BGP Soft Reconfiguration
BGP Soft Reconfiguration
BGP Soft Reconfiguration
Table of Contents
CCIE Routing & Switching
Unit 1: Preparation
Unit 2: Switching
Unit 3: IP Routing
Unit 4: RIP
Unit 5: EIGRP
Unit 6: OSPF
Unit 7: BGP
Introduction to BGP
eBGP Multi-Hop
BGP Auto-Summary
BGP Messages
BGP Communities
BGP Allow AS in
BGP AS Override
BGP Transit AS
BGP Route Re ector
BGP Confederations
BGP Synchronization
Unit 8: Multicast
Unit 9: IPv6
Unit 10: Quality of Service
Unit 11: Security
Unit 12: System Management
Unit 13: Network Services
Unit 14: MPLS
When we change the BGP routing policy (changing the attributes or adding lters) we need to reset
the BGP session before the new policy takes e ect. This is no problem in a lab but it’s something
you don’t want to do in a production network. In fact, there are 3 methods how you can refresh
your BGP policies:
Hard reset
Dynamic Soft Reset (route refresh)
Soft reset with pre-stored information
The hard reset is the most simple method (clear ip bgp command). It kills the TCP session with
your BGP neighbor which forces it to restart and as a result you’ll receive all pre xes from your
neighbor again. It works, but it’s cruel…
Dynamic soft reset is the most preferred method, it requires the route refresh capability. Simply
said, this feature lets your router request its BGP neighbor to send its pre xes again.
Routers that don’t support the route refresh capability will have to use the soft reset option. That’s
what this tutorial is about. You can read about dynamic soft reset / route refresh in my other
Normally I talk about “pre xes” or “routes” but technically the information that BGP
exchanges in update messages is called NLRI (Network Layer Reachability
Information). The NLRI eld contains the pre xes and length.
The soft reset option uses “pre-stored” information. Basically when we receive pre xes from a BGP
neighbor we will store this information in a new table and we don’t make any changes to it. Our
router will then apply its inbound BGP policy to this table and stores the end result as the BGP
Since you are now storing another table for each neighbor instead of one BGP table you will have
some overhead, your router will require more memory. This is especially true when you enable soft
reset for all your BGP neighbors…keep this in mind before you con gure this.
The tables that I’m talking about have some special names, let me show you a picture and explain
this a bit more:
On the left side we see a table called adj-RIB-in. This is the unedited routing information from a
BGP neighbor. There’s a separate table for each BGP neighbor that you peer with. We apply our
inbound BGP policy to this information and the result is a table called the loc-RIB, this is the actual
BGP table.
BGP will select the best path from the BGP table and the router will install this in the routing table.
Also, the best paths can be advertised to other BGP neighbors. We can apply an outbound BGP
policy to outbound updates and when this is done we have a table called adj-RIB-out (per
neighbor). The adj-RIB-in table is actually stored in memory for each neighbor, the adj-RIB-out table
Now you have an idea about the di erent tables and how soft recon guration works, let’s take a
look at this on some BGP routers.
To demonstrate the soft reset we only need two routers. R1 has two loopback interfaces so that we
have a couple of networks to advertise:
First we will con gure BGP between the two routers:
R1(config)#router bgp 1
R1(config-router)#neighbor remote-as 2
R1(config-router)#network mask
R1(config-router)#network mask
R2(config)#router bgp 2
R2(config-router)#neighbor remote-as 1
Nothing special here, we run EBGP and R1 advertises its two loopback interfaces. By default the
soft reset option is disabled, let’s con gure it on R2:
R2(config)#router bgp 2
R2(config-router)#neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
The soft-recon guration inbound command tells R2 to save the routing information from R1
unmodi ed in the adj-RIB-in table. It will then apply the inbound BGP policy and store the
information in the BGP table.
Let’s take a look at these tables, a good way to do this is by changing some of the BGP attributes. I’ll
change the local preference for the pre xes we receive from R1:
R2(config-route-map)#router bgp 2
R2(config-router)#neighbor route-map LOCALPREF in
This will set the local preference to 200 for all incoming pre xes from R1. Instead of clearing the
TCP session, we’ll do a soft reset:
R2#show ip bgp
BGP table version is 3, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i -
r RIB-failure, S Stale, m multipath, b backup-path, x best-
external, f RT-Filter
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
The BGP table (loc-RIB) was modi ed as expected, now take a look at the adj-RIB-in table:
Above you see the raw routing information from R1 before we applied the inbound BGP policy. You
can see that no changes were made to the local preference of my pre xes.
R2(config)#router bgp 2
R2(config-router)#neighbor distribute-list 1 in
I’ll use a distribute-list so that /32 is not allowed anymore. Before I do another soft
reset I’ll enable a debug, this allows you to see what the router is doing with the BGP updates:
R2#debug ip bgp updates
BGP updates debugging is on for address family: IPv4 Unicast
BGP(0): start inbound soft reconfiguration for
BGP(0): process, next hop, metric 0 from
BGP(0): process, next hop, metric 0 from
BGP(0): Prefix rejected by inbound distribute/prefix-list.
BGP(0): update denied
BGP(0): complete inbound soft reconfiguration, ran for 0ms
The router starts the soft recon guration, rejects the /32 pre x and completes the soft
recon guration. Take a look at the BGP table:
R2#show ip bgp
BGP table version is 4, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i -
r RIB-failure, S Stale, m multipath, b backup-path, x best-
external, f RT-Filter
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
As expected it's gone but you will still nd it in the adj-RIB-in table:
Those are two good examples that show the di erence between the adj-RIB-in and Loc-RIB tables.
Of course we can also view the adj-RIB-out table, I'll show you an example of R1:
Use the show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes command to view the adj-RIB-out table. These
are all the pre xes that you advertise to each BGP neighbor.
Want to take a look for yourself? Here you will nd the con guration of each device.
hostname R1
interface Loopback 0
ip address
interface Loopback 1
ip address
interface fastEthernet0/0
ip address
router bgp 1
neighbor remote-as 2
network mask
network mask
neighbor distribute-list 1 in
access-list 1 permit host
hostname R2
interface fastEthernet0/0
ip address
router bgp 2
neighbor remote-as 1
neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
neighbor route-map LOCALPREF in
route-map LOCALPREF permit 10
set local-preference 200
I hope this lesson has been helpful to understand the soft recon guration feature. Make sure you
also take a look at my route refresh tutorial! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a
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BGP Remove Private AS Numbers
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BGP Route Refresh Capability »
Home › Forums › BGP Soft Recon guration
This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Rene Molenaar 10 months,
2 weeks ago.
Mauro P
Hello Rene, will enable soft-recon guration take a lot of memory from my router? And what
happens if i want the adj-rib-in to sync again with the loc-rib? Do i have to remove the command
and do hard reset?
Rene Molenaar
Hi Mauro,
Yes but it depends on the number of pre xes that you receive from your neighbor. Since you are
saving an extra copy of each table that you receive, you’ll need extra memory. 100 pre xes won’t
make the di erence but storing entire internet routing tables will.
It’s best to use “soft refresh” if your router supports it instead of soft recon guration.
I’m not sure if disabling soft recon guration is enough or if we also have to reset the BGP neighbor
before it takes e ect. I’d have to try that…
Neldien M
Hi Rene,
Is this command both applicable to Route Refresh Capability and Soft Recon guration? Thank you.
Rene Molenaar
Hi Neldien,
That’s right, if route refresh is supported then the router will send a refresh request. When it’s not
supported and you have enabled soft recon guration then the command will copy pre x from the
adj-RIB-in to the loc-RIB.
Davis W
Hi Rene,
Can i say that if i din’t enable the soft-con guration for the neighbor, when i do clear ip bgp x.x.x.x
soft in, it will not take any e ects?
Rene Molenaar
Hi Davis,
When you don’t have soft con guration con gured then that command will use the route refresh:
BGP: sending REFRESH_REQ(5) for afi/safi: 1/1, refresh code
is 0
BGP: rcv message type 5, length (excl. header) 4
BGP: rcvd REFRESH_REQ for afi/safi: 1/1, refresh code is 1
BGP: rcv message type 5, length (excl. header) 4
BGP: rcvd REFRESH_REQ for afi/safi: 1/1, refresh code is 2
When you don’t have soft recon guration enabled, it will use a route refresh instead.
Davis W
Hi Rene,
Looks there’s no di erent clear ip bgp x.x.x.x soft in and clear ip bgp x.x.x.x in.
With Soft recon guration enable, both command will be use the existing table (before any policy
apply) to apply the new policy if there is, without request from the neighbor
without the soft recon guration enable, both command will be request the new routing table from
the neighbor and apply the policy from here if there is.
am i right?
Rene Molenaar
Hi Davis,
That’s right. It’s a bit confusing but that’s how it works yes.
Davis W
Ok. Thanks Rene.
Paul B
I think your sentence “We apply our inbound BGP policy to this information and the result is a table
called the adj-RIB-in” should read “We apply our inbound BGP policy to this information and the
result is a table called the Loc-RIB”, correct? Also “seperate” should be “separate”. (Sorry to be picky,
I’m a spelling-bee champion wanna-bee.)
Rene Molenaar
Hi Paul,
Please put con gurations in between `backticks` or use the CODE button.
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