Splitting Tensile Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimens: Standard Test Method For
Splitting Tensile Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimens: Standard Test Method For
Splitting Tensile Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimens: Standard Test Method For
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and expensive for routine application. The splitting tensile test NOTE 3—False platens, due to the contact with abrasive rocks, these
appears to offer a desirable alternative, because it is much platens tend to roughen after a number of specimens have been tested, and
hence need to be surfaced from time to time.
simpler and inexpensive. Furthermore, engineers involved in
rock mechanics design usually deal with complicated stress 6.2 False, Flat or Curved Bearing Platens—During testing,
fields, including various combinations of compressive and the specimen can be placed in direct contact with the loading
tensile stress fields. Under such conditions, the tensile strength device bearing platens or false platens with bearing faces
should be obtained with the presence of compressive stresses to conforming to the requirements of this standard, may be used
be representative of the field conditions. (see Fig. 1 for false flat platens). These shall be oil hardened to
more than 58 HRC, and surface ground. With contact by
5.2 The splitting tensile strength test is one of the simplest abrasive rocks, these platens tend to roughen after a number of
tests in which such stress fields occur. Also, by testing across specimens have been tested, and hence need to be re-surfaced
different diametrical directions, possible variations in tensile from time to time.
strength for anisotropic rocks can be determined. Since it is 6.2.1 False Flat Bearing—The bearing faces of false flat
widely used in practice, a uniform test method is needed for bearing platens shall not depart from a plane by more than
data to be comparable. A uniform test is also needed to make 0.0125 mm (0.0005 in.) when the platens are new and shall be
sure that the disk specimens break diametrically due to tensile maintained within a permissible variation of 0.025 mm. The
stresses perpendicular to the loading diameter. bearing platen’s diameter shall be at least as great as the
NOTE 2—The quality of the results produced by this standard is
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the
specimen thickness.
suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the 6.2.2 Curved Supplementary Bearing Platens—These may
criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent be used to reduce the contact stresses on the test specimen. The
and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard are radius of curvature of the supplementary bearing platens shall
cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure be so designed that their arc of contact with the specimen will
reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740
provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.
in no case exceed 15° or that the width of contact is less than
D/6, where D is the diameter of the specimen.
6. Apparatus NOTE 4—Since the equation used in 9.1 for splitting tensile strength is
derived based on a line load, the applied load should be confined to a very
6.1 Loading Device—A device of sufficient capacity to narrow strip if the splitting tensile strength test is to be valid. But a line
apply and measure the load at a rate conforming to the
requirements in 8.3. It shall be verified at suitable time
intervals in accordance with Practices E4 and shall comply
with the requirements prescribed therein.
6.1.1 Bearing Platens—The loading device shall be
equipped with two opposing steel bearing platens having a
Rockwell hardness of not less than 58 HRC through which
loading is transmitted. The bearing faces shall not depart from
a plane by more than 0.0125 mm (0.0005 in.) when the platens
are new and shall be maintained within a permissible variation
of 0.025 mm. The bearing platens diameter shall be at least as
great as the specimen’s thickness (see Note 3).
6.1.2 Spherical Seating—One of the bearing surfaces on the
loading device should be spherically seated and the other one
a plain rigid platen. The diameter of the spherical seat shall be
at least as large as the test specimen, but the diameter of the
sperical seat shall not exceed from twice the diameter of
specimen. Center of the sphere in the spherical seat coincides
with the center of loaded side of the specimen. The spherical
seat shall be lubricated to assure its free movement. The
movable part of the platen shall be held closely in the spherical
seat, but the design shall be such that the bearing face can be
rotated and tilted through small angles in any direction. If the
spherical seat’s diameter exceeds twice the diameter of the test
specimen, then the spherical seat shall be placed in the locked
position with the faces of the bearing platens meeting the
requirements of 6.1.1.
6.1.3 Rigid Seating—If a spherical seat is not used, then the
faces of the loading device bearing platens shall be parallel to
0.0005 mm/mm of the platen diameter. This criterion shall be
met when the platens are in the loading device and separated
approximately by diameter of the test specimen. FIG. 1 One Proposed Testing Setup for Splitting Tensile Strength
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load creates extremely high contact stresses which cause premature including zero, and preconditioning of specimen when mois-
cracking. A wider contact strip can reduce the problems significantly. ture control is needed. In any case, tailor the moisture content
Studies show that an arc of contact smaller than 15° causes no more than
2 % of error in principal tensile stress while reducing the incidence of
of the test specimen to the problem at hand and record it in
premature cracking greatly. accordance with 10.4.2.
6.3 Bearing Strips (optional)—0.01 D thick cardboard NOTE 8—It is recommended that the moisture condition be more
cushions, where D is the specimen’s diameter; or up to 6.4 mm precisely determined when possible and reported as either water content
by Test Methods D2216 or degree of saturation.
(0.25 in.) thick plywood cushions are recommended to be
placed between the machine bearing surfaces (or
8. Procedure
supplementary-bearing plates; if used) and the specimen to
reduce high stress concentration. 8.1 Marking—The desired vertical orientation of the speci-
men shall be indicated by marking a diametral line on each end
NOTE 5—Experience has indicated that test results using the curved
supplementary bearing plates and bearing strips, as specified in 6.2.2 and of the specimen. These lines shall be used in centering the
6.3, respectively, do not significantly differ from each other, but there may specimen in the testing machine to make sure proper
be some consistent difference from the results of tests in which direct orientation, and they are also used as the reference lines for
contact between the specimen and the machine platen is used. thickness and diameter measurements.
7. Sampling, Test Specimens, and Test Units NOTE 9—If the specimen is anisotropic, take care to make sure that the
marked lines in each specimen refer to the same orientation.
7.1 The samples shall be selected by visual observation to 8.2 Set up specimen in testing machine.
include a range of specimens based on rock type, mineral 8.2.1 Positioning—Position the test specimen between the
constituents, grain sizes and shape, partings, and defects such top and bottom loading platens so that the diametral plane of
as pores and fissures. the two lines marked on the ends of the specimen lines up with
7.2 Test Specimens: the center of thrust of the spherically seated bearing surface to
7.2.1 Dimensions—The test specimen shall be a circular within 1.25 mm (0.05 in.). Each specimen is positioned inside
disk with a thickness-to-diameter ratio (t/D) between 0.2 and the testing machine in such way that the marked diametrical
0.75. The diameter of the specimen shall be at least 10 times line is coincidental with the loading axis of testing machine
greater than the largest mineral grain constituent. A diameter of with either curved or false flat platens.
54 mm (NX core) will generally satisfy this criterion. 8.2.2 Preloading— To achieve it, slowly bring the loading
NOTE 6—When cores smaller than the specified minimum must be
platens together until the top platen barely and gently contacts
tested because of the unavailability of material, notation of the fact shall the specimen, with little or no load on it. Assure the positioning
be made in the test report. criterion noted in 8.2.1 is still met.
NOTE 7—If the specimen shows apparent anisotropic features such as
bedding or schistosity, care shall be exercised in preparing the specimen NOTE 10—A good line loading can often be attained by rotating the
so that the orientation of the loading diameter relative to anisotropic specimen about its axis until there is no light visible between the specimen
features can be determined precisely. and the loading platens. Back lighting helps in making this observation.
NOTE 11—Application of bearing strips as it is noted in 6.3, or putting
7.2.2 Number of Specimens—At least ten specimens shall be masking tape around specimen’s circumference will help to better
tested to obtain a meaningful average value. If the reproduc- positioning of specimen and a good line loading.
ibility of the test results is good (coefficient of variation less 8.3 Loading—After preloading, apply a continuously in-
than 5 %), a smaller number of specimens is acceptable. creasing compressive load to produce an approximately con-
7.2.3 The circumferential surface of the specimen shall be stant rate of loading such that failure will occur within 1 to 10
smooth and straight to 0.50 mm (0.02 in.). min of loading, which should fall between 0.05 and 0.35 MPa/s
7.2.4 Cut the ends of the specimen parallel to each other and (500 and 3,000 psi/min) of loading rate, depending on the rock
at right angles to the longitudinal axis. The ends of the type. The maximum load sustained by the specimen shall be
specimen shall not deviate from perpendicular to the core axis recorded. Load readings shall be recorded to the appropriate
by more than 0.5°. This requirement can be generally met by number of significant figures (usually 3).
cutting the specimen with a precision diamond saw.
NOTE 12—Results of tests by several investigators indicate that rates of
7.2.5 Determine the diameter of the specimen to the nearest loading at this range are reasonably free from rapid loading effects.
0.25 mm (0.01 in.) by recording at least three measurements,
one of which shall be along the loading diameter, and calcu- 9. Calculation
lating the average.
7.2.6 Determine the thickness of the specimen to the nearest 9.1 The splitting tensile strength of the specimen with the
0.25 mm (0.01 in.) by recording at least three measurements, flat platens (1) or curved platens (2) shall be calculated
one of which shall be at the center of the disk, and calculating accordingly as follows:
the average. σ t 5 2P/πtD (1)
7.2.7 The moisture conditions of the specimen at the time of σ t 5 1.272 P/πtD (2)
test can have a significant effect upon the indicated strength of
the rock. The field moisture condition for the specimen shall be Radius of jaws shall be 1.5× specimen’s radius and the result
preserved until the time of test. On the other hand, there may shall be expressed to the appropriate number of significant
be reasons for testing specimens at other moisture contents, figures (usually 3),
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where: NOTE 13—A sketch or photograph of the fractured specimen is
σt = splitting tensile strength, MPa (psi),
P = maximum applied load indicated by the testing 10.4.5 For purposes of comparing calculated values with
machine, N (or lbf), specified limits, the calculated values shall be rounded to the
t = thickness of the specimen, mm (or in.), and nearest decimal given in the specification limits in accordance
D = diameter of the specimen, mm (or in.). with the provisions of Practice D6026 as it is referenced in 1.3
and 1.3.1.
10. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s)
10.1 The methodology used to specify how data are re- 11. Precision and Bias
corded on the test data sheet(s)/form(s), as given below, is 11.1 An inter-laboratory study was conducted in which
covered in 1.3. seven laboratories each tested five specimens of four different
10.2 Record as a minimum the following general informa- rocks. The specimens were cored by a single laboratory from a
tion (data): common set of samples and randomly distributed to the testing
10.2.1 Sample/specimen identifying information, such as laboratories for testing. The study was carried out in accor-
Project No., Boring No., Sample No., Depth (units). When dance with Practice E691. Details of the study are given in ISR
possible, also record sources of the specimen including project Research Report No. PS #D18.12-R01, 1992, and its
name and location, dates of sampling, and if known, storage Addendum, 1994. The table below gives the repeatability limit
environment. (within a laboratory) and reproducibility limit (between labo-
10.2.2 Physical description of the specimen including rock ratories) for the method.
type; location and orientation of apparent weakness planes, 11.1.1 The probability is approximately 95 % that two test
bedding planes, and schistosity; large inclusions or results obtained in the same laboratory on the same material
inhomogeneities, if any. A sketch or photograph may be used to will not differ by more than the repeatability limit. Likewise,
describe the specimen. the probability is approximately 95 % that two test results
10.2.3 Dates of testing, name or initials of the person doing obtained in different laboratories on the same material will not
the testing. differ by more than reproducibility limit.
10.3 Record as a minimum the following test specimen
data: TABLE 1 Splitting Tensile Strength (MPa)
10.3.1 Specimen diameter and length, conformance with Berea Salem Tennessee Barre
Sandstone Limestone Marble Granite
dimensional requirements, direction of loading if anisotropy Average Value 3.85 4.92 9.39 13.66
exists. Type of contact between the specimen and the loading Repeatability Limit 1.24 1.56 3.63 4.31
platens. Reproducibility Limit 1.37 1.74 5.38 4.98
Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D3967 – 09) that may impact the use of this standard. (November 1, 2016)
(1) Revised 1.2. (9) Added dimension in English system, 6.2.1 and 6.3.
(2) Added D2216 and E2586 to 2.1. (10) Revised Note 4.
(3) Revised 3.1.1. (11) Removed 6.2.3 and 6.2.4.
(4) Added Section 4, Summary of Test Method. (12) Revised title of Section 7.
(5) Renumbered sections 4-12 and renumbered all references (13) Revised 7.1.
to sections. (14) Revised title of 8.2.
(6) Revised 5.1. (15) Added 8.2.2.
(7) Revised Note 2. (16) Revised 8.3.
(8) Revised 6.2, 6.2.1,6.2.2, 6.2.3 and 6.3. (17) Revised 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7.
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(18) Revised 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3. (23) Split 10.2.1 into two sections.
(19) Revised Note 8. (24) Revised section 10.2.3.
(20) Added to Section 9, specific formula of calculation of (25) Added Note 10.
splitting tensile strength for curved shape platens. (26) Added Note 12.
(21) Revised title of Section 10. (27) Removed 11.4.6.
(22) Added 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3. (28) Revised Summary of Changes.
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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