Student Resource Book - 2020-21 - Compressed
Student Resource Book - 2020-21 - Compressed
Student Resource Book - 2020-21 - Compressed
Welcome, and Congratulations on joining NMIMS! Today, you have joined an institution that has the legacy of developing some
of the most successful professionals and organizational leaders.
NMIMS is ranked among India's top universities and has been awarded national accreditation at the highest level. The Management
Schools of the University are globally accredited. You have joined the University that has a successful track record of growth. We
believe in sustaining the quality, and the University offers a world-class learning experience. We strive towards excellence in all
our endeavours. Our students and faculty have earned national and global recognition in the form of Awards and Fellowships. It's
a University that has a growing research culture.
The three pillars of NMIMS are quality, employability, and excellence. All this has been achieved through a culture of dialogue,
collaboration, and mutual trust. The innovativeness of the University is borne by many programs visualized in a value-driven manner
compared to the conventional program designs. We have always believed in remaining relevant and, at the same time, engaging in
knowledge generation and dissemination. NMIMS faculty today is an eclectic mix of young and not so young, having academic
and industry experience, and those with national and/or foreign qualifications. It is this mix of faculty that you will have the
opportunity to learn from. NMIMS ethos is to develop professionals who are socially sensitive and live in harmony with the
NMIMS has a facilitative administrative and academic system. The Dean or Director of the Schools and Campus is the voice of
NMIMS. There are appropriate channels and structures to respond to student grievances.
The student resource book guides you on rules and regulations of University and will help you navigate your journey here at the
NMIMS. During your stay at NMIMS, we would like to ensure clarity and transparency in our communication. The Student
Resource Book has been divided into three parts. Part I comprises University information and rules and regulations that you would
need to know. Part II has school-specific details for your effective and smooth interaction with the school, and Part III has annexures.
Also listed are facilities provided in the institution.
Please do spend some time and go through this information carefully so that you do not miss out on any opportunity that NMIMS
may have to offer you. There is a Student Undertaking on the last page for your signature and to be handed over to your course
coordinator by the mentioned date.
We would also like to have your support to maintain the University image and uphold its values. We value your feedback.
All rights reserved. No part of this document be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by information storage or retrieval
system, without written permission to NMIMS.
NMIMS or any of the persons involved in the preparation and distribution of this reading material expressly disclaim all and any contractu2al or other form of liability to any person in respect of the
manual and any consequences arising from its use by any person in reliance upon the whole or any part of its contents. The information contained in this document was obtained from sources believed
to be reliable. NMIMS does not accept any responsibility for such information and state that the manual is of a general nature only.
Student Guidelines
(With effect from June 2020)
1.0 About these guidelines:
1.1 These guidelines provide norms for daily functioning of the NMIMS and enable appropriate usage of infrastructure and
effective academic deliveries for students.
1.2 This compilation of guidelines comes into effect from June 2020 onwards and supersedes all other guidelines in respect
of matters therein.
1.3 These guidelines are applicable for all campuses schools under NMIMS deemed –to-be University located across the
1.4 This document of NMIMS is the last word on interpretation of any student guideline, rule or regulation. While efforts
are made to ensure uniformity between these guidelines and the Rules & Regulations of NMIMS, in the event of any
dispute, the Students Resource Book will prevail.
1.5 The management has the right to change the guidelines to meet the institutional objectives and the decision of the
management will be binding on the students.
1.6 NMIMS has the right to make any changes as it may deem fit in terms of the program content, name of the Degree /
Diploma, duration, method of delivery, faculty, refund policy, evaluation norms, standard of passing, guidelines, etc. In
case of any dispute or differences about the program, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor of SVKM’S NMIMS will be
final and binding on all the participants.
1.7 All disputes are subject to Mumbai jurisdiction only.
2.0 General guidelines:
Code of Conduct
2.1 Cleanliness of the premises must be maintained by everyone in the NMIMS at all points of time.
2.2 There is an acute shortage of parking space and the students are requested to park their vehicles outside the premises.
2.3 Any problem with regard to administrative facility, faculty, and classrooms etc., must be addressed through the class
representative who will take it up with the course coordinator. In the absence of a satisfactory response, the student may
approach the Assistant Registrar /Deputy Registrar/ Dean/Directors of the school/ Registrar, NMIMS.
2.4 In case of Lecture Cancellation, the course coordinator will inform said changes to class representative/ respective
students through the Student Portal / email /Notice Board. Class representatives will not arrange any extra lectures, guest
lectures, and lecture cancellations directly with the faculty.
2.5 Use of cell phones on campus is not permitted. Any student found using the cell phone on campus will be penalized as
per the regulations in force from time to time.
2.6 Classrooms are fitted with an LCD projectors / Smart Boards for the utility of the faculty and the student. In case a
student requires an LCD / Smart Boards for his/her presentations, he/she must make a prior booking through course
coordinator. Portable LCD’s if required are allotted on first come first serve basis.
2.7 Mode of Communication to students is via Student Portal / email /Notice Board. Students are advised to check the
Student Portal / email /Notice Board at least once a day, and not rely on rumour or hearsay in any matter.
2.8 All students are provided with an Identity Card, which they are required, to wear mandatorily. Entry is strictly through
Identity Card and will be monitored by the NMIMS authorities. Penalty will be levied / action will be taken for non-
compliance. If the student misplaces the original ID-Card, duplicate ID-card be issued from school by paying the
prescribed fee. ID card is used for access control to NMIMS campus.
2.9 Student should make use of flap barriers (wherever deployed and operational) to enter/exit school premises. Finger Print
plus ID cards is mandatory requirement. However, under the COVID-19 scenario and as per UGC guidelines to go
touchless, students can enter/exit the premise by just showing their ID cards on biometric device. (Biometric is disabled
to avoid touch for now)
2.10 Student must not use ID card for of any other student.
2.11 In case student forgot to carry ID card, they should approach security and complete the process to get the requested
access. Any grievances related to ID Card should be raised to
2.12 Students are requested to keep safety procedures in mind at all times. Fire extinguishers are placed in strategic areas in
order to ensure the safety and welfare of everyone at NMIMS. Tampering with fire extinguishers or any part of the fire
alarm system is a serious offence.
2.13 Any person resorting to physical fights will amount to ragging and appropriate action will be taken accordingly.
2.14 If any student during the tenure of studentship has police case on his/ her name, he/she is liable for appropriate action.
2.15 Any comments posted in social media, print attempting to bring disrepute to University will be viewed very seriously
and will attract severe disciplinary action.
2.16 NMIMS has zero tolerance policy towards misbehaviour, discrimination of gender sensitivity, indulgence into unethical
practices including possession and consumption of drugs, alcoholic drinks, harassment, violence, non-obedience, non-
compliance and any action that will bring disrepute to the University etc. by any student.
2.17 University will reserve the rights to take action appropriately.
Alcohol and Other Drugs
The unlawful possession, use, purchase, or distribution of alcohol , illicit a. Suspension from attending college till
drugs, controlled substances (including stimulants, depressants, narcotics, pending enquiry.
or hallucinogenic drugs), or paraphernalia—or the misuse of prescription
drugs, including sharing, procuring, buying, or using in a manner different b. Rustication from the school / campus /
from the prescribed use, or by someone other than the person for whom it hostel
was prescribed.
Assault, Endangerment, or Infliction of Physical Harm
Physical restraint, assault, or any other act of violence or use of physical Suspension from attending college till pending
force against any member of the campus, or any act that threatens the use enquiry.
of physical force.
Banners, Chalkings, and Posters
Defacing of Campus property by means of Banners, Chalking, and Posters. Severe disciplinary action will be taken.
Bullying, Intimidation, and Stalking
Discrimination, including harassment, based on an individual’s sex, race, a. Suspension from attending college till
colour, age, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender pending enquiry.
identity or expression, pregnancy, marital status, medical condition, veteran
status, disability, or any other legally protected classification. b. Rustication from the school / campus / hostel
Disorderly Conduct
1. Excessive noise, which interferes with classes, College offices or other a. Abstain from attendance for the affective
activities; lecture / event.
2. Unauthorized entry into area or closed meeting.
3. Conduct that restricts or prevents faculty, staff, or student employees from
performing their duties, including interruption of meetings, classes, or
4. Any other action(s) that result in unreasonable interference with the
learning/working environment or the rights of others.
False Representation
a. Suspension from attending college till
Provide false information or make misrepresentation to any College office, pending enquiry.
forgery, alteration, or unauthorized possession or use of College documents,
records, or instruments of identification, forged or fraudulent b. Rustication from the school / campus / hostel
communications (paper or electronic mail).
Fire Safety
Tampering, interference, misuse, causing damage, and/or destruction of fire Severe disciplinary action will be taken.
safety and fire prevention equipment
Theft, Vandalism, or Property Damage a. Suspension from attending college till
pending enquiry.
Theft, negligent, intentional, or accidental damage to personal or College
property b. Rustication from the school / campus / hostel.
2.19 Dress Code:
NMIMS is a place which is visited by corporate leaders and international visitors. For this purpose, it becomes essential
to adhere to broad guidelines for dress and appearance.
2.19.1 Students are required to be dressed decently (Half pants, shorts, short skirts, bathroom slippers are not allowed).
2.19.2 For all functions of the School / University, including Guest Lecture, seminars and conferences students are
required to dress in Institute blazer, Tie/ Cravat, Lapel Pin.
2.20 Punctuality
2.20.1 Classes are expected to begin on time. Late coming is not permitted. Faculty have the authority to restrict
latecomers to enter in the classroom.
2.20.2 Students are required to be present for all events of school/ NMIMS University, including the Convocation,
Sports Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Guest lectures, Compulsory workshops, CEO Series, and other
events as intimated on the Student Portal / Notice board/ email. Record of attendance will be kept for action.
The school/NMIMS reserves the right to declare compulsory attendance for any event on or off the campus.
Absenteeism on events for which attendance is compulsory, will be taken seriously and will be communicated
/ displayed on the Student Portal / Notice Board/ email from time to time and / or remark on the transcript or
any other decision by the management.
2.20.3 Students are required to be in city on all days of the trimester/semester. If they are leaving the city for personal
or institutional work, they are required to obtain prior permission from the HOD/Director/Dean. This applies
even to those students who are representing the NMIMS for social, cultural, and co-curricular events.
2.20.4 Students are requested to honour deadlines for submissions of projects, reports, assignments, forms and any
other submission to the school or the faculty concerned. Do not approach faculty members and others to change
or extend deadlines.
3.2.2 Students, who are having attendance, equal to or more than 80% in each subject, in a trimester/Semester, are
eligible to appear for respective Trimester/Semester end examinations.
3.2.3 Exceptional cases for students having less attendance in any subject(s), will be dealt with on case to case basis
by Dean/Director of the respective school by giving them an individual hearing. After giving hearing the
Dean/Directors of the respective schools may give them exemption upto 10% on case to case basis to enable
them to reach upto 80%. After giving 10% exemption student attendance should reach 80% to be eligible to
appear for Trimester/Semester End Examinations. Such students will be eligible to appear for the regular
trimester/semester end term examination, subject to approval of exemption from attendance if has been granted
from the Dean of respective School / Director of the respective campus.
3.2.4 After giving 10% exemption by respective Dean / Director if student attendance is below 80% in any subject,
he/she has to take re-admission in same Trimester / Semester, in same year of the study / program of subsequent
academic year by paying requisite fees as per prevailing rules of NMIMS and complete all requirements of the
3.2.5 Any genuine & exceptional case which needs special approval over and above the prescribed limits (including
Dean’s approval power) can be forwarded with Dean’s /Director’s comments to committee constituted at
University level. The committee will make its recommendations to Vice Chancellor whose decision is final.
The concerned students will be informed of University decision by respective Dean/Director.
3.2.6 Attendance requirement is briefly summarized hereunder;
100 % attendance in each subject is desirable
% (In each Subject/s)
80% and above Eligible to appear for Trimester/Semester End Examinations
Have to take re-admission in the same Trim/Sem same year
Below 80%
of study in the subsequent academic year
4.1.1 Semester Pattern: For Semester pattern programmes the credit details are as follows:
Equivalence Total Hours in a 15 weeks of
Details Credit
in hrs. per week Semester
Class room teaching 1 credit 1 hour 15 hrs.
Lab/Tutorial/group/presentation work 1 credit 2 hours 30 hrs.
Lab / Tutorial
1 credit 1 hour 15 hrs.
(applicable for Technical Schools)
1 credit 2 hours 30 hrs.
(subject to schedule throughout semester)
Project work & Dissertation 1 credit 2 hours 30 hrs.
Internship 1 credits 40 hours
4.2 The broad components of evaluation for any course/subject may be as follows. The total marks for each course with
maximum that can be assigned for each component will be as per specific requirements of school. For details, kindly
refer Part II for school specific inputs
4.2.1 Class-participation/ Individual presentation in class
4.2.2 Quizzes/ Class test/ Surprise test/ Assignments (announced/unannounced)
4.2.3 Individual assignment/ Group assignments/ Presentations/ Decision sheets
4.2.4 Term papers/Decision sheets/ Project reports
4.2.5 Research Paper Presentations /Viva
4.2.6 Tutorials
4.2.7 Sessional / Mid-term examination
4.2.8 End-term examination
4.2.9 Any other school specific component
4.3 It is advisable for every course to have at least 3-4 evaluation components. Kindly refer Part II for school specific
4.4 Term End examination is a compulsory component. The mode of the Term End Examination will depend on course
learning objective.
4.6 The internal evaluation marks once shared with the students and finalized cannot be changed subsequently.
4.7 For all the programs, the weightage for each component will be specified by the Faculty and will form an integral part
of the course outline (as per specific requirement of school/programme). The Faculty has flexibility to formulate and
implement evaluation system with weightage specified in course outline. While approving the courses, the HOD/Area-
in-charge and the Dean/Director/ Associate Dean will ensure that the evaluation components and weightage points
assigned to each component are fair.
4.8 For grading purpose, the weightage mentioned by the faculty in the course outline will be applied for each component
of evaluation irrespective of the marks assigned to the said component for the examination.
4.9 The minimum number of students to offer a course/s will be decided by Dean/Director of respective schools on the basis
of total number of students registered in that particular course/s.
The interdisciplinary approach of selection of courses across different streams enables students to get the knowledge
of other domains. The guidelines mentioned below are specifically related to courses offered under interdisciplinary
5.8 The students have to register through Students portal only. The registration for enrolment of courses for both fall and
winter sessions opens from first week of April - first week of May in current academic year for courses to be offered
in next academic year.
5.9 The course outlines will be available on Students portal. Students may view them on Community tab → Academic
year _______- Interdisciplinary Registration [Fall & Winter Session]
5.10 The students cannot opt out of the course once the list is finalized and shared with host school. Only on an emergent
situation and with prior approval from Dean, he/she will be permitted to de-register. A student will not be allowed to
opt out of the course where the registration is only 10.
5.11 The course will be offered on the basis of number of students enrolled. If number of students enrolled are more than
number of available seats, the selection of students will be on the basis of their CGPA of previous academic year.
5.12 The minimum number of enrolment of students in each courses should be 10.
5.13 For every course 10% of the seats are reserved for students of host school. The remaining seats will be filled with
students from all schools on the basis of CGPA. The maximum number of students from each school for any course is
50 % of the total seats.
5.14 The classes will be conducted separately for interdisciplinary courses and will not be merged with existing classes
scheduled at the host school.
5.15 Student can choose 1 course from fall session and 1 course from winter session. The students of following programme/
trimester/ Semester are eligible to choose course in lieu of elective course / additional course:
5.16 The Attendance and Examination rules will be applicable as per your respective home school guidelines.
5.17 The time table will be shared 2 weeks prior to the commencement of classes.
5.18 The Master list of courses to be offered in an academic year will be intimated to the students well in advance.
6.1 The CBCS offering is a concept which is in line with international academic system. The selection of CBCS courses across
different streams will enable students to get the knowledge of other domains.
Home School – The students admitted to a school for a program.
Host School – Students enrolled for CBCS course.
(e.g. Student of MPSTME (home school) studying in SBM (Host school))
6.1.1 The CBCS offerings of courses will be opted from a UG Program to UG program and PG Program to PG Program
across all schools.
6.1.2 UG & PG students should be offered courses where the grading system is same, i.e. Students studying in courses
having absolute grading should be only offered courses where there is absolute grading & students studying in courses
having relative grading should be only offered courses where there is relative grading.
a. The UG students of 2nd to 4th year of the program should be offered CBCS courses from that respective year
which has similar passing standards and grading.
b. The UG students of 4th & 5th year can take CBCS courses of 3rd, 4th and 5th year program but no courses
offered in PG program.
c. The students of Pharmacy who follow PCI guidelines will be offered only add-on course.
d. Students opting for a course from SPPSPTM can only take that course as an add-on course.
6.1.3 The UG students of 1st year and PG students of Term I of 1st year are not eligible to opt CBCS courses
6.1.4 If a Student from Semester/Trimester system takes a CBCS course from Trimester/Semester, the credits will be
calculated according to Home School.
6.1.5 CBCS is Optional. Students may opt for the course from the bouquet of courses offered in CBCS in lieu of a course/s
dropped (as defined in their school’s course structure) or take the courses offered by their own Schools.
6.1.6 Students studying in the school where teaching/exam scheme is governed by statutory body, can take only extra credit
courses as their grading pattern and passing standards are very different.
6.1.7 Students from each school will be allowed to choose course / s from the bouquet of CBCS courses in lieu of course /
s that can be dropped as mentioned in their course structure.
6.1.8 The students are also allowed to choose CBCS courses as an additional subject for extra credits as a credit course or
audit course.
6.1.9 However, no more than 1 course can be chosen per semester for extra credits.
6.1.10 Credit Mapping: Credits taken should be equal to or more than the credits dropped. E.g.
a) One course of 4 credits can be taken in lieu of 4 credit course.
b) One course of 4 credits can be taken in lieu of one course of 3 credits.
c) Two courses of 2 credits can be taken in lieu of one course of 4 credits OR Two courses of 2 credit + 3 credit can
be taken in lieu of one course of 4 credits.
(In the selection process, if student is selected only for one course of 2 credits, then student cannot drop the subject
of 4 credits).
d) Where 2 or more than 2 courses are taken in lieu of single course dropped the credit of each individual course
should be less than the credit of dropped course.
6.1.11 CBCS courses that the student opts for will follow the academic calendar of Host school.
6.1.12 Student should take CBCS course in the very semester / trimester, he/ she drops the course.
6.1.13 Bouquet of courses for both the terms will be displayed for students in student portal. The registration / cancellation
will be open for CBCS Courses for the first Term from first week of June to fourth week of June, similarly for second
term registration / Cancellation will be open from second week of November to fourth week of November.
6.1.14 If number of students enrolled are more than number of available seats, the selection of students will be on the basis
of their CGPA of previous Academic year and availability of preference given by the student.
6.1.15 The eligible students list finalized by each school should not have students with live ATKT as on last day of
6.1.16 Student will be given one-week window after commencement of the course to finalize their registration. The students
cannot opt out of the course once the list is finalized and shared with host school. If cancellation is done after
publishing final report of enrolled students, the transcript will show ABSENT for this subject.
6.1.17 Allocation of seats to each school will be decided automatically through the students portal by a formula arrived at
which is on the basis of the number of seats offered by each school for CBCS.
6.1.18 The classes for such courses will be merged with existing classes conducted / scheduled at the host school.
6.1.19 The CBCS courses can be offered in a lecture mode/ workshop mode or any other pre- defined mode as mentioned
in the course outline of the host School.
6.1.20 The timing of the classes to be conducted for CBCS course will be either in the morning between 7:00 AM to 9:00
AM or in the evening between 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM. The classes will be scheduled / conducted in host school as per
date and timings mentioned in Time Table shared by host school.
6.1.21 The student’s attendance in class, timetable, conduct of classes etc. will be completely managed by each host school
academic office.
6.1.22 Any rescheduled lecture may have extra hours’ class in a week (2 separate days), once approved by Dean and subject
to availability of all the students.
6.1.23 The examination passing criteria will be as per Host School.
6.1.24 Grading system will be applicable as per host school.
6.1.25 Re-examination rules will be applicable as per home school.
6.1.26 The Term end examination of all offered courses, as per bouquet of courses, will be conducted by Host school after
completion of all the lectures.
6.1.27 Progression rules will be of home school.
6.1.28 No Grace marks will be awarded for CBCS course. However, if CBCS is taken in lieu of a course dropped then CBCS
course has to be included for alternate gracing and for count of failed subjects for deriving alternate grace rules.
6.1.29 For CBCS courses, ICA improvement in the next academic year is not permissible.
6.1.30 Re-exam rules will be applicable as per Home school but conduct will be done by Host school. i.e. if MPSTME/SPTM
student opt for SOC module and fails, he will be allowed to appear in re-exam in next year according to his / her
school rules but SOC student studying same CBCS subject together will not be allowed as ATKT rule is not applicable
in SOC.
6.1.31 If student has opted CBCS course as an additional course and failed to pass this subject after re-examination, student
can progress to the next year of the program but transcript will show ‘F’ grade for that course.
6.1.32 Re-examination will be conducted by Host School.
7.2 Guidelines for Appointment and Availing facility of Scribe for the physically challenged (permanent or temporary
disability) students during examinations conducted by NMIMS
7.2.1 A student who may have a permanent or temporary physical disability may apply to NMIMS for appointing a
scribe for the examinations.
7.2.2 The student should submit an application for the purpose along-with ‘medical certificate’ from ‘Registered
Medical Practitioner’ to that effect (Annexure 7) with rubber stamp of the Registered Medical Practitioner on
the certificate well in advance.
7.3 In the following cases of students, the medical certificate of only Government Authorized Agencies would be accepted
for Mumbai Campus namely:
a) Hearing Impaired Students: Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped.
b) Physically Challenged Students: All India Institute of Rehabilitation of Physically Handicapped
7.3.1 As regards the student from other campuses, the Government Authorized Agencies from those cities would be
7.3.2 The scribe/ writer should be arranged by the student himself/herself well in advance i.e. at least one week before
the examination and inform to the examination office of the University. The university will make arrangement
alternatively if possible.
7.3.3 The scribe should be one grade junior in academic qualification than the student if from the same stream.
7.3.4 Since the student will be helped by a scribe, extra time of 10 minutes per hour will be allowed to such students.
E.g. for the examination of two hours, 20 minutes extra time will be allowed.
7.3.5 The Examination in Charge of the center will have powers to resolve issues, if any, in this regard. She/he will
be authorized to make/ accept any last minute changes of scribe under exigencies.
7.3.6 The said student will sit in a separate room under supervision.
7.4 Facilities relating to examinations for the students having Learning Disability (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia)
for the purpose of examinations:
7.4.1 At the time of all written examinations, all L.D. students would be given permission to use a writer. In such a
case, the student concerned should submit application in writing along with all the necessary documents well
before the commencement of the first examination. Also such students would get 25% additional time for
writing the examination.
7.4.2 These students would be given concession for not attempting the questions of drawing figures, maps, Draft,
etc. where necessary in the written exams
7.4.3 Concession will be given for mistakes in spelling or mathematical calculations/graphs.
7.4.4 L.D students who have failed to pass a subject/s will be eligible for grace marks up to 3 per cent of the aggregate
marks of the subjects in which he/she has appeared. These grace marks would be for one or more subjects.
7.4.5 In case of L.D students the medical certificate of only Government Authorized Agencies would be accepted.
For Mumbai campus medical certificate from Sion Hospital / Nair Hospital only would be accepted also.
7.4.6 The said medical certificate must be produced at the beginning of the academic year to the admission dept.
Retrospective benefit will not be given to any student in case certificate is submitted after declaration of results.
7.5 Rules as regards cases of adoption of Unfair means by the candidates during the University examination are as under:
7.5.1 If during the course of an examination, any candidate is found resorting to any of the following acts, he/she shall
be deemed to have adopted unfair means at the examination. The adoption of unfair means by the candidates
during the examinations is treated seriously and appropriate penalties are imposed after following the principles
of natural justice.
7.5.2 The broad categories of Unfair Means resorted to by students of the University Examinations and the Quantum
of Punishment for each category thereof: -
Nature of Unfair Means adopted Quantum of punishment
1. Possession of any copying Material (offence Annulment of the performance of the student at the
committed for first time) University Examination for the subject during the
examination of which student was found with copying
material in his/ her possession.
Annulment of the performance of the student at the
University Examination in full *
2. Actual copying from the material in possession This quantum will also apply to the following categories of
adoption of unfair means at Sr. No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 14 in
addition to the one prescribed thereat.
Possession of any copying Material (offence Annulment of the performance of the student at the
committed second time) University Examination in full
Possession of another student’s answer book or Exclusion of both the students from concerned University
supplementary sheet Examinations for one additional examination *
Possession of another student’s answer book or
Exclusion of both the students from concerned University
5. supplementary sheet and Actual evidence
Examination for three additional examinations *
copying from that
Exclusion of all the students from concerned University
6. Mutual/ Mass copying
Examination for two additional examinations *
Smuggling in or smuggling out of answer books Exclusion of the student from concerned University
as copying material Examination for three additional examinations *
Smuggling in of answer books based on the Exclusion of the student from concerned University
question paper set at the examination Examination for four additional examinations *
Smuggling in written answer book as copying
9. Student concerned to be rusticated from University
material and forging the signature of supervisor
Attempt to forge the signature of the supervisor
10. Student concerned to be rusticated from University
on the answer book or supplementary sheet
Interfering with or counterfeiting of University
seal or answer books or office stationery used in
11. Student concerned to be rusticated from University
the examination with the intention of misleading
the authorities
Answer book or supplementary sheet written
12. outside the examination hall or any other Student concerned to be rusticated from University
insertion in the answer book
Insertion of currency notes/ bribing or attempt to
13. bribe any of the person connected with the Student concerned to be rusticated from University
conduct of the examination
Using obscene language/ violent threats inside the
examination hall by a student at the University
14. Student concerned to be rusticated from University
examination to room supervisor/ any other
Impersonation for a student or impersonation by a
15. Student concerned to be rusticated from University
student in University or other examinations
Revealing the identity in any form (Name, Roll Annulment of the performance of the student at the
16. No, G.R. No., religious invocation etc. in the University Examination in the subject concerned during the
main answer book and/ or supplementary sheet) examination of which the identity was revealed.
Found something written on the body or on the Annulment of the performance of the student at the
clothes while in the examination University Examination in full.
Making an appeal to the examiner/ any person
Annulment of the performance of the student at the
connected with the conduct of examination by
18. University Examination for the subject during the
using any mode of communication (offence
examination of which student made an appeal
committed for the first time)
Making an appeal to the examiner/ any person
connected with the conduct of examination by Annulment of the performance of the student at the
using any mode of communication (offence University Examination in full.
committed second time)
*(Note: The Term “Annulment of Performance in full" includes performance of the student at the theory examination, but
does not include performance at term work, project work with its term work, oral or practical and dissertation examinations
unless malpractice used thereat.)
7.5.3 If on previous occasion, a disciplinary action was taken against a Student for malpractice used at examination
and he/she is caught again for malpractices used at the examinations, in this event he/she shall be dealt with
severely. Enhanced punishment can be imposed on such students. This enhanced punishment may extend to
double the punishment provided for the offence, when committed at the second or subsequent examination.
7.6.10 The outcome of Redressal process shall be final and binding on student.
Kindly refer Part II of SRB for rules of respective schools for Internal Continuous Assessment / Term End
Evaluation, Grading system, Passing criteria, method of calculation of CGPA, Re-Examination, exceptional
cases – medical etc.
(To download the examination related formats go to the website → School → Campus →
Academics → Examination).
9 Placement Guidelines:
NMIMS is a premier University of the country, the B-School is in existence for over three decades and over the years it
has earned recognition from industry & professional associations, corporates, peer group institutions and accreditation
agencies. All these laurels and recognitions would have been incomplete without the support of the corporate world. Our
alumni occupy senior positions in leading companies across sectors.
NMIMS is also a great place to recruit potential young managers and business leaders. Leading companies across sectors
consider our students for recruitments/ internships. As we have cordial relations with the corporate world, many
companies have supported us even during tough times. We would like to continue this mutually symbiotic relationship.
Hence, it is expected that students understand this sentiment and behave responsibly at all times. Any untoward incident
will jeopardize this association and have serious repercussions for placements and for the future.
Being a Deemed to be University of higher learning, the corporate world expects students to display high standards of
knowledge, capability and excellence. Recruiters also look for serious candidates who are clear about their long-term
plans, the sector they want to be and profile they want to undertake.
Placement assistance is offered to students of various programs across Schools & Campuses. It is the prerogative of the
Schools & Campuses to decide, which of the programs this service should be offered.
The Placement Office facilitates the process of placements – internship & recruitment by creating an interface between
recruiters and students. Efforts are made to market the programs with their merits with an endeavour to get companies
to offer internships/recruit students. The selection process specified by the company is followed. The PlaceCom -
Placement Committee of students are actively involved in the placement activities – contacting/visiting companies
located in metros & major cities for placement presentations and also coordinate various activities during the placement
The Placement Office devises placement guidelines that are in the larger interest of the School and students, in
consultation with students and faculty.
Students are expected to maintain decorum and abide by the guidelines during placement processes. In the event of non-
conformance to the placement guidelines, the School reserves the right to initiate corrective action.
The COVID 19 pandemic, has had far reaching consequences leading to an altogether new world of working for all of
us. The need to maintain social distancing for the well-being of all concerned, necessitated to have Virtual/WFH
internships. Our placement partners, swiftly switched the mode to remote, offered challenging projects, remote
processes, that entailed e-on-boarding of interns, virtual meetings, mentoring, reporting, networking, assessments,
feedback and so on. The agility with which the entire task is being successfully carried out by the HR officials of
companies is commendable.
This is a precursor to functioning of placements in the near future. However, the situation being unprecedented, dynamic
& the uncertainties looming around, none can fathom-out the scenario that could pan out. So, in the right earnest, we all
should embrace the agile way of working, have resilience, be innovative, network, co-partner, find mutually beneficial
solutions to navigate through these uncertainties. This could also mean to compromise on the physical presence of
stakeholders that could be offset to a certain extent by availing of tech solutions at work. All this is a completely different
experience for all of us. However, as we manoeuvre our way through this unchartered territory, the safety and well-
being of all stake holders should be paramount under any circumstances.
So, as of now, it seems that the approach to placements would remain the same, but much would depend on the economic
condition, the new measures at work adopted by companies, campus placements demand, the job scenario etc. Crucial
for us would be to network and support our industry partners to facilitate in identifying talent, devise systems and
procedures that would encompass stakeholders, network & learn from the industry of the knowledge and skill sets
desired in the new setup, come closer to the beneficiaries & stakeholders, offer solutions and insights that would be of
benefit, tweak our systems, procedures and offerings accordingly. The thoughts could be numerous. But the key, is to
be agile and adopt innovative measures to tide over the situation and work together like never before for mutually
beneficial synergies.
9.3 Internships/Projects
9.3.1 The Placement Office makes all efforts to reach out for internships across varied sectors, companies and profiles.
Based on ones’ interests and capabilities one should seek internships. Choosing the correct company for
internships and performing up to the mark is of utmost importance.
9.3.2 The Internships are not only a window to the corporate world but also a relationship building tool for NMIMS. It
allows the companies to have a look at the talent at NMIMS, thereby strengthening Final Placements.
9.3.3 Internships are an integral part of the curriculum for securing the degree. It is a great learning platform for our
students and goes a long way in shaping the learning obtained in the class room. This experience is of immense
use to students to enable them to acclimatize themselves to the intricacies of the corporate world.
School/Area Programs Internships
Mumbai Campus
Industrial Training for 4 weeks after III year during the Summer Vacation
B.Pharm + MBA
Management Internships in Hospital, Retailer and Corporate after III year
(Pharma Tech)
during the Summer Vacation
B. Pharm. Industrial Training of 4 weeks after III year during the Summer Vacation
Pharmacy M.. Pharm. Research Project during the second year
Research Project during the second year
M. .Pharm. + MBA Management Internships of 8 weeks after first year in Hospital and Retail
Management Internships of 8 weeks after second year in Corporate
D. Pharm. Training for 3 months (500 hours)
Shirpur Campus
Industrial Training for 4 weeks after III year during the Summer Vacation
B.Pharm + MBA
Management Internships in Hospital, Retailer and Corporate after III year
(Pharma Tech)
during the Summer Vacation
B. Pharm. Industrial Training of 4 weeks after III year during the Summer Vacation
Pharmacy M.. Pharm. Research Project during the second year
Research Project during the second year
M. .Pharm. + MBA Management Internships of 8 weeks after first year in Hospital and Retail
Management Internships of 8 weeks after second year in Corporate
D. Pharm. Training for 3 months (500 hours)
Hyderabad Campus
Industrial Training for 4 weeks after III year during the Summer Vacation
Pharmacy B.Pharm + MBA
Management Internships in Hospital, Retailer and Corporate after III year
(Pharma Tech)
during the Summer Vacation
B. Pharm. Industrial Training of 4 weeks after III year during the Summer Vacation
9.3.4 The project is expected to build on the theoretical learning with practical experience and help students to identify
the gaps in their learning which they can attempt to fill in. They could also discover areas of interest and future
career options.
9.3.5 Interactions during the internships both with other interns as well as employees help students to understand the
expectations/needs of the organisation, the sector in general, to identify the gaps in their learning and in orienting
oneself towards the sector and developing the required skill sets to emerge as the most suitable candidate.
9.3.6 Internships also hold a special significance as it is an apt mechanism for companies to spot bright talent early.
Many companies have structured internship process which is used as a ‘testing ground’ to gain a direct
understanding of the skill and ability of students leading to declaration of PPO’s/PPI’s. NMIMS too encourages
candidates to work towards such offers that are based on internship performance.
9.3.7 Pre Placement Offer (PPO) is an Offer by the company to the intern acknowledging the excellent work done
during the internship. Pre Placement Interview (PPI) is an opportunity by the company for the intern to be directly
selected for the interview for final placements. Thus, the students should be careful in applying to the companies
of their choice and should put in all efforts to convert the internship into an Offer. Thus, the seriousness of this
cannot be overstated.
9.3.8 While feedback from the company is sought, the internship is also evaluated by School that could involve faculty
guide monitoring the performance; periodic report submissions, evaluations, Viva Voce etc.
modify the guidelines in the best interest of the batch. Students are free to approach the Placement Office for any
queries or guidance.
10.26 These guidelines describe the reasonable and appropriate behaviour required by the Regulations for the Use of
Computing Facilities at NMIMS.
10.27 Use only own login id and password and don’t allow the password of any account issued to you to become known to
any other person. If you allow another person to use your account, it must be in your presence, under your supervision
and only for the purpose of assistance or collaboration. You remain responsible for that person's use of your account
and must identify that person to the NMIMS authorities if any breach of university regulations is suspected in
connection with that use.
10.28 It is recommended a strong password must be at least 8 characters long. It should not contain any of your personal
information – specifically your real name, user name, or even your company name. It must be very unique from your
previously used passwords. It should not contain any word spelled completely.
10.29 Student must keep changing their passwords periodically.
10.30 Use of any faculty member user name and password to access IT infrastructure including smartboards is prohibited
and may lead to disciplinary action.
10.31 You should not copy or share other’s data resulting in data theft of any kind under IT Act.
10.32 Do not use or adopt any name or alias or user reference whether real or fictitious other than your own.
10.33 Request to be placed only for required resources or access rights that you need.
10.34 Once logged in, do not leave IT facilities unattended in an unlocked room. You must log out at the end of each logged
in session unless prevented by system failure. Failure to do so may leave the account open for others to use. The
NMIMS accepts no responsibility for any loss to a user consequent upon a failure to log out correctly at the end of a
10.35 Removal, borrowing, connecting or disconnecting of any IT equipment is not permitted. Neither deliberately
introduces any virus, worm, Trojan horse or other harmful or nuisance program or file into any IT facility or network
/ campus, nor take deliberate action to circumvent any precautions taken or prescribed by the institution to prevent
10.36 Do not in any way cause any form of damage neither to the NMIMS IT facilities, nor to any of the accommodation
or services associated with them.
10.37 Without permission of the account owner or system administrator, do not hack, access, copy, delete or amend or
attempt so to do the computer account, information or resources of another user
10.38 Do not initiate or perpetuate any chain email message. Do report immediately to 'postmaster' the receipt of chain
email messages forwarding the email message wherever possible.
10.39 You should not deliberately create, display, produce, store, circulate or transmit defamatory or libellous material.
10.40 Transmission of unsolicited commercial or advertising material on NMIMS network / Campus is prohibited.
10.41 Do not deliberately create, display, produce, store, circulate or transmit obscene material in any form or medium.
10.42 Never monitor, read and disrupt network traffic inside the campus.
10.43 Do not make deliberate unauthorised access to facilities or services accessible via the NMIMS Local Area Network
10.44 Appreciate staff effort or networked resources, including time on end systems accessible via LAN and the effort of
staff involved in the support of those systems.
10.45 Do not deny service to other users including deliberately or recklessly overloading access links or switching
10.46 You must adhere to the terms and conditions of all licence agreements relating to IT facilities which you use including
software, equipment, services, documentation and other goods.
10.47 You must use the IT facilities only for academic, research and administrative purposes together with limited personal
use. Such personal use is allowed as a privilege not a right, must conform to these guidelines, and should not incur
unreasonable costs or have an adverse impact on resources or services.
10.48 Students are prohibited from viewing any Pornographic material in computer Centre or on any other computer or IT
system inside NMIMS campus or store child pornography, Playing Games, hacking into networks and other
computers, spamming and sending junk mail, causing damage to IT infrastructure appropriate disciplinary action will
be taken.
10.49 You must obtain prior permission to use computers for commercial or outside work including the use of IT facilities
to the substantial advantage of other bodies such as employers of placement students.
10.50 Students request related to additional Internet Bandwidth requirement for special access on events, request should
reach IT helpdesk minimum 72 hours in advance.
10.51 Do not interfere with or change any hardware or software; if you do, appropriate action will be taken to make it right.
10.52 Do not interfere with the legitimate use by others of the IT facilities; do not remove or interfere with output belonging
to others.
10.53 Game software loading onto, or play games software on, the IT facilities unless required for academic purposes.
10.54 Neither admit any other person to computer facilities or other NMIMS premises when those facilities or premises are
locked nor enter unless authorised to do so.
10.55 You must respect the rights of others and should conduct yourself in a quiet and orderly manner when using IT
10.56 You must immediately vacate any IT room when asked to do so by any person who has legitimately booked that
room and must not leave processes running or files printing or otherwise interfere with the work of that person.
Failure to cooperate gives that person the right to switch off the workstation that you are using.
10.57 Important: In the event, the guidelines are not followed and there is a consequent damage to any computing facility,
NMIMS reserves the right to charge students for the cost of rectification of such damage and/or take further
disciplinary action.
11 Feedback Mechanism:
11.1 NMIMS has a well-established online feedback mechanism through Student Portal for communication of perceptions.
The components of this feedback mechanism are:
11.1.1 Feedback at the end of the third week of every trimester/Semester. Dean / Director /Programme
Chairperson/HOD will meet students personally, if applicable.
11.1.2 Online Feedback through Students Portal is taken using a questionnaire preferably in the last session of every
course in each Semester. This feedback is compiled and statistics are placed before each faculty member by the
end of the trimester/Semester.
11.2 All students should get involved in this mechanism seriously as it truly helps the NMIMS improve the quality of services
and teaching provided.
11.3 These are open ended questions in which student can reflect learning and teaching aspects of the course.
11.4 NMIMS uses feedback to improve the teaching learning process proactively.
11.5 While sharing the feedback to the faculty members, student’s identity is kept confidential.
As normal human beings at any given time in life we could go through challenging times and have no one to share or
guide us. We often do not share our issues with family or friends due to the fear of upsetting them. We worry that
perhaps they may not understand or could become judgmental. At such times we recommend Personal Counselling.
i. “I cannot concentrate or focus nor can I sleep, at times I get so scared that I go blank in my exams!”
ii. “Since the time he left me I cannot put my attention to anything I will not be able to live anymore………
can’t bear it if she is not in my life!”
iii. “I have lost my confidence I feel worthless /hopeless; no one loves me. I don’t want to live anymore”
iv. Nobody understands what I am going through…. people become judgemental instead of understanding
and supporting, whom to share it with?
v. Where do I seek help? Who will be able to really help?
Have you had any of these repetitive thoughts or are you facing a rejection that you are not able to cope up with?
Have you reacted very angrily first and then later realised that reacting to the event was not really needed and in the
process you harmed the relations you had with your friends and family? You just do not know what went wrong then?
Do not understand what triggered you?
Just as we would treat a sprain with some ointment, we try to heal our emotional pain on our own. At times when the
sprain is not healing we visit the doctor and similarly one visits the counsellor sometimes when we are unable to clear
our own emotional challenges. The counsellor needs to check how deep your wound is and usually you are helped by
putting a plaster of protection (counselling). Sometimes the wound may have been too deep /chronic or your bone is
broken it could also need psychiatric intervention and give appropriate help.
We may be unaware of the implications of our behaviour on others but it eventually could affect our relations in daily
life at home, in class, or at work. When the past emotional situations are not dealt with therapeutically, we could develop
unhealthy negative thoughts and feelings which we need to be aware of as they could again lead to complications and
could affect our performance, decision making, logical thinking, studies, relationships, and career. This form of
continued stress can gradually affect our body and physiological health causing hypertension, respiratory ailments,
gastrointestinal disturbances, migraine and tension headaches, pelvic pain, impotence, frigidity, dermatitis, and ulcers.
The biggest myth is to believe that to be emotional is to be weak so often we push all our emotional issues under the
blanket and then to avoid sleepless nights take up unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, and substance abuse. We
do this hoping to feel better which lasts only for short term on the other hand creating long term damage and may lead
to unhealthy dependency.
NMIMS wants to ensure holistic development of the students and therefore have appointed a team of psychologists and
a counsellor.
For Mumbai Campus: Assisting Psychologists and Counsellors, Mr Joel Gibbs, Ms Nazneen Raimalwala And Ms
Diksha Tyagi .
Location: Mr. Joel Gibbs, 8th floor faculty area, Cabin:-West-854 at NMIMS building, Call on 022-42332218 or
email to book appointments.
Ms. Nazneen Raimalwala, 7th floor faculty area, Cabin:-732, in the Mithibai college building, call on 022-42332225
or email to book appointments.
Ms. Diksha Tyagi, for students studying at MPSTME Building, call on 02224350512 or email for appointments
World health organisation and the U.S. National Library of medicine articles:
National library of Medicine: Psychosomatic disorders in developing countries: current…
WHO | Prevention of bullying-related morbidity and mortality: a …
13. Guidelines for Admission Cancellation / Payment of fees / Re-admission / Academic Break / Submission of
Documents / Admission Deferment
13.1 Admission Cancellation procedure:
For cancellation of admission, the student needs to submit the application for cancellation of his / her seat along with
original fee receipt to the admission department (if cancellation is before commencement of the programme). If the
cancellation is after commencement of the programme, the said application to be submitted to the respective Dean for
further process.
The Schedule of Refund Rules: If a student chooses to withdraw from the program of study in which he / she is enrolled,
the institution shall follow the five-tier system given below for the refund of fees* remitted by the student.
Percentage of Point of time when notice of withdrawal of admission is received in the Higher
Refund of Fees* Educational Institutions (HEI)
(1) 100% 15 days or more before the formally-notified last date of admission
(2) 90% Less than 15 days before the formally-notified last date of admission
(3) 80% 15 days or less after the formally-notified last date of admission
(4) 50% 30 days or less, but more than 15 days, after formally-notified last date of admission
(5) 00% More than 30 days after formally-notified last date of admission
In case of (1) in the table above, the HEI concerned shall deduct an amount not more than 5% of the fees paid by the student,
subject to a maximum of Rs. 5,000/- as processing charges from the refundable amount.
The above refund rules are as per University Grants Commission (UGC) notification on Refund of Fees and Non-Retention
of Original Certificates of October, 2018 and are subject to revision as per UGC notification (as applicable). Please note the
closure of admission/last date of admission as mentioned in the important dates of the respective programme.
If a student has submitted documents and discrepancy is found during verification, the admission would be
cancelled and fees will be forfeited.
The application needs to be submitted to admission department, along with all the supporting documents for
‘Admission Deferment’ consideration.
An applicant who fails to obtain confirmation from Admission office of his/her deferment of admission will be
deemed to have forfeited his/her position and will be deregistered from the course admitted to.
14 Meritorious students:
14.1 Meritorious students list (applicable for all schools except School of Business Management)
14.1.1 10 % of the batch on the basis of highest CGPA during the entire period of programme will be under
meritorious students list and will get a certificate at the time of Convocation.
14.1.2 Students who are participating in Student Exchange Program are also eligible for the meritorious students
list. Such students will be shortlisted on the basis of the CGPA of all semesters/trimester completed at
14.1.3 Students obtaining F grades/ATKT/ appearing in the re- exams/ appearing in unfair means or any
misconduct will be ineligible to be listed in the meritorious students list.
15.15 Assessment (Internal/External): Tests can be conducted on the Portal. Internal/External marks for respective
courses will be published on Students Portal.
15.16 Faculty Feedback: Faculty Feedback is accepted online for respective trimester/semester .
15.17 Online Plagiarism: Student / Faculty can check Plagiarism through this feature.
15.18 Groups: can be created by faculty for assessments, File Exchange, Discussion Board etc. for their Courses.
15.19 Student Discussion Board / Chat: This tool can be used by students and faculty to interact and discuss on topics
related to their respective courses.
15.20 Hostel Application: Students can book Hostel through the portal (where online admissions are done)
15.21 Mobile Application: available for student attendance, assignment, survey, Display ICA marks, notification can be
15.22 Student service: Students are benefitted on students’ portal for Name validations as required for mark sheet, photo
upload, railway concession, bonafide certificate whenever required.
15.23 System Requirement: Works Best with Chrome. (version 64 and above)
15.24 Help – Assistance: mail to or phone no: 022 - 42199993
From each school/campus two student council representative will constitute the NMIMS University Student Council
(NUSC). The names of representatives are finalized by Dean/Director/Head of respective school. The NUSC comprises
of four core positions, i.e.: President, Vice President, General Secretary, Treasurer, along with other council members
representing schools and campuses across NMIMS University. The Core committee represents and coordinates with
the council members for various activities and for every academic year are selected through a formal selection
procedure (consisting of voting and personal interviews etc) involving the Faculty Advisor / faculty members & existing
Council members.
and Release of Money), HOD/Dean/Director, Accounts Department – In case of Release of Money.
20.1.6 Communication and Invitations of events / guest lecturers / workshops etc. conducted by cells and
council has to be informed to the HOD/Dean/Director, well in advance.
20.1.7 For the major events prior formal invitation to be given to all the senior management
20.1.8 To submit a trimester/semester report at the end of every trimester/semester to faculty In-charge.
22. International Student Exchange Program Policy
22.1 Introduction
NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University has developed an extensive International Students Exchange Program in order to
provide a cross cultural exposure and a global perspective to the students apart from classroom teaching. This is
managed by Department of International Linkages of the University. The Exchange Program has become increasingly
popular with the students and every year students get a chance to spend Semester/Trimesters at a partner Institute. With
the dedicated efforts of the International Linkages department, efforts are ongoing to have larger number of students to
avail of this unique opportunity in every school. Students at NMIMS also benefit from interacting with overseas
students who visit us as part of NMIMS Inbound exchange program and International Immersions.
In a world that is increasingly interdependent, it is imperative for the NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University to have an
internationalization agenda. This involves creation of a multi ethnic environment in our programs on our campus. This
can happen only when students from different countries and communities join NMIMS programs.
This policy on internalization seeks to clarify the philosophy behind the NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University’s
Internationalization program and sets out the eligibility of students to apply for an international exchange program. It
also sets out the selection criteria and guidelines for assessing applications and the expectations from the students going
for the exchange program.
This policy also lays out the facilities for international students in our programs and also the expectations from them. We
expect our foreign students to conduct themselves at par with other Indian students.
To aggressively pursue the internalization agenda, NMIMS has signed MOUs with leading Universities. MOUs
applicable for NMIMS schools as given below:
• ESSCA Ecole De Management, France
• EDHEC Business School, France
• Purdue University, USA
• University of Texas at Dallas, USA
• Florida International University, USA
• University of South Florida, USA
22.3 Eligibility
Students are selected by respective Deans of Schools on a competitive basis that reflects the academic standing,
motivation, seriousness of purpose, communication skills, social maturity and adaptability. International students
coming to our campus are recommended by respective partner’s university on merit basis and language proficiency in
All full time program students are eligible to apply for the exchange program if they have:
22.3.1 Completed the eligibility year of program as defined by respective Deans/Directors of school
22.3.2 Have a minimum CGPA of 2.25 and above as defined by respective Deans/ Directors of School.
22.3.3 Eligibility of International students coming to our campus recommended by the partner university should satisfy
the eligibility criteria as per the memorandum of understanding signed between the Universities/ Schools.
22.5.3 Passport and visa costs
22.5.4 Insurance cover
22.5.5 Any other incidental costs
22.8 Enclosures:
Undertaking to be given by student of NMIMS Deemed-to-be University’s student going on International Immersion.
Schools to ensure that copy of Application Form compulsorily reaches Director- International Linkages
department for records.
NMIMS gives utmost importance to safety of its students. It prepares students for natural hazards.
The safety measures for some natural disasters such as 1) Floods, 2) Earthquakes and 3) Fire are highlighted briefly.
23.1 Floods:
Precautions to be taken in case of Floods are given in Table 1 below.
Before Floods During Floods After Floods
it on some other day underground or downed power lines • Discard any food items which may
• Keep locally available equipment • Listen to the radio for advance information have got wet
such as ropes, battery, radio, and advice. Don’t spread rumors • Inform about the damaged drainage
plastic bottles and cans handy • Move vehicles to the highest ground nearby and sewage systems in and around
during rainy season. This can help • Do not enter floodwaters by foot if you can the building to the authorities as
you to plan your rescue avoid it soon as possible. These can be a
• Prepare a food kit including • Never wander around a flooded area major health hazard
emergency food items such as • Drink clean water • First protect yourself and then help
biscuits, snacks, drinking water others.
and so on
23.2 Earthquake
Precautions to be taken in case of earthquakes are displayed in Table 2 below:
Before Earthquake During Earthquake After Earthquake
• In hostel or at home If you are at home or If you are at home or inside a building
keep heavy objects inside a building • Expect aftershocks. Be prepared. Stay where you are and do not come
on lower shelves so • Do not rush to the doors or out immediately.
they will not fall on exits; never use the lifts; • Keep calm, switch on the radio/TV and obey any instructions you
you during an keep well away from hear on it after you come out
earthquake. windows, mirrors, • Turn off the water, gas and electricity
chimneys and furniture.
• Make sure your • Protect yourself by staying • Do not smoke and do not light matches or use a cigarette lighter. Do
water heater and gas under the lintel of an inner not turn on switches. There may be gas leaks or short-circuits.
cylinder is secured door, in the corner of a • If there is a fire, try to put it out. If you cannot, call the fire brigade.
and intact. This will room, under a table or even • If possible then contact fire brigade immediately.
ensure that it will not under a bed. • Immediately clean up any inflammable products that may have
fall during an
earthquake and hurt
If you are in the street spilled (alcohol, paint, etc).
someone or start a • Walk towards an open • Avoid places where there are loose electric wires and do not touch
fire. place in a calm and any metal object in contact with them.
• Keep a torch and a composed manner. Do not • Do not drink water from open containers without having examined it
mobile handy. run and do not wander and filtered it through a sieve, a filter or an ordinary clean cloth.
• Keep the corridors
round the streets. • Eat something. You will feel better and more capable of helping
in the hostel/house • Keep away from buildings, others.
clear of furniture especially old, tall or • If the building is badly damaged, you will have to leave it. Collect
and other things, detached buildings, water containers, food, and ordinary and special medicines (for
making movement electricity wires, slopes persons with heart complaints, diabetes, etc.).
easier. and walls, which are liable • Help people who are injured. Provide them first aid. Do not move
to collapse. seriously injured people unless they are in danger.
If you are driving If you are outside
• Stop the vehicle away from • If you know that people have been buried, tell the rescue teams. Do
buildings, walls, slopes, not rush and do not worsen the situation of injured persons or your
electricity wires and own situation.
cables, and stay in the • Do not re-enter badly damaged buildings and do not go near damaged
vehicle. structures.
• Do not walk around the streets to see what has happened. Keep clear
of the streets to enable rescue vehicles to pass.
• Keep away from beaches and low banks of rivers. Huge waves may
sweep in.
• Keep updating yourself with latest information on earthquake
through radio or T. V.
23.3 Fire
Generally any place and its neighbourhood is greatly diversified and is practically vulnerable to fire hazards. The
precautions to be taken in case of fire are given in the Table 3 below:
If trapped or stranded:
• Stay close to the floor level.
• Cover the gaps of the door by any piece of cloth available.
• Do not jump out of the building.
• Signal or shout for help.
• Stop, drop and roll on the ground and cover with blanket;
pour water on the body
• Dial 101 or 22620 5301 for fire brigade
• Give the fire officer detailed address, nature of the
incident and the telephone number from which you are
calling. Preferably, use landline. Keep down the receiver
and wait at the same spot. Control Room will call back to
verify the call.
• Wait for the Fire Brigade to arrive and co-operate with the
24. University level : Anti- Ragging Committee / Women Grievance Redressal Cell / Internal Complaints Committee /
University Student Grievance Redressal Cell / Ombudsman.
24.1 Ragging: Ragging of fellow students in any form is strictly prohibited inside and outside the campus. Any student/s
found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging, whether actively or passively, or being a part of a conspiracy to
promote ragging, is liable to be punished as per the rules. Ragging often ends up in sexual or physical harassment for
the victim. The institute maintains a zero tolerance policy towards ragging. All issues in this regard will be dealt with
utmost urgency and stringent action will be taken against those involved. To help students, Committees have been
formed at School level and University level.
Anti-Ragging Committees:
Name Designation E-mail ID Contact no.
1. Dr. Meena Chintamaneni Chairperson 022 42355555
2. Mr. Paramanand Rajwar Member 022 42355558
3. Mr. Venugopal Member 022 42355557
4. Shri Harshad Shah Member 022 42199999
5. Mr. Samraj Dhasian Member 022 42355555
6. Prof. Seema Mahajan Member 022 42355555
7. Shri Rajendra K. Shah Member 022 42199999
School of Business Management/Pravin Dalal School of Entrepreneurship and Family Business Management
1. Dr. Bala Krishnamoorthy Chairperson 022 4235 5806
2. Dr. Preeti Khanna Member 022 4235 5864
3. Dr. Madhavi Gokhale Member 022 4235 5852
4. Dr. Hari Kumar Iyer Member 022 4235 5891
5. Tejash D Somaiya Member 022 4235 5566
2. Dr. Uthara Suvrathan Member
3. Dr. Chaitanya Joshi Member
School of Design
1. Prof. Manisha Phadke Chairperson 9820288707
2. Prof. Aditya Gupte Member 9833518920
3. Prof. Shreya Maulik Member 9167746528
School of Performing Arts
1. Dr. Divya Shrivastava Chairperson 9560300572
2. Mr. Gino Banks Member 9821062761
3. Mr. Clement Rooney Member 8657454299
4. Ms. Charmi Lathigara Member 9769945517
School of Mathematical Sciences
1. Dr. Mayank Vahia Chairperson 9869449450
2. Prof. Pramod Kumar Das Member 8130020859
3. Prof. Shikha Gaur Member 9967773408
4. Ms. Vaishali Rain Member 9821458550
Centre of Excellence in Analytics & Data Sciences
1. Dr. Amul Desai Chairperson 9820011456
2. Prof. Brinda Sampat Member 9930959742
3. Dr. Rohit Malhotra Member 8469073572
4. Ms. Vaishali Rain Member 9821458550
School of Branding & Advertising
Ms. Reah Irani and Ms. Priya Chairperson 9820122146/98335516
Menon 77
2. 2 Dr. Mukesh Sharma Member 9869265859
3. Mr. Vitesh Shah Member 9137988959
4. Ms. Sayali Godambe Member 9702424368
Hostels at Mumbai
1. Shri Bhupesh Patel Chairperson 98200 20700
2. Shri Harshad H. Shah Member 98202 93814
3. Shri Rajubhai Shah Member 98190 36555
4. Prof. Seema Mahajan Member 9820341341
5. Dr. Meena Chintamaneni Member 4235 5550
6. Mr. Venugopal K Member 022 42355557
Shirpur Campus
1. Dr. R.S. Gaud Chairperson (02563) 286545/46
2. Dr. Nikhlesh Kumar Sharma Member (02563) 286545/46
3. Dr. Narayan Chandak Member (02563) 286545/46
4. Dr. B K Mohanty Member (02563) 286545/46
5. Dr. Ashwini Deshpande Member (02563) 286545/46
6. Dr. Chandrakant Bonde Member (02563) 286545/46
7. Dr. Rakesh Chaudhari Member (02563)286545/46
8. Dr. Radhakrishna Rambola Member (02563) 286545/46
9. Prof. Vijay Shivankar Member (02563)28654546
10. Mr. Pravin Wararkar Member (02563)286545/46
11. Mr. Rahul Dande Member (02563) 286545/46
12. Mr. Monimoy Saha Member (02563)286545/46
13. Mr. Rajeev Dalal Member (02563) 286545/46
Hyderabad Campus
1. Dr. Ravi Kiram Chairperson 9885461860
2. Dr. B Karunakar Member 8008002580
3. Dr. Silla Ramsundar Member 8473805758
4. Dr. Anil Pethe Member 8879212188
5. Dr. Deepti Pathak Member 8447817186
6. Ms. Vani Bobba Member 7660000766
7. Mr. Sourav Chatterjee Member 9760239658
Bangalore Campus
1. Dr. Deepak Sharma Chairperson 080-25126113
2. Dr. Narayani Ramachandran Member 080-25126067
3. Mr. Pradip Pyne Mamber Pradip.Pyne@ 080-25126073
4. Mr. Vishnu Bhat Member 080-25126021
Navi Mumbai Campus
1. Dr. P N Mukherjee Chairperson 9820338530
2. Dr. Ruchita Verma Member 9820671202
3. Prof. Prashant Barsing Member 9794258005
4. Dr. Aarti Sharma Member 9930132997
5. Prof. Mukund Tripathi Member 9594939617
6. Prof Manisha Band Member 9370372743
7. Prof Aditya Kasar Member 9833982732
8. Dr Ketan Chande Member 9867503203
9. Ms. Anupriya Sharma Member 9619723584
Indore Campus
1. Dr. Prachi Gharpure Chairperson 9820122546
2. Dr. Aaquil Bunglowala Member 9425479258
3. Dr. Sameer Pingle Member 9909011393
4. Dr. Ashutosh Hajela Member 9868368324
5. Dr. Niranjan Shastri Member 9424577709
6. Mr. Gaurav .P. Moghe Member 9516611151
Dhule Campus
1. Dr. K.B.Patil Chairperson 9422210800
2. CA Kunal Pasari Member 9850008807
3. Dr. Pankaj Dhaundiyal Member 6388864059
4. CA Pooja Sadane Member 9405111334
5. Mr. Dinesh Deshmukh Member 9423433315
24.5 Ombudsman: The Ombudsman shall exercise power to hear grievances of those who are not satisfied with decision
of NMIMS Grievance Redressal Committee. The Ombudsman would be required to dispose cases within one month
of the receipt for speedy redress of grievances. On conclusion of the proceeding, the Ombudsman shall pass such order,
with reasons for such order, as may be deemed fit to redress the grievance and provide such relief as may be desirable
to the effected party. Justice Rajendra M. Savant has been appointed as Ombudsman at NMIMS University.
For more details, kindly refer AICTE regulations on Ombudsman.
25. The list of websites categories which are blocked for use at NMIMS and at Hostels owned by NMIMS
28. NMIMS INFOLINE (for Mumbai Campus) (can be updated for Respective campuses)
Agency Number
Disaster Management Cell of Municipal Corporation of
Greater Mumbai
Police Help Line 100
Juhu Police Station 26184432 / 26183856
Vile Parle Police Station 26117307 / 26117317
Vile Parle-East, Police Station 26112813
D. N. Nagar, Andheri (W) Police Station 26303893 / 26304002 / 26303038
Andheri (E) Police Station 26831562 / 26842677
Santacruz Police Station 26492972 / 26487856
Fire Brigade
Fire Brigade Help Line 101
Andheri Fire Station 26205301
Bandra Fire Station 26435206
Ambulance 102 / 1298/1252
Dr. Balabhai Nanavati Hospital 26182255 / 2626 7500
Dr. Cooper Hospital 26207254
Travel Agency
V-explore 42705205/ 42705255
Dilip Drug House 26182255 / 2618 7038
Empire Chemists 26718970 / 2625 1238
Welcome 26111796
General Physician
“Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal” runs a dispensary
which operates from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. It is manned by
two fully qualified Medical Officers in two shifts. Location: N.M. College Area, 2nd floor.
Services of dispensary are available for attending to all Dr. Geeta Shah – 9820547571/
emergency first aid and for OPD. This facility is available Dr.Goel-9869002653 /
to all students, staff and faculty members of SVKM
Hostel (Contact – Mr. Venugopal)
MKM Sanghvi Girls Hostel 022-26256382/ 83
Bansi Villa Girls Res.Flats 022-4235 5555 / 5557
Kalika Girls Res.Flats 022-4235 5555 / 5557
Sur Sagar Girls Res.Flats 022-4235 5555 / 5557
G. R. Jani Hostel Boys 022-42334056
Anand Hotel Premises Boys Res Flats 022-4235 5555 / 5557
Megha Villa Boys Hostel 022-4235 5555 / 5557
Part II
Shobhaben Pratapbhai Patel
School of Pharmacy & Technology
Message from Dean
At the outset, I extend my heartiest congratulations to each one of you for securing admission in this esteemed
university. I further extend a warm welcome to all of you as you all embark on the academic journey in pursuit of
educational excellence in pharmaceutical sciences and management. The field of pharmaceutical sciences is an
indispensable component of the healthcare system. Indeed, the pharmacist has a pivotal role to play in maintaining
the health and well-being of Society. The pharmaceutical industry is rapidly burgeoning, driven by dedicated
professionals having versatile skill sets and an unprecedented attitude to overcome challenges. With the current
COVID-19 pandemic, pharmacists are actively sought after, to develop therapies and vaccines to tackle the deadly
Our institute, the Pharmacy & Technology Management division of SVKM's NMIMS has always focused on
grooming young minds to create knowledgeable and versatile professionals who are able to contribute in a colossal
way towards the progress of the pharmaceutical industry and satisfy unmet needs in the healthcare system. The
School has been at the forefront in implementing best teaching practices and advanced educational policies for the
betterment of its students. With the untiring support of qualified and enthusiastic faculty, state-of-the-art
infrastructure and advanced learning systems, our school has been ranked 13th in the country in Pharmacy Colleges
in National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2020, India rankings released by the MHRD, Government of
India, New Delhi. The quality of pharmaceutical education imparted by the School has been acknowledged by way
of approvals and accreditation by bodies such as Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), AICTE and National Board of
Accreditation (NBA). Our University is the proud recipient of coveted A+ grade with CGPA of 3.59 out of 4.0 by
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) along with Graded Autonomy. MHRD has also declared
NMIMS as a Tier-I University.
The School Resource Book (SRB) provides information on the rules and regulations a candidate is expected to abide
to, to maintain the University decorum and for creating disciplined professionals. At School, we strongly advocate
the instrumental role of parents/guardians and recognize their crucial role as stakeholders also in contributing to the
overall personality development of the student. This is especially relevant in today’s times wherein teaching is being
imparted through online mode of instruction. Parents have a huge role in ensuring that their ward is actively
participating in the course content being delivered through a virtual platform.
The entire world is currently going through the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused the paradigm shift in
teaching from face-to-face mode to virtual online mode. Our institute has accepted the change and has duly modified
its teaching practices to communicate the curriculum effectively to students. The focus is to actively involve the
students in the learning process through novel interesting modes of instruction. We believe that learning should
continue in these trying times of COVID-19.
We look forward for your whole-hearted support as we continue to build excellent professionals in India for the
Wishing you all a knowledgeable experience!
Best Wishes!!
1. Approved Academic Calendar of all programs
School of Pharmacy & Technology Management (Mumbai & Shirpur)
Academic Calendar for the Academic Year: 2020-21
No. of
Details Program Start Date End Date Working
Academic Instruction
Duration Part II 20 Jul 2020 27 Mar 2021 200 days
(regular classes)
All internal assessments including improvement examinations will be conducted depending on
situation/syllabus completion.
Diwali Vacation Part II 11 Nov 2020 17 Nov 2020 7 days
Summer Vacation
For Faculty Slot I 03 May 2021 13 Jun 2021 42 days
(Dates are tentative) Slot II 17 May 2021 27 Jun 2021
For Student
(Re-exams will be
Part II 19 Apr 2021 10 Jul 2021 83 days
conducted during
Summer Vacation)
*Induction Programme (of a week) is included in academic duration
Dates are Tentative.
Diploma 1st year
2. Any other Academic/general inputs, Rules Policies at school level
In continuation to the re-admission rules explained in Part I of this SRB, the maximum duration permissible
for completion of the programme (in years) are mentioned in the table below:
Duration of the Maximum duration permissible for
Sr no. Name of the programme programme completion the programme (in
(in years) years)
1 B.Pharm 4 8
2 B.Pharm+ MBA 5 10
3 M.Pharm 2 4
4 M.Pharm+ MBA 3 6
5 Ph. D 3* 6*
6 D.Pharm 2 4
*Including Course Work
In continuation to the Discipline Norms and Penalty explained in Part I of this SRB, the names of
committee members at the school level are mentioned below:
2.4.1 Disciplinary Committee
• Dr. Kalyani Barve
• Dr. Haresh Raulgaonkar
• Pharm-Management Department
• Chairperson:
o Dr. Bala Prabhakar
• Members:
o Dr. Mayur Yergeri
o Dr. Vaishali Londhe
• Member :
o Mr. Haresh Raulgaonkar
• Special Invitee :
o Mr. Gahan Trivedi, B.Pharm, 3rd Year
Note: Students have to compulsorily attend all the value added activities (co-curricular/
extracurricular) conducted by school. The attendance for these activities will be considered like any
other credit course. Attendance rule will be applicable to these activities as well (Refer point no. 3.2).
3 Examination Guidelines (ICA / TEE, Passing Criteria, Grading system, method of calculation of
CGPA, Re-Examination, exceptional cases – medical etc.)
Tables – I: Schemes for internal assessments and end semester examinations semester wise Tables – I
B.Pharm & B.Pharm + MBA : Semester I
End Semester
Internal Assessment
code Name of the course Contin Sessional Exams / Mid term
Durati Marks
uous Exams Marks
Marks Duration Total
BP101T Human Anatomy and 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Physiology I – Theory
BP102T Pharmaceutical Analysis – 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
BP103T Pharmaceutics I – Theory 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
BP104T Pharmaceutical Inorganic 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Chemistry – Theory
BP105T Communication skills – 5 10 1 Hr 15 35 1.5 Hrs 50
BP106T Remedial Biology/ 5 10 1 Hr 15 35 1.5 Hrs 50
Remedial Mathematics –
BP107P Human Anatomy and 5 10 4 Hrs 15 35 4 Hrs 50
Physiology – Practical
BP108P Pharmaceutical Analysis – 5 10 4 Hrs 15 35 4 Hrs 50
BP109P Pharmaceutics I – Practical 5 10 4 Hrs 15 35 4 Hrs 50
BP110P Pharmaceutical Inorganic 5 10 4 Hrs 15 35 4 Hrs 50
Chemistry – Practical
BP111P Communication skills – 5 5 2 Hrs 10 15 2 Hrs 25
BP112P Remedial Biology – 5 5 2 Hrs 10 15 2 Hrs 25
75/ 125/ 24/ 26# 200/ 525/ 725/
Total 35#
80# 130# Hrs 210# 540# 750#
# Applicable ONLY for the students studied Mathematics / Physics / Chemistry at HSC and appearing for Remedial
Biology (RB)course.
* Non University Examination (NUE)
B.Pharm & B.Pharm + MBA : Semester II
B.Pharm & B.Pharm + MBA : Semester III
B.Pharm & B.Pharm + MBA : Semester IV
B.Pharm & B.Pharm + MBA : Semester V
Course code Name of the course Internal Assessment End Semester Exams Total
Contin Internal Assessment / Marks Duration
uous Mid term Exams
Mode Marks Duration Total
B.Pharm & B.Pharm + MBA : Semester VI
B.Pharm & B.Pharm + MBA : Semester VII
B.Pharm & B.Pharm + MBA : Semester VIII
Course Name of the course Internal Assessment / Mid term Exams End Semester Total
code Exams Marks
Continuou Sessional Exams Marks Duration
s Mode Marks Duration Total
BP801T Biostatistics and Research
10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Methodology – Theory
BP802T Social and Preventive
10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Pharmacy – Theory
Electives: Any Two
Elective I 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Semester IX (Only for B.Pharm+MBA Programme)
Course Name of the course Internal Assessment / Mid term Exams End Semester Total
code Exams Marks
Continuous Sessional Exams Marks Duration
Marks Duration Total
7281M010 Management
Programme III 25 00 NA 25 25 2 Hrs 50
(Corporates) ( 8
Human Resource
7281H006 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Brand and Product
7281B004 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7281S002 Sales Management 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7281F002 Management II (incl. 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Digital Applications)
7281S004 Sales Team
Management–Tech 15 10 0.5 Hr 25 25 1 Hr 50
7281D001 Doctor
Communications – 15 10 0.5 Hr 25 25 1 Hr 50
Tech Enabled
7281B007 Business Analytics
30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7281C008 Customer
Relationship 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7281C006 Consumer Behaviour 15 10 0.5 Hr 25 25 1 Hr 50
7281H006 Health Technology
15 10 0.5 Hr 25 25 1 Hr 50
7281B008 Leading Digital –
Turning Technology
into Business 15 10 0.5 Hr 25 25 1 Hr 50
Transformation (incl.
AI in Healthcare)
Digital Strategy in
7281D002 15 10 0.5 Hr 25 25 1 Hr 50
Pharma Industry
7281I001 Indian Ethos and
Business Ethics in 15 10 0.5 Hr 25 25 1 Hr 50
7281B008 Business Strategy
30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
340 210 10.5 550 550 23 1100
Semester X (Only for B.Pharm+MBA Programme)
3.1.2. Internal assessment: Continuous mode
The marks allocated for Continuous mode of Internal Assessment shall be awarded as per the scheme given
Table – II: Scheme for awarding internal assessment: Continuous mode (For Pharma subjects)
Criteria Maximum Marks
Attendance (Refer Table – III) 4
Academic activities (Average of any 3 activities e.g. quiz, assignment, open 3
book test, field work, group discussion and seminar)
Student – Teacher interaction 3
Total 10
Attendance (Refer Table –III) 2
Based on Practical Records, Regular viva voce, etc. 3
Total 5
Table – III: Guidelines for the allotment of marks for attendance (For Pharma subjects)
Percentage of Attendance Theory Practical
95 – 100 4 2
90 – 94 3 1.5
85 – 89 2 1
80 – 84 1 0.5
Less than 80 0 0
3.1.7. Regular/ Re-examination of end semester examinations
Regular/ Re-examination of end semester examination shall be conducted as per the schedule given in
table IV. The exact dates of examinations shall be notified from time to time.
i. Academic Progression:
1. No student shall be admitted to any examination unless he/she fulfills the norms given in Point
No.3.2 of Part-I. Academic progression rules are applicable as follows:
2. A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of I, II and III semesters till the IV
semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses of V semester
until all the courses of I and II semesters are successfully completed.
3. A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of III, IV and V semesters till the VI
semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses of VII semester
until all the courses of I, II, III and IV semesters are successfully completed.
4. A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of V, VI and VII semesters till the VIII
semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to get the course completion
certificate until all the courses of I, II, III, IV, V and VI semesters are successfully completed. \
5. For B.Pharm+MBA, a student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of V, VI and VII
semesters till the VIII semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the
courses of IX semester until all the courses of I, II, III, IV, V and VI semesters are successfully
6. For B.Pharm+MBA, a student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of VII, VIII and
IX semesters till the X semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to get the
course completion certificate until all the courses of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII semesters
are successfully completed.
7. A student shall be eligible to get his/her CGPA upon successful completion of the courses of I to
VIII / X semesters within the stipulated time period as per the norms specified in Point No. 3.1.20
of Part –II .
8. A lateral entry student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of III, IV and V semesters
till the VI semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses of
VII semester until all the courses of III and IV semesters are successfully completed.
9. A lateral entry student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of V, VI and VII semesters
till the VIII semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to get the course
completion certificate until all the courses of III, IV, V and VI semesters are successfully
10. A lateral entry student shall be eligible to get his/her CGPA upon successful completion of the
courses of III to VIII semesters within the stipulated time period as per the norms specified in 25.
11. Any student who has given more than 4 chances for successful completion of I / III semester
courses and more than 3 chances for successful completion of II / IV semester courses shall be
permitted to attend V / VII semester classes ONLY during the subsequent academic year as the
case may be. In simpler terms there shall NOT be any ODD BATCH for any semester.
Note: Grade AB should be considered as failed and treated as one head for deciding academic progression.
Such rules are also applicable for those students who fail to register for examination(s) of any course in any
1. Letter grades and grade points allocations:
Based on the performances, each student shall be awarded a final letter grade at the end of the
semester for each course. The letter grades and their corresponding grade points are given in Table
– V.
Table – V: Letter grades and grade points equivalent to Percentage of marks and performances
Percentage of Marks Obtained Letter Grade Grade Point Performance
90.00 – 100 O 10 Outstanding
80.00 – 89.99 A 9 Excellent
70.00 – 79.99 B 8 Good
60.00 – 69.99 C 7 Fair
50.00 – 59.99 D 6 Average
Less than 50 F 0 Fail
Absent AB 0 Fail
A learner who remains absent for any end semester examination shall be assigned a letter grade of AB and
a corresponding grade point of zero. He/she should reappear for the said evaluation/examination in due
The SGPA is calculated to two decimal points. It should be noted that, the SGPA for any semester shall
take into consideration the F and ABS grade awarded in that semester. For example if a learner has a F
or ABS grade in course 4, the SGPA shall then be computed as:
C1G1 + C2G2 + C3G3 + C4* ZERO + C5G5
SGPA = ----------------------------------------------------------
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4+ C5
iv. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
The CGPA is calculated with the SGPA of all the VIII semesters to two decimal points and is indicated
in final grade report card/final transcript showing the grades of all VIII semesters and their courses. The
CGPA shall reflect the failed status in case of F grade(s), till the course(s) is/are passed. When the
course(s) is/are passed by obtaining a pass grade on subsequent examination(s) the CGPA shall only
reflect the new grade and not the fail grades earned earlier. The CGPA is calculated as:
where C1, C2, C3,…. is the total number of credits for semester I,II,III,…. and S1,S2, S3,….is the SGPA
of semester I,II,III,…. .
v. Declaration of class
The class shall be awarded on the basis of CGPA as follows:
First Class with Distinction = CGPA of. 7.50 and above
First Class = CGPA of 6.00 to 7.49
Second Class = CGPA of 5.00 to 5.99
Evaluation of Presentation:
Presentation of work 25 Marks
Communication skills 20 Marks
Question and answer skills 30 Marks
Total 75 Marks
Explanation: The 75 marks assigned to the dissertation book shall be same for all the students in a group.
However, the 75 marks assigned for presentation shall be awarded based on the performance of individual
students in the given criteria.
At the end of the practice school, every student shall submit a printed report (in triplicate) on the practice
school he/she attended (not more than 25 pages). Along with the exams of semester VII, the report
submitted by the student, knowledge and skills acquired by the student through practice school shall be
evaluated by the subject experts at college level and grade point shall be awarded.
3.2. M.Pharm/ M.Pharm + MBA (PT & HCM)
The scheme for Internal Assessment and End Semester Examinations is given in Table-VI to IX.
3.2.1. End semester examinations
The End Semester Examinations for each theory and practical course through semesters I to IV/ I to
VI shall be conducted by the respective university except for the subject with asterix symbol (*) in
table VI to IX for which examinations shall be conducted by the subject experts at college level and
the marks/grades shall be submitted to the university.
Tables VI. Schemes for internal assessments and end semester examination
M Pharm (Industrial Pharmacy) & M Pharm (Industrial Pharmacy) +MBA (PT & HCM)
Semester I
End Semester
Internal Assessment
Course code Exams Total
Name of the course
Continuous Sessional Exams Marks
Total Marks Duration
Mode Marks Duration
MPA101T Modern 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Analytical Techniques
MIP101T Pharmaceutical 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
MIP102T Novel Drug Delivery 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
MIP103T Intellectual Property 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
MIP104P Industrial Pharmacy 20 30 6 Hrs 50 100 6 Hrs 150
Practicals - I
7289MPS001 Seminar/Assignment 100 - - 100 - - 100
7289ABP002 Pharma Selling 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Process, PSS &
7289ABP001 Pharma Environment* 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7289ABB004 Business Economics* 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7289ABS002 Statistics for 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Management incl.
Advanced Excel*
M Pharm (Industrial Pharmacy) &M Pharm (Industrial Pharmacy) +MBA (PT &HCM)
Semester II
M Pharm (Pharmaceutics) & M Pharm (Pharmaceutics) + MBA (PT & HCM)
Semester I
Course code Name of the course Internal Assessment End Semester Total
Exams Marks
M Pharm (Pharmaceutics) & M Pharm (Pharmaceutics) + MBA (PT+HCM)
Semester II
Course code Name of the course Internal Assessment End Semester Total
Exams Marks
Continuous Sessional Exams Total Marks Duration
Marks Duration
M Pharm (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance) / M Pharm (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance) + MBA (PT
& HCM)
Semester I
Course code Name of the course Internal Assessment End Semester Total
Exams Marks
M Pharm (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance) &M Pharm (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance) + MBA
(PT & HCM)
Semester II
Course code Name of the course Internal Assessment End Semester Total
Exams Marks
Continuous Sessional Exams Total Marks Duration
Mode Marks Duration
MQA201T Hazards and Safety 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
MQA202T Pharmaceutical Validation 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
MQA203T Audits and Regulatory 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
MQA204T Pharmaceutical 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
MQA205P Pharmaceutical Quality 20 30 6 Hrs 50 100 6 Hrs 150
Assurance Practical - II
7289MPS002 Seminar/Assignment 100 - - 100 - - 100
Health Insurance & 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Hospital Management*
7289ABL003 Logistics & Supply Chain 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Management incl.
Analytics & E-
7289ABM001 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Marketing Management*
7289ABP005 Professional 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
M Pharm (Pharmaceutical Technology)&M Pharm (Pharmaceutical Technology) +MBA (PT & HCM)
Semester I
Course code Name of the course Internal Assessment End Semester Total
Exams Mark
Continuo Sessional Exams Tota Mark Duratio s
us Mode Mark Duratio l s n
s n
MPT101T Drug Regulatory 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Affairs & Quality
MPA101T Modern 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
MPT102T Pharmaceutical 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Product Development
MPT103T Advances in Drug 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
MPT104P Pharmaceutical 20 30 6 Hrs 50 100 6 Hrs 150
Practical - I
7289MPS001 Seminar/Assignment 100 - - 100 - - 100
Pharma Selling 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7289ABP002 Process, PSS &
Pharma 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7289ABB004 Business Economics* 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Statistics for 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7289ABS002 Management incl.
Advanced Excel*
Total of M.Pharm 160 90 10 250 400 18 650
M Pharm (Pharmaceutical Technology)&M Pharm (Pharmaceutical Technology) +MBA (PT & HCM)
Semester II
Course code Name of the course Internal Assessment End Semester Total
Exams Marks
Continuous Sessional Exams Total Marks Duration
Mode Marks Duration
MPT201T Advanced 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Biopharmaceutics &
MPT202T Pharmaceutical 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
MPT203T Advances in Medical 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
MPT204T Quality By Design in 5 10 1 Hr 15 35 2 Hrs 50
MPT205T Pharmacoeconomics 5 10 1 Hr 15 35 2 Hrs 50
MPT206P Pharmaceutical 20 30 6 Hrs 50 100 6 Hrs 150
Practical - II
7289MPS002 Seminar/Assignment 100 - - 100 - - 100
7289ABH001 Health Insurance & 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7289ABL003 Logistics & Supply 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Chain Management
incl. Analytics & E-
7289ABM001 Marketing 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Management *
7289ABP005 Professional 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Tables VII: Schemes for internal assessments and end semester examination
M.Pharm & M Pharm+MBA (PT & HCM)
Semester III
• For Sem III :
o Pharmacy courses have same nomenclature and assessment pattern for all the specialisations but
students study these courses in the domain of their specialisations.
o Management courses are same for all the specialisations.
Course Code Name of the course Internal Assessment End Semester Total
Exams Marks
Continuo Sessional Exams Total Marks Duration
us Mode Marks Duration
7289ABM001 Management
25 00 NA 25 0 1 Hrs 25
Programme I
(Hospitals) *
7289ABM002 Management
25 00 NA 25 0 1 Hrs 25
Programme II
7289MPR004 Research 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Methodology &
7289MPJ001 Journal Club - - - 25 - - 25
7289MPD003 Discussion / - - - 50 - - 50
7289MPR002 Research Work - - - - 350 1Hr 350
7289ABO005 Operations Research* 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7289ABF002 Financial 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Management I*
7289ABI001 Indian Ethos and 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Business Ethics in
Total of M.Pharm 60 15 1 150 425 6 575
Total of
M.Pharm+MBA 150 75 4 300 575 12 875
* Subject only for MPharm + MBA
**The subject expert at school level shall conduct examination
M.Pharm & M Pharm+MBA (PT & HCM)
Semester IV
• For Sem IV :
o Pharmacy courses have same nomenclature and assessment pattern for all the specialisations but
students study these courses in the domain of their specialisations.
o Management courses are same for all the specialisations.
Total of
120 80 4 325 600 8 925
Tables VIII : Schemes for internal assessments and end semester examination
M Pharm+MBA (PT & HCM)
( Common for all specialisations)
Semester V
Course Code Name of the course Internal Assessment End Total
Semester Marks
Contin Sessional Exams Total Marks Duration
uous Marks Duration
7289ABM003 Management Internship
25 - - 25 25 2 Hrs 50
Programme (Corporates)
Human Resource 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Brand and Product 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Sales Management incl. 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Data Analytics
Business Strategy 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7289ABE002 Entrepreneurship & New 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Ventures in Healthcare*
7289ABP001 Patient Engagement – 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
7289ABO002 Operations Management & 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7289ABF004 Financial Management II 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
with Digital Applications
7289ABI003 Introduction to 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Management Consulting
7289ABP002 Pricing Strategy 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
7289ABS004 Sales Team Management – 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
Tech Enabled
7289MPD004 Doctor Communications – 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
Tech Enabled
7289ABB009 Business Analytics 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7289ABC003 Customer Relationship 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
Elective I 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
List of Electives ( Choose
any 1)
Consumer Behaviour
7289ABH003 Health Technology
Tables IX : Schemes for internal assessments and end semester examination
M Pharm+MBA (PT & HCM)
( Common for all specialisations)
Semester VI
Course Code Name of the course Internal Assessment End Semester Total
Exams Marks
Continu Sessional Exams Total Marks Durati
ous Marks Duration on
Healthcare Policy & 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
Laws Relevant to
Pharmaceutical Industry
7289ABL001 30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
incl. Cyber Laws &
7289ABP003 Predictive & Prescriptive
30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
7289ABF005 Financial Analysis
30 20 1 Hr 50 50 2 Hrs 100
Planning & Control
7289ABL004 Leading Digital –Turning 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
Technology into
Business Transformation
(incl. AI in Healthcare)
7289MPD005 Digital Strategy in 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
Pharma Industry
Elective I 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
Elective II 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
Elective III 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
Elective IV 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
Elective V 20 15 1 Hr 25 25 2 Hrs 50
List of Electives ( Choose any 5)
7289ABI002 International Marketing
Quantitative Techniques
7289ABQ002 for Forecasting &
Decision Making
Marketing of OTC /
Corporate Social
Marketing of Biosimilars
& Specialty Products
7289ABM007 Marketing of Medical
7289ABM008 Marketing of Diagnostics
7289ABM009 Marketing of Active
7289ABM010 Marketing of
Total of
250 180 11 350 350 22 700
3.2.2. Internal Assessment: Continuous mode
The marks allocated for Continuous mode of Internal Assessment shall be awarded as per the scheme given below.
Table X. Scheme for awarding internal assessment: Continuous mode
Criteria Maximum Marks
Attendance (Refer Table – XI) 8
Student – Teacher interaction 2
Total 10
Attendance (Refer Table – XI) 10
Based on Practical Records, Regular viva voce, etc. 10
Total 20
3.2.3. Seminar
Each student has to deliver 5 Seminars in a semester. Each Seminar will carry 20 marks. The student in consultation with
concerned faculty will finalise the topic for Seminar. The total marks obtained in 5 seminars will be the basis for internal
assessment marks.
3.2.8. Improvement of internal assessment A student shall have the opportunity to improve his/her performance only once in the sessional exam component
of the internal assessment. The re-conduct of the sessional exam shall be completed before the commencement of
next end semester theory examinations.
*Re-examination for Semester III courses will be conducted immediately after result declaration of regular
examination of Semester III
3.2.10. Allowed to keep terms (ATKT): No student shall be admitted to any examination unless he/she fulfils the norms given in ATTENDANCE
CRITERIA.(Refer point no. 3.2) A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of I and II semesters till the III semester examinations.
However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses of IV semester until all the courses of I, II and III
semesters are successfully completed. In case of M.Pharm+MBA, a student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of semester IV and V till
the semester VI examinations and Re-exams will be scheduled at appropriate time. A student shall be eligible to get his/her CGPA upon successful completion of the courses of I to IV semesters
within the stipulated time period as per the norms. For M.Pharm+MBA, student shall be eligible to get his/her CGPA upon successful completion of the courses
of I to VI semesters within the stipulated time period as per the norms.
Note : 1) The amendment in the Allowed to keep terms (ATKT) will be declared in due course of time
2 ) Grade AB should be considered as failed and treated as one head for deciding ATKT. Such rules are also
applicable for those students who fail to register for examination(s) of any course in any semester.
A learner who remains absent for any end semester examination shall be assigned a letter grade of AB and a corresponding grade
point of zero. He/she should reappear for the said evaluation/examination in due course.
3.2.12. The Semester grade point average (SGPA)
The performance of a student in a semester is indicated by a number called ‘Semester Grade Point Average’ (SGPA). The
SGPA is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses by the student during the semester. For example,
if a student takes five courses (Theory/Practical) in a semester with credits C1, C2, C3 and C4 and the student’s grade points
in these courses are G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively, and then students’ SGPA is equal to:
C1G1 + C2G2 + C3G3 + C4G4
SGPA = --------------------------------------------------
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4
The SGPA is calculated to two decimal points. It should be noted that, the SGPA for any semester shall take into
consideration the F and ABS grade awarded in that semester. For example, if a learner has a F or ABS grade in course 4, the
SGPA shall then be computed as:
C1G1 + C2G2 + C3G3 + C4* ZERO
SGPA = ----------------------------------------------------------
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4
Evaluation of Presentation:
Presentation of work 100 Marks
Communication skills 50 Marks
Question and answer skills 100 Marks
Total 250 Marks
The guidelines for awarding credit points for Co-curricular Activities are as below:
Name of the Activity Maximum
Credit Points
Eligible/ Activity
Participation in National Level 01
Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Symposium/Training Programs (related to
specialization of the student)
Participation in international Level 02
Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Symposium/Training Programs (related to
specialization of the student)
Academic Award/Research award from State Level/National Agencies 01
Academic Award/Research award International Agencies 02
Research/Review Publication in National Journals (Indexed in Scopus/ Web of 01
Research/Review Publication in International Journals (Indexed in Scopus/ Web 02
of Science)
Note : International Conference : Held outside India
International Journal: The Editorial Board outside India
The credit points assigned for extracurricular or co-curricular activities shall be given by the Dean of the school. The
criteria to acquire these credit points will be defined by the school from time to time.
Presentation in class
Presentations form an integral part of the internal marks (major presentation and minor presentation) submitted at the
end of the semester. The presentations can be conducted in a group or individually.
Sessional /Mid- term examination
One midterm exam would be conducted in a semester.
Evaluation Weightage
There shall be an examination for Diploma in Pharmacy (Part –I) to examine students of the first year course and an
examination for Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-II) to examine students of the second year course.
Each examination may be held twice every year. The first examination in a year shall be the annual examination and the
second examination shall be supplementary examination of the Diploma in Pharmacy (Part –I) or Diploma in Pharmacy
(Part –II), as the case may be.
The examinations shall be of written and practical (including oral) nature, carrying maximum marks for each part of a
Each subject shall comprise of 80 marks term end exam and 20 marks sessional examination.
Eligibility for appearing at the Diploma in Pharmacy Part –I examination:
Student who has undergone the Diploma in Pharmacy Part –I course, in proof of his /her having regularly and
satisfactorily undergone the course of study by attending not less than 80% of the classes held both in theory and in
practical separately in each subject shall be eligible for appearing at the Diploma in Pharmacy (Part –I) examination.
Mode of examinations:
1. Each theory and practical examination in the subjects shall be of three hours duration.
2. A Candidate who fails in theory or practical examination of a subject shall re-appear in such theory or practical paper
as the case may be.
3. Practical examination shall also consist of a viva –voce (Oral) examination.
The candidates securing 60% marks or above in aggregate in all subjects in a first attempt at the Diploma in Pharmacy
(Part –I) or Diploma in Pharmacy (Part –II) examinations shall be declared to have passed in first class the Diploma in
Pharmacy (Part –I) or Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-II) examinations, as the case may be. In exceptional cases, only those
students who remain absent during the regular term-end examination on medical ground and is required to appear for
any re-examination and score minimum 60% of marks aggregate of all subjects may be awarded with First class.
Candidates securing 75% marks or above in any subject or subjects shall be declared to have passed with distinction in
the subject or those subjects provided he/she passes in all the subjects in first attempt. In exceptional cases, only those
students who remain absent during the regular term-end examination on medical ground and is required to appear for
any re-examination and score minimum 75% of marks in any of subject/s (theory + practical) may be awarded with
theory. The sessional of practicals can be improved by appearing in additional practical examinations. Marks awarded
to a candidate for day to day assessment in the practical class cannot be improved unless he /she attends a regular course
of study again.
Period and other conditions for Practical Training
1. After having appeared in Part-II examination for the Diploma in Pharmacy, conducted by university, a candidate
shall be eligible to undergo practical training in one or more of the following institutions namely:
i. Hospitals/Dispensaries run by Central State Governments/Municipal Corporation/Central Government Health
Scheme and Employees State Insurance Scheme.
ii. A Pharmacy, Chemist and Druggist licensed under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 made under the Drugs
and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940)
2. The institutions referred in sub-regulation (1) shall be eligible to impart training subject to the condition that the
number of student pharmacists that may be taken in any hospital, pharmacy, chemist and druggist licensed under {he
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 made under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 shall not exceed two where there
is one registered pharmacist engaged in ih work in which the student pharmacist is undergoing practical training.
where there is more than one registered pharmacist similarly engaged, the number shall not exceed one for each
additional such registered pharmacist.
3. Hospital and Dispensary other than those specified in sub-regulation (1) for the purpose of giving practical training
shall have to be recognized by Pharmacy Council of India on fulfilling the conditions specified in Appendix-D to
education regulations 91.
5. The practical training shall be not less than five hundred hours spread over a period of not less than three months,
provided that not less than two hundred and fifty hours are devoted to actual dispensing of prescriptions.
3.4.12. Examinations/Assessments The schemes for internal assessment and end semester examinations are given in Table XIV. The End Semester Examinations for each theory and practical course through semesters I to II and final viva voce
of thesis work shall be conducted by the university.
Table XIV: Scheme for Internal assessment and end semester examinations or Pre Ph.D.
Name of the course Internal Assessment End Semester Exams Total
Continuous Internal Exams Total Marks Duration Marks
Mode Marks Duration
Semester I
Biostatistics 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Research Methodology 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Special subject 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Soft skills# - 50 - 50 - 100
Total 400
Semester II
Intellectual Property 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Pharmaceutical 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Sciences - Practicals
Literature review - 25 - 25 75 1 Hr 100
Special subject 10 15 1 Hr 25 75 3 Hrs 100
Total 400
# Non university examination. Passing is compulsory
• Each case study will be of 10 Marks with minimum 15 minutes duration presentation.
• The concerned faculty members should document the details of case study.
• The internal marks will be calculated out of 10, based on marks obtained in five case studies.
Special Subject –
• Five seminars per student in special subject will be conducted as continuous assessment.
• Each seminar will be of 10 Marks and minimum 15 minutes duration.
• The topic of seminar will be finalised well in advance so that student will get sufficient time for preparation.
• The concerned faculty members should document the details of seminar/case study.
• The internal marks will be calculated out of 10, based on marks obtained in five seminars.
4. Course Structures & Guidelines of all programmes
Second Year
Semester III
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Semester IV
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry III – Theory 60 4
Medicinal Chemistry I – Theory 60 4
Physical Pharmaceutics II – Theory 60 4
Pharmacology I – Theory 60 4
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry I – Theory 60 4
Medicinal Chemistry I – Practical 60 2
Physical Pharmaceutics II – Practical 60 2
Pharmacology I – Practical 60 2
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry I – Practical 60 2
Third Year
Semester V
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry II – Theory 60 4
Industrial Pharmacy I – Theory 60 4
Pharmacology II – Theory 60 4
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry II – Theory 60 4
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence – Theory 60 4
Industrial Pharmacy I – Practical 60 2
Pharmacology II – Practical 60 2
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry II – Practical 60 2
Technical Writing and Publication I 22.5 1.5
Semester VI
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry III – Theory 60 4
Pharmacology III – Theory 60 4
Herbal Drug Technology – Theory 60 4
Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics – Theory 60 4
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology – Theory 60 4
Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance - Theory 60 4
Medicinal Chemistry III – Practical 60 2
Pharmacology III – Practical 60 2
Herbal Drug Technology – Practical 60 2
Technical Writing and Publication II 22.5 1.5
Fourth Year
Semester VII
Semester VIII
Area Subject Credits
Biostatistics and Research Methodology - Theory 60 4
Social and Preventive Pharmacy - Theory 60 4
Elective 1 60 4
Elective 2 60 4
Project Work 180 6
• Pharmaceutical Marketing Management - Theory
• Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science – Theory
Pharmacy • Pharmacovigilance – Theory
• Quality Control and Standardization of Herbals –
• Computer Aided Drug Design – Theory
• Cell and Molecular Biology – Theory
• Cosmetic Science – Theory
• Pharmacological Screening Methods – Theory
• Advanced Instrumentation Techniques – Theory
• Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals - Theory
• Pharmaceutical Product Development – Theory
Bachelor of Pharmacy + MBA – 5 years Programme
First Year
Semester I
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Human Anatomy and Physiology I – Theory 60 4
Pharmaceutical Analysis – Theory 60 4
Pharmaceutics I – Theory 60 4
Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry – Theory 60 4
Communication skills – Theory* 30 2
Remedial Biology – Theory* 30 2
Pharmacy Remedial Mathematics – Theory* 30 2
Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Practical 60 2
Pharmaceutical Analysis – Practical 60 2
Pharmaceutics I – Practical 60 2
Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry – Practical 60 2
Communication skills – Practical* 30 1
Remedial Biology – Practical* 30 1
*Non University Examination
Semester II
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Human Anatomy and Physiology II – Theory 60 4
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I – Theory 60 4
Biochemistry - Theory 60 4
Pathophysiology – Theory 60 4
Pharmacy Computer Applications in Pharmacy – Theory* 45 3
Environmental sciences – Theory* 45 3
Human Anatomy and Physiology II – Practical 60 2
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I – Practical 60 2
Biochemistry – Practical 60 2
Computer Applications in Pharmacy – Practical* 30 1
*Non University Examination
Second Year
Semester III
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II – Theory 60 4
Physical Pharmaceutics I – Theory 60 4
Pharmaceutical Microbiology – Theory 60 4
Pharmaceutical Engineering – Theory 60 4
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II – Practical 60 2
Physical Pharmaceutics I – Practical 60 2
Pharmaceutical Microbiology – Practical 60 2
Pharmaceutical Engineering – Practical 60 2
Semester IV
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry III – Theory 60 4
Medicinal Chemistry I – Theory 60 4
Physical Pharmaceutics II – Theory 60 4
Pharmacology I – Theory 60 4
Pharmacy Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry I – Theory 60 4
Medicinal Chemistry I – Practical 60 2
Physical Pharmaceutics II – Practical 60 2
Pharmacology I – Practical 60 2
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry I – Practical 60 2
Third Year
Semester V
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Medicinal Chemistry II – Theory 60 4
Industrial Pharmacy I – Theory 60 4
Pharmacology II – Theory 60 4
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry II – Theory 60 4
Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence – Theory 60 4
Industrial Pharmacy I – Practical 60 2
Pharmacology II – Practical 60 2
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry II – Practical 60 2
Technical Writing and Publication I 22.5 1.5
Management Pharma Environment 30 2
Statistics for Management 30 2
Semester VI
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Medicinal Chemistry III – Theory 60 4
Pharmacology III – Theory 60 4
Herbal Drug Technology – Theory 60 4
Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics – Theory 60 4
Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Biotechnology – Theory 60 4
Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance - Theory 60 4
Medicinal Chemistry III – Practical 60 2
Pharmacology III – Practical 60 2
Herbal Drug Technology – Practical 60 2
Technical Writing and Publication II 22.5 1.5
Management Pharma Selling Process, PSS & KAM 30 2
Operations Research 30 2
Fourth Year
Semester VII
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Management Internship Programme (MIP-I &II) Hospital
336 8
& Retailers
Instrumental Methods of Analysis – Theory 60 4
Industrial Pharmacy II – Theory 60 4
Pharmacy Pharmacy Practice – Theory 60 4
Novel Drug Delivery Systems – Theory 60 4
Instrumental Methods of Analysis – Practical 60 2
Practice School* 180 6
Marketing Management 15 1
Management Business Economics 30 2
Financial Management I 30 2
Health Insurance & Hospital Management 30 2
*Non University Examination
Semester VIII
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Biostatistics and Research Methodology - Theory 60 4
Pharmacy Social and Preventive Pharmacy - Theory 60 4
Project Work 180 6
Operations Management & Strategy 30 2
Organizational Behavior 30 2
Marketing Research Methodology including Advanced
Statistical Tools 30 2
Project Management 30 2
Management Life Skills (Soft Skill & Employability) 30 2
Brand Plan for Pharma Products 30 2
Elective 1 60 4
Pharmacy Elective 2 60 4
• Pharmaceutical Marketing Management - Theory
• Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science – Theory
• Pharmacovigilance – Theory
• Quality Control and Standardization of Herbals – Theory
Pharmacy • Computer Aided Drug Design – Theory
• Cell and Molecular Biology – Theory
• Cosmetic Science – Theory
• Pharmacological Screening Methods – Theory
• Advanced Instrumentation Techniques – Theory
• Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals - Theory
• Pharmaceutical Product Development – Theory
Fifth Year
Semester IX
Total Credits
Area Subject
Management Internship Programme III (Corporates) 336 8
Human Resource Management 30 2
Brand and Product Management 30 2
Sales Management including Data Analytics 30 2
Financial Management II (incl. Digital Applications) 30 2
Patient Engagement – Digital 15 1
Sales Team Management–Tech Enabled 15 1
Doctor Communications – Tech Enabled 15 1
Business Analytics (Base+Visual) 30 2
Customer Relationship Management 30 2
Consumer Behaviour 15 1
Health Technology Assessment 15 1
Leading Digital –Turning Technology into Business
Transformation (incl. AI in Healthcare) 15
Digital Strategy in Pharma Industry 15 1
Indian Ethos and Business Ethics in Pharma 15 1
Business Strategy Management 30 2
Semester X
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics)
First Year
Semester I
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques 60 4
Drug Delivery Systems 60 4
Pharmacy Modern Pharmaceutics 60 4
Regulatory Affairs 60 4
Pharmaceutics Practicals - I 180 6
Seminar / Assignment 105 4
Semester II
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Molecular Pharmaceutics (Nano Technology &
60 4
Targeted DDS)
Advanced Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics 60 4
Computer Aided Drug Development 60 4
Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals 60 4
Pharmaceutics Practicals - II 180 6
Seminar / Assignment 105 4
Professional Communication 30 0
Second Year
Semester III
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Research Methodology & Biostatistics* 60 4
Journal Club 15 1
Discussion / Presentation (Proposal Presentation) 30 2
Research Work* 420 14
*Non University Examination
Semester IV
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Journal Club 15 1
Pharmacy Discussion / Final Presentation 45 3
Research Work and Colloquium 465 16
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance)
First Year
Semester I
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques 60 4
Quality Management Systems 60 4
Quality Control and Quality Assurance 60 4
Product Development and Technology Transfer 60 4
Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Practical - I 180 6
Seminar/Assignment 105 4
Semester II
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Hazards and Safety Management 60 4
Pharmaceutical Validation 60 4
Audits and Regulatory Compliance 60 4
Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology 60 4
Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Practical - II 180 6
Professional Communication 30 0
Seminar/Assignment 105 4
Second Year
Semester III
Semester IV
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Journal Club 15 1
Pharmacy Discussion / Final Presentation 45 3
Research Work and Colloquium 465 16
First Year
Semester I
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Drug Regulatory Affairs & Quality Systems 60 4
Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques 60 4
Pharmaceutical Product Development 60 4
Advances in Drug Delivery 60 4
Pharmaceutical Technology Practical - I 180 6
Seminar/Assignment 105 4
Semester II
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Advanced Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics 60 4
Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology 60 4
Advances in Medical Devices 60 4
Quality By Design in Pharmaceuticals 30 2
Pharmacoeconomics 30 2
Pharmaceutical Technology Practical - II 180 6
Professional Communication 30 0
Seminar/Assignment 105 4
Second Year
Semester III
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Research Methodology & Biostatistics* 60 4
Journal Club 15 1
Discussion / Presentation (Proposal Presentation) 30 2
Research Work* 420 14
*Non University Examination
Semester IV
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Journal Club 15 1
Pharmacy Discussion / Final Presentation 45 3
Research Work and Colloquium 465 16
M.Pharm. (Industrial Pharmacy)
First Year
Semester I
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Semester II
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Second Year
Semester III
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Research Methodology & Biostatistics* 60 4
Journal Club 15 1
Discussion / Presentation (Proposal Presentation) 30 2
Research Work* 420 14
* Non University Examination
Semester IV
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Journal Club 15 1
Pharmacy Discussion / Final Presentation 45 3
Research Work and Colloquium 465 16
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) + MBA (Pharmaceutical Technology & Healthcare Management)
First Year
Semester I
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Semester II
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance) + MBA (Pharmaceutical Technology & Healthcare
First Year
Semester I
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques 60 4
Quality Management Systems 60 4
Quality Control and Quality Assurance 60 4
Product Development and Technology Transfer 60 4
Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Practical - I 180 6
Seminar/Assignment 105 4
Pharma Selling Process, PSS & KAM 30 2
Pharma Environment 30 2
Business Economics 30 2
Statistics for Management incl. Advanced Excel 30 2
Semester II
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Hazards and Safety Management 60 4
Pharmaceutical Validation 60 4
Audits and Regulatory Compliance 60 4
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology 60 4
Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Practical - II 180 6
Seminar/Assignment 105 4
Health Insurance & Hospital Management 30 2
Logistics & Supply Chain Management incl.
30 2
Management Analytics & E-pharmacies
Marketing Management 30 2
Professional Communication 30 2
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Technology) + MBA (Pharmaceutical Technology & Healthcare Management)
First Year
Semester I
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Drug Regulatory Affairs & Quality Systems 60 4
Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques 60 4
Pharmaceutical Product Development 60 4
Advances in Drug Delivery 60 4
Pharmaceutical Technology Practical - I 180 6
Seminar/Assignment 105 4
Pharma Selling Process, PSS & KAM 30 2
Pharma Environment 30 2
Business Economics 30 2
Statistics for Management incl. Advanced Excel 30 2
Semester II
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Advanced Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics 60 4
Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology 60 4
Advances in Medical Devices 60 4
Pharmacy Quality By Design in Pharmaceuticals 30 2
Pharmacoeconomics 30 2
Pharmaceutical Technology Practical - II 180 6
Seminar/Assignment 105 4
Health Insurance & Hospital Management 30 2
Logistics & Supply Chain Management incl.
30 2
Management Analytics & E-pharmacies
Marketing Management 30 2
Professional Communication 30 2
M.Pharm. (Industrial Pharmacy) + MBA (Pharmaceutical Technology & Healthcare Management)
First Year
Semester I
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques 60 4
Pharmaceutical Formulation Development 60 4
Novel Drug Delivery Systems 60 4
Intellectual Property Rights 60 4
Industrial Pharmacy Practicals - I 180 6
Seminar / Assignment 105 4
Pharma Selling Process, PSS & KAM 30 2
Pharma Environment 30 2
Business Economics 30 2
Statistics for Management incl. Advanced Excel 30 2
Semester II
Area Subject Total Hrs. Credits
Advanced Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics 60 4
Scale up and Technology Transfer 60 4
Pharmaceutical Production Technology 60 4
Entrepreneurship Management 60 4
Industrial Pharmacy Practicals - II 180 6
Seminar / Assignment 105 4
Health Insurance & Hospital Management 30 2
Logistics & Supply Chain Management incl.
30 2
Management Analytics & E-pharmacies
Marketing Management 30 2
Professional Communication 30 2
Second Year
Semester III
Journal Club 15 1
Discussion / Presentation (Proposal Presentation) 30 2
Research Work* 420 14
Operations Research 30 2
Management Financial Management I 30 2
Indian Ethos and Business Ethics in Pharma 30 2
* Non University Examination
Semester IV
Journal Club 15 1
Third Year (common for all M. Pharm +MBA -Specializations)
Semester V
Pricing Strategy 15 1
Elective - 1 15 1
Consumer Behaviour
Semester VI
Total Credits
Area Subject
Healthcare Policy & Management 15 1
Laws Relevant to Pharmaceutical Industry incl. Cyber Laws
30 2
& Security
Predictive & Prescriptive Analytics 30 2
Financial Analysis Planning & Control 30 2
Leading Digital –Turning Technology into Business
15 1
Transformation (incl. AI in Healthcare)
Digital Strategy in Pharma Industry 15 1
Elective - 1 15 1
Elective – 2 15 1
Elective – 3 15 1
Elective – 4 15 1
Management Elective – 5 15 1
List of Electives (Any 5)
International Marketing
Quantitative Techniques for Forecasting & Decision Making
Marketing of OTC / Nutraceuticals
Corporate Social Responsibility
Marketing of Biosimilars & Specialty Products
Marketing of Medical Devices
Marketing of Diagnostics
Marketing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Marketing of Cosmeceuticals
Pre-PhD Course Structure
Semester I
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology I
Pharmacognosy I
Paper 4 Soft skills# 15 Non Credits
Semester II
*Each student has to opt for one special subject related with his/her post graduate specialization.
**Each student will have to do extensive literature search during the semester which will lead to literature review. The review
should be pertaining to the area in which they propose to undertake research. The literature review should culminate in the
publication of atleast one review article.
# Non university examination. Passing is compulsory
Pharmaceutical Chemistry –I 75 75
Pharmacognosy 75 75
Pharmaceutical Analysis 50 0
Computer Science 30
Soft Skill Training 30
4.2 List of Awards (Provisional List) if applicable: NA
4.3 People you should know
University Administration
Name Designation
Dr. Ramesh Bhat Officiating Vice Chancellor
Dr. Sharad Mhaiskar Pro Vice Chancellor
Dr. Subhajyoti Ray Pro Vice Chancellor
Dr. Meena Chintamaneni Registrar
Ms. Shobha Pai Director (Placements)
Mr. Manish Dalmia Director (Marketing)
Ms. Khyati Bhatt Jt. Registrar (HR & Personnel)
Ms. Jayanti Ramesh Jt. Registrar (Admission)
Ms. Vandana Kushte Deputy Registrar (Academics)
Mr. Paramanand Rajwar Deputy Registrar (Administration)
School Administration
Name of the faculty Designation Qualification
Mr. Ram Shelat Associate Professor M.Sc., Diploma in Business
Management, Certificate course in
Marketing Management
Dr. Manish Adhia Associate Professor B.Sc, MMS, Ph.D
Dr. Khushwant Yadav Associate Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D., PDF
Dr. Saritha Shetty Associate Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Dr. Ginpreet Khurana Associate Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni Associate Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Dr. Surendra Agrawal Associate Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Dr. Kalyani Barve Associate Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Dr. Sarika Wairkar Associate Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Dr. Amisha Vora Assistant Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Dr. Maushmi Kumar Assistant Professor B.Pharm. M.Tech. (Bioprocess
Technology), Ph.D.
Dr. Divya Suares Assistant Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Dr. Archana Upadhya Assistant Professor B.Pharm., M.Sc. (Tech) (Bioprocess
Technology), Ph.D
Dr. Haresh Raulgaonkar Assistant Professor B.E., MMM, Ph.D
Dr. Kavita Singh Assistant Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Ms. Anshul Garg Assistant Professor MBA
Ms. Namita Hegde Assistant Professor M.Pharm.
Dr. Kapil Juvale Assistant Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D., PDF
Dr. Priyanka Prabhu Assistant Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Dr. Harish Kundaikar Assistant Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Dr. Ashish Kanhed Assistant Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D., PDF
Dr. Bappaditya Chatterjee Assistant Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Dr. Mital Patel Assistant Professor M.Pharm., Ph.D.
Mr. Sandip Auti Lecturer M.Pharm.
Ms. Anjali Takke Lecturer M.Pharm.
Ms. Shweta Mishra Lecturer M.Pharm.
B) Administration:
Name Designation
Dr. Bala Prabhakar Dean
Ms. Jasbir Saluja Deputy Registrar
Mr. Swapnil Khedkar Assistant Registrar
Ms. Manisha Kurhade Assistant Registrar
Ms. Manali Pawar Head Clerk
Ms. Indrayani Gaikwad Secretary
Ms. Ashwini Chendekar Coordinator
Name Designation
Mr. Manoj Jagtap Assistant Accounts
Ms. Mansi Talgaonkar Assistant
Mr. Mangesh Lanjekar Assistant
Mr. Rajendra Waghe Assistant
Ms. Ruchita Raorane Assistant
Ms. Purva Kudtarkar Jr. Assistant
Ms. Rajashri Sukhthankar Typist cum Clerk
Ms. Swati Chavan Receptionist
Placement Cell
Mr. Sunil Chaturvedi Director (Pharma Network)
Ms. Rachna Kacker Placement Executive
Ms. Pooja Dillikar Placement Assistant
Ms. Meghana Desai Assistant Librarian
Ms. Aparna Sawant Library Assistant
Central Instrumentation Laboratory
Ms. Geeta Pai Instrumentation Lab Technician
Mr. Eknath Gadekar Laboratory Technician
Animal House
Dr. Shailesh Khade Veterinarian
Ms. Kavita Nitore Laboratory Assistant cum Store- keeper
Mr. Sameer Sakpal Assistant Store- keeper
Laboratory staff
Ms. Mansi Rane Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Kashinath Rane Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Shailesh Indulkar Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Indrajit Kawale Laboratory Assistant
Ms. Manasi Gurav Laboratory Assistant
Ms. Mira Parekh Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Vikas Kadam Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Ramesh Pachupate Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Ravindra Davade Laboratory Assistant
Ms. Poonam Sarang Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Vaibhav Jadhav Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Subhash Gulekar Laboratory Assistant
Ms. Varsharanee Jadhav Laboratory Assistant
Ms. Pooja Gothankar Laboratory Assistant
Part III
Annexure 1
I have missed more than 20 % sessions for the reasons as mentioned below and request you to consider this application
for my attendance purposes on a special case basis (As per SRB). I understand that 20 % absence is permitted which
includes sessions missed for all reasons (Personal, Medical etc.)
I also confirm that I have not missed any sessions for any other reasons. (If missed more than below mentioned sessions,
student should specify the reason ________________ and if application with relevant documents have been submitted
to Academic office (YES/NO)
To be filled by Students
(For Office use)
No. of Class Class attended
Course(s) Exemption Attendance as on
held during during said
To be Filled by Students (s) date:
leave period period
____________________________________ ___________________________
Checked by Course Coordinator (Signature) Verified by AR / DR (signature)
_____________________ ___________________
Approved by: Program Chairperson Dean -SBM
School of………………………..
(10% additional exemption in attendance)
I have missed more than 20 % sessions for the reasons as mentioned below and request you to consider this application
for my attendance purposes on a special case basis (As per SRB).
To be filled by Students
(For Office use)
Course(s) / subject(s) No. of Class / Class / Hours Exemption (s) in Attendance as
hours held attended during hours to be given on date before
during leave said period for above reason exemption
____________________________________ ___________________________
Checked by Course Coordinator (Signature) Verified by AR / DR (signature)
Approved by HOD/Associate Dean/Dean/Director
(School can update signatories as per school specifications)
Annexure 2
Name of the place you are interested to go for student exchange program. Kindly give the priority by writing number
1,2,3,4 as per your choice. All places, seats are limited and will be offered subject to your performance in the selection
process and the availability.
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
Enclosure: A hard copy of your C.V needs to be attached along with the application form.
Annexure 3
SVKM's NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University
Vile Parle (W), Mumbai-400056.
Tel: 022-4235555
(applicable for incoming students under Student Exchange program)
1. Personal Information
Local Address____________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________
Examination University / Board No. of Years of Education Year of Passing Percentage / Grade
3. Details of any aptitude test taken: (GMAT, GRE, TOFEL, SAT, Any other)
4. Program for which enrolled at home institution
Level: Bachelor Master Diploma Any other (Specify name)
Year : First year Second year Third Year Fourth year Fifth Year
Sr. Name of the subjects already Grades Sr. Name of the subjects already Grades
No. cleared Obtained No. cleared Obtained
1 8
2 9
3 10
4 11
5 12
6 13
7 14
Exchange program at NMIMS for your: Trimester/Semester _____ Month ______to _______Year
6. Hostel Accommodation
Do you want NMIMS to arrange for your accommodation? Yes No
7. Declaration
I _________________________________ declare that all information filled by me in this form is correct and I will complete
(First name Middle name Last name)
all the requirements, with full engagements in the academic matters, like all other student in the NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University.
I undertake to keep the School informed about details of my all travels outside Mumbai and will abide by prescribed code of conduct
by the NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University.
(Signature of Dean/Director/HOD)
CC. Director – International Linkages
Annexure 4
Local Address :
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
Phone No __________________________ Email ___________________________________________
Permanent Address:
Name ___________________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________
Phone no. ( R )_____________________ Phone no. ( M )_____________________
Do you have any relatives / friends/ contacts at the Host University / Country? If yes, pl provide the details:
Name __________________________________________Relation ________________________________
Phone No. ___________________________ Email ID ___________________________________________
2. School, Place & Duration for which selected from NMIMS Deemed-to-be University:
Semester/ Trimester _____________________________________________________________________
Sr. Name of the subjects opted for Sr. No. Name of the subjects opted for Exchange
No. Exchange Program Program
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
3. Declaration
I, _________________________________ student of Full Time _______________ (Program Name)
from batch of year __________ and Roll No. ___________ is going for International Student Exchange program in the
Semester/Trimester _______.
I have gone through the Student Exchange Policy document and Student Resource Book and have volunteered to join the exchange
program of my own will and with the consent of my parents/ guardian. I will adhere to the rules and regulations of the host university.
My parents/guardian are informed of the details of the program, the schedule and the code of conduct expected during the stay at
the foreign institute and they are in full agreement with the terms of this exchange program. I undertake to keep my School
/parents/guardian/family informed about details of my travel, my stay and my whereabouts and well-being during my stay.
I promise to uphold the values and honour of the NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University and fulfil my responsibilities as a student and
treat everyone with dignity and respect. I hereby declare that I have clearly understood & will follow the instructions given from
time to time and in case of a violation, not adhering to the expected code, I will be liable to suitable action as per SVKM’S NMIMS
Deemed-to-be-University rules.
I declare that all information filled by me in this form are correct and will complete all the requirements, with full engagements in
the academic matters, like all other student in the college campus.
I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations expected during the entire program.
___________________________ _____________________
Name & Signature of the student Date
(Signature of Dean/Director/HOD)
1. Photocopy of Passport
2. Photocopy of Visa
3. Photocopy of medical insurance
4. Ticket details – Photocopy of Ticket
Annexure 5
(applicable for Student Exchange)
SVKM’S NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University
School of ___________________
I have gone through the Student Exchange Policy document and Student Resource Book and have volunteered
to join the exchange program of my own will and with the consent of my parents/ guardian. I will adhere to
all rules and regulations of the host university. My parents/guardian are informed about details of the program,
the schedule and the code of conduct expected during the stay at foreign institute and they are in full agreement
with the terms of this exchange program. I undertake to keep my institute /parents/guardian/family informed
about details of my travel, my stay and my whereabouts and well-being during my stay.
I promise to uphold the values and honour of the NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University and fulfil my
responsibilities as a student and treat everyone with dignity and respect. I hereby declare that I have clearly
understood & will follow the instructions given from time to time and in case of a violation, not adhering to
the expected code, I will be liable to suitable action as per SVKM’S NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University rules.
I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations expected during the entire programme.
___________________________ _____________________
Name & Signature of the student Date
___________________________ _____________________
Name & Signature of the Parent Date
Annexure 6
Student Exchange Programme (for Visa Office)
(School Letter Head)
Dated __________________.
The Visa Section
The Indian High Commission
___________________ (City)
___________________ (Country)
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is to certify that Mr/Ms. ______________ , Student of _____________(Intl School) has been accepted as an
exchange student into Semester/Trimester ______ of our prestigious full-time program,
_________________________________(Program Name).
The teaching program for Semester/ Trimesters will be held from ____________(Date) to
___________________(Date). The student will be attending classes with other full time students enrolled in the
program and may also undertake some field projects in local companies on a non-remunerative basis.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
(School Name & Address)
(Phone no & email)
The Consul General of __________________
_______________ Consulate/ Embassy
Mumbai, India
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have no objection to Ms/Mr. _____________________ visiting ________ (Country) and other states/countries in
USA/Europe (Pl strike). We request you to provide him with the required assistance and process his/her papers at your
earliest convenience.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(School Name & Address)
(Phone no & email)
SVKM’S NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University
School of ___________________
Sub: Arrived from ------------------- Partner University Abroad as part of Students exchange program
I have gone through the Student Exchange Policy document and Student Resource Book and have volunteered to join
the exchange program of my own will and with the consent of my parents/ guardian. I will adhere to the rules and
regulations laid down in the MoU between Partner University and NMIMS University. I undertake to keep my institute
/parents/guardian/family informed about details of my travel, my stay and my whereabouts and well-being during my
I will adhere to the local law of the country (India) and will not involve or encourage in any activity which may be a
potential threat to the integrity, safety and solidarity of India during my stay in the country.
I promise to uphold the values and honour of the NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University and fulfil my responsibilities as a
student and treat everyone with dignity and respect. I hereby declare that I have clearly understood & will follow the
instructions given from time to time and in case of a violation, not adhering to the expected code, I will be liable to
suitable action as per SVKM’S NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University rules.
I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations expected during the entire programme.
__________________________ _____________________
Name & Signature of the student Date
Note :
Annexure 7
The Controller of Examination
SVKM’s NMIMS (Deemed-to-be University)
Vile Parle (W), Mumbai 400056
Dear Sir,
I wish to avail the facility of a Scribe/Writer during the Examination as per the below mentioned details:
Educational Qualification (with proof - Identity card of the current academic year): _______________
Yours faithfully,
________________________________ _______________________
Signature of the Student Date
Enclosed: Medical Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner with rubber stamp
Annexure 8
Application for Duplicate Fee Receipt
Kindly issue me Duplicate Fee receipt, since I have lost my Original Fee receipt.
Please find the particulars as under:
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
(Surname) (Name) (Middle Name)
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
(Student’s Signature)
_______________________________ ______________
Office Remarks:
(Receiver’s Signature)
Annexure 9
Date: ___________
• Excess Fees
• Excess Deposit
• Hostel Deposit
(Please indicate as applicable)
• Student Number
• Student Name
• Student Address
(Signature of Student)
Attachments Required
• Excess Fees/Excess Deposit Refund
o Excess Fees/Excess Deposit - Original Receipt of Excess Fees/Excess Deposit along with photocopy of
Fees Receipt/Deposit Receipt
• Hostel Deposit Refund
o Original Hostel Deposit Receipt signed by Hostel-in-charge & DR Administration.
• Library Deposit
o Please procure “NO DUES STAMP”
Received Refund application from __________________________ (Student name) towards
________________________________(Specify type of Refund) on ____________(Date)
Annexure 10
1. Name: _________________________________________
I hereby declare that I have not applied before for the Migration Certificate.
I further declare that I have not registered myself for any course in any other University other than the one which I am
now interested in to register myself as stated in column 7 above.
Note :- Please attach the Photocopy of Final Year Mark sheet & Degree Certificate along with the application.
The applicant has not been rusticated or debarred by the Institute, and I have no objection to a Migration Certificate
being granted to him / her by the Institute.
I have ascertained and satisfied from the records that no application for a Migration Certificate on behalf on this
candidate was made previous to this date.
(Signature of Head of the Dept)
Place : _______________
Date : _______________
(Signature of the Person of In – Charge)
Annexure 11
Clearance Certificate
Date: ____________
Annexure 12
(If applicable)
“To make the students aware about use of Harvard Cases and Articles (water marked copy on Students Portal) and be
aware of the SVKM’S NMIMS regulations, the following Undertaking Form is introduced which should be signed by
students. The same should be submitted to the concerned Department on the day of starting of classes.”
• I will never Remove or alter or tamper with the authors' names, watermarks or HBP copyright notices or other
means of identification or disclaimers as they appear in the Content digitally or otherwise.
• I will never Upload or distribute any part of the Content on any electronic network, including the Internet and
the World Wide Web, other than as specified in the user agreement.
• I will not Make the Content available in any other form or medium or create derivative works without the
written permission of NMIMS/ HBP.
• I will not be cause or involve to Publishing, distributing or making available the Content, works based on the
Content or works which combine the Content with any other content, other than as permitted in the User
I have gone through carefully the terms of the above undertaking and understand that following these are for
own benefit and improvement. I also understand that if I fail to comply with these terms; will be liable to suitable
action as per SVKM’S NMIMS rules and law. I undertake that I will strictly follow the above terms.
Signature: ___________________
(First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name)
Annexure 13
Signature: _________________
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
(First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name)