Thought Conditioners Norman Vincent Peale

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Some of the key takeaways are that our thoughts shape our lives, we should fill our minds with positive thoughts from the Bible to condition our personalities, and committing powerful passages from the Bible to memory can help drive out negative thought patterns.

Some techniques suggested for using the Thought Conditioners are to commit them to memory, conceive of them as having the power to displace unhealthy thoughts, recite them frequently, especially during spare moments, and meditate on their meaning.

Filling one's mind with spiritual words from the Bible can cause them to sink from the conscious to the subconscious mind through a process of spiritual osmosis, conditioning one's personality with spiritual power and sensitivity so that God's will can operate in them and the great values of life will be theirs.

fractional moments to dwell and meditate upon the

Thought Conditioners meaning of these texts. As you do so, there will flash out
By Norman Vincent Peale from them new insights, new perceptions of truth.
Gradually, by a deep therapy, they will drive into the mind
Forty powerful spiritual phrases that can until presently your life will become a living demonstration
change the quality of your life of God’s power.
The booklet contains 40 creative and vital passages.
Since happiness and effectiveness depend upon the Why 40? Perhaps because in His own deepest spiritual
kinds of thoughts we think, it is absolutely impossible to experience, Jesus spent 40 days in the desert
be happy if we think unhappiness-producing thoughts. withstanding temptation. There is no magic to the
One of the wisest men who ever lived was Marcus number 40, but it so happened that when I finished my
Aurelius, who said, "A man's life is what his thoughts list it totaled 40.
make of it." There are many more vital passages. In fact, you can
If you put into your mind thoughts of fear, you will get read and re-read the Bible for a lifetime and never
thoughts of fear out of your mind. Fill your mind with exhaust its wisdom.
resentment thoughts, and resentment attitudes will This is my 40, and when you complete these and feel
emerge. And in neither case, of course, can you find that they are in your permanent possession, explore the
happiness-inducing thoughts. Whatever the condition of Scriptures further and find the many others that will have
your mind, the Thought Conditioners I am going to the same health-giving effect in your life.
suggest are so powerful that they will displace unhealthy Now, the method for using this booklet:
thoughts. Indeed, displacement is the only way you can 1. I suggest that you read it through quickly at one
drive a thought from the mind. reading to get the over-all impact of 40 of the greatest
In my experience through many years in working with gems of thought ever spoken.
people, I have discovered that the most vital, creative 2. Start at the beginning and memorize one verse a
and positive thoughts are those stated in the Bible. Its day. Meditate upon the brief message given with each.
words are alive. The Bible itself states what its spiritual Then practice the simple techniques suggested.
words will do. “If ye abide in Me and My words abide in 3. It may be that one or two or more of these will
you ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto have a particularly strong effect upon you. In that case, I
you.” suggest that you remove it from the book, put it in your
This means, simply, that if you fill your mind with pocket, under the glass of your desk, or on your
spiritual words so that they sink from your conscious to dressing table so that you can see it every day and thus
your subconscious mind by a process of spiritual it can become your dominating thought.
osmosis, you will so condition your personality with These are not arranged according to problems or
spiritual power and sensitivity that God's will can operate categories. Neither are they selected on any basis of
in you. Every great value of this life, the ones that really relative importance. I have listed them just as they have
matter, shall then be yours. The words of the Bible are come out of my own mind, one after the other. Perhaps
powerful Thought Conditioners. They are capable of God sorted them for this particular purpose. I give them
revolutionizing the entire personality. to you with the prayer that these brief spiritual Thought
Over the years, I had noticed that certain passages Conditioners may add to the happiness and usefulness
from the Scriptures had a particularly potent effect on of your life.
human beings. I began, therefore, to list the life-creating
words from the Scriptures that had done me the most
good. Many of these I had recommended to others. 1.
Some of them had been called to my attention by people The things, which are impossible with men are
in whom there had occurred the most astonishing possible with God. —Luke 18:27
demonstration of new life and joy. When I applied them
to myself, I found they did indeed possess tremendous This text shows how to do an “impossible” thing. Size
effectiveness. up your problem, pray about it, do all you can about it. If
The process I have used both personally and in it seems impossible, don’t give up, but affirm, “The
counseling, which has accomplished most impressive things which are impossible with men are possible with
results, is simply that of committing these great God.”
passages to memory. One puts them in the mind as in a Keep relaxed. Don’t worry. Avoid getting panicky.
sort of spiritual medicine cabinet, each to be drawn out Never think, “This can’t be done.” Declare, “It can be
as needed for specific ills or maladies of the personality, done, it is being done because God is doing it through
or to meet life’s situations as they develop. me.” Affirm that the process is in operation. The final
As suggested above, the method is also to conceive outcome may not be entirely what you now desire. But,
of these thoughts as having displacement value, handled in this manner, the solution will be what God
crowding out injurious thought patterns. wants it to be.
The best results are gained by utilizing spare minutes to
say these Scripture passages, or Thought Conditioners,
over and over. As you are riding on a bus or train, or
washing the dishes, or waiting for an appointment, utilize
2. 5.
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe
as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. —Mark 11:24
—John 14:27
To pray successfully, you must employ affirmation
Without a deep inner state of quietness, one and visualization. Form a picture in your mind, not of
becomes prey to tension, worry, and ill health. A song, a lack or denial or frustration or illness, but of prosperity,
sunset, moonlight, the sea washing on a sandy shore, abundance, attainment, health. Always remember you
these administer a healing balm. But they lack power to will receive as a result of prayer exactly what you think,
penetrate the inner recesses of the soul. not what you say. If you pray for achievement but think
A profound depth therapy is required to attain healing defeat, your words are idle because your heart has
quietness. An habitual repetition of this one text will, in already accepted defeat.
time, permeate your personality with a complete sense Therefore, practice believing that even as you pray
of peace. you are receiving God’s boundless blessings, and they
When tense or restless, sit quietly and allow these will come to you.
words to pass unhindered through your thoughts.
Conceive of them as spreading a healing balm
throughout your mind. 6.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not
unto thine own understanding.
3. —Proverbs 3:5
Renew a right spirit within me. —Psalm 51:10
This text will help you avoid a nervous breakdown. It
Here is a fragment of a verse, which will bring you will stimulate your recovery if you have had one.
friends, health, happiness, and success. It can improve A famous neurologist, a specialist in nervous
your disposition. breakdowns often “prescribes” this text for his patients.
The word disposition refers to the manner in which He writes the words on a card and instructs his patient to
you are disposed to react to situations and people. If commit them to memory and repeat them until they are
your automatic emotional reaction is irritable, crabby, indelibly printed on the subconscious mind.
selfish, haughty, it impairs or even destroys your The cause of much nervous trouble is frustration.
relationships. And the antidote to frustration is a calm faith, not in your
The quality of your disposition depends upon your own cleverness, or in hard toil, but in God’s guidance.
inner spirit. This thought conditioner, by the use of the The cure of frustration is the belief that God will help you
word “renew,” implies that when you were created, you obtain your heart’s desire. Trust in God with all your
had a good disposition. heart, and you will be able to keep on working in health
If you have allowed it to deteriorate, Almighty God, and happiness for long years to come.
who created you, can recreate and renew in you the fine
balance, the controlled spirit. He can restore that vital
factor in a good disposition, inner quiet control. Let no 7.
day pass after today that you do not say many times, I am come that they might have life, and that they
“Renew a right spirit within me.” might have it more abundantly.
—John 10:10

4. Many people are lacking in energy. Their vitality is

Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, low. They are filled with inner conflicts, which dissipate
and I will give you rest. —Matthew 11:28 energy. They are dull and apathetic.
What is the secret of energized life? Christ is the
Perhaps the strain and burden of life have made you answer. It is said of Him, “In Him was life” (John 1:4). Fill
tired. If so, maybe you are carrying life too heavily. your mind with Christ, fill your heart with Him, and
Primarily, we do not get tired in our muscles but in inevitably energy, vitality, exuberance, delight, and
our minds. We develop that "I'm swamped" feeling. eagerness will well up within you.
Allow this text to dissolve in your thoughts as a kind Every day as you repeat this text make it read,
of spiritual lozenge. As you turn to Jesus in your “Christ has come that I (fill in your own name) might
thoughts, He will give you rest. And how does He do have life and might have it more abundantly.”
that? One way is by showing you how to work.
“Learn of Me,” He says. In other words, work by My
method. "My yoke is easy, and My burden is light”
(Matthew 11:30). That is to say, easy does it. Don’t
strain, don't tug, relax. Do one job at a time using the
light touch, the easy stroke.
8. 11.
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
prayer of a righteous man availeth much. — —II Timothy 1: 7
James 5:16
Your fears can be healed by this text. It tells us, first,
God does heal. He does it in two ways, through sci- that fear is overcome by power. What power? There is
ence and through faith. only one force more powerful than fear, and that is faith.
In healing, confession is important, for much illness When fear comes to your mind, counter it with an
results from buried resentments and guilt. Confession to affirmation of faith
a competent counselor releases these poisons, Second, love overcomes fear. By love is meant trust,
cleanses the mind and soul, thus stopping the passing confidence, complete dependence upon God. Practice
on of diseased thoughts to the body. Effectual prayer, this attitude and fear will diminish.
that is scientific prayer, is very powerful. The third element is to attain a sound mind in which
The essence of the technique is confess your faults, there are no complexes, quirks, and obsessions. Live
pray with kindred spirits even if separated by distance, with the thought of God, and you will develop a sound
and enthusiastically (fervently) believe. mind where no shadowy fear can lurk.
Whenever you are afraid, verbalize against the thing
that you fear, using the words of this text.
If God be for us, who can be against us?
—Romans 8:31 12.
Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, and
Imagine yourself as actually looking at all your diffi- afterward receive me to glory. —Psalm 73:24
culties like an army lined up against you.
Then realize you have a backing that can overcome Perhaps, today, you have a problem, which has baf-
them all. As you face these enemies of yours— fled you. Try allowing this text to penetrate your mind un-
discouragement, frustration, disappointment, hostility, til it becomes a dominating conception, and it will do
weakness—ask yourself, “What shall I say to these some important things for you.
things?” And the answer is, “If God be for us, who can It will make you understand that there is an answer to
be against us?” every problem, and that God is thinking along with you.
Now, spend a minute realizing that God is for you It will bring to bear upon your problem that keen and
and say this affirmation: “God is with me. God is for me. sharp perception of wisdom called insight.
God is greater than all these things.” If you put every problem in God’s hands, ask Him to
Then visualize these enemies of your peace and give you the right answer, believe that He is doing just
happiness as retreating, giving way before God’s power. that, and will take the guidance that comes, your
Personalize the text by saying: “If God be for me, decisions will turn out right.
who can be against me?”
The repetitive use of this text will give you an
enormous sense of God’s presence and a powerful 13.
feeling of victory. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God
that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and
having done all, to stand.
10. —Ephesians 6:13
The kingdom of God is within you.
—Luke 17:21 This is one of the greatest of all techniques of mental
health. It teaches that when we have done all that we
When you are filled with self-doubt, and in the grip of can do about a given matter, we are not to get worried or
your inferiority complex, don’t give up saying, “I can’t do in a panic or be filled with anxiety, but take a calm
it, I haven’t it in me.” You do have a very big “it” within philosophical attitude concerning it.
you. You have the Kingdom of God within you. When you have done all that you can do, don’t try to
God has placed in your personality all the ability you do any more, just “stand.” Relax, stop, be quiet, don’t
need. You have only to believe in yourself, and strength fuss about it; you have done everything possible; leave
within you will be released. the results to God.
In saying the text, try it this way, “God’s abundance,
peace, and power are within me. I lack for nothing.”
14. 17.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help Now unto him that is able to do exceeding
in trouble. —Psalm 46:1 abundantly above all that we ask or think, according
to the power that worketh in us.
When trouble strikes, what you want is comfort and —Ephesians 3:20
protection. You want strength to stand up to it and meet
it. Today, remind yourself that nothing is too good to be
You can have both. This text contains the answer. true. Your great hopes can be realized. Your most
Frequently remind yourself that God is with you that He wonderful dreams can come true. All that you really
will never fail you that you can count upon Him. Say need, you can have. An incredible goodness is operating
these words, “God is with me, helping me.” in your behalf.
This will give you a sense of comfort. New hope will If you are living a paltry life, resolve to stop it today.
flood your mind. New ideas will come. A new sense of Expect great things to happen. Confidently receive
power will be felt. As a result, you will rise above your God's abundant blessings. Do not think lack. Instead
trouble. think prosperity, abundance, the best of everything. God
When a particular trouble arises, before you do wants to give to you, His child, every good thing. Don’t
anything else about it, sit down quietly, repeat this text a hinder His generosity.
half dozen times, and put your full faith in it.
15. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall
He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he. —Matthew 7:7
—Proverbs 16:20
This is a very practical technique of prayer. It works
To live successfully, one must overcome blundering amazingly. One reason we do not get answers to our
ineptness, the tendency to do and say the wrong thing. prayers is that we ask, but do not really expect to re-
One must develop the deft and skillful touch that makes ceive. We are expert askers, but inexpert receivers.
things turn out right. This spiritual formula tells us to ask and then
A thing does not go wrong because of some perverse immediately conceive of ourselves as receiving. For
fate. It is more than likely that you lack the right slant, the example, to be free from fear, ask the Lord to free you.
proper approach. Then believe that He has immediately done so. The
If such is the case, what you need is wisdom. If you minute you express your faith by sincerely asking Him
let today's text seep from your conscious to your for a blessing and believe your prayer is answered, your
subconscious mind, it will correct the error pattern within prayer is answered.
you and gradually endow you with wisdom.
16. I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to
Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your be content. —Philippians 4: 11
soul shall live. —Isaiah 55:3
Your present situation may not be to your liking.
Most people live on the surface. They miss the most Perhaps you are dissatisfied and discouraged. Put the
astonishing things. They see and yet they do not see. matter in God's hands. If He wants you elsewhere, He
And the reason is they aren’t really looking. will lead you there, providing you are amenable to His
The same is true about what they hear. They listen will.
with the outer ear, only. For example, people go to But perhaps He wants you where you are. In that
church, and the Gospel never penetrates beyond the case, He will help you to adjust to the situation. He will
outer consciousness. That is because people do not make you content, even grateful for present
listen with all their faculties. They do not lose themselves opportunities. Learn the great art of doing the best you
in it. can, with what you have, where you are.
But when one inclines his ear and hears, listening as When you do this, you learn how to reach the better
though his life depended upon it, getting every word, condition, or how to make your present situation a better
letting it sink into his mind by a deep and powerful one.
penetration, then the message falls like a healing
potency upon him. Every spiritual disease germ is killed,
and he lives with new health and strength.
20. 23.
My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expecta- But as many as received Him, to them gave He
tion is from Him. —Psalm 62:5 power. —John 1:12

One of the most serious and powerful facts in human You can possess within yourself all the power you
nature is that you are likely to get what you are basically will ever need in life.
expecting. Spend years developing the mental attitude The method for securing power is very simple and
of expecting that things are not going to turn out well, depends entirely upon you. This text gives the formula: It
and you are likely to get that result. You create a mental is to “receive” Christ. When this is sincerely done, you
condition slanted to an unhappy outcome. will in turn receive power.
If, on the contrary, you develop and maintain a And how do you receive Him? Simply decide that you
mental attitude of faith and expectancy—hoping, want Him, tell Him so and mean it. Then, starting today,
dreaming, believing, praying, working—you will create begin to live on a basis you know He would approve.
conditions in which every good thing can and will grow. The essence of the formula is surrender to God’s will
Fill your mind with the positive power of spiritual and Christ’s way. It is the acceptance of a new manner
expectancy, and God and His good will flow toward you. of thought and life. Continue to re-surrender yourself
every day, and in proportion as you do so, you will feel
spiritual power surging in.
Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, nei-
ther be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with 24.
thee whithersoever thou goest. The thing, which I greatly feared is come upon me,
—Joshua 1:9 and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.
—Job 3:25
Here is a mental stimulus of tremendous power,
which, if received and retained in your consciousness, This thought conditioner states a very serious warn-
will give you courage to overcome every difficulty. ing. If, over a long period of time, a person habitually
Nothing can ever dismay you. You may question fears something, there is a tendency for that fear to be-
whether mere words can accomplish so great a result, come a reality.
but never minimize the creative force of an active idea. A For example, if you fear that you are going to fail, and
mental concept has more voltage than electricity; you constantly entertain thoughts of failure, you will
civilizations are changed by ideas. Emerson said, create a mental condition that is propitious to failure.
“Beware of an idea whose time has come.” Creative, positive, success factors are repelled by your
mind because your mind is filled with defeat attitudes.
On the contrary, if you hold the faith thought, the
22. positive thought, you will create about yourself an
Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. atmosphere propitious to success, health and well-
—Romans 12:2 being.

People often manufacture their own unhappiness by

the negative manner in which they think about things. 25.
Work with your mind, exercise disciplinary control, and This one thing I do, forgetting those things, which
re-slant your thoughts for happier living. are behind, and reaching forth unto those things
Drain the mind, by consciously conceiving of yourself which are before, I press toward the mark for the
as dropping out every destructive thought, every fear, prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
every inferiority feeling. Picture your mind as completely —Philippians 3:13-14
empty. Then start filling it with thoughts of God, and of
Christ, thoughts about every good and pleasant thing. Every person, if he is to have mental health and live
Practice this new habit regularly twice every day, successfully, must move away from past failures and
morning and evening, to counteract the older and mistakes and go forward without letting them be a
negative habit of allowing unhappy things to occupy your weight upon him.
mind. In due course, unhappy thoughts will not feel at The art of forgetting is absolutely necessary. Every
home in your mind, and happy thoughts will transform night when you lie down to sleep, practice dropping the
you. day into the past. It is over, finished. Look confidently to
the future with God.
26. 29.
In all these things we are more than conquerors I can do all things through Christ, which strength-
through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that eneth me. —Philippians 4:13
neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, This is an antidote for every defeat feeling. If you feel
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall downed by situations, and the going is hard, this
be able to separate us from the love of God, which is statement will remind you that you do not need to
in Christ Jesus our Lord. —Romans 8:37-39 depend upon your own strength entirely, but that Christ
is with you and is now giving you all the help you need.
These words mean that no matter what happens, Teach yourself to believe that through Christ’s help
nothing can separate you from God's love and you can do all things. As you continue this affirmation,
protection. The secret is to build up in your mind, day by you will actually experience Christ's help. You will find
day, the knowledge and realization of God's presence yourself meeting problems with new mental force. You
and His love for you. Dwell on this mentally until it will carry heavy burdens with ease. Your new “lifting”
becomes an unshakeable fact. power will amaze you.

27. 30.
If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. In Him we live, and move, and have our being.
—John 7:37 —Acts 17:28

Every now and then, deep unsatisfied longings well This text is a formula for maintaining physical, men-
up within us. We may seem to have everything the heart tal, and spiritual energy. The tension and pressure of
can desire and ought to be perfectly satisfied. But still modern living draws wearily upon our energies. But here
these vague dissatisfactions alloy our happiness. we have a renewal method. The text reminds us that
When you notice such feelings, try saying this verse God created us and that He can constantly and auto-
a few times. As you do so, try to imagine how Jesus matically re-create us. The secret is to maintain contact
looked when He said these words: the kindness, the with God. This channels vitality and energy and constant
understanding, the peace on His face. Try picturing replenishment into our being.
yourself as receiving from Him a drink of cold water— Every day, preferably about mid-afternoon when an
symbolic of the water of life that completely satisfies energy lag usually comes, try repeating this text while
thirst so that one never thirsts again. Affirm that you visualizing yourself as “plugged” into the spiritual line.
receive from Him the ultimate in soul satisfaction. A Affirm that God’s recreative energy is restoring strength
deep inner peace will gradually grow upon you. and power to every part of your body, your mind, and
your soul.
Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do 31.
good to them that hate you, and pray for them which If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old
despitefully use you, and persecute you. — things are passed away; behold all things are
Matthew 5:44 become new. —II Corinthians 5:17

Make a list of all the people who have hurt and mis- Never be discouraged about yourself. You may have
treated you or whom you do not like. Then pray for each tried all your life long to rid yourself of your weaknesses,
by name and sincerely practice forgiving each one. Ask your obsessions, jealousies, sins, inferiorities, without
the Lord to bless them. Tell the Lord that you want to success. Your failure is probably that you have been try-
mean this. Repel the thought that after all you are “justi- ing to make yourself over. That is a long, tedious, and
fied” in your resentment. essentially impossible project.
Then speak kindly about these persons to others. Go But it can be done in no time at all by Christ. All you
out of your way to help them. This will, in time, break need do is to say to Him simply, “Lord, I do not want to
down many barriers, but even if it shouldn’t, the effect be this way anymore,” and mean it. He will do for you
upon you will be amazing. It will clear the channel what you cannot do for yourself—effect a lasting change
through which spiritual power flows into you. in you. Ask Him to change you.
32. 35.
Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain
removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be
not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those moved. —PsaIm 55:22
things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall
have whatsoever he saith. —Mark 11:23 A human mind can stand only so much weight. One
mental burden piled upon another, unless relief is ob-
Almost alone this passage can revolutionize your life tained, will in due course reach your breaking point and
and change defeat into victory. cause serious difficulty. Fortunately, you do not need to
What does it tell you? That your “mountain,” that carry your burdens without assistance. God will help you
great rock—like obstruction, that tremendous barrier, carry them.
can be broken down and ousted from your life. You must But how is this done? It is accomplished in the mind.
not doubt "in your heart." Allow no negative thoughts to Practice thinking that God is actually with you. Tell Him
exist in your subconscious mind. about your burdens, and believe that He relieves and
Pray that your mountainous difficulty shall be assists you. Form a picture of yourself as shifting your
removed and, as you pray, believe that it is being done burdens to Him. He is willing to assume them and is
then and now. Don’t have the hazy idea that “this perfectly able to do so. But, and this is most important,
mountain” may be removed sometime in the future, but don’t half give them. And don’t take them back. Let God
believe that God is removing it for you now. handle them. Leave them with Him.

33. 36.
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; stayed on Thee. —Isaiah 26:3
they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk
and not faint. —Isaiah 40:31 If your mind is filled with defeat thoughts, fear
thoughts, resentment thoughts, you are bound to be in a
This beautiful sentence describes the greatest ex- state of mental unrest, even turmoil, and of course there
perience that can ever happen to you. It is called spiri- can be no inner peace.
tual experience. You get it by completely surrendering This passage advises you to practice thinking about
yourself to God, and experiencing His presence. Then God, to keep your mind “stayed” or fixed, not upon your
the heavy weights of your life drop away, and you are troubles but upon God.
lifted to eagle-like levels of freedom and power. Keep your mind on God for as many minutes during
But no one can permanently live in such exalted the day as possible. This may be difficult at first for you
emotional heights. Nevertheless, the power stays with are unused to spiritual concentration. Practice will make
you so that you can move through life with a speed and it easier.
strength you never had before; you can “run and not be
weary.” Then even when you get up against day-by-day
situations that used to be difficult and monotonous, this 37.
power is so great that it keeps you going without This is the refreshing. —Isaiah 28:12
depletion of strength.
Spiritual experience begins by lifting you to new high These few words remind us of a spring of cool water
levels, after which it helps you to keep going with because of their renewing quality. The frequent use of
continuous power. today’s text has an invigorating effect.
Sometimes, after a busy day or even in the midst of
exacting activities, stop and say these words over to
34. yourself and note how they dissipate weariness and
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have en- refresh the body, mind, and spirit.
tered into the heart of man, the things which God The best method for using these words is to say
hath prepared for them that love Him. them slowly, emphasizing their soft quiet melody. At the
—I Corinthians 2:9 same time conceive of peace, rest, and renewal as
coming to you.
Possibly life has become difficult—even dismal. You
may not be getting zest or thrill out of living.
The text for today will restore the old delight in life. It
tells you that you have never seen, nor heard, nor even
imagined all the marvelous, amazingly fascinating things
that God will do for those who love Him, trust Him, and
put His principles into practice.
As you surrender your life to God, every experience
of living will grow increasingly more wonderful.
I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered
me from all my fears. —Psalm 34:4

A cure for fear that will absolutely work is to get close

to God in your thoughts. He is the only certain unchang-
ing factor in the world. He will never let you down nor
forget you. If plagued by fear, do what this text says:
“Seek the Lord.” That may be done by spending 15 min-
utes every day just thinking about God. You can split this
up into five minute periods, but never let a day pass
without spending 15 minutes thinking about God.
Each day, make the following statement, “I surrender
myself and all my problems, my loved ones, my future
into the hands of God, and I trust Him.”
Three times every day, thank God for all His
goodness. Soon your life will be filled with God, and
emptied of apprehensions.

When ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught
against any. —Mark 11:25

If you are not getting answers to your prayers, check

yourself very thoroughly and honestly as to whether you
have resentments in your mind.
Spiritual power cannot pass through a personality
where resentment exists. Hate is a non-conductor of
spiritual energy.
I suggest that every time you pray, you add this
phrase, “Lord, take from my thought all ill will, grudges,
hates, jealousies.” Then practice casting these things
from your thoughts.

They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more;
neither shall the sunlight on them, nor any heat. For
the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall
feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains
of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from
their eyes.
—Revelation 7:16-17

This is one of the most comforting passages in all

literature. It teaches that our loved ones are in a place of
peace and beauty. They are under the watchful care of
God and regularly experience His tenderness. The deep
hunger and thirst of their souls has been satisfied. God,
like a loving mother, puts His protection over them and
with a kindly hand wipes away every tear from their
eyes. This He has done for your dear ones who have
crossed over to the other side.
If you learn to love this passage and meditate upon it,
He will wipe away every tear from your eyes, also.

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