Anchoring Method Figure
Anchoring Method Figure
Anchoring Method Figure
2015 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Prof. Giovanni Predieri
Prof. Giovanni Sartori
Prof. Raimondo Maggi
Calogero Giancarlo Piscopo
Table of contents
1. Green methods in organic chemistry 7
1.1 General introduction 7
1.2 Heterogeneous catalysis 8
1.3 Supported catalysts 9
1.3.1 The anchoring methodologies 10
1.3.2 Solid supports 12
1.4 Continuous flow system 14
1.5 References 17
Acknowledgements 108
In recent years the need to reduce production costs and the increasing regulations in
pollution prevention prompted industries and academia to revise old processes in
order to obtain safer and cleaner procedures for fine chemical and pharmaceutical
synthesis. This trend towards what has become known as „Green Chemistry‟ [1, 2, 3]
or „Sustainable Technology‟ necessitates a paradigm shift from traditional concepts
of process efficiency, that are mostly based on chemical yield, to one that assigns
economic value to eliminating waste at source and avoiding the use of toxic and/or
hazardous substances.
Novel processes should encounter several requirements such as high chemo-, regio-
and stereoselectivity, one pot reactions or multi-component reactions instead of
multi-step procedures, use of non-toxic solvents or solvent-free reactions, elimination
of toxic and/or harmful reagents, improvement of atom economy, etc.
A reasonable working definition of green chemistry can be formulated as follows:
“Green chemistry efficiently utilizes (preferably renewable) raw materials,
eliminates waste and avoids the use of toxic and/or hazardous reagents and solvents
in the manufacture and application of chemical products”.
An alternative term, that is currently favoured by the chemical industry, is
Sustainable Technologies. Sustainable development has been defined as [4]:
“meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs”.
In order to reach the goal of Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies, organic
synthesis should take advantage from new different methods.
This work mainly deals with the application of the heterogeneous catalysis with
special attention into the development of flow processes.
1. Green methods in organic chemistry
1. Green methods in organic chemistry
the porogen. Otherwise, it has been reported the preparation of “molded” porous
materials with high characteristics for catalysis and asymmetric catalysis too. On the
other hand, inorganic oxides show several advantages, such as more mechanical
stability, easier handling and a wider range of solvents that can be used.
Another class of solid catalysts that has generated a particular interest is that of the
supported homogeneous catalysts, that combine the potential versatility and
selectivity of homogeneous catalysts with the practical advantages of solid materials,
such as easy catalyst separation from the reaction medium, recovery, and use of a
large variety of reaction conditions. [9]
However the creation of the ideal supported catalyst is related to the need of new
technologies and new supports since they play an important role in the outcome of
the process. In fact, normally, the heterogenization procedure causes a decreasing in
stereoselectivity and activity in comparison with the homogeneous counterpart.
Besides, the solid support determines limited diffusion of reactants to the active sites
and this results in lower reaction rates. The support surface and the catalyst site
surrounding can also influence the extent of the reaction.
The focus of this dissertation regards the immobilization of homogeneous active
catalysts onto solid supports for the production of fine chemicals in batch and
continuous flow conditions.
In the last years many efforts have been devoted to the catalysts heterogenization and
different strategies have been developed for the preparation of supported
homogeneous catalysts.
The ideal supported catalyst should thus satisfy many requirements in order to
combine both advantages of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.
However, the creation of the ideal supported catalyst is far to be accomplished and
indeed many problems related to this technology have to be overcome. First of all the
heterogenization procedure usually causes a decreasing in both selectivity and
activity of the homogeneous catalyst: in fact, the solid support determines limited
1. Green methods in organic chemistry
diffusion of reactants to the active sites and this results in lower reaction rates. The
lower selectivity too, which often represents a drawback of the heterogeneous
systems, has to be ascribed to the matrix effect. With its chemical and physical
properties the support surface in close proximity of the anchored catalytic site can
influence the extent of the reaction and determine a lower selectivity. As an example,
when using silica as support, the polar surface can easily form hydrogen bonds with
many organic polar functional groups or interact with metal atoms, and this effect
can change the spatial orientation of reactants towards catalysts. On the other hand,
organic polymeric supports have usually little porosity, therefore there is a spatial
constriction of catalysts which are not completely free to assume the best orientation.
Moreover, the recyclability of solid catalysts has not yet reached a good level of
efficiency to be of practical interest. In this respect there are many problems related
to the catalyst and support characteristics. The catalyst can be damaged during the
reaction or can undergo partial leaching of the active species in the reaction medium
that determines a partial deactivation of the catalyst itself. In some cases, however,
the supporting procedure can improve the catalyst stability by eliminating,
dimerization, and/or aggregation effects, which are the main causes of deactivation
under homogeneous conditions. In fact “site isolation”, i.e. attaching the catalyst to a
support in such a way that the active sites can no longer interact with each other, is a
key concept that might lead to better performing heterogeneous catalysts. [10]
With a careful catalyst design and an appropriate support choice based on reaction
conditions (e.g. solvent, temperature, reactant etc.) it is possible to overcome these
Concerning the catalyst heterogenization, there are almost three approaches that have
been described in the literature (Figure 1) [11]: a) formation of covalent bonds; b)
adsorption by ion pair formation; c) entrapment.
1. Green methods in organic chemistry
Covalent binding
Covalent binding, by far the most frequently used strategy, can be made either by
copolymerisation of conveniently functionalised catalysts or ligands with a suitable
monomer, or by anchoring catalysts or ligands with reactive groups to a preformed
surface. [12] With both strategies it is possible to prepare whole organic materials
(polymeric materials) and organic-inorganic materials (mixed gels and organic
molecules tethered on inorganic supports). [13, 14] Several specific methodologies
used to covalently anchor to solid supports will be fully described in the following
The heterogeneous catalysts are much more complex than their homogeneous
counterparts, and many additional parameters such as type of support, spacer length
and flexibility, surface coverage degree, surface area and porosity have to be
optimised to achieve an acceptable catalytic performance.
1. Green methods in organic chemistry
Inorganic materials
Many different types of inorganic supports are known for the preparation of
heterogenized catalysts. The most used can be divided mainly in three categories: a)
amorphous materials (e.g. amorphous silica and alumina), b) mesoporous materials
(e.g. MCM-41, MCM-48 and MSU silicas) and c) crystalline materials (e.g. zeolites).
Inorganic materials described in this dissertation are mainly of two types: amorphous
silica and mesoporous silica (MCM-41).
Amorphous silica
Amorphous silica has a non-ordered structure with irregular channels and pore
diameter that can broadly vary. The amorphous silica utilised in the present work is
commercially available (Merck) with an average pore diameter of 60 Å. This
material has the advantage to be readily available and economically advantageous.
However, due to the irregular pore sizes, part of the catalyst can penetrate into small
1. Green methods in organic chemistry
pores during the supporting procedure with the consequence that this part of the
catalyst is not easily accessible from reactants.
Organic Polymers
Organic polymers as solid phases for heterogeneous catalysis [21] are mainly of
three types: soluble polymers (linear non cross-linked), cross-linked insoluble
polymers and macroreticulated resins. In this work the macroporous resins were
1. Green methods in organic chemistry
Macroporous resins
The term „macroporous‟ resin is used to indicate a class of polymers which have a
permanent well-developed porous structure even at the solid state. [22]
If a polymerization of styrene-divinylbenzene (DVB) mixture is carried out with the
co-monomer mixture in the presence of an appropriate organic solvent (diluent or
porogen) at some appropriate level, then the internal structure (morphology) of the
product resin can be very different to that of a gel-type resin. Removal of the
porogen at the end of the polymerization can leave a heterogeneous and non-uniform
matrix: some areas consist of impenetrable cross-linked and entangled polymer
chains, other areas are devoid of polymer. Unlike gel-type polymers, the
macroporous resins do not need to swell in a solvent to allow access to the interior
because they posses a permanent network of pores whose dimension can be
manipulated by the precise conditions used in the polymerization. When a good
solvent is contacted with a macroporous resin, it can swell the polymer matrix in
some extent as well as filling the pore volume. The swelling often occurs rapidly
because the permanent pore structure gives fast access to the solvent throughout the
whole resin. [21]
1. Green methods in organic chemistry
There are three different possibilities of working in flow system:
I) Type I is constituted by a simple packed catalytic bed (powder or beads polymer)
in a glass column that is equipped with a jacket for column heating and cooling. The
reactant solution is introduced to the column by gravity feed or by pumping through
a syringe or peristaltic pump. The elute flows trough the column then is collected in a
II) Type II is constituted by long syringe needles that pump the solution from the top
into the bottom of a glass tube containing powdered or beads polymer. The product
flow upwards or overflow trough a side arm into a receiver or is pumped out from
the top of the column.
III) Type III uses a monolith that is tight to a plastic or glass cover. The solution
generally is pumped down the column, and if it has the appropriate porosity and
structure, the diffusion inside is smaller than with the Type I and II.
Together with the advantages above described, these systems show also drawbacks:
for example it is well known that catalytic packed bed could promote the formation
of preferential pathways for the mobile phase that decreases the catalyst accessibility
and the productivity.
The first use of a supported catalyst in a solution phase system was almost certainly
the use of column of acidic or basic ion-exchange resins. [28]
In Scheme 1 is reported an important example of organic reaction performed using
supported super Brönsted acid (2) in flow system; the support is constituted by
microporous 2% crosslinked polystyrene beads mixed with celite and packed into a 2
mL syringe. [29]
Many different reactions, such as ester formation, cyclic acetals synthesis,
Mukaiyama aldol reaction, Sakurai-Hosomi reaction, and Mukaiyama-Michael
addition reaction were performed achieving very good results. When a mixture of L-
menthol and acetic anhydride in acetonitrile was passed once through the column
over 1 hour at room temperature, the keton was formed in 99% yield. (Scheme 1).
1. Green methods in organic chemistry
1. Green methods in organic chemistry
1.5 References
[1] P. Anastas, J. C. Warner (Eds.), Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 1998.
[2] P. Tundo, P. Anastas (Eds.), Green Chemistry: Challenging Perspectives, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2000.
[3] J.H. Clark (Ed.), The Chemistry of Waste Minimization, Blackie, London, 1995.
[4] C.G. Brundtland, Our Common Future, The World Commission on
Environmental Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987.
[5] R. A. Sheldon, H. van Bekkum, Fine Chemicals through Heterogeneous
Catalysis, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2001.
[6] D.E. De. Vos, I.F.K. Vankelecom, P.A. Jacobs, Chiral Catalyst Immobilization
and Recycling, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2000.
[7] H. Fan, Y. M. Li, A. S. C. Chan., Chem. Rev., 2002, 102, 3385.
[8] F. Svec, J. M. J. Frechet, Chem. Mater., 1995, 7, 707.
[9] D. C. Sherrington, A. P. Kybett, Supported catalysts and their applications, RSC,
Cambridge, 2001.
[10] B. Pugin, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem., 1996, 107, 273.
[11] X. S. Zhao, X. Y. Bao, W. Guo, F. Y. Lee, Materials Today, 2006, 9, 32.
[12] Li, C., Catal. Rev., 2004, 46, 419.
[13] J. T. Thomas, R. Raja, D. W. Lewis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 6456.
[14] X. S. Zhao, G. Q. Lu, X. Hu, Chem. Commun. 1999, 1391.
[15] McMorn, P., and Hutchings, G. J., Chem. Soc. Rev., 2004, 33, 108.
[16] R. Augustine, S. Tanyelian, S. Anderson, H. Yang, Chem. Commun., 1999,
[17] T. Bein, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater Sci., 1999, 4, 85.
[18] Ogunwami, S. B., and Bein, T., Chem. Commun., 1997, 901.
[19] C. T. Kresge, M. E. Leonowicz, W. J. Roth, J. C. Vartuli, J. S. Beck., Nature,
1992, 359, 710.
[20] D. Zhao, Q. Huo, J. Feng, B. F. Chmelka, G. D. Stucky, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
1998, 120, 6024.
1. Green methods in organic chemistry
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
covalently anchored. Sulfonic acids are organic compounds that exhibit an acid
strength comparable to those of sulfuric and benzenesulfonic acids, strong acids
frequently used in organic solvents. [5] Ford et al. prepared a strong acid catalyst
consisting of silica containing alkanesulfonic acid groups. [6] The synthesis of silica
supported sulfonic acid was achieved by anchoring 3-mercaptopropyltrialkoxysilane
to the silanol groups of amorphous silica followed by oxidation of the terminal
mercapto groups to sulfonic acid with hydrogen peroxide.
Subsequently, other groups have introduced variations in the preparation of this type
of MCM-41-SO3H materials. [7,8,9] These improvements have focused on the
synthesis of MCM-41-SO3H in a single step (instead of preparing a MCM-41 to
which the alkylmercapto group is anchored), optimization of the mercapto/sulfonic
oxidation step, control of the MCM-41 pore size, protection of the residual silanol
groups, etc. The use of different structure-directing agents different from
cetyltrimethylammonium halides leads to the formation of other mesoporous silicas
besides MCM-41, such as those with structure of SBA-15 and SBA-12 using
Pluronics 123 and Brij-76 as surfactant, respectively. [10] Analogous to
alkanesulfonic acids, arenesulfonic acids covalently anchored to mesoporous silicas
have also been prepared. [6] They can be obtained by sulfonation of phenyl groups
linked to silica frameworks of MCM-41 or SBA-15. In many respects, particularly
for those containing arenesulfonic groups, MCM-41-SO3H can be considered as the
inorganic counterpart of polystyrenes and related polymers having phenylenesulfonic
groups, a widely-used example of them being Amberlyst. [11] There are many acid-
catalyzed reactions, including some large-scale industrial processes, that can be
promoted using polystyrene bearing sulfonic groups. [12] The room temperature
addition of alcohols to isobutene to form tert-butyl ethers used as isooctane number
boosters is an example of an industrial process that can be performed with
polyarenesulfonic resins. [13]
With respect to polymeric arenesulfonic acids, the obvious advantage of MCM-41-
SO3H, and also of amorphous silica, is the large surface area of these materials
(~1000 m2g_1) compared to cross-linked polystyrene (~50 m2g_1), this factor being
reflected in a higher catalytic activity as a result of the easier accessibility of
substrates to the acid sites. [14]
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
The present work deals with the synthesis and evaluation of the catalytic activity of
some supported sulfonic acids as heterogeneous and reusable catalysts in different
organic reactions showing synthetic interest.
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
The solvent-extracted sample (2.5 g) was kept under vacuum at 150 °C for 2 days,
and then treated in refluxing CH2Cl2 (150 ml) with Br2 (1.3 ml; 25 mmol) for 4 h.
The product was isolated on a Büchner funnel and washed with dichloromethane (3 x
25 ml).
Scheme 2. Preparation of propanesulfonic acids tethered onto MCM-41 silica (method B).
SG-(CH2)3-SO3H: [20] (Scheme 3) in a beaker containing EtOH (20 ml) and H2O
(25 ml), MPTS (1.9 ml; 10.1 mmol) and tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) (8.9 ml; 40 mmol)
were added together with dodecylamine (2.54 g; 13.1 mmol) as porogenic compound
[24]. When the mixture begun to become opalescent, the stirrer was stopped and the
formed gel aged for 24 h at rt in the same container covered with a filter paper. The
so obtained white monolith was then finely ground in a mortar, washed in a Soxhlet
apparatus with EtOH at reflux for 24 h, and the resulting supported
propylmercaptane has been oxidized to propanesulfonic acid by treatment with 30%
aq H2O2 (100 ml; 1 mol) for 24 h under stirring at rt, adding few drops of
concentrated sulfuric acid after 12 h.
Scheme 3. Preparation of propanesulfonic acid tethered onto silica via Sol-Gel (SG) method.
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
All the catalysts were carefully washed and dried for 24 h at 100 °C before use.
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
catalyst sample was added to 50 mL of NaCl solution (200 g/L) and stirred at room
temperature. The ion exchange between H+ and Na+ was allowed to proceed for 24 h.
The catalyst was filtered off and washed with distilled water, then the mixture was
titrated with 0.01 N NaOH solution using phenolphthalein as pH indicator, results are
reported in Table 1.
The specific pore volume (Vs) was calculated at p/p° = 0.98, and pore size
distributions were calculated from the BJH [22] method calculated from the
adsorption branch, these parameters were measured only for some catalysts, in order
to distinguish between materials with different support or spacer, results are reported
in Table 2.
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
Figure 1. N2 adsorption (full symbol) – desorption (empty symbol) isotherms of the functionalized
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
TGA (weight loss%)
DTG (wt.%/dT)
200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
Figure 2. Thermogravimetric (left) and differential thermogravimetric (right) curves of SiO 2-(CH2)3-
SO3H (3) (solid line), MCM-41-(CH2)3-SO3H (5) (dash-dot line) and SG-(CH2)3-SO3H (11) (short
The MCM-41-(CH2)3-SO3H (3) DTG profile shows a large shoulder centred at about
360 °C probably due to the decomposition of the supported propylmercaptane not
oxidized to propylsulfonic acid by treatment with H2O2 [24]. The decomposition of
the propylsulfonic acid groups seems to occur in a large range of temperature as
evidenced by the broad DTG peak, which coincides with an exothermic DSC peak,
centered at about 510 °C. Two-step weight loss, at 320 °C and 512 °C, both
exothermic, was observed in the siliceous material prepared via sol-gel, SG-(CH2)3-
SO3H (11), the former due the decomposition of both the organic compounds that are
part of the silica network and the not oxidized propylmercaptane, and the latter to the
decomposition of the propylsulfonic acid groups.
From the TGA curve of the siliceous samples containing the organic alkylsulfonic
group -(CH2)3-SO3H (Figure 2) was calculated a weight loss, relative to the thermal
decomposition of the tethered groups, always higher than that obtainable from the
titration of the materials. The different data were ascribed to the incomplete
oxidation of supported propylmercaptane to propylsulfonic acid [25].
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
TGA(weight loss%)
DTG (wt.%/dT)
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Figure 3. Thermogravimetric (TGA - solid line) and differential thermogravimetric (DTG - dotted
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
spectrometer was employed for spectra collection in the Mid-IR region, and a Jasco
6100 one for selected measurements extended to the Near-IR. In both cases,
resolution was 4 cm-1, and a DTGS detector was employed.
All spectra were baseline corrected to remove the contribution of light scattering and
were normalized with respect to the intensity of the signals at 1980 and
1870 cm-1 due to the combinations of bulk framework modes [28] in order to render
differences in intensity independent of differences in the thickness of the pellets.
Mid-IR spectra are reported down to 1250 cm-1, that is the onset of the cut-off due to
the fundamental absorptions of the siliceous lattice, that rendered opaque the samples
at lower frequency, except for a narrow region (950-850 cm-1 the so-called “silica
window”). However, pellets of the catalysts appeared too fragile to be produced so
thin to exhibit a reasonable transparency in such range.
IR spectra were recorded for catalysts 16, 21, 24, these materials were chosen for IR
analyses due to the presence of both alkyl and aryl components in the organic part of
the supported silica.
Figure 4 shows the IR spectra recorded after outgassing at beam temperature (ca. 50
°C) for 1 h. Such treatment resulted in the complete desorption of water molecules
initially adsorbed from air moisture, as witnessed by the essential invariance of the
signal at ca. 1650 cm-1 after subsequent exchange with D2O (inset). Actually,
adsorbed water molecules are expected to contribute to that IR band through their
deformation (δ) mode, and this contribution should be depleted after exchange with
D2O, and substituted by the δD2O signal occurring at ca. 1200 cm-1 (below the cut-
off of the sample).
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
Figure 4. IR spectra of samples outgassed at beam temperature (ca. 50 °C) for 1 h: a) bare silica; b)
Focusing on the spectral pattern of the bare SiO2 support (curve a), on the basis of
well assessed literature data [28], the various components can be assigned as follows
• narrow peak at 3740 cm-1: silanols in weak (van der Waals) interaction with
neighbours Si-OH;
• shoulder at 3710 cm-1: terminal dangling OH of chains of interacting silanols;
• subband at 3660 cm-1: outer/inner silanols involved in weak hydrogen bonds;
• broad band at 3530 cm-1: silanols involved in stronger hydrogen bonds;
• signals at 1980, 1870 and 1650 cm-1: combinations (the first two) and overtone (the
third one) of fundamental silica vibrational modes occurring at lower frequency.
As expected, the last three signals remained unaffected by the tethering of the
organic moieties (curves b-d), whereas the peak at 3740 cm-1 decreased in intensity,
until depletion, as the amount of supported acids increases, and the series of
absorptions at lower frequency were overcame by progressively more intense, broad
and complex pattern spread over the 3700-2000 cm-1 range. It is worthing to note that
silanols present on the surface of the support can be involved in two kinds of events
as a consequence of the functionalization with sulfonic acid molecules: i)
consumption by reaction with the alcoxysilanes; ii) H-bond interaction with the
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
sulfonic groups, with related frequency downshift and increase in intensity of the
≡SiO-H stretching band.
Of course, the other consequence of the functionalization of the support was the
appearance of a series of bands below 1650 cm -1. For the sake of clarity, the
assignment of these signals will be reported separately for the alkyl + aryl parts and
for the sulfonic group.
Bands due to alkyl + aryl parts. All catalysts (curves b-d) exhibited bands at ca. 1600
and 1410 cm-1, that should be related to 8a and 19b modes (in the Wilson notation)
[29, 30, 31] of the aromatic ring (Ar, in the following) [32, 33, 34], that can produce
absorptions significantly more intense than their 8b and 19a partner modes [35, 36].
These latter are responsible of the components present at 1580 cm-1 (8b mode) in the
spectrum of catalyst 21 (curve d) and at ca. 1490 cm-1 (19a mode) in the spectra of
catalysts 21 and 24 [32, 33]. Noticeably, in the case of the catalyst 16 the 8a band
appeared significantly weaker in intensity than expected with respect the other two
catalysts on the basis of the relative amount of supported aromatic species. It can be
considered that this band arises from a vibration in which the main dipole moment
change is produced by the movements of the substituents on opposite sides of the
ring acting in opposition, and then in the presence of one polar substituent or of two
substituents with different polarity they should produce quite intense band [35].
Actually, in catalyst 16 the substituents on the aromatic ring are sulfonic and
-Si(-OSi-)3 groups, exhibiting a significant different polarity. However, the -
Si(-OSi-)3 is in turn directly linked to the support by O-Si bonds. The consequent
possible coupling along the resulting (Ar)-Si-(OSi)3-(support) oscillators could affect
the displacement of the Si atom bound to the aromatic ring, with a consequent effect
on the dipole moment change. The same argument should hold for the 19a mode, in
which the dipole-moment change is produced by the movements of the substituents
on opposite sides of the ring, but moving in the same direction.
Furthermore, in the case of catalyst 24 a weak and broader component is present at
1630 cm-1, that can be due to the overtone of the aromatic 10a CH mode [32], the
fundamental producing the strong band, expected around 815 cm -1, characteristic of
para-disubstituted benzene rings [33].
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
As for the C-H stretching modes, they are responsible for the weak features in the
3100-3000 cm-1 range.
The methylene groups of the alkyl links connecting the aromatic rings of catalysts 21
and 24 to the support produced the typical series of bands expected for their
stretching modes in the 3000-2850 cm-1 range, with the asym mode splitted in two
components (at 2940 and 2900 cm-1 in the spectrum of catalyst 21, curve d) by Fermi
resonance with the overtone of the deformation mode, then expected around 1460
cm-1. Actually, weak bands are present at 1470 and 1475 cm -1 for catalyst 21 (curve
d) and 24 (curve c), respectively. In particular, in the case of catalyst 21, the weak
component at 1475 cm-1 should be due to the -CH2- group linked to the support, as
the other, because of the linking to the aromatic ring, should produce an absorption
near 1420 cm-1, likely contributing to the onset of the 19b aromatic mode band.
No specific signals due to Ar-Si, Ar-C, Ar-O bonds were observed, because located
below the limit of transparency of the self-supported pellet employed in this study
[33, 37].
Bands due to the sulfonic group. The low frequency region of the spectra of the three
catalysts is dominated by a broad band in the 1390-1325 cm-1 range , assignable to
the antisymmetric stretching mode of the O=S=O moiety [38]. Actually, the
maximum of this band appeared located at ca. 1370 cm-1 for catalyst 16 (curve b) and
at 1355 cm-1 for catalyst 21 (curve d). This is the maximum position also in the case
of catalyst 24, with a poorly resolved shoulder at ca. 1370 cm -1 (curve c). The overall
trend suggests that the (O=S=O)asym mode can monitor the interaction of the sulfonic
group with at least two types of local environment. As for the sulphurylic symmetric
stretching mode, it should produce a band at ca. 1100 cm -1, well below the limit of
transparency of the samples [38].
However, the information on the sulfonic groups are extended by the presence of the
spectral features due to the SO-H stretching mode, occurring in the high frequency
region. Focussing on the comparison between the bare support (curve a) and catalyst
16 (curve b), it can be noticed that as a consequence of the surface functionalization,
beside the decrease in intensity of the sharp peak at 3740 cm -1, the rest of the OH
pattern is constituted by an asymmetric absorption with maximum similar in position
(3510 cm-1) and intensity of that present for the bare silica (3530 cm -1), and a tail
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
extended down to 2800 cm-1. This absorption should results from the superposition
of subbands due to O-H stretching of sulfonic groups and silanols. The appearance of
the low frequency tail suggests the occurrence of a H-bond interaction between SO-
H (expected to act as a H-bond donor) and SiOH (expected to act as a H-bond
acceptor). However, the supported acid molecules synthesised starting from
phenyltriethoxysilane should be oriented with the sulphuric group pointing away
from the support. Thus, the supposed interaction might involve acid molecular
moieties formed in pores of the silica support, where silanols properly located on the
facing pore wall could be present. Of course the presence of sulfonic groups involved
in weaker H-bond interaction cannot be excluded, and, if present, they should
contribute to the part of the asymmetric band close to the maximum at 3510 cm -1.
Vice versa, significant amount of sulfonic groups not involved in any interaction
should be negligible, as, on the basis of spectra of species entrapped in inert matrices
[39] and of theoretical calculations [40], they should absorb at ca. 3560 cm-1.
Focussing on catalyst 24, the 3740 cm-1 peak appeared slightly less intense, whereas
the band at lower frequency, with maximum now located at 3460 cm -1, exhibited a
significant increase in intensity, accompanied by the appearance of a shoulder at ca.
3250 cm-1 and a partly resolved subband at ca. 2400 cm -1, and a further broadening
toward lower frequency, tailing down to ca. 2100 cm -1. Such behaviour monitors the
occurrence of stronger H-bond interactions, and the pattern appears typical of the
occurrence of a Fermi resonance between overtones of low frequency bending
modes, with the continuous distribution of levels resulting from the coupling of (A-
H···) and (AH···B) modes (were A and B represent H-donor and H-acceptor
groups, respectively) [41, 42]. In the present case, the role of H-donor is played by
the sulphuric groups, whereas the oxygen atoms of surface silanols can act as H-
acceptor. Furthermore, it must be considered that in the present case the H-acceptor
groups (the silanols) possess an internal mode, the OH one, that absorb in the same
region, and then can be involved in the coupling. This effect should be responsible
for the increase in intensity of the high frequency part of the complex absorption,
near the maximum at 3510 cm-1, related to less perturbed oscillators. Indeed, such
intensification cannot be ascribed to a higher amount of silanols interacting each
other, as, conversely, ≡Si-OH should have been consumed in a slightly larger amount
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
during the synthesis of the supported sulfonic acid molecules (by assuming the same
Si-OH/alcoxyde stoichiometry for both phenyltriethoxy- and
phenylethyltrimethoxysilane), slightly more numerous in catalyst 24 than in catalyst
16 (see Table 1). The stronger interaction between sulphonic groups and silanols
should be related to possible orientations of the substituted aromatic ring different
from the normal to the surface, because the link to the support through the alkyl
moiety, with rotational degree of freedom around the C-C bonds.
Furthermore, the weak feature at ca. 2400 cm-1 is similar in position to the low
frequency component, with a more intense partner at ca. 2900 cm -1, of the OH
pattern obtained for dehydrated H-NAFION membranes [43], with sulfonic groups
interacting each other via H-bonding. Actually, the increase in intensity of this
component, and the more clear presence of a broad subband at ca. 3000 cm -1, are the
distinctive features of the OH pattern of catalyst 21 (curve d), that contains ca 40%
additional supported acid moieties than catalyst 24 (see Table 1). Other
consequences of such increased content in supported molecules are: i) the depletion
of the 3740 cm-1 peak, indicating that all isolated silanols have been chemically
consumed and/or involved in interaction with supported species, and ii) the
appearance of sharp minima at 3300 and 3200 cm -1, that might be narrow Evans
windows resulting from Fermi resonance between the levels resulting from the
coupling of (A-H···) and (AH···B) modes (see above), and the overtones and
combinations of internal modes of the base B involved in the H-bond, as observed in
pyridine/acid zeolites systems [44]. In the present case, the base should be the part of
the sulfonic group acting as H-bond acceptor.
Finally, it can be noticed that the difference in the interaction of sulfonic groups with
different neighbours (silanols and/or other sulfonic groups) should affect, other than
the SO-H band, also the S=O ones, and this could partly account for the difference
in position and shape of the antysimmetric O=S=O stretching band observed for the
three catalysts (see above).
To probe the acid behaviour of the supported species, the catalysts (and the
bare support, for the sake of comparison), where contacted with 20 mbar of H2O
vapour, with the consequent formation of adsorbed multilayers of molecular water
[45] and possible proton transfer from sulfonic groups to H2O molecules. The
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
admission of water on the bare silica (Figure 5, a) simply resulted in the appearance
of the bands due to the deformation (, at 1630 cm-1) and stretching modes (3730-
2800 cm-1 range, maximum out of scale), these latter overimposed to the silanols
pattern. As expected, the interaction with H2O molecules heavily affected the peak at
3740 cm-1, as the related groups are now interaction via H-bond with adsorbed
species. Nevertheless, a small portion of such signal, with maximum at 3744 cm -1
still remained, indicating that some of the surface silanols are so widely distributed to
form patches not hydrophilic enough for the adsorption of water [46].
Figure 5. IR spectra of samples in contact with 20 mbar of H2O vapour: a) bare silica; b) catalyst 16;
In the case of catalysts (Figure 5, b-d), the additional consequences of the interaction
with water were the depletion of the sulfurylic signal in the 1390-1325 cm-1 range,
and the appearance of a continuous absorption extended from 3500 to 1700 cm -1.
This latter is a kind of “fingerprint” of the formation of H+(H2O)n clusters [44], and
then probes the transfer of protons to the aqueous layers from –SO3H groups,
converted into –SO3-, that are expected to absorb below the transparency limit of the
samples [44].
Thus, it can be stated that the contact with an aqueous medium results in a complete
deprotonation of the sulfonic groups. The same occurred for the materials in contact
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
with air, with the consequent formation of liquid-like molecular layers by adsorption
of air moisture (Figure 6).
Figure 6. IR spectra of the samples in contact with air: a bare SiO2; b) catalyst 16; c) catalyst 24; d)
catalyst 21. The maximum of the main absorption in the high frequency region was out of scale.
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
2.5 References
[1] M. B. Smith , J. March, March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions,
Mechanisms, and Structure, 5th edn.; John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2000.
[2] K. Wilson, J. H. Clark, Pure Appl. Chem., 2000, 72, 1313.
[3] A. Corma, J. Catal. 2003, 216, 298.
[4] A. Corma, Chem. Rev. 1997, 97, 2373.
[5] F.L. James, W.H. Bryan, J. Org. Chem. 1958, 23, 1225.
[6] R. D. Badley, W. T. Ford, J. Org. Chem. 1989, 54, 5437.
[7] W.V an Rhijn, D.De Vos, W. Bossaert, J.Bullen, B. Wouters, P.Grobet, P.J
acobs, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 1998, 117, 183.
[8] W.M. Van Rhijn, D.E. De Vos, B.F . Sels, W.D . Bossaert, P.A. Jacobs, Chem.
Commun., 1998, 317.
[9] V.Dufaud, M. E.Davis , J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 9403.
[10] J. A. Melero, G. D. Stucky, R. van Grieken, Gabriel Morales, J. Mater. Chem.,
2002, 12, 1664.
[11] M.A. Harmer, Q. Sun, Appl. Catal. A: General, 2001, 221, 45.
[12] S.L. Bafna, V.M. Bhale, J. Phys. Chem. 1959, 63, 1971.
[13] K. Klepacova, D. Mravec, M. Bajus , Appl. Catal. A: General, 2005, 294, 141.
[14] A.Corm a, H.Garcìa, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2006, 348, 1391.
[15] J. S. Beck, J. C. Vartuli, W. J. Roth, M. E. Leonowicz, C. T. Kresge, K. D.
[17] S. Leveneur, D. Y. Murzin, T. Salmi, J. Mol. Cat. A: Chem., 2009, 303, 148.
[18] S. Brunnauer, P. G. Emmeth, E. Teller, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1938, 60, 309.
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
[21] M. Alvaro, A. Corma, D. Das, V. Fornés, H. García, J. Catal., 2005, 231, 48.
[22] Barrett, E. P.; Joyner, L. G.; Halenda, P. P. J. Am. Chem. Soc,. 1951, 73, 373.
(A. P. Legrand Ed) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (Uk), 1998.
2. Silica supported sulfonic acids
[35] L.J: Bellamy, The Infrared Spectra of Complex Molecules, Chapman and Hall,
19, 2155.
509, 35.
77, 189.
[41] G.C. Pimetel, A.L. McClellan, The Hydrogen Bond, Freeman and Co., San
Francisco, 1969.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
through the formation of the strong HOO- nucleophile, that can oxidize, for example,
electrophilic alkenes [3]; third, according to the heterolytic oxidation process, that is
probably the most important reaction from a synthetic point of view [10].
In the presence of catalysts containing different transition metals such as Ti, W, Mn,
Re and Sn [11-15], hydrogen peroxide undergoes efficient oxidation reactions, for
example alkene epoxidation [16-19], conversion of sulfides into sulfoxides and
sulfones [20-23] and Baeyer-Villiger (BV) oxidation of ketones to lactones [24-27].
In all these cases the reaction involves an electrophilic activation of hydrogen
peroxide; the same mechanism is reported with fluorinated solvents, as it was clearly
shown by Sheldon and Berkessel [28,29].
With regard to the crucial role of peracids added to the reaction mixture or produced
in situ from carboxylic acids, many studies are reported in the literature [30];
however the role of different acids such as sulfonic, arsonic and phosphonic acids
showing a similar behavior is not as much studied and needs further deepening. For
example, resin supported-sulfonic acids were reported to be good heterogeneous and
reusable catalysts for the BV oxidation of cyclopentanone [31], and more recently
Sato reported a very efficient procedure for the solvent-free dihydroxylation of
alkenes with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of Nafion resin [32].
3.2.1 Introduction
In the past decades extensive studies have been devoted to the use of hydrogen
peroxide to perform some of the most important oxidation reactions. Concerning, in
particular, the efficient and selective BV oxidation, further investigations from both
theoretical and applied point of view are required. Indeed, despite the numerous
studies on this subject, some problems need further deepening such as the
exploitation of heterogeneous, reusable catalysts [27] and the efficient use of
hydrogen peroxide [33] avoiding unproductive decomposition reactions.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
The BV oxidation under heterogeneous catalysis has been recently performed with
H2O2 for example in the presence of Sn-zeolite-beta, [15] Amberlyst-15, [31] redox
molecular sieves MALPO-36 (M = Mn, Co) [34] and polymer anchored platinum
complexes. Some of these catalysts still show poor selectivity; moreover the
presence of transition metals as impurities in products designed for pharmaceutical or
food application is a great problem, even if they are present only in traces.
A metal-free procedure has been reported by Berkessel to efficiently perform the BV
oxidation of cyclohexanone with 50% aq hydrogen peroxide in 1,1,1,3,3,3-
hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) as solvent in the presence of a Brönsted acid catalyst
such as para-toluenesulfonic acid.[29]
The reaction has been shown to proceed via the spirobisperoxide intermediate 2a
which, in the presence of a protic acid, selectively rearranges to the corresponding
lactone 3a (Scheme 1). [35] Traces of 6-hydroxyhexanoic acid (4a) can be also
The activity of some silica- and polystyrene-supported sulfonic acids as
heterogeneous catalysts for BV oxidation with aq H2O2 in HFIP has been evaluated.
The activity of the silica supported sulfonic acids catalysts and of the commercially
available polystyrene supported benzenesulfonic acid (Amberlyst-15) was tested in
the model reaction between cyclohexanone 1a and 30% aq H2O2 in HFIP as solvent.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Table 1. Textural properties and activity of the different catalysts in the model reaction between
cyclohexanone (1d) and 30% aq H2O2 in HFIP.(a)
Reactivity parameters reported in Table 1 together with surface area and total acidity
values of the catalysts, highlight similarities with the reaction performed under
homogeneous catalysis.[35]
The cyclohexanone conversion reaches, in all cases, comparable high values
(80-90%) independent of the acidity and surface area parameters of the catalyst
utilized. On the contrary, the nature of the support, the acidity and the method
utilized in the preparation of the catalyst play an important role in determining the
yield and selectivity of the second step, namely the conversion of the intermediate 2a
into the product 3a. The low yield of product 3a observed in the reaction catalyzed
by silica supported propylsulfonic acid prepared by sol-gel method (Table1, entry d)
is, probably, a consequence of the fact that, despite the use of the porogenic
dodecylamine in the preparation of the catalyst, the amount of sulfonic acid content
as measured by acid/base titration [36] does not necessarily correspond to the same
equivalent of catalytically active acid, since access to the active sites could be
reduced or even hampered by the shape of the solid matrix (see chapter 2). A similar
negative effect could be responsible for the low yield observed in the reaction
catalyzed by Amberlyst-15 (Table1, entry f). In this case the cation-stabilizing
solvent HFIP can give a lower swelling of the hydrophobic polystyrene support and
consequently the accessibility to the sulfonic acid sites is reduced.[37] The best
catalyst efficiency can be achieved by using the silica supported propylsulfonic acid
prepared by tethering procedure (Table1, entry b). Furthermore, comparative
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
experiments performed with different solvents confirmed that HFIP plays a crucial
role in the reaction (i.e. MeOH: 27% yield, 45% selectivity).
This reaction was successively analyzed comparing conversion of reagent 1a and
yield of product 3a as a function of time (Figure 1).
% 50
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190
time (min)
Figure 1. Reaction trend for the oxidation of cyclohexanone to ε-caprolactone employing 30% aq
H2O2 and 0.4% of SiO2-(CH2)3-SO3H [-■-1a conversion (%), -♦- 3a yield (%)].
Figure 2. Plot of the concentration of spirobisperoxide 2a and caprolactone 3a versus time in the
BV oxidation of cyclohexanone (-▲- spirobisperoxide 2a concentration, -♦- caprolactone 3a
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Results shown in Figure 2 confirm that intermediate 2a starts to appear right from the
very beginning of the reaction in combination with the final product. After 10
minutes the concentration of 2a is 0.18 mmol/L accompanied by the product in 0.14
mmol/L. With ongoing reaction, the concentration of 3a increases while the
concentration of the spirobisperoxide 2a decreases as would be expected if 2a is an
intermediate that decomposes to form 3a. Possible leaching of active species into the
solution and thus coexistence of homogeneous catalysis can be excluded by
performing the hot-filtration test.[38] The catalyst was filtered at 50 °C after 10 min
reaction time when the yield of 3a was 32%. No increase in yield was observed by
keeping the filtrate at 50 °C for further 3 hours. These results prompted us to
investigate the possible catalyst recycling. Thus the catalyst recovered by filtration
and washed with methanol, can be reused, in the model reaction, giving product 3a in
71% yield after 150 minutes at 50 °C. The production of some by-products coming
from spirobisperoxide and 6-hydroxyhexanoic acid 4a can be responsible for the
lowering of activity. To confirm this hypothesis, and to recover and recognize
by-products adsorbed on the catalyst surface, the model reaction was carried out in a
larger scale [H2O2: 5 mmol, cyclohexanone: 4.75 mmol, HFIP: 10 ml, SiO2-(CH2)3-
SO3H: 0.4% mol]: product 3a was isolated in 86% yield and 89% selectivity. Careful
and repeated washing of the recovered catalyst with hot THF afforded 44 mg of
6-hydroxyhexanoic acid accompanied by traces of oligoesters. The washed catalyst
can be reused in the same reaction for at least two successive cycles with the same
level of activity and selectivity.
Moreover, the reaction shows a good level of chemoselectivity in the oxidation of
unsaturated cis-bicyclo-[3.2.0]-hept-2-en-6-one (5) previously studied by Corma et
al. as model substrate.[15] Thus compound 5 underwent selective conversion to
lactone 6 (94% yield, 100% selectivity) without formation of epoxides 7 and 8
(Scheme 2). These results are comparable with those reported by Corma in the
reaction promoted by Sn-Beta zeolite in ethereal solvents. [15]
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
The scope and general applicability of the oxidation process with respect to various
cyclic ketones was finally investigated. Experimental results reported in Table 2
confirm the general applicability to different cyclic ketones. The ring size of the
cyclic ketone has the expected influence as efficiency is affected by the ring strain
(Table 2, entries a, b and d). Moreover in the reactions of 2-methylcyclohexanone, 2-
methylcyclopentanone and norbornanone the only products detected were the
corresponding lactones produced by migration of the more substituted group (Table
2, entries c, e and f).
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
b 100 100
c 81 92
d 64 100
e 75 77
f 83 65
g 97 100
Reaction conditions: ketone: 0.95 mmol, 30% of H2O2: 1 mmol, HFIP: 2 mL, SiO2-(CH2)3-SO3H:
0.4% mol, 50 °C, 1.5 h. (b) Formations of corresponding lactones were determined by GC analysis by
comparison with reference samples.
The reaction shows, in general, a high selectivity: the only by-products (isolated and
identified by 13C NMR analysis in the model reaction and identified only by GC-MS
in the other ones) were the intermediate spirobisperoxides and the
-hydroxyalkanoic acids.
The reaction shows also a good level of efficient oxygen utilization as a 0.95/1.00
ketone/H2O2 molar ratio was used in all experiments.
3.2.3 Conclusions
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
3.3.1 Introduction
Despite the numerous examples reported in the literature concerning the catalytic
dihydroxylation of olefins with hydrogen peroxide [39-41], the selectivity toward
1,2-diols is frequently very low, due to the formation of epoxides, alcohols, ketones,
and/or ethers as by-products. Moreover in all the reported synthetic methods the use
of chlorohydrocarbons or other organic solvents is required. For these reasons, we
have evaluated the activity of some silica-supported sulfonic acids as heterogeneous
catalysts for the dihydroxylation of 1-methylcyclohexene with hydrogen peroxide. In
addition, molecular features of the supported acids and of the results of their
interaction with H2O2 have been investigated by IR spectroscopy in controlled
atmosphere and DR UV-Vis spectroscopy of the catalysts in contact with H2O2/H2O
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Reaction conditions: 1-methylcyclohexene (0.5 mL, 4.2 mmol), 30% aq H2O2 (0.86 mL, 8.4 mmol),
70 °C, 22 h. (b) Determined by GC analysis.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
0 0,005 0,01 0,015 0,02 0,025 0,03 0,035 0,04 0,045
Catalyst / 1 [mol/mol]
Figure 3. Influence of the catalyst amount on the yield and selectivity in the reaction carried out with
SiO2-(C6H4)-SO3H catalyst.
After increasing the catalyst/substrate molar ratio up to 0.005, the reaction shows a
remarkable yield increase (55%) with a good level of selectivity (93%); a further
yield increase was observed by using a 0.02 catalyst/substrate molar ratio value
(80%), whereas with larger amount of catalyst a lowering in yield due to a non-
controllable acid-catalyzed side reactions of the hydroxyl groups was observed
Concerning the optimum H2O2 amount, the best result was achieved with a H2O2/9
molar ratio = 2; with lower or higher amounts of H2O2 product 10 was obtained in
lower yield due to the competition of unproductive H2O2 decomposition in the first
case, and over oxidation reactions in the second one.
The effect of the concentration of the aqueous hydrogen peroxide on the efficiency of
the process has been successively evaluated. In a series of experiments, the reaction
was carried out in the presence of 1.2, 15, 30 and 50% hydrogen peroxide, by using
the same amount of the oxidizing agent. The optimum hydrogen peroxide
concentration was found to be 30% (80% yield, 94% selectivity), as the use of 50%
H2O2 afforded the diol in lower yield (72%) and selectivity (88%), probably due to
overoxidation processes; on the contrary, when more diluted solutions of the
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
oxidizing agent were employed, lower yields and selectivities were detected for the
competitive water addition reaction (15% H2O2: 49% yield, 80% selectivity; 1.2%
H2O2: 8% yield, 65% selectivity).
Concerning the efficiency of the hydrogen peroxide under the best reaction
conditions, a value of 65%, calculated as product (mol) per consumed H2O2 (mol) ×
100, was found. The unreacted hydrogen peroxide was measured by iodimetric
Addition of solvent (2 mL) such as toluene, acetonitrile, methanol or water, resulted
in a dramatic lowering (<10%) or complete inhibition of compound 10 production,
irrespective of the polarity. Among the by-products isolated in these reactions, 1-
methylcyclohexan-1-ol, due to acid catalyzed addition of water to alkene, and 2-
methylcyclohexanone, derived from the isomerisation of epoxide intermediate or
from the pinacol rearrangement of 1-methyl-1,2-cyclohexanediol, were recognized in
the final mixtures. When methanol was utilized, the expected 2-methoxy-1-
methylcyclohexan-1-ol, derived from the reaction of the methanol with the
intermediate epoxide, was also isolated in modest yield.
The catalytic activity of an additional series of sulfonic acids supported on silica
through arms with different length has been successively studied in the reaction
performed under the best conditions (2 mol% catalyst, 70 °C, 22 hours, H2O2/9 molar
ratio = 2). The best result in terms of yield (90%) and selectivity (96%) of 1-methyl-
1,2-cyclohexanediol was obtained with the silica supported 4-ethylphenylsulfonic
acid (Table 1, entry 5). The lower activity (80% yield, 94% selectivity) of the silica-
supported phenylsulfonic acid (Table 1, entry 4) could be ascribed to the fact that the
direct anchoring of phenylsulfonic group to the silica surface can partly hamper the
availability of the active acid sites with respect the more accessible
ethylphenylsulfonic group. The surface area of these catalytic materials seems to be
irrelevant in the present reaction.
To achieve further information on the behavior of these catalysts, the reactions with
silica-supported phenylsulfonic, ethylphenylsulfonic and propoxyphenylsulfonic
acids were analyzed during the first 10 hours under solventless condition. Results are
reported in Figure 4.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
yield (%)
50 etilfenil
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time (h)
Figure 4. Yield versus time trend for the reactions carried out with SiO 2-(C6H4)-SO3H (♦), SiO2-
(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H (▲) and SiO2-(CH2)3-O-(C6H4)-SO3H (■) catalysts.
It is interesting to note that the three catalysts show completely different reaction
profiles. Propoxyphenylsulfonic acid (▲) shows a slightly higher initial rate with
respect to the ethylphenylsulfonic (■) and phenylsulfonic acids (♦), without any
induction period; nevertheless it rapidly reaches a plateau at ~ 50 % yield. Instead,
variable induction periods were observed with ethylphenylsulfonic and
phenylsulfonic acids; these induction times are expected to be due to the production
of the active species.
This reaction is obviously affected by the accessibility of the sulfonic acid groups
that depends on the length of the arm that binds them to the support surface,
according to the order propoxyphenyl > ethylphenyl > phenyl. This hypothesis was,
to some extent, confirmed by further experiments. Indeed we compared the activity
of the as-prepared and the activated silica supported ethylphenylsulfonic acid; the
activation was performed by heating at 70 °C for 2 hours a mixture of the catalyst
with 30% aqueous hydrogen peroxide under stirring. After that period, the catalyst
was recovered by filtration and used in the reaction. Comparative results in Figure 5
suggest that the as-prepared catalyst needs an induction period of about 2 hours; on
the contrary when the preactivated catalyst is utilized the dihydroxylation reaction
starts immediately.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
[%] 50
20 as prepared catalyst
activated catalyst
0 5 10 15 20 25
time [h]
Figure 5. Yield versus time trend for the reactions carried out with as-prepared (♦) and activated (■)
SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H catalysts.
Concerning the mechanism, we assumed that the reaction involves the initial
production of the epoxide intermediate followed by the epoxide ring opening by a
water molecule. The second step seems to be very fast; indeed in a blank experiment
we confirmed that cyclohexene oxide was quantitatively converted into the trans-1,2-
cyclohexanediol in 5 minutes by reaction with water at room temperature in the
presence of silica supported 4-ethylphenylsulfonic acid.
In order to minimize the unproductive decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, we
analyzed the reaction trend by adding H2O2 dropwise to a suspension of
1-methylcyclohexene and the catalyst, through a syringe-pump during a period of 15
hours (the reaction mixture was stirred for further 7 hours to allow a total reaction
time of 22 h). Comparable values of yield and selectivity of the desired product with
respect to the one-pot addition of hydrogen peroxide were found (91% yield, 96%
The recyclability of the silica supported 4-ethylphenylsulfonic acid catalyst was
evaluated in the dihydroxylation of 1-methylcyclohexene. After the reaction, the
catalyst was filtered off, washed with water, dried carefully and reused. The yield
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
(and selectivities) were as follows: 1st run: 89 (95), 2nd run: 66 (94), 3rd run: 64 (96),
4th run: 64 (95). A remarkable loss of activity was observed during the first run,
while maintaining a very high selectivity, whereas from the second cycle the catalyst
shows a constant activity. Studies are in progress in order to understand the activity
decrease during the first run.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Figure 6. IR spectra of samples in contact with 20 mbar of H2O vapour: a) bare silica; b) catalyst
SiO2-(C6H4)-SO3H; c) catalyst SiO2-(CH2)3-O-(C6H4)-SO3H; d) catalyst SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H.
In the case of catalysts (Figure 2, b-d), the additional consequences of the interaction
with water were the depletion of the sulfurylic signal in the 1390-1325 cm-1 range,
and the appearance of a continuous absorption extended from 3500 to 1700 cm-1.
This latter is a kind of “fingerprint” of the formation of H+(H2O)n clusters [44], and
then probes the transfer of protons to the aqueous layers from –SO3H groups,
converted into –SO3-, that are expected to absorb below the transparency limit of the
samples [44].
Thus, it can be stated that the contact with an aqueous medium results in a complete
deprotonation of the sulfonic groups. The same occurred for the materials in contact
with air (as some of the UV-Vis measurements, see below), with the consequent
formation of liquid-like molecular layers by adsorption of air moisture.
The deprotonation of sulfonic groups is quite relevant for the proposal of the nature
of catalytically active species. Indeed, supported monoperoxysulfate species, were
hypothesized to be active in the selective oxidation of cyclohexane to
cyclohexanediol [32]. However, the formation of S-O-O-H groups by reaction
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
0.005 a'
Absorbance (a.u)
5400 5200 5000 4800
Figure 7. IR spectra of the samples in contact with 20 mbar of H2O vapour (curves x) or of H2O2/H2O
(30% vol H2O2) (curves x’): a, a’) bare SiO2; b,b’) catalyst SiO2-(C6H4)-SO3H; c,c’) catalyst SiO2-
(CH2)3-O-(C6H4)-SO3H; d,d’) catalyst SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H. The maximum of the main
absorption in the high frequency region was out of scale. Inset: spectra, in the NIR region, of the bare
SiO2 in contact with 20 mbar of: a) H2O; a’) H2O2/H2O (30% vol H2O2), as in the main frame. Similar
data were obtained for the other samples.
As a first step, the electronic spectra of the materials in the form of an aqueous slurry
were collected (Figure 8, panel A). The bare silica exhibited a continuous absorption,
progressively increasing in intensity towards the shorter wavelengths, assignable to
charge transfer transitions involving metal ion impurities (curve a). Conversely, the
spectrum of the much more pure pyrogenic silica employed as diluent, appeared
significantly less intense (curve a 0). Overimposed to the feature due to the support,
the spectra of the catalysts appeared characterized by a main band at ca. 220 nm
(catalysts SiO2-(C6H4)-SO3H and SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H, curves b,d,
respectively) or at ca. 240 nm (catalyst SiO2-(CH2)3-O-(C6H4)-SO3H, curve c), with a
weaker partner, exhibiting a partially resolved fine structure, centred at ca. 260 nm
(catalyst SiO2-(C6H4)-SO3H and SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H, curves b,d,
respectively) or at ca. 280 nm (catalyst SiO2-(CH2)3-O-(C6H4)-SO3H, curve c). These
components can be identified as the primary (p) and secondary () bands, this latter
with the typical vibrational structure, due to transitions involving the electron
system of a benzylic aromatic ring [48]. Their displacement towards longer
wavelengths in the case of catalyst B can depend on the presence as substituent at the
para position with respect the sulfonic group of an oxygen atom, capable of a larger
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
electron contributing effect than the Si atom and CH2 present on the aromatic ring in
catalysts SiO2-(C6H4)-SO3H and SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H, respectively. The
spectra of the samples in air appeared similar to those of the aqueous slurries in terms
of position of the absorption bands, that exhibited a lower intensity (Figure 9). This
was likely due to the increased contribution of light scattering with respect
absorption phenomena in the presence of only some layers of physisorbed water.
Subsequently, the slurries obtained by mixing the samples with the H 2O/H2O2
solution were analyzed. All spectra exhibited only a very intense and broad
absorption band, with a deep reflectance minimum at ca. 250 nm and a tail towards
longer wavelength (Figure 3, panel A’), due to H2O2 molecules in aqueous solution.
In order to render the spectral profiles independent on difference in intensity due to
the not perfect equivalent density of all slurries, and better observe differences in
shape, the data have been normalized to the minimum of reflectance.
Figure 8. DR UV-Vis spectra of slurries obtained by wetting the samples with different aqueous
media. Panel A, samples in contact with H2O: a) bare silica used as support; ao) highly pure silica used
as diluent; b) catalyst A; c) catalyst B; d) catalyst C. Panel A’: samples in contact with H2O2/H2O
solution: a) bare silica; b) catalyst A; c) catalyst B; d) catalyst C. Inset, zoomed view of the 350-500
nm region, where the spectra (b’),(c’), (d’) of the catalysts A,B, and C, respectively, in contact with
the H2O2/H2O (the same as in panel A) are compared with the spectrum of the bare silica support in
contact with the same medium (curves a’, the same as in panel A’) and with the spectra (b), (c) and (d)
of catalyst the catalysts A,B, and C, respectively, in contact with H2O (the same as in panel A).
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Figure 9. DR UV-Vis of samples in air: a0) pyrogenic silica used as diluents; a) bare silica support; b)
catalyst SiO2-(C6H4)-SO3H; c) catalyst SiO2-(CH2)3-O-(C6H4)-SO3H; d) catalyst SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-
It can be then noticed that the onset of the absorption of catalysts SiO2-(CH2)3-O-
(C6H4)-SO3H and SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H, appeared shifted towards longer
wavelength with respect to both the bare silica support and the catalysts simply in
contact with H2O (Figure 8, panel A’ inset). Such feature can be reasonably related
to the interaction of H2O2 molecules with supported organic species, that, apparently,
occurred in a lower extent for catalyst SiO2-(C6H4)-SO3H, the spectrum of which
appeared not so different with respect that obtained in the presence only of water. It
is of interest to notice that catalyst A exhibited also the lowest catalytic activity,
despite the similar content in supported sulphuric acids of catalyst SiO2-(CH2)3-O-
(C6H4)-SO3H. Quantum chemical calculations indicate the possibility of the
formation of complexes between H2O2 and halide anions [49], and then it is proposed
that some H-bonding interaction can occur between hydrogen peroxide (acting as an
H-donor) and the sulphate groups (acting as H-acceptor) resulting from the
deprotonation of supported sulfonic acids . As for the competition with water
molecules for the interaction with sulphate groups, it can be recalled that H 2O2 in
aqueous solution is a stronger H-bond donor (but a weaker acceptor) than H2O [49].
The result of the competition with hydrated H3O+ ions should be the subject of a
future modeling, as well as the effect of the sulphate-H2O2 interaction on the
electronic states of hydrogen peroxide molecules.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
The occurrence of such interaction can be relevant for the catalytic process, as the
results obtained by Neumann [10] on the selectivity attained in oxidation reactions
by using H2O2 in perfluorinated alcohol solvents suggested the possibility for an
electrophylic activation of hydrogen peroxide via H-bonding. Tentative drawings are
reported in Scheme 3, where no indication of the H2O2 dihedral angle has been
reported, intentionally. In general, it is known that hydrogen peroxide has a quite
flexible molecular structure, easily distorted by molecular interactions [50, 51], as a
result of the only weakly hindered rotation of the OH groups around the O-O bond
[50,52]. According to these hypothesis the reaction mechanism could be tentatively
considered as depicted in Scheme 4. The complex interaction between three different
molecules may be responsible for the slow reaction rate.
a b c
Scheme 3. Possible interactions between sulfonic acid and hydrogen peroxide.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
3.3.4 Conclusions
Supported sulfonic acids can be used as eco-efficient catalysts for the dihydroxilation
of 1-methylcycloehexene with aqueous H2O2 under mild condition without using any
additional solvent. The silica supported 4-ethylphenyl sulfonic acid shows the best
activity giving 1-methyl-1,2-cyclohexanediol in 90 % yield and 96 % selectivity. The
reaction requires an induction time before the product starts to be present in the
reaction mixture. This period can be decreased by suspending the catalyst in aqueous
hydrogen peroxide for two hours before adding the 1-methylcyclohexene. These
results, together with the spectral analyses, suggest that the interaction between the
catalyst and the hydrogen peroxide give raise to an activation of H 2O2 molecules,
that produce the epoxide intermediate; this epoxide is immediately converted to the
diol, by the addition of a water molecule.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Reaction procedure
A 10-mL round-bottomed flask equipped with a magnetic stirring bar and reflux
condenser was charged with the selected solid catalyst (2% mol with respect to 1-
methylcyclohexene) and 30% aqueous H2O2 (0.86 mL, 8.4 mmol). The mixture was
stirred at rt for 10 min, after which 1-methylcyclohexene (0.50 mL, 4.2 mmol) was
added. The mixture was heated at 70 °C under stirring for 22 h and then cooled to rt.
The catalyst was removed by filtration and washed with methanol; MnO 2 (ca. 100
mg) was added to the solution to destroy any hydrogen peroxide excess.
Subsequently, bromobenzene was added as internal standard, the mixture was diluted
with methanol and analyzed by GC.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
powder [54]. The samples were investigated both in air and in the form of
concentrated slurries, obtained by dropping H2O or H2O2/H2O solution in proper
amounts to obtain an incipient wetness of the powders. In all cases, the materials
were diluted in a 1:30 ratio by weight with a highly pure amorphous silica (AOX50,
Aerosil), in order to attain the best compromise between the location above the 0% of
Reflectance of the most intense signals and a satisfactory signal/noise ratio for the
weakest ones. The conversion with the Kubelka-Munk function was then attempted,
but not longer considered, as the most intense signals exhibited values of the function
significantly higher than 1 (for the samples in the form of aqueous slurries), then
outside the limits of applicability of such algoritm [54].
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
3.4.1 Introduction
Eco-efficient oxidation of alcohols, phenols and their derivatives can be carried out
by using atmospheric oxygen, hydrogen peroxide or alkyl hydroperoxides in the
presence of an appropriate solid catalyst that activates the oxidizing agent [55].
In particular, oxidation of phenols and hydroquinones affords quinones that are
found as structural units in a great variety of natural compounds showing antifungal,
antibacterial, antiviral and anticancer activity. These properties made quinones
valuable intermediates for the preparation of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals [56-
58]. Furthermore, their use as dienophiles in Diels-Alder reactions is well
documented [59].
The oxidation of substituted hydroquinones to the corresponding quinones can be
achieved by a variety of methods based on the use of noxious oxidants and metal-
based catalysts. For example, the Fremy’s salt (potassium nitrodisulfonate) [60],
sodium dichromate/sulfuric acid mixtures [61], benzyltrimethylammonium
tribromide [62], iodine or hydroiodic acid/hydrogen peroxide mixtures [63], diphenyl
diselenide/hydrogen peroxide mixtures [64], ammonium ceric
nitrate/Montmorillonite K10 mixtures [65], phenyl iodosoacetate on alumina under
microwave irradiation [66], and a variety of transition metal derivatives [67] have
been exploited.
Phenols and naphthols can be directly converted into quinones via one-pot
hydroxylation oxidation process in the presence of different oxidizing [68-73].
Particular interest shows the dye sensitized photo-oxygenation of 1,5-
dihydroxynaphthalene to Juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione) with oxygen in
the presence of moderately concentrated sunlight [74].
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Moreover, some recent examples are reported showing the use of heterogeneous
catalysts for the efficient oxidation of hydroquinone to para-benzoquinone with
hydrogen peroxide. Thus, Cu(II) catalyst supported onto acrylic resin [75],
mesoporous titanium-silicate catalyst [76], and a catalyst based on platinum
nanoclusters incarcerated into polystyrene [77] allow the aerobic oxidation of
hydroquinones to quinones.
Recently our group have demonstrated that a well known and established reagent
such as silver oxide can also be utilized as catalyst with excellent results to perform
these reactions [78]. Furthermore, solid polyaniline has been utilized as non metal
heterogeneous catalyst to perform oxidation of hydroquinone to para-benzoquinone
with hydrogen peroxide [79].
Catalysts based on polystyrene supported sulfonic acid (Nafion-NR50, Amberlyst-
15) have shown successful results in various acid-catalyzed reactions [80, 81]. For
this reason, we have evaluated the activity of silica-supported sulfonic acids as
heterogeneous, metal-free catalysts for the oxidation of hydroquinones to
benzoquinones with 30% aqueous hydrogen peroxide under batch and continuous
flow conditions.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Table 4. Reaction of methylhydroquinone with aqueous H2O2 in the presence of different solid
catalysts and solvents.a
Entry Catalyst 11a/ H2O2 ratio Solvent 12a Yield [Sel.]b (%)
1 - 1/3 MeOH 3
2 CH3SO3H 1/3 MeOH 49 [50]
3 SiO2-(CH2)3-SO3H 1/2 MeOH 57 [93]
4 SiO2-(CH2)3-SO3H 1/3 MeOH 79 [92]d
5 SiO2-(C6H4)-SO3H 1/2 MeOH 55 [61]
6 SiO2-(C6H4)-SO3H 1/3 MeOH 79 [79]
7 SG-(CH2)3-SO3H 1/2 MeOH 32 [65]
8 SG-(CH2)3-SO3H 1/3 MeOH 53 [62]
9 MCM-41-(CH2)3-SO3H 1/2 MeOH 58 [91]
10 MCM-41-(CH2)3-SO3H 1/3 MeOH 78 [90]
11 Amberlyst-15 1/2 MeOH 51 [93]
12 Amberlyst-15 1/3 MeOH 60 [92]
13 SiO2-(CH2)3-SO3H 1/3 Acetone 71 [81]
14 SiO2-(CH2)3-SO3H 1/3 H2O 10 [32]
15 SiO2-(CH2)3-SO3H 1/3 MeCN 80 [85]
16 SiO2-(CH2)3-SO3H 1/3 Dioxane 37 [73]
Catalyst: 0.02 mmol, 1a: 1 mmol, solvent: 2 ml, reaction time: 30 min addition and 5.5 h reaction.
Determined by GC analysis. (c) When the reaction was performed with a stoichiometric amount of
H2O2, product 3a was obtained in a modest yield (41%). (d) When the reaction was performed on dark,
product 3a was obtained with the same yield (78%).
In the reactions carried out in methanol, methylbenzoquinone 12a has been obtained
in good yields. The propylsulfonic acid tethered onto both amorphous and
mesoporous MCM-41 silica showed optimum activities [SiO2-(CH2)3-SO3H: 79%
yield, 92% selectivity; MCM 41-(CH2)3-SO3H: 78% yield, 90% selectivity], better in
terms of yield and selectivity to that obtained under homogeneous conditions
performing the reaction with methanesulfonic acid [49% yield, 50% selectivity]; also
the phenylsulfonic acid tethered onto silica [SiO 2-(C6H4)-SO3H] gave product 12a in
good yield, but the selectivity was somewhat lower (79% yield, 79% selectivity).
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Pore Volume (cm /g)
0.02 before
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Pore Diameter (nm)
Figure 11. Pore size distribution (nm) of the functionalized mesoporous silica materials SiO 2-(CH2)3-
SO3H before and after catalytic cycle.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Catalyst: 0.02 mmol, 11: 1 mmol, MeOH: 2 ml, 30% aq H2O2: 3 mmol in MeOH 5 ml, reaction
time: 30 min addition and 5.5 h reaction. (b) Determined by GC analysis.
The process gave quinones with satisfactory to good yields and selectivities starting
from hydroquinones bearing both electronwithdrawing and electronreleasing groups.
It is interesting to note that very good selectivities are obtained with hydroquinone,
methylhydroquinone and chlorohydroquinone (Table 5, entries 1, 2 and 4); on the
contrary, when the reaction is performed with hydroquinones bearing strong
electronreleasing groups (entries 5 and 6), a drop in both yield and selectivity is
observed, due to high reactivity of the starting materials that is responsible of the
formation of overoxidation products.
Concerning a possible comment on the mechanism of the reaction, there are two
different ways by which sulfonic acid can catalyze this oxidation reaction, as
reported in literature: the hydrogen peroxide is probably activated by the sulfonic
acid through hydrogen-bond formation; moreover it is also possible the in situ
formation of the peroxysulfonic acid as a powerful oxidizing reagent [32, 83, 84]. In
both cases the reaction proceeds through the formation of intermediates 14a and 15a
[85] that produce the final methyl-1,4-benzoquinone (Scheme 5). It is important to
underline that a possible radical mechanism contribution [1] can not be totally
excluded as, by carrying out the reaction in the presence of stoichiometric amount of
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
The good synthetic results and, in particular, the effective catalyst recyclability
achieved in the batch experiments prompted us to develop a reaction method based
on a continuous-flow catalytic system for performing the model reaction. Such a
system, once optimized, can allow for a rapid, easy and efficient synthesis and
purification of the target compounds [86]. To this end a simple apparatus was
constructed using an HPLC column (10 cm length x 0.4 cm inner diameter) packed
with the sulfonic resin Amberlyst-15 and equipped with a diaphragm metering pump
to carefully control the flow rate.
Methylhydroquinone has been utilized as model reagent in a series of experiments
aimed at achieving the optimum conditions for the oxidation with 30% aqueous
hydrogen peroxide. The column-reactor was previously washed by flowing MeOH
(10 mL) for 2 hours at 0.3 mL/min flow rate at room temperature, then a solution of
methylhydroquinone 11a (2 mmol) and 30% aq. H2O2 (4 mmol) in MeOH (5 mL)
was passed at room temperature with the flow rate of 0.080 ml/min and a minimum
pressure applied (~ 1.2 bar). The column-reactor was then rinsed with additional
MeOH (10 mL) and the combined eluates were analyzed by GC.
Amberlyst-15 is a commercial available sulfonic resin and it is quite different from
the catalysts employed for the batch experiments, nevertheless this catalyst is
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
produced in beads of 20-50 mesh and it is an ideal resin for continuous flow systems.
We use a lower excess of H2O2 (2:1) compared with the batch experiment and the
product 12a was obtained in 55% yield, however the selectivity was very high (95%)
and this is the most important parameter in a continuous flow system. The reaction
can be carried out for furthers four cycles without any loss of efficiency (Figure12).
% 50
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 12. Activity of Amberlyst-15 in five successive cycles of the model reaction, under continuous
flow condition after washing with methanol.
3.4.3 Conclusions
In conclusion we have found that sulfonic acids, tethered onto silica, represent good
and reusable heterogeneous catalysts for the oxidation of hydroquinones to the
corresponding quinones with 30% aqueous hydrogen peroxide under
environmentally friendly conditions. Although this is a well-known oxidation
reaction, the most important advantage of this protocol is that the use of metal
catalysts is avoided. Moreover the reaction can be carried out under continuous flow
conditions with a minimum pressure applied.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Reaction procedure
To a mixture of the selected hydroquinone (1.0 mmol), SiO 2-(CH2)3-SO3H (0.1 g,
0.02 mmol) and MeOH (2 ml), a solution of 30% aq H2O2 (0.3 ml, 3.0 mmol) in
MeOH (5 ml) was added dropwise under stirring during 30 min at rt. The mixture
was continuously stirred for additional 5.5 h. The reaction mixture was then diluted
with H2O (10 ml) and extracted with Et2O (2 x 15 ml). The combined organic layers
were washed with H2O (2 x 10 ml) and dried over Na2SO4. The solvents were
evaporated under reduced pressure affording the corresponding pure product after
separation on a TLC plate using a mixture of hexane/EtOAc 10:1.
All the products gave melting points and spectral data consistent with values
previously reported in the literature [87-90].
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
3.5.1 Introduction
Among oxidation processes, the chemoselective preparation of chiral/achiral
sulfoxides and sulfones represents an extremely important class of reactions. In fact,
sulfoxides and sulfones are valuable intermediates often utilized for the synthesis of
fine chemicals and biologically active compounds. They often play an important role
as therapeutic agents such as antiulcer, antibacterial, antifungal, cardiotonic,
antihypertensive, antiartherosclerotic and antihelmintic agents, as well as
psychotonics and vasodilators. [91]
Nowadays the most important method for the preparation of these compounds
involves the oxidation of thioethers. The sulfur atom can be easily oxidized by
different electrophilic oxidants such as FeBr3-nitric acid, [92] mercury(II) oxide-
iodine, [93] oxodiperoxo molybdenum complexes, [94] chromium(VI) oxide, [95]
meta-chloroperbenzoic acid, [96] and benzeneseleninic peracid. [97]
Hence, in recent years, many studies have been devoted to replace common oxidants
with aqueous hydrogen peroxide. There are many reports on the H2O2-based catalytic
oxidation of sulfides by employing homogeneous and heterogeneous organocatalysts,
acid catalysts, enzymes, metal catalysts (e.g. Ti, Mo, V, W, Fe, and Se), acid metal
oxides, polyoxometalates, and the sulfonic resin Amberlyst 15. [1, 21, 22, 23, 98, 99,
100, 101, 102] More recently, the sulfoxides themselves, that are produced during
the reaction, have been reported to be very effective catalysts for the selective
oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides without formation of sulfones as byproducts. [103]
However, in some cases, a large excess of hydrogen peroxide must be utilized.
Despite this recent progress the thioether oxidation reaction requires further
improvements with particular focus on the chemoselectivity of the reaction, as well
as effective oxygen utilization avoiding unproductive H2O2 decomposition.
Here, we report on the highly chemoselective oxidation of sulfides with diluted
hydrogen peroxide, catalyzed by Amberlite IR 120H in a continuous flow reactor.
Continuous processing of catalytic reactions offers significant improvements
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
In a preliminary batch experiment, the reaction was carried out at 4 °C using 1.40 g
Amberlite IR 120H (loading: 4.4 meq H+/g), 7.44 g thioanisole (60 mmol) and 6.13
ml of 30% aqueous hydrogen peroxide (60 mmol). Methanol was used as solvent.
After 60 min reaction time methylphenyl sulfoxide 17a was obtained with 55% yield.
For the continuous flow experiments a simple process was set up using a glass
column (180 mm length × 11 mm inner diameter) packed with 6.8 grams of
Amberlite IR 120H as a reactor. Three pulsation-free syringe pumps were connected
to the reactor allowing a precise control of the flow rate of the two reagent solutions
and of an additional methanol stream that was used for quenching the reaction at the
outlet of the column reactor (Figure 13).
Figure 13. Schematic diagram of the reactor setup for the continuous flow oxidation of thioanisole
with hydrogen peroxide.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
Table 6. Continuous flow oxidation of thioanisole with 30% aq. H 2O2 catalyzed by Amberlite IR
120H a
Entry Molar ratio H2O2/ T [°C] Residence time [min] 16a 17a 18a
thioanisole Conv. Yield Yield
[%] b [%] b [%] b
1 1 6 50 85 85 -
2 1 6 25 83 83 -
3 1 6 17 80 80 -
4 1 22 50 97 95 2
5 1 22 25 95 94 1
6 1 22 17 94 92 2
7 1 30 50 98 94 4
8 1 30 25 97 94 3
9 1 30 17 96 94 2
10 1.07 6 50 97 97 -
11 1.07 6 25 94 94 -
12 1.07 22 50 98 94 4
13 1.07 22 25 96 92 4
14 1.07 30 50 100 88 12
15 1.07 30 25 100 94 6
(a) (b)
Reaction parameters: thioanisole 16a solution in MeOH 0.89 mol/L, amount of catalyst: 6.80 g.
Determined by HPLC analysis
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
the selectivity, due to the increased formation of sulfone 18a, whereas shorter
residence times, while improving selectivity, caused a slight lowering in the
thioanisole conversion.
Excellent results, both in terms of yield and selectivity, were achieved by performing
the reaction at 6 °C (Table 6, entries 10 and 11) using an excess of hydrogen
peroxide. However, from an environmental point of view, such over-stoichiometric
conditions and the consumption of energy for cooling are less favored. In all other
cases the excess of hydrogen peroxide caused a lowering in the yield of product 17a
and an increasing formation of sulfone 18a.
The very promising results achieved in these experiments prompted us to perform the
oxidation of thioanisole with more diluted hydrogen peroxide. For this reason we
used a 3% aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution which is a very cheap chemical and
can be handled safely.
The reaction was performed under the best conditions found by using 30% aqueous
hydrogen peroxide (Table 6, entry 5). Surprisingly, only a small lowering in 17a
yield was found, being still very high at 90%. Moreover, as the sulfoxide was the
only product, the selectivity was 100%.
The progress of yield and selectivity for the continuous oxidation with 3% H 2O2 is
shown in Fig. 14. Obviously, the catalyst can be used for at least 3000 min without
any loss of activity; under these conditions the ratio between the catalyst and the total
thianisole amount is 0.3.
40 Yield
0 25 35 50 160 400 620 850 1000 1150 1250 1700 2000
time (min)
Figure 14. Reaction trend for the continuous flow oxidation of thioanisole with 3% aqueous hydrogen
peroxide catalyzed by Amberlite IR 120H (at 22 °C and under stoichiometric conditions).
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
These results represent the first example of the successful oxidation of aromatic
sulfides with 3% aqueous hydrogen peroxide. Moreover, the process avoids the use
of any metals for the activation of the oxidizing reagent.
The process was then applied to different aryl alkyl sulfides using an equimolecular
amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide (Table 7).
Table 7. Continuous flow oxidation of various sulfides with 3% aqueous hydrogen peroxide catalyzed
by Amberlite IR 120 Ha
In all cases the yield and the selectivity obtained were excellent, and the process
allowed the oxidation of arylsulfides carrying both electron-withdrawing and
electron-donating groups at the para position of the aromatic ring. Due to the slight
solubility of some substrates, hydrogen peroxide was sometimes diluted in methanol
(Table 7, entries 2, 3, 5, and 6).
3.5.3 Conclusions
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
A glass column (180 mm length × 11 mm inner diameter) packed with 6.8 grams of
Amberlite IR 120 H, dipped in a water bath, was utilized as reactor. Three pulsation-
free syringe pumps were connected to the reactor allowing a precise control of the
flow rate of the thioanisole solution in MeOH (0.89 mol L−1), the 3% aq H2O2 and
an additional methanol stream that was used for quenching the reaction at the outlet
of the column reactor. The reagents were passed through the reactor in stoichiometric
ratio, with a total flow rate of 0.200 mL min−1, allowing the oxidation reaction with a
residence time of 25 min. The eluates, collected and diluted in MeOH, were
analyzed by HPLC (Instrument: Agilent 1200; column: Zorbax Bonus RP 250 ×4.6,
5 μm; eluent: MeOH/H2O + 0.03% TFA with gradient–gradient: 0 min. 38% MeOH,
5 min. 38% MeOH, 5.1 min. 82% MeOH, 12 min. 82% MeOH; flow rate: 1 mL
min−1; injection volume: 5 μL; detector: DAD at 254 nm; temperature: 25 °C;
calibration: external standards). All sulfoxides and sulfones were isolated and
identified by comparison with pure reference samples.
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
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[101] F. Liu, Z. Fu, Y. Liu, C. Lu, Y. Wu, F. Xie, Z. Ye, X. Zhou and D. Yin, Ind.
Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49, 2533.
[102] M. M. Lakouraj, M. Tajbakhsh and H. Tashakkorian, Monatsh. Chem., 2007,
138, 83.
[103] F. Shi, M. K. Tse, H. M. Kaiser and M. Beller, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2007, 349,
3. Supported sulfonic acids as novel catalysts in green oxidation processes
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
4.2.1 Introduction
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
and reused; they are generally not corrosive and do not produce problematic side
products [10, 11]. Different classes of materials have been studied and utilized as
heterogeneous catalysts for Friedel-Crafts acylations, such as zeolites [12], metal
oxides [13] and heteropoly acids [14].
In recent years this idea was further developed due to the design of hybrid organic–
inorganic mesoporous silicas functionalized with sulfonic acid groups, that combine
the acid strength with the high surface area of mesoporous materials [15,16,17].
The present work deals with the catalytic evaluation of a series of silica supported
sulfonic acids in the acylation reaction of anisole, avoiding the use of metals and
chlorinated reagents.
A series of KG-60 silica supported alkyl-, aryl- and fluoroalkyl- sulfonic acids was
prepared, according to well known literature procedures (see chapter 2), and their
efficiency in the acylation of anisole was evaluated (Scheme 1).
The above method shows low environmental impact, because it avoids the use of
halogenated compounds, and acetic acid is the only by-product. However, since the
anisole is a very activated reagent toward the electrophilic aromatic substitution
reaction, the para-acylation product may be accompanied not only by the ortho-
acylation isomer, but also by the diacylation product.
The first experiments, aimed to find the best reaction conditions, were carried out by
using SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H catalyst. (Table 1)
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
Table 1. Reaction of anisole with acetic anhydride, catalyzed by silica supported sulfonic acids.
entry Catalyst T 1/2 molar Catalyst 3 Yield (%) 3 Selectivity
(°C) ratio loading (%) (%)
1 SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H 60 1:1 5 27 87
2 SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H 80 1:1 5 31 89
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
after the first hour. This trend is typical for acylation reaction performed with solid
acid catalysts [18].
Reaction trend
100 Conversion
90 Yield
% 50
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
time (min)
The comparison of the activity of different catalysts was also studied; the reactions
were carried out under the best conditions found for SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H
catalyst, highlighting great differences in the reactivity (Table 1, entries 6-10). In all
cases 4-methoxyacetophenone (3) was the major product; 2-methoxyacetophenone
(4) was also detected, while diacylation product 5 was not found even in traces. The
best result in terms of both yield (71%) and selectivity (95%) toward
4-methoxyacetophenone product was achieved with the perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acid
tethered onto silica catalyst [SiO2-CF2-CF-(CF3)-SO3H]. SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H
catalyst showed similar good reactivity, while a little lowering of activity was
observed by employing SiO2-(C6H6)-SO3H catalyst. The propyl- and butylsulfonic
acids tethered onto silica gave the desired product in very low yields.
This behavior may be attributed to the different acidity of the tested materials, that
seems to be correlated to the strength of the supported sulfonic acids. In fact the
SiO2-CF2-CF-(CF3)-SO3H catalyst is undoubtedly the stronger one employed in this
work, [19] due to the inductive effect played by the fluorine atoms; on the contrary,
SiO2-(CH2)3-SO3H and SiO2-(CH2)4-SO3H catalysts are weaker acids [19] and
consequently their activity is reduced.
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
% 50
0 5 10 15 20 25
n° C atoms of the anhydride
The anisole conversion and the aromatic ketone yield raise with the number of
carbon atoms of the anhydrides, going from acetic anhydride (4 carbon atoms ) to
valeric anhydride (10 carbon atoms). With longer alkyl chains the reactivity slightly
decreases. This behavior may be attributed to an hydrophobic positive effect, that can
improve the reactivity until the maximum reached with valeric anhydride; for longer
anhydrides, this effect is overbalanced by a negative steric influence.
The scope and generality of the acylation process with respect to various aromatics
substrates was then investigated. Experimental results reported in Table 2 confirm
the general applicability of the silica supported catalyst in the acylation reaction with
acetic anhydride.
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
b 95 75
c 20 18
d - 50
e - 69
f 15 10
(a) Reaction conditions: substrate / acetic anhydride molar ratio 1:3, SiO2-(CH2)2-(C6H4)-SO3H: 5%
mol, T = 120 °C, 1.5 h. (b) Reaction performed with valeric anhydride, T = 22 °C.
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
The “hot filtration test” has excluded the occurrence of leaching, thus the
deactivation of this material is attributable to the formation of some ionic species that
strongly interact with the catalyst. The presence of poisoning compounds is
confirmed by the intense yellow color assumed by the solid acid after the first use,
(Figure 3). Attempts to regenerate the catalyst by washing with ethanol, ethyl acetate
and water did not give good results. The destruction of the adsorbed compounds by
treatment with hydrogen peroxide was also attempted, but no improvements were
obtained. Lastly, by washing the catalyst with a 2N HCl or HNO3 solution, the loss
of the intense yellow color of the solid was detected. The catalyst was further washed
with water to eliminate any trace of mineral acid and subsequently dried at 100 °C
for 2 hours: under these conditions the catalytic activity was partially restored. The
acylation of anisole with the regenerated catalyst was performed with a 38 % yield.
The deactivation pathway continues to be a complicate question for this process,
however the reported results may open new chances to understand this issue.
Figure 3. a) as prepared catalyst; b) used catalyst; c) recovered catalyst washed with HCl 2N aq.
4.2.3 Conclusions
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
Reaction procedure: to a mixture of acetic anhydride 2 (0.286 ml, 3.0 mmol) and
solid catalyst (0.10 mmol) the anisole 1 (0.108 ml, 1.0 mmol) was added under
stirring at room temperature. The mixture was then heated to 120 °C and stirred for
90 minutes. After this period the mixture was diluted with ethanol, filtered off and
washed with ethanol (3 x 5 ml).
The filtrate was analyzed by GC, using dodecane as external standard.
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
4.3.1 Introduction
Organic synthesis takes advantage from the high reactivity of some functional
groups, that allows the transformation of the starting reagents into the targeted
compounds. In fact, the general strategy for the formation of a new bond requires the
presence of an heteroatom or an unsaturation in the carbon backbone of an organic
molecule, as clearly stated by Corey.[21]
In this light, it is clear that the introduction of a new functionality through
transformation of a (sp3)C-H bond, can unlock new opportunities for synthetic
strategies.[22, 23] The high stability of this bond makes it generally unreactive, and
not so useful from a synthetic point of view.[24] Furthermore, the direct insertion of
a new group through the (sp3)C-H bond, can allow organic reactions with very good
atom economy, that is one of the fundamental principles of the green chemistry.[25]
For these reasons the activation of (sp3)C-H bond has attracted much attention at
both the academic and industrial levels.
The production of a new C-C bond by coupling of two sp3 carbons under oxidative
conditions has been recently reported. In this reaction hydrogen acts as theoretical
“leaving group” and in the best case water is the only by-product.[26] These
oxidative coupling reactions can be catalytically performed simply by using metal
salts or organic redox-active molecules for the activation of C-H bond. For example,
the coupling of two (sp3)C-H bonds, one showing acid nature such as in
nitromethane [27, 28] and in a methyl ketone,[29] and the other adjacent to a
nitrogen atom, can be efficiently catalyzed by Cu(I) salts, in the presence of TBHP or
even molecular oxygen. Furthermore, with (sp3)C-H bonds adjacent to different
heteroatoms, such as oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, a similar coupling reaction can be
carried out by using an iron catalyst under similar conditions, generating the
corresponding C-C bond.[30] However, often hard oxidants, harsh conditions, and
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
expensive reagents are required, thus diminishing the overall efficiency and
sustainability of the entire process.
Newly, Klussmann et al. reported an aerobic oxidative coupling of activated benzylic
CH2 groups in xanthene 7a with ketones and 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds; the reaction
proceeds smoothly under mild conditions without a metal reagent and requires only
the cheap methane sulfonic acid and oxygen.[31] This reaction does not involve any
redox-active catalyst and any reagent commonly used for C-H bond activation; thus
it holds great potential for the design of sustainable syntheses with simple and cheap
reagents with low level of environmental impact. A possible mechanistic
rationalization, proposed by authors, involves the autoxidative formation of a
xanthene hydroperoxide 8a, which would react in an acid-catalyzed SN1 type
reaction with nucleophiles like ketone 10a to form the coupling product 11aa and
hydrogen peroxide (Scheme 2).
Scheme 2. Possible mechanism for the oxidative coupling of xanthene with cyclopentanone.
To enhance the sustainability of this process, the activity of some supported sulfonic
acids as heterogeneous and reusable catalysts has been evaluated in the oxidative
coupling reaction of xanthene and thioxanthene with nucleophiles.
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
sulfonic acid with respect to xanthene (Scheme 2). Results reported in Table 2 show
that in all cases 2-(9H-xanthen-9-yl)cyclopentanone 11aa was detected as the only
product; in particular, the silica supported 4-ethylphenylsulfonic acid showed the
best catalytic activity for this reaction (74% yield; Table 2, entry 2). Lower yields
were observed with MCM-41 supported propanesulfonic acid catalyst and Nafion
NR-50 (Table 2, entries 1 and 3 respectively).
[a] Reaction conditions: 1a (1.0 mmol), 4a (5.0 mmol), and solid catalyst (5% mol) were stirred under
an atmosphere of oxygen at 40 °C for 24 h. [b] Yields were determined by GC analysis of the crude
reaction mixture using dodecane as external standard. [c] Calculated on xanthene. [d] Air atmosphere.
[d] Addition of 1.0 mmol of 30% aq H2O2.
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
67 and 91% respectively) has been observed with a 7% mol catalyst amount; this
negative trend was confirmed by further increasing the catalyst amount to 10% mol
(64% yield and 85% selectivity).
% 50
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
% Catalyst (Amberlyst-15)
Figure 4. Effect of Amberlyst-15 amount on the oxidative coupling of cyclopentanone with xanthene.
The model reaction can be performed with satisfactory yield (43%) under air
atmosphere instead of oxygen (Table 1, entry 5), while the addition of one equivalent
of H2O2 completely blocked the reaction (Table 1, entry 6). Under the above
conditions the methylene bridge of reagent 7a could undergo oxidation as previously
reported.[31] Although the mechanistic aspects of the reaction have not been
deepened, the reaction mechanism proposed for the homogeneous reaction (Scheme
2) may occur also in this case. Indeed traces of hydroperoxide 8a were detected in
the reaction mixture and the presence of H2O2 was confirmed by the MnO2 test.[33]
The scope and generality of the oxidative coupling process with respect to various
nucleophiles was then investigated. Experimental results reported in Table 3 confirm
the general applicability to different cyclic and linear ketones and to 1,3-dicarbonyl
compounds. Yields of isolated products are between 55 and 90%, accompanied by
excellent selectivity values (83-99%).
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
Furthermore the reaction of thioxanthene with cyclohexanone, was tested and the
coupling product was obtained in good yield and excellent selectivity. It must be
highlightened that, despite the oxidative reaction conditions, no traces of sulfone or
sulfoxide were detected, even when the reaction was prolonged for 72 hours.
Finally the catalyst recyclability has been tested in the reaction between xanthene
and cyclohexanone. After the first coupling reaction, the catalyst was filtered off,
washed with methanol and water and reused for the next run. Eight runs can be
efficiently performed with the recycled resin-supported sulfonic acid without a
considerable decrease in its catalytic activity. The yield of each run was over 75%
(Table 4).
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
4.3.3 Conclusions
In summary, has been developed a clean and safe method for the oxidative coupling
of xanthene and thioxanthene with methylene active compounds. The sulfonic resin
catalyst has the advantage to be cheap, safe to handle and easy to recycle. Several
important parameters of the “green chemistry” are satisfied: the atom economy is
very high (99.2%), reaction condition are mild, the reaction is completely metal-free,
and the work-up is very easy.
Since xanthene and its derivatives are very interesting pharmaceutical and biological
active compounds, this reaction represent a valuable chance for the synthesis of these
General procedure: xanthene (7a) (182 mg, 1.0 mmol), methylene active compound
(10) (5.0 mmol) and Amberlyst-15 dried at 100 °C overnight (11 mg, 5 mol%) were
mixed in a Schlenk tube equipped with a magnetic stirring bar. The tube was flushed
with oxygen and then, after stirring at 40 °C for 24 h, the reaction mixture was
purified directly by column chromatography (silica gel, eluant hexane/ethyl acetate
20:1) without further workup, giving the corresponding products 11. Products 11ac
and 11af are new compounds.
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
4.4 References
[1] R. F. Heck, Palladium Reagents in Organic Synthesis, Academic Press, New
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[6] K. Bauer, D. Garbe, H. Surberg, Common Frangrance and Flavor Materials,
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[9] R. A. Sheldon, R. S. Downing, Appl. Cat. A: General, 1999, 189, 163.
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[14] I. V. Kozhevnikov, Appl. Catal. A: General, 2003, 256, 3.
[15] D. J. Macquarrie, S. J. Tavener, M. A. Harmer, Chem. Commun., 2005, 2363.
[16] M. Alvaro, A. Corma, D. Das, V. Fornés, H. García, J. Catal., 2005, 231, 48.
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[18] U. Freese, F. Heinrich, F. Roessner, Catal. Today, 1999, 49, 237.
[19] J. A. Melero, R. van Grieken, G. Morales, M. Paniagua, Energy & Fuels, 2007,
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[20] H.E.B. Lempers, R.A. Sheldon, J. Catal., 1988, 175, 62.
[21] E. J. Corey, X.-M. Cheng, The Logic of Chemical Synthesis, Wiley, New York,
4. Catalytic C-C bond formation promoted by supported sulfonic acid catalysts
The three years spent in the laboratory 52 were full of episodes and encounters that
have marked my experience, allowing me to learn so much both professionally and
For this reason, first of all I would express my gratitude to prof. Sartori and prof.
Maggi, for their help and their availability, provided with a good dose of humor and
Together with them I wish to thank the people who welcomed me at the Fraunhofer
Institute in Pfinztal, Dr. Loebbecke, Maud and Eric. Also I can not forget the
contribution of Dr. Andrea Pace, who urged me to take this experience and has
always encouraged me over the years.
A special thank you to all undergraduates and trainees students, friends and
witnesses of flames, smells and in particular the frequent noise of the glass falling to
the ground: Marcello, Silvia, Andrea, Anna, Elisa C., Sofié, Elisa R. Without you it
would not be possible to write this thesis!
With them, my thought is for colleagues who have made this experience such
important and fun at the same time.
A big thanks to Chiara for having designed the cover of this thesis.
Thanks again to all the old friends and the Gi.Fra. I did not ever feel the distance
between them.
Finally, my gratitude is for my parents and my sister who supported me fully in the
last three years, encouraging me in difficult times and making me happy with their
Curriculum vitae Dott. Calogero Giancarlo Piscopo
Personal Information:
Calogero Giancarlo Piscopo
‐ date of birth 1984/05/06 ‐ place of birth Licata (AG)
‐ 2009 – today: PhD student under supervision of Prof. G. Sartori and Prof. R. Maggi
‐ Master Degree in Chemistry cum laude at the University of Palermo in October 2008;
‐ Bachelor degree in Chemistry cum laude at the University of Palermo in February 2007;
‐ High School diploma, votation 100/100, in July 2003 at Liceo Scientifico Leonardo
1. Maggi, R., Piscopo C., G., Sartori, G., Storaro, L., Moretti, E., “Supported sulfonic acids:
metal-free catalysts for the oxidation of hydroquinones to benzoquinones with hydrogen
peroxide”. App. Catal. A: General, 2012, 411-412, 146-152.
2. Piscopo, C. G., Adorni, A., Maggi, R., Sartori, G., (2011) “Friedel-Crafts acylation
reaction with anhydrides: silica supported sulfonic acids as green and efficient heterogeneous
catalysts”. Chemistry Today / Chimica Oggi 2011, 29 (supplement: Milestones in
Chemistry), 6-8.
3. Maggi, R., Chitsaz, S., Loebbecke, S., Piscopo C., G., Sartori, G., Schwarzer, M., “Highly
chemoselective metal-free oxidation of sulfides with diluted H2O2 in a continuous flow
reactor”. Green Chem. 2011, 13, 1121-1123.
4. Piscopo, C. G., Loebbecke, S., Maggi, R., Sartori, G., (2010) “Supported Sulfonic Acid as
Green and Efficient Catalyst for Baeyer–Villiger Oxidation with 30% Aqueous Hydrogen
Peroxide”. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2010, 352, 1625–1629.
5. Derikvand, F., Bigi, F., Maggi, R., Piscopo, C. G., Sartori, G., (2010) “Oxidation of
hydroquinones to benzoquinones with hydrogen peroxide using catalytic amount of silver
oxide under batch and continuous-flow conditions”. J.Catal. 2010, 271, 99-103.
- Three poster communications and three oral communication in National and International