Library Instruction Program
Library Instruction Program
Library Instruction Program
The library services effectiveness depend on the use of its materials and other resources. It is said to be the heart of the institution and it provides information
to users inside and/or outside of its jurisdiction. Also, the use of library materials depends on the skills of an individual in manipulating the tools necessary in
locating the information from the vast resources of knowledge. Thus, the _(name of your school/library)________________ has the responsibility to train/ help its
users develop the required skills through the aid of library instruction.
- To provide information and training to students on quick access of accurate information about diverse aspect of human knowledge.
- Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base.
- Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.
Grade 9 Research Frenzy Reference Materials Learning Objectives: Library Staff Trivia-question
Dictionaries After completing the lesson, the student November Scavenger hunt
Encyclopedias will be able to … English Teacher
Atlas * expose to a variety of reference