Script Writing Workshop
Script Writing Workshop
Script Writing Workshop
With roots in the playwriting genre, today, parentheticals are used very
rarely, and only if absolutely necessary. Why? Two reasons. First, if you
need to use a parenthetical to convey what's going on with your
dialogue, then it probably just needs a good re-write. Second, it's the
director's job to instruct an actor on how to deliver a line, and
everyone knows not to encroach on the director's turf!
Key Formatting Requirements To Be Aware Of
• Extension:
Placed after the character's name, in parentheses. An abbreviated
technical note placed after the character's name to indicate how the
voice will be heard onscreen, for example, if the character is speaking
as a voice-over, it would appear as LIAM (V.O.).
How to
Format a Split
Screen Scene
How to Format
a Voice Over
Led Scene
How to
Format a
Voice Over
Led Scene
What tense should I use?
The prose writer has freedom to use anything, go anywhere,
use any tense, and explore any point of view. Screenwriting,
however, is essentially filmmaking on paper. It’s a visual
medium after all, so the screenwriter must write in PRESENT
TENSE – only what the audience can SEE and HEAR.