Stablized Material
Stablized Material
Stablized Material
• Problem Soils categorizes subgrade materials with low strength, or
– expansive soils
– dispersive soils
– organic soils
weathering or traffic
– Ease of application,
– Site constraints,
– climate,
• Such factors be taken into account in order to select the proper type
of stabilization.
• Basically four techniques of soil stabilization are commonly
– Mechanical stabilization
– Cement stabilization,
– Bitumen stabilization
• The stabilizing process with admixture involves the addition of a
stabilizing agent to the soil, mixing with sufficient water to achieve
the optimum moisture compaction of the mixture, and final curing
to ensure that the strength potential is realized.
Mechanical Stabilization
• Mechanical stabilization is a method by which a soil or gravel is
mixed with the original soil in order to improve the grading and
deposited sand, natural gravel, silty sands , sand clays, silt clays,
ordinary methods.
Mechanical Stabilization
• The cohesion, shrinkage, swelling and compressibility are mainly
associated with the quantity and nature of the clay fraction as
indicated by plastic properties.
obtained with the closest packing and minimum voids, has been
Mechanical Stabilization
• The theoretical maximum density of aggregates is obtained when
of the form:
• With some materials such as gravel, sand and clays, high densities can be
• For materials, with a maximum size of 19 mm, the amount of fines passing
the 75μm sieve will be 6 and 8% for ‘n’ values of 0.5 and 0.45 respectively.
• When the value of the exponent ‘n’ is less than 0.33, the fines
content of the material may be excessive. A high fine content will
result in reduced permeability, but may lead to the development
of pore pressures and consequent instability during compaction or
in service.
Mechanical Stabilization
• Liquid Limit and plasticity index: -
the permissible values of PI. Typical values are 2% for sealed and 3%
Mechanical Stabilization
Mechanical Stabilization
• The equilibrium moisture conditions to be expected in a pavement
CBR test.
significantly developed.
of the aggregate
Cement Stabilization
• The minimum cement content, expressed as a percentage of the dry
Cement Stabilization
– Cement content.
– Moisture content.
Cement Stabilization
• Nature and type of soil.
• This include: clay content (max 5%) plasticity of the soil (max LL of
content (max 0.25% for cohesive soils and 1 % for non- cohesive
• Soils with high clay content and high plasticity are difficult to mix
in properties.
Cement Stabilization
• Pre – treatment with lime however is good method to allow
• Cement content.
• The quantity required for gravely soils is generally much less than
the soil has a maximum grain size than 75 mm, percents passing
and retained 0.075 mm sieve is less than 35% and greater than
55% respectively, and liquid and plastic limits less than 50 and 25
Cement Stabilization
• Cement content.
• The methods are principally the same except mixing in the first is
done in mixing plants and in the later is in-place.
Cement Stabilization
• Since cement stabilized materials constitute in most cases the main
structural part of pavements, much attention is given to their
mechanical characteristics such as:
» Fatigue characteristics
Cement Stabilization
• Tensile and compressive strengths: -
• It is well known that clays, sands, and gravels show different elastic
deformation behavior under repetitive loading. The addition of
cement on these materials changes the elastic deformation
properties, but not completely. The parent material will have a
great influence on the properties of the soil-cement mixture.
• The less fines are present in the soil mixture the more the
cement-treated soil behave like concrete.
Cement Stabilization
• Fatigue characteristics: -
Lime Stabilization
• Lime is a broad term which is used to describe calcium oxide (CaO)-
quick lime; calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2- hydrated lime, and calcium
carbonate (CaCO3)-carbonate is of no value for stabilization.
• The most commonly used products of quick lime and hydrated lime are
hydrated calcitic lime (CaO), dolomitic quick lime (CaO MgO).
• Lime can be applied as dry hydrated lime, quick lime or slurry lime.
are with comparable behavior and follow fairly similar evaluation, and
construction considerations.
reactions, however, is a basis for the choice between cement and lime.
• Basically four different factors are involved in the soil-lime reaction which
such as sodium and hydrogen are replaced by calcium ions for which the
clay mineral has a greater affinity.
Lime Stabilization
• Chemically equivalent amounts of quick lime and hydrated lime have the
same effect on plasticity.
• However, quick lime has an additional drying effect since, the chemical
reaction between the lime and the water in the soli removes free water from
the sol and the heat produced by the reaction assists in drying.
• The effect of lime on the CBR value increases with time as the pozzolanic
reactions take effect.
• Siliceous and aluminous materials in the soil react with lime to produce a gel
of calcium silicates and aluminates.
Lime Stabilization
• This gel cements the soil particles together in a manner that is
similar to that of hydrated cement.
• It has been shown that the thickness of the water layer around the
clay particles decrease substantially as the result of cation
• This long term effect on strength, causing continuing strength improvements with
time, often called pozzolanic reactions.
• Temperatures lower than 13 and 160C retard the reaction; from this point of view
it is obvious that lime stabilization is especially popular in tropical countries.
Lime Stabilization
• Other factors that are of influence on the soil- lime reaction are:
the maximum amount of lime that can be taken by the soil before free
lime occurs (the lime content above which further increases do not
are 0.69 MPa for subbaes and 1.12 for subbase materials and 0.11
• Both effects take place partly from the formation of bituminous film
around the soil particles which bonds them together and prevents
the absorption of water, and partly from simple blocking of the
pores, preventing water from entering the soil mass. 47
Bituminous Stabilization
• Because more care is necessary in bituminous stabilization to achieve
satisfactory mixing, its use has not been as widespread as cement and
lime stabilization.
• Bituminous materials: -
• The bituminous materials that are used for stabilization works are
mostly penetration grade bitumen and cutback bitumen and bitumen
Bituminous Stabilization
• The more viscous binders are normally used for soils having only a
small proportion of material passing the 0.075mm sieve and for
plant mixes, while the lighter binders are used for mix –in place
methods and with soils containing a larger proportion of fines.
Bituminous Stabilization
• In the non-cohesive granular materials, bitumen serves as a
bonding or cementing agent between particles.
Bituminous Stabilization
• Waterproofed granular stabilization: This is a system in which a
soil material possessing good gradation of constituent particles
from coarse to fine, and having high potential density is
waterproofed by uniform distribution of small amount (1-2%) of
1.5inch 100
Plasticity characteristics
LL <40
• There are two opposing effects – the thinner the film of bitumen the
stronger the material; however, thick film or filled pores are the most
effective in preventing ingress of water.
• For the first three types of mix, a series of tests should be made
with varying bitumen contents and grades using hot bitumen,
cutback and emulsion, and the appropriate mix is selected giving
due weight to the need for stability or water resistance as required.
Bituminous Stabilization
• Compaction, compressive, and water absorption test are normally
used to select the optimum amount of bitumen content.