Technical Directorate Technical Services Department

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Technical Services Department

Engineering Standard ES.5.06.0024

Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of

Pig Signaller
(Intrusive Type)

- Revision A -
; Pesign, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Si~naller(Intrusive Typc)
ES.5.06.0024 Rev A
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Pu: ,pose

4.0 Application

5.0 Dehign and Engineering

6.0 Malerials

7.0 Fat wication

8.0 Inspection, Testing, Documentation and Guarantee

9.0 Painting and Preparation for Shipment

10.0 Approval to Deviate


Applicable Codes, Standards and Specifications

Re dsion History Log

Annexure-A: Typical Location(s) of Pig Signaller in the Pig Trap System

Figure A-1, Schematic for Horizontal Pig Trap
Figure A-2, Schematic for Vertical (Offshore) Pig Trap
Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
ES.5.06.0024 Rev A
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Int -oduction

Thi- engineering standard (ES) specifies the minimum requirements for the design,
mat~ufacture,testing and supply of intrusive (set-in mechanical) type pig signallers
equipped with a probe that intrudes into the pipeline / pig trap, for permanent installation
on QP onshore and offshore (except sub sea) carbon steel pipeline systems.

The purpose of the signaller is to provide feedback that the pig has been successfully
launched or arrived at the receiving station / that the pig has successfully passed through
the pig trap valve.

Pig signallers should normally be installed on both sides of the pig trap valve, as a
mir ;mum, as indicated in the enclosed schematics, Annexure-A.

The signaller on the downstream side of the pig launcher should be located on the
pip line at a distance from the main tee of at least one length of pig to be used, usually of
the intelligent pig.

For pig receivers one signaller should be located on the minor barrel at a distance from
the pig trap valve of at least one length of the pig to be used, usually of the intelligent

Wf erever there are nearby flange joints / opening devices, example pig signallers located
on the pig trap equipment and it's surrounding, the intrusive type pig signaller can be
used. Intrusive type pig signallers can also be used on pipelines which will be routinely
pig ;ed at intervals of 6 months or more frequently, except as stated below, to avoid
sig ialler getting stuck in the line. The connection for intrusive type is via 2"NB branch
into which the pipeline fluid will enter and pressurize the housing of the pig signaller.

Thr intrusive types shall not be used in cases where the fluids are toxic and unstable
(like ethylene), in which cases the selection shall be to use non-intrusive type. The
decision on what type of pig signaller is to be used shall therefore be decided during
PE FD / P&ID stage.

For non-intrusive (clamp-on / strap-on with local / remote sensing capabilities) type of
pig signallers (where the locations can be moved on the pipeline) refer to ES.5.06.0023.

Any detail or item not n:::ntio.i,I,! in this ES, but rrquird Q thc Systsm 1 Cc~?ifis;ltix
Agency / Regulatory Bodies, are to be included in the scope of supply.

All work shall be carried out in compliance with this ES, Codes, Standards and
Spmifications listed unless otherwise stated in the pig signaller data sheet &/or project
spc cification. In case of conflicting requirements the Manufacturer shall follow the more
strr ngent, and such issues shall be brought to the notice of QP in advance and shall be
agreed in writing.

Th: International System of Units (S.I.) shall be used.

Al' documentation and correspondence shall be in the English language.

The Custodian of this ES is EE (QP-Technical Services), who is responsible for the

accuracy and quality of its contents and for its future revisions where these are required
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ES.5.06.0024 Rev A
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to rcflect industry trends, field experience or changes to QP business practices.

The purpose of this ES is to specify the minimum technical requirements of "Pig

Sig :allers7'for use in Pig Trap Equipment / Pipeline sizes from 6"diameter up to and
including 56" diameter, designed for internal pressures not exceeding 250 barg and a
temperature range of -20 deg C to 120 deg C, to use in Hydrocarbon Liquid or Gas Lines,
Bulk Flow Lines, Main Gas Lift Lines, Water Injection Lines, and similar.


This ES shall be used by QP Project Teams, Business Units and Contractors /

Co~rsultantsemployed by them. 'This ES shall form part of the procurement project /job
spe:ification when ordering new Pig Signaller.

De 4gn and Engineering

De!iign Code

5.1.1 Thc design methodology as described in ASME VIII, Division 1 shall be used for the
design calculation of the pig signaller pressure housing.

Co ~nponentDescription

5.2.1 Thc intrusive pig signaller consists of the following components:

A trigger penetrating into the main bore of the pipe which will be moved by a
passing pig;
A transfer mechanism to transfer the movement of the trigger causing the trip of
a mechanical indicator and/or electrical switch;
A pressure housing, containing the transfer mechanism connected with the
trigger, having a flange of 2"NB for installation on to the pipeline;
A mechanical and/or electrical indicator mounted externally on the pressure

5.2.2 Additionally, for pig signallers on pipeline sections, which cannot be depressurised for
pig signaller maintenance or where installed on pipelines at buried locations:

A flanged ball valve of 2"NB, with or without a flanged extension, to isolate the
pig signaller from the pipeline;
A portable jacking tool for safe lifting of the transfer mechanism complete with
the trigger through the isolating valve with the main pipeline under pressure.
This shall be treated as an optional item while procurement of pig signaller, or if
an existing tool is to be used, manufacturer's confirmation must be obtained to
check the suitability of the tool with reference to the pig signaller model.

Functional Requirements

The functional requirements for the pig signaller should be as follows:

The trigger shall trip the mechanical indicator for local indication or an
electrical switch for remote indication or both when a pig passes the pig
Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
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signaller in any direction, per description stated in the respective pig signaller
data sheet.
After the pig has passed the pig signaller, the internal mechanism shall re-set
automatically to the position required for indicating the passage of the next pig.
Resetting of the signal mechanical indicator shall be undertaken manually only.
Resetting of the electrical switch shall be automatic;
The mechanical signal flag or the electrical switch shall not be triggered by the
flow or pressure of the pipeline fluid;
The trigger shall not obstruct or damage a passing pig and the trigger shall not
be damaged by a passing pig;
The penetration of the trigger into the trap / main pipe shall be kept to a
minimum to avoid unnecessary obstruction of the fluid flow;
The trigger shall be corrosion resistant over a 25 year design life of the signaller.

5.2 Se -viceRequirements

5.2.1 The pig signaller shall be designed for maintenance free operation and permanent
installation in an open atmospheric environment. For the location / its environmental
co~iditionsrefer to the respective pig signaller data sheet.

Pii signallers shall be suitable for installation vertically at the 12 o'clock position for
hor izontal pig trap equipment and in any horizontal position for vertical pig trap
equipment, with or without an isolation valve.

Pig signallers designed for replacement with the main pipe under pressure shall have a
lift able internal mechanism to allow the closing of the isolating valve and to allow safe
rekase of the pressure of the isolated part when the valve is closed.

Th: trigger and the transfer mechanism shall be suitable for a passage through a branch
wilh a minimum ID of 38mm.

In!tallation requirements

Th pig signaller shall be mounted on the main pipe / trap via a branch terminating in a
rai ;ed face (unless otherwise specified in the respective pig signaller Data Sheet) flange
of size 2"NB for pipeline diameters equal or greater than 8"NB, connected through a
weldolet, a weld neck flange, and a pup piece wherever required. For trap 1 pipeline size
i ~ l . LC tluuugil a icducing tee where practical, otherwise through
-4'NB t h L ~ u l l ~ c iLa11
a 2"NB weldolet.

Bolting and gaskets for the field installation of the Pig Signaller should also be included
as )art of the pig signaller scope of supply, unless otherwise agreed in writing with QP.

Design Criteria and Requirements

Th: required pressure / temperature rating of the pig signaller and the design criteria I
patameter of the pipeline / pig trap shall be stated in the pig signaller Data Sheet.

Pressure containing components not having established pressure ratings shall be

qurtlified for use as described in UG-101 of ASME VIII, Division 1; or Appendix-6 of
ASME VIII Division 11; or by engineering calculations.

Th: minimum wall thickness of the pig simaller pressure housing and any cxteniion
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sha I be 4.8mrn, excluding of any corrosion allowances. The corrosion allowance
requirement shall be taken per the pig signaller Data Sheet.

Where stated on the data sheet pig signallers shall be fitted with a micro switch for
rerrote indication, which is hermetically sealed and compatible with intrinsically safe
des gn. In addition, the micro switch shall be weatherproof and explosion- proof. The
r a t i ~ gof the micro switch shall be indicated in the data sheet, based on the area
cladication. The recommended minimum is "Eex ed IIC T6 IP65".

The, electrical switch shall be made of corrosion resistant materials, e.g., salt water
resistant materials for offshore installations.

In case of any electronics assembly, the enclosure should be covered with removable
typ: of sunshade for easy maintenance access, and shall be made of either U-V resistant
fib1e-glass reinforced epoxy or stainless 3 16 grade materials. Details shall be discussed
and agreed upon during bid negotiation stages.

Iso ation valve of the pig signaller shall be a ball valve, with flanged ends.

Pig signallers shall be bi-directional type, having pivot less tumbler mechanism and
lan inated trigger blades.

De;;ign of pig signallers shall be such that any possibility of the signaller being triggered
by line pressure is eliminated. The pig signaller shall be fitted with an integral valve
ensbling controlled retrieval and installation of the signaller mechanism under full line
pressure. The trigger mounting mechanism should permit extension or retraction into the
ma in body.

Pig signallers shall be provided with a visual flag-type indicator to indicate the passage
of pigs, by means of spring loaded metal shaft. The arm shall lock in down position
when manually reset. The linkage between the internal cam / shaft and external flag
shz :l be either magnetic or mechanical.

Aboveground or below ground application shall be stated on the data sheet. For
belowground applications the pig signallers shall be provided with an extension, suitable
for installation on the buried pipeline.

5.5.10 Proven history of succe:._;fulinstallations is mandatory requirement for the pig signaller.

A1 the materials of construction shall be selected in accordance with the selected design
and construction code of the pig trap / pipeline, and are to be indicated in the pig
signaller data sheet. QP may accept alternative material than what was specified in the
design code, subject to agreement, if they satisfy the other international practices.
Carbon steel materials used for all components shall be fully killed.

To promote good weldability, the chemical composition of carbon and carbon-

mznganese steels to be used for pressure parts and attachments directly welded to
prcssure parts shall comply with all the following:
Carbon content shall not exceed 0.23%, except for forgings, where this may be
relw,ed to 0.25%.
The Carbon equivalent (CE) shall be 0.45% maximum (ladle analysis) based on
Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
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the formula CE = [(C) +(Mn/6) + {(Cr+Mo+V)/S) + {(Ni+Cu)/lS)];

All forgings shall be supplied in normalised condition.

Tes specimens that have been subjected to the same heat treatment as the completed
vessel shall represent the respective material specifications. The term "heat treatment"
sha::also include any heating above the critical range for hot forming.

Aur tenitic stainless steel parts exposed to weather conditions of offshore installations
sha 1 be used only after obtaining a written approval from QP.

Attachments that are essential to the structural integrity shall be of material meeting the
tou;:hness requirements of the design code / ASME Sec II-A. Lightly loaded
attachments shall meet ASME Sec II-A requirements for a minimum design metal
temperature lower than minus 10 deg C.

Unl :ss otherwise specified in the data sheet or project specification, all the bolting shall
be ully threaded stud bolts with UNC series threads (8UN for bolt sizes 1" and above)
ma1 merial confirming to ASME SA320 Grade L7 and the nuts to ASME SA194 Grade 7,
del vered with charpy impact tested according to SA194 section S4.1. Nuts shall be SF
and heavy hexagon type. All the bolting and nuts shall be either hot spun galvanised to
AS TM A123 or to IS0 1461 to a DFT of 43 microns (with extra clearances provided on
the threads to allow for the coating thickness) OR alternately the bolting shall be
fluorocarbon coated to an approved specification OR alternately apply grease and
provide caps, with no galvanizing or coating. These details shall be discussed by the pig
g Supplier and included in data sheet 1 drawings for approval by QP.
s ~ :aller

Un.ess otherwise specified in data sheet or project specification, gaskets in 1500# and
higher shall be octagonal ring type R, material to Incoloy 825, soft annealed to obtain a
ma ltimum hardness of 155HB.

Elastomeric materials for ring seals shall resist explosive decompression and shall be
suitable for the long term exposure to the transported fluid at the design pressure and
temperature conditions. The cross-section of the seals shall not exceed 7mm diameter
for design pressure of 150barg and above.

Al! materials of the pig signaller shall be certified to minimum 3.1B certification
acc ording to BS EN 10204.

6.10 Where the pig signaller is for use in Sour service, the additional requirements of
document no. QP-STD-R-001 (,QP Technical Standard for Materials for Sour Service)
shr 11 be met for all the pressure retaining and load-bearing parts including end closure
C/F with its accessories. This includes meeting requirements of NACE MR 01-75 also.

A1 pressure-containing welds shall be full fusion, full penetration butt-welds.

Machined surfaces and all gasket contact surfaces shall be protected against scaling.

Fa ~rication,welding, weld repair, testing shall meet the requirements of the design code
of construction. Any repair work carried out shall be pre-approved and recorded. The
repair weld shall be re-examined by the originals method to ensure freedom from defects.

Tk e requirement for the pig signaller to be post-weld heat treated shall be determined in
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ES.5.06.0014 Rev A
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accordance with ASME VIII, Division 1, and Subsection C. Procedures to be applied

shall be in accordance with ASME VIII, Division 1, and Part UW-40.

Thn -aded connections shall not be used in any of the pressure containing components
exccpt when required to facilitate the removal of the internals of the pig signaller, in
whi ,h case a pre-approval shall be taken from QP. If used, threads shall be of NPT type
(tapx pipe threads) secured by a locking ring / pin or a retaining strip. The threads shall
be in accordance with ASME B1.20.1. Threaded connections shall have a gasket or an
O-ring above and below the thread.

Ins nection, Testing, Documentation and Guarantee

Inspection and testing shall be performed before any paint or coating is applied.

All components shall be visually examined in accordance with ASME VIII, Division 1,
and Part UG-93. Visual examination methods shall be in accordance with ASME V,
Art zle 9.

A fmctional test shall be performed to demonstrate that the trigger mechanism trips the
met hanical indicator or the electrical switch.

Each weld shall be examined by 100% radiography. In addition, carbon steel welds shall
recc ive 100% magnetic particle examination and stainless steel welds (if any) shall
recc-ive 100% liquid penetrant examination. The above tests shall be in accordance with
AS V' IE V, with acceptance criteria per ASME VIII.

The assembled pig signaller, including the isolation valve, shall be submitted to a
hyc rostatic pressure test prior to any painting or coating. The test pressure shall be 1.5
tim:s the design pressure (at ambient temperature) stated on the data sheet or per the
rating class of the signaller - whichever is higher. The test pressure shall be held for a
per od of at least 4 hours. The acceptance criteria are no leakage or loss in pressure.
On y clean tap water with a chloride content not exceeding 200mgkg shall be used.
Autenitic stainless steel materials, if any used, shall be flushed with condensed or
derlineralised water to reduce the chloride content to 2mgkg if the pig signaller will not
be ~!riedimmediately after the completion of the hydrostatic pressure test.

Supplier shall state to what extent the spare parts and service assistance for the Supply
are available, as well as a list of contact perbonnel for normal wvicc i111dfur 24 hours
ser :ice must be provided, and included in the data book. The statement is to include for
an]. repair work or to replace critical and major components.

Spare gaskets and any such devices shall be separately boxed, shipped with each
vessel, and clearly identified for future use / field installation.

The pressure housing of the pig signaller shall be stamped with the pressure class rating
as indicated on the data sheet. If sour conditions are specified, the signaller shall be
sta nped "SOUR SERVICE".

Msnufacturer Inspection certificate(s) shall be provided for all pressure retaining

components for chemical analysis, mechanical properties, notch toughness properties,
ha~dnessproperties, heat-treatment, non-destructive examination.

8.10 Witness inspection certificates shall be provided for dimensional checks, pressure test
and functional checks.
Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
ES.5.06.0024 Rev A
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8.11 The pig signaller Manufacturer shall provide a user manual detailing the requirements
f o ~installation, inspection and preventive maintenance of the pig signaller. A list of
rec omrnended spare parts and details of the jaclung tool shall be also provided by the pig
signaller Manufacturer.
8.12 Su )plier shall be responsible for the technical integrity of the pig signaller complete with
its accessories, including design, materials, manufacture, assembly, testing, performance,
and for the engineering services. All these activities are to be in accordance with this
ES, data sheets, project I job specifications, applicable codes / standards, and interface
information. Neither anything contained in this ES nor the possible QP approval of
pkns, drawings, calculations, etc., shall relieve the Supplier from the said responsibility.
The Supplier shall also be responsible for the integrity of all items supplied by their Sub-
Su )pliers.

Su ~plier shall provide mechanical guarantee and wherever applicable performance

gu :rantee, for the signaller system, and the supply accessories.

A list of required documents and other details should be agreed with the Supplier prior
to xder placement and shall be stated in the project specification.

As a minimum Manufacturer shall submit the following drawings, documents and

spc.cificationsfor approval:

a) Sectional drawings, material details and relevant calculations for pressure containing
b) Assembly drawing with overall dimensions and the interconnection drawings.
c) Welding, heat treatment, testing, inspection, installation, pre-commissioning &
commissioning procedures
d) Micro switch details, including cable connection details and cable specification
e) Quality control manual and Quality control plan.

Ar.y changes in design, material and method of manufacture shall be implemented only
after subsequent and specific approval of the Purchaser in writing.

The Purchaser reserves the right to conduct a Quality Audit at the Manufacturer and sub-
SU) lpliers facilities at any stage during manufacture.

P3inting nnd Prepmation for Shipment

Afler completion of the hydrostatic pressure test the pig signaller shall be dried
internally. All exterior and interior surfaces shall be dry and shall be free from grease or
oil, and shall be certified accordingly.

A1 external carbon steel surfaces except machined surfaces shall be cleaned, primed and
finish painted in accordance with the QP standard QP-SPC-L-002 (Specification for
Painting and Wrapping of Metal Surfaces, New Construction and Maintenance).

The equipment shall be suitably preserved to maintain in good condition throughout the
ph ses of storage until ready to be operated.

Surfaces of stainless steel items (if any used) shall be pickled and passivated.

Tk :. pig signaller shall be protected against damage and corrosion during transport and
stcaage. The transfer mechanics with the trigger outside the pressure housing shall be
Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
ES.5.06.0024 Rev A
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pro~ectedby plastic covers. Machined surfaces (e.g. Flange faces) shall be suitably
treated (with substances like hard grease for easy removal at the time of installation) to
prevent corrosion, and protected against damage during transport, storage and
inst allation.

A corrosion resistant metal tag shall be permanently attached with each unit, with the
following marking, die stamped or deep engraved:
a) Project title
b) Manufacturer's name
c) Pipeline / Pipe Trap Size & Service
d) ASME Pressure Rating
e) Purchase Order and Item Number
f) Tag Number of the Pig Signaller

or loose parts shall be completely boxed with identification tag.

Approval to Deviate

Str it compliance with this ES is required. Any deviation must obtain prior written
apy roval from the custodian.

GI1 Jssary

Within the context of this ES the following words shall have the meanings stated:

General definitions
'n ~ustlshall' Indicates a mandatory requirement.
'should' Indicates a preferred course of action / recommendation.
'r.lay' Indicates one acceptable course of action.

'a pproval' Indicates agreementlsanction and shall be in writing only.

QmP Qatar Petroleum

Purchaser The organisation responsible for carry out the purchasing function,
e.g. OP or a. QP appointed Contractor, Conwltant or Ayent.
Supplier or The supplier of materials or equipment - not necessarily the
\ endor Manufacturer.
Manufacturer 1 The company responsible for the manufacture - not necessarily the
Fabricator Supplier

C'ontractor The QP appointed main Contractor for a defined piece of work,

who may canyout all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a
project, or operation or maintenance of a facility.
Consultant A company awarded a contract by QP for the company to advise or
give guidance on specific subjects. The Scope of Work may include
instructions to act as an Agent for QP (see Agent).

Agent The leg21 status of any person or company authorised by QP to act

Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
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on QP's behalf on the matters specified in the agency agreement or

contract. Third parties can usually rely on the Agent as acting on
behalf of and with the authority of QP, provided that the Agent acts
within the scope of his apparent authority from QP.
1 i2 Spc rific definitions

"Data sheet" - The form where data can be filled in the standardized sheet, used while
pro ming a pig trap or a system or a component.

"Pi ;" - A device, which can be propelled through a pipeline by fluid flow and is
normally used for various internal activities such as separating fluids, cleaning, batching,
inspection or other activities.

"Pi 5 launcher" - Pig trap equipment used for launching pigs.

"Pi ;receiver" - Pig trap equipment used for receiving pigs.

"Pig signaller" - A device set onto or into a pipe which gives an indication of the
passage of a pig. This is also called as "sphere detector" or "pig alert".

"Pig trap" - An ancillary item of pipeline equipment comprising a barrel, end closure
anc instruments, for introducing a pig into a pipeline or for removing a pig from the

"Pig trap system" - A pig trap together with all associated piping, valves, supports and
ins mments.

"Piping" - Pipe work associated with the pipeline but not part of the main line.

"project or job specification" -. the specific procurement specification issued with the

"Sphere" -A sphere is a spherically shaped pig.

"Sl lhere tee" - A jacketed tee-piece with a perforated inner pipe allowing flow to enter
the side branch, but preventing entry of a sphere in the side branch.

11.3 At breviations usrd


- Engineering Standard
- Quality Assurance
- QP, Technical Services

A1,plicable Codes, Standards and Specifications

The following standards, codes and specifications, to the extent specified herein, shall form
pa-t of this ES. Except where a specific edition or revision is identified by date or
revision/edition number, the edition in effect at the time of the contract shall govern.

Ns,tional/International Standards

- Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

: besign, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
ES.5.06.0024 Rev A
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Section VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels

ASME - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

Section I1 Material Specifications, Part A, B and D

ASME - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

Section V Non-Destructive Testing

ALME B 3 1.8 - Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems

AhME B 3 1.4 - Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid

Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia, and Alcohals

ALME B 3 1.3 - Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping

A+MEB 16.5 - Steel Pipe Flanges, Flanged Valves and Fittings

A {ME B 16.9 - Factory Made Wrought Steel Butt-Welding Fittings

MSS SP-75 - Specification for High Strength Welding Fittings

B;, EN 10204 - Metallic Products - Types of Inspection Documents

B 4 1640 Part 3 - Carbon Steel Butt-Welding Pipe Fittings for Petroleum Industry

ASME B 1.20.1 - Pipe Threads, General Purpose

API 5L - Specification for Line Pipe

Specification for Forgings, Carbon Steel Piping Components

ASME B 16.20 - Metallic gaskets for Pipe Flanges - Ring Joint, Sprial-wound
and jacketed

A!;ME B 16.25 - Butt welding ends

NACE MR-01-75 - Sulphide stress cracking resistant metallic materials for oil field

ASME SA 370 - Mechanical Testing of Steel Products

ASME Sec IX - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

Qualification Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedures,
Welding and Brazing Operators
- Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves,
Flanges and Fittings and other Piping Components - Magnetic
Particle Examination Method

A <ME SA 193 - Alloy steel & SS bolting materials for high temperature service

A <ME SA 194 - Carbon & alloy steel nuts for bolts, for high pressure and high
tempi'rature scrvice.

A {ME SA 320 - Specification for alloy steel bolting materials for low-
: Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
ES.5.06.0024 Rev A
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temperature service

- Quality Management Systems - Requirements

BS IEC 60079 - Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres

QP Standards and Specifications

QE'-SPC-L-002 - Specification for Painting and Wrapping of Metal Surfaces (New

Construction and Maintenance)

QP-STD-R-00 1 - Material for Sour Service

- Quality Requirements for Projects

- Standard Data Sheet Format for Pig Signaller (Non-Intrusive Type)

- Standard Data Sheet Format for Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)

- Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pip Signaller (Non-

Intrusive Type)

- Pig Trap Selection, Design and Fabrication

- Manual -- Engineering Standards Draughting

Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
ES.5.06.0024 Rev A
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(Logging shall be maintained after release of this ES for final use)

Re J. No. Remarks
Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
ES.5.06.0024 Rev A
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Typical Location(s) of Pig Signaller in the Pig Trap System

Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
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Figure A-1 , Schematic for Horizontal Pig Trap:

F otes:
1) XI(1) = Pig Signaller (Intrusive Type)
2) SR& SL= Minimum length equal to one length of the pig (usually intelligent pig)
3) This sketch shows both flanged and butt-weld end valves, for representation sake.
Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Pig Signaller (Intrusive 'I'ype)
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Figure A-2,,Schematic for Vertical (Offshore) Pig Trap:

1 '4 VAL-

1) XI(1) = Pig Signaller (In~rusiveType)
2) SR& SL= Minimum length equal to one length of the pig (usually intelligent pig)
3) This sketch shows all flanged end valves, for representation sake.

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