FTA REliability
FTA REliability
FTA REliability
ABSTRACT Attributing to the unique feature of zero carbon emission, electric vehicles (EVs) are attracting
increasing interest in recent years, but their reliability, particularly the reliability of their critical components,
is still a matter of concern today. In order to address this issue, much effort has been made before to
assess the reliability of drive motor in the EVs. However, drive motor and motor controller are logically
integrated and requested to work as one system in the EVs. In contrast to the individual reliability analysis
of them, the combined assessment of the two parts can provide a more reliable prediction to the reliability
of the entire motor system. Moreover, both drive motor and motor controller are composed of multiple
components. The structure, type, and characteristics of these components may affect the reliability of the
motor system as well. But these issues have not been considered in the previous research. In order to fill
this gap of knowledge, the reliability of the entire motor system of pure electric vans that includes both
drive motor and motor controller is investigated in this paper. In the research, the theoretical failure rates of
subassemblies and components in drive motor and motor controller are predicted first. Then based on the
failure rate prediction results, the reliability of the entire motor system (comprising both drive motor and
motor controller) is assessed. Based on the assessment results, some interesting conclusions with respect to
the most vulnerable subassemblies and components in the entire motor system and the potential disadvantage
of existing reliability research are finally obtained. It is deemed that these new findings will be of great
significance to the future reliability design and maintenance of pure electric vans.
INDEX TERMS Reliability, electric vehicles, motor system, motor controller, fault tree analysis.
I. INTRODUCTION diesel and petrol vehicles at some point in the near future. For
Encouraged by financial subsidies and policy dividends, example, it would be 2040 in the UK. This means that there
the market of electric vehicles is booming across the world will be many pure electric vehicles running on the road in the
today. The recent survey has shown that China, the UK, following years. That is why their reliability in the application
the United States, and Germany currently top the world is receiving more concern than ever before.
ranking of the sales of pure electric vehicles [1]. Take the Broadly speaking, pure electric vehicles can be classified
Chinese market as an example, total 984,000 pure electric into two categories, i.e. passenger cars and commercial vehi-
vehicles were sold in China in 2018, which was an increase cles. Their market share splits are about 80% versus 20%. For
of 50.8% over the same period of the previous year [1]. It is example, 788,000 passenger cars and 196,000 commercial
deemed that pure electric vehicles will replace traditional vehicles were sold in China in 2018 [1]. In terms of relia-
bility, the practice has shown that the latter is more prone to
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and develop failure in the application, although such a comment
approving it for publication was Lorenzo Ciani . has not yet been officially reported before in open literature.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
VOLUME 8, 2020 5295
X. Shu et al.: Detailed Reliability Study of the Motor System in Pure Electric Vans by the Approach of Fault Tree Analysis
For this reason, the research in this paper will be focused on to fill these gaps of knowledge by looking into the reliability
investigating the reliability of commercial vehicles. Herein, issues of all subassemblies and components in both the drive
considering more than 90% of sold commercial vehicles are motor and motor controller. The outcome of this research
pure electric vans [1] and the motor system is the most key should be a good complement to the current knowledge of
part in these vehicles, the reliability of the motor system in electric vehicles and it will also bring benefits to the emerging
pure electric vans will be studied in the following. electric vehicle industry.
The motor system in pure electric vans is used to con- Fault tree analysis, an effective methodology for conduct-
vert the electric energy into mechanical energy to drive the ing reliability and safety assessment, has been extensively
vehicle. Any reliability issue existing in the motor system used to investigate the reliability issues in various systems.
may lead to dangerous accidents on the road. Therefore, For example, the potential failures of wind turbine were qual-
it is essential to investigate its reliability issues, identify itatively and quantitatively evaluated by using the fault tree
the vulnerable parts in the system, and then improve its analysis method in [14], and it was found that the majority
design based on the investigation results [2], [3]. In order of floating turbine failures are due to marine conditions, salt-
to meet this purpose, much effort has been made before. spray, and high wind speed; the fault tree analysis method
A detailed literature review has shown that so far, the majority was further improved in [15] in order to adapt to performing
of published works in the relevant area are focused on how the qualitative analysis of complex systems containing multi-
to improve the control and fault tolerance performance of component systems; the dynamic fault tree analysis model
motor systems. For example, the fault tolerance performance was developed in [16] to determine the average maintenance
of multi-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor was period of a floating wind turbine; the dynamic fault tree
investigated in [4] with the aid of a multi-level Markov model; models were developed in [6] and [17] for assessing the relia-
the similar research on motor drives was also conducted bility of a fault-tolerant control system and a vehicle guidance
in [5] by using the Monte Carlo method in order to get bet- system in unmanned aerial vehicles; and so on. In view of
ter fault-tolerance mechanisms. The reliability of automated these previously successful applications of fault tree analysis,
guided vehicles’ (AVGs) control system was studied in [6] it will be taken in this paper to investigate the reliability of the
by using a combined fault tree and Petri net approach; the motor system of pure electric vans. The remaining parts of the
research was further improved by the authors in [7] through paper are organized as below:
introducing genetic algorithm method into the maintenance In Section 2, the motor system of pure electric vans will
strategy optimization. Fault classification method and fault- be briefly introduced so as the reader can have a basic under-
tolerant control strategies were adopted in [8] in order to standing of it. In Section 3, the fault tree of the drive motor
improve the dynamic performance and control stability of and motor controller will be developed and following which
electric vehicles. The reliability of drive motor and electronic the mathematical methods for predicting the failure rates of
converter for power supply was also studied by scholars. For basic events will be developed. To ease understanding, a case
example, the reliability of the drive motor of EVs was studied study is conducted in Section 4, in which the failure rate,
in [9], [10] by using a combined fault tree and Petri net reliability of the subassemblies in the motor system of the
approach, and the fault logical causes by the winding insu- pure electric vans will be calculated and analyzed. The paper
lation and bearing with higher fault rate were investigated will be finally concluded in Section 5.
in [11] by the approach of fault tree analysis. The reliability of
bidirectional DC/DC converters of EVs was studied in [12]; II. THE MOTOR SYSTEM IN PURE ELECTRIC VANS
the age and life of power converter components were esti- As shown in Fig.1, the motor system of pure electric vans is
mated in [13] based on a survey, and so on. However, it is a gearless system. It is simply composed of a drive motor and
noticed that in previous research, the reliability study was an associated motor controller. The drive motor will be used
mainly focused on the analysis of drive motor, and the reli- to drive the wheels directly via rear axle. The motor controller
ability issues in the motor controller were rarely discussed. is used to control the torque, speed and rotation direction of
This may lead to unreliable research conclusions due to the drive motor according to the vehicle driving demand. Fig.1,
fact that the drive motor and motor controller are logically the black and red dot lines are the Control Area Network
integrated. They are always requested to work as one system (CAN) lines, it connecting the motor controller, Vehicle Con-
and cannot be dealt with individually. A combined reliability trol Unit (VCU) and the units that are designed to implement
assessment of the two parts will provide a more reliable different control functions.
prediction of the reliability of the entire motor system. How- From Fig.1, the drive motor is the core component that is
ever, such detailed reliability research of the entire motor used to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy [18].
system has not been conducted before. This motivates the In order to ease understanding, the structure of the drive motor
research of this paper. Moreover, both drive motor and motor is shown in Fig.2.
control are composed of multiple components. The structure, As shown in Fig.2, the drive motor comprises a shell, stator,
type, and characteristics of components may also affect the rotor, bearing, and position sensor. As soon as electric power
reliability of the entire motor system. However, this has not is applied to the stator, a rotating magnetic field will be gen-
been considered before either. The purpose of this research is erated. Then, the rotor will be driven to rotate in the magnetic
FIGURE 2. The structure of the drive motor in pure electric vans. 1 - rotor,
2 - rotor end cover, 3 - bearing, 4 - spline, 5 - fastening screw of rotor
balance end cap, 6 - inlet of cooling water, 7 - jacket of cooling water,
8 - stator winding, 9 - core of stator, 10 - sealing rings of bearing, 11 - end
cap fastening screw, 12 - junction box, 13 - seal ring, 14 - cable fixed
head, 15 - fastening screw of rear end cap, 16 - position sensor,
17 - grease seal, 18 - three-phase lines, 19 - position sensor.
Likewise, the failure rate of the stator, transducers and motor controller can be described by using the diagram in
the other components in the drive motor can be respectively Fig.7.
expressed as Based on Fig.7, the reliability of the motor controller can
be predicted by [27]
λgm2 = λm3 + λm4
λgm3 = λm5 + λm6 (6) Rc (S2 ) = P (cx1 ) P (cx2 ) . . . P (cx5 ) = P(cxi ) (7)
λgm4 = λm7 + λm8 + λm9 + λm10
where P(cxi ) indicates the reliability probability function of
the i-th component in Fig.7.
The physical means of all variables in (5) and (6) can be Define the failure of the motor controller as the top event
found in Table 1. (S2) and the failures of these components as the basic events
ec1 to ec14, the fault tree of the motor controller can be
B. RELIABILITY STUDY OF MOTOR CONTROLLER constructed. It is shown in Fig.8. Where, the intermediate
As shown in Fig.3, the motor controller is composed of events are gc1 to gc4, which are the logical combination
power electronic components and a housing shell. Due to the of the relevant basic events. All these events are explained
housing shell is reliable and has little chance to affect the in Table 3.
reliability of the motor controller, it will not be considered Herein, it is worth noting that the capacitor mentioned
in the following study. The motor controller consists of bus- in Table 3 is used to balance the power during the change
bar capacitors, control module, driver module, discharging of power frequency and the power output from the rectifier.
module, communication module, and IGBT. Since a fault On the one hand, it will absorb the energy produced by the
occurring in any of these components can lead to the failure drive motor when power switching devices are switched off
of the motor controller, the reliability block diagram of the in the scenario of an urgent stop. It will provide instantaneous
TABLE 4. Other parameters in equation (8). TABLE 6. Parts of the drive motor.
TABLE 7. Parameters for calculating the failure rates of drive motor components.
stator, and other associated components. Therefore, accord- motor components can be readily obtained. They are listed
ing to the Handbook of Reliability Prediction Procedures for in Table 7.
Mechanical Equipment NSWC-09 [22] and Chinese elec- Then, calculate the failure rate of every component in the
tric vehicle technical requirements standards [25], [26], all fault tree model of the drive motor by substituting these
parameters used for calculating the failure rate of these drive parameters into (2)-(6). The obtained calculation results
FIGURE 10. Calculation results of the failure rate of drive motor components.
TABLE 10. Parameters used for calculating the failure rates of SMCs.
FIGURE 12. Calculation results of the failure rates of different motor controller parts.
According to IEC TR62308-2004, MIL-HDBH-217E and in Table 12. In parallel, the calculation results are also illus-
the technical standards for the Chinese electric vehicle indus- trated in Fig.12 so as the reader can have an intuitive under-
try [23], [24], [26], the failure rates of all SMCs are calcu- standing of the reliability of the different parts of the motor
lated. The parameters used for calculating the failure rate are controller.
listed in Table 10, and failure rate calculation results are listed From Fig.12, it is found that the PCB of the control module
in Table 11. is the most vulnerable part in the motor controller (i.e. its
Based on the data listed in Table 11, the failure rate of failure rate is as high as 3.058), followed by the PCB of
motor controller parts is calculated by substituting these the drive board module (i.e. its failure rate is 1.116). The
parameters into (8-12). The calculation results are listed master chip and communication chip, as well as optocoupler,
TABLE 11. SMCs on boards and their failure rate calculation results. TABLE 12. Failure rates of motor controller parts.
Although the calculation results presented above have
indicated the reliability of individual components, the infor-
mation provided by them remains the ‘snapshots’ of the reli-
ability of the motor system. For this reason, the unreliability
indices of the drive motor and motor controller as well as
the entire motor system are evaluated based on the above
calculation results in order to obtain a more comprehensive
understanding of the reliability of the motor system. Herein,
the unreliability indices of the drive motor and its controller
are estimated with the aid of Eqns. (1) and (7). The equations
for calculating the unreliability indices are
Fm (t) = 1 − Rm (S1 )
Fc (t) = 1 − RC (S2 ) (13)
Fmc (t) = 1 − (1 − F m (t))(1 − F c (t))
The authors gratefully acknowledge Prof. B. Pailthorpe and
Dr. N. Bordes for useful discussions and consultations.
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