Empowerment Technologies First Semester Quarter 1 - Week 6 Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)
Empowerment Technologies First Semester Quarter 1 - Week 6 Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)
Empowerment Technologies First Semester Quarter 1 - Week 6 Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)
First Semester
Quarter 1 – Week 6
Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)
1. Apply web design principles and elements using online creation tools,
platforms, and applications to communicate a message for a specific
purpose in specific professional tracks (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ig-h-10).
2. Create an original or derivative ICT content using online creation tools,
platforms, and applications to effectively communicate messages related
to specific professional track. (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ig-h-11).
After going through this Learning Activity Sheets, you are expected to:
1. Identify the platforms available for developing web content;
2. Distinguish the principles of design and use a cloud computing (e.g.
google Drive) in saving and sharing images.
3. Develop appreciation of web contents using the principles and
techniques of design through online creation tools, platforms, and
applications to develop ICT content for specific professional tracks.
• Rex publishing. (2016). Empowerment Technologies (1st ed., pp. 2-15).
Manila. DepEd. (2020). K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies
with Corresponding Codes [Ebook] (1st ed., pp. 548-551). Manila.
• Retrieved from https://lrmds.
• An Introduction to Online Platforms and Their Role in the Digital
Transformation | en | OECD. (2020). Retrieved 11 July 2020, from
https://www.oecd.org/publications/an introduction-to-online-platformsand-
their-role-in-the-digital-transformation-53e5f593- en.htm
I. Remember: To get the most of this Learning Activity Sheets, here are some
reminders for you:
1. Take your time in reading the lessons.
2. Write down points for clarification and discuss this with your teacher.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Perform all activities and answer all worksheets.
5. Answer all tests in this module and check your answers to the answer key
found on the self-check part.
6. Have fun while learning with this learning activity sheets. It will totally be of
great use which ever strand you may belong because ICT is for everybody.
Answer the formative test to measure how much you have gained from the
II. Activity 1.
Directions: Identify the platforms for developing web content. Match
Column A to Column B.
1. The process of planning and A. File Manager
arranging graphics or text in a page
or book
B. Pictochart
2. Allows you to convert and manage files
without downloading the software tool.
3. Web-based infographic application C. Online Platform
which allows users without intensive
experience as graphic designers to
easily create infographics and visuals D. Google Drive
using themed templates
4. An example of cloud computing through
E. Layout
Google where you can use this to back up
your files in the cloud and access them
5. A base of technologies designed to run
within an online environment and provides
interactive online services.
Online Platforms for ICT Content Development
Topic outline
• The nature and purposes of online platforms and applications
• Different types of Online Platforms
• Presentation/Visualization
• Cloud Computing
• Social Media
• File Management
• Mapping
• Web Page Creation
• Basic web design principles and elements
The Nature and Purpose of
Online platforms and applications
File management
• Images also aids in communicating your message to the viewers. Aside
from being used as fillers, images also help in leaving a lasting first
• Use specific images that are related to your content so that it will draw
attention not only to the content but to your web page as a whole.
Once you have created your account and logged in, click
infographics then select a template.
The Piktochart editor will open (may take a while to load depending on
your internet connection). You can now edit the template.
IV. Activity 2
DIRECTIONS: Take photos using your cellphones that follow the 8 principles
of design and layout or you can search on the internet but you have to attach
the URL or cited sources. Save the images to your Google Drive of your email
account. Share it to the Gmail account of your teacher.
Note: If you don’t have an active Gmail Account, use social media such as
Facebook in sharing your images with indicated labels.
V. Activity 3
Directions: Choose only one desired output based on the SHS Track you
belong. These may be in the form of, but not limited to:
➢ Team/ athlete/ league recruitment posters (Sports)
➢ Logo or crest for a community, school organization or barkada
➢ Labeling for tools and equipment (Tech-Voc)
➢ Presentation of cafeteria patronage data (Business/ Academic)
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
VI. Self-Check
Activity 1:
1. E
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
Activity 2: Answers may vary
Activity 3: Answers may vary
VII. Formative Test
Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. The elements should not be cluttered and not compete with
each other.
A. Proximity and harmony
B. Emphasis
C. Asymmetrical
D. Consistency
2. It is a web-based infographic application which allows
users without intensive experience as graphic
designers to easily create infographics and visuals
using themed templates.
A. Adobe Photoshop
B. Photobucket
C. Piktochart
D. PhotoScape
3. Allows you to convert and manage files without downloading the software
A. Google Map
B. File Manager
C. Prezi
D. Cloud Computing
4. The following are the principles of layout and design EXCEPT:
A. Emphasis
B. Consistency
C. Symmetrical
D. Visualization
5. The following are the advantage of Cloud Computing EXCEPT:
A. File sharing
B. File hacking
C. File storage
D. Backing up of data