Application of Natural Clays and Poly Aluminium Chloride (Pac) For Wastewater Treatment
Application of Natural Clays and Poly Aluminium Chloride (Pac) For Wastewater Treatment
Application of Natural Clays and Poly Aluminium Chloride (Pac) For Wastewater Treatment
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammed Awad on 11 September 2015.
Release of wastewater into the environment due to anthropogenic industrial or commercial activities is an emerging
challenge for developing countries. This study was conducted to investigate the use of two kinds of available clay
coagulants namely Shendi and Singa, and their combination with Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) for wastewater
treatment. The experiments were designed in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in three replicates using jar
test apparatus for coagulation-flocculation process. The efficiency was calculated by evaluating turbidity, COD, and
colour removal. The removal efficiency for PAC and its combined use with Shendi and Singa for turbidity was
96.2%, 94.8%, and 95.7%, for COD was 70.7%, 63.2%, and 61.1% and for colour removal was 82.1%, 78.1% and
80.7% respectively. While the efficiency of sole use of Shendi and Singa for turbidity was 59.2% and 27.9%, for
COD was 26.3% and 28.1% and for colour was 26.3% and 10.3% respectively.
In most of the big cities in Sudan, industries and agricultural schemes are established on the banks of river Nile and
its tributaries. These establishments are representing the major sources of contaminants to water bodies. The
discharge of most of those establishments don’t receive any treatment and it goes directly to water bodies, this
situation becomes more dangerous in rain season, where rainfall leaches all harmful and toxic matters from upstream
to water downstream. Treating industrial sewages and wastewater is a challenge facing the country due to high cost
of the chemical coagulants. However, there are many local natural materials such as Moringa and some kinds of clay
soils known locally as Ruwage that are being used by local people for water treatment.
Use of clay in water and wastewater treatment has been investigated by many research studies; [1] found that
addition of Bentonite to raw water performed effectively at temperature 20-37C and pH < 8. [2] used Bentonite as
absorbent material for treating municipal wastewater, and they found that COD decreased to < 20mg/L. [3] reported
that organic particles can be absorbed by clay minerals and therefore clays can be used for wastewater treatment. [4]
investigated the effect of clay as coagulant aid with alum in industrial wastewater of paper, and they found that the
combined use of clay and alum is more efficient in colour removal than using alum alone. [5]. reported that
Bentonite can perform effectively at removing certain cationic components from wastewater and it can be used for
treating waters containing heavy color and low turbidity. Recently [6] proved that ruwage performed efficiently at
different levels of turbidity and wide range of pH (3-10).
On the other hand chemical coagulants are intensively and increasingly used at wastewater treatments plants, among
which is Ploy Aluminum Chloride (PAC), which is characterized by various advantages such as working in wide
range of pH and low temperatures and significant efficiency at low concentrations comparing to other conventional
coagulants based on Al- or Fe(III) chlorides and sulfates [7].
The huge discharge of industrial, municipal and drainage wastewater from cities, factories and agricultural schemes
in Sudan into river Nile and its tributaries with limited or no treatments in addition to the cost of the chemical
coagulants are representing the main environmental challenges facing the country. To provide a possible solution,
this study was conducted to investigate the effect of two clay soils as abundant natural coagulants and their
combination with PAC to remove turbidity, COD, and color from wastewater, which will minimize the treatment
IJRRAS 15 (2) ● May 2013 Awad & al. ● Application of Natural Clays
their combination were added to the beakers of jar test apparatus containing 100 ml of wastewater in each. The
beakers were agitated at 150 rpm for 1 minute and then reduced to 40 and 20 rpm/minute for 7.5 minutes for each
speed. The suspension of the samples was allowed to settle for 30 minutes. Samples of treated wastewater was
taken from the mid depth of the each beaker for analyzing turbidity, COD, colour and pH. The dosage of PAC
applied was 30 mg.L-1 and 400mg.L-1 for Shendi and Singa clay coagulants and for combined use, half dosage of
each was applied.
Turbidity removal efficiency %
IJRRAS 15 (2) ● May 2013 Awad & al. ● Application of Natural Clays
Figure 1: Effect of PAC, clay soil coagulants and their combinations on turbidity removal efficiency
The effect of PAC and soil coagulants was investigated by comparing treatments using PAC and clay coagulants
individually and their combination using half dose of each. Fig1shows turbidity removal efficiency in which, PAC
and the its combined use with Shendi and Singa clay coagulants performed effectively and the removal efficiency
was 96.2%, 94.8%, and 95.7% to attain final turbidity 1.8 NTU , 2.5NTU , and 2 NTU for PAC, Shendi and Singa
respectively, while the efficiency of single use of shendi and Singa was only 59.2% and 27.9% to attain final
turbidity 19.1 NTU and 33.8 NTU respectively.
COD removal efficiency %
Control Shendi Singa PAC Sh+PAC Sin+PAC
Figure 2: Removal of COD by PAC, clay soil coagulants and their combinations
Fig. 2 shows the COD removal efficiency, where, the highest removal was 70.7%, 63.2%, and 61.1% for PAC and its combined
use with Shendi and Singa respectively, while the efficiency for single use of shendi and singa was 26.3% and 28.1%
The results presented in Fig. 2 showed that the quality of treated effluent of combined use of clay coagulants and PAC is quite
satisfactory. These results indicated that clay coagulants could be used for treatment of such wastewaters without further
Colour removal efficiency %
Figure3: effect of PAC, clay soil coagulants and their combinations on colour removal efficienc
IJRRAS 15 (2) ● May 2013 Awad & al. ● Application of Natural Clays
Colour in water is either result of soluble chemical substances that cannot be separated by filtration or result of
suspended and colloid matters that can be isolated by filtration [8]. The sources of wastewater always contain
suspended materials with low density such as organic compounds that cause high rate of color in water.
The removal of the colour can be achieved by several methods including, filtration, adsorption using granulated and
powder activated carbon, chemical oxidation, biological process and nanofiltration [9]. However, the coagulation
and flocculation process can be used as a simple and accessible alternative method for people in developing
Fig.3 shows the removal of colour from the wastewater, where PAC and its combined use with Shendi and Singa
achieved maximum removal efficiency 82.1%, 78.1% and 80.7%, while the single use of Shendi and Singa was
26.3% and 10.3%. Single use of both clay coagulants have slight effect on colour removal, however, the combined
use with PAC showed very effective performance similar to single use of PAC without any significant differences.
pH value
Figure 4: effect of PAC, clay soil coagulants and their combinations on the final pH of the treated wastewater
Coagulation- flocculation process is influenced by the pH value. Highly acidic coagulants may drive the pH down
and consequently decrease the efficiency of the coagulation. However, clay coagulants work efficiently in wide
range of pH (3-10) according to (Mohammed et al., 2013) and therefore can be used for wastewater treatment
without adjusting the pH. As shown on Fig.4 the combined use of clay coagulants with PAC stabilized the pH of the
treated wastewater same as the initial pH value, however, the sole use increased the pH slightly.
Sole use of clay coagulants showed limited efficiency in removal of pollutants from wastewater, whereas the
combined use showed high removal efficiency comparable to that one achieved by PAC. Use of these clays as
coagulants aid with PAC is beneficial and economical and can reduce the cost of the treatment considerably
depending on the characteristics of the wastewaters.
This study is part of the Africa - China Cooperation Program on Environment which is supported by the Ministry of
Science and Technology of China (MOST) and coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP)(N0. 2010DFA92820 and NO. 2010DFA92800).
IJRRAS 15 (2) ● May 2013 Awad & al. ● Application of Natural Clays
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