Chapter Three: Research Methodology 3.0 Research Design
Chapter Three: Research Methodology 3.0 Research Design
Chapter Three: Research Methodology 3.0 Research Design
Research design is an explanation on how relevant data are acquired and how the
data are analysed using the appropriate statistical techniques. It is defined by
Baridam (2001) as the method and plan used to collect data and test relationship
between the variables hypothesized.
For the purpose of this study, a cross-sectional survey design, a subset of quasi
experimental research field survey of some selected small and medium scale
companies in Port Harcourt metropolis.
The target population of the study is 1749 which is the numbers of the Small and
Medium Scale Enterprises in Port Harcourt ( will
carry out research on the employees of five (5) SMEs in Port Harcourt which is my
accessible population. These SMEs were chosen because of easy access. These
SMEs are:
S/N Name of SME No of employees Address
1. Eloti Designs 5 Trans-Amadi, Port
2. Kusha Catering 15 5, Okwuruola Road, off
Stadium Road, Port
3. Konet Mills Ltd 15 Plot 205, Chokota Road,
Igbo-etche, Port Harcourt.
4. Virtues Events Consults Ltd 50 5, Ordu str., off Rumuola
bus stop, Port Harcourt.
5. SOVA Prolific Ltd 5 Eagle Island, Port
Total 90
Where; n = 1+ N ¿ ¿
N = population size
The sampling size is:
n = 1+ N ¿ ¿
n = 90
1+ (90) (0.05)2
= 90
1+ (90)0.0025
= 90
= 73
The simple random probability sampling is used for this study reason being that it
will allow every member of the population to have an equal chance of being
selected. It will also allow the researcher to draw conclusions for the entire
To ascertain that the instrument was reliable, that is, able to consistently elicit the
same information from the respondents, the researcher adopted the test re-test
technique. 15 copies of the questionnaire were administered to 15 respondents not
participating in the study. The instrument was re-administered to the same
respondents within an interval of two weeks. The responses (results) of the first
and second tests were collated and subjected to a reliability test using the Pearson
Product Moment Correlation Analysis.
Personal observation
The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire. The questionnaire was
divided into two sections, A & B. Section A was used to gather demographic
information of the respondents, while section B was further divided into parts, 1, 2,
3 & 4. Each sections was assigned a five response options of strongly agree (SA),
agree (A), strongly disagreed (SD), and disagree (D) with a corresponding value of
4, 3, 2 and 1.
3.7 Operational Measures of the Variables
The data obtained from a study may or may not be in numerical or quantitative
form, that is, the form of numbers. If they are in numerical form, then we can still
carry out qualitative analysis based on the experience of the individual. On the
other hand, if they are in numerical form, we start by working out some descriptive
statistics to summarize the pattern of findings.
In this study, Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient was used to test various
hypotheses formulated in chapter one. Using the Statistical package for social
science (SPSS) version 21. The rationale for this decision was due to the fact that
the researcher seeks to examine the relationship between Strategic planning and
organisational growth.
6∑ d
rs = 1- 2
N ( N −1)
rs = Rank order level
N = Number
d2 = Square of difference
Σ = Summation of.