Insurance Swot: Types of Insurance Policies
Insurance Swot: Types of Insurance Policies
Insurance Swot: Types of Insurance Policies
General Insurance
Also known as non-life insurance, general insurance is normally meant for a short-term period of twelve
months or less. Recently, longer-term insurance agreements have made an entry into the business of
general insurance but their term does not exceed five years. General insurance can be classified as follows:
Clearing basics
Before we begin the analysis of Indian insurance industry, let us clear some basics on insurance.
In the words of a layman, insurance means managing risk. For instance, in life insurance segment, the
insurance company tries to manage mortality (death) rates among the wide array of clients.
The insurance company works in a manner by collecting premiums from policy holders, investing the
money (usually in low risk investments), and then reimbursing this same money once the person passes away
or the policy matures. The greater the probability for a person to have a shorter life span than the average
mark, the higher premium that person has to pay. The case is the same for all other types of insurance,
including automobile, health and property.
Ownership of insurance companies is of two types:
Shareholder ownership
Policyholder ownership
Types of Insurance
1. Life Insurance - Insurance guaranteeing a specific sum of money to a designated beneficiary upon the death
of the insured, or to the insured if he or she lives beyond a certain age.
2. Health Insurance - Insurance against expenses incurred through illness of the insured.
3. Liability Insurance - This insures property such as automobiles, property and professional/business mishaps.
Threat of New Entrants: The insurance industry has been budding with new entrants every other day.
Therefore the companies should carve out niche areas such that the threat of new entrants might not be a
hindrance. There is also a chance that the big players might squeeze the small new entrants.
Power of Suppliers: Those who are supplying the capital are not that big a threat. For instance, if
someone as a very talented insurance underwriter is presently working for a small insurance company, there
exists a chance that any big player willing to enter the insurance industry might entice that person off.
Power of Buyers: No individual is a big threat to the insurance industry and big corporate houses have
a lot more negotiating capability with the insurance companies. Big corporate clients like airlines and
pharmaceutical companies pay millions of dollars every year in premiums.
Availability of Substitutes: There exist a lot of substitutes in the insurance industry. Majorly, the large
insurance companies provide similar kinds of services – be it auto, home, commercial, health or life
There are many factors to probe into when an investor chose an insurance company.
The consumers as well as the investors should only focus on the insurer's financial strength and
capability to meet ongoing responsibilities to its policyholders.
The fundamentals of the insurance company should be strong and should not indicate a poor investment
opportunity as this might also deter growth.
ndustry Example
With the above synapses in mind we would like to apply a SWOT Analysis to the insurance industry for an
example. Keep in mind that this will be written from the agency's perspective.
Major Strengths:
� Premium rates are increasing and so are commissions.
� The variety of products is increasing.
� Prospects expect more services from their brokers.
Major Weaknesses
� Insurance companies are often slow to respond to changing needs.
� There is an increasing trend of financial weakness among the companies.
� There are more competitors for agencies to compete with banks and Internet players.
� The ability to cross sell financial services is barely being tapped.
� Technology is improving to the point that paperless transactions are available.
� The client's increasing need for an "insurance consultant" can open new ways to service the client and
generate income.
� The increasing cost and need for insurance might hit a point where a backlash will occur.
� Government regulations on issues like health care, mold and terrorism can quickly change the
direction of insurance. Increasing expenses and lower profit margins will hit hard on the smaller agencies
and insurance companies.
� Increasing expenses and lower profit margins will hit hard on the smaller agencies and insurance
In a country like India of one billion
people where sky is the limit there
is a vast untapped potentials waiting
for life insurance products. There
are more than 900 million lives waiting
for life cover, 200 million house hold
waiting for household insurance
policy. Millions of people travelling
in and out of India are waiting for
overseas mediclaim and Travel insur-
Bank assurance
Weaknesses :-
In the case of rapid growth of Information
Technology banks and insurance
companies are still lacking
its implementation. Though it is
awakening but it is too late and too
little. In the age of Wide Area Network
(WAN) and Vast Area Network
(VAN), simple LAN has not yet been
introduced even in the head-quarters.
As discussed earlier about the untapped
middle class segments, they
are over burdened with the inflationary
pressure and tax exemption for
all insurance products will inspire the
customers (though it is done partially)
to be insured. Another one is
inflexibility of the products, i.e. they
are not tailor-made to the requirements
of the customer.
Opportunities :-
Though not at the same level,
banks data base in India is enormous
and has to be dissected variously
and various homogeneous groups
are chummed out in order to position
bancassurance products. With a
good IT structure they can really do
wonders. Appropriate atmosphere
and political conscientious have to
be built up for liberalisation and if it
is done then RBI or IRA should have
no hesitation in allowing the marriage
of banking and insurance sectors
to take place. Merger and Acquisition
or setting up of joint venture
is necessary in this direction.
Threats :-
Success of bancassurance venture
requires change in approach,
thinking and work culture on the part
of everybody involved. In India there
is always a tendency to restrict any
change whether its impact becomes
favorable or not. So there should be
a clear vehemence. Sometimes nonresponse
from the target customers
becomes possible threat as it was
found in USA in 1980's and failed.
US banks have turned their attention
( since late 1990's) towards life insurance.
Again the investors in the
capital may turn their face in case the
rate of return on capital falls short of
the existing return on capital. So the
return from bancassurance must at
least match those returns. Also
unholy alliance are not allowed to
take place as there will be fierce competition
in the market resulting in
lower price.
Indian Insurance can be said to have undergone three phases of its evolution viz.
Pre Nationalization, Nationalization and Privatization era. Triton Insurance
Company Ltd promoted by British was the first general insurance company in
Calcutta in 1850. Non-life insurance was finally regulated in 1938 through the
passing of the Insurance Act, which continues till date to be the definitive piece of
legislation on insurance and controls both life insurance and general insurance.
The general insurance business was nationalized with effect from January 1, 1973,
through the introduction of the General Insurance Business Act, 1972. Prior to
1973, there were 107 companies, including foreign companies, offering general
insurance in India. These companies were amalgamated and grouped into four
subsidiary companies of GIC (1) National Insurance Company Limited, (2) The New
India Assurance Company Limited.
Health was always a priority in India. In 1978, during Alma Atta Declaration
(1978), a programme called ‘Health for All by year 2000’ was chalked out. But
when we look back, it is clear that we are far behind the projected scene. Hence,
in 2002’s National Health Policy the main objective was to achieve an acceptable
standard of good health amongst the general populace of the country.
Health insurance works on the basic principle of cross subsidisation between young–old;
healthy–sick; and rich–poor. The basic aim was social welfare and provision of good
healthcare for individuals and groups. Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT)
analysis of the insurance shows the following:
Strength: Expected to boost the private sector and increase accessibility to healthcare,
which was earlier impossible due to financial barriers.
Weakness: Chances of widening inequity amongst masses and creating a dual system of
Earlier, medical insurance did not have the facility of cashless service and hence people had
to pay hefty hospitals bills and submit the claim for re-imbursement to the insurance
company. Though the introduction of Mediclaim had transformed healthcare, patients were
grappling with arranging bills at the time of admission and discharge.
So, with consumer interest in mind, the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority
(IRDA) licensed third party administrators (TPAs) in 2002. TPAs are supposed to work as
mediators who will do all the necessary paper work, while the policyholder simply walks in
and out of the designated hospital or nursing home by merely flashing a health insurance
card. Though health insurance gave a boost to the ailing health sector, the situation today is
very critical, as the claims ratio or the payouts is alarming. Records show that the claims
ratio ranges from 100-400 per cent and above. The question is how and why are insurance
companies managing the health portfolio? It may be a social commitment or interest of the
insurance company towards group insurance policies where they are able to enroll corporate
groups with many insurance policies like fire insurance, asset insurance, health insurance
etc. Though companies make a loss in health portfolio, it is subsidised with other insurance
policies taken by the corporate.
A closer look into the unregulated sector shows there are many factors that cripple the
functioning of insurance sector:
Hospital Related
Insurance products are not designed properly at many occasions, creating confusion. Here
are a few points yet to be taken care of:
Premium is too low for the sum assured. Average premia is between one-two per
cent of the sum assured, as compared to two-three per cent in developed countries.
Low competition and inadequate range of products.
There is no ceiling on room categories as per the sum insured, so all patients wish to
get admitted in special rooms/suites. Currently, a person with Rs 50,000 sum
insured and a member with Rs 7,00,000, both want to get into the deluxe rooms or
Policy exclusions are not clearly defined. For instance, if a person while taking
insurance is suffering from hypertension and hyperlipidemia, it needs to be clear in
the policy exclusion that cardiovascular diseases will not be covered; rather than
mentioning treatment of hypertension and hyperlipidemia will not be covered.
Need for a medical check before the commencement of the policy, if feasible.
Policy Holders
Non-life insurers prefer group policies. Individual policyholders are not a priority
Insurers are reluctant to be in the business. No stand-alone health insurance player
in the market, other then Star Health and Allied Services, have entered the sector
Life players offer critical illness riders.
Government Related
Managing cost is the biggest problem as rates are not controlled by TPAs.
Minimum standard of care is not clearly defined.
Choosing appropriate service provider is becoming a challenge.
Claim settlement, especially of mediclaim, takes longer time.
Small nursing homes and some of the hospitals are being avoided by TPAs to avoid
unnecessary documentation.
General Factors
Overcoming Challenges
As it is now clear that insurance is the protection for high healthcare cost, it is time for all
stakeholders to join hands to overcome the challenges for survival of the industry.
Regulations and managed insurance market can also play an important role in moving
health financing towards greater equity. Some recommended steps may be as follows:
Accreditations and standardisation of the tariff as far as possible for similar pattern
of healthcare providers.
Regular orientation to the doctors regarding health insurance.
Concept of negotiable doctor’s fees should be discouraged as far as possible.
TPAs should increase their network to hospitals in all areas, which will lead to
increased competition, and more bargaining power for TPAs.
TPAs should be directed for faster settlement of claims.
Selecting some specific hospitals for group insurance policies where the hospitals will
be assured of some volume of business and in a position to offer better discounts.
Indoor case paper and medical history can be made a regular document for the
submission of the claim.
All the problems should be supported by positive investigation report wherever
Empanelling hospitals with fixed hospital schedule and not encouraging hospitals
with negotiable doctor’s fees.
Frequent visit to the hospital to meet the patient in the hospital.
Policy Conditions
Insurance Companies
General Factors
Encouragement of HMO, PPOs and managed care for sustaining in the business.
Public education and awareness needs to be increased through media as to use of
Social insurance/employer-based insurance for organised sector.
Health insurance is like the knife. In the surgeon’s hand it can save the patient, while in the
hands of the quack, it can kill. Health insurance in India needs to be customized to suit our