PA-STARNet Overview and Fact Sheet
PA-STARNet Overview and Fact Sheet
PA-STARNet Overview and Fact Sheet
Department of Health—242 fixed-location radios in hospitals and other facilities statewide providing redundancy for the Health
Alert Network, part of Pennsylvania’s Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Program.
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)—More than 600 mobile, V-TAC, hand-held, and fixed-location radios for
county 9-1-1 center and RTF communication and for emergency response coordination.
Department of Transportation—Approximately 6,800 mobile, hand-held, and fixed-location radios for routine use including
highway maintenance and snow removal operations, relying on PA-STARNet exclusively in over half of the state.
Participation by county and municipal government agencies includes the following:
Cumberland County—Countywide use of OpenSky® technology through an independent contract with Harris Corporation,
incorporating intersystem communication with PA-STARNet.
RTFs statewide—More than 1,000 subscriber units configured for use with PA-STARNet in support of emergency response.
Huntingdon County Sheriff’s Office—Use of 32 subscriber units with PA-STARNet for dispatching and voice communication,
including intercommunication with PEMA and with other county and municipal public safety agencies.
PA-STARNet business partners, using PA-STARNet in consideration of access to sites and facilities, data communication bandwidth,
800 MHz frequency rights, or some combination of these, include the following:
FirstEnergy Corporation—Approximately 1,098 subscriber units for radio communication for field technicians in support of utility
maintenance operations.
Area Transportation Authority of North Central Pennsylvania—180 mobile radios in rural transportation vehicles in support of
public safety services such as emergency evacuation and medical transport.
Subscriber devices available for purchase by public safety organizations authorized for PA-STARNet use at the highly-discounted
rates negotiated by the commonwealth through Department of General Services Contract 4400005698 (formerly 5820-06). A large
percentage supplied to users through a two-year aggregate purchase agreement yielding even deeper price reductions.
Responsibility for development and operation of PA-STARNet includes the following:
Office of Public Safety Radio Services (OPRS)—Established in 1997 as the Radio Project Office under the Office for Information
Technology in the Governor’s Office of Administration. Provides general oversight, management, and administration for the
design, development, and operation of PA-STARNet, including support for agency transition, use, and fleet management. Now
under the direction of the Deputy Secretary for Public Safety Radio, reporting directly to the Secretary of Administration.
Public Safety Communications Council (PSCC)—Including executive-level managers from using agencies and agencies respon-
sible for system management and administration, provides direction and policy for development and operation.
Public Safety Communications Operations Committee—Consisting primarily of operational-level representatives from using
agencies, provides a forum for discussion of PA-STARNet status, features and functions, policy, interoperability, and other key
issues, resulting in guidance for PA-STARNet management and administration as well as information sharing among system
Original principal contractors for system development, selected through competitive procurement, were the following:
M/A-COM, Inc.—A business unit of AMP, Incorporated (subsequently acquired by Tyco Electronics, Inc., and as of May 29, 2009,
part of Harris Corporation’s RF Communications division and no longer associated with the “M/A-COM” name). Provider of the
OpenSky® wireless communications technology used by PA-STARNet, including software and equipment for network
infrastructure and subscriber devices, as well as site and equipment maintenance services.
Rohn Industries, Inc.—Headquartered in Peoria, Illinois, the original site development contractor responsible for site design,
engineering, construction, and as-built documentation. After bankruptcy declaration in Fall 2003, these services provided by
OPRS staff and by contractors engaged as needed through a competitive award process.
Alcatel, Inc.—Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, responsible for installation of the microwave backbone network providing data
communication among sites and across regions.
RCC Consultants—Headquartered in Woodbridge, New Jersey, the principal supporting consultant in PA-STARNet design,
development, and operation.
PA-STARNet status as of March 2011 features the following:
Tower and communications sites—931 operational: 244 high-profile towers and 687 low-profile microcells.
Coverage—Mobile radio coverage 97.0% statewide overall, with 96.4% of land mass covered; 60 of 67 counties meeting or
exceeding the target of 95% coverage by county; all 67 counties at 90% or better.
With the addition of sites targeted or firmly scheduled to become operational: 97.4% coverage statewide, with 97.0% of land
mass covered; 65 of 67 counties meeting or exceeding the target of 95% coverage by county; all 67 counties at 90% or better.
System use—21,134 subscriber devices authorized for system use, logging an average of 131,203 calls (Push-to-Talks) daily.
Agency data interface—Firewall and PA-STARNet gateway at two locations providing redundant support for agency applications,
interoperability connection, Virtual Private Networking, and other data connections.
Agency transition—17 commonwealth agencies and commissions and a number of sponsored organizations and business part-
ners currently using PA-STARNet productively or actively transitioning to productive use.