Curtain Wall Manual - Section 8 Installation

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Task Group Approval Product Group Approval

Approved via Ballot #808-15 Out for Ballot (16-1006)

DATED 7/17/15

Curtain Wall Manual – Section 8

Table of Contents

8.0 INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................... 2

8.1 FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................................... 2
8.2 UNITS OF MEASURE ........................................................................................................................ 2
8.3 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 2
8.4 THE ARCHITECT’S CONCERNS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................... 3
8.5 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................. 7
8.6 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CURTAIN WALL CONTRACTOR ...................................................... 9
8.7 QUALIFICATIONS OF THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR ........................................................ 10
8.8 TOLERANCES AND CLEARANCES................................................................................................ 10
8.9 LAYOUT AND ALIGNMENT OF WORK ........................................................................................... 14
8.10 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND SITE STORAGE ............................................................................. 14
8.11 DELAYED ENCLOSURE OF HOISTWAY AREAS ........................................................................ 16
8.12 ANCHORAGE OF THE CURTAIN WALL....................................................................................... 16
8.13 DEAD LOAD ANCHORS ................................................................................................................ 17
8.14 WIND LOAD ANCHORS ................................................................................................................. 17
8.15 SEISMIC FORCES ......................................................................................................................... 18
8.16 THERMAL MOVEMENT ................................................................................................................. 19
8.17 OTHER LOADS ON ANCHORS ..................................................................................................... 19
8.18 OTHER DESIGN CONSTRICTIONS .............................................................................................. 19
8.19 ANCHOR TYPES ............................................................................................................................ 20
8.20 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................................... 22
8.21 FIELD VARIATIONS AND THEIR EFFECTS ................................................................................. 24
8.22 ADEQUACY OF THE BUILDING STRUCTURE ............................................................................ 25
8.23 UNAUTHORIZED SUBSTITUTIONS.............................................................................................. 25
8.24 EXCESSIVE SHIMMING – INADEQUATE ENGAGEMENT .......................................................... 25
8.25 CAULKING PERFORMANCE......................................................................................................... 26
8.26 AESTHETIC EFFECTS .................................................................................................................. 26
8.27 QUALITY ASSURANCE ................................................................................................................. 26
8.28 PROTECTION OF THE WORK ...................................................................................................... 27
8.29 GLAZING AND SEALANTS ............................................................................................................ 28
8.30 COLD WEATHER PROBLEMS AND PROCEDURES ................................................................... 29
8.31 FIELD CHECK FOR WATER LEAKAGE ........................................................................................ 30
8.32 FINAL CLEANING OF THE WALL ................................................................................................. 31

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This section is devoted principally to an in- depth discussion of metal curtain wall installation procedures. Some
architects may think that this subject is of only minor concern to them; that once they have designed the wall,
approved the contracts and checked the shop drawings; it’s the contractor’s business to see that the wall is
correctly put in place. In part this is true, but the architect has certain responsibilities in this work, too. And without
a clear knowledge of how the wall is to be installed, what problems may arise in the field and how to avoid them,
there are likely to be serious deficiencies in the design of the wall.

To ensure good curtain wall performance, proper installation is just as essential as intelligent design and good
fabrication. And the keys to proper installation are coordination and communication. Teamwork is required, and
each member of the team—the architect, the general contractor and the wall contractor—must understand the
needs and the problems of the others, if the work is to progress smoothly and efficiently.

Careful attention to details is essential, too. And because the critical importance of these details is explained in
this article perhaps more fully than ever before, we commend it to the architect’s attention. We believe he will find
that there’s much he can do to facilitate the proper installation of the wall..


Please note that Inch-Pound (I.P.) units of measurement are the primary unit of measure throughout this
document. The values stated in I.P. units are to be regarded as the standard.

NOTE: Illustrative details have been purposely omitted from “Installation” Section 8 of the AAMA Curtain Wall
Manual. A given detail’s applicability to the myriad of projects and building construction methods cannot be
determined. A design appropriate for one construction method may be inappropriate or even hazardous when
used in conjunction with another method. For example, a standard face-of-slab anchor may be acceptable for a
concrete slab poured in steel decking, but unworkable and inadvisable for use with a post-tensioned slab.
Recommendations and discussion are presented in narrative form only, for purely educational purposes, and are
not intended to supersede or modify project-specific contractual, regulatory or statutory requirements.

The importance of proper installation, in providing a good aluminum curtain wall, cannot be too strongly
emphasized. What happens in the field during its installation may well determine whether the wall is a success or
a failure. The inherent faults of a poorly designed wall cannot be magically remedied by even the most skillful field
work, but a well designed and carefully fabricated wall, on the other hand, can easily be degraded by faulty
installation. Any good wall must first be designed with a full understanding of the problems likely to be
encountered in the field, and then must be carefully installed with due regard to its de sign features. Unless both
of these conditions are met, its successful performance is endangered and trouble may follow. Noteworthy

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advances have been made in curtain wall technology during the past three decades, yet mistakes are still being
made in design, and installation problems still persist. Why is this so?

Perhaps the major reason has been a lack of good communication. Too often the architect is not made aware of
problems encountered or likely to occur in the field. He, or may not have been advised as to how the Wwall
should be detailed to facilitate its installation. And even those architects who are knowledgeable in these areas
may not realize to what extent their well designed and beautifully fabricated walls may suffer if they are not
carefully installed. It is in the hope of narrowing this communications gap that this article is being presented.

Unlike masonry curtain walls, which are usually built in place on the job, aluminum curtain wall is a highly
engineered factory-made product, whose components are manufactured to close tolerances. Its installation
requires the marriage of precision parts to a field-built structure of a much lower degree of dimensional accuracy.
Teamwork between the architect, the general contractor and the wall contractor is therefore highly essential. Each
of these parties has certain responsibilities, and if any member of the team shirks their his responsibilities, or
neglects to communicate freely with the others, the quality of the end product—the curtain wall—is bound to be
adversely affected.


Architects who are fully cognizant of field conditions and procedures can do much to ensure that the curtain wall
is properly installed. Sound procedures, expressed in clear and comprehensive drawings and carefully considered
specifications, are prime essentials to avoiding construction delays and obtaining a satisfactory wall. There are
many matters the architect must consider in preparing these con tract documents. Those of major importance
relating to the curtain wall installation are summarized in the following paragraphs, and some of these are more
fully discussed later.

8.34.1 Consultation with the Curtain Wall Contractor

Beginning with me the early design concept stage, the architect should work closely with a reputable curtain wall
contractor, obtaining his suggestions and advice as to how the wall may be detailed to facilitate both its fabrication
and its installation. Many such contractors have their own application engineering staffs which are available to
provide de sign assistance to the architect. Often they are able to suggest ways in which wall costs can be
reduced to meet budget figures without significantly affecting the wall design. Information may also be provided
about special handling methods or equipment that can be used to advantage to realize additional savings.

8.34.2 Influence of Wall Type on Installation Procedures

The unlimited design possibilities of the aluminum curtain wall are due, in large part to the variety of wall systems
being used. These ranges from a “knocked down” stick system, assembled in the field, to fully pre-assembled and
pre-glazed unit systems. Refer to AAMA Aluminum Curtain Wall Series Volume 1, “Aluminum Curtain Wall Types
and Systems” for descriptions of the different systems.

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In recent years, thin stone panels and large sheet aluminum shapes have been used in combination with extruded
members to provide many uniquely attractive and highly successful walls.

The type of system chosen necessarily dictates to some ex tent how the wall will be installed. The stick system
usually offers the greatest flexibility, as work may proceed both horizontally and vertically over the face of the
building at the same time, because sequential placement is less critical than with pre-assembled units, several
crews may be working simultaneously at different locations around the building. Pre-assembled frame units with
interlocking edges must usually be placed sequentially around a building floor before the next floor of units can be
installed, In the case of a curtain wall installed outside of the building frame, rather than between floor slabs or
between masonry columns or piers, work must proceed progressively, rather than in several locations at the same

Whatever the wall type, it must be installed in an orderly fashion, according to schedule. Seldom, if ever, is it
practicable to install material in random locations around the building. It is always more advantageous, from the
wall con tractor’s standpoint, to complete the installation of all similar parts on one floor before moving to the next,
as this minimizes the moving of tools, equipment and manpower. Furthermore, the completion of installation floor
by floor may allows the general contractor to schedule other interior work to follow immediately after the curtain
wall is in place.

8.34.3 Effect of Building Frame Type on Scheduling

A substantial portion of all aluminum curtain walls is installed on multi-story buildings having either steel or
reinforced concrete frames. The type of frame used determines to some extent the scheduling of the wall
installation. A reinforced concrete frame building usually requires an appreciable time lapse between completion
of the successive floor slabs, which means that either more floors must be completed be fore the wall installation
begins, or that the installation of the wall proceeds at a slower rate. Steel frame construction usually permits faster
wall erection, resulting in less time to complete the entire installation, because the building process can proceed
in stages. For example, the steel frame can be erected through say, the eighth floor, then decking can be placed,
floor slabs poured, fireproofing applied and the curtain wall installed in rapid succession on the eight floors.
Reinforced concrete structures, on the other hand, require most of this work to be concentrated on only a few
floors at a time. The wall contractor cannot begin his work until at least three floors of a concrete-framed structure
are completely free of shoring and cleaned of debris. Reinforced concrete frames, however, do offer one distinct
advantage to the curtain wall installer, over steel frames; they do not require the addition of fireproofing. This
results in cleaner, safer working conditions, less contamination of exposed curtain wall surfaces and usually less
disturbance by the work of other trades.

8.34.4 Building Frame Tolerances and Clearances

One of the most serious problems continually being encountered in the field is the lack of adequate clearance for
proper wall installation. All too often the building frame is erected with neither the architect nor the general
contractor being fully aware of its exact dimensions. Its theoretical dimensions arce known, but usually the actual

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dimensions are different, and it is the latter, of course, that dictate the location and alignment of the curtain wall.
Aluminum curtain walls are de signed to accommodate reasonable variations—usually, un less otherwise
specified, the tolerances established by the ACI, AISC and PCI codes—but far too often these tolerances are

If the curtain wall is to be installed reasonably “plumb, level am and true;’ the actual location of all surfaces
affecting it alignment, including the levels of floor slabs and beams, must be known before the installation begins.
The architect, in his the specifications, should clearly define the maximum tolerances to be permitted in the
building frame alignment, then should see that the general contractor frequently checks to see that these
tolerances are being held. Tolerances and clearances are matters of major concern, and are discussed at greater
length later in this article.

8.34.5 Matters Affecting Wall Costs

Costs are normally a major concern in any building operation, and aluminum curtain walls are no exception. Many
architects may not realize, however, to what extent the cost of the curtain wall may be affected by the installation
procedures. In designing and specifying the wall, the architect should keep in mind that the following matters have
a bearing on the ease of installation, and thus affect wall costs: Working Location

As a general rule, the wall should be designed so that it can be installed from within the building, working on the
floor slabs, rather than from an exterior scaffolding. Although the economic advantages of this are well known to
the curtain waill contractor, it is important that the architect also understand these advantages, among which are:

• elimination of costly hanging or built-up scaffolding;

• assurance that the wall will not be damaged by hanging cables or platforms;
• much safer working conditions (a matter of primary concern under OSHA regulations); and
• the ability to continue work in inclement or windy weather when it would be unwise, if not impossible, to
work from exterior scaffolding. Shipping Curtain Wait Systems

Customarily curtain wall systems are shipped by truck from the factory to the job site. Refer to AAMA Aluminum
Curtain Wall Series Volume 10, “Care and Handling of Architectural Aluminum from Shop to Site’ for
recommendations on packing and shipping. Many aluminum curtain wall systems being used today are the stick
system types. As such they are shipped knocked down and appropriately packaged. In unitized systems, on the
other hand, the framing elements are put together in the factory and shipped as pre-assembled units. The size of
the units is limited only by what can be carried over the highways and safely hoisted and handled at the building.
Sizes of pre-assembled units vary considerably, but should normally be limited to about 8 ftfeet in their lesser
dimension. When larger units are required, and their size and/or weight is such as to require special trucking,
handling or hoisting facilities, extra costs must, of course, be anticipated. It must be remembered, too, that when

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the building is located in a congested urban area, the access space avail able at the site may limit the size of units
that can be handled without excessive cost. These matters are more fully discussed later, under the heading
“Delivery, Handling and Site sStorage.” Trade Jurisdictions

In the interests of efficient job progress, it is always advisable that as few trades as possible be required to
complete the wall installation. Jurisdictional disputes are certain to delay the work and can sometimes be very
costly. Often such disputes can be avoided by a careful choice of the terms used in describing the work in the
contract documents. For example:

the term “curtain wall” should be used wherever applicable, in preference to “window wall” or similar terms, as the
latter may inadvertently lead to disputes between several trades claiming their rights to the work;
a metal panel installation should not be described in such a way that it may be interpreted as a glazing operation;
flashing work is essential in many curtain wall designs, but it should be remembered that when the term “flashing”
is used in specifications or on drawings, work so identified will be claimed by one specific trade; and
the terms “venetian blind pocket,’ “drapery pocket” and “convector cover” may invite jurisdictional arguments.

The National Joint Board’s Award of Record and inter-building Trade Agreements publications should be carefully
studied, to avoid using terms and details which can cause jurisdictional disputes and costly strikes. To obtain
information as to local trade jurisdictions, the architect should consult an experienced wall contractor or
installation contractor.

8.34.6 Inspection
The architect is normally responsible for the quality and performance of the completed project, and inspection
during construction is a very important part of this responsibility. Only by insisting that his the specifications and
the approved shop drawings are faithfully followed by all parties can he the architect ensure that his the design is
properly executed.

Inspection of the work affecting the curtain wall begins with the layout of the building frame to which the wall will
be attached. As emphasized earlier, it is highly essential that the dimensions of the frame and of any other
surfaces adjacent to the wall, be accurately controlled, within the tolerances specified. This frequently requires
continual alert inspection. Failure to see that correct dimensions and alignment are maintained can easily lead to
expensive de lays for corrective work later, involving extra costs that could have been avoided. It is equally
essential, of course, that vigilant inspection be continued throughout the wall installation process, to ensure the
proper correlation of all work adjoining or related to the wall.

8.34.7 Shop Drawings

When shop drawings are sent to the architect for approval, they should be checked and returned promptly to the
wall contractor. Delay in their return usually results in late delivery of the wall materials to the job site, because the

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materials needed cannot be ordered until the architect’s approval is received, assuring the wall contractor that his
work is properly coordinated with that of other trades.

8.34.8 Settlement of Disputes

The architect should promptly exercise his appropriate authority to settle any questions or problems that may
arise during the wall installation. Disagreements occasionally arise between the wall contractor and the general
contractor concerning such matters as the misalignment of the building frame, the removal or replacement of
fireproofing, or damage done to wall materials stored at the site or already in place. If the problems are of a
serious nature the quality of the installation work necessarily suffers. The architect has the authority and the
responsibility to act in disputes of this kind, and he should do so, in the interest of obtaining the best possible wall


It is the general contractor’s prime responsibility to expedite the proper construction of the building in accordance
with the contract documents. After being awarded the con tract, hethe general contractor should act promptly in
selecting and notifying his the subcontractors. Though he the general contractor may do self-perform very little of
the actual construction work with his own men, he the must develop the construction schedule must be
developed, coordinate the work of all subcontractors coordinated, and see that the project movesd forward in an
orderly and efficient manner.

8.45.1 Scheduling of the Installation

The schedule for installing the curtain wall is, of course, only one of the many sub-items constituting the overall
construction schedule for the building. But because it represents the process of enclosing the structure, it is of key
importance to the progress of the project and should be made with a clear understanding of the work to be done If
the general contractor attempts to establish such a schedule without discussing it with all parties concerned, or
fully understanding the needs and requirements of these parties, it is likely to be unrealistic and may result in poor
coordination of the work.

The planning of a realistic schedule for the wall installation must take into consideration the time required for
preparatory work required of the wall contractor before he can even begin to wall fabricate the wall can even
begin. Adequate time must be provided for such work as:

• the preparation and approval of shop drawings and samples;

• the procurement of custom materials and their fabrication;
• the assembly and testing of a mockup, if required;
• the procurement of special tooling; and
• the development and approval of special finishes, or any other special or custom requirements that may
necessitate extra time.

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It is also very important that delivery and installation of the curtain wall not be scheduled to begin before the
building framework is ready to accept it and the wall can be installed in an orderly and efficient manner. Such
premature scheduling results in problems, extra costs and often hazardous working conditions, and does nothing
to expedite the completion of the total job. A realistic and reasonable schedule must be mutually established and
agreed upon by the general contractor, the wall contractor and all other subcontractors whose work is related to
the curtain wall.

8.45.2 Job Site Meetings

Throughout the wall installation period the general contractor should conduct job site meetings at frequent
intervals for the purpose of planning the wall installation work and coordinating it with that of other trades. The
attendance at these meetings should preferably be limited to only those subcontractors whose work affects or is
affected by the wall installation, so that all may benefit by a better understanding of each other’s problems and

8.4.3 Offset Lines and Bench Marks

The subcontractor installing the wall must have accurately established reference points and lines on each floor by
which to align his the work. It is the responsibility of the general contractor to establish and guarantee the
accuracy of such offset lines and bench marks. This obligation is rightfully his, because such datum points are
used not only for the curtain wall installation but by most, if not all, of the other trades working on the job. These
marks should be scored into columns and slabs to ensure permanent legibility. It cannot be too strongly
emphasized that all such markings as are needed must be accurately located well ahead of the installation of the
wall, to avoid errors and delays in the work. The most effective preventive to deficiencies in this important aspect
of the work, and the attendant problems, is a clear statement of requirements in the architect’s specifications.

8.45.4 Working Conditions

Proper working conditions and facilities are obviously essential to efficient wall installation, but on many jobs they
are lacking. There are a number of requirements for setting up and maintaining good working conditions and the
more important of these requirements may be summarized as follows:

• floors kept clean of debris and rubbish;

• furnishing, placement and any required relocation of perimeter safety rails or cables and toe boards at all
floor edges;
• adequate protected areas for storage of curtain wall material on each floor;
• a sufficient number of personnel and equipment elevators;
• electricity for operating small tools on each floor, and for welding as required;
• drinking water and toilets at reasonably accessible locations; and
• protection of curtain wall material, both before and after installation, from dirt and damage.

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The nature and scope of the responsibilities of the wall con tractor vary somewhat throughout the industry,
according to the requirements of the work and the facilities and policies of the wall contractor. Some assume full
responsibility for both the fabrication and the complete installation of the wall, including glazing. In such cases the
installation and glazing work are often sublet to specialists in these fields, but some wall contractors maintain their
own installation crews and a few also do their own glazing. Other wall con tractors limit their work to only the
fabrication of the wall and its delivery to the job site. Whatever his the method of operation, the wall contractor,
like other members of the team, has certain responsibilities.

8.56.1 Advisory Services to the Architect

Whether concerned only with the fabrication of the wall or with its installation as well, the wall contractor usually
makes the counsel of his in-house or contracted engineering staff available to the architect at all times, and
especially during the early design stage, to provide advice and guidance in the development of design details.
Wall con tractors are normally pleased to provide such service, usually at no cost or obligation, before bids are
taken, if they are to be given an opportunity to submit a bid on the work later. After the contract has been let, and
engineering of the wall design is under way in the fabricator’s plant, such cooperation is usually even more

8.56.2 Shop Drawings

The wall contractor must interpret the architectural drawings and prepare shop drawings to be submitted, within a
reasonable period of time, for the architect’s approval. These drawings should provide comprehensive and clearly
readable details of all the work to be done, with notations showing what work, if any, is not included in the wall
contract. All parts of the wall and pertinent adjacent work should be shown in large scale details, and all materials
and fastening methods or devices should be clearly identified. Before these drawings are finalized, the design
details should be reviewed in the light of possible installation problems, to ensure that all necessary provisions
have been made to facilitate the work in the field.

8.56.3 Fabrication, Delivery and Job Site Service

The wall contractor must fabricate the wall in accordance with the specifications and the approved shop drawings,
using only skilled workmen and proper methods and equipment. All parts of the wall should be identified after
fabrication by piece marks clearly indicating their location on the building in conformance with the schedule shown
on the approved drawings. Then all elements of the wall, whether loose members or assembled units, must be
carefully packed to protect them from damage in transit and must be delivered to the job in accordance with the
established schedule. Shipping papers listing the contents of each shipment should be forwarded to the
installation crew or sub contractor in advance of shipment to facilitate efficient organization of the work at the site.
If a representative of the wall contractor is to be made available during the installation of the wall to provide
clarification, information and guidance to the installation crew, the requirements for such representation should be

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As explained, practices vary with regard to the assignment of the responsibility for the installation of the wall.
Many wall contractors use their own crews to install some, but not all, of the walls they produce; few of them
install all of their walls with their own men, and some wall contractors do no installation work at all. It is not
uncommon, especially with the larger jobs, to have the field work done by an installation contractor specializing in
this type of work.

When the installation work is to be done under a separate subcontract, it is important that the architect check the
qualifications of the parties bidding this work. It is his prerogative to approve or disapprove any proposed bidder
on the basis of his own judgment, after reviewing the bidder’s credentials. Some installation contractors are much
more experienced and competent than others and, as emphasized at the outset, aA poor installation job can
detract from not only the performance but the appearance of even the best- designed curtain wall.

As a guide in judging the merits of the firms bidding the installation work, the following are some of the more
important qualifications to be considered:

• a background of successful experience commensurate with the requirements of the job being bid;
• financial responsibility, and sufficient resources to meet payroll demands and other job costs for a period
of at least two months;
• an adequate supply of, or sufficient funds to acquire, all necessary tools and equipment needed to
perform the work efficiently; and
• satisfactory references pertaining to work previously completed.


Tolerances are addressed in detail in the AAMA Curtainwall Manual Guide Specifications Section 5.

For any aluminum curtain wall, the metal and glass components are made in the plant to relatively exact
dimensions, in accordance with the approved shop drawings. Thus both the overall dimensions of the wall and the
location of its members are pre-fixed to conform with the planned location and size of the building structure to
which they will be attached. But the building frame cannot be constructed with anywhere near the same degree of
accuracy. Therefore, if the dimensionally accurate wall is to fit the roughly constructed frame, and yet be
essentially “plumb, square and true” proper allowances must be made in its design for certain deviations in the
frame, and such deviations must be held within the specified limits. In other words, the deviation limits, or
tolerances, must be established and must be observed in designing the wall, and clearances must be pro vided to
accommodate these tolerances and provide necessary working space.

The terms “tolerance” and “clearance,” as applied to curtain wall work, are obviously closely related, and
consequently are often confused. They have distinctly different meanings, however, and this distinction must be
clearly understood. A tolerance is a permissible amount of deviation from a specified or nominal characteristic

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such as a dimension, color, shape, composition or other quality. Here we are concerned only with dimensional
tolerances. A clearance is a space or distance purposely provided between adjacent parts, both to allow for
anticipated size variations and to pro vide working space where needed, or perhaps for other reasons.

The failure to make proper provision for, or to properly control, both tolerances and clearances is the reason for
most many problems encountered in curtain wall installations. Obviously their unique importance in curtain wall
construction is either not completely understood or is not properly respected by the majority of architects and
construction superintendents.

It might be questioned why field dimensions cannot first be taken, then the curtain wall fabricated accordingly, but
in modern construction practice this would be highly impractical. By the time field measurements can be taken,
the structure is ready to receive the curtain wall, and it should be ready for delivery. On high-rise structures
installation of the wall is often started on the lower floors even before the framing at the top of the building is
completed to have the curtain wall ready when needed, its engineering and fabrication must be started months in
advance. The long delay necessitated by fabricating from field measurements would be intolerable, and
furthermore, the necessity of producing a range of slightly differing sizes would raise havoc with both the
production schedule and with costs.

8.78.1 Types of Tolerance

In curtain wall work there are several kinds of dimensional tolerance that must be considered: 1.
• tolerance in the alignment of the building frame; 2.
• installation tolerance—the accuracy with which the wall can be installed; 3.
• basic material production tolerances in the manufacture of aluminum sections, glass and panels and the
sizing of glass, and 4.
• fabrication and assembly tolerances.

Each of these should be examined as to its significance.

To ensure that tolerance considerations are properly taken into account it is recommended that the architect
coordinate his the design work with the wall contractor and that the out-of-tolerance which the wall system can
accommodate be clearly indicated by the wall contractor on the shop drawings. Figures 1 and 2 show examples
of how maximum allowable variations in tolerance for wall and window systems and doors should be indicated by
the wall contractor on the shop drawings. Building Frame Tolerances

These are the most significant, and are much more important than is generally recognized. Failure to provide
adequately for them is, in fact, the chief source of problems in curtain wall installations. It is the architect’s
responsibility to control, by his the details, specifications and field inspection, the tolerances permitted in the
building structure. Though these tolerances may be properly specified, often they are not carefully controlled and

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so are frequently exceeded. Particular attention must be paid to floor slab levels, the vertical alignment of floor
slab edge and the plumbness of columns or walls to which the curtain wall is to be attached. It is not uncommon
to find actual floor levels as much as 2” in. above or below specified elevations, the alignment of slab edges
varying as much a 1.5½” in., and columns or walls out of plumb by 1” in. or more in a single story height. Yet the
curtain wall is expected to bi installed absolutely plumb, and to meet exactly all theoretical floor levels.

Tolerances for structural steel framing should be specified to conform with the American Institute of Steel
Construction (AISC) Code of Standard Practice, Section 7, paragraph 7.11, the provisions of which are shown in
Table A. Particular attention is directed to the “Commentary” included in the latest edition of this Code, which
provides a detailed explanation of the specified erection tolerances. For a poured concrete frame, the maximum
tolerances that should be permitted, unless otherwise specifically stated in the architect specifications, are those
given in Section 3.3.1 of the American Concrete Institute Standard Recommended Practice for Concrete
Formwork (ACI 347-78 Reaffirmed 1984) as show in Table B..

Erection tolerances for precast and prestressed concrete should be specified in accordance with the
recommendations of the Prestressed Concrete Institute. These tolerances are published in Chapter 8 of the PCI
Design Handboc4 Precast and Prestressed Concrete. Shown here in Table are the tolerances for beams,
spandrels, roof and floor members, and columns. The Design Handbook also has tolerances for structural panels
and architectural panels. In addition to the Handbook, reference should be made to the PCI Journal of January—
February 1985 (Vol. 30, No. 1) for further information on erection tolerances and clearances including information
on interfacing tolerances.

It must be recognized;, however, that these three standards do not cover some commonly used composite
constructions such as concrete fireproofing on steel or masonry piers over steel columns. Obviously, the
dimensional control of such constructions is even more critical than the alignment of the steel framing members
themselves. As the alignment of composite constructions, fireproofing and masonry work are not controlled by
referencing these standards, the architect should require that the location and alignment of all materials
contiguous to the curtain wall be controlled within tolerances which are, at most, no more than those specified in
AC 347. Installation Tolerances

Are, of necessity, largely deter mined by the actual alignment and dimensional accuracy of the building frame. If
the frame tolerances given in Tables A, B and C are maintained, it is possible to install the wall very close to true
planes and levels. Deviations greater than these recommended tolerances in industry standards will require
correspondingly larger clearances to facilitate the installation of the wall, and it is unrealistic to expect the wall to
be in stalled in such true alignment without incurring extra costs, which may be considerable. If the building frame
is not constructed within the tolerances specified, the general con tractor must anticipate extra charges from the
wall contractor for corrective work. It is essential that the architect and the wall contractor, after inspecting the
actual conditions of the building frame, reach an agreement on the installation tolerances to be held.

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 12 Basic Material Production Tolerances
Are too often over looked or ignored by the wall designer and, to complicate the problem, dimensional deviations
in manufactured products sometimes exceed the established tolerances. For example, the standard mill tolerance
1 1 .
in the leg dimensions of a 5” x 5” steel angle is plus or minus /8”0.12 in., it may be out of square by 1.5 /2 ins. °,
and may have a camber of /8” 0.12 in. per each 5 feet. of length. It is unrealistic, therefore, to attach an aluminum
extrusion directly in contact with such an angle and expect it to be within /16” 0.06 in. of true location and
alignment. Yet such details are constantly appearing on architects’ and wall contractors’ drawings.

An aluminum extrusion may be relatively exact in its cross sectional dimensions, but standard mill tolerances
permit a bow of /4” and a twist of 5° or more in a 20-foot lengthas well. There are standard manufacturing
tolerances also, applying to both the thickness and size of glass, generally proportional to the glass thickness.
3 1 3
Glass of /8” nominal thickness, for ex ample, may vary ± /32” in thickness and ± /32” from its nominal size
dimensions, and the length and width of heat- strengthened or tempered glass may be /16” more or less than their
specified nominal dimensions.

Obviously, such tolerances must be recognized in detailing the wall. The designer should check not only for
possible dimensional variations in cross section or thickness, but for permissible variations in length, size and
straightness Fabrication and Assembly Tolerances

Although the dimensions and squareness of preassembled units are usually well controlled, normal tolerances are
sometimes exceeded, causing problems in installation and glazing. When a number of parts are assembled to
form wall units, some slight variation can usually be expected in the overall sizes of the units. Typically, wall units
are jig-assembled, and their dimensions and squareness are accurately controlled by mechanical means. When
units are large in size and relatively few in number, other assembly methods may be used. In any case, their
dimensions may vary slightly, and it is always advisable, before finalizing his details, that the architect consult the
wail contractor to determine what dimensional tolerances can be reasonably maintained. It is then the contractor’s
responsibility, of course, not to exceed these tolerances.

8.78.2 Clearances
The failure to provide adequate clearances is an all-too-common deficiency of curtain wall designs. They are
absolutely essential for any of several reasons: 1) to accommodate movement between adjacent parts; 2) to pro
vide for possible size variations and misalignment; 3) to pro vide working space for anchoring the wall in place; or
4) to provide adequate clearance for joint sealant. When in stalling the wall it is the latter two reasons that are of
prime concern.

The amount of clearance required for proper installation depends upon the type of wall design, the dimensional ac
$ curacy accuracy of the building frame or other construction to which the wall is attached, and the method of

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 13

anchorage. When the wall is anchored to the face of spandrel beams or columns, more working space will be
needed to install fastenings than when anchors are located on the top or bottom faces of beams and sides of
columns. As a general rule, the actual net clearance provided should not be less than 2” in. Therefore the nominal
clearance dimension shown on the drawings should be 2” in. plus the outward tolerance permitted for adjacent
construction, and anchors should, of course, be designed to accommodate the 2” in. clearance plus the inward
tolerance also.

It should not be assumed that clearance problems are con fined to multi-storied buildings. One- and two-story
structures with light framing and inadequate engineering and supervision may also have clearance problems.
Lightweight, inadequately braced steel framing is very difficult to keep aligned and plumb, and details which show
pre-assembled wall units attached directly to light steel columns or other basic framing members are unrealistic.
Adequate clearance to accommodate irregularities, and an easily installed closure between the curtain wall and
such members, must always be provided.


No installation crew can begin its work by simply setting anchors and proceeding to place the wall elements. They
must first determine what are the actual dimensions of the building frame and other construction adjoining the
wall, and whether these are located as shown on the drawings. It is mandatory, of course, that the wall be
installed to accurate lines and levels, to ensure both its proper performance and its correct relationship to
adjoining interior work. Working from the datum points and lines established, with guaranteed accuracy, by the
general contractor, the plane of the wall is first determined, in reference to offset lines provided on each floor, and
finished floor levels are established in reference to bench marks on the outer building columns. Only then can
anchor locations be established by accurate engineering survey, and the first step in the actual installation
process, the setting of anchors, can proceed.

Accurate placing of the wall and its elements is vitally important because of the tie-in with adjoining elements
within the building—partitions, window stools, drapery pockets, mechanical equipment and other items. As most
such tie-ins involve various trades, the architect, both when detailing the wall and in later checking the shop
drawings of these trades, must see that all such work is properly coordinated. As the building progresses, this
coordination becomes the responsibility of the general contractor.


Curtain wall material is nearly always delivered to the job by trucking. The trucks (or trailers) used range in length
from 25 to 48 feetft, and tractor-trailer combinations may be as long as 60 ftfeet. The general contractor must
provide access for these trucks to the materials hoist by means of a roadway which permits them to maneuver,
one which is clear of overhead obstructions and satisfactory for access and unloading. The location of hoists and
access roads should be carefully considered and jointly agreed upon in advance by the general contractor, the
wall contractor and the installation contractor.

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 14

Wall parts may arrive at the job site either as loose pieces or assembled units, sometimes being packaged in
crates or containers. Depending on the wall design and job conditions, packaged units usually weigh from 100 to
3500 pounds, and may be as long as 48 ftfeet. Packaging, if used, should be designed to protect the material in
transit and facilitate handling, yet provide a minimum of waste material to be disposed of at the site. Some
manufacturers are utilizing returnable and reusable containers or crates when shipping distances are not too

There must be adequate protected space on each floor of the building to store the wall material for that floor until
in stalled and, if possible, the space should be at the same location on each floor. These storage areas should be
safely removed from possible damage to the material by the work of other trades. Once placed on the building
floor, the wall units are not easily moved, and should not have to be relocated until needed for installation. The
general contractor, in designating the storage areas, should carefully consider how their location may affect the
work of other trades. Usually the wall contractor takes pains to see that his materials are in prime condition when
delivered, but unfortunately often finds that the site storage provisions are in adequate and/or unsafe, exposing
his material to damage. When this happens, his costs of handling and protection are, of course, increased.

The curtain wall materials for each story of a building are normally stored on the floor of that story, being hoisted
to the proper floor upon delivery to the site. It is not unusual, in large buildings, to require storage for at least one
48-foot van load of material per floor. Unless hoisting facilities for the wall materials are needed during most of the
normal working hours, it is usually more economical for the general contractor to arrange to provide them, as they
can be used much of the time to hoist materials for other trades. The type of hoisting facilities required will vary
from job to job, depending on the size, shape and weight of the materials to be hoisted. Generally the preference
is either a hod hoist of adequate size and ample head beam clearance, a “Chicago boom,” or some type of
overhead derrick. If the general contractor is to provide the facilities it is essential that he there is a firm
understanding with and the wall contractor have a firm understanding, before any wall materials are delivered to
the job as to what type of hoisting equipment is required and when it will be available for the wall contractor’s use.

Adequate clear working space must be made available to the installation contractor at the building perimeter on
each floor, if he is to perform his workfor efficiently work. If these areas are cluttered with material belonging to
other trades, or if the general contractor has left a ragged uncompleted edge on the floor slabs, his the work is
hampered and more unnecessary costs are incurred. Sometimes it’s found that the concrete floor slabs have not
been poured in areas extending two or three ftfeet back from the designated edge lines, and the installation crew
has to devise makeshift working plat forms in order to install the wall. Working under such difficult conditions is
not only aggravating, inefficient and unsafe, but inevitably affects the quality of installation and may degrade the
performance of the wall.

To ensure proper installation, the architect should demand, both in his specifications and by his field supervision,
that the general contractor provides proper and easily accessible hoist facilities, adequate protected storage

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 15

spaces and good working space near the floor edges. If these conditions can be assured, they will significantly
affect both the quality of installation workmanship and the cost of the wall.

For additional information on this subject refer to AAMA Aluminum Curtain Wall Series Volume 10CW-10, “Care
and Handling of Architectural Aluminum from Shop to Site.”


On multi-story buildings, temporary exterior hoists and elevators are often used during the construction period to
transport both personnel and materials. Their number may vary from one to as many as four, and wherever they
are located, the curtain wall usually must be temporarily left out, to be installed after their removal. Thus the wall
in such areas may be installed six months or more after the rest of the wall is in place.

The exact number and location of hoistways should be included in the curtain wall specifications since they
usually involve additional costs to have the installation crew return and fill in such hoistway areas. Consequently,
in the interest of economy, the number of exterior hoists on a job should be held to a minimum. Or better yet,
interior elevators or cranes or derricks should be used instead, as a means of reducing overall wall costs. If the
use of exterior hoistways is considered advisable, however, necessitating the delay of wall installation in these
areas, the architect should understand that:

• the details of wail units in these fill-in areas may have to be modified to permit installation between
previously in stalled units;
• wall elements adjacent to hoistways may be soiled or damaged, and special precautions should be taken
to prevent this; and
• when the wall is finally installed in a hoistway area it may look different than the adjacent wall which has
been ex posed to the weather for some time.


A most critical aspect of both the design and the installation of an aluminum curtain wall is its anchorage to the
building structure. The anchorage system must accommodate the tolerances to which the building structure is
erected and to which the curtain wall elements have been fabricated; it must be installed to provide adequate
clearances between wall units to take care of temperature changes and building movements; it must transmit
wind loads to the structure, support dead loads and resist other loads to which it may be subjected; and it must do
all of these things in a manner that permits the curtain wall to satisfactorily per form its basic function of protecting
the interior of the building from the rain, wind, heat or cold.

The loading and movement conditions to which anchorage systems are subjected are:

• Dead Loads
• Wind Loads

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 16

• Seismic Forces
• Thermal Movement
• Building Movement
• Miscellaneous Point Loads
o Window Washers
o Swing Stages
o Signs
o Others

Curtain wall systems are designed to be installed exterior to the floor slabs or between the floor slabs. Systems
which run continuously past the floor slabs and normally anchored thereto are generally used on high-rise
buildings. Typical of between-the-slabs curtain wall construction are horizontal strip window walls and storefronts.

Different systems for anchoring mullions are shown in the accompanying illustrations. Figures 7 through 15 show
examples of different systems of anchorage for walls installed on the exterior of the floor slabs. Figures 16
through 18 are examples of receptor systems of anchorage used between slabs.


The dead load anchor is a fixed anchor that is firmly attached to both the wall and the building structure, acting
generally as a pinned connection. It is designed to resist loads applied in any direction. These include the dead
load of the wall unit itself, the inward and outward loads produced by the wind, the loads acting in any direction
which may be caused by seismic forces and any miscellaneous loads to which the anchor may be subjected. This
anchorage can occur at every floor, every other floor, or even every third floor depending on design
considerations. Fixed anchors may be located at the top, bottom or, in the case of mullions spanning two floors, at
the midpoint of the mullion. In a procedure which is widely used the fixed anchor will be located at the bottom of
the first story mullion and at the midpoint of the remaining mullions for spanning two floors. Anchors are adjusted
to properly position the wall elements, usually the mullions, and are then bolted or welded firmly in place. It is
recommended that welding be limited to the steel parts of an anchor and that aluminum parts be connected by
bolting. Welding greatly reduces the strength of aluminum alloys and if proper filler alloys and procedures are not
used the welded connection may be vulnerable to cracking and failure.


The primary job of the wind load anchor, which may be referred to as the movable anchor, is to restrain the wall
system from movement normal to its plane due to positive and negative wind loads while allowing the point of
anchorage to move up or down, or side to side within the plane of the wall. For satisfactory performance,
allowance must be made for thermal movement, floor to floor relative deflections, building sway or drift, seismic
movement and movements in the plane of the wall due to any other forces that may act on it.

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 17

In the typical stick system curtain wall, where panels and glass are inserted between the fixed mullions in a
manner that permits some horizontal movement between them, the wind load anchors are designed to permit
vertical movement of the mullions relative to the building structure, In panelized unit curtain walls it may be
necessary to provide for horizontal as well as vertical movement in the wind load anchors, depending on the
design of the anchorage system.

One of the generally accepted methods of attaching the mullion to the wind load anchor is by bolting to allow for
vertical movement. The bolt should be tightened to a predetermined number of inch-pounds with a torque wrench
so as to allow for vertical slip. The bolt should be double-nutted, threads stiffed, or a lock nut applied to prevent
the nut from backing off. Nylon or high impact polystyrene washers, plastic slip pads or other means may be
required to prevent binding of the bolted connection under load.

Negative or suction forces resulting from wind action often exceed the positive, or inward acting forces, and are
often very high near the corners of buildings. Parapets and other areas may have higher wind load requirements
than the flat surfaced walls. All such forces are transferred from the curtain wall to the building structure through
the wall anchors, and all anchors, whether fixed or movable, must be designed to withstand these forces. Equally
important, of course, are the bolts, welds or other fastening devices used to attach the anchors to both the wall
and the structure. They must be sufficiently strong to carry these loads.

Minimum wind load requirements are called for by the governing building codes. However, the designer may find
it desirable to exceed the code requirements. ANSI A5a1ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Structures, specifies procedures and methods of calculation for determining wind loads for rectangular buildings
in the United States. It is critical that any and all references to design loads be identified as either Allowable
Stress Design (ASD) or Strength Design (SD) wherever provided. Boundary layer wind tunnel testing may be
necessary to determine wind loads on major buildings, buildings of unusual designs or buildings located in major
urban areas or having unusual surroundings. Reference should be made to AAMA Aluminum Curtain Wall Series
Volume 11, ‘Design Wind Loads for Buildings and Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Testing,” for comprehensive
information on these subjects.


The forces resulting from earthquakes, or seismic forces, can produce potentially large forces on curtain wall
anchors. The forces acting on the wall through anchors are the result of the building moving rapidly from side to
side during an earthquake. The mass of the curtain wall units resists the motion of the building structure and
thereby creates forces on the anchors. A seismic design considers this by applying a factored load at the center
of gravity of each member in any direction to the anchor. The anchor must be designed to prevent this load from
bending or deforming it or its attachment. The seismic forces are usually determined from a formula prescribed by
the governing code or by a specification.

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 18

Thermal movement is the expansion or contraction of the curtain wall elements due to the rise and fall of their
temperature. The temperature of the elements is affected both by the ambient air temperature and by radiation.
Direct solar radiation has a major effect on the surface temperatures of the metal elements of the wall, particularly
on dark colored metal. These temperatures may cover a range of up to 130°F in all parts of the country and may
vary as much as 200°F in areas that have very cold winters. The building frame, being insulated from the outside
air and solar heat by its coverings and the wall, and also being enclosed in a space where temperature is usually
controlled within a very small range throughout the year, varies very little in temperature and is quite stable
compared to the wall. Since adequate clearance must be maintained to permit thermal movements and other
building movements, temperature at time of installation of anchors may have to be taken into ac count. It is
imperative that thermal movement not be restrained. Such restraint could result in the development of forces
sufficient to buckle a mullion, break glass or damage an anchor.


Drift, which is the lateral movement of floors relative to each other, is caused by wind loads and earthquake loads.
Drift will impose inward and outward acting forces and moments, as well as forces and moments in the plane of
the wall, on the anchors depending on the direction in which the wind or seismic forces are acting. The building
movement resulting from these forces can be significant and must be taken into account in the anchor design.
However, for design purposes the wind and seismic forces are not additive but the greater of the two forces is
used. In addition to drift there is movement due to live loads and sometimes to building settlement. Live loads are
those which are produced by the use and occupancy of the building. Application of these loads to the floors or
spandrel beams results in vertical deflection, up or down, to the surfaces to which the wall is mounted. These
movements must also be accommodated by the anchors. If window cleaning equipment with continuous tie-in
guides is to be used, the wall framing and anchors must resist the loads normal to the wall and horizon tally
parallel to the wall caused by such equipment. Reference should be made to Section 5 “AAMA Metal Curtain Wall
Guide Specifications” for more information on these subjects.


Adequate anchor design is more likely to be attained if the curtain wall designer follows the load along its path
from “start” (e.g., glass or infill panel) to “finish” (e.g., floor slab or spandrel beam). Often this tracking process will
disclose potentially weak parts in a trial design. Will a part (angle, plate, weld, bolt, etc.) tear or buckle, or bend or
twist excessively? When the load path is known then appropriate structural analysis and design procedures can
be used to check each part.

One particular item that often needs checking is bending of fasteners. If verified by design/analysis, a relatively
large gap can be dealt with by the use of appropriate special interlocking shim details or a welded shim stack
provisions to greatly reduce bolt bending stresses. In certain other cases a “solid” shim stack may not be
necessary due to a sufficiently small gap and load. Here the shear and bending resistance of the fastener is relied
upon. Again engineering judgment and design/analysis and/or testing are needed to ensure sufficient load

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 19

capacity in the connection. For examples of possible fastener bending refer to Figure 13, the two bolts through the
horizontal slots, Figure 14, the anchor bolt with sleeve stopping at masonry, and Figure 18 where the load is
applied near the bolt head.

Note that proper sizing of bolts is required to resist bending. Alternatively, connection details may sometimes be
modified to eliminate fastener bending.


Receptor channels of extruded aluminum provide one of the most commonly used methods of anchoring
horizontal strip window walls. These receptors simplify anchorage, allow for building movement, facilitate drainage
and often speed erection.

Receptors are made in one or two piece construction and can be integrated with a thermal break. The receptors
can be used at the head, sill, and jamb. Anchors through the web of the receptor channels are the most common
method of anchorage. The type of anchor used depends on surrounding conditions and design loads.

Head receptors must be designed and detailed to provide proper anchorage and allow for building movement.
Design guidelines for masonry bolts vary with manufacturers. Typically, however, the minimum edge distance
from concrete slabs is five times the bolt diameter. This may often require a closer spacing of smaller bolts or an
alternate design. Window and curtain wall manufacturers generally design standard head receptors to permit
vertical and horizontal thermal movement and some differential floor slab deflection due to live load. Floor slab
deflections can vary greatly depending on building design and occupancy and proper attention must be given to
ensure allowance have been made for movement, weatherability and structural integrity. Curtain wall
manufacturers should be consulted for detailing assistance and structural limitations.

Head, sill and jamb receptors may also be used for store front type of curtain walls. Three typical anchor details
are shown in the accompanying illustrations.

8.1819.1 Steel Anchors

Anchors for curtain wall systems installed exterior to the floor slabs of buildings are most commonly made of
structural steel (ASTM A36). The use of steel for anchors has several advantages. First, steel is stronger than
aluminum and can usually be designed to resist all anchor reactions. Second, steel structural shapes are more
readily available and less costly than aluminum shapes. Third, when welding is required, steel welds are stronger
and certified steel welders are more plentiful. Finally, when building conditions dictate a welded connection to
steel spandrel beams, steel anchors are the only compatible choice.

Steel does have the disadvantage that it tends to rust. Protective coatings are recommended to resist this
tendency. It also has the disadvantage that if fastened to aluminum without properly insulating the contacting
surfaces galvanic action will take place in the presence of moisture with its resulting corrosive action. There are a

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 20

number of primers which offer good protection against galvanic corrosion. The primer systems should conform to
the appropriate specifications of the Steel Structures Painting Council, SSPC.

Plastic isolator pads may also be used. Thickness of such pads usually ranges from 0.031” in. to 0.125”.in.

8.1819.2 Aluminum Anchors

While steel anchors offer certain advantages there are building conditions where aluminum is a better choice. For
ex ample, when anchors are used to apply a curtain wall to a steel substructure and the connections are exposed,
it may be desirable to have aluminum anchors anodized to match the finish of the wall. Also, if the anchor design
requires field drilling, aluminum anchors will ease installation and speed erection. Aluminum extrusions also
provide for design versatility and production economies. The designer can optimize the shape he neededs for his
anchors and, if good extrusion design practice has been followed, the shape can be readily and economically
extruded and then cut to the desired lengths.

8.1819.3 Mullion Splice Sleeves

Wind load or movable anchors will serve little purpose if mullion splices are not properly designed. Working
mullion joints provide watertight and sometimes structural transition from one mullion to the next. Typical mullion
splices usually incorporate a joint sleeve nested in or around the mullion. Some sleeves are designed to resist the
simple shear reactions from the adjoining mullions, while others actually provide enough strength to transfer
bending moment and allow a spliced mullion to act as a continuous beam. In this case the design must take into
account the load effects at the splice on the mullion itself as well as the sleeve. Tubular shaped mullions lend their
configuration to these sleeves and continuous beam analysis can reduce the amount of aluminum required for
wind load compared to a simply supported beam analysis.

The location of the vertical mullion splice is usually dictated by the optimum length that can be manufactured but
there are times when a curtain wall design demands specific splice locations for overall performance or esthetic
reasons. For example, spanning a mullion only one floor is sometimes advisable in order to distribute large
differential slab movement to more joints. Considering typical optimum manufacturing lengths and typical floor
slab spacings, it would be reasonable to assume that mullions must be spliced at every other floor or every
twenty-four feet, within t of an anchor point. However, other locations may be used if they are accounted for in the
design. Mullion splices must, of course, accommodate thermal movements and building movements.

8.1819.4 Shims
Shims are typically required to fill the clearance between the anchors and the wall system or between the anchors
and the building structure. High impact, load -bearing plastic shims are generally acceptable as long as the height
of the shim stack does not exceed the diameter of the fastener securing the anchor. Beyond a height of one
diameter significant bending stresses will may start to develop in the fastener, and special shim provisions may be
necessitated. If the fastener is unable to withstand the bending stress, welded steel shims or interlocking
aluminum shims will be required. The clear hole through these “solid” shim stacks should be tight enough to bear

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 21

against the bolt as the shear forces start to distort the shim stack. This may prevents any significant bending
moment from developing in the fastener. Horseshoe type shims should not be used in structural applications.

8.1819.5 Testing the Anchors

An excellent method of determining the performance of an anchoring system is by testing a full scale mock-up at
a testing laboratory. The mock-up of the building structure and slab edge should simulate the actual building as
closely as practical. The test specimen, using the actual job site anchorage system, is installed it a test chamber
and subjected to a battery of tests, which include full structural tests at design load and at 1.5 times design load.
The factor of safety recommended for the design of aluminum curtain walls is 1.5. Thermal cycling tests are often
done to demonstrate the adequacy of the anchors during extreme expansion and contraction conditions in
addition to showing how the anchors affect the integrity of the test specimen they support.

The performance of the anchors is monitored in the laboratory by visual inspection and by the use of dial
indicators which record the deflections and residual set of the anchors during structural testing.

The most realistic test results are obtained when the anchors are attached to actual job site substrates. For
example, if a wall is designed to anchor to pre-cast panels, the test should incorporate these same materials.

Another way that specimens are anchored in the test chamber requires that the chamber be designed with “hard”
attachment points to which the job site anchors can be welded or bolted. A typical example of this is the
simulation of steel inserts placed in a concrete floor. The floorline of the chamber will be fabricated to include
these connection points but instead of pouring a concrete floor the attachment points will be structurally reinforced
so as to permit no movement other than the reaction in the anchors from the testing per formed on the specimen.


The best method of anchoring the wall to the building structure will depend on both the type of curtain wall used
and the type of frame or structure to which it is to be attached. Usually it is advisable for the architect to seek the
advice of one or more reputable wall contractors before deciding upon the details to be used. There is general
agreement, however, that the following are the more important basic principles to be kept in mind:

8.198.2020.1 Whenever possible, locate the anchor in an easily accessible location on top of the floor slab.
Sometimes a location on the slab edge is feasible but in most cases drilling and welding are more difficult here,
and there’s less room for adjustment to accommodate building frame variations. Location on the under side of the
slab or spandrel beam, or on the beam web, should be avoided because these are more difficult locations in
which to work, requiring the use of ladders or scaffolding. Connections in such locations slow down the work of
installation and thus increase costs.

8.198.2020.2 Provide plenty of three-way adjustability in all anchorage details, whether fixed or movable. Anchor
members must be large enough to accommodate the full range of tolerance permitted in the building frame, and

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 22

preferably a little more. Two-piece steel or aluminum brackets, with holes slotted both vertically and horizontally,
are usually quite satisfactory. One bracket can be connected to the wall unit, the other to the structure, and the
slotted holes can be aligned for quick connection. To provide fixity in the anchor later, it can be “pinned” either by
welding or by field drilling and bolting. Whatever the anchor detail, it should always provide for maximum
adjustability and rapid field connection. On a steel frame, ideally all fireproofing would be done after anchors have been installed, but for
various reasons this is usuallycan be impracticable or impossible. Consequently attachment of the anchors to the
steel must be done after fireproofing. This requires either that block-outs be provided in the fireproofing or that the
fireproofing be removed where necessary, then the anchors be attached, and the fireproofing then be filled in or
patched. As this procedure leaves much to be desired, it is preferable, on a fireproofed steel framed structure, to
anchor to the concrete floor or to the top beam flange directly under the slab through block-outs in the concrete at
anchorage points. For attachment of anchors to a steel frame, welding usually the preferred methodcan be used. If
bolting is required instead, the necessary holes in the steel members should may be factory -punched by the steel
fabricator, because in most cases their thickness is such as to make field drilling impractical and costly. By
requiring the holes to be shop punched, the architect can facilitate the wall installation, thus reducing costs. Most installation contractors prefer to make all anchor connections to the building structure
themselves, but this is not always the case. Generally it is felt that if a structural steel or miscellaneous iron
subcontractor does this work, how the connection is to be used he it is not likely to be fully understanood how the
connection is to be used, and the importance of locating it precisely. This objection may not apply when the
anchorage devices are so designed that accuracy of location is not critical. With the current high wind load requirements for high rise buildings, every anchorage detail should be
carefully checked as to the adequacy of bolted connections and the location and size of welds, using as
references the latest specifications of the AISC and the Aluminum Association Wherever possible, eccentrically
loaded anchors should be avoided. Some architects question whether they should show detailed anchorage methods on their drawings or
leave this detailing to the wall contractor. They should be shown or the architectural drawings, because it’s
essential that all sub contractors having work related to the curtain wall know ho the anchors may affect their
work. If the architect show€s complete anchor details in relation to metal decking, rebar concrete, steel frame,
fireproofing and other work, the sub contractors know, when they bid the job, what provisions they must make for
them, and this can invalidates any justification for later backcharges on the grounds that extra work not shown on
the drawings, was required.

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 23

Unfortunately, what is typically shown on shop drawings is ideal and often does not account for all the variations
that can and will occur in the field with the final installation. As a result the installed condition may very well not be
representative of the anticipated installation at the time shop drawings and structural calculations were prepared.
Out of-tolerance structures will usually delay the installation and add labor and material costs. Following is a
review of some of the variations from shop drawings that occur in the field the effects these variations can have
on the installation, and some possible solutions to the problems.

8.2021.1 Off-Location of Structural Surround

Probably the most common condition falling within this category is a concrete floor slab that does not occur where
structural and/or architectural drawings show it should be. When the off-location is in the in or out direction either
one of the following may occur:

a) The gross amount of the off-located slab edge may exceed the size of the horizontally slotted hole for the
anchor connection. This may necessitate field drilling an extra hole in the anchor clip or in the curtain wall

b) If the slab edge is too far in, the condition may prevent the supplied anchor from ever reaching the slab edge.
For a bolted connection this condition may be overcome by extra shims and longer connection bolts. Care
must be taken that only properly engineered items of each are used. Excessive shimming or excessively long
bolted connections may cause unrealistic moment loads on fasteners and subsequent anchor failure. If the
anchor design is welded directly to an individual plate in the slab edge or a continuous structural screed angle,
a new and properly engineered anchor with a longer reach will have to be substituted Welding a job-located
steel item, such as a bolt, as a spacer between the anchor and embedment is not an acceptable solution
because of the difficulty in ensuring structural adequacy of the connection.

8.2021.2 Mislocated, Missed or Incorrect Embedments

The effective coordination of curtain wall installations re quires that plates, Unistruts* or other embedments used
for attaching the curtain wall be located in the correct plane. An effective and professional method for
accomplishing this goal is to issue separate shop drawings early in the project, which detail and locate all
embedded items. It is important also to show in the shop drawings the tolerances which can be accepted for the
embedments to be off location from design.

*NOTE: Unistruts is a registered trade name of Unistrut Spas Frame Systems.

In spite of all well intentioned efforts to prevent problems, embedments can and will end up being off location or
missed entirely. This may happen because hardware did not arrive on site on time, embedment locations were

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 24

not sufficiently detailed on the shop drawings, project pour schedule did not allow enough time for correct layout
and/or placement, and ordinary human errors occurred, including forgetfulness. In these cases, Sspecial “as-built”
design and structural analysis may be necessary.


Curtain walls are generally attached to the steel portion of the building structure, the edge of the concrete floor
slab, or the concrete spandrel beam. If the anchorage is to the structural steel one should not expect any field
variation. Normally the shapes and sizes dictated by the structural requirements of the building are what actually
are installed on the project. One problem that can occur, however, is to find a different size steel member installed
from that shown on the approved curtain wall shop drawings. This is often attributable to discrepancies between
architectural and structural drawings for the project. More often than not it occurs on the lower floors of
monumental projects because these areas often undergo significant changes after start-up, especially during
today’s ever more common “fast track” development. If such a condition makes itself evident the curtain wail
installer should advise the general contractor so that structural adequacy can be verified before proceeding.

When concrete is poured, voids are sometimes created in the pour due to air entrapment or inadequate working
of the pour. These are more likely to occur at transition areas such as embedment locations, columns, or corners.
It is not unusual to see several embedded plates only partially surrounded by concrete, leaving their structural
performance highly suspect. It is a good idea for the curtain wall installer to visit the site early in the pouring and
look over the concrete quality, especially immediately adjacent to embedments to which the anchors will attach.


A variation from approved shop drawings which is some times found on the project is the substitution of
embedments. If this occurs it is usually due to the correct embedments not being on site or not being immediately
available, and it is aggravated by project schedule pressures. This can lead to an Unistrut type insert designed for
holding a light fixture being substituted for the stronger insert required to handle curtain wall dead loads and wind
loads. It is also possible that the curtain wall shop drawings require different sizes or types of embedments for
different load conditions or different curtain wall anchorage conditions. The curtain wall installer should therefore
verify that the correct embedments have been placed before proceeding with the installation. Verification should
be an ongoing requirement.


Another deviation from design often found in a completed installation is excessive shimming which can lead to
inadequate engagement of bolts or expanding type concrete inserts. The condition that usually causes this
situation is off- location structure, previously discussed. The condition of in adequate engagement only occurs if
the structure off-location condition has not been properly dealt with. Inadequate engagement of concrete
expanding type anchors can be a very serious problem because the strength of the anchors is de pendent on the
depth of penetration of the insert into the concrete. In addition to inadequate engagement excessive shimming

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 25

can also cause excessively long bolted connections and this, as was previously pointed out, may cause
unrealistic moment loads and subsequent anchor failure.


Field variations found in perimeter anchorage areas can affect curtain wall weatherability performance adversely,
particularly if the design caulk joint space has closed to less than ¼”.0.25 in. Most high quality sealants, properly
applied with ideal joint design can only accept a maximum of 50% joint movement and 50% of a ¼”0.25 in. joint is
very little movement capability for a curtain wall which is designed to move independently of the structure and the
perimeter conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the effect variation in anchorage may have on final
perimeter sealant joint installation inasmuch as this is often a leading cause for joint failure.


Last, but in many cases not least, is the adverse effect field variations can have on the aesthetic aspects of
curtain wall installations. Ground floor and atrium applications for curtain walls often utilize exposed anchors to a
steel structural back-up system. Off-location of the structural support can result in exposed anchors being
“different” from one to the next, thus having an overall negative aesthetic impact. Proper consideration given to
this possibility during the anchorage design phase can overcome at least some of these negative aesthetic


The previous section has addressed some specific areas which can be expected to vary from the design (as
drawn) condition of the curtain wall anchorage. Now that it can be seen that these will vary and that allowance
must be made for these variations, the issue logically to be addressed is how the negative impacts of such
variations can be overcome.

The best solution to a problem is to prevent it from becoming a problem in the first place. To do that effectively,
knowledgeable people must be able to anticipate the problem beforehand and then do something about it early
enough so that it never ends up being a problem. Thus it is averted. This “anticipation” of problems never stops. It
carries through from preliminary design sketches until the final bolt is tightened. Following is a check list of items
that can be considered during the various phases of a project.

8.2627.1 Pre-Bid Design Phase

• How much off-location of surrounding condition can reasonably be expected?

• How much allowance should be designed in the anchor for off-location conditions?
• State on submittal shop drawings what the anchorage system will accept in off-location conditions.
• Are embedment sizes adequate to allow a full design welded connection given “normal” field variation
• Are Unistrut type embedded inserts long enough? Is an angle attachment used that is reversible?

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 26

• Are embedment layout and detail drawings timely enough? Do they account for all conditions?
• Do structural and architectural drawings at anchor conditions agree? What about steel supplier drawings?
• Does attachment system allow for “tipped” or “cocked” embedments as well as off-location embedments?
• Does attachment system allow for temporary holding of curtain wall during initial erection? Does it allow for
easy and accurate adjustment prior to final attachment?
• Do sizes and profiles of the building structure at points of attachment of the anchors, as noted on shop
drawings, represent what the actual structure is or should be, or are they generic in nature, or do the
drawings just show material but not size or profile?
• Is it possible to “dot” or “phantom” in anticipated structural surround variations in location?
• Have alternative anchors or attachments been shown if actual condition exceeds limitation of anchor
• Have minimum penetrations been shown for expanding concrete type anchors?
• Have anchors been designed for the appropriate code requirements?
• Has adequate clearance been provided for fire protection materials and allowance for tolerance

8.2627.2 Approval Phase

• Are conditions as shown on drawings correct?

• Have all “please verify’s” been answered?
• Has coordination occurred with the other trades involved?
• Have all submittals, including drawings, required samples and required calculations been approved and
• Has the field installation crew been trained and the design intent communicated?
• Have provisions been made for inspection of field conditions before, during and after installation?

8.2627.3 Installation Phase

• Verify that surround conditions are in accordance with the drawings prior to installation.
• Verify that installation is in accordance with drawings during construction and after completion of
• If surround conditions or installation are not in accordance with approved design drawings then coordinate
necessary modifications with responsible parties.


Aluminum and glass curtain wall materials are probably more likely to be damaged during the building
construction period than at any other time. Having successfully fabricated and delivered these close-fitting and
carefully finished components, there remains the problem of keeping them in this condition. This can be difficult
and expensive, with other trades working around them, and the elements taking their toll. Much damage is done,

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 27

either carelessly or maliciously, by workmen at the job site. Mortar and plaster will stain most surfaces, including
glass, unless it is immediately washed off, and protection against damage by such materials must be provided.
There should be a carefully established and implemented program of protection and later cleaning for each job,
under the responsibility of the general contractor, who alone can control all of the potential sources of damage.

The wall units or materials must be carefully stacked, on blocking, in the storage areas designated by the general
contractor. Units which are pre-glazed should be stacked on edge. If protection such as plastic film or plywood is
needed, because of nearby work of other trades, the general contractor should provide such protection as a part
of his responsibility for coordinating the work of all trades on the job.

As the work is installed, the installation contractor should remove any soil or dirt which has been caused by
installation his operations and which is not removed by the normal final cleaning. Cleaning or washing the
installed units at this time would obviously be wasted effort and should not be expected. Thereafter the protection
of the installed work, as well as its final cleaning, which may not be possible until months later, should be done by
the general contractor. It is wholly impractical for the wall or installation contractor to police his installed work
against damage by others after it is put in place.
Recognizing these facts, the general contractor should make certain that:

• adequate temporary storage spaces are provided for the materials of all trades, and stored materials are
protected from damage;
• workmen are cautioned about damaging finished surfaces by the careless use of tools, or by standing or
placing planks, scaffolding or other materials on aluminum surfaces not designed for such purposes, and
• finished metal and glass surfaces are protected from contact with dirty rags or trash of any kind, and from
splashed plaster, cement or fireproofing material and the spatter from welding or burning operations.

All of these precautions are critically important, but the latter deserves special emphasis. A major cause of
staining and damage of aluminum finishes is the splashing, spattering and run-down from adjacent or overhead
masonry work. Acids used in the cleaning of masonry also pose serious protection problem. But good
housekeeping practices can prevent damage from all such hazards. All mortar, plaster, cement, fireproofing
materials, sprays, paints another wet materials should be washed off before they dry on aluminum. Dried
spatterings can be removed with wood or plastic scraper; metal scrapers should not be used because they may
scratch the surface.


As comprehensive information on both of these subjects ha been provided in AAMA Aluminum Curtain Wall
Series Volume 6, “Joint Sealants in Aluminum Curtain Walls, Glass and Glazing,” they need be discussed only
briefly here There are several matters, though, in respect to both the glazing of the wall and the application of
sealants that re late particularly to the installation process and deserve special mention.

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 28

One of these is the question of how glazed areas should be identified during the construction period. On some job
it is considered advisable or necessary to mark, in some way, those openings in which glass has been installed,
to prevent accidental breakage of or damage to the glass. The glass manufacturers caution, however, that no
marking should be taped, sprayed or painted on any glass surface Even though a marking material may be
chosen which, in itself, will not harm the glass, the collection of moisture, mortar, plaster of other soil at the edge
of the marking or absorbed by the marking may permanently discolor or etch the glass surface with prolonged
exposure. Neither should ribbons, banners or other devices be taped to finished aluminum surfaces.
Consequently, when markings for his installation purposes are needed, some means should be devised to attach
them to materials or surfaces which will not be exposed when the building is completed.

The responsibility for sealing the various types of joints in and around the curtain wall is sometimes solely that of
the wall contractor, but more often is divided between two or more parties. Those metal-to-metal joints which
require sealing for weather protection are usually sealed by the parts installing the wall. Metal-to-glass joints are
sealed by the subcontractor doing the glazing work, who may be the wall contractor, an installation subcontractor
or another subcontractor doing the glazing work only. Periphery joints between metal and masonry work or
concrete are usually sealed b a caulking subcontractor, but on the smaller jobs, where the amount of such work is
limited, it may be done by the wall contractor.

Sealants play a critical role in metal curtain walls, and the importance of their proper selection and application can
not be over-emphasized. A variety of sealing materials is available, some of which are more expensive than
others. Generally, only the more expensive “high range” sealants of the elastomeric type are appropriate for use
on aluminum curtain walls, Because of the amount of joint movement to which they are subjected, high
performance capability is a critical essential. Initial cost of the sealant should not be a determining factor in its
selection, as the cost of even the most expensive sealant is small in comparison with the cost of its application.

Even the best sealants cannot be expected to perform well unless they are properly installed. As a rule, all
surfaces to which the sealant is to bond must be thoroughly clean and dry, and only trained applicators should be
entrusted with the sealing work. Every precaution should be taken to ensure that the work is done correctly, as cal
actions to remedy defective applications can be very expensive.


Weather conditions greatly affect the facility and efficiency of the curtain wall installation. For obvious reasons,
warm dry weather is always preferred, but the work cannot always be stopped just because the weather changes.
It continues, in most parts of the country, throughout the winter. In planning the work, all parties should keep in
mind that cold and inclement weather present various problems affecting installation procedures, among which

Working conditions are unsafe in high winds and when the area is wet, icy or covered with snow. The amount of
work that can be performed under such conditions is relatively small, the quality of the work necessarily suffers,

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 29

and installation costs soar. Just as with masonry and concrete walls, the installation of the aluminum curtain wall
should not be required to proceed during periods of severe weather, regardless of how delay may affect the
building construction schedule.

Small connections and fasteners are difficult to handle, especially if workmen wear gloves for protection from the

Sealants should not be applied to wet or icy surfaces. If they are the chemically curing type, they may cure or set
before they can bond to the surface. It is generally recommended by the manufacturers of sealants that they not
be applied in temperatures below 40°F. Moisture from condensation is likely to be present, though perhaps not
visible, on metal and glass surfaces, preventing a satisfactory bond.

Elastomeric Ggaskets of neoprene or other rubber-like materials can become stiff and unworkable in cold
weather, and those of the lock-strip type must be heated and kept warm, to be properly installed. Workmen may
fail to condition them properly and are likely to may damage them by forcing them into place.


Some wall installation contractors have found it advisable, especially on the larger jobs, to check the wall for
water leakage early in the course of its installation. Such checks, or “tests,” are usually made with a hose, and if
done carefully and systematically they are considered to be well worth their relatively small cost. They serve
either to verify that installation procedures are satisfactory or to disclose deficiencies requiring correction.
Consequently such a check should be made early in the installation process, so that remedial steps can be taken
promptly, and on large structures should be repeated once or twice later, as a re-check, as the work proceeds. It’s
much better to discover faults in time to correct them than to find them after the installation is completed,
necessitating expensive remedial work on the whole wall.

A hose test, to be meaningful and worthwhile, must be con ducted methodically and carefully. A standard method
being used for such a field check is described in AAMA Standard 501.2, “Field Check of Metal Curtain Walls for
Water Leak age.” In brief, this prescribes the use of a ¾” garden hose with a specified nozzle from which water
sprayed at a controlled rate is directed at the joints. At least two floors of a curtain wall, 75 ftfeet in width, must
first be completely erected, glazed and sealed, with indoor wall finish omitted. Waterproof masking tape is then
applied to all joints. Starting at the bottom of the installed area, the tape is removed from one joint at a time and
the spray is applied perpendicular to the wall, moving slowly back and forth along the joint for about five minutes.
This process is repeated on all joints in turn, while workmen inside the building check for leaks.

The architect may wish to specify such field checks as a precautionary measure. It must be recognized, however,
that the procedure is not a completely controlled test, and should be considered a supplement to, but not a
substitute for, the more comprehensive, more precise and more rigorous laboratory tests for water leakage
usually specified for testing wall mockups.

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 30

One of the important last steps in the building construction process is the final cleaning of the curtain wall. Often
there are masonry as well as glass and aluminum surfaces to be cleaned. Usually this cleaning takes place some
months after the wall installation contractor has completed his the work and left the job, and, for reasons already
explained, the work is done by the general contractor, If the protective mesuresmeasures described earlier in this
article have been taken, the cleaning work will pose no problems, but if they’ve bee neglected there may be some
serious difficulties.

AAMA 609: Voluntary Guide Specification for Cleaning and Maintenance of Architectural Anodized Aluminum;
and AAMA 610: Voluntary Guide Specification for Cleaning and Maintenance of Painted Aluminum extrusions and
Curtain Wall Panels, should be followed. It is vitally important, of course, that all cleaning solutions and materials
used be not only compatible with the sealants used in the installation but harmless as well to all other materials
and finishes.

AAMA CWM-XX, Draft #2, Dated 7/17/15 Page 31

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