Yarn Lea Strength Tester:: Prepared By-S. M. Masum Alam
Yarn Lea Strength Tester:: Prepared By-S. M. Masum Alam
Yarn Lea Strength Tester:: Prepared By-S. M. Masum Alam
Again, english count is the no. of hanks in 840 yards length per 1 pound weight of yarn.
i.e. Count = ( L X w) / (l X W)
L = length of the sample & l = unit length of the system
W = wt. Of the sample & w = unit wt. of the system.
Principle: A lea strength tester measures the strength of one lea yarn. One lea means 120 yards. Strength
is a measure of the steady force necessary to break a material and is measured in pound. The m/c works in
constant rate of extension (CRE).
1. Cotton yarn
2. Wrap reel
3. Lea strength tester
4. Electrical balance
M/c specification:
1. At first one lea cotton yarn is measured by wrap reel and in this way 20 samples are taken for
2. Now, the first sample is fixed with the upper jaw J1 and the lower jaw J2.
3. The m/c is started and observed the dial until the sample is torn out.
4. When the sample is torn out the m/c is stopped and the reading is taken.
5. By this way the others’ reading are taken.
6. Then all the samples are weighted and counts are calculated.
7. C.S.P of the all samples are calculated.
8. At last average and CV% are calculated.
Department of Textile Engineering
C.S.P of
Yarn Yarn Sample Yarn the
length strength Wt Count given Avg
Reading (yds) (lbs) (gms) (Ne) sample C.S.P SD% CV%
1 120 86 2.6 24.9 2141.39
2 120 93 2.63 24.64 2291.52
3 120 97.5 2.7 24 2340
4 120 95 2.62 24.73 2349.34
5 120 98.99 2.60 24.92 2466.83 2397.16 99.9 4.16
Suppose for first sample, we find length = 120 yards and weight = 2.315gm.
Now we know, 1 lb = 453.6 gm.
Then Count = 24.9 » 25 Ne
And C.S.P = 24.9 X 86 = 2141.39
In this way others are calculated.
Here CV% = 4.16%