Take It Easy American Idioms

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American Idioms
Pamela McPartland
Hunter College
City University of New York

Illustrations by Alexander Kaletski

Prentice Hall Regents, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
McPartland, Pamela.
Take it easy.
1. English language—Text-books for foreigners.
2. English language—Idioms, corrections, errors.
3. English language—Conversation and phrase books.
4. English language—Terms and phrases. I. Title.
[PE1128.M327] 428.3'4 80-25142
ISBN 0-13-882902-0

to my mother Rosie

© 1981 by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs. N.J. 07632

All rights reserved. No part of this book

may be r e p r o d u c e d in any form or
by any means without permission in writing
from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America


E d i t o r i a l / p r o d u c t i o n supervision a n d
interior design by M a r y b e t h B r a n d e
F r o n t cover design by Alexander Kaletski
M a n u f a c t u r i n g buyer: H a r r y P. Baisley

P R E N T I C E - H A L L of AUSTRALIA PTY. L I M I T E D , Sydney
P R E N T I C E - H A L L of C A N A D A , L T D . , Toronto
P R E N T I C E - H A L L of I N D I A PRIVATE L I M I T E D , New Delhi
P R E N T I C E - H A L L of J A P A N , I N C . , Tokyo
P R E N T I C E - H A L L OF S O U T H E A S T ASIA PTE. L T D . , Singapore
W H I T E H A L L B O O K S L I M I T E D , W E L L I N G T O N , New Zealand

Acknowledgments iv
To the Student v
To the Teacher ix
Chapter Two WORK 17
Chapter Three RESIDENCE 36
Chapter Four CRIME 51
Chapter Five LOVE 69
Chapter Six FASHION 83
Chapter Seven ANGER 98
Chapter Eight TRAVEL 113
Chapter Nine TAKE I T EASY 127
Chapter Ten IMMIGRATION 141
General Review 156
Appendices A-D 174
Appendix E: Listening Comprehension Transcripts 193
Appendix F: Answer Key 205


I wish to express my appreciation to the many people who contributed

directly or indirecdy to this book. First, I would like to thank Dr. Margaret
Bedard of the College of New Rochelle, Professor John Fanselow and Pro-
fessor Clifford Hill of Teachers College, Columbia University. I am especially
indebted to Mr. Charles Barbosa who sparked my interest in idioms, and to
my colleagues, Alan Devenish, Harriet Rubin, Joseph Barbarino, Robert
Fertitta and Susan Schevers for testing out various drafts of the material in their
classes, and making invaluable suggestions. The people who deserve much of
the credit for this book are all the students who responded so well to the
material, particularly Debora Tavares, Felix Bryla, Kazuo and Mieko Yamane,
Mario and Doris Ponce, Angelica Sarmiento, Margret Dunkel, Bernard Yearly,
Hiroko Fuse and Takashi Misu.
Richard Grassey, formerly of Prentice-Hall was the one who got the ball
rolling, and Pam Kirshen, of Prentice-Hall contributed guidance and many
suggestions for improving the book
A special word of thanks goes to Alexander Kaletski whose insight and
imagination played a major part in shaping the book into its present form.

Pamela McPartland
February 19, 1980

To the Student

Take It Easy is a book about idioms. In fact, "take it easy" is an idiom. An

idiom is a group of words (two or more) which together form a unit. The
meaning of the unit is different from the meaning of each of the individual
words. For example, the group of words "take it easy" means "relax." The
word, "take," alone, does not mean "relax," and "easy," alone, does not mean
"relax," but when they are combined, as in "take it easy," they form a unit
which means "relax."
This does not mean that every group of words is an idiom. For example:
"in the morning," and "on the desk," are groups of words but they do not
form a unit of meaning. Therefore, they are not idioms.
Many words used in English idioms come from Old English (Anglo-
Saxon), or Middle English, ancestors of the English we use today. Their one-
word equivalents often come from Latin. For example:
talk into = convince
Old English Latin
Therefore, idioms are at the heart of the English language. As you
probably have noticed, idioms sound less formal than their Latin equivalents.
For example:
She made up an excuse. (informal)
She invented an excuse. (formal)

This does not mean that all idioms are slang or incorrect English. Most
idioms are perfectly acceptable forms of expression and appear in literature,
magazine and newspaper articles, and can be heard in speeches, and radio and
television broadcasts.
By doing the exercises in this book, you will learn to recognize and use
164 verb idioms. First, you will read an introductory passage which contains
several idioms related to one theme. Each theme is practical and should help
you communicate better in your everyday life. Then, you will do exercises to
discover the meaning of the idiom, and to learn the position of any objects that
the idiom requires. For example:
get [ ] across

He got across (it)

a b
In the text, the position of the object is shown by brackets, [ ].
But to use idioms correctly, it is not enough to know the meaning and the
position of the object. You must also know what words are generally associated
with each idiom.
For example:
Put on

a. (X) your glasses

b. (X) your necklace
c. ( ) your comb and brush

Both a and b can used with the idiom put on, but c cannot.
This book has special listening comprehension exercises and tapes to
give you practice hearing the idioms in context. This also serves as excellent
preparation for the Listening Comprehension section of the T.O.E.F.L. (Test
of English as a Foreign Language).
To master idioms, you must also practice using them in your own
sentences. There are Practical Application exercises to give you the oppor-
tunity to write original sentences using the idioms. You will also find exercises
which focus on the * preposition or ** particle which follows the verb in many

*A preposition is a word which follows a verb and requires an object.

Examples: He escaped from prison. We are leaving for Chicago.
**A particle is a word that is used with a verb to give the verb a special meaning. A particle is not
followed by an object.
Examples: We must get together. Go ahead.

For example:

I can't cope this situation any longer. You are driving me

of my mind. You know it gets my nerves, but you
continue to do it anyway.
At the end of the book there is an extensive review section which tests all
the idioms presented in the book. You will also find the following:
a. List of prepositions and particles
b. Idioms and the position of their pronoun objects and noun objects
c. Idioms listed according to preposition or particle
d. Alphabetical listing of the idioms
e. Transcripts of the listening comprehension exercises
f. Answer key
Take It Easy is designed for use in class but it may also be used for self
study since the answers are given in the book. The important thing is to take it
easy! Don't try to memorize each idiom. By doing all the exercises you will
learn more and more about how to use each idiom. The study of idioms can be
enjoyable as well as rewarding. Idioms are at the heart of English and they will
bring you closer to a native-like command of the English language.

To the Teacher

Take It Easy is a book of verb idioms. It contains ten lessons with idioms
presented in a variety of contexts including a dialog, monolog, resume, letter,
advertisement, etc.
Take It Easy is the first book of idiomatic expressions to present idioms
relating to a specific topic (e.g. work, love, travel) in a meaningful context and
provide extensive exercises to help students gain mastery of the idioms.
The material is geared to high intermediate or advanced students of
English as a second or foreign language. By the time students reach the
advanced level they recognize the importance of being able to understand and
use idiomatic English.
There are varying degrees of idomaticity, that is, some idioms are
considered highly idiomatic (e.g. come up with, have a crush on) and others
are considered semi-idioms (e.g. cope with, apply for). If, for example we
removed or changed any of the words in the idiom come up with, we would not
retain the meaning, i.e., come with, come up, go up with, come, do not mean
'invent.' However, with the idiom cope with, we can eliminate the preposition
with, or change cope to deal and still retain the meaning of the idiom, that is,
come up with ^ come with, come up, go up with, come
cope with = cope, deal with

Degrees of Idiomaticity

Semi-idioms. .True idioms

cope with come up with

apply for have a crush on
turn around drop by
listen to cut out
fill up run over

Idioms have been given a variety of names including: two-word verbs;

phrasal verbs; prepositional verbs; and idomatic expressions. For the sake of
simplicity, all the expressions in this text will be referred to as idioms.
Most of the idioms in Take It Easy fall into one of six patterns. The
patterns are not presented in the text proper because it is not necessary for
students to be able to discuss the patterns in order to learn the idioms. The
danger in presenting the patterns to students is that they will be so pre-
occupied with the patterns and the terms of each pattern that they will never
fully grasp the meaning of the idiom itself. In the text, the students are simply
shown the position of the direct object and/or prepositional object by the use
of brackets, [ ].
The six patterns are: Examples
1. Intransitive verb + Particle come on
2. Intransitive verb + [ ] cut across [the
Preposition park]
3. Intransitive verb + Particle + [ go back to [his
Preposition country]
4. Transitive verb + Particle [ ] fill [it] up
5. Transitive verb + Preposition [ ] [ talk [him] into [it]
6. Transitive verb + Particle + [ ] [ drive [her] out of
Preposition [her mind]

If a teacher wishes to present these patterns to the students, it would be

necessary to clarify the following terms:
a. Intransitive verb = a verb which is not followed by an object.
Examples of intransitive verbs: come, go, get, stay.
b. Transitive verb = a verb which must be followed by an object.
Example: put [it] on. The object is it.
c. Particle = a word that is used with a verb to give special meaning to
the verb. It is not followed by an object.
Example: away, back.
d. Preposition = a word which follows a verb and requires an object.
Example: from, of.

Note that some verbs can be both transitive and intransitive.

It should also be noted that some words function only as prepositions, some
only as particles, and others as both prepositions and particles. (Refer to the
Table of Prepositions and Particles.)
In addition to the above patterns this text includes complex expressions
which contain other parts of speech besides prepositions and particles such as
nouns and adjectives, examples: make a living by, drive somebody out of Aw
mind. Many of these expressions although they look different fit into the above
Make [a living] by [ ] = N u m b e r 5, Transitive verb + Preposition
Drive [somebody] out of [his mind] = N u m b e r 6 Transitive verb +
Particle + Preposition
This book contains a few idioms which have a preposition or particle but
do not fit into the above patterns, example:
bring [ ] into [contact] with [ ] = Transitive verb + Preposition +
There are also a few idioms that have no preposition or particle and
therefore do not fit into the patterns, example:
take it easy, make good time
Rather than concentrating on the grammatical patterns, the teacher may
wish to spend class time helping students learn how flexible each idiom is, for

a. what tenses are commonly associated with the idiom

b. what grammatical structures are usually associated with the idiom,
for example: passive voice, imperative form, the -ing form of the
c. what objects, in addition to those presented, are appropriate to the
d. whether any words may be omitted without destroying the unit,
example: She winds him around her little finger. "Little" may be omitted.
e. What pronouns are used with certain idioms, example: He drives me
out of my mind, (Object pronoun and possessive pronoun)
She buried herself in her work, (Reflexive pronoun and possessive
f. Which idioms are semi-idioms, i.e. which ones retain the meaning
without the preposition. Examples: We couldn't cope with it. We
couldn't cope
g. Other meanings of the idiom
All the idioms in Take It Easy are listed in their base form, i.e. the infinitive
without " t o " except those which contain a verb restricted to a certain form,

It stands to reason (Always third person singular)
To tell you the truth (Always the full infinitive)
Likewise, if the idiom contains a noun that is always either singular or
plural, it is listed that way, example:
go through the proper channels
The idioms that appear in this text were chosen because of the frequency
with which they are used in everyday life. The topics are among the most
commonly discussed themes and they appear regularly in newspaper and
magazine article. Certain idioms are labeled "informal" e.g. calm down andfix
up because they have a casual tone and represent a closeness or familiarity
between speakers. It also means that they are predominantly used in spoken
rather than written English. There is no slang in this book because of its
tendency to go out of date quickly.
Take It Easy uses an inductive approach to the study of idioms. Students
read a story containing the idioms without seeing any definitions, and are then
expected to guess the meaning of each idiom. The book does not contain
mechanical drills which students can do by simply following a model. Each
exercise requires the student to think, to draw his own conclusions about the
idioms, and to guess.
Take It Easy can be used for a separate class in idioms or as an ancillary
text for a grammar class, (e.g. idioms are fun to use to review the tenses) or for
a vocabulary class or a conversation class. This material also provides excellent
practice for the listening comprehension section of the TOEFL.
There are many ways to use this text. The n u m b e r of different things that
can be done to help students master the material depends, of course, on how
much class time can be devoted to idioms. To complete the ten lessons in this
book requires approximately twenty hours of class time. If that much time
cannot be spent on idioms, it is r e c o m m e n d e d that only five chapters be
covered a semester, or the students can be assigned most of the exercises for
homework, except for the listening comprehension. If it is possible to spend
more than twenty hours on this material, the students should be given a great
deal of oral and written practice using the idioms in the students' own
sentences and situations. The following suggestions are provided to help the
teacher make good use of the exercises in the book:

I. THE ILLUSTRATIONS help the students focus on the topic and

r e m e m b e r particular idioms. The pictures generally do not illus-
trate the introductory passage but are related in a broad sense.
a. The students describe the picture in their own words, as a
pre-test. This can be an oral or written exercise.
b. After they do exercises in the chapter, they can write their own
story about the picture using as many idioms as possible.

c. After covering two or three chapters, the students select one
picture and ask each other questions about the idioms in
those chapters. (There is an example of this in the review
section at the back of the book.)
a. The teacher reads the story aloud, then students retell it in
their own words. This is the first step in guessing the meaning
of the idioms from the context.
b. The students read the passage line-by-line replacing each
idiom with other words. Again, they are guessing the
c. The students read each line and write the meaning on their
'Notes' page.
d. The teacher or a student dictates the passage and the students
write it below the illustrations.
e. The students transform the story into a different tense, in-
direct speech, questions, etc.

This page gives valuable information about grammar, style and
the position of the object.
a. The students write the meaning of the idiom.
b. The students write sample sentences.
c. The students copy sentences containing the idiom from a
short story, novel, newspaper or magazine.
d. The students give examples of appropriate direct objects and
objects of the preposition for each idiom that requires an
e. The students practice saying the idioms with correct stress. In
general, prepositions are unstressed, and verbs and
particles are stressed.

a. After the students do this exercise, the teacher says a sentence
using the meaning of the idiom and the students must say the
sentence with the idiom. Students may wish to look at the list
of idioms on t h e ' N o t e s ' p a g e .

a. The students must explain why one response is wrong. Some reasons are
as follows:
1. The answer repeats the meaning of the idiom
2. There is a word missing
3. It is a literal understanding of the idiom
4. The object must be:
a. a person, or persons b. a thing
c. a situation d. a place
e. an action
f. a specific thing, e.g. a country, an expensive item,
a ruler, something negative, a problem
5. The grammar is incorrect, e.g. the idiom must be fol-
lowed by the -ing form
6. It doesn't make sense (or it conflicts with the meaning of
the idiom)
7. It is too general
8. It doesn't correspond to the subject
a. T h e students change p r o n o u n objects to n o u n s n o t i n g which
idioms have two positions for the n o u n , e.g.,
He built it up
He built the company.
He built the company u p .
We came across it.
We came across an interesting

VII. LISTENING COMPREHENSION This is a test of the students'

ability to hear and understand the idioms when they are mixed
with other words which may or may not be familiar to the
a. The students discuss why two responses are incorrect. They
will have to refer to the transcript.
b. The students read a n d act out the dialogues a d d i n g their
own sentences.

VIII. FILL IN. This is a review of the prepositions and particles in the
IX. PRACTICAL APPLICATION exercises give the students a chance to
write original sentences containing the idioms by making use of
the information given. These exercises can be d o n e individually
or in groups.
a. The students discuss the topic after doing the exercise.

Remember, the important thing is to take it easy. It is difficult for

students to learn precisely how to use each idiom in one course. This takes
constant practice and reinforcement. However, by doing the exercises in this
book, students will come very close to the mastery of 164 idioms.




She: Excuse me, I usually don't strike up a conversation with

strangers, but can you tell me what kind of dog that is? I've never
seen one like that before.
He: It's a bull terrier. I gather from your accent that you're not
American, but you speak English very well!
She: Thanks. To tell you the truth, I still have trouble with English,
especially vocabulary.
He: It's funny, I was just reading an article about the English language.
Can I tell you about it?
She: Sure. Go ahead.
He: It says that an educated adult has a vocabulary of about 250,000
words. And listen to this—English has more words than any
other language; there are about 450,000 words in the dictionary!
She: Oh, come on. That's impossible.
He: I'm not m a k i n g it u p . It's right here in the paper.
She: Well, now I understand why it's difficult for me to express myself.
He: I think you are able to get your ideas across very well.
She: Yes, but when people ask me the simplest things, sometimes I
just clam u p .
He: You've t o u c h e d on an interesting point. In the article, it says that
the everyday words in English come from Anglo-Saxon, but the
sophisticated words come from Latin. If your language comes
from Latin, it stands to reason that it would be easier for you to
discuss politics than to discuss everyday life.
She: I'm very sorry but I completely disagree with your theory.
He: Well, now that we aren't strangers anymore, perhaps I could talk
you into continuing this conversation over dinner!
She: Okay, but no politics, please.
•1 Conversation




1. strike up object is usually a n o u n

2. rather from [ ] object is usually a noun

3 to tell [you] [the truth]

4 tell [ ] ahout [ ]

5. go a h e a d

6 listen to 1

7 c o m e on imperative form only

8 make [ ] up

9 get 1 ] across
Conversation 5

10. c l a m up informal

11. touch on

12. it s t a n d s to [reason] informal

13. d i s a g r e e with

14. talk [ 1 into \ 1 object of the prep, is usually the -ing form

Use this p a g e for o n e o r m o r e o f t h e following exercises:

• Write the meaning of the idiom.

• Write sample sentences.
• Look for the idioms in short stories, novels, newspapers, or maga-
zines, and copy the sentences containing them.
• Give examples of appropriate direct objects or objects of the prep-
osition for each idiom that requires an object.
• Practice saying the idioms with correct stress. In general, verbs and
particles are stressed, but prepositions are unstressed.


DIRECTIONS: Mark the answer that is the closest synonym for the
italicized idioms.

1. He loves to talk a n d c a n strike up a c o n v e r s a t i o n with a n y b o d y .

a. ( ) begin
b. ( ) end
c. ( ) continue

2. I gather from your remark that you are angry.

a. ( ) hear
b. ( ) understand from
c. ( ) ignore

3. To tell you the truth, we're starving.

a. ( ) to be honest
b. ( ) to explain why
c. ( ) in other words

4. Tell us about your accident.

a. ( ) forget about
b. ( ) demonstrate
c. ( ) describe

5. The construction will go ahead as planned.

a. ( ) be stopped
b. ( ) be delayed
c. ( ) continue

6. He is very stubborn and won't listen to anybody.

a. ( ) pay attention to
b. ( ) speak with
c. ( ) understand

7. Oh come on, Michael, we know you're over thirty!

a. ( ) stop saying something that isn't true

b. ( ) hurry
c. ( ) come with us

8. She didn't want to go to the party so she made up a good excuse.

a. ( ) asked for
b. ( ) wrote
c. ( ) invented
Conversation 7

9. She was so upset that she couldn't get the message across.

a. ( ) ask questions about

b. ( ) communicate
c. ( ) receive

10. The witness was so nervous that when the lawyer began to
question him, he clammed up.

a. ( ) wasn't able to communicate

b. ( ) was shaking
c. ( ) answered immediately

11. During the press conference, the President touched on the un-
employment problem.

a. ( ) discussed fully
b. ( ) discussed briefly
c. ( ) avoided

12. He was arrested for the m u r d e r because he looked like the killer.
It stands to reason that he is angry.

a. ( ) it is surprising
b. ( ) he wanted to say
c. ( ) it is to be expected

13. She disagreed with her sister about what to buy their mother for

a. ( ) took the advice of

b. ( ) had a different opinion from
c. ( ) asked

14. He wanted to buy a Cadillac but his son talked him into buying a

a. ( ) convinced
b. ( ) asked
c. ( ) told
8 Conversation


DIRECTIONS: Two of the three choices below can be used with the
idiom. Mark the two answers that can be used to complete each sentence

1. We thought they were going to strike up

a. ( ) each other
b. ( ) a friendship
c. ( ) a conversation

2. The boss said to go ahead.

a. ( ) forward
b. ( ) with the plan
c. ( ) without delay

3. He told his wife about

a. ( ) the accident
b. ( ) his experience
c. ( ) the time

4. I gather from your you are upset.

a. ( ) expression
b. ( ) broken heart
c. ( ) comment

5. To tell you the truth,

a. ( ) I don't know what you are talking about

b. ( ) it's true
c. ( ) I'm twenty-five years old

6. What kind of do you listen to?

a. ( ) people
b. ( ) advice
c. ( ) word
Conversation 9

7. Oh come on, you !

a. ( ) must be kidding
b. ( ) are telling the truth
c. ( ) are joking

8. The touched on her love life.

a. ( ) article
b. ( ) speaker
c. ( ) advertisement

9. It is still difficult for him to get across.

a. ( ) important information
b. ( ) the voice on the radio
c. ( ) jokes

10. She probably made up.

a. ( ) the dress
b. ( ) the whole thing
c. ( ) the story

11. The unexpectedly clammed up.

a. ( ) message
b. ( ) entertainer
c. ( ) patient

12. The agent couldn't talk the young couple into

a. ( ) buying the house

b. ( ) anything
c. ( ) join

13. It stands to reason

a. ( ) he will be fired
b. ( ) it is expected
c. ( ) she will ask for a divorce
10 Conversation

14. Why do you always disagree with your.

a. ( ) son
b. ( ) boss
c. ( ) opinion


DIRECTIONS: Fill in one of the blanks (a or b) in each sentence with the
object given in parentheses. Three of the sentences do not have objects.
For those sentences, do not write anything.
Conversation 11

13. When one student is finished, the next should go^

ahead (it)

14. She wanted to strike^

(a conversation)


Part I

DIRECTIONS: You will hear a short dialogue followed by a question.

After you hear each question, read the three choices and mark the
response that answers the question correctly.

1. a. The woman always talks to other men.

b. The woman couldn't find the restaurant.
c. The woman started a conversation with a stranger.

2. a. The woman wants to see London, Rome, and Athens only.

b. The woman prefers to see only one city.
c. The woman wants to see everything in Europe.

3. a. The romance was coming along.

b. The story wasn't true.
c. He hadn't heard about it.

4. a. He listened to it.
b. He turned off the tape recorder.
c. It was difficult to hear.

5. a. He thinks it is better not to tell her the truth.

b. It is serious.
c. He really doesn't know if it is serious or not.
12 Conversation

Part II

DIRECTIONS: You will hear a situation presented in one or two

sentences. Listen to each statement and mark the response that most
closely corresponds to the situation.

1. a. Arthur didn't become a member.

b. Arthur joined the club.
c. Arthur liked the facilities at the club.

a. Most of the interview was about her addiction to drugs.

b. She didn't talk about her operation.
c. She talked about her marriage.

3. a. Caroline's mother-in-law wants her to get a divorce.

b. Caroline's mother-in-law wants her to stay married.
c. Caroline is always fighting with her mother-in-law.

4. His parents named him Anthony Winston when he was

b. He gave himself the n a m e Winston.
c. He gave himself the n a m e Anthony.

5. a. He prefers to keep his tips secret.

b. He reports all his income to the Internal Revenue
c. He reports his tips on his income tax form.

6. a. The victim was so nervous and afraid that she couldn't

b. The lawyer asked the robber many questions.
c. The robber was nervous.

7. a. It is hard to make a choice because there are so many

b. The choice is very limited.
c. You must have a reason for buying a dog.
Conversation 13

8. a. It is better to take as much time as necessary for each

When you see a difficult question, don't even try to find
the answer.
It is better not to spend too much time on a difficult

9. a. Paul probably doesn't like war.

b. Paul probably thinks war can be good.
c. Paul likes all of Benjamin Franklin's sayings.

10. a. The travel agent said not to take a vacation in July,

August, and September.

b. The travel agent wanted to make it clear that it would be

hot and humid during your vacation.

c. The travel agent said it would be too hot for your dog.


DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or particle.

Man: I just overheard your conversation with that policeman.

I gather . your accent you are French.

Woman: Yes. tell you the truth, I have been here only

three days.

Man: Well, I'm glad I decided to strike . a conversation

. the city.
with you. Maybe I can tell you

Woman: Were you born here?

Man: No, b u t I spent most of my adult life here.

Woman: It stands. reason you know a lot about the city.

Man: Perhaps I could talk you gomg for a ride on th(

ferry. I could show you the most important sights from there

Woman: I'm sorry but I have a class in twenty minutes.

Man: Oh, come !


Woman: I'm not making it ; I'm really a student.

Man: Listen that—the ferry is leaving in two minutes.

It's a short ride, and besides, on the way I could teach you

how to get your ideas in English. Practice is

much more important than sitting in a classroom.

Woman: I'm very sorry but I disagree you. Anyway, I

usually clam when I'm with strangers for more


than a few minutes and . . . .

Man: You have touched an interesting point. Maybe

you have trouble because you don't have enough practice

speaking with people.

Woman: That's not the point. If you had let me finish . . . .

Man: Oh I'm sorry. Please, go


Woman: What I wanted to say was, I'm married.

Man: Big deal!

Conversation 15


B a r b a r a S t e v e n s o n i s b e i n g c o n s i d e r e d for t h e p o s i t i o n o f adver-
tising d i r e c t o r at a m a j o r c o m p a n y . After i n t e r v i e w i n g h e r , t h e per-
s o n n e l d i r e c t o r w r o t e t h e following:

Barbara Stevenson

1. She expresses herself well.

2. She has a good imagination.
3. She is very friendly.
4. She doesn't like to talk about her previous j o b .
5. She is too easy with the people working for her.
6. She doesn't always answer the question.
7. She spends a lot of time talking about her children.
8. She proved that she knows everything about the advertising busi-
ness. I recommend her for the j o b .

DIRECTIONS: Next to each idiom below, write a sentence using the

information the personnel director wrote about Barbara Stevenson. Use
the idiom in your sentence.

1. (get across) :

2. (make up)

3. (strike u p )

4. ( t o u c h on)

5. (disagree with)
16 Conversation

6. (listen to)

7. (tell a b o u t )

8. (talk into)


Make up a story about the picture at the beginning of the chapter.

Use as many idioms as possible. This exercise can be written or oral.
Ask each other questions about the picture. You must use an idiom
in your response.
Use the lines below the picture for a dictation exercise. The teacher
or a student dictates the introductory passage and the students
write it.
Rewrite the introductory passage in indirect speech.



Raymond A. Kroc
Santa Barbara, California
1955-Present Founder and Senior Chairman of the Board, McDonald's
I m a d e a deal with the McDonald brothers in 1955. I
wanted to use their name and the idea of their fast-food
restaurant. I h o p e d to cash in on the need for good,
inexpensive food served in a clean and pleasant atmos-
phere. Ten years later, I b o u g h t them out and they signed
over the company to me. I continued to b u i l d up the
business. To control the quality, all managers had to
attend classes at the Hamburger University, which I helped
set u p . By 1980, McDonald's had b r a n c h e d o u t so quickly
that there were 6,000 restaurants throughout the world.
The company was valued at $4.6 billion. Now that can
probably be r o u n d e d off to $5 billion.
1914-1955 Sales Manager, Lily Tulip Company
I sold Multimixers, which stirred six milkshakes at the
same time. This j o b b r o u g h t me into contact with hun-
dreds of restaurant owners. Once I a r r a n g e d for a meeting
with Maurice and Richard McDonald, who had a busy
restaurant in California. I wanted to do business with
them. The meeting p a i d off. We got down to business
and entered into a deal that made history.
Land Salesman, Florida
As a salesman I had to convince people to invest in land in

Jazz Pianist, Chicago, Illinois
For a few years, I m a d e a living by playing piano. As a
nightclub entertainer, I learned to deal with all types of
Ambulance Driver, Red Cross Ambulance Corps
During World War I, I p u t in for a position as an am-
bulance driver.
EDUCATION Some high school
HONORS American of the Year
AND Golden Plate Award
AWARDS Man of the Year
PERSONAL Married; one child
Born October 5, 1902, in Chicago, Illinois
Interests: piano, baseball

Courtesy of the McDonald's Corporation, the fast-food chain.



1. make [a deal] with

2. cash in on informal

buy out

4. sign over

5. build up
Work 21

6. set [ up

7. branch out

8. value at usually passive

9. round 1 off

10. bring [ into [contact] with

11. arrange for

12. do [business] with

13. payoff informal

14. get down to [business]

15. enter into object is usually a noun

22 Work

16. invest in

17. make [a living] by [ ] object is usually the-ing form

18. deal with

19. put in for

Use this page for one or more of the following exercises:

• Write the meaning of the idiom.

• Write sample sentences.
. Look for the idioms in short stories, novels, newspapers, or maga-
zines, and copy the sentences containing them.
• Give examples of appropriate direct objects or objects of the prepo-
sition for each idiom that requires an object.
• Practice saying the idioms with correct stress. In general, verbs and
particles are stressed, but prepositions are unstressed.


DIRECTIONS: Mark the answer that is the closest synonym for the
italicized idioms.

1. He made a deal with his client.

a. ( ) discussed it with
b. ( ) agreed to do business with
c. ( ) produced something with
Work 23

Our competitor cashed in on the gas shortage.

a. ( ) requested cash for

b. ( ) ordered more because of
c. ( ) benefited from

His partner bought him out.

a. ( ) paid him for his share in the

b. ( ) bought some additional shares in
the company.
c. ( ) sold everything to him.

She signed over the property to me.

a. ( ) put her signature on the paper to

confirm the sale or change in
b. ( ) leased
c. ( ) wrote her name above my name
to show that she bought the
property from me.

In just two years the lawyer built up the firm.

a. ( ) developed
b. ( ) constructed
c. ( ) renovated

The board of directors decided to set up a branch in Paris.

a. ( ) keep
b. ( ) establish
c. ( ) increase the size of

The company branched out so fast that it went bankrupt.

a. ( ) opened one branch

b. ( ) increased its prices
c. ( ) expanded in a new direction
8. The business was valued at half a million dollars.

a. ( ) considered to be worth
b. ( ) as expensive as
c. ( ) sold for

9. She rounded off the total income to $7,500,000.

a. ( ) added
b. ( ) subtracted
c. ( ) changed the total to a round figure

10. His j o b brought him into contact with a lot of artists.

a. ( ) helped him meet

b. ( ) helped him send letters to
c. ( ) helped him call

11. Her secretary arranged for the conference.

a. ( ) attended
b. ( ) was responsible for planning
c. ( ) cancelled

12. It was a pleasure to do business with that manufacturer.

a. ( ) hire
b. ( ) work for the same company as
c. ( ) trade with or negotiate with

13. Her ingenious idea certainly paid off.

a. ( ) succeeded
b. ( ) cost a lot of money
c. ( ) was free

14. After a few minutes of social talk, we got down to business.

a. ( ) sat down
b. ( ) talked about our jobs
c. ( ) began to talk seriously
Work 25

15. After discussing the deal for two weeks, the companies finally
entered into negotiations.
a. ( ) began
b. ( ) finished
c. ( ) considered

16. He made a mistake when he invested in those stocks.

a. ( ) sold
b. ( ) asked about
c. ( ) bought and hoped to earn interest

17. It was impossible for him to make a living by acting.

a. ( ) support himself financially by
b. ( ) live without
c. ( ) have an interesting life by

18. As a salesman, he had to deal with the public.

a. ( ) have contact with
b. ( ) play cards with
c. ( ) convince

19. After working for the company for three months, he put in for a
a. ( ) rejected
b. ( ) requested
c. ( ) received


DIRECTIONS: Two of the three choices below can be used with the
idiom. Mark the two answers that can be used to complete each sentence

1. Mr. Williams finally made a deal with

a. ( ) that client
b. ( ) his enemy
c. ( ) the new product
bought her out.

a. ( ) One of her partners

b. ( ) The m a n who had 10096 of the stock
c. ( ) A competitor

She signed over to me.

a. ( ) the manager
b. ( ) her share of the company
c. ( ) the property

He is the only person who could build up

a. ( ) the reputation
b. ( ) the president
c. ( ) the business

is branching out rapidly.

a. ( ) The enterprise
b. ( ) The office building
c. ( ) The corporation

were valued at $ 100,000.

a. ( ,) The houses
b. ( ) The estates
c. ( ) The dollars

Why don't you round off ?

a. ( ) the $50.00
b. ( ) the figure
c. ( ) the price

I bet they are going to cash in on

a. ( ) the shortage
b. ( ) the discovery
c. ( ) the dollars
Work 27

9. The president plans to set up

a. ( ) a new committee
b. ( ) a central office
c. ( ) an old library

10. _ brought her into contact with many people.

a. ( ) Her j o b
b. ( ) Her trip
c. ( ) Her nervousness

11. arranged for his trip.

a. ( ) His appointment
b. ( ) His secretary
c. ( ' ) The travel agent

12. We hope to do business with that

a. ( ) product
b. ( ) supplier
c. ( ) manufacturer

13. finally paid off.

a. ( ) Her creative ideas

b. ( ) Buying those lottery tickets
c. ( ) The bill

14. The two countries have decided to enter into

a. ( ) their old treaty

b. ( ) negotiations
c. ( ) a period of peace

15. They have invested all their money in .

a. ( ) a Ferrari
b. ( ) a stereo
c. ( ) lunch
28 Work

16. Because of his position, he has to deal with a lot of r.

a. ( ) business
b. ( ) wholesalers
c. ( ) companies

17. got down to business within ten minutes.

a. ( ) The executives
b. ( ) The children
c. ( ) The lawyer and his client

18. She has already put: in for


a. ( ) a leave of absence
b. ( ) a raise
c. ( ) an application

19. living hv
It isn't easy to make; a living: by

a. ( ) studying
b. ( ) working part-time
c. ( ) selling magazines


DIRECTIONS: Fill in one of the blanks (a or b) in each sentence with the
object given in parentheses. Two of the sentences do not have objects. For
those sentences, do not write anything.

1. You should round off to the nearest

a b
whole number, (it)

2. He is going to cash in on (it)

a b
3. It isn't easy to deal with (them)
a b
4. She has already put in for (it)
Work 29

5. It's hard to make a living by

a b

6. His position b r o u g h t into contact

a b
with t h e m , (him)

7. H e has a r r a n g e d for • (it)

a b

8. You s h o u l d h a v e b o u g h t out (him)

a b

9. W h e n everyone arrived we got down to


10. The necklace was valued at . ($10,000)

a b

11. They built up (it)

a b

12. You should do business with (them)

a b

13. His idea didn't really pay off

a b

14. They entered into too quickly, (it)

a b

15. The company has branched out _


16. He didn't want to sign over (it)

a b
17. We want to make a deal with . (them)
a b
18. He forgot to set up (it)
a b
19. We are happy we invested in (it)
30 Work


DIRECTIONS: You will hear a situation presented in one or two

sentences. Listen to each statement and mark the response that most
closely corresponds to the situation.

1. a. She had to find a hotel herself.

b. The airline found a hotel for her.
c. The airline cancelled the flight because of the hotel.

a. The U.S. is a self-sufficient country.

b. The U.S. trades with only European countries.
c. The U.S. buys products from these countries and also
sells products to them.

3. a. They talked too much and didn't do any work.

b. They gossiped for a while and then began to work
They did business with their friends.

a. Carnegie built many foundations with steel.

b. Carnegie used his money to establish several founda-

Carnegie was a researcher.

5. a. He is unemployed now.
b. He wants another j o b or more money at his present job.
c. He got a raise.

6. a. The painting was sold for less than it was worth.

b. The painting was worth $100,000.
c. The painting was sold for $250,000.

7. a. He plays for free.

b. He plays tennis for exercise.
c. He is probably a professional tennis player.
Work 31

8. a. He sold the entire company.

b. He sold his share of the company.
c. He asked his partner to lend him some cash.

9. a. The countries did business for five years.

b. In five years they will trade with each other.
c. They recently agreed to trade with each other.

10. a. The Standard Oil Company became so large that it was a

b. Rockefeller kept the company small.
c. Rockefeller's company was average.

11. a. Finally, the applicant got less money.

b. Finally, the applicant got more money.
c. The proposed salary stayed the same.

12. a. The grandson received everything before the grand-

father died.
b. He left his grandson everything in his will.
c. The grandfather signed everything he owned.

13. a. He worked with angry people in his office.

b. He was angry all the time.
c. He had to listen to complaints.

14. a. The strike wasn't settled.

b. The strike lasted two weeks.
c. The management gave the workers two-weeks' salary.

15. a. In 1970 the U.S. population was exactly 203,000,000.

b. In 1970 the U.S. population was about 203,000,000.
c. The U.S. population in 1917 was exactly 203,211,926.
32 Work

16. a. His gadget wasn't successful.

b. It was a good investment.
c. He saved his money instead of investing it.

17. a. The Teamsters Union joined the largest labor union in

the U.S.
b. The Teamsters Union took him to see the largest union
in the U.S.
c. He met a lot of truck drivers through the Teamsters

a. They thought about selling American products in Japan.

b. They got rich by selling American products in Japan.
c. The Japanese didn't want to buy American products.

19. a. The U.S. became independent in 1789.

b. The new government was established in 1789.
c. George Washington became president in 1776.

20. a. Vanderbilt had only one business, shipping.

b. Vanderbilt had only one business, railroads.
c. After starting in the shipping business, Vanderbilt went
in a new direction.


DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or particle.

Ray Kroc had many jobs before he started his billion dollar business

called the McDonald's Corporation. During World War I, he had

put in. a position as an ambulance driver and got it. After

that, he m a d e a living. .playing piano in nightclubs in

Chicago. Then he worked as a salesman in Florida. His j o b was to

Work 33

convince people to invest land in Florida. The next posi-

tion he took brought him contact hundreds of
4 5

restaurant owners. He sold a gadget called a Multimixer, which could

mix six milkshakes at the same time. This is how he met the McDonald

brothers. They wanted to buy eight Multimixers for their busy restau-

rant. Mr. Kroc decided to arrange a meeting with them. He

was very interested in doing business the McDonald

brothers. They met and got to business quickly. The meet-

ing paid The McDonalds and Ray Kroc entered
& r
9 10

a deal that made history.

Mr. Kroc was sure he could cash the

11 12

need for good, inexpensive food served in a clean and pleasant atmos-

phere. Ten years after he had m a d e a deal the McDonalds,

he bought them They signed the business to
14 15
him. Mr. Kroc built the company and helped it branch

He even set Hamburger University, where

17 18

the managers were trained.

Ray Kroc had been working over forty years before starting the

McDonald's Corporation. During these years he had to deal

all types of people. But Ray Kroc was a good businessman, and without

even a high school education, he founded a company that was

34 Work

valued $4.6 billion b y 1980. N o w t h a t can p r o b a b l y b e

rounded t o $ 5 billion.


DIRECTIONS: Read the sentences below about Henry Ford; then re-
write each sentence using the idioms given.

1. Henry Ford's parents were Irish immigrants who lived on a farm in

2. Ford worked in a machinist's shop when he was fifteen years old.
That is where he learned about machines and engines.
3. He and some friends formed the Detroit Automobile Company
which built custom cars for very rich people.
4. Ford left the company to build racing cars.
5. In 1903 he .and several partners formed the Ford Motor Company.
They produced the Model T five years later.
6. Soon the Model T was being produced on an assembly line. The
company grew and Ford became famous for his assembly-line
method of production.
7. Although Ford was against unions, in 1941 he signed a contract with
the United Auto Workers u n i o n .
8. Gradually, Ford bought stock from other stockholders and gained
complete control of the Ford Motor Company, which was worth

build up pay off branch out

buy out m a k e a living b y d o b u s i n e s s with
deal with get d o w n t o b u s i n e s s set u p
v a l u e at a r r a n g e for m a k e a d e a l with
sign over
Work 35


1. Make up a story about the picture at the beginning of the chapter.

Use as many idioms as possible. This exercise can be written or
2. Ask each other questions about the picture. You must use an idiom
in your response.
3. Use the lines below the picture for a dictation exercise. The teacher
or a student dictates the introductory passage and the students
write it.
4. Rewrite the introductory passage in the future tense.
Residence 334 E. 73 St. only $425
Beaut. 2 BR. sublease. Lux. bldg.
Move-in conditn. Avail, immed.
No fee.


Mr. Barbarino c a m e across this advertisement in the Sunday paper. He

couldn't pass up a two-bedroom apartment for only $425 a month. He, his
wife, son, and pets were c o o p e d up in a one-bedroom apartment for the same
rent. He was really lucky to find that ad.
The next day, Mr. and Mrs. Barbarino went to see the apartment. It was in a
luxury building that towered over the small brownstones nearby. The en-
trance, lobby, and elevators were up to date.
The apartment itself l o o k e d o u t on a quiet side street. The rooms were
large and had a lot of closets. But the b a t h r o o m was painted shocking pink and
the kitchen was cluttered up with boxes a n d suitcases. T h e tenant promised to
t o n e d o w n the walls and fix everything up before m o v i n g out.
The Barbarinos liked the apartment very m u c h so they signed the sublease
immediately. The tenant asked for two checks—a month's rent and a month's
security. He said they could m o v e in in one week.
During the week Mr. and Mrs. Barbarino got rid of their old furniture and
bought antiques to furnish their new apartment with.
The day of the move, they got a big surprise. The police had sealed off 73rd
Street. Several other moving trucks were in front of their building. A police-
m a n told Mr. and Mrs. Barbarino that the tenant had been evicted from the
building; but before he left, he had rented the apartment to ten other families,
then disappeared.




1. c o m e across

Residence 39

2. pass informal

3. coop up in usually passive informal

4. tower over

5. be up to [date]

6. look out on object is usually a noun

7. clutter up usually passive informal

8. tone down

9. fix informal

10. move out

11. move in
40 Residence

12. get rid of 1 informal 1

often passive
13. furnish [ ] with ] object of the prep, is usually a n o u n

14. seal [ 1 off

usually passive
15. evict from ] object of the prep, is usually a n o u n

Use this page for one or m o r e of the following exercises:

Write the meaning of the idiom.

Write sample sentences.
Look for the idioms in short stories, novels, newspapers, or maga-
zines, and copy the sentences containing them.
Give examples of appropriate direct objects or objects of the prep-
osition for each idiom that requires an object.
Practice saying the idioms with correct stress. In general, verbs and
particles are stressed, but prepositions are unstressed.

I. D E F I N I T I O N S

DIRECTIONS: Mark the answer that is the closest synonym for the
italicized idioms.

1. W h e n I was c l e a n i n g o u t my d e s k d r a w e r , I came across this old


a. ( ) l o o k e d for
b. ( ) found
c. ( ) ripped
Residence 41

2, The rent was reasonable and it was in a beautiful neighborhood.

We had to pass it up because we couldn't break our lease.

a. ( ) not take it
b. ( ) get more information
c. ( ) get a lawyer

3. All of us were cooped up in that tiny conference room for five hours.

a. ( ) confined to
b. ( ) talking in
c. ( ) having a meeting in

4. The World Trade Center towers over the other buildings in lower

a. ( ) looks like
b. ( ) blocks
c. ( ) is much taller than

5. Everything in this kitchen is up to date.

a. ( ) is old
b. ( ) is used
c. ( ) is modern

6. His living room looks out on a golf course.

a. ( ) resembles
b. ( ) is dangerous because of
c. ( ) faces

7. She collects bric-a-brac and it clutters up the whole apartment.

a. ( ) makes crowded and messy
b. ( ) makes empty
c. ( ) makes dirty

8. That paint is too bright. You have to tone it down.

a. ( ) make it softer
b. ( ) return it
c. ( ) make it brighter
9 Before signing the lease, ask the landlord if he is going to fix up the

a. ( ) make improvements in
b. ( ) rent
c. ( ) increase the rent of

10. He moved out when he was old enough to support himself.

a. ( ) got a j o b
b. ( ) traveled a lot
c. ( ) changed his residence

11. As soon as the present tenant moves out, you can move in.

a. ( ) occupy the apartment

b. ( ) apply for an apartment
c. ( ) see the apartment

12. If you get rid of these doors, you will have much more room.

a. ( ) open
b. ( ) remove
c. ( ) close

13. They axe furnishing their apartment with French Provincial.

a. ( ) painting
b. ( ) decorating
c. ( ) cleaning

While the schoolchildren are playing outside, the police seal off
14. the street.

a. ( ) guard
b. ( ) leave open
c. ( ) block

He was evicted from the building because he didn't pay the rent.
a. ( ) forced to move out of
b. ( ) given a j o b in
c. ( ) locked up in
Residence 43


DIRECTIONS: Two of the three choices below can be used with the
idiom. Mark the two answers that can be used to complete each sentence

1. We were surprised when we came across . _.

a. ( ) your n a m e on the list

b. ( ) the meeting
c. ( ) some top-secret documents

2. You can't pass up like that!

a. ( ) an antique clock
b. ( ) a broken refrigerator
c. ( ) a deal

3. Ten prisoners were cooped up in all day.

a. ( ) this tiny cell

b. ( ) here
c. ( ) this huge auditorium

4. That five-story building towers over all the nearby.

a. ( ) houses
b. ( ) skyscrapers
c. ( ) cottages

5. That is certainly up to date.

a. ( ) station wagon
b. ( ) outfit
c. ( ) horse

6. The living room looks out on

a view
a brick wall
the garden
44 Residence

7. The cluttered up the room.

a. ( ) doll
b. ( ) bric-a-brac
c. ( ) garbage

8. You should tone down

a. ( ) the color of the walls

b. ( ) the paint
c. ( ) that light blue paint

9. He has to finish fixing up before his

mother-in-law arrives.

a. ( ) the house
b. ( ) the guest room
c. ( ) the television

10. The wants to move out.

a. ( ) writer
b. ( ) neighborhood
c. ( ) senior citizen

11. The is moving in today.

a. ( ) truck
b. ( ) couple
c. ( ) new tenant

12. The first thing she wants to do is get rid of

a. ( ) those ugly Venetian blinds

b. ( ) those old-fashioned sinks
c. ( ) the roof

13. The hotel room was furnished with

a. ( ) modern furniture
b. ( ) beautiful antiques
c. ( ) two closets
Residence 45

14. The manager decided to seal off t h e .

a. exit
b. water
c. passage

15. The tenant was evicted from

a. the building
b. the apartment house
c. the city


DIRECTIONS: Fill in one of the blanks (a or b) in each sentence with the
object given in parentheses. Two of the sentences do not have objects. For
those sentences, do not write anything.
46 Residence

11. The apartment was furnished with

(modern furniture)

12. They don't want to move out (it) 4

b •
13. He cluttered * up - fit) .

14. They cooped up in a tiny office, (us)

15. It doesn't look out_ on _. (the park)


DIRECTIONS: You will hear a situation presented in one or two sen-

tences. Listen to each statement and mark the response that most closely
corresponds to the situation.

1. a. The rent was too high.

b. There was too much work to be done.
c. The necessary repairs would be too expensive.

2. a. She put up Venetian blinds because she doesn't like the

b. She removed the blinds because she likes sunlight.
c. She is blind.
a. They will move in on Tuesday.
b. They will move in right away.
c. They will move in on Sunday.

4. a. Mark's windows face Park Avenue.

b. Mark's windows face 79th Street.
c. Mark enters his building on 79th Street.

Residence 47

The bathroom is crowded with Debbie's dirty laundry.

Lois and Debbie always fight in the bathroom.
Lois always leaves her dirty laundry all over the bath-

The.bathroom is in excellent condition.

In general, the apartment is a good deal.
They are not going to take the apartment because it is
not a good deal.

Originally there were two exits, but one was closed.

Three exits were enough.
One exit had been closed and only two were open.

The apartment walls are too pale.

They probably don't like such intense color on the walls.
They don't want the apartment anyway.

They were evicted from the apartment.

The apartment is vacant.
The tenant is still there.

The secretaries want better working conditions.

The secretaries don't like their boss.
The secretaries can't open the window all day.

The billboards surprised me.

I was looking for the billboards.
I couldn't find the billboards.

The Empire State Building is taller.

The World Trade Center is taller.
The two buildings are close to each other.
48 Residence

13. a. ( ) The dentist works faster now because of his new equip-
b. ( ) The dentist likes expensive furniture.
c. ( ) The patients must pay more money because the dentist
bought new equipment.
14. a. ( ) That department store really has the newest items.
b. ( ) Customers usually want the latest merchandise.
c. ( ) Their business is very good.

15. a. ( ) The person wants to leave the apartment before the end
of the lease.
b. ( ) The person wants to leave the apartment when the lease
is finished.
c. ( ) The person lost his deposit because he moved out.

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or particle.


Are you cooped. -in a small apartment? Don't pass this

.! You won't c o m e . .anything like this

again. The Graystone towers. _all the buildings nearby.

All apartments look .on either the river or a park.

All equipment is. to date. No need to fix anything

_. Move right away. Furnish it_

7 8 9

whatever you have; it will look great. You will never want to

move. _. This building is so safe you will get rid


your worries about the big city.


Call 859-9327 today!

Residence 49


D I R E C T I O N S : Use the information below in a letter to a friend in

the United States about your new a p a r t m e n t . T r y to use as many
idioms as possible. Refer to the list on pages 38, 3 9 , a n d 40 if

Old Apartment New Apartment

1. one small room, no windows 1. found a sign outside the building
2. crowded with books and clothes 2. previous tenant was expelled
3. old-fashioned building 3. in a tall building
4. used furniture 4. needs to be painted
5. faced a fire house 5. walls are purple and aqua
6. no room for my desk 6. cheap rent; good deal
7. balcony was blocked 7. occupied the apartment on


Sincerely y o u r s ,

1. Make up a story about the picture at the beginning of the chapter.

Use as many idioms as possible. This exercise can be written or oral.
2. Ask each other questions about the picture. You must use an idiom
in your response.
3. Use the lines below the picture for a dictation exercise. The teacher
or a student dictates the introductory passage and the students
write it.
4. Change each sentence in the introductory passage to a question.


In Cold Blood*

It was Friday, November 13, 1959. Mr. Clutter signed a $40,000

life insurance policy. t T h e next day he was killed. His wife and two
children didn't collect the insurance. They were all g u n n e d down the
same day.
It happened in a small town in Kansas. Two ex-cons, Dick and
Perry, expected to find a lot of money in a safe in the Clutter house.
Dick's friend from jail had told him that Mr. Clutter was very rich. The
robbers b r o k e in, prowled a r o u n d , tied up the whole family, and
killed each one in cold blood. Dick and Perry m a d e off with about $40.
They went to Mexico, came back to the United States, traveled
from state to state, but all that time Perry didn't believe they would get
away with it. He was right. They were picked up in Las Vegas and
locked u p . It was a hard j o b for the detectives. They had only one clue,
a footprint in blood; and one witness, Dick's old friend from jail.
When the case was b r o u g h t to trial Dick wouldn't own up to the
killings. He said he hadn't killed anyone and p u t the b l a m e on Perry.
Perry confessed to killing Mr. Clutter and his son, b u t accused Dick of
shooting Mrs. Clutter and her daughter. Both men were charged with
murder and both were convicted of murder in the first degree. The
judge sentenced them to death.
For five more years they were b e h i n d bars before they paid for
their crime. All that time Dick and Perry hoped to escape from jail but
there is only oneway out of Death Row. They were hanged on April 14,

* Based on the novel, In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote.

54 Crime


1. gun down informal

2. break in

3. prowl around [ ] object is not necessary

4. tie [ up

5. make off with

6. get away with informal

7. pick [ ] up often passive

8. lock [ ] up usually passive

9. bring [ ] to [trial] usually passive legal

Crime 55

10. own u p to [

11. put [the blame] on

12. confess to

of [ I often passive; often followed by -ing form

13. accuse

14. charge [ ] with [ ] usually passive legal

15. convict [ ] of [ ] usually passive legal

usually passive
16. sentence [ ] to [ ] object of the prep. legd
is usually a noun

17. be behind [bars]

18. pay for [

19. escape from

56 Crime

Use this page for one or more of the following exercises:

• Write the meaning of the idiom.

• Write sample sentences.
• Look for the idioms in short stories, novels, newspapers, or maga-
zines, and copy the sentences containing them.
• Give examples of appropriate direct objects or objects of the prep-
osition for each idiom that requires an object.
• Practice saying the idioms with correct stress. In general, verbs and
particles are stressed, but prepositions are unstressed.

I. D E F I N I T I O N S

DIRECTIONS: Mark the answer that is the closest synonym for the
italicized idioms.

1. They were all gunned down the same day.

a. ( ) putting down their guns

b. ( ) shot unmercifully
c. ( ) beaten with guns

2. The robbers broke in.

a. ( ) needed money
b. ( ) got hurt
c. ( ) forced their way in

3. The robbers prowled around.

a. ( ) walked carefully and quietly

b. ( ) killed everybody
c. ( ) screamed

4. The robbers tied up the whole family.

a. ( ) put ties on
b. ( ) b o u n d with string or rope
c. ( ) attempted to kill
Crime 57

5. Dick and Perry made off with about $40.

a. ( ) earned
b. ( ) printed
c. ( ) stole and left quickly with

6. Perry didn't believe they would get away with it.

a. ( ) not be punished for

b. ( ) have a plan for
c. ( ) take a vacation with

7. They were picked up in Las Vegas.

a. ( ) lost
b. ( ) found and arrested
c. ( ) given a trial

8. They were locked up in Las Vegas.

a. ( ) imprisoned
b. ( ) sent to the courtroom
c. ( ) forced to go h o m e

9. The case was brought to trial.

Ha. ( ) tried in a court of law

b. ( ) dismissed
c. ( ) talked about

10. Dick wouldn't own up to the killings.

a. ( ) commit
b. ( ) talk about
c. ( ) admit responsibility for

11. He put the blame on Perry.

a. ( ) forgave
b. ( ) accused
c. ( ) attacked
12. Perry confessed to killing Mr. Clutter.

a. ( ) confused
b. ( ) enjoyed
c. ( ) admitted

13. Perry accused Dick of shooting Mrs. Clutter.

a. ( ) said Dick was guilty of

b. ( ) arrested for
c. ( ) admitted to

14. Both men were charged with murder.

a. ( ) accused of
b. ( ) proven to be guilty of
c. ( ) asked to commit

15. Both were convicted of m u r d e r in the first degree.

a. ( ) found guilty of
b. ( ) thought to be guilty of
c. ( ) tried for

16. The judge sentenced them to death.

a. ( ) / stated the punishment

b. ( ) gave a speech about
c. ( ) suggested the punishment of

17. For five more years they were behind bars.

a. ( ) were in court
b. ( ) were free
c. ( ) were in jail

18. They paid for their crime.

a. ( ) were punished for

b. ( ) collected money for
c. ( ) paid their lawyers for
Crime 59
19. Dick and Perry hoped to escape from jail.

a. ( ) be released from
b. ( ) remain in
c. ( ) break out of


DIRECTIONS: Two of the three choices below can be used with the
idiom. Mark the two answers that can be used to complete each sentence

1. She owned up to

a. ( ) the confession
b. ( ) stealing the gems
c. ( ) giving the top-secret document
to the journalist

2. He paid for

a. ( ) his blunder
b. ( ) his punishment
c. ( ) his crime

3. was brought to trial.

a. ( ) The case
b. ( ) The defendant
c. ( ) The witness

4. He was convicted of

a. ( ) premeditated murder
b. ( ) armed robbery
c. ( ) the case
60 Crime

5. The rebel gunned d o w n .

a. ( ) the ambassador
b. ( ) the weapons
c. ( ) the bystanders

6. They escaped from

a. ( ) captivity
b. ( ) a m a x i m u m security prison
c. ( ) fear

7. is behind bars now.

a. ( ) The killer
b. ( ) The gangster
c. ( ) The m u r d e r case

8. He got away with.

a. ( ) the cover-up
b. ( ) his good behavior
c. ( ) his obnoxious behavior

9. The guest m a d e off with.

a. ( ) the cash
b. ( ) the painting
c. ( ) the robbery

10. broke in.

a. ( ) A German shepherd
b. ( ) A street gang
c. ( ) A burglar

11. The convict was sentenced to

a. ( ) life imprisonment
b. ( ) murder
c. ( ) the electric chair

12. was prowling around.

a. ( ) The victim
b. ( ) The thief
c. ( ) The armed bandit

13. He was charged with

a. ( ) possession of heroin
b. ( ) drunken driving
c. ( ) being a lady-killer

14. They tied up

a. ( ) the package
b. ( ) the building
c. ( ) the guard

15. The police picked up

a. ( ) the escaped convict

b. ( ) the killer's look-alike
c. ( ) the robbery

16. She confessed to

a. ( ) stealing the money

b. ( ) the disgraceful crime
c. ( ) not committing the murder

17. was locked u p .

a. ( ) The wrong man

b. ( ) The war criminal
c. ( ) The door

18. The victim's family put the blame o n .

a. ( ) the police
b. ( ) the icy roads
c. ( ) the youngster's future
62 Crime

19. He was accused of _

a. ( ) starting the fire

b. ( ) perjury
c. ( ) the police


DIRECTIONS: Fill in one of the blanks (a or b) in each sentence with the

object given in parentheses. One of the sentences has no object. For that
sentence, do not write anything.

1. Nobody has ever escaped from (it)

a b
2. The burglars tied up (us)
a b
3. The lunatic gunned down . (her)
a b
4. They brought to trial quickly, (it)
a b
5. She m a d e off with (it)
a b
6. You won't get away with (it) „,^
a b
7. Lock up ! (them)
a b
8. The police picked up (him)
a b
9. He has been convicted of (it)
a b
10. She wasn't accused of (that)
a b
11. They prowled around (the house)
a b
12. He paid for (it)
a b
13. They were both charged with
a b

14. He didn't want to own up to (it)

Crime 63

15. They were sentenced to (death)

16. He has already confessed to fit)
17. Don't put the blame on (him)
a b
18. The killer is already behind (bars)
19. He broke in _during the weekend, (it)


DIRECTIONS: You will hear a situation presented in one or two

sentences. Listen to each statement and mark the response that most
closely corresponds to. the situation.

1. a. The robber spent seven years in prison.

b. The robber was sent to prison for twenty-two months.
c. The robber was arrested in a bar.
d. The robber was in prison less than two years.

2. a. He entered his victims' apartments by breaking the

b. He was p u t in jail for murder.
c. He locked the doors of the women's apartments.
d. He was put in jail for sixty-three years.

3. a. He was punished for murder.

b. He was never punished because he was so cute.
c. The cute little boy committed murder.
d. He had a way of murdering boys.

a. Raskolnikov's sister escapes with the jewelry.

b. Raskolnikov didn't get any jewelry.
c. After the murders, Raskolnikov escapes with some
d. ( ) The only crime in the novel is robbery.
64 Crime

5. a. She got out of jail the first day she was behind bars.
b. It didn't bother her to be in jail.
c. She didn't want to stay in jail.
d. She was never arrested.

6. a. His parents said it was the school's fault.

b. The school said it was the boy's parents' fault.
c. His parents blamed themselves.
d. His parents committed suicide.

7. a. She was afraid a burglar was inside her apartment.

b. She saw a body in her apartment.
c. She was afraid of the dark.
d. She looked all over the apartment.

8. a. If a person steals something, his hand is cut off in Is-

lamic countries.
In Muslim countries a thief must pay back what he
steals. There is no additional punishment.
c. Stealing is not considered a crime in Muslim countries.
d. In Muslim countries the punishment for any crime is
amputation of the hand.

9. a. The newspaper report said that the policeman was

b. The policeman admitted that he murdered somebody.
c. The policeman said it was his duty to kill.
d. The report said the policeman killed somebody while
he wasn't working. It hasn't been proven yet.

10. a. The detectives always m a d e the same knot.

b. Before the victims were killed, they were tied up.
c. The killer did not tie up his victims.
d. The detectives found the killer when he was making a
Crime 65

11. a. Son of Sam killed somebody because of a parking ticket.

b. The police discovered who murdered Son of Sam.
c. Son of Sam was caught before he got a parking ticket.
d. Son of Sam was caught after he got a parking ticket.

12. a. The boy said it was the first time he stole something.
b. The teenager admitted stealing thirty records
c. The store detective didn't see the boy stealing the
d. The store detective caught the boy with thirty records.

13. a. He left his position as Vice-President and went to jail.

b. He went to jail for three years.
c. He should have added $10,000 to his income tax
d. It was said that the former Vice-President didn't report
$29,500 on his income tax report.

14. a. The eyewitness heard about the shooting.

b. He probably thought it was better to admit his crime
because somebody had seen the shooting.
c. There weren't any witnesses.
d. He shot the witness as soon as possible.

15. a. The burglars went to the Democratic Party's head-

quarters to steal something.
b. The burglars were never caught.
c. They entered the building legally.
d. The burglars worked at the Democratic Party's head-
66 Crime


DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or particle.

It was Friday, November 13, 1959. Mr. Clutter signed a $40,000

life insurance policy. The next day he was killed. His wife and two

children didn't collect the insurance. They were all gunned

the same day.

It happened in a small town in Kansas. Two ex-cons, Dick and

Perry, expected to find a lot of money in a safe in the Clutter house.

Dick's friend from jail had told him that Mr. Clutter was very rich. The

robbers broke , prowled , tied the

2 3 4
whole family, and killed each one in cold blood. Dick and Perry made

with about $40.


They went to Mexico, came back to the United States, traveled

from state to state, but all that time Perry didn't believe they would get

with it. He was right. They were picked in Las

Vegas and locked It was a hard j o b for the detectives. They

had only one clue, a footprint in blood; and one witness, Dick's old

friend from jail.

When the case was brought trial Dick wouldn't own

to the killings. He said he hadn't killed anyone and put

the blame Perry. Perry confessed killing Mr.

11 12
Crime 67

C l u t t e r a n d his son, b u t a c c u s e d Dick shooting Mrs.

Clutter and her daughter. Both m e n were charged murder
a n d b o t h were convicted m u r d e r in the first degree. T h e
judge sentenced them death.
F o r f i v e m o r e years they w e r e b a r s b e f o r e they

paid t h e i r c r i m e . All t h a t t i m e Dick a n d Perry h o p e d t o

escape jail b u t t h e r e i s o n l y o n e w a y o u t o f D e a t h Row.

T h e y w e r e h a n g e d o n A p r i l 14, 1965.


DIRECTIONS: The following paragraphs are about crimes. Find a

sentence with an idiom about crime and write the idiom in the paren-
theses. Then rewrite the sentence in your own words without using the

1. The father said his five children were there when the g u n m e n broke
in. The youngest was his newborn baby.
2. His followers were accused of fixing the elections to ensure an
overwhelming victory. After m o n t h s of rioting, he agreed to void the
3. Two teenagers have been charged with starting 13 fires. T h e police
describe it as a wave of arson that has ruined over a h u n d r e d houses
in this area.
4. The police said it seemed that the robbers had m a d e off with over
$40 million in securities as well as a large amount of cash.
5. Philip Stevens was convicted of killing his pregnant wife and three
young children. Mr. Stevens, an emergency room surgeon, killed the
four members of his family then inflicted wounds on himself to
conceal his role in the crime.

1. ( )
68 Crime

2. (

3. (

4. (

5. (


1. Make up a story about the picture at the beginning of the chapter.

Use as many idioms as possible. This exercise can be written or oral.
2. Ask each other questions about the picture. You must use an idiom
in your response.
3. Use the lines below the picture for a dictation exercise. The teacher
or a student dictates the introductory passage and the students write
4. Rewrite the introductory passage in the present tense.


Dear Mother and Father,

My mistress died recently. On her deathbed she asked her son,

Mr. B, to look after me. But the problem is that he can't take his eyes
off me. In fact, he flirts with me all the time. The other servants say he
has a crush on me. What do you think I should do?

Your loving daughter,

Pamela Andrews

Dear Pamela,

We are terribly afraid that Mr. B has designs on you. Don't

forget you are only fifteen years old and your master can wind you
a r o u n d his little finger.

Your worried parents

Dearest Mother and Father,

Thank goodness I get a l o n g with the housekeeper, Mrs. Jervis.

It is wonderful that I can confide in her. She says I have swept Mr. B off
his feet, and that he is infatuated with me. I still don't believe he will
try to have an affair with me! If he makes a p a s s a t me I will do whatever
I can to come h o m e to you.

Your devoted daughter,



72 Love

My Dear Parents,

I am like a prisoner now. Mr. B thinks we should live together I

and if we are happy, he will p r o p o s e to me in one year. He has already I
tried to make love with me! I fainted. When I could speak again, 11
begged him to let me go home.

Pamela Andrews!

Dear Parents,

Mr. B became so angry that he threw me out. On the way to

your house, I received a letter from him. He wrote that he was very sick
and wanted me to return. I went back immediately. I guess I had fallen
in love with him.
When we got together, Mr. B felt m u c h better and I did too. I
am happy to tell you that we just got married.
Now I can sign my letter,

Pamela B1

Pamela was written in 1739 by Samuel Richardson, a London

printer. He began by writing a book of model letters but finished by
writing a novel. In fact, Pamela is considered the first modern novel.




1. look after [

2. (can't) take [one's eyes] off [

Love 73

3. flirt with

4. have [a crush] on informal

5. have [designs] on informal

6. wind [ around [one's litde finger] informal

7. get along with

8. confide in [

9. sweep [ off [his/her feet] informal

10. be infatuated with

11. have [an affair] with

12. make [a pass] at [ informal

74 Love

13. live together

14. propose to [

15. make [love] with

16. throw [ ] out

17. fall in [love] with [ ]

18. get together

Use this page for o n e or m o r e of the following exercises:

• Write the meaning of the idiom.

• Write sample sentences.
• Look for the idioms in short stories, novels, newspapers, or maga-
zines, and copy the sentences containing them.
• Give examples of appropriate direct objects or objects of the prep-
osition for each idiom that requires an object.
• Practice saying the idioms with correct stress. In general, verbs and
particles are stressed, but prepositions are unstressed.


DIRECTIONS: Match each idiom on the left with its correct definition
on the right. Write the letter of the definition on the line next to the

Love 75

1. look after a. manipulate somebody

2. can't take one's eyes off___ through charm
3. flirt with__ b. tell somebody something in
4. have a crush on confidence
5. have designs on c. make somebody fall in love
6. wind around one's little with you
finger d. love foolishly
7. get along with e. meet, see a person
8. confide in f. ask somebody to marry you
9. sweep off his/her feet g. take responsibility for
10. be infatuated with h. be very interested in
11. have an affair with somebody
12. make a pass at i. date and have relations with
13. live together __ somebody you are not
14. propose to _ married to
15. make love with J. suggest sexual attraction by
16. throw out a word or gesture
17. fall in love with k. live in the same house even.
18. get together if not married
1. plan to have intimate
relations with somebody
m . have a good relationship
n. have sexual relations
o. begin to love somebody
P- expel somebody
q- stare at somebody because of
interest in that person
r. do something to show an
interest in another person


DIRECTIONS: Two of the three choices below can be used with the
idiom. Mark the two answers that can be used to complete each sentence

1. Helen confided in .

a. ( ) her best friend

b. ( ) her diary
c. ( ) psychology

2. We got together for

a. ( ) a drink
b. ( ) happiness
c. ( ) brunch

3. She gets along with

a. ( ) her j o b
b. ( ) her colleagues
c. ( ) her husband

4. She fell in love with

a. ( ) her teacher
b. ( ) a boy who doesn't speak her language
c. ( ) humanity

5. J i m m y has a crush on _.

a. ( ). a girl in his class

b. ( ) his poodle
c. ( ) his tutor

6. will live together in San Francisco.

a. ( ) Karen and her fiance

b. ( ) The couple
c. ( ) The teenager

7. He flirted with

a. ( ) a box of chocolates
b. ( ) the salesgirl
c. ( ) the stranger at the next table

8. She had an affair with

a. ( ) her husband
b. ( ) her husband's best friend
c. ( ) her boss
Love 77

9. Janice must look after

a. ( ) her younger sister

b. ( ) her great grandmother
c. ( ) her lost p u p p y

10. Michael has designs on .

a. ( ) the highest position

b. ( ) his new assistant
c. ( ) his blind date

11. couldn't take his eyes off the saleswoman.

a. ( ) The customer
b. ( ) The kitten
c. ( ) The buyer

12. It seems that she can wind around

her little finger.
a. ( ) her ring
b. ( ) her parents
c. ( ) her counselor

13. He swept off her feet.

a. ( ) his date
b. ( ) his six-day-old daughter
c. ( ) the actress

14. She is infatuated with

a. ( ) the new m a n in her life

b. ( ) her j o b
c. ( ) her latest husband

15. Thomas made a pass at

a. ( ) a woman on the bus

b. ( ) her pretty face
c. ( ) the waitress
78 Love

16. J o h n is going to propose to

a. ( ) a girl he met last week

b. ( ) his boss, Mr. Richmond
c. ( ) his high school sweetheart

17. He m a d e love with in the motel.

a. ( ) his wife
b. ( ) his car
c. ( ) his girlfriend

18. She threw out.

a. ( ) her husband
b. ( ) the angry customer
c. ( ) herself


DIRECTIONS: Fill in one of the blanks (a or b) in each sentence with

the object given in parentheses. Two of the sentences do not have objects.
For those sentences, do not write anything.

1. He threw out (her)

a b
2. He flirts with (them)
a b
3. You can confide in (him)
a b
4. She looked __ after (him)
a b
5. They don't want to get married but they will live

together (it)
6. He has designs on (her)
a b
7. She doesn't get along with (him)
Love 79

8. He swept off her feet, (her)

a b
9. She is infatuated with __ (him)
a b
10. Now we can get together more
a b
often, (it)

11. She fell in love with (him)

a b
12. He proposed to (her)
a b
13. He m a d e love with (her)
a b
14. She couldn't take her eyes off (him)
a b
15. She has a crush on (him)
a b
16. He can wind around his little finger.
a b

17. She is having an affair with (him)

a b
18. He m a d e a pass at (her)



DIRECTIONS: You will hear a situation followed by a question. After

you hear each question, read the three choices and mark the response
that answers the question correctly.

1. a. ( ) He captivated her.
b. ( ) He was attracted to her.
c. ( ) He couldn't look at her.
80 Love

2. a. H u m b e r t planned to make love with Lolita.

b. H u m b e r t was drawing pictures of Lolita.
c. Lolita discovered Humbert's diary.

3. a. He took responsibility for her.

b. He killed Lolita.
c. He died.

4. a. Yes, but they lived in hotels instead of an apartment.

b. No, but they traveled together and shared hotel rooms.
c. Yes, they got married in a hotel.

5. a. H u m b e r t becomes her husband.

b. They meet once again.
c. Lolita escapes.

Part II

DIRECTIONS: You will hear a short dialogue followed by a question.

After you hear each question, read the three choices and mark the
response that answers the question correctly.

1. a. When they began to get along.

b. When they decided to get married.
c. When he cancelled a date.

2. a. He passed Margaret in the corridor.

b. He winked or smiled to show that he was interested in
c. He saw that she was interested in him.

3. a. She met a terrible man.

b. She was infatuated with him.
c. She was crushed by what happened at the party.

4. a. It was quite peaceful.

b. They were busy all the time with the Italian men.
c. It wasn't very good.
Love 81

5. a. ( ) She h a s tiny fingers,

b. ( ) S h e falls in love w i t h a lot of guys.
c. ( ) She is m a n i p u l a t i v e .


DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with an idiom about love. The meaning
of the idiom is given below each line. Edit your work to be sure your
answers are grammatically correct.

D a r l i n g Susan,

W h e n I m e t y o u at t h e p a r t y t h e o t h e r n i g h t I
1 (began to
_ _ y o u . You l o o k e d so beautiful in y o u r silk dress, I j u s t
c o u l d n ' t _ y o u . W h e n I saw J o h n
2 (stop staring at) 3( suggesting
! y o u I was terribly j e a l o u s .
sexual attraction)
As I e x p l a i n e d , M a r t h a a n d I h a v e b e e n
4(sharing the same
for two years b u t w e a r e very different, a n d w e d o n ' t
e a c h o t h e r at all. I ' m n o t a p l a y b o y
5 (have a good relationship with)
a n d I d o n ' t like to . . other women, butyou're
6 (show an interest in)
n o t j u s t a n o t h e r w o m a n . Y o u ' r e very special. Please d o n ' t t h i n k I j u s t w a n t

to you. Iloveyou! I w a n t t o
7(have relations with) 8 (meet/see)
w i t h y o u as s o o n as p o s s i b l e a n d s p e n d as m u c h t i m e as I can with
M a y b e it looks like I you, b u t I think
9 (am foolishly in love with)
it is real love. You h a v e
10 (made me fall in love with you).
Love a n d kisses,
82 Love


1. Make up a story about the picture at the beginning of the chapter.
Use as many idioms as possible. This exercise can be written or oral.
2. Ask each other questions about the picture. You must use an idiom
in your response.
3. Use the lines below the picture for a dictation exercise. The teacher
or a student dictates the introductory passage and the students write
4. Rewrite the introductory passage as a story. Do not use the letter


It happened during the California Gold Rush. An American

sailmaker moved to the West Coast with a large supply, of blue canvas
and orange thread. His name was Levi Strauss.
Strauss had a problem in California. Nobody wanted to buy his
supplies; everybody was too busy digging for gold. "Gold diggers don't
need sails," he thought, "they need strong trousers." So Strauss came
up with a clever idea—to m a k e trousers for the gold diggers out of his
He hired a saddlemaker and they p u t together the blue canvas,
the orange thread, and copper rivets to produce the strongest trousers
ever made. In 1850, the first blue jeans came out.
Once they came in, Levi's never went o u t of fashion. Workmen
p u t them on; children pull them on and roll them u p ; cowboys never
take them off; even presidents show up in them.
Americans, in general, don't like to dress u p . They prefer to wear a
pair of jeans which they can zip up in a second. Jeans go with
everything—a sweatshirt or a mink coat. People who keep up with the
times buy designer jeans. All over the world jeans are in vogue.
Levi Strauss didn't need to dig for gold; his invention was a gold




1. come up with [ ] informal

86 Fashion

2 make f 1 OUt of f 1 object of the prep, is usually a n o u n

3. put together

4. come out

5. come in

6. go out of [fashion]

7. put on

8. pull [ ] on

9. roll [ ] up

10. take [ ] off

11. show up in
Fashion 87

12. dress up

13. zip [ up informal

14. go with

15. keep up with [the times]

16. be in [vogue]

Use this page for one or m o r e of the following exercises:

• Write the meaning of the idiom.

• Write sample sentences.
• Look for the idioms in short stories, novels, newspapers, or maga-
zines, and copy the sentences containing them.
• Give examples of appropriate direct objects or objects of the prep-
osition for each idiom that requires an object.
« Practice saying the idioms with correct stress. In general, verbs and
particles are stressed, but prepositions are unstressed.

I. D E F I N I T I O N S

DIRECTIONS: Mark the answer that is die closest synonym for the
italicized idioms.

1. The young salesman came up with a money-saving idea.

a. ( ) bought
b. ( ) exchanged
c. ( ) found
2. The bedspread was made out of 'tiny pieces of material.

a. ( ) produced from
b. ( ) ripped into
c. ( ) covered with

3. The jeweler put the watch together again.

a. ( ) assembled
b. ( ) cleaned
c. ( ) placed on the shelf

4. Miniskirts came out in the 1960's.

a. ( ) became popular
b. ( ) became available to the public
c. ( ) went out of style

5. In the 1930's, padded shoulders first came in.

a. ( ) became fashionable
b. ( ) became available to the public
c. ( ) went out of style

6. Platform shoes went out of fashion quickly.

a. ( ) became fashionable
b. ( ) stopped being fashionable
c. ( ) broke

7. If you have a good figure, you can put on anything and look great.

a. ( ) get dressed in
b. ( ) buy
c. ( ) sew

8. If you pull a sweater on over your T-shirt, you will be warm


a. ( ) stretch
b. ( ) get dressed in quickly
c. ( ) remove
Fashion 89

9. We rolled up our pants and walked into the lake.

a. ( ) folded
b. ( ) removed
c. ( ) raised by rolling

10. When you enter a Japanese home you must take off your shoes.

a. ( ) wear
b. ( ) remove
c. ( ) brush

11. Everyone was surprised when the president showed up in blue jeans.

a. ( ) bought
b. ( ) displayed
c. ( ) appeared wearing

12. The little girl likes to dress up.

a. ( ) put on formal clothes

b. ( ) wear jeans and sneakers
c. ( ) wear dirty dresses

13. She gained so much weight that she can't zip up her pants.

a. ( ) wear
b. ( ) remove
c. ( ) close the zipper of

14. That tie doesn't go with your shirt.

a. ( ) look good with

b. ( ) look better than
c. ( ) cover

15. She reads all the fashion magazines to keep up with the times.

a. ( ) enjoy herself
b. ( ) know what is new
c. ( ) waste time
90 Fashion

16. Natural fabrics like cotton and silk are always in vogue.

a. ( ) are comfortable
b. ( ) are expensive
c. ( ) are fashionable


DIRECTIONS: Two of the three choices below can be used with the
idiom. Mark the two answers that can be used to complete each sentence
i correctly.

1. The seamstress came up with

a. ( ) a solution to the problem

b. ( ) a logical explanation
c. ( ) a sewing machine

2. The ten-foot sculpture was m a d e out of

a. ( ) junk
b. ( ) a chisel
c. ( ) coat hangers

3. If you p u t the together, it will look like


a. ( ) fragments
b. ( ) parts
c. ( ) piece

4. is coming out this year.

a. ( ) Last year's style

b. ( ) His autobiography
c. ( ) A new look

5. came in this spring.

a. ( ) Costume jewelry
b. ( ) Long hair
c. ( ) A new boutique
Fashion 91

6. have gone out of fashion before.

a. ( ) Pointy-toed shoes
b. ( ) Cufflinks
c. ( ) Clothes

7. Why don't you put on ?

a. ( ) your glasses
b. ( ) your necklace
c. ( ) your comb and brush

8. Please, take off and make yourself at


a. ( ) your shoes
b. ( ) your coat
c. ( ) your briefcase

9. One of the designer's models showed up in .

a. ( ) another designer's dress

b. ( ) a new pocketbook
c. ( ) glasses

10. She pulled on

a. ( ) the three-thousand-dollar evening gown

b. ( ) her bathing suit
c. ( ) a pair of jeans and a turtleneck sweater

11. If it gets too hot you can roll up

a. ( ) your sleeves
( ) your shirt
c. ( ) your pants

12. That doesn't go with your skirt.

a. ( ) blazer
b. ( ) straight skirt
c ( ) lace blouse
92 Fashion

13. He to keep up with the times.

a. ( ) goes shopping once a month

b. ( ) reads a lot of magazines
c. ( ) reads the encyclopedia

14. We have to dress up for

a. ( ) the reception
b. ( ) the wedding gown
c. ( ) the opera

15. She zipped up t h e .

a. ( ) ski jacket
b. ( ) dress
c. ( ) diaper

16. is in vogue this year.

a. ( ) Wool
b. ( ) Fashion
c. ( ) Casual wear


DIRECTIONS: Fill in one of the blanks (a or b) in each sentence with the

object given in parentheses. Three of the sentences do not have objects.
For those sentences, do not write anything.

1. You have to p u t together

2. He didn't come up with (it)

a b
3. It was m a d e out of . (these scraps)
a b
4. Miniskirts went out of (fashion)
a b
5. It's too hot to put on (that)
Fashion 93

6. It's too cold to take _ - (it)

7. He showed up in (it)

You s h o u l d p u l l on (it)
a b
9. You don't need to roll_ up _________ _. (them)
10. It d o e s n ' t go with _ (this)

11. The fall collection is coming. out_ soon.


12. Please, zip up me

a b
13. What kind of clothes will come out

next year? (it)

14. He always keeps up with (the times)

15. It is not in (vogue)

16. The party is formal so you must dress. up



DIRECTIONS: You will hear a situation presented in one or two

sentences. Listen to each statement and mark the response that most
closely corresponds to the situation.

1. a. ( ) The First Lady went to her husband's inauguration with

the designer Halston.
b. ( ) The First Lady wore a Halston hat to the inauguration.
c. ( ) The President's wife designed a pillbox.
2. a. Short skirts were popular before 1920.
b. Shirts became popular in the 1920's.
c. The first time short skirts became fashionable was in

3. a. Minis, midis, and maxis were not fashionable in the

b. The 1960's was a time of changing hemlines.
c. The mini was the only fashionable skirt in the 1960's.

4. a. Don't buy them if they are over one hundred dollars.

b. Buy them if they look good with your dress.
c. Buy them if they cost only $110.

5. a. She reads The New York Times.

b. She works in Paris.
c. It is necessary for her to know what is fashionable.

6. a. She was wearing an attractive outfit when she went to

the store.
b. She looked better in her own dress.
c. She looked better in the outfit in the store.

7. a. That suit became popular last year.

b. That suit became popular this year.
c. That suit went out of fashion last year.

8. a. She sews them by hand.

b. She doesn't buy pants that are too long for her.
c. She makes them shorter by turning up the bottom.

9. a. His ties are fashionable now.

b. His ties never went out of fashion.
c. He expects his ties to be fashionable again.
Fashion 95

10. a. They have metal taps.

b. They are very stiff.
c. They are very comfortable.

11. a. American fashion designers wear only casual clothes.

b. American fashion designers would probably put an
informal blouse with a very formal skirt.
American fashions are generally informal and com-

12. a. The pants were too loose.

b. The pants were too tight.
c. The zipper was broken.

13. a. She must be very careful with support pantyhose.

b. She prefers sheer pantyhose.
c. She probably wears support pantyhose.

14. a. Peter was in a tuxedo.

b. Peter was in a pair of jeans.
c. Peter didn't go to the birthday party.

15. a. The new designer was very innovative.

b. The new designer created many designs.
c. The new designer didn't produce anything original.


DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or particle.

It happened during the California Gold Rush. An American sail-

maker moved to the West Coast with a large supply of blue canvas and

orange thread. His name was Levi Strauss.

Strauss had a problem in California. Nobody wanted to buy his

supplies; everybody was too busy digging for gold. "Gold diggers don't

need sails," he thought, "they need strong trousers." So Strauss came

up_ a clever idea—to make trousers for the gold diggers

of his material.

He hired a saddlemaker and they put the blue canvas,

the orange thread, and copper rivets to produce the strongest trousers

ever m a d e . In 1850, the first blue jeans came

Once they came , Levi's never went of
5 6
fashion. Workmen put them ; children pull them

and roll them ; cowboys never take them

; even presidents show in them.

10 11

Americans, in general, don't like to dress They pre-

fer to wear a pair of jeans which they can zip in a second.

Jeans go everything—a sweatshirt or a mink coat. People
who keep up the times buy designer jeans. All over the

world jeans are vogue.

Levi Strauss didn't need to dig for gold; his invention was a gold

Fashion 97


1. Make up a story about the picture at the beginning of the chapter.

Use as many idioms as possible. This exercise can be written or oral.
2. Ask each other questions about the picture. You must use an idiom
in your response.
3. Use the lines below the picture for a dictation exercise. The teacher
or a student dictates the introductory passage and the students
write it.
4. Rewrite the introductory passage in the future tense.



This is it! I can't cope with this situation any longer. You are
driving me out of my mind. You know it gets on my nerves, but you
continue to do it anyway. You don't even think twice about what you're
doing. At this point, I am completely fed up.
Of course, you think I'm picking on you. You're sure I'm looking
for something to complain about because I got out of bed on the
wrong side. Well, you're wrong.
Are you deaf? I'm talking to you! Why are you looking at me like
that? Why do you always hold everything in? Why don't you say some-
thing? Let's have it out right now, or don't you feel like discussing it?
Listen, do you really think I am going to put up with this forever?
Oh, no. I won't stand for it.
This is it! I have to calm down. I am not going to lose any more
sleep over it. You have to cut it out, that's all. I don't object to your
affairs, but I'm telling you for the last time, don't squeeze the tooth-
paste in the middle!




1. cope with

2. drive out of [his/her mind]

Anger 101

3. get on [one's nerves]

4. (not) think twice about

5. be fed u p informal

6. pick on [ informal

7. complain about

8. get out of [bed] on [the wrong side] informal

9. hold [ 1 in

10. have out informal

11. feel like object is usually the -ing form

12. put up with often negative informal

102 Anger

13. Stand for Г 1 usually negative informal

14 calm [ down object can be omitted

15. (not) lose [any sleep] over [ informal

16 cut [ out

17 object to []

U s e t h i s p a g e f o r o n e o r m o r e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g exercises:

. Write the m e a n i n g of the idiom.

. Write sample sentences.
• Look for the idioms in short stories, novels, newspapers, or maga­
zines, a n d copy the sentences containing them.
. Give examples of appropriate direct objects or objects of the prep­
osition for each idiom that requires an object.
• Practice saying the idioms with correct stress. In general, verbs and
particles are stressed, b u t prepositions are unstressed.

I. D E F I N I T I O N S

D I R E C T I O N S : Mark the answer that is the closest synonym for the

italicized idioms.

1. H e q u i t his j o b b e c a u s e h e c o u l d n ' t cope with all t h e p r e s s u r e .

a. ( ) overcome
b. ( ) avoid
с ( ) enjoy
Anger 103

2. His constant complaining is driving me out of my mind.

a. ( ) annoying me a little
b. ( ) too loud
с ( ) making me very nervous

3. H e r high-pitched voice gets on everybody's nerves.

a. ( ) sounds nervous
b. ( ) irritates everybody
с ( ) sounds melodious

4. She didn't think twice about selling drugs.

a. ( ) didn't want to get involved in

b. ( ) couldn't imagine
c. ( ) didn't worry about

5. Were fed up with the weather here.

a. ( ) enjoying
b. ( ) tired of
с ( ) pleased with

6. He always picks on his litde brother:

a. ( ) chooses for teasing or p u n i s h m e n t

b. ( ) lifts
с ( ) beats

7. You are always complaining about your salary.

a. ( ) discussing
b. ( ) expressing a negative opinion about
с ( ) worrying about

8. It's better not to talk to him. He got out of bed on the wrong side
this morning.

a. ( ) was in a bad m o o d when he went to

b. ( ) hurt himself when he got up
c. ( ) has been in a bad m o o d since he
got u p
9. If you are angry, tell me. D o n ' t hold it in.

a. ( ) keep it inside
b. ( ) explain why
с ( ) be embarrassed

10. They were both angry at each other and finally they had it out.

a. ( ) got divorced
b. ( ) settled a problem by discussing it
angrily and freely
с ( ) b e c a m e friends again

11. I d o n ' t feel like going o u t in the rain. Let's stay h o m e .

a. ( ) want to
b. ( ) feel well enough to
с ( ) enjoy

12. His secretary can't put up with his bad manners anymore.

a. ( ) tolerate
b. ( ) try to change
с ( ) ignore

13. The teacher wouldn't stand for any cheating during the exam.

a. ( ) tolerate
b. ( ) stop
с ( ) ignore '

14. If you want to discuss the matter, you m u s t calm down first.

a. ( ) b e c o m e quiet, m o r e relaxed
b. ( ) make an a p p o i n t m e n t
с ( ) explain your position

15. I wouldn't lose any sleep over the news if I were you.

a. ( ) not listen to
b. ( ) not discuss
c. ( ) not worry about
Anger 105

16. If you don'tcut out smoking three packs of cigarettes a day, you will
die before you are fifty.

a. ( ) think a b o u t
b. ( ) stop
с ( ) limit yourself to

17. T h e cleaning lady objected to washing windows.

a. ( ) avoided
b. ( ) liked
c. ( ) expressed a negative attitude about


DIRECTIONS: Two of the three choices below can be used with the
idiom. Mark the two answers that can be used to complete each sentence

1. It was extremely difficult for her to cope with

a. ( ) the crisis
b. ( ) her husband's death
с ( ) the clock

2. „__ is driving him o u t of his mind.

a. ( ) The constant noise

b. ( ) His brain
с ( ) H e r complaining

3. gets on her nerves.

a. ( ) Driving to work
b. ( ) Rock 'n roll
с ( ) Tension
4. He didn't think twice about

a. ( ) reading
b. ( ) betraying his colleague
с ( ) r e c o m m e n d i n g her for the j o b

5. is fed u p .

a. ( ) The mayor
b. ( ) Her husband
с ( ) Her j o b

6. Why do you always pick on ?

a. ( ) that little boy

b. ( ) the bus
с ( ) your younger sister

7. Nobody wants to listen to you complain about

a. ( ) your great boss

b. ( ) your salary
с ( ) being fired

8. I think got out of bed on the wrong

side today.

a. ( ) my supervisor
b. ( ) that girl with the smile on her face
с ( ) my sister

9. In some countries people m u s t hold in their

a. ( ) emotions
b. ( ) anger
с ( ) mistakes

10. had it out last night.

a. ( ) H e r parents
b. ( ) T h e angry customer
с ( ) Two of the soccer players
Anger 107

11. He doesn't feel like

a. ( ) study
b. ( ) asking her to go to the party
с ( ) playing tennis

12. She can't p u t up with

a. ( ) her in-laws
b. ( ) her favorite music
с ( ) the air pollution here

13. We won't stand for

a. ( ) any discrimination
b. ( ) such terrible working conditions
с ( ) anybody

14. She couldn't calm down after

a. ( ) the robbery
b. ( ) the premiere
с ( ) taking a walk

15. I can see you didn't lose any sleep over

a. ( ) your breakfast
b. ( ) the scandal
с ( ) the news of his arrest

16. T h e doctor told her to cut out

a. ( ) smoking
b. ( ) alcoholic beverages
с ( ) sleeping

17. He always objects to

a. ( ) delicious food
b. ( ) having to stay overtime
с ( ) being interrupted
108 Anger


DIRECTIONS: Fill in one of the blanks (a or b) in each sentence with the

object given in parentheses. One of the sentences does not have an object.
For that sentence, do not write anything.
1. You should calm down - (hin>)

2. We can't cope with

3. The hammering is getting. on _. (his


4. He didn't think twice. about it

5. You shouldn't pick on (him)

6. You are always complaining . about
7. Don't hold in - (it)
8. It is time to have. out (it)

9. We don't feel like (it)

10. She won't put up with it

for it
11. They aren't going to stand
12. She didn't lose any sleep a b
up fit)
13. He is totally fed
14. You must cut
15. He doesn't object to

16. You are driving out of my mind.


17. H e got out of on the wrong side.

(bed) a


DIRECTIONS: You will hear a short dialogue followed by a question.

After you hear each question, read the three choices and mark the
response that answers the question correctly.

1. a. She feels a little sick.

b. She never likes to go to parties.

с She doesn't want to go.

2. a. She was going out.

b. She was yelling at the m a n .
с She was checking into a hotel.

a. He calmed down immediately.

b. He became extremely angry.
с He didn't care.

4. a. All of t h e m disagreed with him.

b. Some of t h e m disagreed with him.
с There was no reaction.

5. a. He exploded.
b. He wanted to control himself but couldn't.
с He wanted to scream b u t controlled himself.

a. " I ' m angry."

b. " D o n ' t tease m e . "
с "You look like an elephant in that dress."

a. Most of them liked it because it was so tall.

b. They wanted something taller than 300 meters.
с It bothered their sense of beauty.

a. The doctor was lying on the couch.

b. The doctor was talking all the time.
с The patient was nervous because the doctor didn't
110 Anger

9. а. Не was not very worried.

Ь. It was so terrible that he couldn't sleep.

с. He already lost a lot of sleep over it.

10. а. It didn't bother him.

Ь. He became very upset.
с. He asked her for a divorce.

11. а. They don't want to discuss it.

Ь. They would say it's impossible.
с. It doesn't bother t h e m at all.

12. а. She was able to accept it.

Ъ. She became depressed.
с. She became extremely angry.

13. а. He will stop being a back-seat driver if the w o m a n is

m o r e polite with him.
Ь. He will not stop being a back-seat driver.
с. He won't stand for any back-seat drivers in the car.

14. а. H e r h u s b a n d doesn't want to discuss it.

Ь. She will not feel better after discussing it.
с. Her h u s b a n d will lose control during the fight.

15. а. He has been in a bad m o o d since he got u p .

Ь. The weather affected him.
с. He doesn't like to talk to people.


DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or particle.

This is it! I can't cope this situation any longer. You

are driving me______________of my mind. You know it gets__________
2 3

Anger 111

my nerves, but you continue to do it anyway. You don't even think twice

what you're doing. At this point, I am completely fed

Of course, you think I'm picking you. You're sure I'm
looking for something to complain because I got out
bed on the wrong side. Well, you're wrong.
Are you deaf? I'm talking to you! Why are you looking at me like

that? Why do you always hold everything ? Why don't you

say something? Let's have it right now, or don't you

feel discussing it?

Listen, do you really think I am going to put___________________with this
forever? Oh, no. I won't stand____________________it.
This is it! I have to calm I am not going to lose any
more sleep it. You have to cut it , that's all. I
15 16
don't object your affairs, but I'm telling you for the last
time, don't squeeze the toothpaste in the middle!

1. Make up a story about the picture at the beginning of the chapter.
Use as many idioms as possible. This exercise can be written or oral.
2. Ask each other questions about the picture. You must use an idiom
in your response.
3. Use the lines below the picture for a dictation exercise. The teacher
or a student dictates the introductory passage and the students
write it.
4. Rewrite the introductory passage in the past tense.

DIRECTIONS: Read the paragraph below and draw the route on the

Start o u t at the parking lot behind the Post Office. Back the car up
and turn right when you leave the lot. Make a right at the corner. You'll
pass by a church. Keep going. Make a left at the next corner. Pull into
the parking lot. You can get something to eat there. Pull o u t of the lot
on the other street and turn left at the light. Go straight ahead. Pull over
in front of the Post Office to mail a package, then get into the left lane
and cut across the park. When you get to the circle, make the second
right. Make a left when you leave the park. If you need gas, fill up your
tank at the corner. Continue along the same street and t u r n a r o u n d at
the traffic light. Stop off at the drugstore. Then go back to the park, go
around the monument, and h e a d for the bridge. Don't r u n over arty
deer. The bridge will take you to Route 17. You can m a k e good time
on 17.
(z^> indicates the direction of the traffic)


1. start out

2. back object can be omitted


3. pass by

4. pull into object is usually a noun

5. pull out of object is usually a noun

6. pull ] over object can be omitted

7. get into

8. cut across object is usually a noun

9. get to

116 Travel

10. fill [ ] up informal

11. turn [ ] around object can be omitted

12. stop off

13. go b a c k to [ ] object is usually a noun

i n f o r m a l
14. h e a d for [ ]

15. run over

16. m a k e [ g o o d time]

U s e this p a g e for o n e o r m o r e o f t h e following exercises:

• Write the meaning of the idiom.

• Write sample sentences.
. Look for the idioms in short stories, novels, newspapers, or maga-
zines, and copy the sentences containing them.
• Give examples of appropriate direct objects or objects of the prep-
osition for each idiom that requires an object.
• Practice saying the idioms with correct stress. In general, verbs and
particles are stressed, but prepositions are unstressed.

I. D E F I N I T I O N S

DIRECTIONS: Mark the answer that is the closest synonym for the
italicized idioms.
Travel 117

1. T h e runners started out at o n e end of the city and finished at the

other end.

a. ( ) stopped
b. ( ) ended
c. ( ) began

2. During his road test he had to back up while he was parking.

a. ( ) fix the mirror

b. ( ) go forward
с ( ) go in reverse

3. T h e bus passes by her house every fifteen minutes.

a. ( ) goes near
b. ( ) goes past
с ( ) stops at

4. If you need gas you had better pull into the next gas station.

a. ( ) get it at
b. ( ) look for
с ( ) move closer to and enter

5. T h e tram pulled out of the station two minutes early.

a. ( ) left
b. ( ) moved closer to
с ( ) stopped at

6. The policeman told her to pull over.

a. ( ) stop immediately
b. ( ) move to the side of the road and stop
с ( ) drive slowly

7. If you don't get into the right lane you won't be able to turn right
at the corner.

a. ( ) enter
b. ( ) avoid
с ( ) pass the cars in
8. T h e children always cut across the park to go to the ice cream

a. ( ) take a shorter route through

b. ( ) go a r o u n d
с ( ) prefer

9. When you get to the hotel, call us collect.

a. ( ) see .'
b. ( ) arrive at
с ( ) leave

10. We should fill up the tank before we reach the highway.

a. ( ) fix
b. ( ) make completely full
с ( ) put a little gas in

11. He got lost so he turned around and went to the nearest gas station
for directions.

a. ( ) continued in the same direction

b. ( ) went in the opposite direction
с ( ) looked at the m a p

12. When he stopped offal the candy store, he lost his wallet.

a. ( ) stopped for something during a trip

b. ( ) parked
с ( ) looked

13. She didn't want to go back to the scene of the accident. ,

i -
a. ( ) go in reverse to
b. ( ) walk to
c. ( ) return to

14. It is time to head for h o m e .

a. ( ) leave
b. ( ) go in the direction of
с ( ) think about
Travel 119

15. T h e drunken driver ran over the little poodle.

a. ( ) hit with a moving vehicle

b. ( ) followed
c. ( ) didn't see

16. It usually takes an h o u r to get here. If you left h o m e only forty-five

minutes ago, you made good time.

a. ( ) enjoyed the trip

b. ( ) traveled at a good speed
с ( ) drove m u c h too fast


DIRECTIONS: Two of the three choices below can be used with the
idiom. Mark the two answers that can be used to complete each sentence

1. started out at 14th Street.

a. ( ) T h e parade
b. ( ) His apartment
с ( ) The runners

2. Every m o r n i n g the school bus passes by

a. ( ) our door
b. ( ) the house
с ( ) the wind

3. We're going to pull into

a. ( ) the store
b. ( ) the station
с ( ) the parking lot

4. He pulled out of in a hurry.


a. ( ) the garage
b. ( ) the stoplight
с ( ) the parking space

5. The policeman told the to pull over.

a. ( ) taxi driver
b. ( ) bus
с ( ) reckless driver

6. He had trouble backing. up.

a. ( ) the station wagon

b. ( ) reverse
с ( ) the truck
7. It was impossible to get into

a. ( ) the left lane

b. ( ) the side of the road
с ( ) the parking space

8. We always cut across on the way to


a. ( ) the parking lot

b. ( ) the playground
с ( ) the trees

9. They didn't get to until 1:00 A.M.

a. ( ) their trip
b. ( ) their destination
с ( ) the fork in the road

10. Let's go to the gas station and have t h e .

filled up.

a. ( ) gas p u m p
b. ( ) car
с ( ) tank
Travel 121

11. Before going to the party we had to stop off

a. ( ) at the hospital to visit a friend

b. ( ) for wine
с ( ) the highway

12. You must turn a r o u n d immediately!

a. the plane
b. the car
c. the street

13. She had to go back to

a. ( ) a checkup
b. ( ) the supermarket
с ( ) the car

14. Right now they are headed for.

a. trouble
b. school
с this afternoon

15. T h e bus driver ran over

a. a car
b. a pedestrian
с a squirrel

16. m a d e good time today.

a. ( ) T h e chauffeur
b. ( ) The train
с ( ) T h e clock


DIRECTIONS: Fill in one of the blanks (a or b) in each sentence with the

object given in parentheses. Three of the sentences do not have objects.
For those sentences, do not write anything.
1. You can pull _ into (the lot)

2. He pulled out _ of. _. (the driveway)

3. Please pull over _. (the car)

4. He can't back up - (it)

5. She passes by at 8:45. (the house)

6. It wasn't easy to get. into (it)

7. He wanted to cut across (the park)

8. In a litde while we will get to

(our stop)

9. It's a long trip. We should start, out

early, (it)

10. Every week she has to fill up (it)

a around

11. It isn't difficult to turn __ at the store, (it)

13.Let's stop off
You're twenty minutes early! You really made_ good
time it

14. We had to go back. to (the house)

15. He headed for _. (the shopping


16. The teenager ran over (him)

Travel 123


D I R E C T I O N S : Most of the questions in this exercise are about the plan
of the city given below. Listen to each question, look at the plan, and
mark the response that answers the question correctly.

1. a. ( ) T u r n a r o u n d in t h e park.

b. ( ) Cut across the park.

с ( ) Pass by the drugstore.

2. a. ( ) C u t across t h e street.

b. ( ) T u r n around.

с ( ) T u r n right.

3. a. ( ) Back u p .

b. ( ) H e a d for R o u t e 17.

с ( ) Run over something.

4. a. ( ) In the park.

b. ( ) In the parking lot.

с ( ) At the gas station.

124 Travel

5. a. ( ) Route 29.
b. ( ) A bridge.
c. ( ) The m o n u m e n t .

6. a. ( ) Stop off at the restaurant

b. ( ) Head for the post office.
с ( ) Fill up the tank.

7. a. ( ) Go a r o u n d the circle
b. ( ) Take Route 17.
с ( ) Drive near the post office or the gas station.

8. a. ( ) You will be going the wrong way.

b. ( ) You will be going the right way.
с ( ) You will make good time.

9. a. ( ) H e a d for Route 335.

b. ( ) Run him over.
с ( ) Pull over.

10. a. ( ) Cut across the park.

b. ( ) Go through the park, make a left when you leave the
park, and make another left at the traffic light, then
another left at the next traffic light.
с ( ) Walk.

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or particle.
(Note: Number 16 requires a noun.)

Start, at the parking lot behind the Post Office. Back

the car _and turn right when you leave the lot. Make a right

at the corner. You'll pass. a church. Keep going. Make a

left at the next corner. Pull_ the parking lot. You can get

something to eat there. Pull. .of the lot on the other street

and turn left at the light. Go straight ahead. Pull. . in front of

Travel 125
the Post Office to mail a package, then get. _the left lane and

cut. .the park. When you get. _the circle, make

the second right. Make a left when you leave the park. If you need gas,

fill your tank at the corner. Continue along the same street

and t u r n . at the traffic light. Stop at the

11 12

drugstore. Then g o _ to the park, go around the monument,


and h e a d . the bridge. Don't run any deer.

14 15

The bridge will take you to Route 17. You can make good. 16

on 17.


DIRECTIONS: Look at the Report of Road Test below. As you can see,
Paul Otis failed the test. The reasons for failure are marked. Use the
reasons for failure and the idioms in parentheses to make up sentences
explaining what Paul did wrong.
126 Travel

1. (start out)

2. (pull out of)

3. (pull into)

4. (back up)

5. (turn around)

6. (get into)

7. (run over)


1. Make up a story about the picture at the beginning of the chapter.

Use as many idioms as possible. This exercise can be written or oral.
2. Ask each other questions about the picture. You must use an idiom
in your response.
3. Use the lines below the picture for a dictation exercise. The teacher
or a student dictates the introductory passage and the students
write it.
4. Rewrite the introductory passage in the first person singular (I) and
change each verb to the past tense.
Take It Easy


For some people, learning English is hard work, but other people
know how to take it easy. They have a lot of fun because they liven up
their studies. Here are some tips from students of different nationalities:

French — Take an American girl out and forget the language

Spanish — Drop by a friend's house and stay up all night dancing
to rock 'n roll. Use American body language.
Germans — Organize a group, skim t h r o u g h your guidebook, and
hire an interpreter to show you a r o u n d .
Iranians — Put y o u r feet up and go to sleep with your textbook
under your pillow.
Russians — Have a few Americans over for dinner. You will forget
your pronunciation problem after the third bottle of
Japanese — Turn on the radio, switch on the TV, p l u g in the
headphones, and b u r y yourself in your dictionary.


1. take [it] easy often imperative informal

130 Take It Easy

2. liven informal

3. take [ I out

4. drop by informal

5. stay up

6. skim through

7. show [ ] around

8. put [one's feet] up informal

9. have [ over

10. turn on

11. switch [ on informal

Take It Easy 131

12. plug [ in

13. bury [oneself] in

Use this page for o n e or m o r e of the following exercises:

• Write the meaning of the idiom.

• Write sample sentences.
• Look for the idioms in short stories, novels, newspapers, or maga­
zines, and copy the sentences containing them.
• Give examples of appropriate direct objects or objects of the prep­
osition for each idiom that requires an object.
• Practice saying the idioms with correct stress. In general, verbs and
particles are stressed, but prepositions are unstressed.

I. D E F I N I T I O N S

DIRECTIONS: Mark the answer that is the closest synonym for the
italicized idioms.

1. Take it easy, dinner will be ready in a few minutes.

a. ( ) hurry
b. ( ) relax, be calm
с ( ) come here

2. T h e party was boring until o n e girl started to do a belly dance.

That livened things up.
a. ( ) m a d e m o r e exciting
b. ( ) took time
с ( ) m a d e boring

3. She left him because he never took her out.

a. ( ) visited
b. ( ) invited for entertainment
с ( ) asked where she wanted to go
Take It Easy

4. Why d o n ' t you drop by on your way h o m e from work tonight.

a. ( ) bring it to me
b. ( ) visit informally
с ( ) come for a dinner party

5. T h e children stayed up all night on Christmas Eve.

a. ( ) slept
b. ( ) talked
с ( ) remained awake

6. It takes him too long to read novels in English so he usually skims

through them.

a. ( ) translates
b. ( ) doesn't try to read
с ( ) reads quickly to get the general idea of

7. It was her first trip to R o m e so she got a tour guide to show her

a. ( ) take on a tour
b. ( ) translate for
с ( ) introduce to people

8. Her h u s b a n d had a hangover so he just put his feet up and watched

TV all day.

a. ( ) washed himself
b. ( ) did exercise
с ( ) rested

9. We're having the whole class over for dinner tonight.

a. ( ) inviting to the restaurant again

b. ( ) going out with
с ( ) inviting to our h o m e
Take It Easy 133

10. She is afraid of the dark so the m i n u t e she enters the house she
turns on all the lights.

a. ( ) touches a button to start

b. ( ) looks for
с ( ) cleans

11. He finally paid his gas and electric bill after three months and
the company switched on the electricity this morning.

a. ( ) touched a button to start

b. ( ) stopped
с ( ) disconnected the power supply

12. The alarm didn't ring because I forgot to plug in the clock-radio.

a. ( ) p u t the plug in the socket

b. ( ) pull the plug out of the socket
с ( ) set

13. Every Sunday she buries herself in the crossword puzzle.

a. ( ) finishes
b. ( ) becomes very involved in
с ( ) tries to do


DIRECTIONS: Two of the three choices below can be used with the
idiom. Mark the two answers that can be used to complete each sentence

1. Take it easy,

a. ( ) you're working too hard

b. ( ) you're making me nervous
с ( ) we have to finish in three minutes
Take It Easy

2. Your jokes really livened up the

a. ( ) class
b. ( ) book
e. ( ) party

3. He's a good father. He takes out every


a. ( ) his children
b. ( ) the movies
с ( ) the whole family

4. She was so nervous she stayed up all night

a. ( ) sleeping
b. ( ) watching television
с ( ) talking to her r o o m m a t e

5. showed us a r o u n d all morning.

a. ( ) T h e t o u r guide
b. ( ) The receptionist
с ( ) The guidebook

6. After he came h o m e , p u t his feet up,

and had a drink.

a. ( ) the seven-hour exam

b. ( ) a ten-hour sleep
с ( ) working all night

7. We're having some friends over this weekend

a. ( ) for drinks
b. ( ) for a barbeque
с ( ) to clean the house

8. She said to d r o p by any morning.

a. ( ) for class
b. ( ) for a chat
с ( ) for a few minutes
Take It Easy 135

9. You should at least skim through , before

your exam.

a. ( ) the chapter
b. ( ) your notes
с ( ) each word

10. The little girl turned on

a. ( ) the light
b. ( ) the stereo
с ( ) the watch

11. During the blackout, he tried to switch on the

but nothing worked.

a. ( ) lamp
b. ( ) telephone
с ( ) radio

12. After the time he got an electric shock, he was afraid to plug in

a. ( ) toaster
b. ( ) on-off button
с ( ) sewing machine

13. As soon as he gets to the office, he always buries himself in

a. ( ) his paperwork
b. ( ) the newspaper
с ( ) the cemetery


DIRECTIONS: Fill in one of the blanks (a or b) in each sentence with the

object given in parentheses. Two of the sentences do not have objects. For
those sentences, do not write anything.

1. You should learn to take easy (it)

136 Take It Easy

2. He wanted to liven up

3. If you are free, please drop_ by

4. They are going to show around us

5. She wants to have over _. (them)

a6. If you have a few minutes, skirm through


7. He didn't know how to turn on

8. He was so sleepy that he couldn't stay_ up

9. She has buried herself in (it)

10. Go to the living room and switch on


11. It's impossible to plug in

12. Now you can put up (your feet)

13. She is going to take. out (him)


DIRECTIONS: You will hear a situation presented in one or two

sentences. Listen to each statement and mark the response that most
closely corresponds to the situation.

1. a. ( ) She was meeting friends at the club,

b. ( ) She had to hurry home,
с ( ) H e r friends didn't come to the club until 8:00.
Take It Easy 137

He put his feet up during the party.

He didn't do anything during the party.
The next morning, he just relaxed.

It's easy to have a nervous breakdown.

He is probably working too hard.
He would like to have a nervous breakdown.

He reads slowly.
He reads quickly.
When he reads the paper, he reads for the main idea

The typewriter is broken.

You didn't turn on the typewriter.
The plug isn't in the socket.

He dates a lot of girls.

He plays with the boys seven nights a week.
Girls invite him out every night.

Come anytime this weekend.

Please make an appointment before you come.
You should buy something this weekend.

The secretary took him to see the city.

The secretary took him on a tour of the company.
The first day he worked for the president's secretary.

She couldn't sleep.

She wanted to finish the book.
She is tired of the novel.

She is probably looking for a job.

She covers her face with the newspaper.
She is very involved in her job.
138 Take It Easy

11. a. You didn't p u t water in the kettle.

b. There is no gas.
с There was no flame u n d e r the kettle.

12. a. She is a show-off.

b. She talks like Marilyn Monroe.
с She acted like Marilyn Monroe on TV.

13. a. D o n ' t forget to wash the clothes.

b. T u r n on the dishwasher.
с Exchange the washing machine this afternoon.


DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or particle.

(Note: Number 13 requires an adverb.)

Dear Paul,

My first two days in America have been fun. Yesterday, I dropped

your cousin's house. She was so nice that I took her

for dinner.
she We stayedmalle .night speaking English.
showed In the
.the city. morning,
Don't worry, I didn't bury
myself. my guidebook.

When I got h o m e after the tour, I p u t my feet. .and

skimmed. .some magazines.

Tonight I am having some friends. _for dinner. I guess

I'll p l u g . .the stereo and switch. .the music.

Take It Easy 139

Then I'll turn the stove and put the TV dinners in the
oven. I'll probably liven the meal with some wine and

take it the rest of the night.

Sincerely yours,


Pedro is going to California for a working vacation. He made a list
of things to do. Read the list and then make up sentences using the
idioms in parentheses.

People to contact: Jim Vincent (805) 573-2190

Peggy de Benedictis (213) 903-1517
Buy a guidebook and a road map
Invite some business associates for dinner
Borrow a guitar for the party
Rent a car to go to the beach on the weekend

1. (drop by)

2. (take out)

3. (skim through)

4. (show around)

5. (have over)
140 Take It Easy

6. (liven up)

7. (take it easy)


1. Make up a story about the picture at the beginning of the chapter.

Use as many idioms as possible. This exercise can be written or oral.
2. Ask each other questions about the picture. You must use an idiom
in your response.
3. Use the lines below the picture for a dictation exercise. The teacher
or a student dictates the introductory passage and the students write
4. Rewrite the introductory passage in the future tense (use will and
going to). Write the passage in the third person singular (he).


Alexander Kaletski was an actor, painter, and songwriter in the

Soviet Union. He had fame, money, an apartment in the center of
Moscow, and the right to perform abroad. But in 1975 he emigrated
from Russia. It was impossible for him to live under the repressive
Soviet regime. He loved freedom and wrote many songs about it. But he
was prohibited from singing these songs in the open. So he had to have
underground concerts.

/ sang to my friends for ten years,

In attics and cellars we shed tears;
We dreamed of freedom long ago.
The time has come to sing to the foe!

The secret police began to spy on him. For singing songs which
were against the government, he could have been exiled to Siberia.

Smell of corpses, odor of charring flesh—

Curl more joyfully, smoke of our land!
Ah you, Mother, Mother Russia,
Crematorium of human destiny.

Alexander could have been arrested any day. He had only one
choice—to leave the country. He knew that if he defected from the
Soviet Union, he would be cut off from his family forever. So he went
through the proper channels and applied for a visa. He looked
forward to immigrating to the U.S.
For seven months he was kept in suspense, but finally he got per-
mission to leave. He had to part with almost everything. He took only a
guitar, and his songs which he smuggled out in the cuffs of his pants.

144 Immigration

Goodbye, Russia
Farewell golden cupolas,
I am leaving for America
To discover my love for Russia.

P.S. Alexander Kaletski is the illustrator for this book.




1. have [the right] to ,

2. emigrate from [ ] object is usually a noun

3 live u n d e r [ ] object is usually a noun

usually passive

4. prohibit [ ] from [ ] object of the prep, is -ing form formal

5. spy on [ ]

6. be against [ ]
usually passive
7. exile [ ] to f 1 object of the prep, is usually a noun
Immigration 145

8. defect from [ ] object is usually a noun

usually p a s s i v e
9. cut [ ] off from [ ]

10, go through [the proper channels]

11. apply for

12. look f o r w a r d to [ ] often followed by-mg form

13. i m m i g r a t e to [ ] object is usually a noun

14. keep [ ] in [suspense] often passive

15. part with [

16. smuggle [ out

17 leave for f 1 object is usually a noun

Use this page for one or more of the following exercises:

146 Immigration

Write the meaning of the idiom.

Write sample sentences.
Look for the idioms in short stories, novels, newspapers, or maga­
zines, and copy the sentences containing them.
Give examples of appropriate direct objects or objects of the prep­
osition for each idiom that requires an object.
Practice saying the idioms with correct stress. In general, verbs and
particles are stressed, but prepositions are unstressed.


DIRECTIONS: Mark the answer that is the closest synonym for the
italicized idioms.

1. He has the right to contact his lawyer.

a. ( ) must
b. ( ) is entitled to
с ( ) sends letters to

2. They emigrated from Germany.

a. ( ) moved to
b. ( ) were b o r n in
c. ( ) left their own country to live
in another

3. We can't live under a dictatorship.

a. ( ) exist u n d e r the rule of

b. ( ) enjoy
с ( ) travel to

4. You axe prohibited from smoking on elevators.

a. ( ) trying not to
b. ( ) asked not to
с ( ) forbidden to
Immigration 147

5. An FBI agent has b e e n spying on that revolutionary group.

a. ( ) secretly watching
b. ( ) reporting information to
с ( ) trying to kill

6. Speaking to reporters is against the president's wishes.

a. ( ) is contary to
b. ( ) is in agreement with
с ( ) goes with

7. He was exiled to a small island near Greece.

a. ( ) invited to
b. ( ) transferred to
c. ( ) sent away to (as punishment)

8. While the Russian ballet dancer Nureyev was on tour in Paris,

he defected from the Soviet Union.

a. ( ) missed
b. ( ) spoke about
-с ( ) changed his allegiance from
one country to another

9. When he was hospitalized, he was cut off from his friends and

a. ( ) angry with
b. ( ) restricted from having contact
c. ( ) visited by

10. If you want to get a student visa, you must go through the proper

-a. ( ) do something the prescribed

b. ( ) get a lot of information
с ( ) be patient
148 Immigration

11. She applied for a driver's license.

a. ( ) practiced for
b. ( ) needed
с ( ) requested in writing

12. H e r father isn't looking forward to his retirement.

'a. ( ) thinking about with pleasure

b. ( ) planning
c. ( ) concerned about

13. The whole family wants to immigrate to the United States.

-a. ( ) move to a new country

b. ( ) leave
с ( ) find work in

14. After applying for the j o b , he was kept in suspense for two weeks.

a. ( ) waiting patiently
b. ( ) unemployed
c. ( ) left waiting nervously

15. He was so stingy, he wouldn't part with a cent.

'a. ( ) relinquish
b. ( ) lose
с ( ) count

16. He was arrested at the b o r d e r for trying to smuggle a national

treasure out of the country.

a. ( ) buy outside
b. ( ) sell outside
.с ( ) take out illegally

17. We are leaving for Las Vegas tomorrow.

a. ( ) traveling to
b. ( ) going away from
с ( ) immigrating to
Immigration 149


DIRECTIONS: Two of the three choices below can be used with the
idiom. Mark the two answers that can be used to complete each sentence

1. The young manager applied for

a. ( ) a raise
b. ( ) the position
с ( ) the vice-president

2. T h e sailor defected from

a. ( ) Poland
b. ( ) the navy school
с ( ) the other side

3. Your _ _ _ didn't go through the proper


a. ( ) telephone
b. ( ) application
с ( ) complaint

4. It's a tragedy to be cut off from .

a. ( ) your family
b. ( ) your finger
с ( ) your friends

5. When are you leaving for.

a. ( ) the music
b. ( ) home
с ( ) Germany

6. They are looking forward to

a. ( ) their trip around the world

b. ( ) getting sick
с ( ) returning h o m e

7. She was arrested for smuggling out of

the country.

a. ( ) drugs
b. ( ) gold coins
с ( ) underwear

8. He immigrated to

a. ( ) Texas
b. ( ) Australia
с ( ) this country

9. H e r h u s b a n d won't part with

a. ( ) a cent
b. ( ) their Saint Bernard
с ( ) the loan

10. kept us in suspense until the last minute.

a. ( ) T h e movie
b. ( ) The consulate
с ( ) Thejob

11. You are prohibited from

a. ( ) the school
b. ( ) smokingin this section of the theatre
с ( ) walking on the grass

12. He was exiled to

a. ( ) a tiny island
b. ( ) his m o t h e r land
с ( ) a small village

13. Each person has the right to

a. ( ) say what he wants

b. ( ) get a j o b
с ( ) employ
Immigration 15

14. They hated living u n d e r

a. ( ) an e m p e r o r
b. ( ) the citizens
с ( ) a dictator

15. Organizing strikes is against

a. ( ) company policy
b. ( ) the law in some countries
с ( ) your boss

16. She emigrated from

a. ( ) Colombia
b. ( ) Mars
с ( ) a small country in Asia

17. T h e agent spied on

a. ( ) the immigrants
b. ( ) a colleague
с ( ) himself


DIRECTIONS: Fill in one of the blanks (a or b) in each sentence with the

object given in parentheses. Each sentence requires an object.

1. They are spying on (her)

a b
2. He wasn't totally against (it)
a b
3. We couldn't live under (that
a b

4. T h e former king was exiled to (a

a b
tiny island)
152 Immigration

5. He plans to defect from (his

_fro m
6. For many years, she was cut off_

7. We are leaving for
8. He didn't smuggle out

9. She emigrated from (Bulgaria)

10. We didn't want to part_ with

11. She kept i suspense, (him)

to (this
12. He wants to immigrate

13. We're looking forward _ a b
14. They were prohibited _ a b

for it-
15. He never applied
through _. (the proper
16. You must go
17. You have the right to (it)


DIRECTIONS: You will hear a short dialogue followed by a question.

After you hear each question, read the three choices and mark the re-
sponse that answers the question correctly.
Immigration 153

1. a. ( ) The United States

b. ( ) Poland
c. ( ) Argentina

2. a. ( ) No, there is nothing she can do.

b. ( ) Yes, she can appeal.
с ( ) It isn't necessary because she can stay here and finish
her education.

3. a. ( ) No, because it will be hard for him.

b. ( ) Yes, although he knows it will be hard in the beginning,
с ( ) No, because he doesn't like the Middle East.

4. a. ( ) He is going to apply for p e r m a n e n t resident status in

one week.
b. ( ) He just got an answer.
с ( ) He is still waiting for an answer.

5. a. ( ) A military dictatorship.
b. ( ) A communist country.
с ( ) A democracy.

6. a. ( ) His wife is a spy.

b. ( ) His wife has another man.
с ( ) His wife likes to smoke.

7. a. ( ) He left his country and then tried to go back,

b. ( ) He was a spy in the Soviet Union.
с ( ) He wouldn't leave the Soviet Union.

8. a. ( ) The w o m a n wanted to keep everything.

b. ( ) T h e woman's h u s b a n d wanted to keep everything,
с ( ) They had enough suitcases to carry everything.

9. a. ( ) In their homeland.
b. ( ) In Canada.
с ( ) On a trip.
154 Immigration

10. a. Antiques and jewelry.

b. Handicrafts.
с Antiques, jewelry, and handicrafts.

11. a. N o b o d y wants to offer the m a n a j o b .

b. The m a n is a p e r m a n e n t resident.
с T h e m a n can't work because of his visa.

12. a. In the west.

b. In Siberia.
с In Moscow.

13. a. He became the best salesman.

b. He was fired.
с He didn't sign the petition and was fired.

14. a. He defected.

b. He immigrated to the Soviet Union.

с He was forced out by his government.

15. a. Because he wants to go h o m e .

b. He probably didn't take the necessary steps to stay.
с He got an extension of stay.


DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or particle.

Alexander Kaletski had fame, money, an apartment in the center

of Moscow, and the right. .perform abroad. But in 1975 he


emigrated _ .Russia. He could not live. .the re­

pressive Soviet regime which prohibited him . singing his

songs about freedom.

Immigration 155

He continued to sing, underground, and the secret police began to

spy him. It was illegal to sing songs which were________________

5 6
the government. He could have been exiled Siberia for
such songs. Eventually, he had only one choice—to leave the country.

He thought about defecting the Soviet Union, but he knew

he would be cut from his family forever. So he went

the proper channels and applied a visa. He

10 11
looked to immigrating the U.S.
12 13
The government kept him suspense for seven months

but finally gave him permission to leave. He had to part.____________________

almost everything. When he left ! America, he took only a
guitar, and his songs which he smuggled in the cuffs of his



1. Make up a story about the picture at the beginning of the chapter.
Use as many idioms as possible. This exercise can be written or oral.
2. Ask each other questions about the picture. You must use an idiom
in your response.
3. Use the lines below the picture for a dictation exericse. The teacher
or a student dictates the introductory passage and the students
write it.
4. Rewrite the introductory passage by changing each sentence to a
question. Keep the same verb tense.

Sunday in the Park

DIRECTIONS: Look at the chapter opening drawing. Then, next to each
idiom below, write a sentence describing the picture. Remember to use
the idiom in your sentence.

1. (coop up in)

2. (pick on)

3. (drive out of one's mind)

4. (put up with)

5. (put on)

6. (pull on)

7. (head for)

8. (stop off)

9. (get to)

10. (take it easy)


DIRECTIONS: Mark the letter of the response which correctly com-

pletes each sentence below.

1. He came an interesting article about the People's

Republic of China in the paper.

a. in
b. across

2. The manager came. a good way to save money.

a. ( ) up with
b. ( ) out

3. Her j o b as a saleslady brought her a lot

of people.

a. ( ) into contact with

b. ( ) to trial

4. He did only four out of seven assignments for the class but he
didn't get it. He got a C— in the course.

a. rid of
b. away with

5. I want to see you. Let's get. soon.

a. to
b. together
General Review

6. They have a great relationship. They get

each other very well.

a. ( ) along with
b. { ) down to business

7. That television show gets,

a. ( ) on ray nerves
b. ( ) out of bed on the wrong side

8. That poem isn't popular because the poet didn't get the idea

a. ( ) across
b. ( i into

9. Platform shoes went.

a. ( ) out of fashion
b. ( ) through the proper channels

10. He saw her only once and already he has


a. ( ) the right to
b. ( ) a crush on

11. They are going to live.

a. ( ) together
b. ( ) under

12. We are taking a vacation in two weeks and we are really looking

a. ( ) forward to

b. ( ) out on

13. The thief made thejewels before the police arrived.

a. ( ) a deal with
b. ( ) off with
General Review 161

14. The doctor made one of the nurses.

a. ( ) a pass at
b. ( ) a living by

15. Our building is going to be completely renovated so we have to

move soon and find a new apartment.

a. ( ) out

b. ( ) in

16. He is very sensitive. Please don't pick him.

a. ( ) u p
b. ( ) on
17. It's illegal to stop for hitchhikers so you had better just pass

a. ( ) up
b. ( ) by

18. He spent a week in Chicago trying to sell his new gadget but it
didn't pay

a. ( ) off
b. ( ) for

19. That policeman wants you to pull

a. ( ) over
b. ( ) on

20. She got in the car and pulled the parking space in a

a. ( ) into
b. ( ) out of

21. When he discovered that he was the best salesman in the com-
pany, he put a raise.

a. ( ) the blame on
b. ( ) in for
162 General Review

22. Nobody would put a broken elevator all summer.

a. ( ) together
b. ( ) up with

23. When his alarm clock rang, he got up and put


a. ( ) his clothes on
b. ( ) his feet up

24. The executive director showed a T-shirt.

a. ( ) around
b. ( ) u p in

25. The board of directors won't stand a two-week


a) ( ) for
b. ( ) to reason

26. You're walking much too fast. Please take it

a. ( ) off
b. ( ) easy

27. When he saw Sofia Loren, he couldn't take

a. ( ) her out
b. ( ) his eyes off her

28. To tell you the accident, I need all day.

a. ( ) about
b. ( ) the truth

29. During my road test, I had to turn .

a. ( ) on
b. ( ) around
General Review 163

30. Oh come ! I don't believe you're so famous.

a. ( ) in
b. ( ) on

31. While he was in the army, he was cut his new bride.

a. ( ) out
b. ( ) off from

32. I'm sorry for interrupting. Please go _

a. ( ) ahead
b. ( ) back to

33. That plastic necklace doesn't go your

silk dress.

a. ( ) out of fashion
b. ( ) with

34. They both knew they didn't love each other anymore and finally
they had it

a. ( ) out
b. ( ) over

35. Her parents are afraid that suave Frenchman has

their teenage daughter.

a. ( ) designs on
b. ( ) an affair with

36. Some American grandparents will not look their

grandchildren for free.

a. ( ) out on
b. ( ) after
164 General Review

37. The famous actress didn't want the part in the movie because she
had to make someone on camera.

a. ( ) love with
b. ( ) good time

38. If you take the highway you should make

a. ( ) good time
b. ( ) up

39. The furniture in the dollhouse was m a d e

chips of wood and scraps of material.

a. out of
b. off with

40. You have nothing to worry about; the killer is

a. behind bars
b. fed up

41. The young man was his pretty tutor.

a. infatuated with
b. against

42. Jogging was. for quite a long time.

a. in vogue
b. up to date


DIRECTIONS: Next to each idiom, mark the category it is generally

associated with.

1. own up to ( ) residence ( ) crime

2. tie u p ( ) crime ( ) fashion
3. make a pass at ( ) love ) travel
General Review 165

4. propose to ) work ( ) love

5. strike up ) conversation ( ) crime
6. back up ) fashion ( ) travel
7. move in ) travel ( ) residence
8. make good time ) travel ( ) take it easy
9. have an affair with ) work ( ) love
10. look out on ) crime ( ) residence
11. make up ) fashion ( ) conversatio
12. go through the proper
channels ( ) immigration ( ) travel
13. get it across ) conversation ( ) travel
14. round off ) fashion ( ) work
15. enter into ) work ( ) travel
16. have designs on ) love ( ) fashion
17. get away with ) crime ( ) travel
18. have a crush on ) crime ( ) love
19. wind around one's little
finger ) fashion ( ) love
20. drive out of one's mind ( ) travel ( ) anger


DIRECTIONS: Write a c o m m e n t about each of the following sentences

using the idioms in parentheses.

/. Review of expressions with in.

1. T h e a p a r t m e n t will b e e m p t y a t t h e e n d o f t h e m o n t h .

(Example) We're going to move in March 1 st.

m o v e in

2. She w o n a m i l l i o n d o l l a r s in t h e lottery.
166 General Review

3. Why don't you put that miniskirt in the garbage. Nobody is

wearing such short clothes now.

(come in)

4. He had a nervous breakdown.

(hold in)

5. A few months ago they bought a $100,000 house and his wife just
had triplets. How will he be able to pay all the bills?

(Put in for)

//. Review of expressions with on.

6. It's awfully dark in here!

(switch on)

7. The kitchen faces a courtyard.

(look out on)

8. If you ask me, Michael talks too much.

(gets on one's nerves)

General Review 167

He saw the same man walking behind him yesterday and today.

________________________________________________ (spy on)

The football game starts in five minutes and you are not even

(Pull on)

Review of expressions with out.

One partner is rich, but the other doesn't have five cents.

^_ (buy out)

Every season he buys the latest suit.

_____ (go out of fashion)

Didn't you have two roommates?

(move out)

One boy gave another a black eye in class today.

(throw out)

What are you going to do with all those pieces of material?

________ (make out of)

168 General Review

IV. Review of expressions with to.

16. What do you think the decision of the jury will be?

sentence to

17. They have been dating since high school.

(propose to)

18. He loves to say that everything is better in his country.

(go back to)

19. These statistics represent the years 1975 to 1978.

(be up to date)

20. After I bought the car, I discovered it needed a new engine and
four new tires.

(to tell you the truth)

V. Review of expressions with up.

21. My favorite movie was on The Late Show last night.

(stay up)
General Review 169

22. The party is at the best hotel in town.

(dress up)

23. He hates to go to his mother-in-law's house for the holidays.

(make up)

24. It is difficult for her to talk to strangers.

(clam up)

25. It is hard to believe he started his business with a hot dog stand.

(build up)

VI. Review of expressions with with.

26. Before moving, you have to decide what you are not going to

(part with)

27. The two superpowers didn't sign the treaty because of one small

(disagree with)
170 General Review

28. He couldn't understand why he was being arrested. He was

carrying a gun but he hadn't used it.

(charge with)

29. Can you imagine, her father died and two weeks later her mother

(cope with)

30. If I were you I would buy this tie to wear with the suit.

(go with)



2001 5th Ave. 2 Bedrooms—only $570! Modern High-rise. Meet nice

people. View of Central Park. Many closets. No pets. A handyman's
delight! Make appointment after August 19. Available Sept. 1. Two-year
lease. Better Realty, 19 E. 71 St., 5th Fl. 535-0008

DIRECTIONS: Read the advertisement above and then write one

sentence next to each idiom below. Remember to use the idiom in
your sentence.

1. (skim through)
General Review 171

2. (look out on)

3. (tower over)

4. (bring into contact with)

5. (clutter up)

6. (prohibit from)

7. (fix up)

8. (apply for)

9. (move in)

10. (furnish with)

172 General Review



1To drive in reverse = to 2 There is no room in this apartment

up. it's so up with junk.
3 He is with a pretty 3 Somebody broke last
girl in his class. night and stole everything.
8 Don't put the blame 4 In prison he was cut off
me! the outside world.
10 She suddenly came 5 By the time the case was brought
with a brilliant idea. to , nobody was
General Review 173

11 It's a pleasure to 6 The house was valued

business with you. half a million
12 stands to reason she dollars.
is angry. 7 This office copier is certainly up to
13 They were caught smuggling
heroin of the 9 up your sleeves if
country. you don't want to get dirty.
14 Her singing is driving me 13 Don't lose any sleep
of my mind. the travelers' checks.
15 He has to down the 16 They were from the
purple walls. building because they never paid
17 We went to the restaurant the rent.
because we didn't feel 18 To convince = to talk
cooking. 20 She in love with a
19 To match = to with. rich man.
21 This e q u i p m e n t will not 23 To visit informally = to
up to date very long. by.
22 That dancer from his 25 Where are you heading
country while he was on tour. after the game?
24 The robbers m a d e 26 His application was denied be-
with $2,000,000. cause he didn't go through the
28 Last night we had some friends
for dinner. 27 She has a on her
gym teacher.
29 It looks like he is making a pass
you. 31 Is the typewriter plugged
30 This chair is broken. Why don't you
get of it. 33 He makes a by
32 To establish, to organize = to set renovating old buildings.
34 Nobody believed the excuse she
35 T h e little girl cried when her _up.
puppy was over. 36 You must look before you
37 He is so stingy he won't part out of a parking
a cent.
39 Who can under a 38 We m a d e good be-
repressive regime? cause there was no traffic.
40 He immigrated the
41 If you up in jeans,
United States.
you won't get the job.
42 Prisoners are up in
43 The police think he will
down another
Appendix A
List of Prepositions
and Particles

about / about
across across
after after
along along
around around
at —
— away
behind behind
by by
down down
for —
from —
in in
into —
like —
of —
off off
on on
out of out
over over
through through
to to
under under
up up

Appendix В
Idioms Listed According
to Prepositions and Particles
about by
complain about d r o p by
tell about make a living by
(not) think twice about pass by
across down
come across calm down
cut across get down to business
get across gun down
after tone down
look after for
against apply for
be against arrange for
head for
leave for
go ahead
pay for
along p u t in for
get along with stand for
around from
prowl a r o u n d cut off from
show a r o u n d defect from
turn a r o u n d emigrate from
wind s o m e b o d y a r o u n d one's little escape from
evict from
at gather from
make a pass at prohibit from
value at
away in
get away with be in vogue
break in
bury oneself in
go back to
cash in on
behind c o m e in
be b e h i n d bars confide in

Appendix В

coop up in have designs on

fall in love with look out on
hold in pick on
invest in pull on
keep in suspense put on
move in p u t the blame on
plug in spy o n
p u t in for switch on
show up in touch on
into turn on
bring into contact with out
enter into b r a n c h out
get into buy out
pull into come o u t
talk into cut o u t
drive somebody o u t of his m i n d
get out of bed on the wrong side
feel like
go out of fashion
have it out
accuse of
look out on
convict of
make o u t of
drive s o m e b o d y out of his m i n d
move out
get out of b e d on the wrong side
pull out of
get rid of
smuggle out
go out of fashion
start out
make out of
take out
pull out of
throw out
cut off from
have over
make off with
(not) lose any sleep over
pay off
pull over
r o u n d off
r u n over
seal off
sign over
stop off
tower over
sweep somebody off his feet
take off through
(can't) take one's eyes off go t h r o u g h the p r o p e r channels
skim t h r o u g h
cash in on to
come o n be up to date
get on somebody's nerves bring to trial
get out of bed on the wrong side confess to
have a crush on exile to
Appendix В

get down to business p u t one's feet up

get to p u t u p with
go back to roll up
have the right to set u p
immigrate to show up in
listen to stay up
look forward to strike up
object to tie u p
own u p to zip u p
propose to with
sentence to be infatuated with
(it) stands to reason bring into contact with
to tell you the truth charge with
together come up with
get together cope with
live together deal with
put together disagree with
under do business with
live u n d e r flirt with
furnish with
get along with
back up
get away with
be fed u p
go with
be up to date
have an affair with
build u p
keep up with the times
clam up
make a deal with
clutter up
make love with
come up with
make off with
coop up in
part with
dress up
p u t up with
fill up
fix u p M i s c e l l a n e o u s (without
keep up with the times prepositions or particles)
liven up
make good time
lock up
take it easy
make u p
own u p to
pass up
pick up
Appendix С
Idioms Listed Alphabetically
accuse of, 53 disagree with, 3
apply for, 143 do business with, 19
arrange for, 19 dress u p , 85
back up, 115 drive somebody out of his mind, 100
be against, 143 d r o p by, 129
be b e h i n d bars, 53 emigrate from, 143
be fed up, 100 enter into, 19
be infatuated with, 71 escape from, 53
be in vogue, 85 evict from, 38
be up to date, 38 exile to, 143
branch out, 19 fall in love with, 72
break in, 53 feel like, 100
bring into contact with, 19 fill u p , 115
bring to trial, 53 fix u p , 38
build u p , 19 flirt with, 71
bury oneself in, 129 furnish with, 38
buy out, 19 gather from, 3
calm down, 100 get across, 3
cash in on, 19 get along with, 71
charge with, 53 get away with, 53
clam up, 3 get down to business, 19
clutter up, 38 get into, 115
come across, 38 get on one's nerves, 100
come in, 85 get out of bed on the wrong side, 100
come on, 3 get rid of, 38
come out, 85 get to, 115
come up with, 85 get together, 72
complain about, 100 go ahead, 3
confess to, 53 go back to, 115
confide in, 71 go out of fashion, 85
convict of, 53 go through the p r o p e r channels, 143
coop up in, 38 go with, 85
cope with, 100 gun down, 53
cut across, 115 have a crush on, 71
cut off from, 143 have an affair with, 71
cut out, 100 have designs on, 71
deal with, 20 have out, 100
defect from, 143 have over, 129

Appendic С

have the right to, 143 put on, 85

head for, 115 put one's feet up, 129
hold in, 100 p u t the blame on, 53
immigrate to, 143 p u t together, 85
invest in, 19 put up with, 100
keep in suspense, 143 roll u p , 85
keep up with the times, 85 r o u n d off, 19
leave for, 144 r u n over, 115
listen to, 3 seal off, 38
live together, 72 sentence to, 53
live under, 143 set up, 19
liven u p , 129 show a r o u n d , 129
lock up, 53 show up in, 85
look after, 71 sign over, 19
look forward to, 143 skim through, 129
look out on, 38 smuggle out, 143
(not) lose any sleep over, 100 spy on, 143
make a deal with, 19 stand for, 100
make a living by, 20 (it) stands to reason, 3
m a k e a pass at, 71 start out, 115
make good time, 115 stay up, 129
make love with, 72 stop off, 115
make off with, 53 strike up, 3
make out of, 85 sweep s o m e b o d y off his feet, 72
make up, 3 switch on, 129
move in, 38 take it easy, 129
move out, 38 take off, 85
object to, 100 (can't) take one's eyes off, 71
own u p to, 53 take out, 129
part with, 143 talk into, 3
pass by, 115 tell about, 3
pass up, 38 (to) tell you the truth, 3
pay for, 53 (not) think twice about, 100
pay off, 19 throw out, 72
pick on, 100 tie u p , 53
pick u p , 53 tone down, 38
plug in, 129 touch on, 3
prohibit from, 143 tower over, 38
propose to, 72 turn around, 115
prowl a r o u n d , 53 turn on, 129
pull into, 115 value at, 19
pull on, 85 wind s o m e b o d y a r o u n d one's little
pull out of, 115 finger, 71
pull over, 115 zip u p , 85
p u t in for, 20
Appendix D
The Position
of Pronoun
and Noun Objects
CHAPTER 1. Conversation


(The idiom is listed alone if it does not have an object.)

1. strike up
strike up a conversation
2. gather from
gather from your expression
3. to tell you the truth
4. tell about
tell her about it
tell Nancy about your vacation
5. go ahead
6. listen to
listen to this
listen to this storv
7. come on
8. make up
make it up
make an excuse up or make up an excuse
9. get across
get it across
get a point across
10. clam up
11. touch on
touch on it
touch on his childhood
12. it stands to reason

Appendix D

13. disagree with

disagree with him
disagree with Charles
14. talk into
talk them into it
talk the couple into buying a new car

( T h e i d i o m is listed a l o n e if it d o e s n o t h a v e an object.)

1. m a k e a deal with
make a deal with them
make a deal with another company
2. cash in on
cash in on it
cash in on the need for fast food
3. buy out
buy her out
buy his sister out or buy out his sister
4. sign over
sign it over
sign the property over or sign over the property
5. b u i l d up
build it up
build the company up or build up the company
6. set u p
set it u p
set the institute up or set up the institute
7. branch out
8. value at
value it at one million
value the diamond at one million
9. r o u n d off
r o u n d it off
round the n u m b e r off or r o u n d off the n u m b e r
10. b r i n g into contact with
bring her into contact with them
bring Elizabeth into contact with many doctors
182 Appendix D

a r r a n g e for
arrange for it
arrange for a business meeting
12. do business with
do business with them
do business with Smith and Co.
13. pay off
14. get d o w n to business
15. enter into
enter into it
enter into a deal
16. invest in
invest in it
invest in land
17. m a k e a living by
make a living by singing
18. deal with
deal with them
deal with all types of people
19. p u t in for
put in for it
put in for a raise

CHAPTER 3. Residence
( T h e i d i o m is listed a l o n e if it d o e s n o t h a v e an object.)

1. c o m e across
come across it
come across a photograph
2. pass up
pass it up
pass a good chance up or pass up a good chance
3. c o o p up in
coop him up in there
coop the dog up in the closet
4. tower over
tower over us
tower over our building
Appendix D 183

5. be up to date
6. look out on
look out on a park
7. clutter up
clutter it up
clutter the room up or clutter up the room
8. tone down
tone it down
tone the color down or tone down the color
9. fix up
fix it up
fix the living room up or fix up the living room
10. move out
11. move in
12. get rid of
get rid of that
get rid of that ugly couch
13. furnish with
furnish it with antiques
furnish the apartment with antiques
14. seal off
seal it off
seal the doorway off or seal off the doorway
15. evict from
evict him from here
evict our neighbor from our building

CHAPTER 4. Crime

(The idiom is listed alone if it does not have an objea.)

1. gun down
gun them down
gun the innocent people down or gun down the innocent people
2. break in
3. prowl around
prowl around there or prowl around
prowl around that neighborhood
184 Appendix D

4. tie u p
tie him u p
tie the pilot up or tie up the pilot
5. m a k e off with
make off with them
make off with the jewels
6. get away with
get away with it
get away with the crime
7. pickup
pick them up
pick the murderers up or pick up the murderers
8. lock up
lock them up
lock the criminals up or lock up the criminals
9. b r i n g to trial
bring it to trial
bring the case to trial
10. own u p to
own u p to it
own up to the crime
11. p u t the blarne on
put the blame on her
put the blame on his wife
12. confess to
confess to it
confess to the m u r d e r
13. accuse of
accuse him of it
accuse the teenager of stealing
14. charge with
charge her with it
charge the woman with m u r d e r
15. convict of
convict him of it
convict him of forgery
16. sentence to
sentence him to death
sentence the m a n to death
17. be b e h i n d bars
Appendix D 185

18. pay for

pay for it
pay for his violence
19. escape from
escape from it
escape from jail

( T h e i d i o m is listed a l o n e if it d o e s n o t h a v e an object.)

1. look after
look after her
look after the baby
2. can't take one's eyes off
can't take his eyes off her
can't take his eyes off the girl next to him
3. flirt with
flirt with him
flirt with a salesman
4. have a crush on
have a crush on him
have a crush on a singer
5. have designs on
have designs on her
have designs on his new neighbor
6. wind a r o u n d one's little finger
wind him around her little finger
wind the boy around her little finger
7. get a l o n g with
get along with her
get along with his mother-in-law
8. confide in
confide in him
confide in his brother
9. sweep off h i s / h e r feet
sweep her off her feet
sweep the young girl off her feet
186 Appendix D

10. be infatuated with

be infatuated with her
be infatuated with the ballet dancer
11. have an affair with
have an affair with him
have an affair with her boss
12. make a pass at
make a pass at him
make a pass at the manager
13. live together
14. propose to
propose to her
propose to his girlfriend
15. make love with
make love with her
make love with his wife
16. throw out
throw her out
throw his wife out
17. fall in love with
fall in love with him
fall in love with a handsome man
18. get together

CHAPTER 6. Fashion


(The idiom is listed alone if it does not have an object.)

1. come up with
come up with it
come up with a great idea
2. make out of
make it out of scraps
make a dress out of scraps
3. put together
put it together
put the watch together
Appendix D 187

4. come out
5. come in
6. go out of fashion
7. put on
put it on
put the jacket on or put on the jacket
8. pull on
pull them on
pull your jeans on or pull on your jeans
9. roll up
roll them up
roll your sleeves up or roll up your sleeves
10. take off
take them off
take your boots off or take off your boots
11. show up in
show up in it
show up in a mink
12. dress up
13. zip up -.
zip it up
zip my dress up or zip up my dress
14. go with
go with that
go with pants
15. keep up with the times
16. be in vogue

CHAPTER 7. Anger

(The idiom is listed alone if it does not have an object.)

1. cope with
cope with it
cope with this crisis
188 Appendix D

2. drive o u t of h i s / h e r m i n d
drive him out of his mind
drive her husband out of his m i n d
3. get on one's nerves
get on her nerves
get on Mary's nerves
4. n o t think twice a b o u t
not think twice about it
not think twice about the crime
5. b e fed u p
6. pick on
pick on him
pick on the little boy
7. complain about
complain about it ,
complain about his j o b
8. get out of b e d on t h e w r o n g side
9. h o l d in
hold it in
hold your feelings in or hold in your feelings
10. have o u t
have it out
have the whole thing out
11. feel like
feel like it
feel like washing the clothes
12. p u t up with
put up with it
put up with all the complaints
13. stand for
stand for it
stand for his insults
14. calm d o w n
calm her down or calm down
calm the hysterical woman down or calm down the hysterical
15. n o t lose any sleep over
not lose any sleep over it
not lose any sleep over the gossip
16. cut o u t
cut it out
cut this behavior out or cut out this behavior
Appendix D 189

17. object to
object to it
object to his rude behavior

CHAPTER 8. Travel


(The idiom is listed alone if it does not have an object.)

1. start out
2. back up
back it up or back up
back the car up or back up the car
3. pass by
pass by it
pass by the store
4. pull into
pull into the space
5. pull out of
pull out of the lot
6. pull over
pull it over or pull over
pull the car over
7. get into
get into it
get into the next lane
8. cut across
cut across that field
9. get to
get to it
get to the opposite side
10. fill up
fill it up
fill the tank up or fill up the tank
11. turn around
turn it around or turn around
turn the car around
12. stop off
13. go back to
go back to the light
190 Appendix D

14. h e a d for
head for it
head for the zoo
15. r u n over
run him over
run the dog over or run over the dog
16. make good time

CHAPTER 9. Take It Easy


( T h e i d i o m is listed a l o n e if it d o e s n o t h a v e an object.)

1. take it easy
2. liven up
liven it up
liven the party up or liven up the party
3. take out
take her out
take his girlfriend out or take out his girlfriend
4. d r o p by
5. stay up
6. skim t h r o u g h
skim through it
skim through the chapter
7. show a r o u n d
show them around
show the guests around
8. p u t one's feet up
put his feet up
9. have over
have him over
have a friend over
10. t u r n on
turn it on
turn the light on or turn on the light
11. switch on
switch it on
switch the radio on or switch on the radio
Appendix D 191

12. plug in
plug it in
plug the iron in or plug in the iron
13. bury oneself in
bury yourself in it
bury yourself in your book

CHAPTER 10. Immigration


(The idiom is listed alone if it does not have an object.)

1. have the right to

have the right to it
have the right to work
2. emigrate from
emigrate from his country
3. live under
live under this system
4. prohibit from
prohibit her from staying
prohibit the student from staying
5. spy on
spy on him
spy on the artist
6. be against
be against it
be against the government
7. exile to
exile him to a remote village
exile the leader to a remote village
8. defect from
defect from his country
9. cut off from
cut her off from them
cut the politician off from her group
10. go through the proper channels
11. apply for
apply for it
apply for a visa
192 Appendix D

12. look forward to

look forward to it
look forward to the trip
13. i m m i g r a t e to
immigrate to this country
14. keep in s u s p e n s e
keep him in suspense
keep the applicant in suspense
15. part with
part with it
part with the necklace
16. smuggle o u t
smuggle it out
smuggle the antiques out or smuggle out the antiques
17. leave for
leave for Paris
Appendix E
Listening Comprehension

1. Man: You should never strike up a conversation with a m a n on the

street. Don't you know how dangerous it is!
Woman: I usually don't, b u t I couldn't find the restaurant and he looked
very respectable.
? Why was the m a n upset?

2. Woman: Yes, of course I would love to see London, Rome and Athens,
but what I really want is to enjoy Paris while I'm in Europe.
Man: I gather from what you're saying you would prefer to spend
more time in one city instead of seeing everything in Europe.
? What did the m a n understand the w o m a n to say?

3. Man: What did the senator say when the newsman asked him about
his romance with the rock singer?
Woman: I heard he just said, " C o m e on."
? What did the senator mean?

4. Woman: Did you ever hear your voice on a tape recorder?

Man: Yes. I was so shocked I couldn't listen to it.
? What did the m a n probably do when he heard his voice?

5. Woman: Doctor, do you think it is something serious?

Man: To tell you the truth, I don't know.
? What was the doctor's response to the woman's question?

Part II

1. Arthur didn't want to join the club because the swimming pool was
very small and there were only two tennis courts. But in the end,
the owner talked him into it.

194 Appendix E

2. In the interview, the former First Lady discussed her operation, her
marriage, and even touched on her addiction to drugs.
3. Caroline thinks she should get a divorce but her mother-in-law dis-
agrees with her.
4. When we asked Anthony where he got his middle name, Winston,
he said he wasn't given a middle name at birth so he just made it
5. Fifty percent of his income comes from tips but he doesn't want to
tell the Internal Revenue Service about it.
6. When the lawyer began to question the victim about the robbery,
she tried to answer but suddenly clammed up.
7. The American Kennel Club lists over a hundred breeds of dogs. It
stands to reason it would be difficult to decide what kind you want.
8. On most tests if you can't find the answer to a question, it's better to
go ahead to the next one than to spend all your time on a difficult
9. Paul is the only person I know who would disagree with Benjamin
Franklin's saying—"There never was a good war or a bad peace."
10. When the travel agent said you were taking your vacation during
the "dog days," he was trying to get across the idea that the weather
would be hot and h u m i d in July, August, and early September.

1. When her flight was cancelled because of the snow, the airline
arranged for a hotel room for her free of charge.
2. The United States does business with Canada, Japan, West Ger-
many, and the United Kingdom. This includes both import and
3. They spent so much time talking about their friends they never got
down to business.
4. Andrew Carnegie, the steel industrialist, set up several foundations
for education and research.
5. If he doesn't get a new job, he is going to put in for a raise
at his present company.
6. Although the auctioneer said the painting was valued at a quarter of
a million, it was sold for $ 100,000.
7. He makes a living by playing tennis.
8. During the Great Depression of 1929, he needed cash so he let his
rich partner buy him out.
Appendix E 195

9. The two countries just entered into a five-year trade agreement.

10. J o h n D. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company. He built
up the company to the point that it had almost a total monopoly on
the oil industry in the late 1800's.
11. At the beginning of the interview, the Vice President offered me a
salary of $17,685; but at the end, he rounded it off to $18,000.
12. Before the old m a n died he signed over all his possessions to his
13. Because he worked in the complaint office, he had to deal with
angry customers all day.
14. After a two-week strike, the sanitation workers and the manage-
ment finally made a deal with each other.
15. According to the 1970 census, the population of the U.S. was
203,211,926 which can be r o u n d e d off to 203,000,000.
16. He invested all his savings in a clever gadget but it never paid off.
17. Joining the Teamsters Union, the largest labor union in the United
States, brought him into contact with lots of other truckdrivers.
18. They cashed in on the d e m a n d for American-made products in
19. The U.S. gained its independence from England in 1776. The new
government was set up in 1789 with George Washington as the first
20. The American capitalist, Cornelius Vanderbilt, started in the
shipping business but then branched out and bought railroads.

1. Denise decided not to take the apartment because it would cost too
much money to fix it u p . Why didn't Denise rent the apartment?
2. When she realized the apartment had a southern exposure she got
rid of the Venetian blinds in order to enjoy the sunlight.
3. They moved out of their apartment on Tuesday but will be staying
with relatives for five days because they can't move in to their new
co-op until then.
4. Mark's new apartment looks out on 79th Street but the entrance is
on Park Avenue.
5. There is always friction between Lois and her roommate Debbie
because Lois always clutters up the bathroom with dirty laundry.
6. The apartment is in excellent condition except for the bathroom,
but that is no reason to pass up a deal like that.
196 Appendix E

7. So many people died in the fire because the management had

sealed off one of the exits in the movie theatre and the two that
were open weren't enough.
8. If the landlord won't tone down the walls, the new tenants are not
going to sign the lease.
9. They couldn't see the apartment because the present tenant is
being evicted from the building and he won't let anybody in.
10. The secretaries complained to their boss because they were cooped
up in a tiny office with no window all day.
11. I was amazed when I came across those ugly billboards in the
picturesque village.
12. If they were closer to each other, the World Trade Center would
tower over the Empire State Building.
13. My dentist raised his rates because he recently furnished his office
with new equipment.
14. That department store lost a lot of customers because its mer-
chandise is not exactly up to date.
15. You are going to lose your deposit on the apartment if you move
out before your lease is finished.

1. The bank robber was sentenced to seven years in prison. After he
had been behind bars for twenty-two months, he was released.
2. The Boston Strangler was locked up in 1963 for killing ten women.
3. He was such a cute little boy that he could get away with murder.
4. In Dostoyevsky's novel, Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov murders
an old pawnbroker and her sister, and makes off with some jewelry.
5. As soon as she was behind bars she began to think about the
best way to escape from jail.
6. The boy committed suicide in his senior year of college and his
parents put the blame on the school.
7. She refused to go into her apartment because she thought she
heard somebody prowling around.
8. In Muslim countries criminals must pay for their crimes. According
to Islamic Law, the punishment for stealing is amputation of the
9. According to the newspaper report, an off-duty policeman was
charged with murder.
Appendix E 197

10. The detectives found the killer because of the knot he always made
when he tied up his victims.
11. The killer called "Son of Sam" was picked up after a long search.
The police discovered who the murderer was through a parking
12. When the store detective caught the teenager stealing a Beatles'
record, the boy owned up to stealing thirty records the week before.
13. A former Vice President resigned when- he was accused of not
reporting $29,500 on his income tax report. He was sentenced to
three years probation and had to pay a fine of $10,000.
14. As soon as he heard there was an eyewitness, he confessed to the
15. During one presidential campaign burglars were caught at the
Democratic Party's headquarters. They were breaking in.

1. In Nabokov's novel, Lolita, H u m b e r t H u m b e r t couldn't take his eyes
off the heroine.
How did he feel about her?

2. When Lolita's mother discovered H u m b e r t ' s diary, she realized that

H u m b e r t had designs on her daughter.
What did the diary probably say?

3. When Lolita's mother was killed by a car, H u m b e r t looked after his

step daughter.
What did he do after the girl's mother died?

4. Most of the novel describes Humbert's life with Lolita while they
were driving from town to town and living together in various hotels.
Were Lolita and H u m b e r t husband and wife?

5. After Lolita escaped from Humbert, he searched for her a long

time. At the end of the novel they get together in her decrepit house.
Her husband and a neighbor are also present.
What happens at the end of the novel?

Part II

1. Woman: Did you hear about Bill and Nancy?

Man: Yes, it's unbelievable. They got along with each other for two
years but as soon as he proposed to her they began to fight con-
stantly. I think they are going to cancel everything.
? When did Bill and Nancy begin to have problems?

2. Woman: Did you notice that every time Peter sees Margaret in the cor-
ridor he makes a pass at her?
Woman: I wasn't sure, b u t I thought he was interested in her.
? What did Peter probably do?

3. Man: H o w was the cocktail party last night? Did you meet anyone
Woman: Yes, I met someone tall, dark, and very handsome and I already
have a terrible crush on him.
? What did the woman say about the man she met?

4. Man: How was your trip to Italy with Mary?

Woman: Fine, but we didn't have m u c h peace. The Italian men were
flirting with us all the time.
? What did the w o m a n say about her trip?

5. Man: I hear you're falling in love with Joan. Be careful, she can wind
any guy around her little finger.
Man: I know what you mean!
? What did the first m a n say about Joan?

1. A former First Lady m a d e the American designer Halston famous
when she showed up for her husband's inauguration in a Halston
pillbox hat.
2. Short skirts first came in in the 1920's.
3. During the 1960's, hemlines changed frequently. Minis, midis, and
maxis all came out during that period.
4. If the shoes go with your dress, buy them, even if they cost $110.
5. She is a buyer for a chain of boutiques so she goes to Paris every
year to keep up with the times.
6. When she took off her sloppy dress and put on that chic outfit in
the dressing room, she looked like a new person.
Appendix E 199

1. That style suit came out last year but it wasn't really in vogue until
this year.
8. She can't sew, so when she buys pants that are too long she just rolls
them up.
9. All of his ties went out of fashion about fifteen years ago, but he
doesn't want to throw them away because he is sure they will be in
vogue once again.
10. These shoes feel like they were made out of pieces of metal.
11. American fashion designers are famous for putting together clothes
that emphasize casual comfort.
12. When he zipped up the pants, they split at the seams.
13. She likes support pantyhose because she can pull them on in a
hurry and they don't run as easily as sheer pantyhose.
14. Everybody dressed up for the birthday party except Peter.
15. T h e new designer went bankrupt because he didn't come up with
any innovative designs. He simply copied the clothes of Yves Saint
Laurent and Dior.

1. Man: Why won't you go to the party, honey?
Woman: I'm not going because I just don't feel like it.
? Why won't the w o m a n go to the party?

2. Woman: Where are you going at this time of night?

Man: I'm checking into a hotel. For the past two hours you have been
complaining about everything I do.
? What was the woman doing before this conversation?

3. Man: Did you see Daniel after he was notified that he was fired?
Woman: Yes, he looked like a m a d m a n when he walked out of J.B.'s
office, and it took a few hours before he could calm down.
? How did Daniel react to the news?

4. Woman: I heard there was a scene at the dinner last night.

Man: You're right. Nobody at the table could put up with Dr.
Lawrence. He proposed that life would be much better in this
country if we had a segregation policy.
? How did the other guests feel about Dr. Lawrence's suggestion?
200 Appendix F

5. Woman: I couldn't believe it when she told the psychiatrist he ought to

have his head examined.
Man: Neither could I. It looked like he wanted to explode but
somehow he held in his feelings.
? How did the psychiatrist react to what the woman said?

6. Man: Why was she screaming?

Woman: Paul was picking on her and she; got angry.
? What did Paul probably say to the woman?

7. Man: When the Eiffel Tower was built for the Centennial Exposition
of 1889, it was the tallest structure in the world—300 meters.
Woman: That's true, but most Parisians objected to the structure on
aesthetic grounds.
? How did the Parisians react to the Eiffel Tower?

8. Woman: What was your session like?

Man: The therapist told me to lie down on the couch and talk about
whatever I wanted. After that he didn't say anything and this
? drove me out of my mind.
What happened?

9. Woman: I heard they didn't sign the contract.

Man: Yes, it's too bad but I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep
over it.
? What was the man's reaction?

10. Woman: Did Helen tell you about the fight she and her husband had
last night?
Man: Yes, it really got on his nerves when he found that photograph
in her pocketbook.
? How did Helen's husband react to the photograph?

11. Man: Americans don't think twice about using garbage for landfill.
Woman: Yes, I've heard that part of Manhattan is built on garbage. In
my country it would be impossible to even talk about this!
? How do Americans feel about using garbage for landfill?

12. Woman: Mark is in pretty serious trouble, isn't he?

Man: Yes, he lost $40,000 in the stock market recently. I thought his
wife would be fed up with him but she seems to be able to cope
with the whole thing.
? How did Mark's wife react to the loss?
Appendix F 201

13. Woman: I don't like back-seat drivers and I am not going to stand for
your constant warnings.
Man: Okay, okay. If you want me to cut it out, just ask me nicely.
? What is the m a n going to do?

14. Man: You and your husband have been angry at each other for weeks.
Why don't you have it out and both of you will feel better.
Woman: You're probably right, but I'm afraid he won't be able to
control himself if we start to discuss it.
? What is the woman worried about?

15. Woman: Don't talk to the boss today. He must have gotten out of bed
on the wrong side.
Man: No, his arthritis is probably bothering him. It's awfully damp
? What is wrong with the boss according to the man?

1. How do you get to the gas station from the post office?
2. What do you have to do when you pull out of the parking lot be-
hind the post office?
3. If you want to buy something'at the drug store but you go past it
by mistake, what do you have to do?
4. Where can you fill up the tank?
5. If you are entering the park and you are headed for Route 17, what
will you pass by?
6. On the way to the post office, you want to buy a hamburger. What
should you do?
7. What do you have to do if you want to get into the park?
8. What will happen if you turn around in front of the church?
9. If you think you have run over a dog, what should you do?
10. If you have to go from the post office to the church and you want to
make good time, what is the best thing to do?

Take It Easy
1. She was having friends over at eight, but she was still at the
club at 7:50.
2. The morning after his bachelor's party he had a terrible hangover
so he just put his feet up and did nothing.

202 Appendix F

3. If he doesn't take it easy, he will most likely have a nervous

4. Instead of skimming through the newspaper, he spends two and a
half hours reading it every day.
5. The typewriter doesn't work because it isn't plugged in.
6. What a playboy he is! He takes a different girl out every night of the
7. Why don't you drop by this weekend. I'll be h o m e Saturday and
8. On his first day of work, he was shown around the factory by the
president's secretary.
9. She is tired because she stayed up all night to finish the novel.
10. On the way to work, she buries herself in the help-wanted ads.
11. The water didn't boil because you didn't turn the gas on.
12. Her imitation of Marilyn Monroe livened up the talk-show.
13. Please switch on the washing machine this afternoon.

1. Woman: You have an unusual accent. Where were you born?
Man: Well, I was born in Poland, but I spent most of my life in
Argentina, and five years ago I immigrated to the U.S.
? Where did the m a n emigrate from five years ago?

2. Man: Paul told me your application for a student visa was denied.
What are you going to do?
Woman: I don't know. I have the right to appeal but I think I'll return to
my country and finish my education there.
? Can the woman do anything about her visa status?

3. Woman: How do you feel about moving to the Middle East?

Man: I'm looking forward to it even though it will be difficult the first
? Is the m a n happy about moving to the Middle East?

4. Woman: Well, don't keep me in suspense. Did they approve your appli-
cation for permanent resident status?
Man: I'm not trying to keep you in suspense; I didn't get an answer
yet. It will probably take another week.
? What is the man's situation at the present time?
Appendix F 203

5. Man: Look at this paycheck! The government took almost 3096 in

Woman: Stop complaining. You're lucky to be living in a free country.
How would you like to live under a military dictatorship? Then
you would really have something to complain about!
? What kind of country are these people living in?

6. Woman: I don't think Bob and Janet are happy together anymore.
Man: Yes, I heard that Bob paid someone to spy on Janet after he
found a book of matches from the Park Hotel in her purse.
? What does Bob probably think about his wife Janet?

7. Man: Do you think Michael is a spy?

Woman: I don't know but I have never heard of anybody emigrating
from the Soviet Union and then applying for permission to go
? Why does the woman think Michael is a spy?

8. Man: I have never seen so many suitcases in my life!

Woman: When we were leaving Tokyo, my husband wouldn't part with
anything so we brought everything back with us.
? Why did the couple take so many things from Tokyo?

9. Man: Why don't you immigrate to Canada instead of coming here on

short visits?
Woman: I would like to but I couldn't live if I were cut off from my
family and friends.
? Where are the woman's family and friends?

10. Woman: I have a lot of things I would like to bring back to the States
with me. Do you think I will have any problem at customs?
Man: Somebody told me you can't take anything but handicrafts out
of the country. The only way to take antiques, or jewelry is to
smuggle them out, but that's illegal.
? According to the man, what can be taken out of the country

11. Man: Do you think I can start working tomorrow?

Woman: There is one small problem, Mr. Rivera. If you were a
permanent resident, we could hire you, but since you have a
tourist visa, you are prohibited from working in this country.
? What is the problem?

12. Man: Sushlov applied for a position in Moscow but when the govern-
ment heard about his pro-west statements he was exiled to
Woman: He will probably never get permission to live in Moscow again.
p Where did the m a n want to work?

13. Woman: Why was J i m m y fired? He was such a good salesman.

Man: You're right. In fact, he was one of our best salesmen but sign-
ing the petition is against company policy.
? What happened to J i m m y ?

14. Man: Did Solzhenitsyn defect from the Soviet Union or did he
emigrate from his country?
Woman: Neither. His government just put him on a plane to Austria.
? How did Solzhenitsyn leave his country?

15. Woman: I heard you are leaving for h o m e tomorrow. How come?
Man: I wanted to get an extension of stay but I guess I didn't go
through the proper channels, and I received a notice that I
must leave the country by Tuesday.
? Why is the m a n going back to his country?
Appendix F
Answer Key
Answer Key
1. Conversation
I. 1. a II. 1. b,c III. 1. b IV. 1. с V. 1. from
2. b 2. b,c 2. a 2. b 2. To
3. a 3. a,b 3. a 3. b 3. up
4. с 4. а, с 4. b 4. b 4. about
5. с 5. а, с 5. — 5. с 5. to
6. a 6. a,b 6. b -:••

6. into
7. a 7. а, с 7. b 1. b 7. on
8. с 8. a,b 8. — 2. с 8. up
9. b 9. а, с 9. a 3. b 9. to
10. a 10. b,c 10. a 4. b 10. across
11. b 11. b,c 11. b 5. a 11. with
12. с 12. a,b 12. b 6. a 12. up
13. b 13. а, с 13. — 7. a 13. on
14. a 14. a,b 14. b 8. с 14. ahead
9. b
10. b
2. W o r k
I. 1. b II. 1. a,b III. 1. a IV. 1. b V. 1. for
2, с 2. а, с 2. b 2. с 2. by
3. a 3. b,c 3. b 3. a 3. in
4. a 4. а, с 4. b 4. b 4. into
5. a 5. а, с 5. b 5. b 5. with
6. b 6. a,b 6. a 6. a 6. for
7. с 7. b,c 7. b 7. с 7. with
8. a 8. a,b 8. a 8. b 8. down
9. с 9. a,b 9. b 9. с 9. off
10. a 10. a,b 10. b 10. a 10. into
11. b 11. b,c 11. a 11. b 11. in
12. с 12. b,c 12. b 12. b 12. on
13. a 13. a,b 13. — 13. с 13. with
14. с 14. b,c 14. b 14. b 14. out
15. a 15. a,b 15. — 15. b 15. over
16. с 16. b,c 16. a 16. a 16. up
17. a 17. а, с 17. b 17. с 17. out
18. a 18. a,b 18. a 18. b 18. up
19. b 19. b,c 19. b 19. b 19. with
20. с 20. at
21. off

206 Appendix F

3. R e s i d e n c e
I. 1. b II. 1. a,c III. a [V. 1. с V. 1. up
2. a 2. а, с 2. b 2. b 2. up
3. a 3. a,b 3. b 3. с 3. across
4. с 4. а, с 4. a 4. b 4. over
5. с 5. a,b 5. b 5. с 5. out
6. с 6. b,c 6. a 6. b 6. up
7. a 7. b,c 7. b 7. с 7. up
8. a 8. a,b 8. b 8. b 8. in
9. a 9. a,b 9. a 9. с 9. with
10. с 10. а, с 10. — 10. a — 10. out
11. a 11. b,c 11. b 11. a 11. of
12. b 12. a,b 12. — 12. b
13. b 13. a,b 13. a 13. с
14. с 14. а, с 14. a 14. b
15. a 15. a,b 15. b 15. a

4. C r i m e
I. 1. b II. 1. b,c III. I. b IV. 1. d V. 1. down
2. с 2. а, с 2. a 2. b 2. in
3. a 3. a,b 3. a 3. b 3. around
4. b 4. a,b 4. a 4. с 4. up
5. с 5. а, с 5. b 5. с 5. off
6. a 6. a,b 6. b 6. a 6. away
a,b 7 a 7. a 7. up
7. b
8. a
8. а, с
- a 8. a 8. up
9. a 9. a,b \9. b 9. d 9. to
10. с 10. b,c 10. b 10. b 10. up
11. b 11. а, с 11. b 11. d 11. on
12. с 12. b,c 12. b 12. b 12. to
13. a 13. a,b 13. b 13. d 13. of
14. a 14. а, с 14. b 14. b 14. with
15. a 15. a,b 15. b 15. a 15. of
16. a 16. a,b 16. b 16. to
17. с 17. a,b 17. b '17. b e h i n d
18. a 18. a,b 18. b 18. for
19. с 19. a,b 19. — 19. from
5. L o v e
I. 1. g II. 1. a,b III. a IV. 1. b V. 1. fell in love with
2. q 2. а, с 2. b 2. a 2. take my eyes off
3. r 3. b,c 3. b 3. a 3. making a pass at
4. h 4. a,b 4. b 4. b 4. living together
5. 1 5. а, с 5. — 5. b 5. get along with
6. a 6. a,b 6. b •',•
6. flirt with
Appendix F 207

7. m 7. b,c 7. b 1. b 7. have an affair

8. b 8. b,c 8. a 2. b witli
9. с 9. a,b 9. b 3. b 8. get together
10. d 10. b,c 10. — 4. b 9. am infatuated
11. i 11. а, с 11. b 5. с with
12. J 12. b,c 12. b 10. swept me off
13. к 13. а, с 13. b my feet
14. f 14. а, с 14. b
15. n 15. а, с 15. b
16. p 16. а, с 16. a
17. о 17. а, с 17. b
18. e 18. a,b 18. b

6. F a s h i o n
I. 1. с II. 1. a,b III. 1. a IV. 1. b V. 1. with
2. a 2. а, с 2. b 2. с 2. out
3. a 3. a,b 3. b 3. b 3. together
4. b 4. b,c 4. b 4. b 4. out
5. a 5. a,b 5. a 5. с 5. in
6. b 6. a,b 6. a 6. с 6. out
7. a 7. a,b 7. b 7. b 7. on
8. b 8. a,b 8. a 8. с 8. on
9. с 9. а, с 9. a 9. с 9. up
10. b 10. b,c 10. b 10. b 10. off
11. с 11. а, с 11. — 11. с 11. up
12. a 12. а, с 12. a 12. b 12. up
13. с 13. a,b 13. — 13. c°- 13. up
14. a 14. а, с 14. b 14. b 14. with
15. b 15. a,b 15. b 15. с 15. with
16. с 16. а, с 16. — 16. in
7. A n g e r
1. a II. 1. a,b III. 1 .a IV. 1. с V. 1. with
2. с 2. а, с 2. b 2. b 2. out
3. b 3. a,b 3. b 3. b 3. on
4. с 4. b,c 4. b 4. a 4. about
5. b 5. a,b 5. b 5. с 5. up
6. a 6. а, с 6. b 6. с 6. on
7. b 7. b,c 7. a 7. с 7. about
8. с 8. а, с 8. a 8. с 8. of
9. a 9. a,b 9. b 9. а 9. in
10. b 10. а, с 10. b 10. b 10. out
11. a 11. b,c 11. b 11. с 11. like
12. a 12. а, с 12. b 12. а 12. u p
13. a 13. a,b 13. — 13. а 13. for
208 Appendix F

14. a 14. a,b 14. a 14. с 14. down

15. с 15. b,c 15. b 15. b 15. over
16. b 16. a,b 16. a 16. out
17. с 17. b,c 17. b 17. to

8. Travel
1. с II. 1. а, с III. 1. b IV. 1. b V. 1. out
2. с 2. a,b 2. b 2. с 2. up
3. b 3. b,c 3. a 3. a 3. by
4. с 4. а, с 4. a 4. с 4. into
5. a 5. а, с 5. b 5. с 5. out
6. b 6. а, с 6. b 6. a 6. over
7. a 7, а, с 7. b 7. с 7. into
8. a 8. a,b 8. b 8. a 8. across
9. b 9. b,c \ •
— 9. с 9. to
10. b 10. b,c 10. a 10. с 10. up
11. b 11. a,b 11. a 11. around
12. a 12. a,b 12. — 12. off
13. с 13. b,c 13. — 13. back
14. b 14. a,b 14. b 14. for
15. a 15. b,c 15. b 15. over
16. b ,16. a,b 16. a 16. time

9. Take It Easy
I. 1. b II. 1. a,b III. 1. a IV. a. b V. 1. by
2. a 2. а, с 2. a 2. с 2. out
3. b 3. а, с 3. — 3. b 3. up
4. b 4. b,c 4. a 4. a 4.
5. c. 5. a,b 5 a 5. с 5. in
с -
6. с а, с 6. a 6. up
6. 6. b
7. a 7. a,b 7. a 7. a 7. through
8. с 8. b,c 8. — 8. b 8. over
9. с 9. a,b 9. b 9. b 9. in
10. a 10. a,b 10. a 10. a 10. on
11. a 11. а, с 11. a 11. с 11. on
12. a 12. а, с 12. a 12. с 12. up
13. ' b 13. a,b 13. a 13. a 13. easy
10. Immi ^ration
I. 1. b II. 1. a,b III. 1. b IV. 1. с V. 1. to
2. с 2. а, с 2. b 2. b 2. from
3. a 3. b,c 3. b 3. b 3. under
4. с s
4. а, с 4. b 4. с 4. from
5. a 5. b,c 5. b 5. с 5. on
6. a 6. а, с 6. b 6. b 6. against
-^ 7. с 7. a,b 7. b 7. a 7. to
Appendix F 209

8. с 8. b,c 8. a 8. b 8. from
9. b 9. a,b 9. b 9. a 9. off
10. a 10. a,b 10. b 10. b 10. through
11. с 11. b,c 11. a 11. с 11. for
12. a 12. а, с 12. b 12. с 12. forward
13. a 13. a,b 13. b 13. b 13. to
14. с 14. a,c 14. b 14. с 14. in
15. a 15. a,b 15. b 15. b 15. with
16. с 16. а, с 16. b 16. for
17. a 17. a,b 17. b 17. out

General Review Section


1. b 21. b 1. crime
2. a 22. b 2. crime
3. a 23. a 3. love
4. b 24. b 4. love
5. b 25. a 5. conversation
6. a 26. b 6. travel
7. a 27. b 7. residence
8. a 28. a 8. travel
9. a 29. b 9. love
10. b 30. b 10. residence
11. a 31. b 11. conversation
12. a 32. a 12. immigration
13. b 33. b 13. conversation
14. a 34. a 14. work
15. a 35. a 15. work
16. b 36. Ь 16. love
17. b 37. a 17. crime
18. a 38. a 18. love
19. a 39. a 19. love
20. b 40. a 20. anger
41. a
42. a
210 Appendix F

<№?- 00

American Idioms
Pamela McPartland
TAKE IT EASY is one of the first books to present idioms related to a specific-
topic in a meaningful context and provide extensive exercises. This presentation
helps students gain mastery of 164 verb idioms and brings them closer to native-
like command of the English language. With TAKE IT EASY students learn a
difficult subject effortlessly.

Special features:
• Idioms organized by themes
• Contexts from American life, novels, biographies, and advertisements
• Exercises on the definition of idioms, position of objects, words associated with
each idiom, and the application of idioms to everyday life
• Comprehensive review section
• Answer Key
"(The most important feature of the book is) that it presents the idioms/two-
word verbs in a context in a variety of ways, and that there is enough exposure for
learning to take place."
University of Hawaii al Manoa

"The scope of an idiom book is a difficult consideration, as there are so many

idioms that one is faced with the problem of narrowing down the focus. I like the
ones Ms. McPartland chose; they're practical and widely used."
lnstiluto Cultural Dominica Americano

"(Take It Easy) offers far more exercises than those (idiom books) presently
available. The section on Listening Comprehension is an excellent idea. I am not
aware of any other idiom text which offers exercises of this kind."
Intensive English Institute
Utah Stale University

Prentice Hall Resents, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632


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