Consequences of Power Distance Orientation in Organisations: Vision-The Journal of Business Perspective January 2009
Consequences of Power Distance Orientation in Organisations: Vision-The Journal of Business Perspective January 2009
Consequences of Power Distance Orientation in Organisations: Vision-The Journal of Business Perspective January 2009
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1 author:
Naresh Khatri
University of Missouri
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Naresh Khatri
The cultural milieu has a profound influence on employee behaviour in the organisations. In an increasingly
diverse workplace and in a more globalised business world, managers, to be effective, need to appreciate
behavioural implications of cultural values that employees, organisations, and societies hold. One of the
most cited frameworks to understand behaviour of people across the national cultures was proposed by
Hofstede (2001). In this paper, we take a look at the behavioural implications in the organisations of power
distance (status differences), which is one of the five cultural dimensions in Hofstede’s framework. Specifically,
we explore the impact of power distance orientation on employee participation, nature of job descriptions,
organisational communication and decision-making, discipline and control, deference to senior employees,
management development, and organisational structuring and adaptation. We conclude that: (1) employees
in a high power distance context are unwilling to participate in decisions and are content with their managers
making decisions and giving them instructions, which they follow passively. (2) jobs are narrowly and tightly
specified, giving the employees limited discretion. (3) communication takes place vertical downwards, with
no or little horizontal communication. Overall communication is anemic. A large communication gap exists
between superiors and their subordinates because it is hard for the subordinates to air their views. (4) power
distance gives managers unlimited power and control over subordinates. Employees, in turn, have an
unquestioning, submissive attitude. (5) older and senior employees get respect from junior employees not
because of former’s competence but because of age and long tenure in the organisation. (6) in a high power
distance culture, decisions are made by a few at the top autocratically. Further, because of little resistance
from lower level employees, decisions are made and implemented faster in a high power distance organisation.
However, because of lack of input from lower level employees as well as poor communication and information
sharing, quality of decisions is poorer in a high power distance organisation. (7) high power distance
organisations are prone to unethical behaviour. This is because top managers have not to justify or defend
their decisions to lower level employees or to the larger organisation. Unethical behaviour gets covered up
or goes undetected. And (8), in a high power distance organisation, managers tend to micromanage and
even minor decisions go to the top. Thus, higher level managers are inundated with routine decisions.
ANAGEMENT scholars have recognised
Aycan, 2003).
socio-cultural environment as one of the most
important factors affecting behaviours of In the last two decades, the number of studies
individuals and groups in the organisations. In an examining cross-cultural management issues has grown
increasingly diverse workplace and in a more globalised exponentially. These studies while documenting some
business world, understanding the ways in which culture universality in the management theories developed in the
2 Khatri
West show that organisational behaviour and was based on numerous laboratory and field experiments
effectiveness of management practices vary significantly with simple social structures. The experiments examined
from one cultural context to the other. Despite its the emotional distance that separates subordinates from
limitations, there is perhaps no other contemporary their bosses. Mulder (1977) defined power distance as
framework in international management that is so widely ‘the degree of inequality in power between a less
cited as the cultural framework proposed by Hofstede powerful individual and a more powerful other, in which
(1997; 2001). In this paper, the author has synthesised individual and other belong to the same (loosely or tightly
the findings from a vast array of research studies done knit) social system’ (pp.90). Hofstede (1997) extended
on one of the cultural dimensions, power distance, in Mulder’s notion of power distance from a dyadic, social-
Hofstede’s framework. psychological concept to a broader, cultural concept by
defining power distance as ‘the extent to which the less
Since its publication in 1980, Hofstede’s Culture’s
powerful members of institutions and organisations
Consequences (revised and expanded in 2001) has had
within a country expect and accept that power is
a profound influence on the development of cross-
distributed unequally’ (pp.28).
cultural studies within psychology, in organisation
studies, and in the social sciences more generally (Smith, In this paper, we subscribe to the view that
2002). Hofstede identified five cultural dimensions: individuals and organisations within a national culture
individualism versus collectivism, high versus low may vary in their value orientations (Earley and Gibson,
power distance, masculinity versus femininity, strong 1998; Triandis, 1995). That is, although, one may expect
versus weak uncertainty avoidance, and long-term versus most individuals and organisations in a high power
short-term orientation. The long-term versus short-term distance culture to hold high power distance values, it is
orientation dimension is also known as Confucian possible to find some individuals and organisations that
dynamism. It was added after conducting additional may not share these values. Much of our treatment of
research (Hofstede and Bond, 1988) using a survey power distance orientation in this paper is at the
instrument developed in the Chinese culture. The organisational level and we substantiate our arguments
individualism-collectivism dimension has received by using the findings of studies from various national
far the most attention (Hui and Triandis, 1986; Sinha and cultures which are high on power distance since there is
Tripathi, 1994; Triandis, 1995; Schermerham and Bond, dearth of studies examining power distance orientation
1997; Krokosz-Krynke, 1998). Power distance, which at the organisational level of analysis. Moreover, we have
is perhaps as important a dimension as individualism- used culture and organisation interchangeably as we
collectivism in the way it influences employee believe that organisations like nations have unique
behaviours and organisational structure and processes, cultures, and, like nations, can be high or low in their
has attracted relatively much less attention. Several power distance orientation.
books and review articles have appeared on the
individualism-collectivism dimension but none we know
Consequences of High Power Distance Orientation
of on power distance (e.g., Earley and Gibson, 1998;
Triandis, 1995). In this paper, we attempt to develop a What is most important for me and my department is not
coherent set of arguments on the behavioural, process, what I do or achieve for the company, but whether the
and structural consequences of power distance in Master’s favour is bestowed on me…This I have achieved
organisations. By adopting a contingency perspective by saying ‘yes’ to everything the Master says or does…To
(e.g., Sully de Luque and Sommer, 2000), we argue that Contradict him is to look for another job (Negandhi and
organisational behaviour in a high power distance Prasad, 1971, pp. 128).
context will be different from that in a low power distance The above quote captures the essence of the
context. supervisor-subordinate relationship in a culture
Next, we provide a brief definition of power distance characterised by high power distance (in this case India).
and then develop propositions on its implications for a The quote shows the profound influence cultural milieu
number of organisational behaviour issues, followed by can have on employee behaviour. Members of a culture
discussion and conclusions. share certain mindsets that cause them to interpret
situations and events in generally similar ways, while
Hofstede adopted the term ‘power distance’ from the persons from other cultures and mindsets are likely to
research done by a Dutch experimental social interpret them differently. Culture in this sense is a
psychologist, Mauk Mulder. Mulder’s research (1977)
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Consequences of Power Distance Orientation in Organisations 3 ●
powerful force that shapes and influences the cognitions (1985) note that, in Hong Kong, employees hold high
and behaviours of people (Erez, 1994). In this section power distance values and organisations are highly
of the paper, we would like to examine the implications centralised. Employees, mainly Chinese, are more
of power distance, an important cultural dimension, for satisfied working in a centralised rather than in a
several organisational behaviour issues, such as decentralised structure. Since the value governing
employee participation, job descriptions, organisational hierarchical power relations is the core of the Chinese
communication, decision-making, management control, culture in Hong Kong, when variations in practices
ethical behaviour, and organisational structuring and among the organisations were incongruent with this core
adaptation. value, employees were dissatisfied. But when value
incongruence involved those values that were not core,
Employee Participation employees’ work satisfaction and performance were not
Employee participation is the process of giving
employees the authority to make decisions relating to Proposition 1a: The amount of employee participation
their work processes and encouraging them to take in an organisation will be inversely related to the
responsibilities of their decisions. Most of the research power distance orientation of the organisation.
on employee participation has been done in the West. The Proposition 1b: Employees with high power distance
evidence suggests that employees view supervisors who orientation will be more satisfied and productive in
give them more freedom to do their work more a high power distance organisation than in a low
favourably (Marchese, 2001). However, the influence of power distance organisation.
employees’ participation on work outcomes may vary
across cultures (Córdova, 1982). This is especially true
of high and low power distance cultures (Lincoln, Job Descriptions
Hanada and Olson, 1981). Studies by Brockner et al., Tsui et al., (1995) note that, in highly centralised
(2001) and Gomez, Kirkmann, and Shapiro (1999) show organisations, a job-focused employment relationship is
that employees with high power distance values prefer more common. The authors describe job-focused
lower level of participation as compared to those with employment relationship as concerned mainly with
low power distance values. Erez (1994) and Triandis encouraging a high level of task performance from
(1994) suggest that the idea of employee involvement is employees, without requiring their commitment to the
somewhat awkward to contemplate and difficult to overall organisation’s success. In this relationship, the
implement in a high power distance organisation. This expectations of the employer in terms of output required
is perhaps so since employees with high power distance of the employees are clearly specified. McKenna (1998)
values are more likely to prefer decisions made by points out that the major managerial concern in a high
managers to participatory decision-making; employees power distance organisation is limited to ensuring that
expect to be told what to do and do not like to take on subordinates carry out their jobs exactly the way they are
additional responsibilities. Hofstede (1984) suggests that told, no more and no less.
members of high power distance cultures (holding high
Proposition 2: Job description will be more tightly
power distance values) often feel lost in a low power
specified in a high power distance organisation than
distance organisation because of the lack of dependable
in a low power distance organisation.
superiors to give them clear instructions.
Lachman (1988) suggests that early socialisation
affects core values and late socialisation affects only Communication
peripheral values. When faced with pressures to comply In organisations operating in a high power distance
with organisational requirements and managerial cultural milieu, a superior is expected to make decisions
policies, employees’ peripheral values may change while without consulting his or her subordinates, because
their core values may not. Holland (1976) also argues subordinates may view their involvement in decisions
that employees tend to modify organisational role by their superiors as a sign of incompetence or weakness
requirements if they are incongruent with their core on the part of the superior (Francesco and Chen, 2000).
values. In fact, if the role requirements are incompatible Subordinates are also unwilling to express their opinions
with core values of employees, employees may change and disagreements openly due to fear of losing face or
their jobs rather than their values. Birnbaum and Wong making someone else loses face. Unsurprisingly, such
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4 Khatri
subordinates on their superiors in a high power distance differentiation of activities, as in the proliferation of staff
culture. This leaves sizeable room for corruption in the sections, combined with inadequate integrative
form of favouritism and nepotism, as decisions are not mechanisms lead to efficiency problems. The poor
made on the basis of merit but favour and loyalty integration in a high power distance organisation occurs
(Husted, 1999; Khatri, Tsang, and Begley, 2006). Takyi- because of anemic communication and low employee
Asiedu (1993) found that, in a high power distance participation as discussed earlier.
organisation, ‘scandals involving people in authority are, Proposition 9b: The differentiation of organisational
almost always covered up as long as they remain in activities will be greater in a high power distance
power’ (pp.92). These cover-ups are a result of organisation than in a low power distance
subordinates’ loyalty. organisation.
Proposition 8: Unethical behaviour will be greater in a Proposition 9c: Integration of organisational activities
high power distance organisation than in a low power will be lower in a high power distance organisation
distance organisation. than in a low power distance organisation.
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Naresh Khatri ( is a PhD from State University of New York at Buffalo and MBA from Indian Institute
of Management, Ahmedabad. He is an associate professor at the University of Missouri. His research focuses on strategic human resource
management, leadership, healthcare management, strategic decision making and cross-cultural management. He has authored a scholarly
book and published over 40 research articles and book chapters. His research is cited widely by the scholars across the globe. Three of
his research papers have received nominations for the Best Paper Award at the Academy of Management Annual Meetings. He also
received the ‘Teacher of the Year Award’ in the Department of Health Management at the University of Missouri in 2006.