Vision 2015: Medical Council of India

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Vision 2015

Medical Council of India

Medical Council of India

Published by
Medical Council of India
Sector 8 , Pocket 14,
Dwarka, New Delhi 110077
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Year of Publication : March 2011

MCI : Vision 2015


Preface ....................................................................... 5
Under Graduate Medical Education ............................. 9
Post Graduate Medical Education ...............................25
Examination ..............................................................41
Acknowledgements ....................................................55

Medical Council of India

MCI : Vision 2015


t is almost a year since the Board of Governors (BOGs) were
asked by the Government of India to look after the work of the
Medical Council of India. At the very outset, it was realized
that while, it was important that the activities of the Council should
continue to be carried out with transparency and efficiency, this
was a unique opportunity given to us, to re-look at the various
aspects of medical education, training and practice for the country.
With this background, it was decided to develop a “Vision 2015”
document, addressing the areas of graduate and postgraduate
medical education including examination patterns, ethics of
medical practice, equivalence of various degrees and courses,
enhancement of remunerations for medical teachers and setting
up standards for accreditation of medical colleges. Separate
working groups were constituted consisting of eminent members
of the profession as well as leading members of the civil society to
work with the BOGs.

It was our mission too develop systems which could

continuously assess the needs, aspirations, enhance the quality
& standards of medical education and training in India. Our aim
was to standardize the output of graduate medical education in
the form of an ‘Indian Medical Graduate’; a skilled and motivated
basic doctor.

The large gaps in health care accessibility in many parts of

the country, the need for enhanced clinical competency and, limited
opportunities for post-graduate training were our major concerns.

Medical Council of India

The tireless efforts of months of deliberations and interactions of

various working groups, finally led to the development of invaluable
draft documents, which were placed on the MCI web-site for six
weeks. Thankfully, suggestions, criticisms and guidance poured
in from all over the country and enabled us to revise the proposals.

Today, the National Meet on the “Implementation of reforms

in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education” is
mandated to present only part of the Vision 2015 document.
Today our endeavor is to place the proposed reforms in the
graduate and postgraduate medical education including
examination patterns and the Roll Out plans before all the

With the inputs and support of all the stakeholders, the

BOGs have no doubt that these changes can be implemented
through out the country. The successful roll out will place India as
a global leader in health education.

The proposed changes are being recommended to bring

about both equitable access to medical education and uniform
standards in our doctors and specialists. It is also envisaged that
curricular changes will make the training more exciting and
challenging to the young students and will make medicine as the
profession of choice for them.

Prof. S. K. Sarin
Chairman BOGs,

MCI : Vision 2015

Under Graduate
Medical Education

Medical Council of India

MCI : Vision 2015

Under Graduate
Medical Education

The Government of India recognizes Health for All as a national
goal and expects medical training to produce competent
“Physicians of First Contact” towards meeting this goal. However,
the medical education and health care in India are facing serious
challenges in content and competencies.

The burden of diseases in India is still large. Though there

has been some improvement, national statistics reveal wide
disparities between different states as also rural/urban areas with
regard to access to basic medical services and quality health care.
These are generally attributed to inadequate infrastructure and
lack of resources. However, physician shortage, both generalist
and specialist, inequitable distribution of manpower and resources,
and deficiencies in the quality of medical education also need
careful and critical analysis and improvement.

Today, India has the highest number of medical colleges in

the world. This unprecedented growth has occurred in the past
two decades in response to increasing health needs of the country.
The most significant challenge for regulatory bodies like the
Medical Council of India has been to balance the need for more
medical colleges with the maintenance and improvement of quality
standards. The globalization of education and health care and
India’s potential as a destination of choice for quality education
and health care has brought the issue into sharper focus.

Medical Council of India

Curricular reforms to systematically address these issues

and develop strategies to strengthen the medical education and
health care system are needed so that Indian Medical Graduates
match or better the international standards.

i. To assess and evolve a roadmap for medical education

relevant for India in the changing contexts.

ii. To evolve a broad policy regarding the emphasis, duration

and curricular changes that would be adopted as
implementable strategies to make medical education in India
comparable to global standards.

iii. To evolve strategies and futuristic plans so that medical

education in India is innovative and is able to prepare
undergraduates to perform in the changing scenario of
medical science.

iv. To institute immediate solutions and propose medium and

long term strategies to the existing medical education in a
steady phased manner.

Need for more doctors

The current estimated doctor population ratio in India is 1:1700
as compared to a world average of 1.5: 1000. The Board of
Governors (BOGs) after detailed inputs from various working
groups came to a consensus that the targeted doctor population
ratio would be 1: 1000 and achievable by the year 2031. For
achieving this target & considering the number of existing medical
colleges in the country, it was felt that the current intake by medical
colleges and the critical mass of doctors would be rationally
enhanced. However, the medium and long-term goals, the need
for more medical colleges need to be met, primarily through the
Govt. support.

Improving quality of training

Restructuring the Undergraduate medical course

The total duration of undergraduate MBBS course will remain 5

½ years. The course will be restructured as below to enable the
student to be more participatory and competent.

MCI : Vision 2015

Introduction of New Teaching Elements

1. Foundation Course

Foundation course will be of 2 months duration after

admission to prepare a student to study Medicine effectively.
This period aims to orient student to national health
scenarios, medical ethics, health economics, learning skills
& communication, life support, computer learning, sociology
& demographics, biohazard safety, environmental issues and
community orientation. In addition, this would include
overview in the three core subjects of Anatomy, Physiology
and Biochemistry to be taught in first MBBS.

2. Integration: Horizontal and Vertical

The innovative new curriculum has been structured to

facilitate horizontal and vertical integration between
disciplines, bridge the gaps between theory & practice,
between hospital based medicine and community medicine.
Basic and laboratory sciences (integrated with their clinical
relevance) would be maximum in the first year and will
progressively decrease in the second and third year of the
training when the clinical exposure and learning would be

Medical Council of India

3. Early Clinical Exposure

The clinical training would start in the first year, with a

foundation course, focusing on communication, basic
clinical skills and professionalism. There would be sufficient
clinical exposure at the primary care level and this would be
integrated with the learning of basic and laboratory sciences.
Introduction of case scenarios for classroom discussion/
case-based learning would be emphasized. It will be done
as a coordinated effort by the pre, para-clinical and clinical

4. Student Doctor Method of Clinical Training

In order for the MBBS course to provide sufficient skills

development for competent practice, a frame shift is required
in clinical training in the following ways:

a. Focus on common problems seen in outpatient and

emergency setting

b. Learning through clerkship/ student doctor method

by involvement in patient care as a team member -
involvement in investigations, management and
performance of basic procedures.

c. Emphasis on a significant part of training taking place

at the primary and secondary level with compulsory
family medicine training.

d. Restructuring clinical training so that parts of it would

be ‘core’ requirements and others would be ‘elective’

5. Electives:

The aim of adding electives is to allow flexible learning

options in the curriculum and may offer a variety of options
including clinical electives, laboratory postings or community
exposure in areas that students are not normally exposed
as a part of regular curriculum.. This will also provide
opportunity for students to do project, enhance self directed
learning, critical thinking and research abilities.

Examples - Bio Informatics, Tissue Engineering/ Processing,

Computer and Computer Applications, Immunology,

MCI : Vision 2015

Genetics, Human Nutrition, Sports Medicine, Laboratory

Sciences, Research Methodology, Ethics, Accident and
Emergencies (A&E), Community Projects, HIV Medicine,
Tissue Culture, Pharmaco Kinetics/Pharmacodynamics /
Pharmacoeconomics, Assisted Reproductive Technology,
Ethics & Medical Education.

6. Skill Development & Training

A mandatory & desirable comprehensive list of skills has

been planned and would be recommended for Bachelor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Graduate.
Certification of skills would be necessary before licensure.

7. Secondary Hospital Exposure

Each medical college would be linked to the local health

system including CHCs, taluk hospitals and primary health
care centers that can be used as training base for medical

8. Adoption of Contemporary Education


Skills lab, E-learning, Simulation.

Strategy For large Scale Faculty

Development for India:
Regional Learning Facilitation Centers would be established for
continuous faculty development programs. Training of the trainers
is the essence of successful implementation of our reforms.

The introduction of a restructured curriculum and training program
with emphasis on early clinical exposure, integration of basic and
clinical sciences, clinical competence and skills and new teaching-
learning methodologies will lead to a new generation of medical
graduates of global standards. Improvements in the infrastructure
and increased emphasis on faculty development will result in
increase in the quality of the existing medical colleges. These in
turn will lead to motivating young doctors into the academic career
and will further enhance the quality of medical education and
clinical research in the country.

Medical Council of India

The proposed undergraduate medical education program

is designed to create an “Indian Medical Graduate”
Graduate”. The
Indian medical graduate will have the necessary competencies
(knowledge, skills, and attitudes) to assume his or her role as a
health care provider to the people of India and the world.

The goals of the M.B.B.S. training program are to create

doctors - with requisite knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and
responsiveness, so that they may function appropriately and
effectively as a Basic Doctor
Doctor,, physicians of first contact for the
community in the primary care setting both in urban as well as
rural areas of our country.

In order to fulfill these goals the doctor must be able to function in
the following roles appropriately and effectively:

1. Clinician, who understands and provides preventive,

promotive, curative, palliative and holistic care with

2. Leader and member of the health care team and

system with capabilities to collect, analyze and
synthesize health data.

3. Communicator with patients, families, colleagues

and community.

4. Lifelong learner committed to continuous

improvement of skills and knowledge.

5. Professional, who is committed to excellence, is ethical,

responsive and accountable to patients, community,
and profession.

Competency based learning would include designing &
implementing medical education curriculum that focuses on the
desired and observable ability in the real life situations.

In order to effectively fulfill the above roles the medical student

would have obtained a set of competencies at the time of
graduation from the M.B.B.S. progra am:

MCI : Vision 2015

1. Clinician, who understands and provides preventive,

promotive, curative, palliative and holistic care with
compassion :

a. Demonstrate knowledge of normal human structure,

function and development from a molecular, cellular,
biologic, clinical, behavioral and social perspective.

b. Demonstrate knowledge of abnormal human

structure, function and development from a
molecular, cellular, biological, clinical, behavioral and
social perspective.

c. Demonstrate knowledge of medico-legal, societal,

ethical and humanitarian principles that influence
health care.

d. Demonstrate knowledge of national and regional

health care policies including the national rural health
mission, frameworks, economics and systems that
influence health. Promotion, health care delivery,
disease prevention, effectiveness, responsiveness,
quality and patient safety.

e. Be able to elicit and record from the patient, and

other relevant sources including relatives and
caregivers, a history that is complete and relevant to
disease identification, disease prevention and health

f. Be able to elicit and record from the patient, and

other relevant sources including relatives and
caregivers, a history that is contextual to gender, age,
vulnerability, social and economic status, patient
preferences, beliefs and values.

g. Be able to perform a physical examination that is

complete and relevant to disease identification,
disease prevention and health promotion.

h. Be able to perform a physical examination that is

contextual to gender, social and economic status,
patient preferences and values.

i. Demonstrate effective clinical problem solving,

judgment and ability to interpret and integrate

Medical Council of India

available data in order to address patient problems,

generate differential diagnoses and develop
individualized management plans that include
preventive, promotive and therapeutic goals.

j. Maintain accurate clear and appropriate record of

patient in conformation with appropriate legal and
administrative frame works.

k. Be able to choose the appropriate diagnostic tests

and interpret these tests based on scientific validity,
cost effectiveness and clinical context.

l. Be able to prescribe and safely administer appropriate

therapies including nutritional interventions based on
the principles of rational drug therapy, scientific
validity, evidence and cost effectiveness that conform
to established national and regional health programs
and policies for the following:
● disease prevention,
● health promotion and cure,
● pain and distress alleviation and
● rehabilitation & palliation

m. Be able to provide a continuum of care at the primary

and/or secondary and tertiary level that addresses
chronicity, mental and physical disability.

n. Be able to appropriately identify and refer patients

who may require specialized or advanced tertiary

2. Leader and member of the health care team and


a. Work effectively and appropriately with colleagues in

an inter-professional health care team respecting
diversity of roles, responsibilities and competencies
of other professionals.

b. Recognize and function effectively, responsibly and

appropriately as a health care team leader in a
primary and secondary health care setting.

MCI : Vision 2015

c. Educate and motivate other members of the team

and work in a collaborative and collegial fashion that
will help maximize the health care delivery potential
of the team.

d. Access and utilize components of the health care

system and health delivery in a manner that is
appropriate, cost effective, fair and in compliance
with the national health care priorities and policies,
as well as be able to collect, analyze and utilize health

e. Participate appropriately and effectively in measures

that will advance quality of health care and patient
safety within the health care system.

f. Recognize and advocate health promotion, disease

prevention and health care quality improvement
through early recognition and intervention in life style
diseases and cancer in collaboration with other
members of the health care team and within the
health care system.

3. Communicator with patients, families, colleagues

and community

a. Be able to communicate adequately, sensitively,

effectively and respectfully with patients in a language
that the patient understands and in a manner that
will improve patient satisfaction and health care

b. Be able to establish professional relationships with

patients and families that are positive, understanding,
humane, ethical, empathetic, and trustworthy.

c. Be able to communicate with patients in a manner

respectful of patient’s preferences, values, prior
experience, beliefs, confidentiality and privacy.

d. Be able to communicate with patients, colleagues

and families in a manner that encourages
participation and shared decision-making.

Medical Council of India

4. Lifelong learner committed to continuous

improvement of skills and knowledge

a. Be able to perform an objective self-assessment of

knowledge and skills and continue learning and refine
existing skills and acquire new skills.

b. Be able to apply newly gained knowledge or skills to

the care of the patient.

c. Be able to introspect and utilize experiences, to

enhance personal and professional growth and

d. Be able to search (including through electronic

means), and critically evaluate the medical literature
and apply the information in the care of the patient.

e. Be able to develop a research question and be familiar

with basic, clinical and translational research as it
applies the care of the patient.

f. Be able to identify and select an appropriate career

pathway that is professionally rewarding and
personally fulfilling.

5. Professional who is committed to excellence, is

ethical, responsive and accountable to patients,
community, and profession

a. Be able to demonstrate and practice selflessness,

integrity, responsibility, accountability and respect.

b. Be able to respect and maintain professional

boundaries between patients, colleagues and society.

c. Be able to recognize and manage ethical and

professional conflicts.

d. Be able to abide by prescribed ethical and legal codes

of conduct and practice.

e. Be able to demonstrate a commitment to the growth

of the medical profession as a whole.

MCI : Vision 2015

Outline of changes to existing

The following modifications have been made in the existing
curricula to accommodate the aspirations of the defined goals
and competencies:

1. Newer learning experiences through introduction of

foundation courses placed at crucial junctures, clerkships/
student doctor clinical mode of teaching and electives.

2. Early clinical exposure starting from the first year of the MBBS

3. Alignment and integration (horizontal and vertical) of


4. Integration of principles of Family Medicine

5. Emphasis on clinical exposure at secondary care level.

6. Competency based learning.

7. Greater emphasis on self-directed learning.

8. Integration of ethics, attitudes and professionalism into all

phases of learning.

9. Encouragement of learner centric approaches.

10. Ensure confidence in core competencies so as to practice


11. Assessment of newer learning experiences, competencies,

integrated learning and subject specific content.

12. Acquisition and certification of essential skills.

There will be a Curriculum Implementation Support

Programme, which will assist the teaching faculty of the medical
colleges to implement these changes at their own medical colleges.

It is also envisaged that the tools of information and

communication technology will be harnessed to enhance teaching
and learning.

Medical Council of India

Rationale for various New Approaches

for Proposed Curriculum
Change should be for betterment and hence the BOGs carefully
looked into the rationale and benefits of every proposed reform in
the graduate medical curriculum. These have been

MCI : Vision 2015

Medical Council of India

MCI : Vision 2015

Post Graduate
Medical Education

Medical Council of India

MCI : Vision 2015

Post Graduate
Medical Education

To increase the pool of competent and skilled specialists and super-
specialists so as to cater to the healthcare and educational needs
of the rural and urban India and to facilitate every Indian Medical
Graduate to be able to pursue post-graduate medical education
in India.

To fulfill this mission, the BOGs constituted a Working Group on
Post-graduate Medical Education with a mandate to develop a
system that will:
● Generate large number of socially committed
competent specialists for community health care,
● Increase availability of medical teachers
● Increase the availability of qualified family physicians
● Increase the option of a research path and promote
research in medical colleges.
● Provide for multiple career options to the outgoing
postgraduate student avoiding frustration in the
career pathway
● Increase the availability of subspecialists to provide
high quality care

Medical Council of India

An exhaustive review of the existing PG medical education system
and the deficiency in the availability of specialists in the country
has been done. The available data, within their limitations, suggest
that there is a need to rapidly produce a number of specialists in
the country not only to fulfill the needs of delivering quality care
across the country but also to overcome shortage of faculty in
existing and proposed medical colleges in order that the quality
of medical education would improve. The aim was also to give
adequate opportunities to every graduate student to be able to
pursue a postgraduate course, if he so desires and some bold
and innovative approaches were required to fulfill these national

The proposed framework suggests introduction of a 2 year

Master of Medicine (M. Med) program as the first level of
specialists with focus on skill development and providing care to
community. This may be considered equivalent to Masters/ M
Phil programs or existing Diplomas in various clinical specialties.
These post-graduate students will be trained mainly to enhance
clinical skills rather than get engaged in basic research. The
curriculum would be competency based and skill based. The
proposed reforms in undergraduate medical education with early
clinical exposure and an internship program freed of the stress of
simultaneously preparing for PG entrance examinations would
ensure that at the entry level the Indian Medical Graduate would
be adequately prepared to enjoy and go-through this two year
PG training. The quality of the output would therefore be far better
than the current outgoing diploma graduates. These PGs would
also be able to function as undergraduate teachers at the entry
level. Further, progress in the academic stream would require
additional training in research and analytical methods. Since the
number of options for further training is limited to compared to
the number of M Meds, it follows that a large proportion of them
would be directed towards providing specialists care to the

Further, post-graduate specialization will essentially involve

a research component and prepare this group of specialists to
pursue the academic stream and provide high quality medical
education for the next generation of students. After M Med, the
students will have an option to pursue one of the five doctorate
streams depending on the aptitude and professional aspirations.

MCI : Vision 2015

Proposed program also institutionalizes the structured fellowship

programs for the first time, which are largely unregulated currently.
This will ensure that community requirements and advancing
medical technology are main streamed on an ongoing basis
across disciplines.

After M Med, the graduates will be able to compete for

Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Master of Surgery (MS) other
dual degree programs (MD- PhD; MD- MHA; MD- DM and MD-
fellowships) through another competitive examination. Based on
their respective merit and counseling, the students will be able to
take up the doctorate programs. The overall philosophy is to have
the potential of diversity and to be able to develop a large number
of hybrids to generate new breed of accomplished clinicians. The
system would also ensure a transparent and open system of career
advancement with multiple career opportunities.

Quality of training in post-graduation will be maintained

through a competency based curriculum, which is implemented
and maintained through an elaborate subject specific log book
and using clinical training opportunity in accredited regional /
offsite non-conventional facilities like district hospitals, industry,
private hospitals, private sector laboratories and clinics of family

The proposed strategy will increase the availability of

specialists to provide community care by 33% (Since the course is
shortened from three to two years) while sustaining the core
requirements of research based post graduates for academic
streams and for providing highly specialized sub-specialty care
using cutting edge technology.

While country gears itself to finalize the proposed strategy,

further steps to improve the existing PG program would be
simultaneously undertaken. These would address the service needs
of the community, the academic needs of medical colleges, foster
research and address the development of a large number of
subspecialists to take care of the country’s requirement in the
21st century.

Medical Council of India

Specific Objectives
The specific objectives for the Working Group on PG medical
education were defined by the BOG after a series of meetings.

The main focus was to make Post graduate medical

education more relevant to the country’s needs including
enhancement of acquisition of skills and competence ensuring
adequate opportunities for graduate students to become
specialists and to have new stream of career options. The main
objectives were :

A. Assessing needs of existing and new specialty courses

B. Restoring importance of internship

C. Restructuring the duration and content of the PG

courses to increase career options after qualification

D. Suggesting uniformity of nomenclature and duration

E. Increasing number of PG seats for increasing number

of teachers and specialists with augmentation of
standards and quality

F. Providing specialists services to smaller centers

G. Restructuring the PG examination pattern to

emphasize assessment of decision making and clinical

H. Emphasizing role of research and innovations in the

Academic stream

Working Principles
To give a rapid boost to the PG education, two sets of
recommendations were prepared:

1. Short-term solutions, implementable immediately across the

country. This track would not require a great deal of

2. Medium and Long-term Solutions; While these solutions

could be implemented in next 2-5 years, their impact would
be visibleonly after 5-10 years.

MCI : Vision 2015

1. Increasing seats of PG diplomas and degrees: Diploma
courses are meant for development of sufficient skills to serve
as secondary care specialist. Increasing the pool of such
specialists would increase the availability of specialized health
care to masses. The increase in degree seats would enhance
the availability of medical teachers in the Govt. as well as
private set-up.

2. Building competency based modules which would add

clinical and analytical skills and enhance the decision power
of the specialists in context of new complexities of the

3. Change of Nomenclature and introduction of M.

Med Course : Diplomas courses would continue to be of
two year duration. This would be renamed as Master of
Medicine (M Med) & after successful completion of the
course the candidate would be designated as a Specialist;
such as M. Med (Family Medicine).

4. Career Pathways after M. Med.: After M Med, the

candidate would have multiple career options to improve
the proficiency. This would depend on the interest and
academic performance of the candidate :

I) Degree Course : For comprehensive training in

the same subject, a degree course (MD/MS) is
worthwhile. This would be of one year duration and
would primarily serve to enable the M. Med to
become a faulty/professor in a medical colleges.

II) A two year course on allied subjectss like Hospital

Administration, Epidemiology, Bioengineering, Nano
engineering, Molecular biology, Medical Education,
etc. followed by an exit examination would enable
the candidate to earn a dual degree.

III) A three year research path would lead to the

MD/Ph.D degree on satisfactory completion of the

IV) A three year course which would lead to the DM/

MCh degree in sub-specialties. This step would

Medical Council of India

reduce the duration of acquistion of super-specialist

degree by one year from the current system.

5. Fellowship programs: A two year course in skill oriented

allied areas (listed elsewhere) such as minimally invasive
surgery, dialysis and management of chronic renal failure
etc. which would give them a fellowship in the concerned
field in addition to the basic specialist’s degree.

It is proposed that the PG fellowships would be formalized

and taken under the purview of the MCI. Fellowships may
be administered by Universities but must be under the
domain of a central regulatory agency; i.e. MCI for
acceptability and accountability across the country.
● As new opportunities arise, one year fellowship
program may be offered post DM in allied areas.
● Provision would be made for a lateral entry in to DM/
fellowship courses after appearing for a subject
specific entrance exam.

6. Need based Assessment & Distribution of Diplomas

and PG Courses:

Need based assessments for starting of postgraduate

programs would depend on the needs of the country.
While existing PG courses are being relooked at by the
respective specialty boards, new courses would be
encouraged based on need of the community / public, need
of the subject in view of technological advances, there would
be sufficient content over and above the existing courses &
trained graduate would have adequate career opportunities.
The need based assessment to be done on the r e l i a b l e
data on morbidity pattern and also existing numbers of
specialists of various categories.

The PG working group felt the need to consider starting

new diploma courses in several areas where an acute
shortage of specialists was felt, such as Pre-clinical subjects
like Anatomy, Physiology, Emergency medicine, Family
medicine, Laboratory medicine (including elements of
Pathology, Bio-chemistry and Microbiology), etc.

MCI : Vision 2015

The new colleges & new courses would be initiated in

underserved areas keeping in mind equitable distribution of
medical facilities across the country subject to availability
of facilities and expertise.

7. Curriculum Reforms:
● The main focus of the reforms in the course curriculum
would include adequate clinical exposure in the PG
courses in clinical specialities so as to compare with
the patient care practices of high quality and
standards, matching international norms.
● Core Curriculum would contain Ethics,
Professionalism, Modern teaching-learning
technology & Good clinical practice/ Good
laboratory practices, Research methodology &
Biostatistics, Communication skills, Computer
applications, Safe medical care & Medico legal issues
as salient elements.
● Hybrid curriculum for PG courses: This
curriculum allows for different curricular models to
be practiced for different parts of the course i.e. part
of the curriculum may be subject based, part may be
problem based etc. In addition, there can be a core
content and provision for electives.
● Regular revision of curriculum at periodic intervals
depending on newer developments in the field.
● Uniform Duration and Training of courses: The
duration of training would be uniform; Diplomas
(M. Med) – two years, Degrees – One year after M.
Med, Fellowships –two years after M. Med, DM /
MCH – three years M.Med & Post DM fellowships –
two years.
● A log book would carry a record of all activities of
the candidate during the period of training duly
attested by the teachers, it would be subject specific
& would specify skills to be acquired and indicate the
minimum number of procedures etc to be conducted.
It would be the responsibility of the respective boards
to prepare a subject based log book based on the
competency model.

Medical Council of India

● There would be extra departmental rotationss for

at least six months in degree courses in allied
disciplines for increasing breadth of training. Off
site training upto six months would be recommended
during th M. Med course, this would be superwised

8. Training & Assessment:

● Extensive faculty development Training: Prior
to implementation of curriculum teachers would be
given extensive training on competency based
curriculum and associated student assessment.
● Continuous formal structured assessment with
regular feedback is proposed for the post graduation.
National common entrance examination is proposed
for the entry & selection to post graduate and
superspecialities courses.
● Training: As recommended for the broad specialties
including a subject specific logbook. In addition there
would be a doctoral committee in every institute which
is responsible for the training of DM / MCh students.
This will constantly monitor the training of these
students. In addition to what is recommended for
the broad specialties, the candidate would have two
publishable papers based on his work during the DM/
MCh course which would be certified as such by the
doctoral committee after internal review. There will
be minimum six months rotation in allied specialties.
● Skill center: Establishment of skill labs would be
mandatory. These would be of help to several
disciplines to improve the quality of their training.
Funds may have to be allotted from a central source
to existing colleges for establishment of skill labs.
● Log Book: Maintenance of log book, which would
be day to account of the activities of an educational
in which the candidates participate. This would be
duly attested by the teacher and available for
inspection in the summative examination.

9. Entry criteria for postgraduate courses: In the

suggested pattern of entrance examination, the candidate

MCI : Vision 2015

would have ranking based on NEET-PG conducted initially

at the exit of Final MBBS examination and for licentiate skill
based examination at the completion of internship. With
new proposed changes, candidate would be free to
concentrate on skill development during internship. MBBS
students would be eligible for appearing for PG seats via a
common PG entrance examination which would be inclusive
of PG seats in the All India quota and in the state where
they have done the MBBS.

10. Rural Service: In addition there may be a additional weight

age (5% or more) if the candidate has put in two years of
rural service.

11. Exit criteria: The curriculum is largely competency based;

the exit criteria would also focus on assessment of acquisition
of competencies and therefore would be criterion referenced.

12. Structure/composition of postgraduate unit:

Minimum requirements of beds, infrastructure and
equipment for each specialty are revised by the respective
specialty boards. This needs to be revised for specialties
which are now largely outpatient based such as
ophthalmology and dermatology etc. and they may not
require a large component of inpatient beds. The minimum
structure requirements of different specialties would
therefore be need based and not uniform across the

13. Licensing of Institutions imparting post-graduate

medical education: Licensing process would also include
assessment of associated institutions, laboratories and health
facilities where students will be sent for offsite training.
Medical Council of India would continue to be the primary
licensing agency. Accreditation would be encouraged as a
quality improvement process.

14. Accreditation & ranking of institute imparting PG

Medical Education: It would be encouraged as a quality
improvement process, transparent, explicit and objective
bench marks will have to be developed for accreditation for
the institutions and shall be subject specific. Accreditation
would essentially incorporate both the infrastructure (along
with manpower) as well as the processes of imparting the
Medical Council of India

15. Increasing Faculty Pool: Efforts would be made for

increasing the faculty pool and several innovative
approaches would need to be explored.. All newly
recruited teachers would mandatorily undergo a course in
modern Teaching - learning technology in approved centers
for further promotion within a specified time. Teachers retiring
from the Govt institutions can continue on contract basis
up to the age of 70 years till the crisis is tided over.

16. Promoting Research for faculty promotion:

● All newly recruited teachers would mandatorily
undergo a course in research methodology within a
specified time.
● Research activity must be made mandatory in the
academic stream by linking it to promotions. The
institutional and departmental environments would
actively encourage research activities.
● Existing criteria of the MCI as regarding number of
publications for promotions would be enforced for
the teaching cadre.
● Medical college teachers would be encouraged to
pursue PhD degrees. Postgraduates with PhD degrees
would be given preference to join the faculty. A weight
age of three years would be give as teaching
experience for these PhD holders.
● Facilitate research by mandatory creation of research
cell in every medical college that will provide
assistance in financial and administrative
management of research projects.
● Medical colleges would create a corpus of intra-mural
funds that provide seed money to encourage young
teachers and research workers to initiate and then
seek funding from regular funding agencies.

MCI : Vision 2015

● MCI and ICMR would work jointly to initiate research

mentorship programs for young medical teachers.
● MCI would interact with other National and
International Research organizations in promoting
funding of research in medical colleges. These funds
may be disbursed through the MCI based on specific
proposals received from Medical colleges after due
vetting by a nominated peer group committee.

17. Continuing Professional Development (CPD): The

process is to improve the performance of the doctor in his
practice and thus improve the care that patients receive.
The MCI guidelines regarding accreditation of organizations
for conduct of CMEs and the individual requirements are
already in place. There is a need to ensure implementation
of these guidelines and the use of foolproof methods to
ensure participation in CME activities on a regular basis.
Innovative models to ensure wider coverage and effective
implementation of the guidelines are recommended. There
is a need to encourage self learning using the distance
learning modality using online courses. MCI also needs to
develop an electronic resources library that can be made
available to all physicians at a reasonable cost.

Seventy percent of curricular content may be standard across

the country and remaining 30% allowed to emphasize regional
considerations and leave place for innovations.

The curricula for various courses need to be revised at

periodic intervals not exceeding 5 years depending on newer
developments in the field.

The details of the syllabus of individual subjects, would be

worked out by the respective specialty boards.

Educational institutions would be encouraged to conduct

experimental modules on innovative tracks and disseminate the
results of these to the rest of the country.

Medical Council of India

Issues Related to Nomenclature &

Duration of Existing PG Courses.
1. At present there are different types of postgraduate
programs being run in the country in medical sciences in
Postgraduate Diplomas; Postgraduate degrees;
Postdoctoral degrees (DM and MCh);. Post DM/ MCh
fellowships (non MCI); Post MD / MS Fellowships run by
the NBE and some universities and Post MBBS certificate
courses (non MCI).
2. There is no uniformity of syllabus across the country
particularly for the fellowship and certificate courses which
are largely dictated by available expertise at the various
institutions conducting the programs. At present the
fellowship and certificate courses are not under the purview
of the MCI and are awarded by Universities or individual
3. Diploma courses are primarily meant for producing
physicians for secondary level care. Unfortunately, in
practice, the curriculum of diplomas and degree programs
in the same subject are more or less the same except for the
additional research component in the degree course and
although the duration of training is different
Similarities between Diploma & MD/MS
● Course content is almost the same
● Skills expected are the same
● Standard of examinations is more or less the
Drawbacks of existing Diplomas
● Instead of providing specialists for secondary
level health care, diplomas are used merely as
the first step by those who are unable to get a
seat in degree programs. After diplomas they
are in a queue to join degree courses. In this
process, we see several anomalies like
candidates with a diploma in otolaryngology
followed by a degree in pediatrics merely
dictated by seat availability rather than interest
of the candidate.
MCI : Vision 2015

● Number of diploma seats nationally is far less

than degrees although the need is probably
greater for specialists with diplomas to serve in
smaller towns and villages.
● There is no rationality in selection of subjects
for diplomas since other subjects which may
have equal need for secondary care specialists
like surgery, medicine etc. do not have a
diploma course.

In the light of the above, the recommendations to introduce

M Med courses were made by the PG Working Group.

Medical Council of India

MCI : Vision 2015


Medical Council of India

MCI : Vision 2015


Need for National Eligibility Entrance

Examination (NEET)
It was felt that common entrance examination is essential as it:
● Ensures uniformity across the country,
● Sets a minimum standard and
● Is convenient for the candidates
● Saves resources.
● Takes care of malpractices.

i. To counter act disparities in existing syllabus in inter
& intra states and to ensure level playing field a
common syllabus is proposed for all the examinations
including MBBS entrance, MBBS exit examination &
PG entrance examinations and Superspecialties
entrance examinations.

ii. Reservation of seats as applicable to the states would

be taken care of in all common entrance

Medical Council of India

Based on the recommendations of undergraduate (UG)

curriculum committee and post-graduate (PG) curriculum
committee, MCI also intends to conduct licentiate examination
after internship completion to qualify for Indian Medical Graduate
(IMG) status. The UG and PG curriculum committees after various
discussions opined that IMG licentiate examination and common
entrance examination for PG i.e. National Eligibility-cum-Entrance
Test (NEET-PG) would be separate. The essential reason is that
IMG examination shall assess the minimum defined standards
for a competent doctor relevant to Indian needs whereas the NEET-
PG examination is intended for ranking with explicit need to
differentiate students for merit. The UG/PG committees suggested
to hold the NEET-PG prior to internship so that a candidate spend
time for preparing during internship.

Framework of Examinations
All the examination would be structured in framework. These would

i. Common syllabus throughout the country

ii. Subject wise allocation of marks: MBBS entrance

examination, would have 30% marks each for Physics
and Chemistry and 40% marks for Biology. In PG
entrance examination, distribution of marks would
be as per relevance of the subjects, with clinical
subjects carrying more weight age than pre and
paraclinical subjects. For DM/ Mch entrance, there
would be three kinds of papers, M.S. surgery level
for all M.Ch. courses (surgical specialties), MD
Medicine level for D.M. (medical subspecialties) and
M.D. Pediatrics level for Pediatric subspecialties
(Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric Neurology,
Neonatology and some other upcoming disciplines).

iii. Type of Paper/Questions: MCQ pattern of

questions would be followed for MBBS entrance. The
PG and DM/MCh entrance examination papers
would have multiple types of MCQs, namely single
response (Section A-60%), multiple T/F, images,
assertion/reasoning questions and patient
management questions (Section B-40%).

MCI : Vision 2015

iv. Multi-lingual paper would be considered in

MBBS entrance examination only In certain states
(Tamil Nadu, UP, MP) where the exam is currently
conducted both in English and the local language

v. Generation of questions & preparation of

validated question bank: The questions will be of
single response type MCQs. In case of PG and DM/
MCh entrance , there will be a single paper of 180
questions of 3 hours duration. Each question will
carry one mark. There will be negative marking for
wrong answer (0.25 marks). Questions generated
during dedicated workshop sessions would be
validated by a second independent group. A
minimum of 2000 questions need to be made in the
beginning and this bank can be gradually increased.

vi. Setting of Question Paper: MBBS entrance

examination, will have a single paper of 250
questions (75 questions from physics and chemistry
each and 100 from Biology) and be of 3 hours
duration. Questions will have four options with single
correct answer and three distracters. In PG and DM/
MCh entrance examination, there will be a single
paper of 180 questions of 3 hours duration. Each
question will carry one mark.

vii. Eligibility Criteria: The student would have passed

12th class examination securing minimum of 50%
for General category & 40% for Reserved category
in aggregate of Physics, Chemistry and Biology from
a recognized board before admission. In
postgraduate medical entrance examination,
candidate would have passed the Final MBBS
examination and have completed internship. The
students who are likely to complete internship by
March 31 are also eligible to apply but would
complete internship before admission.

viii. Conduct of Examination: Advertisement for MBBS

entrance examination,, would be sent in last week of
November in all major newspapers of the country
and applications collected both online and offline by
January 15 th 12.00 Noon. Admit cards will be

Medical Council of India

dispatched by April 15th and the exam would be

conducted on last Sunday of May. The PG entrance
exam would be conducted at the end of the internship
in Mid January- mid February as is the current
practice. In future the common exam will be held at
the start of internship as candidates. For DM and
MCh, the advertisement would be sent in January in
all major newspapers of the country and applications
collected online by March end. The admit cards will
be dispatched by middle of April and the exam would
be conducted on the First Sunday of June so that the
course starts from July of each year.

ix. Examination centers: Centers would allocated

depending on the number of applicants from each
region. To prevent impersonation biometric data
(finger prints, photo and signature) of each candidate
would be collected and matched at the time of
admission. This work can be outsourced to agencies
involved in conducting other large scale national level

x. Evaluation: The evaluation would be done centrally

with the help of an agency, well versed with OCR
evaluation and a merit list as per eligibility decided by
MCI would be prepared. Presently minimum of 50%
marks are required by a general candidate and 40%
by other categories for admission. The merit list may
be prepared using percentile score and there may
not be any cut-off level. Both all India and state wise
lists will be prepared and sent to respective
Governments to fill the All-India and state seats

xi. Tie Breaks: For MBBS entrance examination, the

following rules in order will apply:

1. Marks in Biology section of paper (Higher marks

will be placed higher in the rank)
2. Marks in Chemistry section of paper (Higher
marks will be placed higher in the rank)
3. Marks in Physics section of paper (Higher marks
will be placed higher in the rank)

MCI : Vision 2015

4. Total number of negative responses (Fewer

negative responses will be placed higher in the

5. Date of birth (older person will be placed higher

in the rank).

For PG entrance examination, tie break will be resolved

by marks in Section B (patient management questions)
and student scoring higher marks will be placed
higher. If there is still a tie it will be resolved by marks
in the assertion/reasoning questions.

xii. Online Conduct of Examinations: MBBS

entrance examination will be conducted by the
standard paper-based test ; online will be considered
then in subsequent years. For DM/MCH & PG
entrance examination, it may be possible to conduct
online examination as the numbers of candidates are

xiii. Cost of Examination and fees: In MBBS entrance

examination, an application fee of Rs. 1000
(Unreserved category) and Rs 800 (Reserved
category) would be charged. The cost of examination
will be approximately Rs. 500 per student all inclusive
of expenses incurred. In PG entrance examination,
an application fee of Rs. 3000 would be charged.
The cost of conduct of examination will be
approximately Rs. 1000 per student besides cost of
generating a question bank etc. If online exam is done
than the charges may be higher:: An application fee
of Rs 5000 would be charged. The cost of
examination will be approximately Rs 4000 per
student besides cost of generating a question bank

xiv. Examination Cell: This will ensure secrecy,

confidentiality and proper preparation of the paper
and conduct of exam.

Medical Council of India

Exit Examination - MBBS, PG & Super

Final Examination for MBBS, Post Graduation and DM/ MCh:
● MBBS: status quo to be maintained
● MD/MS/MCh/DM: To create uniformity, a postgraduate
board/ central university comprising of both MD and DNB
would need to be formulated.
● MD/MS: Would have a thesis which would be submitted
along with a paper from the thesis material and sent to the
examiners before examination.
● DM/MCh: One research paper would have been submitted
before appearing for the examination.
● Defining responsibilities of Internal & External examiners.
● Duration of Practical Examination:

MBBS - 25 students/day

MD - 5 students/day

DM/MCh - 2 students/day.
● Structuring of Examination: OSCE, long structured case
discussions, structuring of viva voce
● Internal assessment: From Log book s, periodic (6 monthly)
assessment by institute. This would have a 25% weightage
for the final examination. A student would be shown his
assessment every 6 months to apprise him of his progress.

Summary of Project Execution

● For exploring the possibility of holding NEET-PG before
internship, we strongly opine that for the year 2012, only
the NEET-PG for post-internship candidates to be held in
January 2012 would be notified.

The examinations will be conducted commencing from 2012


MCI : Vision 2015

● Only MCI or a body designated by it will be responsible for

conduct of the examination and preparation of national
and state merit lists. National merit list will be used for
admission to 15% all-India quota (whatever proportion is
applicable from time to time) and state merit list will be used
by respective state quota admissions. It may be noted that
Jammu and Kashmir and Andhra Pradesh are protected by
articles 371A and 371D of Constitution of India respectively
(Presidential order). Accordingly, the two states will not be
participating the national pool. The state of Jammu &
Kashmir and Andhra Pradesh may take part in NEET and
their respective state merit lists, drawn from National Merit
List, may be given to them for filling up their 100% seats.
● An independent examination cell with a controller of
examination will need to be to maintain the components
related to confidentiality. Controller of examinations would
be full-time senior medical specialist with experience in
MCQ-based examinations and related information
technology issues. Deputy controller of examinations with
similar qualifications as of controller is required for smooth
running of examination cell. Convenors for each individual
examination would be required who would be responsible
for content development of relevant examination. The
members of the working group shall assume different
responsibilities of the functioning of the examination cell.
Medical Council of India

● The examination cell shall be in the premises of MCI with

costs of infrastructure development and maintenance
recovered from the examination fee. Where applicable, items
for infrastructure development will be procured under
DGS&D rate contract as per laid down Govt procedures.
● For software development, a request for proposal (RFP) will
be prepared and forwarded to the 3 software companies
shortlist during technical evaluation by MCI on an earlier
occasion. A techno-commercial bid system is proposed with
70% weightage to the technical component.
● As an alternative to procuring servers, one may inclined to
consider cloud computing which is currently very popular.
The essential advantages are lower cost of ownership,
reduced data center facility costs, and improved disaster
recovery and data backup etc. However, Government
regulations do not permit us to put confidential and sensitive
data (e.g. question database in our case) in the cloud.
Therefore, cloud computing for question banking for
examinations is not being considered

National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test

for Under Graduates (NEET-UG) for
About 10 to 15 lakhs candidates are expected to take the
test for admission to about 40,000 seats across the country.
A draft of syllabus after reviewing syllabi from various states
is ready. It needs to be circulated and validated by an expert
group. In certain states (Tamilnadu, UP, MP) the exam is
conducted both in English and the local language. Thus, a
student would be able to take the entrance exam in the
medium of instruction in class 12th or English and we need
to have paper in multiple languages. This information needs
to be gathered from various states. There will be a single
paper of 250 questions and of 3 hours duration. The
questions will be of single response type MCQs. It will be
notified in December 2011. The admit cards will be
dispatched by middle of March and the exam would be
conducted in middle (2nd or 3rd Sunday) of May. Considering
the magnitude, the examination would probably be paper-
based and may become online in subsquent years.

MCI : Vision 2015

National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test

for Post Graduates (NEET-PG) for 2012
Candidates who have completed internship or those
expecting to complete by March 31, 2012 will be eligible
to take the examination. About 100,000 and maybe upto
a maximum of 1,50,000 candidates are expected to take
the examination. It will be notified in August 2011 with
applications collected by September end. The admit cards
will be dispatched by middle of November 2011. The
examination will be online type conducted in the middle of
January, 2012 and the number of sessions etc will be
finalized after the feasibility is explored. The MD/MS courses
will commence from May 2, 2012. The candidates aspiring
for direct 5-year Neurosurgery and neurology super-specialty
or similar courses will have to take this NEET-PG
examination for the courses commencing in August. There
will be a common paper with180 MCQs at MBBS standard
to be answered in 3 hours.

National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test

for Super Specialties (NEET-SS) for 2012
Candidates who have completed post-graduation (MD/MS) or
those expecting to complete postgraduate by June15, 2012 will
be eligible.

About six to seven thousand candidates are expected to

take the examination with courses commencing from August 1,
2012. It will be notified in February 2012 in all online by April
end. The admit cards will be dispatched by middle of May and the
exam will be be conducted in middle (2nd Sunday) of June. The
paper will consist of about 150 to 180 questions of 3 hours
duration. The examination will be online. Because of wide variability
in qualifying degrees for eligibility in super-specialties, the type of
question paper is being evolved.

Medical Council of India

Indian Medical Graduate (IMG)

Licentiate Examination 2013:
The examination will consist of questions will assess minimum
defined standards for an Indian Medical Graduate (IMG).
Approximately, 35,000 to 40,000 medical graduates will take
the examination. Foreign graduates who intend to practice in India
will have to qualify in the examination. The examination will be
on-line with most questions will be based on static images, audio
and video clippings. The paper will have only questions of single
response from 4 alternatives or just true/false. There will be one
or more papers of 3 hour duration. Each correct question will
carry one mark. There will be no negative marking wrong answers.
The examination will be for candidates who completed internship
after March 2013. The examination will be conducted in four
sessions commencing from April 2013.

MCI : Vision 2015

Medical Council of India

MCI : Vision 2015

Medical Council of India

MCI : Vision 2015


he “Vision 2015” document is the outcome of a series of
deliberations and extensive debates that were held under
the aegis of various Working Groups and Committees which
worked in the past 10 months. It was amazing to see that the
members of these groups came with greater enthusiasm and
renewed commitment every time they met. They single mindedly
helped to sharpen and give shape to the Vision to improve and
enrich Medical education and healthcare in India. We, the BOGs,
would like to express our deep gratitude to the chairs and members
of all the working groups.

Grateful thanks for the feedback and critical suggestions

received from the Honorable health Minister, Shri Ghulam Nabi
Azad, Secretary and senior officials of the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, the Director General of Health Services, State
medical councils, Directorates of Medical Education, Vice-
chancellors of Universities, officials of Diplomate of National Board
and Senior faculty members across the country. We also
acknowledge with gratitude the innumerable suggestions and
inputs from societies and associations from various disciplines,
representatives of students and residents associations.

We had placed the draft of the revised undergraduate and

post-graduate reforms on the MCI web-site. Suggestions,
criticisms and guidance poured in from all over the country. We
thank everyone for sparing their time and emotions and joining
hands with the MCI.

Medical Council of India

We would like to thank all the officials and staff members of

the MCI and our executives who rendered their help in the
preparation of this document. They accepted with a smile the
opportunity to change the face of MCI and Medical Education in

We wish to thank the Almighty for allowing all six of us to

work together and to have the opportunity to serve in a small way
the country we love.

Prof. Ranjit Roy Chaudhary Prof. Gautam Sen

Member BOG Member, BOG

Prof. Sita Naik Dr. Devi Shetty

Member BOG Member, BOG

Prof. R N Salhan Prof. Shiv K Sarin

Member BOG Chairman, BOGs, MCI

MCI : Vision 2015


Members of PG working group

● Dr. Ananthakrishnan N, Convener, Former Director-Professor
and Head of Surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
● Dr. George Chandy, Professor of Gastroenterology, CMC,
● Dr. Arora NK, Former Professor of Pediatrics, AIIMS,
New Delhi.
● Dr. Rakesh Kumar Gupta, Professor of Radio diagnosis,
SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
● Dr. Avinash Supe, Prof.&Head of Surgical Gastroenterology,
Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital,Mumbai.
● Dr. Bhabotos Biswas, Professor of Cardiothoracic Vascular
Surgery, RG Kar Medical College, Calcutta,
● Dr. Prem Pais, Dean, St Johns Medical College, Bangalore.
● Dr. Rita Sood, Professor of Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi
● Dr. Gitanjali Batmanabane, Teacher Officer-EDM, WHO-
SEARO, World Health House, New Delhi.

Medical Council of India

Members of Graduate Education

Working Group 2010

● Prof. George Mathew, Principal & Professor in GI Surgery,

Christian Medical College, Vellore. Convenor.
● Prof. NilimaKshirsagar, Ex-Vice Chancellor, Maharashtra
University of Health Sciences, Mhasrul, Dindori Road, Nashik
● Prof. J.M. Kaul, Director, Professor & Head, Department of
Anatomy, Maulana Azad Medical College,
BahadurshahZafarMarg, New Delhi 110 002.
● Prof. SandeepGuleria, Professor, Department of Surgery, All
India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi-29.
● Prof. SudhaSalhan, Professor & Head, Department of
Obstetrics &Gynaecology, Vardhman Mahavir Medical
College &Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi 110 029.
● Brig. Chander Mohan, SM Former Professor and Head,
Dept. of Radiodiagnosis, Army Hospital (Research and
Referral) New Delhi. Senior Consultant and Head,
Department of Interventional Radiology, BLK Memorial
Hospital, Pusa Road, New Delhi - 110005.
● Prof. PayalBansal, Associate Professor and Incharge,
Department of Medical Education & Technology, MUHS
Regional Centre, Pune 411 027.
● Dr. S.Vasantha Kumar, Vice Principal and Professor and
Head, Department of ObGyn, Kempegowda Institute of
Medical Sciences, Banashankari II Stage, Bangalore.
● Approximately 100 subject experts from around the country
have contributed actively to develop this document.

MCI : Vision 2015

Members of Examination Working

● Dr. K. K. Talwar, Director, Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Education & Research, Chandigarh - 160012 ,
● Dr. K S Reddy, Dean / Principal, Jawaharlal Institute of
Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Dhanvantri
Nagar, Puducherry-605006
● Dr. Subodh Varshney, Professor & Head, G. I. Surgery, Bhopal
Memorial Hospital and Research Centre,Bhopal
● Dr. Amita Aggarwal, Department of Immunology, Sanjay
Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences,
Raibarelly, Lucknow
● Dr. Rani Kumar, Dean, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029
● Dr. Shashi Raheja, Professor of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge
Medical College,Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg, Connaught
Place, New Delhi – 110001
● Dr. Srinivas Mantha, Sub-Dean (Examination cell), Nizam’s
Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), Hyderabad
● Dr. Ashok Pangariya, Dean / Principal, S.M.S. Medical
College, JLN Marg, Jaipur-302004 (Rajasthan)


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