Wind Load On Structues
Wind Load On Structues
Wind Load On Structues
Wind forces are variable loads which act directly on the internal and external surface of
structures. The intensity of wind load on a structure is related to the square of the wind
velocity and the dimensions of the members that are resisting the wind (frontal area).
Wind velocity is dependent on geographical location, the height of the structure, the
topography of the area and the roughness of the surrounding terrain.
The response of a structure to the variable action of wind can be separated in to two
components, a background component and a resonant component. The background
component involves static deflection of the structure under the wind pressure. The
resonant component, on the other hand, involves dynamic vibration of the structure in
response to changes in wind pressure. In most structures the resonant component is
relatively small and structural response to wind forces is treated using static methods of
analysis alone. However, for tall or otherwise flexible structures, the resonant
component of wind should be calculated using dynamic methods of analysis. Such
structures are not considered further here.
The reference wind velocity for a locality is defined as the mean wind velocity at 10m
above farmland averaged over a period of 10 minutes with a return period of 50 years. It
is calculated using.
Where Vref,0 is the basic reference wind velocity 10m above sea level and CDIR, CTEM
and CALT are factors relating to direction, seasonal variations in temporary structures and
altitude respectively.
The factors CDIR, CTEM and CALT will be specified for local conditions by individual
countries. For each of these factors, a value of unity may be assumed unless otherwise
Exposure coefficient
Wind velocity tends to decease near ground level owing to frictional forces between the
wind and the ground. If the terrain is rugged, the decrease in velocity can be quite
substantial. The exposure coefficient takes account of the variation from the reference
wind velocity due to the roughness around the structure, the local topography and the
height of the structure above ground level. EBCS1 defines the exposure coefficient at
height z meters, using the relationship:
C e ( z ) C r2 ( z )C t2 ( z ) 1
C r ( z )C t ( z )
(EBCS provisions)
The density of air varies with temperature, elevation and the expected atmospheric
pressure in the region during a storm. EBCS1 gives a recommended design value of at
200 C for different altitudes.
The external pressure coefficient, Cpe, accounts for the variation in dynamic pressure on
different zones of the structure due to its geometry, area and proximity to other
structures. For instance, the wind acting on the structure in Fig. 1.2 is slowed down by
the windward face and generates a pressure on that face. The wind is then forced around
the sides and over the top of the structure, causing suction on the sides and on all
leeward faces. Suction can also be generated on the windward slope of a pitched roof if
the pitch is sufficiently small.
Fig. 1.2 Wind flow past a rectangular building. (a) plan; (b)end elevation
0.5e H B
0.1e F G F
0.8e d
h 0.25e 0.25e
0.5e B*
0.1e F G F
h 0.25e 0.25e
Fig. 1.3 External pressure coefficient zones (e = lesser of b and 2h): (a) de; (b) de
Internal pressure arises due to openings, such as windows, doors and vents, in the
cladding. In general, if the windward pane has a greater proportion of opening than the
leeward panel, then the interior of the structure is subjected to positive (outward)
pressure as illustrated in Fig.1.5 (a). Conversely, if the leeward face has more openings,
then the interior is subjected to a negative (inward) pressure as illustrated in Fig. 1.5(b).
Like external pressure internal pressure is considered positive when acting on to the
surface of the structure. Thus, internal pressure is positive when the pressure acts
Table 1.3 External pressure coefficient for a flat roof (from EC1, part 2.3)
Where zi is the reference height for internal pressure equal to the mean height of the
openings and cpi depends on the distribution of openings around the building. The
values recommended by EBCS-1,1995 are given in Fig 1.6 for a building without
internal partitions. In such a building, internal pressure is assumed to act uniformly over
the total area of the building. For buildings with internal partitions the extreme values,
cpi = 0.8 and cpi = -0.5, may be used.
Fig. 1.6 Internal pressure coefficients, cpi, in buildings with openings (from EBCS-1,1995)
20 E
Wind from the east and west is transmitted from clad faces to the north and south
masonry walls. Each external panel has opening windows equal in area to one tenth of
the total wall area.
(a) Determine the total moment due to wind at the base of the north and
south masonry walls.
(b) Calculate the maximum pressure on the east masonry wall.
Assuming values of unity for cDIR, cTEM and cALT, the reference wind velocity is also
26 m/s. Hence the reference wind pressure is,
1 2
Qref = v ref
= (1.25)(26)2
= 423 Nm2
Exposure coefficient
As the height exceeds the breadth but is less than twice its value, the building is
considered in two parts, as illustrated in Fig. 1.1(b). The reference heights for external
pressure are thus:
ze = h = 20m
ze = b = 12m
As the building is located in an area of Roughness Category 4 (refer to Table 1.1),
kT = 0.24, z0 = 1m and smin = 16m. Equation of roughness coefficient gives:
cr(20) = kTLn(20/z0)
= 0.24 Ln(20/1)
= 0.719
cr(12) = cr(zmin)
= 0.24 Ln(16/1)
= 0.666
Taking a topography coefficient of unity, the exposure coefficients become:
ce(20) = c 2r (20) c t2 (20) 1
c r (20)ct (20)
7 0.24
= (0.719)2(1)2 1 0.7191
= 1.725
ASTU, Civil Engineering Dep., 12
BY Teshome Ch.
ce(12) = c 2r (12) c t2 (12) 1
c r (12)ct (12)
7 0.24
= (0.666)2(1)2 1 0.666 1
= 1.563
External pressure
It can be seen from Fig. 1.3 that only zones D and E are of interest in this example. The
ratio d/h is 10/20 = 0.5. Hence from Table 1.3:
cpe(Zone D) = +0.8
cpe(Zone E) = -0.3
At the reference height of 20m, the external pressure on zone D is
we = ce(20)cpeqref
= 1.7250.80.423
= 0.584kN/m2
The corresponding force on the upper part of zone D is 0.584(128) = 56kN.
At the reference height of 12m, the external pressure on zone D is
we = ce(12)cpeqref
= 1.5630.80.423
= 0.529 kN/m2
and the corresponding force is 0.529(1212) = 76kN. The corresponding force for zone
E are -21kNand -29kN for the upper and lower parts respectively. These forces are
illustrated in Fig. below.
56 N
20 29
(a) Internal pressure within a structure is self-equilibrating. Thus, while it can cause
significant pressures on individual wall panels it results in no net force on the structure
overall. Accordingly, the overturning moment at the base of the north and south walls
due to wind is unaffected by internal pressure and is given by:
Moment = (56+21)16 + (76+29)6
= 1862 kNm
Of this, half will apply at the base of each of the two walls.
(b) To determine the total pressure on the east wall, it is necessary to calculate the
internal as well as the external pressure. As there are internal partitions, the worst value
for cpi is assumed, that is , cpi = -0.5. The maximum pressure will occur in the upper part
of zone D. In this part of the building the mean height of the windows will be assumed
to equal the mean height of the part. Hence:
Zi = 16m
The exposure coefficient at this height is calculated as before and is 0.666. Thus:
wi = ce(zi)cpiqref
= 0.666(-0.5)(0.423)
= -0.141
The net pressure on the upper part of zone D is the difference between the external and
the internal pressures, that is:
we – wi = 0.584 –(-0.141) = 0.725 kN/m2
ASTU, Civil Engineering Dep., 14
BY Teshome Ch.