CHEMISTRY (CY11003) : Autumn 2021 - 2022
CHEMISTRY (CY11003) : Autumn 2021 - 2022
CHEMISTRY (CY11003) : Autumn 2021 - 2022
Department of Chemistry,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Chemical Equilibrium:
Reactions in Gas Phase: Ideal Gases:
A(g) ⇋ B(g)
Let the reaction advance by = ξ moles
The decrease in No. mole of A, dnA = − dξ
The gain in No. mole of B, dnB = + dξ
At constant T and P, dG = μA dnA + μB dnB
dG = ‒ μA dξ + μB dξ dG = (μB ‒ μA ) dξ
or, 0 = ∑νi Xi
=> dni = νi dξ
dG = ∑ μi dni dG = (∑ νi μi )dξ
• KP is thermodynamic
equilibrium constant;
• KP is dimensionless;
• At constant T, KP does not
depend on pressure;
• KP depends on temperature
Equilibrium Constants: Ideal Gases
KP = ∏ (Pi)eνi (Po)−∆ν xi = Pi /P or Pi = xi P
Kx = ∏ xiνi
Pi = ni RT/V; ci = ni /V or Pi = ci RT;
‒ ΔrGo/R T = lnK
(∂KP/∂P)T = 0
PA = P (1 − α)/(1 + α) PB = P 2α/(1 + α)
KP = (PB)2 /PA KP = [P 2α/(1 + α)]2 / [P (1 − α)/(1 + α)]
KP is constant
KP = [4α2 /(1 − α2)]P
When P is small, α is large
α = √[KP /(KP + 4P)] When P is large, α is small
=> Le Chatelier’s Principle
Equilibrium Constant: Influence of Inert Gas
aA ⇋ bB
KP = (PB )b /(PA )a
= (xBP)b /(xAP)a Pi = xiP
KP = (xBP)b /(xAP)a KP = (xB)b /(xA)a (P)(b −a)
Let [∂(∂G/∂ξ)/∂ξ] = G˝
d(∂G/∂ξ) = (∂ΔrG/∂T) dT + (∂ΔrG /∂P) dP + G˝dξ
d(∂G/∂ξ) = − ΔrS dT + ΔrVdP + G˝dξ
0 = − (ΔrH/T) (dT)e + ΔrV (dP)e + G˝d ξe
(∂ξe/∂T)P = ΔrH/(T G˝) (∂ξe/∂P)T = − ΔrV/G˝
At equilibrium, G is minimum, G˝ is positive
Equilibrium Constant: Effect of Catalyst
A catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of a
reaction without itself being used up
ΔrGo = ‒ RT lnKP
KP = exp (‒ ΔrGo/RT)