The Book of John: King James Bible Study Correspondence Course

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King James Bible Study Correspondence Course
An Outreach of Highway Evangelistic Ministries
5311 Windridge lane ~ Lockhart, Florida 32810 ~ USA

The Book of John

Lesson 1
Return pages 6 & 7 only
Read John 1:1-18

This Bible lesson is the introduction to a 50 lesson series, where we all will see the
story, the foundational principals of the doctrines of our faith and we will mine out the gem
stones along with the deep things of GOD.
John is such a remarkable book. It presents Jesus Christ as God. That is the deity
of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible gives us in the four Gospels. Four different looks at the
same person; and you see different things in the different gospels. It does not mean there
are four different people. It does not mean there is any disagreement between the writers.
It simply means that we are looking at the same person from four distinct and four
particular viewpoints.
In Matthew, Jesus Christ is the king of the Jews. In the parables, in the miracles and
the events of Matthew all have to do with the throne in Jerusalem and Jesus sitting on that
throne. In Mark, He is the servant; and Mark centers upon works and deeds and action
and miracles and very little about the words of Jesus in Mark, more about the works of
Jesus. Then Luke, the humanity of Christ, His compassion and His love and His hands-on
approach to meeting people. But in John, Jesus Christ is God. It is just so powerful and so
Look at John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word (capital “W”) and the Word was with
God and the Word was God. There is no manger here. There is no virgin Mary here. There
are no shepherds here. There are no wise men. There is no Herod. There is no
forerunner, John the Baptist. He comes later. The thing starts out with the Word predating
the beginning. Look at that statement. In the beginning was… How can there be a past
tense in reference to the beginning? Isn’t that amazing? He pre-dates dates! He exists
before anything exists. The Word had no beginning.
Look at John 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory
which I had with thee before the world was. Before the world was, what was there? The
Father and the Son in glory together. Glory is not a place; it is a condition. They are in
glory together before the world was. Look at 1 John 1:1. That which was from the beginning,
which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our
hands have handled, of the Word of life; Do you see that capital W showing up there again?
Now, they saw, they looked, they handled that which was from the beginning. See, when the
beginning took place, He was! He is past tense at creation. He is the Creator!
Ephesians 1:4. According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the
world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Before the foundation of
the world, God the Father and God the Son were in glory, in their glory; they had made a
choice before the foundation of the world that those that they had created would be with
them in that glory. This is what the book of John is all about - that prayer you read in John
17, …Father glorify them with the glory that we had before the foundation of the world that
they can be one in us and we can be one in them and we can dwell together in glory.
His plan was not to build mountains, rivers, lakes and streams, that was just a place to live.
His plan was that God and man should enjoy a glorious relationship.

© Copyright kjbscc 2007 John Lesson one 03/31/2008 12:08 PM

King James Bible Study Correspondence Course
An Outreach of Highway Evangelistic Ministries
5311 Windridge lane ~ Lockhart, Florida 32810 ~ USA

Proverbs 8:23-26. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.
When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with
water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth: While as yet he
had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world. Verses 27-
30. When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the
depth: When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep:
When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he
appointed the foundations of the earth: Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I
was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; So, it is the Father and the Son enjoying
their power to create and doing so together.
Psalm 90. You see where we are going and we will work on this all the way down
through verse 3. But John is writing about the One who created all things who is going to
die on the cross to save us from our sins. The servant of Jehovah dies in Mark, the
greatest Man that ever lived died in Luke for sinners, the King of the Jews of the chosen
people died in Matthew all that is great, but the beginning, the Word, the Creator, He is
going to die for Me? That is mind boggling! How do we put that into words? How do you
grasp that? The Holy Spirit is using John to say, get a look at who we are talking about
here! Before we talk about the miracles, before the beatings, before the sacrifice, before
the resurrection – look at who we are talking about! This is the One that made all things
coming into this world.
Psalm 90:2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the
earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.. He did not become
God. Before there were mountains, before there were hills, before there were rivers, before
there streams, before there was anything to conquer, before there was anything to govern,
He was already God! And He created and He made all things.
This truth in John 1:1 and John 1:14, separates Christianity from every false religion
and from every cult! We believe Jesus Christ was the Creator. We believe He was God
Almighty from the beginning and the rest of them do not! Revelation 3:14. …These things
saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God… And He
says that in Revelation 1:11 – look at your cross reference. These things saith the Amen, the
faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; Verse 8. I am Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the ending… He is saying it began with me. He is not saying I was the
first thing that was created. He is saying that I am the initiator of creation! There is no
creation without me because I pre-date the creation! I am back before it.
Look back in John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word, (capital W) and the Word (capital
W) was with God, and the Word (capital W) was God. Now, you cannot necessarily get the
Trinity out of that verse, but you certainly can get an absolute statement that there is more
than one person in the Godhead. The Word was with God… the Word was God. There is God
and there is the Word, who is God! They are not the same person. There is obviously a
Father and a Son there. We have the same in those verses that we read in John 17;
Psalms 90 and Proverbs 8. There is a unity at work there! Genesis 1:26. And God said,
Let us make man… Genesis 11:7, God said, Let us go down and see this tower and confound their
language; and so you see the unity in John 1:1.
Now, look down at verse 14. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…
these two verses laid side by side establish the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Creator
who is the Word was made flesh. He took upon Himself a body of flesh. He did not begin in
Mary’s womb. He did not begin when He was born at Bethlehem. There was not a God
© Copyright kjbscc 2007 John Lesson one 03/31/2008 12:08 PM
King James Bible Study Correspondence Course
An Outreach of Highway Evangelistic Ministries
5311 Windridge lane ~ Lockhart, Florida 32810 ~ USA

along with a God-like man or person named Jesus – whoever that is in verse 1, there He is
in verse 14 in a body of human flesh! It is the very same person.
Something to keep in mind as you as study your Bible –In your Bible, Word (capital
W) is Jesus Christ; word (small w) is the written scripture. If the references is to scripture it
has a small “w.” If the reference is to Jesus Christ, it has a capital “W.” Why? It is His
name! It is His title. Many of the newer Bibles (even KJV), the editor has changed this
capitalization and they make either both capitalized or neither capitalized, if your Bible is
this way, you may want to look for another one that has it correctly, you can bet if they
have changed this word, they have probably changed others.
Here is the trouble with that. The world's philosopher’s, Plato and Philo and Origen
and others, they teach this thing called the Logos. Have you ever seen it in the new
Bibles? The modern Bibles, they say “the beginning was the logos…” The idea of the logos
is that this general thought or message or teaching of love and light and life – that general
message, that is deity. And Jesus so embodied and so represented the message of the
logos, that He took that name. But if Jesus was not the creator but this spirit of God,
whatever it is, was the creator and that spirit was in Jesus – so when you capitalize "word"
and make it refer to the scripture, you are deliberately or unintentionally, you are giving
credibility to that philosophy. The "word" is not capital W when referencing what God said
or what God taught. The "Word" is capitalized when referring to God. God who created
was manifested in the flesh. I am saying do not throw a book away if you see scripture
capitalized, when you see Word capitalized in a book in reference to the scripture, that is a
philosophy thing. That is not a Bible thing. I always thought it was funny that these men
would say, “…we are capitalizing word in reference to the scriptures out of reverence for
the scripture…” yet every other page, they are correcting the scripture! So where is the
reverence here?
Now, take a look at verse 2. The same [That is the Word, capital W.] was in the
beginning with God. He is emphasizing that. This is the same person that we are talking
about all through here. All things were made by him; Now, that is not by God, though Jesus
is God.] All things were made by him… Who is him? Verse 2. The same that was in the
beginning with God. Who is this? Verse 1. The Word, who was God. So God the Word is
the one who made all things. John 1, verses 1 to 3 make it very clear, the Word who was
God and was with God is the one who made all things. That is very important. Those
hands that were nailed to the cross are the hands that formed Adam in the garden. Those
hands that were nailed to the cross are the ones that measured the oceans in their hollow
and stretched out the expanse of the universe. They were nailing their Creator to a cross.
It is incomprehensible!
All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made. So,
He did not do a part and Vishnu did a part or some deity over there did a part, Charlie
Darwin did a part. If it was made, God made it! Look at Jeremiah chapter 10 and Jeremiah
chapter 32 on this creation idea. What is so amazing about the Bible, is it’s consistency.
Wherever you slice it, it is going to support this same truth that God is the creator! The
scripture never wavers or contradicts that truth. Jeremiah 10:11-12.. Thus shall ye say unto
them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the
earth, and from under these heavens. He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established
the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion. There are other
gods. We do not deny that. People worship other deities. People worship other gods; but
our God made their God. Whatever you are worshipping, our God made it!
© Copyright kjbscc 2007 John Lesson one 03/31/2008 12:08 PM
King James Bible Study Correspondence Course
An Outreach of Highway Evangelistic Ministries
5311 Windridge lane ~ Lockhart, Florida 32810 ~ USA

Look at Jeremiah 32:17. Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the
earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: How
about that! Is not that the truth? If He could make the heaven and make the earth, He can
sure take care of anything that is happening in the heaven and on the earth. It is clear that
He made it according to that verse.
Psalm 89:11. The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine: as for the world and the
fulness thereof, thou hast founded them. Isn’t that good! Not just the world but the fullness
thereof.. And it is His! The heavens are His. The earth is His. It’s all His property.
Colossians 1:14 so we know what we are talking about. In whom we have redemption
through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: this is none other than Jesus Christ, the One
who shed His blood. Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: the
statement is He is God made visible. He is the image of the invisible God. Verse 16. For by
him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,
whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by
him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. That is powerful.
Who is God? He is the One that made everything and it all belongs to Him.
John 1:4 In him was life… Life originates with Jesus Christ! The origin of life is not
atoms. The origin of life is not neutrons and protons and elements. The origin of life is not
a big bang. In him was life… He is living before there is a planet. He is living before there is
a galaxy. He is living before there is a pool of water. He is living before there is a bird. Life
starts with Jesus Christ. He is the life! There is nothing alive that did not get their life from
Jesus Christ. That is quite a statement! …and the life… Look, it is exclusive. There is no
other! …the life WAS the light of men. If you have light, if you have understanding, if you
have knowledge, if you have intelligence, if you have a spiritual being within you, if you can
grasp the simplest truth, that light was given to you by your Creator!
Jump ahead for a second to verse 9. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man
that cometh into the world. So there is no one living that did not get their life from God. And
there is no one living who has any comprehension of truth who did not get that
comprehension from God. You do not attain wisdom, knowledge, understanding and truth
unless God reveals it to you. Job 11:7 Canst thou by searching find out God. No. He has to
make Himself known to you. He has to reveal Himself to you. A Calvinist will say, “aha, see
there?” But the Bible says, but wait, He does that for everybody. So that is the other side
of the truth – but the truth is, if God did not reveal Himself to you, you could not find Him!
There are people born who have life but they do not have understanding. Those who are
born who do have understanding – and by that, I mean the ability to communicate, the
ability to reason and the ability to think things through, they only have it because God gave
it to them. Those who use that understanding, that ability to reason to put their faith and
trust in Jesus Christ, even that is no merit on their part. Had God not sent His Son, not
sent a witness, not sent the Holy Spirit, not revealed truth to them, they never would have
found Him. So what He is saying in these first four verses is everything that matters, that is
good, that is right, that is blessed, and everything that is holy, originates with God. God
possessed it first and gave it to man. God possessed it first and gave it to His creation.
What if instead of creating angels, He just created devils? He could have. What could
have you done about it? What if instead of making a heaven, He just made a hell?

© Copyright kjbscc 2007 John Lesson one 03/31/2008 12:08 PM

King James Bible Study Correspondence Course
An Outreach of Highway Evangelistic Ministries
5311 Windridge lane ~ Lockhart, Florida 32810 ~ USA

You get to live a while like Job did for thirty six chapters and then go to hell. That is it!
There are gods like that in the mythologies of the world.
Fortunately, Our God is light. Our God is life. Look around you. Our God is beauty.
Our God is grace. Our God is kindness. This is what is He saying here. God - In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… In him was
life… Not death.; …light… Not darkness. Good things, not bad things. Do you see what He
is setting up here? Everything you are going to see in the book of John underscores the
truth. He is life! Men want death – but He is life! He is light – men want darkness, but He is
light! It is not God’s fault that things are bad. It is not God’s fault that things go wrong. It is
not God’s fault that people are in hell. He is life! He is light! That is who God is! Hallelujah!
Verse 5. And the light shineth in darkness; That light is a bit more than the light at the
end of the tunnel. That light shines in darkness. …and the darkness comprehended it not. Do
you see what He is saying? Everything that is evil. Everything that is connected to death,
suffering, cruelty, hatred, bloodshed and tears, it looks at this God and does not
understand him. I do not understand him. The self-righteous, proud sinner who is going to
work his way to heaven, he does not understand it. The egotistical Pharisee, he does not
understand it. Does not understand what? The fact that the only way that you are going to
have life is if God gives it to you. The only way that you are going to have light is if God
gives it to you. You cannot earn it; you cannot buy it; you cannot work for it; you cannot
fight for it. You do not deserve it. It comes from God. That is what grace is. It all comes
from God.
James 1:17. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from
the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. How many good
gifts? Every good gift. How many perfect gifts? Every perfect gift. Where did you get it? It
came down from above, from the Father of what? Lights! Anything good is from God.
All right – that’s the introduction to the book.
The theme of the book, what did you get from those first five verses? God -Jesus
Christ created it –. It all belongs to Him. Something went wrong. Darkness entered. But the
Light came and shown in the darkness. That is what the book of John is all about.


© Copyright kjbscc 2007 John Lesson one 03/31/2008 12:08 PM

King James Bible Study Correspondence Course
An Outreach of Highway Evangelistic Ministries
5311 Windridge lane ~ Lockhart, Florida 32810 ~ USA

Introduction to the book of John

Lesson 1
Read John 1:1-18


1. Identify the four different aspects of Christ as "the Word" given in these passages.




2. What is the difference, in scripture, between "the word" and "the Word"?

3. What thoughts come to your mind as you compare the first and last verses of the
book of John? (extra credit if you answer correctly, no point off if answered incorrectly)

4. Explain what we learn from these passages regarding:

• The Word in creation (vv. 1-5)
• The Word in history (vv. 6-13)
• The Word in incarnation (vv. 14-18)

5. Who is Jesus Christ in each of the four gospels?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

6. Why is it important to have a Bible that only capitalizes when it is supposed too?

7. When we refer to Jesus Christ as being Logos, what are we actually implying?

8. " In the beginning was…" What does this statement reflect?

9. Explain the meaning of glory?

© Copyright kjbscc 2007 John Lesson one 03/31/2008 12:08 PM

King James Bible Study Correspondence Course
An Outreach of Highway Evangelistic Ministries
5311 Windridge lane ~ Lockhart, Florida 32810 ~ USA

10. Who died in each of the four gospels?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

11. Who is the "same" in our passages of scripture?

12. Where does life originate?

13. Where does light originate?

14. What is the book of John all about?

• It is OK to capitalized all references of the word "Word" in your Bible?
• The only way that I can receive life to carry me through death, is if I work real hard
at being a good person?
• Salvation is by works through faith?

Scripture Memorization; (write these on the back on the sheet, Must be in KJV)
John 1:1,2,& 3; Jeremiah 32:17; Psalm 90:2

any questions?

© Copyright kjbscc 2007 John Lesson one 03/31/2008 12:08 PM

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