Combined HSC 1ST PAPER
Combined HSC 1ST PAPER
Combined HSC 1ST PAPER
Comprehension Practice
Unit - 1
Class - HSC
Comprehension Practice
HW: CW:54 English 1st Paper
Seen Comprehension iii) dreadful iv) happy
Read the passage. Then answer the questions below. 4. What is the closest meaning of 'agony'?
My brothers, i) painful ii) anguish
I stand before you today with a heart overflowing with iii) miserable iv) suffering
grief. You are fully aware of the events that are going on 5. What does the word 'victor' mean?
and understand their importance. We have been trying to i) win ii) lose
do our best to cope with the situation. And yet, iii) winner iv) loser
unfortunately, the streets of Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, 6. What does the word 'history' mean in the
Rajshahi and Rangpur are awash with the blood of our passage?
brothers. The people of Bengal now want to be free, the i) past ii) narration
people of Bengal now want to live, and the people of
Bengal now want their rights. iii) story iv) description
What have we done that was wrong? After the elections, 7. What is the meaning of 'form' in the passage?
the people of Bangladesh voted as one for me, for the i) develop ii) fashion
Awami League. We were to sit in the National iii) establish iv) document
Assembly, draft a constitution for ourselves there, and 8. What does the word 'declare' mean?
build our country; the people of this land would thereby i) to read something
get economic, political, and cultural freedom. But it is ii) to utter formally
with regret that I have to report to you today that we iii) to say informally
have passed through twenty-three tragic years; Bengal's
NabeelSir -
iv) to announce officially
history of those years is full of stories of torture inflicted
on our people, of blood shed by them repeatedly. 9. What does the word 'crimson' refer to?
Twenty-three years of a history of men and women in i) clean ii) glorify
agony! iii) red iv) fulfil
The history of Bengal is the history of a people who 10. What does the expression ‘I went so far as to
have repeatedly made their highways crimson with their say’ refer to?
blood. We shed blood in 1952; even though we were the i) I went far away to say
victors in the elections of 1954 we could not form a ii) I even said
government then. In 1958 Ayub Khan declared Martial iii) I reached in a distant place
Law to enslave us for the next ten years. In 1966 when iv) I wanted to say
we launched the six point movement our boys were shot 11. The word 'shed' refers to
dead on 7 June. When after the movement of 1969 Ayub i) shadow ii) exude
Khan fell from power and Yahya Khan assumed the
reins of the government he declared that he would give iii) throw iv) scatter
us a constitution and restore democracy; we listened to 12. What does the word 'enslave' mean in the
him then. A lot has happened since and elections have passage?
taken place. i) support ii) favour
I have met President Yahya Khan. I have made a request iii) offer iv) subjugate
to him not only on behalf of Bengal but also as the 13. The word 'assume' means mean?
leader of the party which has the majority in Pakistan; I i) undertake ii) expect
said to him: “You must hold the session of the National iii) guess iv) require
Assembly on 15 January”. But he did not listen to me. 14. What does ‘carry out’ refer to?
He listened to Mr. Bhutto instead. At first he said that i) carry on ii) leave
the meeting would take place in the first week of March.
We said, “Fine, we will be taking our seats in the iii) accomplish iv) think
Assembly then”. I said we will carry out our discussions 15. What is the meaning of the word ‘repeatedly’
in the Assembly. I went so far as to say that if anyone in the passage?
came up with an offer that was just, even though we i) once ii) only
were in the majority we would agree to that offer. [Unit- iii) frequently iv) infrequently
1, Lesson-1 [2]] 16. Which of the followings is the correct
meaning of the word ‘restore’ used in the
1. Choose the correct answer from the following passage?
alternatives. 17=7 i) re-establish ii) recover
1. What is the closest meaning of the word iii) cure iv) update
'grief'? 17. What is the meaning of the word ‘Assembly’?
i) pitiable ii) anguish i) a meeting ii) a group of people
iii) praiseworthy iv) cheerfulness iii) the state iv) none of them
2. What does the phrase 'cope with' mean? 18. What does ‘just’ mean in the passage?
i) deal in ii) deal out i) impartial ii) perfectly
iii) survive iv) deal with iii) simply iv) now
3. The word 'tragic' means — 19. What does the word 'awash' in line 6 mean?
i) glorious ii) fortunate i) arid ii) flooded
“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”
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Comprehension Practice
iii) dry iv) consumed ii) the control of a city, country etc. by the
20. The best synonym of ‘draft’ is —— army
i) fill ii) clear iii) the regime of a leading political party
iii) vacate iv) draw iv) none of them
21. The word ‘regret’ means —— 36. The six point movement was launched —
i) joy ii) matter of sorrow years after Ayub Khan had declared Martial
iii) pleasure iv) anxiety Law.
22. The word ‘tragic’ means —— i) 11 ii) 12
i) pathetic ii) matter of pleasure iii) 10 iv) 08
iii) sympathetic iv) bad luck 37. What does the sentence "Ayub Khan fell
23. The meaning of the word 'torture' is —— from power" mean?
i) depression ii) peace i) Ayub Khan had to resign from power
iii) oppression iv) relax ii) Ayub Khan died
24. The word ‘crimson’ refers to —— iii) Ayub Khan became the Premier
i) bloodshed ii) black iv) Ayub Khan rebuilt the constitution
iii) something very smooth 38. What was the request made by Sheikh
iv) flowers Mujibur Rahman to the then President?
25. What does the phrase 'a heart overflowing i) to step down as President
with grief' in the passage mean? ii) to listen to Mr. Bhutto
i) a pensive mood iii) to hold the session of the National Assembly
ii) a jocund mind iv) to declare democracy
iii) an angered heart 39. Which of the followings is a correct
NabeelSir -
iv) a relieved mind statement?
26. The word 'inflict' mentioned in the passage i) This speech was made by Bangabandhu
means —— Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
i) oppose ii) suppose ii) Ayub Khan assumed the reigns after Yahya
iii) impose iv) imprecate Khan
27. The meaning of the word 'assume' is —— iii) Mr. Bhutto listened to what Sheikh Mujibur
i) take ii) contain Rahman said
iii) presume iv) remain iv) Yahya Khan held the session on 15 January
28. The word 'election' means —— 40. — was the person in charge of the party that
i) an instance of seeing or beholding had the majority in Pakistan?
ii) a personal view, attitude or appraisal i) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
iii) a public vote upon a proposition submitted ii) Yahya Khan
iv) the formal expression of a professional judgement iii) Mr. Bhutto
29. The word 'Assembly' means —— iv) Ayub Khan
i) the position of celestial body 41. What does the statement "Yahya Khan
ii) a legislative body assumed the reins" refer to?
iii) a single step or degree in a process
iv) a place of rest on a journey i) Yahya Khan resigned
30. The meaning of the word 'launch' is —— ii) Yahya Khan took control of the government
i) cease ii) finish iii) Yahya Khan handed over power to Ayub
iii) receive iv) initiate Khan
31. The word 'offer' stands for —— iv) Yahya Khan restored democracy
i) proposal ii) denial 42. How many tragic years have we passed
iii) withdrawal iv) refusal through?
32. The word 'negotiations' is —— i) 26 years ii) 21 years
i) discussions ii) problems iii) 23 years iv) 57 years
iii) understanding iv) nemesis 43. Which year is not mentioned in the passage?
33. The term 'constitution' means —— i) 1954 ii) 1952
i) administration ii) reign iii) 1958 iv) 1971
iii) code of laws iv) code of conduct 44. When we launched the six-point movement,
34. What does the clause "We shed blood in our boys were shot dead on ——
1952" mean in the passage? i) 7th March ii) 7th June
i) Bangladesh came into being in 1952. iii) 25th March iv) 15th January
ii) We donated our blood in 1952. 45. When did Ayub Khan declare Martial Law?
iii) The real history of Bengal emerged in 1952. i) 1952 ii) 1944
iv) We sacrificed our lives in 1952. iii) 1958 iv) 1966
35. What is Martial Law? 46. Why did not President Yahya listen to Sheikh
i) the rules and regulation of a country set by a Mujibur Rahman?
man called ‘Martial’ i) because he did not like Sheikh Mujib
ii) because he wanted to make Bhutto President
“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”
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Comprehension Practice
iii) because he did not want to give the seats Ans. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman made his
which were won by Awami League historically significant speech in the field of
iv) because he wanted to break Pakistan Suhrawardi Udyan in the afternoon on 7 March,
47. Which of the cities are awash with blood of 1971.
our brothers? 2) What did he say about the will of the people
i) Dhaka, Chattogram, Barishal, Khulna of Bengal?
ii) Dinajpur, Khulna, Rajshahi Ans. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said
iii) Chattogram, Bhola, Jashore, Sylhet about the will of the people that the people of
iv) Khulna, Dhaka, Rangpur, Chattogram Bengal want to be free, want to thrive and want
48. "You must hold the session of the National
to gain their rights.
Assembly on 15 January." To whom Sheikh
Mujib had said this? 3) What did he say about the twenty-three
i) President Yahya Khan tragic years of Bengal?
ii) Mr. Bhutto Ans. Bangabandhu reported that Bengal's history of
iii) to the government the 23 tragic years is full of stories of torture
iv) Ayub Khan inflicted on the people, of blood shed by them
49. Why did Ayub Khan fall from power? repeatedly. It was also a history of men and
i) because of the movement of 1969 women in agony or anguish.
ii) because Yahya Khan removed him 4) What would the elected members have to do
iii) because of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s after the general election?
request Ans. After the general election, the elected members
iv) because Mr. Bhutto requested Yahya to be would have to sit in the National Assembly,
NabeelSir -
the President draft a constitution for themselves (country) and
50. The passage is significant because—— build the country so that the people would get
i) it is talking about oppressions of Pakistani economic, political and cultural freedom.
leaders 5) Why do you think Ayub Khan declared
ii) it is talking about the history of Bangladesh Martial Law? Explain in brief.
iii) it is talking about 1952 Ans. Despite our victory in the election of 1954, we
iv) it is the speech which motivated us to fight
could not form a government. Amidst this, in
for freedom
1958, Ayub Khan declared Martial Law and as a
51. The speaker (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman) showed all —— attitude towards consequence, we had been enslaved for the next
the Pakistani rulers. ten years. Thus, with a view to restraining us
i) adamant ii) negligent from forming the government, Ayub Khan
iii) aristocratic iv) compromising imposed Martial Law.
52. The speaker had the majority but he wanted 6) "We shed blood in 1952"-why did
to have a —— with the Pakistani rulers. Bangabandhu said this?
i) friendly atmosphere Ans. By the statement, Bangabandhu referred to the
ii) fruitful discussion Language Movement held in 1952. For our
iii) political encounter mother tongue, we had to sacrifice our lives.
iv) secret meeting Many of our people embraced death for
53. President Yahya Khan was —— of the language in 1952. Thus, Bangabandhu showed
speaker. our sacrifices and West Pakistan's cruelty here.
i) on good term ii) neglectful 7) Do you think Yahya Khan was the man of his
iii) merciful iv) heedful word? Why/Why not? Explain in brief.
54. The history of twenty-three years is full of — Ans. I don't think Yahya Khan was the man of his
— word. After assuming the reins of the
i) mystery and joy government in 1969, he declared that he would
ii) grief and achievement give us a constitution and also promised to
iii) pain, pangs and plight
restore democracy. However, he later followed
iv) confusion and conflict
55. In 1958, Ayub Khan declared Martial Law — the footsteps of Ayub Khan and did not keep his
— word.
i) to kill the people of Bengal 8) Why did Sheikh Mujibur Rahman meet
ii) to subjugate the people of Bengal president Yahya Khan?
iii) to develop Bengal Ans. Bangabandhu Shiekh Majibur Rahman met
iv) to restore democracy in Bengal president Yahya Khan in order to request him to
2. Answer the following questions. hold the session of the National Assembly on 15
1) Where and when did Bangabandhu Sheikh January.
Mujibur Rahman give his historic speech? 9) From your reading of the passage, mention
the reasons why Ayub Khan fell from power.
NabeelSir -
Khan Do you agree with that? Why/Why Ans. A country can get economic, political and
not? Explain in 2/3 sentences. cultural freedom if the democratically elected
Ans. I completely agree with the fact that Yahya representatives of the country work properly in
Khan followed the footsteps of Ayub Khan. the assembly, creating a suitable constitution for
Ayub Khan imposed Martial Law to enslave us their country.
for the next ten years. Yahya Khan, on the other 18) "I stand before you today with a heart
hand, did not keep his word of restoring overflowing with grief." Who is the speaker
democracy as well as giving us a constitution here? Can you explain the reason of his heart
which is a clear indication to the fact that Yahya being overflowed with grief?
Khan was no different from Ayub Khan. Ans. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the
12) "We could not form a government." What speaker here. The reason of his heart being
does the sentence imply? Explain in 2/3 overflowed with grief is that the Pakistani rulers
sentences. exploited and suppressed the peace-loving
Ans. Despite winning the election, we could not form Bengalis as they demanded freedom. The streets
a government. The statement implies the of Dhaka, Chattogram, Khulna. Rajshahi and
suppression of Ayub Khan, the dictator of the Rangpur were made awash with the blood of the
then Pakistan, who afterwards in 1958, declared freedom-loving people.
Martial Law to enslave us for the next ten years. 19) What is six-point movement and what
13) What did Bangabandhu request Yahya Khan compelled the speaker to launch six-point
on behalf of Bengal and as a leader of the movement?
majority? Explain in 2/3 sentences. Ans. The movement, which is based on six points
Ans. Bangabandhu, on behalf of Bengal and as a against the then government of Pakistan, is
leader of the majority, requested Yahya Khan to called six-point movement. Moreover, as the
hold the session of the National Assembly on 15 speaker and his party could not form a
January. However, Yahya Khan did not pay any government despite being the victors in the
heed to the requisition of Sheikh Mujibur elections of 1954 compelled him to launch the
Rahman. Instead, he listened to Mr. Bhutto and six-point movement in 1966.
kept postponing the date of holding the session 20) What was the outcome of the movement of
of National Assembly. 1969?
14) What are, according to the historic speech of Ans. After the movement of 1969, Ayub Khan fell
Bangabandhu, the demands of the people from power and Yahya Khan assumed the reins
then? of the government.
Ans. According to Bangabandhu, the people of
Bengal wanted to be free, wanted to live and
wanted to gain their legal rights.
NabeelSir -
When What/When Where/Who Why/Event
history of men and women in agony! 1952 (i) Dhaka Bangla as the
What/ Event/ How Why
(iii) legislative Bangladesh the Pakistani
Who Occurrence election (the then East government
(i) tries to remind with (iii) Pakistan) did not (iv)
the audience of 1958 (v) Ayub Khan (vi) people
the events that
of Bengal
1966 (vii) Dhaka (viii)
(iv) tries to make the through his in order to
people of Bengal speech (v)
understand the (ix) Ayub Khan fell (x) occupied the
ongoing events from power state power
(vi) according to' the are awash to fulfil their Ans:
speaker's speech, (vii) demand (i)
(viii) voted for the (ix) for
speaker of the (ii)
Bengal's is full of stories by the ruling
history of torture (x) class of (iii)
Ans: (iv)
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
NabeelSir -
2. Based on your reading of the second passage from 5. Based on your reading of the passage, make short
information transfer make make short notes in each of notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing
the boxes in flow chart showing the background of the the activities of Bangabandhu to hold the National
Liberation War (No. 1 has been done for you.) Assembly. (No. 1 has been done for you.)
1. Bloodshed in Language Movement 1. Met Yahya Khan
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
NabeelSir -
cease stop continue
postponing delaying advancing
code system, regulation
presume believe, guess distrust, prove, hesitate
compose write, comprise
professional expert amateur
conflict fight agreement
proposal suggestion withdrawal
confusion misunderstanding certainty
proposition proposal, intention particular, conclusion
conduct behavior misbehavior
refusal rejection confirmation
crimson red, bloody
regardless irrespective careful, considerate,
compelled bound, forced persuade, convince regardful
compromising negotiating debating regime administration
cope with deal with, content with, struggle regret- repentance, guilt welcome, applaud
reins control, restrain loose, discharge
constitution laws modification, anarchy
reign rule, govern obey, submit
consumed absorbed, swallowed reject, discard
relieved released, comforted worried
deal in sell,
representatives agents, governments autocrat, dictator
deal out give out, distribute
resign leave, quit claim, keep
deal with cope with, manage, handle
restrain confine, prevent force, compel
declare announce, claim, pronounce hide, conceal
restore recover, refresh, reinstate, revive damage, remove,
democracy equality tyranny weaken
denial rejection confirmation rights privilege, liberty
depression unhappiness happiness scatter sprinkle, disperse assemble
deprived disadvantaged fortunate session meeting, sitting disassembly
description explanation concealment sorrow sadness happiness
donate give, contribute keep subjugate overpower, crush liberate
draft draw, plan submitted presented, stated withdrawn
draw draft suppose believe, assume deny, abstain
dreadful terrible, awful pleasant survive live, endure cease, die
embrace hold reject sympathetic concerned, compassionate unfriendly
emerged occurred, began disappeared thereby thus, so
establish institute, found demolish, disprove thrive flourish, prosper wither, decline, waste
expression appearance suppression torture torment, afflict relieve, comfort
exude display, show, ooze absorb, take up tragic sad, disastrous fortunate, lucky
events happenings, actions delight, happiness update inform, modernize retire, obsolete
flooded drowned utter say, relate
fortunate privileged, lucky unfortunate vacate empty occupy
fruitful productive unproductive victor winner, champion, conqueror loser
glorify adore, honour dishonour will wish, desire dislike, denial
glorious magnificent, splendid horrid, miserable withdrawal removal
grief sorrow, trouble, suffering, agony delight, happiness
heedful mindful heedless, neglectful
inflict afflict, apply, enforce, impose, remove, spare
immense huge tiny
impartial neutral, fair unfair
implies suggests explicit
impose execute, enforce remove
imprecate curse
indication sign, hint misdirection
initiate begin, launch finish