Revised Rates of Risk and Hardship Allowances/Concessions
Revised Rates of Risk and Hardship Allowances/Concessions
Revised Rates of Risk and Hardship Allowances/Concessions
Lieutenant 16500 PM
Existing After 7th CPC Recommendation
For post in the Grade 1500 ((M JCOs/ORs & 2700 PM
Pay of less than equiv.
13 Counter Insurgency Lt Col & above & equiv 11700 PM Officers R1H2 16900 PM
Allowance (CI Ops)
in Field Area Major & equiv 10800 PM JCOs/ORs & 9700 PM
equiv in IAF
Captain & equiv 9900 PM
CI Ops Allowance in
14 Counter Insurgency Lt Col & above & equiv 9000 PM Officers - 13013 PM Modified Field Area
Allowance in will be 77% of CI Ops
Modified Field Area Major & equiv 8310 PM JCOs/ORs & , 7469 PM in Field Area
equiv in IAF
Captain & equiv 7620 PM
High Altitude Lt Col & above & equiv 3180 PM Officers R3H2 3400 PM
Allowance Cat-I Major & equiv 2790 PM JCOs/ORs & 2700 PM
equiv. in IAF
Captain & equiv 1980 PM
Lt & equiv 1590 PM
JCO & equiv in IAF 1440 PM
Hav & equiv in IAF 1110 PM
Nk/Sep & equiv in IAF 810 PM
16 High Altitude Lt Col & above & equiv 4800 PM Officers R3Hl 5300 PM
Allowance Cat-II Major & equiv 4200 PM JCOs/ORs & 4100 PM
equiv. in IAF
Captain & equiv 3000 PM
Lt & equiv 2400 PM
JCO & equiv in IAF 2160 PM
Hav & equiv in IAF 1680 PM
Nk/Sep & equiv in IAF 1200 PM
17 Officers 16800 PM Officers R1Hl , 25000 PM
High Altitude
JCOs/ORs & equiv. in 11200 PM JCOs/ORs & 17300 PM
Allowance Cat-III
IAF equiv. in IAF
18 Hydrographic Non-Surveyor officers 600 PM Surveyor R3H3 1200 PM
RH-MAX 42500 PM
23 Siachen Allowance Officers 21000 PM Officers
25 Submarine
. Capt 3 yrs in rank and
15750 PM Naval
R1H1 25000 PM
Lieutenant 16500 PM
26 Submarine Duty Naval Officer (other 135 per day Naval R3H1 5300 PM Submarine Duty
Allowance than qualified Officers Allowance. will be
submariners) (other than payable on pro-rata
qualified basis.
Sailors 45 per day Sailors 4100 PM
27 Submarine Naval Artificers & 300 PM Naval R3H3 1000 PM Submarine Technical
Technical Allowance Mechanicians Artificers / Allowance is extended
Mechanici- to Master Chief
ans Artificier
28 Tough Location This allowance was not in the same form in 6th CPC All Defence Level 9 Level 8
Allowance (TLA) personnel and and
above below
TLA-I R3H1 5300 4100
p.m. p.m.
TLA-II R3H2 3400 2700
_p.m. p.m.
TLA-III R3H3 1200 1000
p.m. p.m.
5. Air Worthiness Aviation trade 225 p.m Aviation trade 338 p.m.
Certificate PBORs with PBORs with
Allowance Service of two Service of two to
to Ten Years Ten Years
6. Dress Allowance This allowance was not in the same form in 6th CPC Officers 20 000 p.a.
MNS Officers 15 000 p.a.
PBORs 10,000 p.a.
7. Extra Work 2% of Basic Pay
8. Post Graduate Officers Officers
Allowance Post Graduate Degree 1500 PM Post Graduate 2250 Payable only when not
Holders Degree PM eligible for specialist
Post Graduate Diploma 900 PM Holders allowance
Holders Post Graduate 1350
Diploma PM
Existing After 7tJ:! CPC Recommendation
Master Aviation 750 p.m. Master Aviation 1125 p.m.
Instructor Instructor
Senior Aviation 600 p.m. Senior Aviation 900 p.m.
Instructor Instructor Class-I
Senior Aviation 420 p.m. Senior Aviation 630 p.m.
Instructor - Instructor -Class
Class -II -II
Aviators holding 600 p.m. Aviators holding 900 p.m.
Master Green Master Green
Card Card
Aviators holding 420 p.m. Aviators holding 630 p.m.
Green Card Green Card
10. Language Officers/ Language Allowance Officers/ Language Allowance
Allowance JCOs/ORs and Category Language Allowance JCOs/ORs and category Language
equivalent IrpM) equivalent Allowance (PM)
I 1350 I 2025
II 1126 II 1689
III 900 III 1350
11. Good Service/Good JCOs/ORs and JCOs/ORs and
Conduct/Badge equivalent Army Navy & equivalent Army Navy
Allowance IAF &IAF
(erstwhile Good First 64 pm 80 pm First 144 180
Service/Good Badge Badge
Second 288 360
Conduct/Badge Second 128 pm 160 pm Badge
Pay) Badge Third 432 540
Third 192 pm 240 pm -Badqe
14. Deputation(Duty) Officers Defence forces personnel be given Officers Defence forces
Allowance f--------1dboption
n to draw either 1----------1 personnel be given an
JCOs/ORs and a) 50% of Deputation duty JCOs/ORs and option to draw either
equivalent ~lIowance applicable to civilians equivalent (a) 50% of Deputation
bfficers along with service duty allowance
concessions Or (b) draw 100% applicable to civilians
bf Deputationallowance but forego officers along with
he service concessions. service concessionsor
(b) draw 100% of
Deputation allowance
but forego the service
concessions subject to
following ceiling:-(i)
Rs.4,500 p.m. for
deputation within the
same station. and
(ii) Rs.9,000 p.m. for
deputation involving
changeof station.
15. Diving Allowance All Naval All Naval This allowanceis also
Personnel Clearance/Deep 1200 Personnel Clearance/Dee 1800 applicableto IAF and Army
Divino Officers personnelon pro-rata basis as
Ships Diving Officer 600 Diving Officers and when they are involved in
ClearanceDiver Class I 900 Ships Diving 900 such duties
ClearanceDiver Class II 780 Officer
ClearanceDiver Class III 660 Clearance 1350
Ships Diver 600 Diver Class I
Clearance 1170
Diver Class II
Clearance 990
Diver Class III
Ships Diver 900
16. Diving Attendant All Naval 1/5th to Dip Money All Naval 1/5th to Dip Money This allowanceis also
Allowance Personnel Personnel applicable to IAF and Army
personnel on pro-rata basis as
and when they are involved in
such duties
Existing After 7th CPC Recommendation
17. Hard Area Officersj 25% of Basic Pay Officers/ 20% of Basic Pay
Allowance JCOsjORs and JCOs/ORsand
equivalent equivalent
18 Island Special Duty Officers/ J COst Officers/ Area Rate as % ISDA to be rationalized by a
Allowance ORs and Area Rate as % of JCOs/ORsand of Basic factor of 0.8 and to be paid
BP equivalent Pay @ 10%, 16% and 20% of
Areas around the 12.5% Areas around 10% Basic Pay respectively.
Capital Towns (Port the Capital
Blair, Kavaratti & Towns (Port
Agatti Blair,
Difficult Areas - 20 % Kavaratti &
North & Middle Agatti
Andaman, South Difficult 16%
Andaman Excluding Areas-North
Port Blair, Entire & Middle
Lakshadweep Andaman,
Except Kavaratti, South
Aqatti & Minicoy Andaman
More Difficult Areas 25% Excluding Port
- Little Andaman, Blair, Entire
Nicobar group of Lakshadweep
Islands, Narcondum Except
Islands, East Islands Kavaratti,
and Minicoy Agatti &
More Difficult 20%
Areas- Little
Nicobar group
of Islands,
Islands, East
Islands and
Existing . After 7th CPC Recommendation
19. Language Award Officers/ Award for passing Diploma Part-II Officers/ Award for passing Diploma
JCOs/ORs and with 65% & above marks JCOs/ORs and Part-II with 65% & above
equivalent equivalent
~ategory Sponsored Non- Cat Sponsored Non-
Candidate Sponsored
candidate Sponsored
I 4500 6750 I 6750 10125
II 3150 4500 II 4725 6750
III 2250 3150 III 3375 4725
20. Reward for Annuity for 400 p.a. Annuity for 900 p.a.
Meritorious Service Meritorious Meritorious
Service Medal Service Medal for
for JCOs & JCOs &
equivalent equivalent
Gratuity for 400 (One Time) Gratuity for Long 900 (One Time)
Long Service & Service & Good
Good Conduct Conduct Medal
Existing After 7th CPC Recommendation
21. Specialist Allowance Specialist Specialist
Medical Officers Graded 2400 pm Medical Officers Graded 3600 pm
specialist specialist
Classified 3000 pm Classified 4500 pm
specialist specialist
Consultant 1 3600 pm Consultant 1 5400 pm
Advisor Advisor
/Professor /Professor
22. Technical Technical Technical Existing system of Technical
Allowance Officers I Tier I I 3000 Officers I Tier I I 3000 I allowance (Tier-I and Tier-Il )to
I Tier II I 4500 I Tier II I 4500 I continue at Rs. 30001- per
month and Rs. 4500 per month
upto 31.03.2018.
Courses of Technical Allowance
(Tier I & Tier-II) along with
Qualification Grant(Higher
Qualification Incentive) to be
reviewed by Associating
Experts, outside professionals
and Academicians in order to
keep pace with changing
Defence requirements.
Review of Courses to be
completed before 31.12.2017.
Technical Allowance (Tier-Il) to
continue beyond 31.03.2018
only after review of courses.
23. Unit & Charge Artificers and Artificers and
Certificate Mechanicians Unit Charge Mechanicians Unit Charge
Allowance CertificatE Certificate Certificate Certificate
Lower 225 450 Lower 338 675
Rate Rate
Higher 675 1013
Higher Rate 450 675
Special Rate - 810 Special - 1215
Existing After 7th CPC Recommendation
24 Children Education All 1500 p.m. per child 2250 p.m. per child
25 Special allowance All 1500 p.m. per child 3000 p.m. per child
for children for
women with
26 Educational Tuition fee Full reimbursement Full reimbursement Combined amount of tuition
Concession to the fee and hostel charges shall
children of not exceed 10,000 p.m.
killed in action
28 Territorial Army This allowance was not in the same form in 6th CPC Officers - 2000 p.a.
- Allowance
(Subsumes Camp JCOs 1500 p.a.
Allowance, TA
Bounty) ORs 1000 p.a.
l Existing After 7th CPC Recommendation
30 House Rent All 30%,20% and 10% for Class X, 24%, 16% and 8% for
Allowance Y, Z cities/towns Class X, Y, Z