Course "EEM 42 Three-Phase Asynchronous Machines: Dahlander Motors"

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"EEM 42 Three-phase asynchronous machines: Dahlander


Picture source: SEW Eurodrive

SH5002-1H Version 2.1

Author: M.Germeroth

Lucas-Nülle GmbH · Siemensstraße 2 · D-50170 Kerpen (Sindorf)

Phone: +49 2273 567-0

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Copyright © 2008 LUCAS-NÜLLE GmbH.

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LUCAS-NÜLLE Lehr- und Messgeräte GmbH

Siemensstraße 2 D-50170 Kerpen
EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines

Training objectives 1
Equipment - 300W Classic Series 2
Safety 3
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit 5
Connection and starting 7
Rotation reversal 15
Load characteristic 21
Copyright 31
EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Training objectives

Welcome to the three-phase asynchronous machines course. The

LUCAS-NÜLLE team wishes you lots of fun and success in working
through the course subjects and conducting the experiments. The
following pages provide an overview of the topics and required materials.

This course is intended to impart a practical knowledge of three-phase

asynchronous machines.
Experiments focus on investigating the functionality, response and effect of three-
phase asynchronous motors with polarity reversal according to Dahlander .

Training objectives
 Motor operation
 Nominal data, rating plate
 Delta connection, double-star connection
 Dahlander pole reversal
 Measurement of phase-to-phase and line-to-linevariables
 Rotation reversal
 Power measurement with and without mechanical loads

 Fundamentals of electrical machines
 Fundamentals of electrical engineering
 Use of measuring equipment

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Equipment - 300W Classic Series

SO3636-6V servo drive/servo brake, 300 W 1

SE2662-2A Coupling sleeve, 300 W 1
SE2667-2B Coupling guard, 300 W 1
Three-phase motor with squirrel cage rotor,
SE2672-3K 1
300 W
SO3212-5U Power supply for electrical machines 1
SO3212-2H Dahlander pole reverser 1
Analog/digital multimeter, wattmeter, power-
SO5127-1Z 1
factor meter
SO5148-1F Set of 47 safety connecting leads, 4 mm 1
SO5126-9X Safety connection plug, 19/4 mm 15
SO5126-9Z Safety connection plug, 19/4 mm, with tap 5

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines

Basic safety instructions

In all experiments using mains voltages, high, life-threatening voltages arise. For
that reason use only safety measurement leads and make sure that there are no

It is imperative that all of the devices, which are provided with an earth or where
earthing is possible, must be earthed. This is particularly the case for the frequency
converter being used.

Always be very careful to check the wiring of the application modules and only
switch on the mains voltage after a check has been completed. Whenever possible
use a robust current monitoring instrument in the circuit..

Always use shaft-end guards and coupling guards as protection against contact with
rotating motor parts.

All locally applicable stipulations and standards governing how electrical equipment
is handled must be complied with.

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines

General instructions on handling the equipment

 Check that the knurled screws at the base of the motor and the coupling
sleeves (power grip) on the motor shaft are all securely fastened.
 Use shaft and coupling guards.
 Any prolonged running of the machines when operating under high loads can
subject the machines to excessive heating.
 The extreme case of the machine being prevented from rotating entirely may
only arise briefly.
 All of the machines are equipped with a thermal circuit-breaker, which triggers
when the maximum permissible operating temperature is exceeded. These
switching contacts are accessible on the terminal board and must always be
connected to the corresponding connection sockets of the mains supply and
control unit.
 All measurements have been recorded using conventional measuring
instruments (primarily class 1.5) at the standard mains voltage (230/400V +5%
-10% 50Hz) using standard production machines. Experience suggests that
measurements will lie within the tolerance range of +/-15% with respect to the
specified measurement. For more information on this please refer to

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

The following exercises involving an asynchronous motor and Dahlander
circuit are conducted on the next few pages:

 Connection and starting

 Rotation reversal
 Load characteristic

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Training content: "Connection and starting"

 Identify the terminal connections of the motor and operate the
motor as a three-phase asynchronous motor on a three-phase
mains network
 Utilise the nominal data of the motor based on the rating plate
 Measure the phase voltage and phase current
 Put the motor into operation with a Dahlander pole reverser
 Identify the differences between delta and double star
 Understand the function of a pole reverser
 Put the motor into operation with the brake
 Subject the motor to load

Enter the nominal data for the asynchronous machine

Nominal power (delta) ____W
Nominal power (doublestar) ____W

Nominal voltage ____V

IN delta ____A
IN double star ____A
cos φ (delta) ____
cos φ (double star) ____
Rated speed (delta) ____rpm
Rated speed (double star) ____rpm
Frequency ____Hz

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Assembly instructions: "Connection and starting"

 Assemble the circuits as specified in the following circuit diagram and

set-up instructions
 Switch on the brake. This does not yet subject the motor to any load

Additional More detailed information on the brake can be found in the

corresponding online documentation

Circuit diagram: "Connection & starting"

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Set-up: "Connection & starting"

Starting asynchronous motor with switch in position 1

Required settings:

 Brake mode: Torque control

Experiment procedure:

 Put the motor into operation and observe its response

 Brake the motor down to its nominal speed
 At the same time measure the phase variables Uphase and Iphase

Make sure that the ammeter and voltmeters have been connected properly

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Specify the type of connection.

 Star connection
 Delta connection

 Double star connection

What do you measure the torque to be with the switch on setting 1?

M= ____Nm

What do you measure the phase variables Uphase and Iphase to be?
Uphase= ____V

Iphase= ____A

Starting asynchronous motor with switch in position 2

Required settings:

 Brake mode: Torque control

Experiment procedure:

 Put the motor into operation and observe its response

 Brake the motor down to its nominal speed
 Measure the phase variables Uphase and Iphase

Make sure that the ammeter and voltmeters have been connected properly

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Specify the type ofconnection.

 Star connection
 Steinmetz connection

 Double star connection

What do you measure the torque to be with the switch on setting 2?

M= ____Nm

What do you measure the phase variables Uphase and Iphase to be?
Uphase= ____V

Iphase= ____A

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Record a load characteristic for both switch positions

Required settings:

 Brake mode: Speed control

Experiment procedure:

 Record a load characteristic in each case (switch positions 1 & 2) for delta and
double star connections.
 Brake the motor to the speeds stipulated in the table.
 Enter the measured values (M, Iphase) in the tables.

Table 1 (Switch position 1)

n/(1/min) 1400 1320 1240 1160 1080 1000

3.00 5.0


2.75 4.5
1.75 3.0
1.50 2.5
1.25 2.0
0.25 0.5
0.00 0.0
1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Table 2 (Switch position 2)

n/(1/min) 2800 2640 2480 2320 2160 2000


3.00 4.0


2.25 3.0
1.50 2.0
0.75 1.0
0.00 0.0
2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900

Record load characteristics for both switch positions with the

ActiveDrive/SimuLoad software

Required settings:

 Brake:
 PC mode

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Experiment procedure:

 Start the ActiveDrive/ActiveServo software.

 Select speed control operating mode.
 The motor is to be braked in 20 steps till it stops. ( Note: in
ActiveDrive/ActiveServo, enter the required number of steps under "Presets" -
> "Default" -> "Ramp".)
 The asynchronous motor's load characteristics are to be recorded for delta
and double star connections.
 Start with a delta connection.
 Both load characteristics are to be recorded on one graph.
 Label and scale the graph as indicated by the placeholder.
 The following parameters are to be recorded:
 Torque M
 Mechanical power P
 After measurement is complete, export the resultant graph and copy it into the
placeholder below.
 Save the settings for the ActiveDrive/ActiveServo software for future
experiments in a file named "eem42_LoadCharacteristic".

Placeholder for load characteristic

(delta and double-star connection)

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Training content: Rotation reversal

 Identify the difference between clockwise and anti-clockwise
 Start the motor in both rotation directions

Definition of rotation direction

If you look at the drive shaft end of the asynchronous machine from the perspective
of the working machine (in our case the brake), the rotating direction is positive
when it is clockwise. If the motor has two workable shaft ends, then it is the shaft
end opposite the cooling vents, collector or slip-rings that is the shaft end which
defines the rotation direction.

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Assembly instructions: Rotation reversal

 Assemble the circuits as specified in the circuit diagrams and set-up

instructions below.
 Switch on the brake. This does not yet subject the motor to any load.

More detailed information on the brake can be found in the corresponding online

Circuit diagram: Rotation reversal

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Set-up: Rotation reversal

Rotation reversal

Experiment procedure:

 Switch on the motor and observe it.

In which direction does the motor turn?

 The motor turns clockwise.

 The motor turns anti-clockwise.

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

 Switch off the motor and change its wiring as shown in the diagram below.
 Start the motor again and observe it.

Circuit diagram: Rotation reversal

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

In which direction does the motor turn?

 The motor turns clockwise.
 The motor turns anti-clockwise.

How can a three-phase asynchronous machine's direction of rotation be


 By exchanging any two phases.
 Simply by exchanging L2 & L3

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Training content: Load characteristics

 Simulate various loads (load machines) with the
ActiveDrive/ActiveServo software
 Set parameters using the software with load-specific values (load
constant and moment)
 Record and evaluate characteristics for various operating points
 Determine the motor's response to different loads

Assembly instructions: "Load charactacteristics"

 Assemble the circuits as specified in the following circuit diagram and
set-up instructions
 Switch on the brake. This does not yet subject the motor to any load

Additional More detailed information on the brake can be found in the

corresponding online documentation.

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Circuit diagram: Load characteristic

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Set-up: Load characteristic

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Record the load characteristic with various simulated loads useing

the ActiveDrive/ActiveServo software
Record characteristic in double-star/delta mode with a pump/fan load.

Required settings:

 Brake:
 PC mode

 The settings stipulated below should then be made for the ActiveDrive and
SimuLoad software.
 Load machine: Pump/fan

 Load constant: refer to the experiment procedure.

 Under "View" => "Measured Value Display", select all mechanical and

electrical variables except for slip.

Experiment procedure:

 Start the "ActiveDrive / ActiveServo" software and initially open the file
"eem42_load characteristic" (see "connection and starting")
 Then carry out the required settings
 The following parameters are to be recorded in this measurement:
 torque M
 Switch the motor on directly using Stage 1 in the second step (double star
 Start the measurement and slowly increase the load constant "l" until the line
current I/A shown in the parameter dialog corresponds to the value of IN-
double star.
 Now store the first operating point
 Now switch back to Stage 1 (delta) and wait a brief moment. Now store the
second operating point.
 Now after completing the measurement export the diagram into the
appropriate place holder reserved for it below
 Now store the settings under the file name "eem42_pump-fan"

More information on the pump/fan load machine and definition of the constant I
can be found in the online documentation for the ActiveDrive/ActiveServo software.

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Placeholder for pump/fan load characteristic

(delta and double-star connection)

Enter the measured values for the double star operating point
M= ____Nm
n= min-1
P2 = ____W
P1 = ____W
η= ____%
S= ____VA
Q= ____Var
cos φ = ____
U= ____V
I= ____A

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Enter the measured values of the delta operating point

M= ____Nm
n= min-1
P2 = ____W
P1 = ____W
η= ____%
S= ____VA
Q= ____Var
cos φ = ____
U= ____V
I= ____A

How would you describe the load characteristic for the pump/fan?

 Linear
 Quadratic

 Cubic

Assume that instead of stage 1, you had set the load constant I to stage 2
corresponding to the motor's power rating. Would the mechanical output then
have been larger, equal or smaller?

 Larger
 Equal

 Smaller

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Record characteristic in star/delta starting mode with a lifting drive as the load

Required settings:

 Brake:
 Industrial series: PC mode

 Make the settings stipulated below for the ActiveDrive and ActiveServo
 Load machine: Lifting drive

 Load moment: refer to the experiment procedure.

 Under "View" => "Measured Value Display", select all mechanical and

electrical variables except for slip.

Experiment procedure:

 Start the software and begin by opening the file

"eem42_loadcharacteristic" (see "conneciton and starting")
 Then carry out the required settings
 The following parameter(s) are to be recorded during this measurement:
 torque M(n)

 Switch the motor on directly through Stage 1 to the second stage (double star
 Start the measurement and slowly increase the load torque "Nm" until line
current I/A shown in the parameter dialog corresponds to the value of IN-
double star.
 Now store the first operating point
 Now switch back to stage 1 (delta) and wait a brief moment. Now store the
second operating point.
 After successful measurement export the diagram created and place it in the
appropriate placeholder below
 Store teh settings under the file name "eem42_liftingdrive"

More information on the lifting drive load machine and load moment definition can
be found in the (online) documentation for the ActiveDrive/ActiveServo software.

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Placeholder for lifting drive load characteristic

(delta and double star connection)

Enter the measured values of the double star operating point

M= ____Nm
n= min-1
P2 = ____W
P1 = ____W
η= ____%
S= ____VA
Q= ____Var
cos φ = ____
U= ____V
I= ____A

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Enter the measured values of the delta operating point

M= ____Nm
n= min-1
P2 = ____W
P1 = ____W
η= ____%
S= ____VA
Q= ____Var
cos φ = ____
U= ____V
I= ____A

What does a comparison between the values of P2 measured at the two

operating points reveal?

 P2 remains constant.
More than one
 P2 almost doubles.

answer may
 P2 only depends on the speed.

 be correct.
 P2 depends on both speed and load moment.

Using the formulae below, calculate the ratios (x1 & x2) between the torques
measured at operating points 1 and 2 for the two load machines.

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines
Asynchronous motor, Dahlander circuit

Specify the calculated torque ratios "x1" and "x2".

x1= ____

x2= ____

Compare the torque ratios for both load machines. Which statements are

 The ratios are nearly identical.

The torque ratio of the lifting drive load machine is 1,
because the load moment is identical at both
operating points. More than one
answer may

 The torque ratio of the pump/fan load machine is be correct.
based on the relationship M ~ n 2, or M2/M1~(n2/n1)2

 The torque ratio of the pump/fan load machine is
based on the relationship M ~ n 3, or M3/M1~(n2/n1)3

EEM42 Three-phase asynchronous machines

This is the last page. You have completed the course "EEM42 Three-
phase asynchronous machines: Dahlander motors".

Copyright © 2004-2008 LUCAS-NÜLLE GmbH.

This course "EEM 42 Three-phase asynchronous machines: Dahlander

motors" is protected by copyright. All rights pertaining thereto are reserved. Any
reproduction of the document as a file or in written form be it photocopy, microfilm or
any other method or conversion into a machine-compatible language, in particular
for data processing systems, without the expressed written approval of the LUCAS-
NÜLLE GmbH is strictly forbidden.

The software as described above is made available on the basis of a general

licensing agreement or in the form of a single license. The use or reproduction of the
software is only permitted in strict compliance with the contractual terms stated

If changes have been performed in a manner which was not strictly authorised by
the LUCAS-NÜLLE GmbH, any product liability or warranty claims pertaining thereto
are null and void.


Lucas-Nülle Lehr- und Meßgeräte GmbH

Siemensstraße 2 · D-50170 Kerpen-Sindorf
Telefon +49 2273 567-0 · Fax +49 2273 567-30

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