, English or Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
Chemical Hazards PDO & Contractor supervisors who are
Awareness for CHAS responsible for operations pr processes Entry
Supervisors involving chemicals
Additional Pre-requisites for CHAS training
Safety Footwear Eye protection GP gloves
Hard hat (ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction Age 21 or over
Coverall or working clothing Supervisor level or above
(HSELM of HSELFS ) HSE Leadership for Supervisors and Managers
4. Correctly describe the safety, health and environmental hazards when given the names of 4
commonly occurring Hazardous chemicals.
5. Accurately describe PDO’s procedures for approval of chemicals.
6. Accurately describe the hazard control procedures and associated activities applicable to chemical
transport, handling, storage and disposal.
7. When given an emergency scenario associated with hazardous chemicals, accurately describe the
emergency action procedures that need to be taken.
8. When shown a group of packages that are correctly signed and labelled, segregate them correctly
according to the rules for incompatible chemicals.
9. When given a selection of information sources, find accurate information concerning the hazards
associated with a hazardous chemical.
Course Title:
Five (5) hours Four (4) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
English ONLY
Course Title Target Population Type
PDO & Contractor Production Supervisors / Operators, Maintenance
Coordinators/Supervisors, Pigging contractor supervisors,
tank/separator cleaning contractor supervisors, Well Service (Rig/Hoist)
Naturally Occurring Managers/Drillers, EMC Contractor maintenance supervisors and ODC
Radioactive Materials NORMM Contractor maintenance supervisors, NORM Yard and WTF Yard Compulsory
Management Supervisors, other supervisors working with potential NORM
contaminated equipment or material. PDO and contractor personnel
who will perform maintenance or servicing activities on equipment
that has conveyed or stored production fluids (oil, water or gas).
Provide a copy of evidence in the form of certificates to prove the English Language certification to IELTS Band 4
Assessment Title:
One (1) hour Four (4) years One (1) Six (6)
Delivery Language(s)
English ONLY
Course Title Target Population Type
PDO & Contractor Production Supervisors / Operators,
Maintenance Coordinators/Supervisors, Pigging contractor
supervisors, tank/separator cleaning contractor supervisors, Well
Naturally Occurring Service (Rig/Hoist) Managers/Drillers, EMC Contractor maintenance
Radioactive Materials supervisors and ODC Contractor maintenance supervisors, NORM
NORMMR Compulsory
Management Yard and WTF Yard Supervisors, other supervisors working with
Reassessment potential NORM contaminated equipment or material. PDO and
contractor personnel who will perform maintenance or servicing
activities on equipment that has conveyed or stored production
fluids (oil, water or gas).
Course Title:
Institution of Occupational Safety & Health
Course Title:
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety & Health
One hundred and seven (107) tuition hours and Three (3) Twelve (16)
fifty eight (58) private study
Delivery Language(s)
English ONLY
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
NEBOSH Certificate in PDO and PDO contractor supervisory and
construction health & NEBCCS management staff who have construction site Recommended
safety responsibilities.
Pre-requisites for NEBCCS training
Safety Footwear & hard hat Eye protection & GP gloves Contract HSE Management
(ICC2) or working clothing
Coverall (ICC2) (ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction
HSELFS or HSELM - HSE Leadership for Supervisors/Managers
PDO staff should assure themselves their English fluency is at least equivalent to IELTS band 6 before
applying to attend this course.
NEBCCS Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
Units IGC1 and ICC1:
A 2 hour written examination for each of these units. (Minimum 45% to pass)
1. Carry out, unaided, a safety inspection of a construction workplace, identifying the more common workplace
hazards, deciding whether they are adequately controlled and, where necessary, suggesting appropriate and
cost-effective control measures.
2. Prepare a report, in the candidate’s own handwriting or word-processed, that persuasively urges
management to take appropriate action, explaining why such action is needed (including reference to
possible breaches of legislation) and identifying, with due consideration of reasonable practicability, the
control measures that should be implemented.
Candidates will normally be required to complete the ICC2 assessment within 14 days (before or after) sitting the
examinations for Units IGC1 and ICC1.
Course Title:
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety & Health
Course Title:
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety & Health
Minimum Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Course Title Target Population Type
PDO and PDO Contractor safety professional s and
managers who have environmental management
Diploma in
NEBEMD responsibilities at work, and who require or seek to Recommended
acquire a high level professional environmental
management qualification.
Pre-requisites for NEBEMD training
(ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction HSELFS or HSELM - HSE Leadership for Supervisors/Managers
Safety Footwear & Hard hat Eye protection GP gloves
Coverall or working clothing IELTS 6 English level
Either NEBOSH Certificate, Diploma or NVQ OSH qualification at Level 3 or higher
NEBEMD Assessment Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
Unit ED1 – is assessed by a single 3 hour examination in English.
Delegate scripts are marked by external examiners appointed by NEBOSH.
Unit ED2 – The workplace based project is assessed via the completion of an environmental audit pro-forma and
a written report of around 4,000 words. Projects are internally assessed by the course provider and externally
moderated by NEBOSH.
Course Title:
National Examination Board for Occupational Safety & Health
Unit HSW2 - is assessed by a one-hour practical assessment carried out in the candidate’s own workplace. This is
held on a date set by the accredited course provider and must be taken within 14 days of a multiple choice
examination. The practical assessment is internally assessed by the accredited course provider and externally
moderated by NEBOSH
Course Title:
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety & Health
Delivery Language(s)
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
PDO or Contractor staff who need this
HSE qualification as part of their
NEBOSH International Recommended
professional Learning Ladder, or who
Certificate in
NEBHSC seek such a qualification.
Occupational health and
All PDO Level 1 Approved HSE Trainers,
Interior HSE Training Contractor Entry
Pre-requisites for NEBHSC training
(ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction Safety Footwear & Hard Coverall or working clothing (IGC3)
hat (IGC3)
HSELFS or HSELM - HSE Leadership for Supervisors/Managers
Delegates should assure themselves their English fluency is at least equivalent to IELTS band 6 before applying to
attend this course.
Course Title:
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety & Health
(NEBHSD) Level 6 NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Safety & Health course
Course Aim:
To provide a high level, Internationally recognised professional HSE qualification for professional HSE trainers,
Managers and others, based on academic knowledge and understanding of safety and health matters, that can
lead to Chartered Membership of the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (CMIOSH).
Course Objectives
To provide high level knowledge and understanding of occupational safety and health issues to existing qualified
HSE training and safety professionals and managers who have high level responsibilities for the management of
safety and health matters related to their organisation.
Essential Course components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
Core Skills (Preparatory content)
Element 1 – Part 1: Communication skills
Element 2 – Part 2: Training skills
Unit IA: International Management of Health & Safety
Element 1 – Principles of health and safety management
Element 2 – Loss causation and incident investigation
Element 3 – Identifying hazards, assessing and evaluating risk
Element 4 – Risk control and emergency planning
Element 5 – Organisational factors
Element 6 – Human factors
Element 7 – Regulating health and safety
Element 8 – Measuring health and safety performance
Unit IB: International control of hazardous agents in the workplace
Element 1 – General aspects of occupational health and hygiene
Element 2 – Principles of toxicology and epidemiology
Element 3 – Chemical agents – evaluating risk
Element 4 – Hazardous substances – preventive and protective measures
Element 5 – Hazardous substances – monitoring and maintenance of control measures
Element 6 – Biological agents
Element 7 – Physical Agents 1 – noise and vibration
Element 8 – Physical Agents 2 – radiation and thermal environment
Element 9 – Psych-social agents
Element 10 – Ergonomic agents
Unit IC: International workplace and work equipment safety
Element 1 – General workplace issues
Element 2 – Principles of fire and explosion
Element 3 – Workplace fire risk assessment
Element 4 – The storage, handling and processing of dangerous substances
Element 5 – Work equipment
Element 6 – Machinery safety
Course Title:
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety & Health
Course Title:
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety & Health
(NEBTOGS) NEBOSH International Tech. Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety course
Course Aim:
Provide knowledge and specialist skills that enable professionals who work in the Oil and Gas and connected
industries to fulfill the health and safety responsibilities that need to be carried out.
Course Objectives
1. Develop delegate understanding of the oil and gas industry’s principal operational safety issues through
the application of knowledge to familiar and unfamiliar situations.
2. Develop delegates to be able to identify the main hazards of, and suitable controls for, land and marine
transport in the oil and gas industries
Essential NEBTOGS Course components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
Unit IOG1
Element 1 - Health, safety and environmental management in context
Element 2 - Hydrocarbon process safety I
Element 3 - Hydrocarbon process safety II
Element 4 - Fire protection and emergency response
Element 5 - Logistics and Transport Operations
Minimum Course Duration Min. Delegates Max. Delegates
Thirty four (34) tuition hours plus twenty (20) Three (3) Twelve (16)
private study hours
Delivery Language(s)
English ONLY
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
NEBOSH International PDO and PDO contractor staff who require or
Technical Certificate in seek an Internationally recognised
NEBTOGS Recommended
Oil & Gas Operational professional qualification associated with
Safety safety in the oil and gas industry.
Pre-requisites for NEBTOGS training
(ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction HSELFS or HSELM - HSE Leadership for Supervisors/Managers
Underpinning knowledge of Oil and Gas safety issues or another NEBOSH qualification.
Delegates should assure themselves their English fluency is at least equivalent to IELTS band 6 before applying to
attend this course.
Course Title:
National Vocational Qualification
Course Title:
National Vocational Qualification
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic and English
Course Title Course Code Target Population Type
NVQ Level 3
Certificate in Learning & NVQ3LDC All PDO Level 1 Approved HSE trainers Entry
Pre-requisites for NVQ3LDC training
(ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction HSELFS or HSELM - HSE Leadership for Supervisors/Managers
NVQ3LDC Assessment Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
As determined and controlled by the specific NVQ Awarding body.
There are no formal examinations.
Observation evidence, by a nominated NVQ assessor, of the candidate’s practitioner skills being applied in the
candidate’s own workplace.
Documentary evidence portfolio (which may be in Arabic and translated to English) providing a totality of
evidence of skills application which is current, appropriate, relevant and sufficient to meet the requirements of
each Unit in the award, as determined by the nominated assessor.
Course Title:
National Vocational Qualification
Course Title:
National Vocational Qualification
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Course Title:
National Vocational Qualification
Max. Course Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Course Title:
Course Title:
(DD01) Defensive Driving, Light Vehicles, Blacktop Roads
Course Aim:
To promote SAFE driving behavior and eliminate the instances of motor vehicle crashes
Course Objectives
1. Promote and develop a positive attitude towards driving and other road users.
2. Consistently Display low risk driving techniques in Light Vehicles.
3. Reliably demonstrate the use of creating adequate space and time.
Essential DDO1 Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Driving environments – urban, rural, weather, road surfaces, traffic density & type.
2. Hearts and Minds (Attitude) – (e.g. human behaviours, emotional effects; )
3. Vehicle checks – why, what, how, when, where and by whom. Records.
4. Distractions - Mobile phone, audio, GPS, PDO radio, vehicle passengers, insecure loads, weather effects
5. Creating space / use of speed. – response elements; braking distances v speed, Recognizing Road Hazard
and risk. – Systematic all-round observation; observation zones; driving planning; effects of observation
and adjustments to plan (Observation and Anticipation)
6. Fatigue – causes and effects.
7. Seat Belts and seating position.
8. Driving Systems
Max. Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. delegates Max. delegates
Sixteen (16) hours Three (3) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic or English
Course Title Target Population Type
DD Light vehicles, PDO & all contractor personnel required to drive light
DD01 Entry
blacktop roads vehicles in the performance of their work.
Pre-requisites for DD01 Course
All delegates
Current, valid ROP issued light vehicle driving license 2 x Passport sized photos
Prescribed aids to vision Coverall or working clothing Safety Footwear
PDO HSE Passport (ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE
DD01 Assessment Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
1. During a 30 minute observed drive in a light vehicle in a city or large town based urban area, demonstrate
the constant use of low risk driving techniques including vehicle and passenger sympathy, smooth use of
brakes / clutch / accelerator, adjust speed for conditions of traffic / road / weather, steering technique –
push pull method for high speed or hand over hand for low speed; seat belt, that produces no more than 3
assessed major faults.
2. Correctly explain verbally in a classroom syndicate environment, the effects of fatigue, the signs,
symptoms and root cause of fatigue, how medications and other drugs may affect drivers, and the action
to be taken with all of these with respect to SJM requirements.
3. Demonstrate effective use of Observation and Anticipation skills whilst operating a light commercial
vehicle in city traffic under any conditions. Subject to conditions at the time of assessment, the Assessor
may ask questions of the driver regarding decisions made. Questions are to be directly related to the
situation at the time, with minimal distraction, and answers must be correct.
4. Continually display a positive attitude towards other road users.
5. Correctly carry out a PDO pre-trip inspection of the vehicle.
6. Demonstrate all elements of Hearts and Minds whilst driving.
7. In a classroom syndicate environment, accurately explain the dangers of over speeding.
8. In a classroom syndicate environment, accurately explain the dangers of using a mobile phone while
9. In a classroom environment, accurately explain the three second rule and apply the rule effectively during
practical assessment in a light vehicle, whilst raveling urban roads.
Course Title:
(DD02) Defensive Driving, Heavy Vehicles, Blacktop Roads
Course Aim:
To enhance the existing skills of a driver to operate a heavy rigid or articulated heavy vehicle and to promote Crash-
Free Driving.
Course Objectives
1. Promote and develop a positive attitude towards driving and other road users.
2. Consistently Display low risk driving techniques in Heavy articulated and rigid chassis vehicles.
3. Reliably demonstrate the use of creating adequate space and time.
Essential DD02 Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Driving environments – urban, rural, weather, road surfaces, traffic density & type.
2. Hearts and Minds (Attitude) – (e.g. human behaviours, emotional effects; )
3. Vehicle checks – why, what, how, when, where and by whom. Records.
4. Distractions - Mobile phone, audio, GPS, PDO radio, vehicle passengers, insecure loads, weather effects
5. Creating space / use of speed. – response elements; braking distances v speed,
6. Recognizing Road Hazard and risk. – Systematic all-round observation; observation zones; driving
planning; effects of observation and adjustments to plan (Observation and Anticipation)
7. Fatigue – causes and effects.
8. Seat Belts and seating position.
9. Driving Systems
Max. Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. delegates Max. delegates
Sixteen (16) hours Three (3) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic, English, Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
DD Heavy vehicles, PDO & all contractor personnel required to drive
DD02 Entry
blacktop roads heavy vehicles in the performance of their work.
Pre-requisites for DD02Course
Non-supervisory staff All delegates
(ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction 2 x Passport sized photos
Safety Footwear & Hard hat, Coverall or working Prescribed aids to vision
Current, valid ROP issued heavy vehicle driving license PDO HSE Passport
DD02 Assessment Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
1. During a 30 minute observed drive in a heavy vehicle in a city or large town based urban area, demonstrate
the constant use of low risk driving techniques including vehicle and passenger sympathy, smooth use of
brakes / clutch / accelerator, adjust speed for conditions of traffic / road / weather, steering technique –
push pull method for high speed or hand over hand for low speed; seat belt, that produces no more than 3
assessed major faults.
2. Correctly explain verbally in a classroom syndicate environment, the effects of fatigue, the signs, symptoms
and root cause of fatigue, how medications and other drugs may affect drivers, and the action to be taken
with all of these with respect to SJM requirements.
3. Demonstrate effective use of Observation and Anticipation skills whilst operating a heavy commercial
vehicle in city traffic under any conditions.
4. Continually display a positive attitude towards other road users.
Course Title:
(DD03) Defensive Driving, Graded Roads
Course Aim:
To enhance the existing skills of a driver to operate a vehicle over graded roads and to promote Crash-Free Driving.
Course Objectives
4. Promote and develop a positive attitude towards driving and other road users.
1. Consistently Display low risk driving techniques in Light or Heavy Vehicles on a graded road.
2. Reliably demonstrate the use of creating adequate space and time.
Essential DD03 Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Dust Code, Rollover, Windrows and safety lanes.
2. Graded Road Hazards and vehicle handling characteristics.
3. Vehicle checks/Pre trip inspection.
4. Recognizing Road Hazard and risk. (Observation and Anticipation)
5. Driver Attitude. (Hearts and Minds)
6. Seat belts.
7. Fatigue.
8. Driving Systems.
Max. Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. delegates Max. delegates
Sixteen (4) hours Three (3) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic , English, Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
All PDO & contractor personnel required to drive any
DD Graded roads DD03vehicle type on graded roads in the performance of Entry
their work.
Pre-requisites for DD03 Course
All delegates
Safety Footwear Coverall or working clothing 2 x Passport sized photos
(ORT) HSE Orientation Current, valid ROP issued light/heavy driving license Prescribed aids to vision
OR HSE Induction (DD01 or DD02) current , valid permit PDO HSE Passport
Non-Omani DD04 or DD05 permit holders must provide the vehicle type they are licensed to drive.
Course Title:
(DD04) Defensive Driving, Bulk Tankers, Light & Heavy course
Course Aim:
To promote SAFE driving behavior and eliminate the instances of motor vehicle crashes
Course Objectives
1. Promote and develop a positive attitude towards driving and other road users.
2. Consistently Display low risk driving techniques in Bulk Tankers.
3. Reliably demonstrate the use of creating adequate space and time.
Essential DD04 Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Driving environments – urban, rural, weather, road surfaces, traffic density & type.
2. Hearts and Minds (Attitude) – (e.g. human behaviours, emotional effects; )
3. Vehicle checks – why, what, how, when, where and by whom. Records.
4. Distractions - Mobile phone, audio, GPS, PDO radio, vehicle passengers, insecure loads, weather effects
5. Creating space / use of speed. – response elements; braking distances v speed,
6. Recognizing Road Hazard and risk. – Systematic all-round observation; observation zones; driving
planning; effects of observation and adjustments to plan (Observation and Anticipation)
7. Vehicle dynamics in relation to tankers.
8. Fatigue – causes and effects.
9. Driving Systems
Max. Duration Max. recertification interval Min. delegates Max. delegates
Four (4) hours Three (3) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic, English, Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
All PDO & Contactor drivers required to drive tanker
DD Bulk Tankers,
DD04 vehicles on blacktop or graded roads in Oman in the Entry
Light & Heavy
performance of their work.
Pre-requisites for DD04 Course
All delegates
(ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Induction 2 x Passport sized photos
Current, valid ROP issued vehicle driving license Coverall or working clothing and Safety Footwear
Prescribed aids to vision PDO HSE Passport
Current, valid DD permit of appropriate type.
Course Title:
(DD05) Defensive Driving, Buses, Light & Heavy Course
Course Aim:
To enhance the existing skills of a driver to operate a light or heavy bus.
Course Objectives
1. Demonstrate low risk driving techniques in driving a Bus.
2. Display a positive attitude towards driving and other road users.
3. Demonstrate the use of creating space and time.
Essential DD05 Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Driving environments – urban, rural, weather, road surfaces, traffic density & type.
2. Hearts and Minds (Attitude) – (e.g. human behaviours, emotional effects; )
3. Vehicle checks – why, what, how, when, where and by whom. Records.
4. Distractions - Mobile phone, audio, GPS, PDO radio, vehicle passengers, insecure loads, weather effects
5. Creating space / use of speed. – response elements; braking distances v speed, Recognizing Road Hazard
and risk. – Systematic all-round observation; observation zones; driving planning; effects of observation
and adjustments to plan (Observation and Anticipation)
6. Fatigue – causes and effects.
7. Driving Systems
Max. Duration Max. recertification interval Min. delegates Max. delegates
Sixteen (16) hours Three (3) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic, English, Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
PDO & all contractor personnel required to drive light
DD Light & Heavy
DD05 or heavy bus vehicles in the performance of their Entry
Pre-requisites for DD05 Course
Non-supervisory staff Supervisory staff All delegates
(ORT) HSE Orientation OR HSE Safety footwear, Coverall or working clothing 2 x Passport sized photos
Age over 25 years Prescribed aids to vision PDO HSE Passport
Current, valid ROP issued driving license for vehicle being driven, either light (held for minimum 8 years and
endorsed for bus driving) or heavy (held for at least 4 years and endorsed for bus driving).
(AHAF) AHA Heart saver First Aid, CPR & AED
Course Title:
(DD06) Defensive Driving, Recertification
Course Aim:
To promote SAFE driving behavior and eliminate the instances of motor vehicle crashes
Course Objectives
1. Promote and develop a positive attitude towards driving and other road users.
2. Consistently Display low risk driving techniques in Light Vehicles.
3. Reliably demonstrate the use of creating adequate space and time.
Essential DD06 Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Driving environments – urban, rural, weather, road surfaces, traffic density & type.
2. Hearts and Minds (Attitude) – (e.g. human behaviours, emotional effects; )
3. Vehicle checks – why, what, how, when, where and by whom. Records.
4. Distractions - Mobile phone, audio, GPS, PDO radio, vehicle passengers, insecure loads, weather effects
5. Creating space / use of speed. – Response elements; braking distances v speed, Recognizing Road Hazard
and risk. – Systematic all-round observation; observation zones; driving planning; effects of observation
and adjustments to plan (Observation and Anticipation)
6. Fatigue – causes and effects.
7. Seat Belts and seating position.
8. Driving Systems
Max. Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. delegates Max. delegates
Five and a half (5 ½ ) hours Four (4) years three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic, English, Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
All PDO & Contractor staff holding DD permits of any
DD permit
DD06 kind, required to drive in performance of their work Entry
or services.
Pre-requisites for DD06 Recertification
Non-supervisory staff Supervisory staff All delegates
Safety Footwear Current, valid ROP issued light vehicle driving 2 x Passport sized photos
Coverall or working clothing license
Current, valid DD permit of appropriate type Prescribed aids to vision
DD05 permit holders current AHA Heart saver First Aid, CPR & AED certificate PDO HSE Passport
See flow- chart on the next page for rules on maximising validity periods
Course Title:
Course Objectives
1. Promote and develop a positive attitude towards driving and other road users.
2. Consistently display low risk driving techniques in Light Vehicles.
3. Reliably demonstrate the use of creating adequate space and time.
Essential DD07 Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Driving environments – urban, rural, weather, road surfaces, traffic density & type.
2. Hearts and Minds (Attitude) – (e.g. human behaviours, emotional effects; )
3. Vehicle checks – why, what, how, when, where and by whom. Records.
4. Distractions - Mobile phone, audio, GPS, PDO radio, vehicle passengers, insecure loads, weather effects
5. Creating space / use of speed. – response elements; braking distances v speed, Recognizing Road Hazard and
risk. – Systematic all-round observation; observation zones; driving planning; effects of observation and
adjustments to plan (Observation and Anticipation)
6. Fatigue – causes and effects.
7. Seat Belts and seating position.
8. Driving Systems
Max. Duration Max. recertification interval Min. delegates Max. delegates
Course Title:
(DD08) Defensive Driving, Ambulance Drivers
Course Aim:
To promote SAFE driving behavior and eliminate the instances of motor vehicle crashes
Course Objectives
1. Promote and develop a positive attitude towards driving and other road users.
2. Consistently Display low risk driving techniques in Light Vehicles.
3. Reliably demonstrate the use of creating adequate space and time.
Essential DD08 Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Driving environments – urban, rural, weather, road surfaces, traffic density & type.
2. Hearts and Minds (Attitude) – (e.g. human behaviours, emotional effects; )
3. Vehicle checks – why, what, how, when, where and by whom. Records.
4. Distractions - Mobile phone, audio, GPS, PDO radio, vehicle passengers, insecure loads, weather effects
5. Creating space / use of speed. – response elements; braking distances v speed, Recognizing Road Hazard
and risk. – Systematic all-round observation; observation zones; driving planning; effects of observation
and adjustments to plan (Observation and Anticipation)
6. Fatigue – causes and effects.
7. Seat Belts and seating position.
8. Driving Systems
Max. Duration Max. recertification interval Min. delegates Max. delegates
Forty (40) hours One (1) year Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
English (however an Arabic Version will be produced later on)
Course Title Target Population Type
DD Ambulance PDO and contractor staff required to drive ambulance
DD08 Entry
vehicle drivers vehicles as part of their work or services.
Pre-requisites for DD08 Course
Non-supervisory staff Supervisory staff All delegates
Safety Footwear Coverall or working clothing 2 x Passport sized photos
Aged over 25 years Current, valid ROP issued light vehicle driving license Prescribed aids to vision
(AHAF) AHA Heart saver First Aid, CPR & AED PDO HSE Passport
Minimum of 5 years driving experience
Course Title:
Course Objectives
1. Promote and develop a positive attitude towards driving and other road users.
2. Demonstrate high quality emergency driving skills.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the vehicle’s handling characteristics.
Essential DD09 Syllabus components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Driving environments – urban, rural, weather, road surfaces, traffic density & type.
2. Hearts and Minds (Attitude) – (e.g. human behaviours, emotional effects; )
3. Vehicle checks – why, what, how, when, where and by whom. Records.
4. Distractions - Mobile phone, audio, GPS, PDO radio, vehicle passengers, insecure loads, weather effects
5. Creating space / use of speed. – Response elements; braking distances v speed, Recognizing Road Hazard
and risk. – Systematic all-round observation (Observation and Anticipation)
6. Fatigue – causes and effects.
7. Seat Belts and seating position.
8. Commentary driving technique.
9. Driving Systems and vehicle control
10. Emergency response driving techniques.
11. Skid control
12. Positioning and cornering
Max. Duration Max. re-certification interval Min. delegates Max. delegates
Forty (40) hours One (1) year Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic , English, Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
DD Fire & Rescue PDO or contractor staff required to drive fire & rescue
Service Emergency DD09 service vehicles to emergency responses, as part of Entry
Vehicle Driver their work.
Additional Pre-requisites for DD09 Course
All delegates
(AHAF or AHAR) AHA Heart saver First Aid, CPR & AED & current, valid certificate 2 x Passport sized photos
2 years PDO Fire & Rescue Service driving experience Safety Footwear
Current, valid DD01, DD02 or DD05 permit, endorsed for DD03 Coverall or working clothing
Current, valid ROP issued appropriate driving license PDO HSE Passport
Course Title:
(SJM) Safe Journey Manager Course
Course Aim:
To provide delegates with the knowledge of the Safe Journey Management system and its components, so they
are able to effectively fulfill the role of a Safe Journey Manager.
Course Objectives
1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of all persons involved in the process.
2. Explain the correct emergency procedures.
3. Describe the components a of a journey plan.
Essential SJM Assessment components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Definition of SJM
2. Responsibilities of : Authorizing person - Journey Manager - Driver
3. Driver - Emergency Procedures: Incident or Crash – Breakdown - Overdue / Lost Man
4. Weather
5. Journey Plans
6. Convoy procedures
7. Vehicle checklist
8. Multi-destination journeys
Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Max. Duration Max. reassessment interval
Eight (8) hours Two (2) years Three (3) Twelve (12)
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic, English, Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
PDO and Contractor first line supervisors and/or managers
Safe Journey
SJM responsible for the operational management of driving activities, Entry
and Contractor HSE Advisers.
Pre-requisites for SJM Course
(DD01) defensive driving, light vehicles, blacktop roads Age 25 or over
Current, valid DD01 permit Current, valid ROP issued ID or residency card
PDO HSE Passport 2 x passport size photos
Valid SLS /SLM, (in-date), or
HSE Leadership for Frontline Supervisors HSELFS
Assessment Title:
(SJMR) Safe Journey Manager scheduled Reassessment
Assessment Aim:
To confirm, using a computer based assessment, delegates have retained the required knowledge of the Safe
Journey Management system and its components, so they may continue to effectively fulfill the role of a Safe
Journey Manager.
Course Objectives
1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of all persons involved in the process.
2. Explain the correct emergency procedures.
3. Describe the components a of a journey plan.
Essential SJM Assessment components (MUST HAVE topic areas)
1. Definition of SJM
2. Responsibilities of : Authorizing person - Journey Manager - Driver
3. Driver - Emergency Procedures: Incident or Crash – Breakdown - Overdue / Lost Man
4. Weather
5. Journey Plans
6. Convoy procedures
7. Vehicle checklist
8. Multi-destination journeys
Min. Delegates Max. delegates
Max. Duration Max. reassessment interval
One (1) hour Three (3) years three (3) Limited by PC access only
Delivery Language(s)
Arabic, English, Hindi
Course Title Target Population Type
Safe Journey PDO and Contractor first line supervisors and/or managers
Manager SJMR responsible for the operational management of driving activities, Entry
Reassessment and Contractor HSE Advisers.
Pre-requisites for SJMR Reassessment
Attended SJM or SJMR within previous 3 years. Current, valid ROP driving license
PDO HSE Passport 2 x passport size photos
SJMR Reassessment Performance criteria (MUST be able to do)
1. Correctly define Safe Journey Management
2. Correctly define which journeys require a formal Safe Journey Management Plan.
3. Detail the responsibilities of all parties involved in the Safe Journey Management system.
4. Explain correctly the emergency procedures associated with Safe Journey Management.
5. List all of the checks that need to be made in a PDO vehicle safety check, and the responsibilities of the
SJM in relation to them.
6. Correctly explain the different components of a Safe Journey Plan.
7. Correctly describe convoy procedures in PDO, and list the exemptions.
8. Explain multi-destination procedures correctly.
9. Describe how weather conditions may affect a journey, and what actions a SJM would take in becoming
aware of changing conditions.
C – Compulsory - Shall be attended before being deployed to carry out designated role i.e. immediately,
M – Mandatory – Shall be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role
Reassessment at (n)
Course Title years,
Orientation Newly Hired, seconded or transferred
Core staff into Company and Newly hire Entry 8 Hours Not Applicable NONE
HSE LL Arabic, Contractor Personnel
Course English, Hindi
Part2: All Company Personnel and Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP
Contractor Personnel who may need to
enter EPZ areas.
Reassessment at
Course Title (n) years,
Chemical (3 years)
PPE: Safety footwear; hard hat; GP gloves; coverall or working
Hazard Dealing Non-supervisory Company & Contractor clothing
With the Risks drivers & operational staff who are
CHA C 4 hours
Course required to handle or transport hazardous Documents & others:
(SP1157 Pg 53 )
chemicals as part of their work.
A, E, H Current, valid HSE passport
(1 hour)
Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP
Reassessment at
Course Title (n) years,
All Staff ORT/ORTS or HSE Induction , H2S, & (SCBA: For gas
3 years) testing in Confined spaces)
Authorised (AGTR) PPE: Safety footwear, hard hat, coverall or working clothing, eye
Company and Contractor Personnel
AGT Gas Tester C (8 hours) protection, GP gloves
designated as Authorised Gas Testers
English Only (SP1157 Pg 62)
Documents & others: IELTS Level 6, Current, valid HSE passport;
(2 hours) 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP;
Current 3 months concession area work, Medically & physically fit;
HSE Incident
MANDATORY for Company HSE Team All candidates: ORT/ORTS or HSE Induction , C M & Performance
HII Investigation M 16 hours NONE
Leads and Contractor HSE Advisors Assessment IELTS 6
Permit to Company and Contractor Personnel who All delegates: ORTS or HSE Induction, HSELFS/HSELM or Valid
PTWS C 16 hours (3 years)
Work will fulfil a role within the Permit to Work
Signatories System as a permit applicant, area (PTWSR) PPE: coverall or working clothing
Course authority or responsible supervisor
(SP1157 Pg 74) Documents & others: Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos;
Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP; Medically &
(1 hour) physically fit; Aged 21 or above. NB: For Company Contractor
ENGLISH delegates, letter from Company Supervisor (named) confirming
delegate’s English fluency level => IELTS Band 5. Company
delegates must self-affirm. (see SP 1157 Page 72)
All delegates: ORTS or HSE Induction, HSELFS/HSELM or Valid
C 24 hours (4 years) All delegates: Orientation ORTS or HSE Induction
Core Leadership
for Non
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frontline All Company & Contractor staff whose (HSELMR ) PPE; Coverall or working clothing.
supervisors role involves the supervision of work
and done by other supervision or (SP1157 Pg 81) Documents & others: Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid
managers A, ID or residency card issued by ROP; Medically & physically fit;
E (8 hours) Meets the definition of Manager (see SP 1157, Page 9, Course
delegate categories)
All delegates:
Safety (4 years)
SLE Leadership PPE: Normal working clothing
Core for Executives Company and Contractor Executives and
C 8 hours Documents & others:
HSE LL deputies having full executive authority.
(SP1157 Pg 80)
Course ENGLISH Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card
ONLY (1 hours) issued by ROP; Medically & physically fit; Meets the definition of
Executive (see SP 1157, Page 9, Course delegate categories)
Reassessment at (n)
Course Title years,
Reassessment at (n)
Course Title years,
Reassessment at
Course Title (n) years,
NB: DD02 & DD05 permit holders (AHAF) + Current, valid AHA
Heartsaver First Aid, CPR & AED certificate
Reassessment at
Course Title (n) years,
Reassessment at
Course Title (n) years,
Reassessment at
Course Title (n) years