Product: WM 20 Oil, Gas and Dual Fuel Version
Product: WM 20 Oil, Gas and Dual Fuel Version
Product: WM 20 Oil, Gas and Dual Fuel Version
The Monarch® Trademark has represented performance and quality in burner industry for over 50 years
Digital. Compact. Quiet.
Digital combustion management The streamlined shape of the Thanks to the newly designed
system ensures economical and burner casing and the specially blower unit, the new Monarch
safe burner operation. The opera- designed air ducting make it burners operate with lower
tion is simple. possible to achieve high capac- sound levels.
ity with compact size.
Digital combustion management Flexible communication possibilities Advantages of new technology
means optimum combustion results, The integrated interface makes it possi- Digital combustion management makes
always repeatable operating points ble to receive and send all required in- burner operation user friendly and safe.
and easy handling. formation and control commands from The most important benefits are:
and to the BMS system. If required, a
Weishaupt WM 20 oil, gas and dual fuel modem can be installed so that remote • No additional burner controls are re-
burners are equipped with electronic monitoring and remote diagnostic func- quired since this function is already
fuel air ratio controller and digital com- tion can be activated. taken care by the combustion man-
bustion manager as standard. Modern ager. Fuses and eventually mains dis-
heating applications require precise and Communication with remote control connect switch are the only addi-
always repeatable correct mixture of system or with BMS system tional items required.
fuel and air. Only this way, optimum The system supports several communi-
combustion values can be guaranteed cation protocols for connecting to BMS • Less installation work means less er-
over extended periods of time. system if data has to be exchanged rors: the burners are tested as a
between burners and other heating sys- complete unit at the factory.
Simple operation tems with PLC devices.
The programming of burner function is For control and management functions, • Commissioning and service work take
performed via the Display and Control Weishaupt offers ProGraf NT - a less time. The initial presetting of the
unit. The unit is connected to the com- software product that provides a real burner is carried out at the factory. On
bustion manager via a BUS system. This time solution to meet all requirements. site, only the site specific operating
way, adjustment of the burner is user points have to be adjusted.
System overview
Digital Combustion Management W-FM50 W-FM54 W-FM 100 W-FM 200
Combustion manager for intermittent operation l l l l
Combustion manager for continuous operation l l
Flame sensor for intermittent operation ION/QRA2/QRB QRA2 ION/QRI/QRB ION/QRI/QRB
Flame sensor for continuous operation ION ION/QRI ION/QRI
Number of actuator (max.) 2 pcs 3 pcs 4 pcs 6 pcs
Actuator with stepping motor l l l l
Compatible with Variable Speed Drive operation l l l
O2-Trim (optional) l
Single fuel operation l l l
Dual fuel operation l l l
Valve proving system for gas valves l l l l
Integrated self tuning PID-Modulating controller for
Optional l
Temperature or Pressure
Removable ABE control unit (max. distance) 65 ft (20 m) 65 ft (20 m) 325 ft (100 m) 325 ft (100 m)
Fuel meter interface l 1)
l 1)
Combustion efficiency display (w/ optional sensor) l
eBUS / MOD BUS interface l l l l
PC interface l l l l
Not in conjunction with VFD operation
Burner with inbuilt digital
combustion manager
Stepping motor
Control and
for gas
display unit Visualization via
PC / Touch Panel
Control and
display unit
Compact and Quiet
The newly developed Weishaupt Flexible control capability Applications
monarch® burner is compact, WM 20 burners are available with the Weishaupt WM 20 oil, gas and dual fuel
efficient and quiet. It is the following control options: burners are suitable to be used for the
continuation of the 50 years Oil: 3-stage (T) following:
success history of the legendary modulating (R) • Installation on heat exchanger
monarch® series. Gas: Sliding two stage or • Hot water boiler
modulating (ZM) • Steam boiler and high pressure hot
Advanced blower fan technology water boiler
Right from early development phase of This allows flexible control possibilities, • Intermittent and continuous operation
this new burner generation, future which make the burner universally • Hot air generator
oriented blower fan technology has adaptable to various applications. Both
been utilized to achieve a compact, versions result in a smooth, trouble free The combustion air must be free from
streamined design and low operating start and reliable operation. any aggressive substances (Halogen,
noise. Chloride, Fluoride etc) and contamina-
Various versions are available to tion (dust, building materials, vapours
Innovative air damper control meet different emission and etc). For many cases an external air
The newly developed air damper control operation requirements: ducting to the burner is recommended
provides a high degree of linearity over as an option.
the entire operating range. ZM version
Standard version for gas and dual fuel Permissible ambient conditions:
Reduced noise level burners. • Ambient temperature
Right from the earliest developmental -10 to +40 °C (14 to 104F)
stage of this new burner generation, LN (LowNOx) version -15 to +40 °C (5 to 104F)
particular emphasis was placed on low Low NOx version of WM gas burners. • Air humidity: max. 80 % relative
operational noise level. The low NOx emission is achieved by humidity, no condensation
increased recirculation of combustion • Suitable only for indoor operation
Quick commissioning, easy gases. • For installation in unheated rooms
maintenance under some circumstances special
All WM 20 burners are shipped out Compliance to certain emission require- solutions are required (contact
with an adjustable mixing head. Final ment is also dependant on combustion Weishaupt)
adjustment is to be performed via chamber geometry, volume loading and
commissioning program in the design of the combustion system. Any discrepancy from the above
combustion manager. described applications requires
Suitable fuels written confirmation from Weishaupt
Despite its compact design all Natural gas Corporation. The maintenance interval
components such as oil nozzles, mixing Propane could be shortened according to
head, air damper and combustion Light Oil #2 according to ASTM D396 conditions where the burners are
manager are easily accessible. installed.
Therefore maintenance and service Different type of fuel requires written
work can be performed easily and confirmation from Weishaupt. Approvals
quickly. The standard hinged flange The burner is in compliance with most
allows ideal service position for the European and North American
burner. applicable standards.
The most important advantages at a
Burner motor Digital combustion manager
glance: and burner mounted control
• Digital combustion management with and display unit
electronic fuel air ratio controller monitoring
• Quiet operation due to air inlet
equipped with sound absorbing Electronic
ignition unit
material as standard
• High performance blower due to
Burner housing can
specially designed blower geometry be hinged open to
and air damper control system the left or right
• All WM-20 burners are equipped
Mixing assembly
with adjustable flame tube to match
required firing rate
• Protection class IP 54 as standard
• Easy access to all components, such
as: mixing head, air damper and
combustion manager
• Safe operation with sliding two stage/
modulating operation as standard
depending on type of modulating
• Computer aided function test of each
individual burner in factory
• Excellent price to performance ratio
• Worldwide service network
Gas butterfly
stepping motor
Oil pump
Oil regulator
stepping motor
Sound attenuated
air regulator
Air damper
Fan wheel stepping motor
Operating modes
Order numbers
Operating modes with oil Operating modes with gas
ZM-T l l l
ZM-R l l l l
WM – GL 20 / 3 –A / ZM – T
ZM – R
T = 3-stage
R = sliding stage or modulating
Size Capacity
G = Gas
L = #2 Oil
Weishaupt monarch® burner series
Burner selection WM-L 20
Oil burners version T and R
Burner model WM-L20/1-A/ T WM-L20/1-A/ R Burner model WM-L20/2-A/ T WM-L20/2-A/ R
Combustion head WM-L20/1, 165x40 (flat) Combustion head WM-L20/2, 165x50 (flat)
Capacity MBTU/h #2 Oil 1,365 – 4,750 Capacity MBTU/h #2 Oil 2,050 – 7,165
5.0 6.0
-2.0 -2.0
1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000
Burner model WM-L20/3-A/ T WM-L20/3-A/ R The firing rates are based on an installation altitude
Combustion head WM-L20/3, 165x50 (flat)
Capacity MBTU/h #2 Oil 2,730 – 8,875 of 1,640 ft (500 m).
The capacity graphs are based on a fuel calorific value
of 140,000 BTU/USG.
Voltages and frequencies:
4.0 The burners are equipped with three phase motor
3.0 in 208 - 600 V, 60 Hz as standard. Different voltage and
frequency are available upon request.
Standard burner motor:
0.0 Insulation class F, protection IP 54.
2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000
Burner selection WM-G 20
Gas burners version ZM and ZM-LN
Burner model WM-G(L)20/2-A ZM Burner model WM-G(L)20/3-A ZM
Combustion head WM-G20/2-1a, 190Kx65 Combustion head WM-G20/3-1a, 190Kx65
Capacity MBTU/h Natural gas 850 – 7,160 Capacity MBTU/h Natural gas 1,195 – 8,875
Propane 1,500 – 7,160 Propane 2,390 – 8,875
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000
Natural Gas with combustion head Propane with combustion head The firing rates are based on an installation altitude
Closed Closed
Open Open of 0 ft (0 m). A reduction of burner capacity of 1 % for
every 325 ft (100 m) should be taken into consideration
in case of installation altitude above 0 ft.
Burner order numbers
Burner Version Order No. Voltages and frequencies:
model The burners are equipped with three phase motor
WM-G20/2 ZM 217 211 11 in 208 - 600 V, 60 Hz as standard. Different voltage and
WM-G20/3 ZM 217 213 11 frequency are available upon request.
WM-G20/2 ZM-LN 217 212 11
WM-G20/3 ZM-LN 217 214 11 Standard burner motor:
Insulation class F, protection IP 54.
Burner selection WM-GL 20
Dual fuel burners version ZM-T and ZM-R
Burner model WM-GL20/2-A ZM-T and ZM-R Burner model WM-GL20/3-A ZM-T and ZM-R
Combustion head WM-GL20/2-1a, 190K x 45 Combustion head WM-GL20/3-1a, 190K x 45
Capacity MBTU/h Natural gas 510 – 6,825 Capacity MBTU/h Natural gas 850 – 8,360
Propane 850 – 6,825 Propane 1,870 – 8,360
#2 Oil 1,365 – 6,825 #2 Oil 2,050 – 8,360
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000
Natural Gas with combustion head Propane with combustion head #2 Oil with combustion head
Closed Closed Closed
Open Open Open
Burner part numbers The firing rates are based on an installation altitude of 0
ft (0 m). A reduction of burner capacity of 1% for every
Burner model Version Part number 325 ft (100 m) should be taken into consideration in
case of installation altitude above 0 ft.
WM-GL 20/2-A ZM-T 218 212 11
WM-GL 20/3-A ZM-T 218 213 11
Voltages and frequencies:
WM-GL 20/2-A ZM-R 218 215 11 The burners are equipped with three phase motor in 208 -
WM-GL 20/3-A ZM-R 218 216 11 600 V, 60 Hz as standard. Different voltage and frequency are
available upon request.
WM – GL20 / 3 –A / ZM – T
ZM – R
T = 3 stage
R = sliding two stage or modulating
G = Gas
L = #2 Oil
Weishaupt monarch® series burner
Standard scope of supply
Description WM-L20-T WM-L20-R WM-G20 ZM/LN WM-GL20 ZM-T WM-GL20 ZM-R
Oil hoses l l – l l
Magnetic clutch – l 1)
IP 54 protection l l l l l
l Standard
starting from second quarter 2011
Oil burners WM-L 20 vers. T and R
Version T (3 stage) WM-L20/1-A / T WM-L20/2-A / T WM-L20/3-A / T
Combustion head extension by 4” (100 mm) 210 030 49 210 030 52 210 030 55
by 8” (200 mm) 210 030 50 210 030 53 210 030 56
by 12” (300 mm) 210 030 51 210 030 54 210 030 57
Oil hoses 50” (1300 mm) in lieu of 39” (1000 mm) 110 000 72 110 000 72 110 000 72
Connection for air intake duct 210 030 47 210 030 47 210 030 47
W-FM 100 (suitable for continuous operation)
in lieu of W-FM 50 fitted 210 030 32 210 030 32 210 030 32
loose 210 030 88 210 030 88 210 030 88
W-FM 200 in lieu of W-FM 50 with built-in
modulating controller, speed control module with
optional fuel metering fitted 210 030 10 210 030 10 210 030 10
loose on request on request on request
QRI flame sensor in lieu of QRB 210 030 24 210 030 24 210 030 24
Special voltage (on request only) on request on request on request
Gas burner WM-G 20 vers. ZM and ZM-LN
Accessories WM-G20/2-A ZM WM-G20/2-A ZM-LN WM-G20/3-A ZM WM-G20/3-A ZM-LN
Comb. head extension by 4” (100 mm) 230 030 79 230 030 87 230 030 79 230 030 87
by 8” (200 mm) 230 030 80 230 030 88 230 030 80 230 030 88
by 12” (300 mm) 230 030 81 230 030 89 230 030 81 230 030 89
Solenoid valve for air pressure switch
test - continuous fan or post purge 250 030 21 250 030 21 250 030 21 250 030 21
Adapter for ducted air inlet 210 030 47 210 030 47 210 030 47 210 030 47
W-FM 100 (suitable for cont. operation) fitted 250 030 74 250 030 74 250 030 74 250 030 74
instead of W-FM 50
loose 250 031 43 250 031 43 250 031 43 250 031 43
W-FM 200 instead of W-FM 50 with built in fitted 250 030 75 250 030 75 250 030 75 250 030 75
modulating controller and VFD control
optional fuel metering
loose 250 030 48 250 030 48 250 030 48 250 030 48
Speed control with burner motor mounted on request on request on request on request
VFD (W-FM 50/200 required)
Speed control with separate VFD on request on request on request on request
(W-FM 50/200 required)
Special voltages on request on request on request on request
Dual fuel burner WM-GL 20 vers. ZM-T and ZM-R
Accessories, version ZM-T WM-GL 20/2-A WM-GL 20/3-A
Combustion head extension by 4” (100 mm) 250 031 17 250 031 20
by 8” (200 mm) 250 031 18 250 031 21
by 12” (300 mm) 250 031 19 250 031 22
Solenoid valve for air pressure switch - continuous fan or post purge 250 030 21 250 030 21
Electromagnetic clutch 250 031 16 250 031 16
Adapter for connection to air inlet ducting 210 030 47 210 030 47
Oil meter < 43 GPH (150 kg) VZ 08 250 031 33 250 031 33
VZ 08 with LF output 250 031 31 250 031 31
> 43 GPH (150 kg) VZ 020 250 031 34 250 031 34
VZ 020 with LF output 250 031 35 210 031 35
Oil hoses 50” (1300) mm instead of 40” (1000 mm) 110 000 72 110 000 72
W-FM 100 (suitable for cont. operation) instead of W-FM 54 fitted 250 031 78 250 031 78
with built in modulating controller
loose on request on request
W-FM 200 instead of W-FM 54 with built in modulating fitted 250 031 77 250 031 77
controller and VFD control with optional fuel metering
loose on request on request
Speed control with burner motor mounted 210 030 40 210 030 40
VFD (W-FM 54/200 required)
Speed control with separate VFD on request on request
(W-FM 54/200 required)
Special voltages on request on request
Technical data
Oil burners
Oil burners WM-L20/1-A / T WM-L20/2-A / T WM-L20/3-A / T
Burner motor Weishaupt model WM-D 112/110-2/3K0 WM-D 112/110-2/3K5 WM-D 112/140-2/4K5
Rated power HP (kW) 4.2 (3.2) 5.6 (4.2) 6.6 (5.0)
Full load amps (FLA) A 5.4 (@ 460V) 7.9 (@ 460V) 8.6 (@ 460V)
Motor fusing A minimum 20 AT (external) 20 AT (external) 25 AT (external)
Speed (60 Hz) rpm 3500 3500 3510
Combustion manager Model W-FM 50 W-FM 50 W-FM 50
Flame monitoring Model QRB QRB QRB
Stepping motor Air / Oil Model SQM 33 SQM 33 SQM 33
Pump fitted Model J6 J6 J7
max. flow rate GPH (l/h) 90 (350) 90 (350) 123 (474)
Oil hoses DN / Length 1/2” / 40” 1/2” / 40” 1/2” / 40”
(13 / 1000) (13 / 1000) (13 / 1000)
Weight lbs (kg) approx. 178 (80) approx. 178 (80) approx. 178 (80)
Technical data
Gas and dual fuel burners
Gas burner version ZM and ZM-LN WM-G20/2-A ZM WM-G20/2-A ZM-LN WM-G20/3-A ZM WM-G20/3-A ZM-LN
Burner motor Model WM-D112/110-2/3K0 WM-D112/110-2/3K0 WM-D112/110-2/3K5 WM-D112/110-2/3K5
Rated power HP (kW) 4.2 (3.2) 4.2 (3.2) 5.6 (4.2) 5.6 (4.2)
Full load amps (FLA) A 5.4 (@ 460V) 5.4 (@ 460V) 7.9 (@ 460V) 7.9 (@ 460V)
Motor external fuse (VΔ start) A minimum 20 A slow (external) 20 A slow (external) 20 A slow (external) 20 A slow (external)
Speed (60 Hz) rpm 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500
Combustion manager Model W-FM 50 W-FM 50 W-FM 50 W-FM 50
Air/Gas stepping motor Model SQM 33 SQM 33 SQM 33 SQM 33
Flame monitoring Type Ionization rod Ionization rod Ionization rod Ionization rod
Weight approx. lbs (kg) 190 (85) 190 (85) 190 (85) 190 (85)
Fuel systems
Gas train schematic* Oil function schematics
1 2 4 3 1a 5 3a
* The above schematic shows typical gas train configuration only. The actual gas train configuration 1 Safety solenoid valve
shipped with burner might differ depending on applicable codes/ regulation and application. 2 Stage 1 solenoid valve
3 Stage 2 solenoid valve
Gas train arrangement Gas train support 4 Stage 3 solenoid valve
5 Burner mounted oil pump
For boiler with hinged door the gas The gas train must be fixed and sup- 6 Nozzle assembly with 3 atomizing nozzles
train must be installed on the opposite ported securely. They must not be al-
side of the boiler door hinge. lowed to vibrate during operation. Sup-
port suitable for the site should be
Gas train installation fitted during installation. Version ZM-R
Gas train must be mounted tension
free. Do not compensate misalignment Gas meter 6 1 2
by over tightening. Distance between For commissioning a gas meter is re-
burner and gas valves should be as quired to verify exact gas consump-
small as possible. Pay attention to the tion. 5
correct gas flow direction.
4 P M 3
8 7
h4 b4
h5 l5
h2 b2
(8 mm)
l3 l1
WM-L20/1 / T 31.9 21.9 8.5 - 9.1 1.5 – 16.2 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 – 18.5
(810) (557) (217 - 232) (38) (411) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (470)
WM-L20/2 / T 31.9 21.9 8.9 - 9.7 1.5 – 16.2 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 – 18.5
(810) (557) (227 - 247) (38) (411) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (470)
WM-L20/3 / T 31.9 21.9 9.3 - 10.1 1.5 – 16.2 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 – 18.5
(810) (557) (237 - 257) (38) (411) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (470)
WM-L20/1 / R 31.9 21.9 8.5 - 9.1 1.5 – 16.1 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 – 18.5
(810) (557) (217 - 232) (38) (409) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (470)
WM-L20/2 / R 31.9 21.9 8.9 - 9.7 1.5 16.1 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 – 18.5
(810) (557) (227 - 247) (38) – (409) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (470)
WM-L20/3 / R 31.9 21.9 9.3 - 10.1 1.5 – 16.3 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 – 18.5
(810) (557) (237 - 257) (38) (414) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (470)
WM-G20/2 ZM 39.8 29.8 9.1 - 10.1 9.4 5.0 13.1 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 7.2 18.5
(1010) (757) (231-256) (238) (128) (333) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (182) (470)
WM-G20/3 ZM 39.8 29.8 9.1 - 10.1 9.4 5.0 13.1 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 7.2 18.5
(1010) (757) (231-256) (238) (128) (333) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (182) (470)
WM-G20/2 ZM-LN 39.8 29.8 9.7 - 10.5 9.4 5.0 13.1 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 7.2 18.5
(1010) (757) (247-267) (238) (128) (333) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (182) (470)
WM-G20/3 ZM-LN 39.8 29.8 9.7 - 10.5 9.4 5.0 13.1 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 7.2 18.5
(1010) (757) (247-272) (238) (128) (333) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (182) (470)
WM-GL20/2 ZM-T 39.8 29.8 9.1 - 10.5 9.4 5.0 16.2 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 7.2 18.5
(1010) (757) (231 – 266) (238) (128) (411) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (182) (470)
WM-GL20/3 ZM-T 39.8 29.8 9.1 - 10.1 9.4 5.0 16.2 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 7.2 18.5
(1010) (757) (231 – 256) (238) (128) (411) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (182) (470)
WM-GL20/2 ZM-R 39.8 29.8 9.1 - 10.5 9.4 5.0 16.3 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 7.2 18.5
(1010) (757) (231 – 266) (238) (128) (414) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (182) (470)
WM-GL20/3 ZM-R 39.8 29.8 9.1 - 10.1 9.4 5.0 16.3 16.0 8.2 15.0 22.6 8.9 16.1 7.2 18.5
(1010) (757) (231 – 256) (238) (128) (414) (406) (209) (380) (573) (225) (408) (182) (470)
1 without electromagnetic clutch (pump with electromagnetic clutch add 4.6” (116 mm) for version ZM-T and 5.2” (131 mm) for version ZM-R)
Ducted air intake Burner plate Preparing the heat exchanger
bottom drilling dimensions
12.8” (324) 1 Flange gasket
12.0” (304) 2 Refractory
11.0” (280) 60° 3 Aperture
9.6” (244)
8.8” (224)
7.9” (200)
The refractory 2 must not
protrude beyond the front edge
d4 of the combustion head, it can
2 however, take a conical shape
(in. 60°).
WM-G20/2 ZM 33.1 33.8 9.8 13.0 M12 10.6 11.7 11.4 DN65
(840) (858) (250) (330) (270) (298) (290)
WM-G20/3 ZM 33.1 33.8 10.2 13.0 M12 10.6 11.7 11.4 DN65
(840) (858) (260) (330) (270) (298) (290)
WM-G20/2 ZM-LN 33.1 33.8 9.8 13.0 M12 10.6 11.7 11.4 DN65
(840) (858) (250) (330) (270) (298) (290)
WM-G20/3 ZM-LN 33.1 33.8 10.2 13.0 M12 10.6 11.7 11.4 DN65
(840) (858) (260) (330) (270) (298) (290)
WM-GL20/2 ZM-T 33.1 33.8 9.8 13.0 M12 10.6 11.7 11.4 DN65
(840) (858) (250) (330) (270) (298) (290)
WM-GL20/3 ZM-T 33.1 33.8 10.2 13.0 M12 10.6 11.7 11.4 DN65
(840) (858) (260) (330) (270) (298) (290)
WM-GL20/2 ZM-R 33.1 33.8 9.8 13.0 M12 10.6 11.7 11.4 DN65
(840) (858) (250) (330) (270) (298) (290)
WM-GL20/3 ZM-R 33.1 33.8 10.2 13.0 M12 10.6 11.7 11.4 DN65
(840) (858) (260) (330) (270) (298) (290)
That is not a Facade. Weishaupt has been one of the leading
company in heating and combustion industry since years
with headquarter in Schwendi and branches all over the
world. That is Reliability.
Weishaupt is Trustworthy, quality,
Reliability. good customer service,
The family business innovation and experi-
in Schwendi was ence are values on
established by Max which the Pioneer Max
Weishaupt in 1932. Weishaupt established
Represented in 55 his company. All this
countries by branch of- combined in a word is
fices and subsidiaries reliability.
Weishaupt is interna-
tional leader in the Therefore stands
areas of combustion Weishaupt today.
technology and heating
That is not an Imagination. Continuous research
and development at Weishaupt guarantee clean
and efficient burners.
That is Reliability.
Developing improvement.
Weishaupt recognizes the signs of time
and researches perpetually to get more
efficient and environmental friendly
burner systems.
Weishaupt Corporation
6280 Danville Road
Mississauga, ON L5T 2H7, Canada
Ph: (905) 564 0946
Fax: (905) 564 0949