Study and Implementation of '5S' Methodology in The Furniture Industry Warehouse For Productivity Improvement

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Study and Implementation of '5S' Methodology in the Furniture Industry

Warehouse for Productivity Improvement

Article  in  International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research · August 2021


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2 authors:

Sagar Wani Dattaji K Shinde

Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 08, August-2021

Study and Implementation of ‘5S’ Methodology in

the Furniture Industry Warehouse for
Productivity Improvement
Sagar Wani Dattaji K.Shinde
PG Student Department of Production Engineering Associate Professor Production Engineering Department
Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute
Mumbai, India, -400019 Mumbai, India-400019

Abstract— The paper represents an application of ‘5S’ maintaining visual workplace. “5S” is workplace management
technology in one of the large warehouses of Furniture Industry to minimize the loss of time and unnecessary movements as
in Maharashtra which is the leading E-commerce Company in well. It comprises 5 principles in making the organization
terms of Furnishing and Home décor products. In simple terms, highly efficient and effective is shown in Fig.1 and those are: -
the ‘5S' approach is a Japanese technique that consists of five ‘S'
terms: Seiri (sorting), Seiton (order), Seiso (shine), Seiketsu
(standardise), and Shitsuke (maintain)having a deep sense for Seiri: - (sorting)
managing the workplace. The goal of implementing 5S in the 1.It Perform Sorting Activities in workplace i.e. what is
workplace is to organise a workspace for efficiency and
required and what is not required.
effectiveness by identifying and storing commonly used objects,
maintaining the area and products, and keeping the new order. 2.It Remove the unwanted things that are at your
The decision-making process is frequently triggered by a workplace.
discussion on standardisation, which helps employees
understand how they should do their duties. The results show 3. Only keep those things that you need on the work floor
that 5S is an effective tool for improvement of organizational
performance, productivity, hygienist.5S technique would
strongly support the objectives of organization to achieve
continuous improvement in performance and productivity.

Keywords—5s,Efficiency, Productivity, Warehouse

operation,5s implementation


In a today's fast business, it is critical to capture

customers' hearts through product or service quality. It is also Fig.1. 5Pillars of 5S
necessary to have productive output that is always improving.
The present need of the organization is to deliver high quality Seiton: - (set in order)
Services through continuous improvement. To fulfill these
requirement, 5S technique emerged for better production in 1. Decide place for everything that you need
the industries [2]. 5S is a technique originated from Japan and
it was first developed by Hiroyuki Hirano. It consists of five 2. Give proper identification to it for ease of search
S words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke, which
indicate Sort, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain, respectively. 3. Keep everything at its defined place after use
The 5S method comes from the Japanese word "Kaizen,"
which means "change for the better." It allows the 4. Make sure every time that everything is at its place
enhancement of efficiency and productivity in the industry.
The 5S technique is a program to achieve total organization Seiso: - (shine)
cleanliness, and standardization in the workplace for better
productivity. The benefit of 5S technique is improvement in 1. Always keep cleanliness at your workplace.
productivity, quality, health, and safety [2].
2. Keep the tools always clean after its use.
“5S” is the techniques which was introduced by Takashi
Osada in the early 1980s [10]. It is basically a workplace 3. Areas should be properly marked or painted.
management methodology which helps for improving working
environment, human capabilities and thereby productivity Seiketsu: - (standardize)
[11]. The word “5S” represents the 5 disciplines for

IJERTV10IS080114 184

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 08, August-2021

1. Define standard method/way of doing the work i.e. prepare B. Warehouse Operation
standard operating procedure (SOP). Warehouse operation or warehousing is one of the most
significant components in supply chain. It is the core
2. Do the work in that method/way only. operation of logistics regarding to distribution activities as
storage and transportation. Managing product to be
3. Maintain the discipline in your work [13]. successfully at the right time, right place and right quantity,
without damages and differentiations is a mission of
Shitsuke: - (sustain) warehouse management. This chapter explains the typical
1. Maintain consistency in the method of doing work [12]. warehouse processes and the integration of warehouse
processes and reverse logistics optimization
2. Stick to the „5S‟ rules for proper workplace management.
C. Typical warehouse processes for distribution chain
3. Encourage the participation of all, for consistency in “5S‟
activities. Basic processes of warehouse in Fig.2 are receiving, put-
away, internal replenishment, order picking, accumulating,
4. Perform “5S‟ activities periodically and sorting, packing, cross docking, dispatch and shipping.
The processes in warehouse as mentioned by Bartholdi &
A. Organization Introduction Hackman are divided into two groups; receiving, put- away,
and storage are considered inbound and order-picking,
Organization is a leading online home and lifestyle service
packing, and shipping are considered outbound processes.
provider company, offering a wide range of furniture and
The details are explained as follows:
home decor products. It is a e-commerce business which has
created a platform for hundreds of furniture vendor to sell
their products through website. They manage home brand &
market-place orders through their platform. Marketplace is for
directly shipping orders from vendors to customers without
storing the inventory in the warehouse. But all the orders are
processed through warehouse only.
Fig.2. Simple flow of warehouse Operation
Organization offers large variety in furniture products
having around 4000 types of unique products in both furniture
and non-furniture (Décor & utility) sector. In 2016, they
shifted to the new warehouse spread over 2,85,000 sq. ft. area Most of the organization workplaces face the problems of
at Bhiwandi near Mumbai, with a capacity to fit about “3 disorder, wastage of time and cost due to non-value-added
airbuses” inside the warehouse. and having racked up to 10 activities. These problems affect the work environment
meters of height, making them largest warehouse for a adversely and accumulate to bigger problems such as long
furniture business in the country. The warehouse is lead times, higher defects, low productivity, frequent
responsible to process all the orders in the west region and breakdowns of machines and hidden safety hazards, thereby
even many products are shipped all over India as per critically affecting the cost competitiveness of the
requirement. The warehouse ships the order to respective organizations. These problems can easily control and reduced
distribution centre and thereafter the product is delivered to by holistic 5S implementation at workplace (Chapman, 2005;
end customer. Bhiwandi warehouse mainly stores the Mudra- Chuanjie, 2013). This technique is very useful and beneficial
Solidwood Inventory (from Local and Jodhpur Vendors). in Industrial organization. We also concluded that by
(Source: Internet) implementing 5S we could improve the quality, productivity,
and efficiency of industrial organization, it also has positive
Departmental Overview effect on overall performance (Abhay R. Kobarne, Vineet K.
Gaikwad, Sourabh S. Dhaygude, Nikhil A. Bhalerao 2016).5s
• Inward – Unloading and GRN of material from fleet is a holistic application used to raise moral, ethical standards
vehicles and strongly associated with Japanese culture and society. 5S
not only improves organisational working environment but
• Put-Away – Mapping of unloaded material in the rack also improves the overall industrial management process
locations; mapped inventory is made live on website performance as well (Ho, 1999b). Ho (1997) has reviewed the
reasons of having 5S technique in Japanese industries. He
• Quality Check: Quality check of inventory.
concluded that 5S practice was essential because it help to
• Order Processing – To pick and ship the orders confirmed make the life of everyone good in organisation. It was
on website implemented successfully with help of top management
commitment, promotional campaign, training of 5S,
• Inventory – To ensure the proper mapping and availability evaluation of the results and keeping of records. It is also
of inventory analysed that the practice of 5S become the supporting activity
• Décor and Utility – Non furniture segment or in some cases as a base foundation for the implementation of
other lean tools such as TPM, TQM, JIT, TPS and ISO

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 08, August-2021

standards (Teeravaraprug et al., 2011; Chen and Tan,2013; • Implement colour coding system
Kushwaha, 2015).ABK-AOTS Dosokai (2001) has reported • 5s audit scoreboard
that the Indian industries have gained lot of benefits such as • Safety Tools :6th “S”
reduction of customer complaints and worker absenteeism,
improved resources utilization and worker morale through 5S A. Initiation for 5S Implementation
initiatives at workplace. Kaushik Kumar, Sanjeev kumar gives
The 5S strategy described in this paper is a
the steps undertaken for the implementation of the 5S
straightforward and methodical methodology that can be
emphasizing on the benefits to the organization. He describes
introduced and implemented in any size or type of business.
the detailed steps involved in the implementation from
Each phase must be properly evaluated and addressed
inception to execution have been discussed (2012). The last
utilizing the P- D- C-A Cycle technique before beginning the
bottleneck activity which was related to the development of
Step-by-Step Implementation of 5S is shown the for of
Steelyard for systematic storage of steel inventory was
successfully executed using a simple Load-Distance-
Technique which is a handy technique of Facility Planning
used to minimize material handling and travel time thereby
improving your efficiency of operations [18]. The real secrete
about inventory accuracy is that it is continuous
improvement process. By improving inventory accuracy, the
warehouse parameter like inventory turnover, inventory days,
inventory value, idle time of workers etc. can be improve [19].
Using SCOR model and various techniques such as kaizen,
5S, lean manufacturing etc. we can improve the
logistics system of any manufacturing system and also have a
better result in customers satisfaction which leads
better compete. Theoretical as well as practical exposure of
the problems and how such problems are solved using various roadmap in Fig.3.
techniques [20].. Fig.3. Roadmap to 5S implementation [4]

III. PROBLEM STATEMENT B. Step by step Implementation of 5S

• Formation of 5S council
In that leading company, there was a improper utilization
of floor space for raw material, finished products and material The 5S council was founded with the goal of increasing
handling equipment and machines used for repairing purposes overall participation at all levels of the organization and
which impact on the space management and floor utilization. developing a culture of continuous improvement and high
Wastage of time for finding of material due to non- performance in the teams. Fig.4 shows a typical
implementation process organizational structure.
permanent location as per destination. Low productivity due
to the time wastage in searching for materials due to improper
workplace management. Presence of unwanted materials at
the workplace which affects the moral of the worker while
working, also due to such unwanted material there is a mess
with needed items and required time for finding and
utilization. There was no well-defined space for storing the
unwanted or rejected material. More time and cost required
for the inventory process of unwanted stored materials in raw
material stores. There was a lack of visual communication for
the worker to be understand better. No guidelines for each
department were present on the work floor, so as there was no Fig. 4. The structure of Steering Committee for 5S implementation
defined process flow as per guidelines. Timeline for each [4].
process i.e., TAT for each process not defined, Color code
implementation is necessary. Will need to implement PDCA • Set up 5S zone
process flow for day-to-day work.
The 5S Coordinator will be in charge of establishing the
zones. Assigning responsibilities will be the responsibility of
IV. METHODOLOGY the 5S Facilitators. They'd break down the tasks into small
The basic Methodology to improve the operations following chunks. Obtaining the layout of the complete work area and
steps should be implemented: separating each component into small zones is one way to
accomplish this. After that, one team is assigned to each
• Implement 5 Pillars of 5S. segment, and the names of team members and their areas are
• Floor Management displayed. They must verify that each area has at least one
• Visual Sign boards for better understanding. person assigned to it and that each team has a leader.

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 08, August-2021

Furthermore, it is necessary to ensure that the section size and Set Red-Tag Criteria
team strength are as uniform as feasible. • Not Needed at all.
• Needed but not now.
• Needed but not here
• 5S Training • Needed but not so much Quantity
B. Colour code System
The 5S training committee was formed with the goal of
Color code System sown in Fig. 7 is implemented for below
disseminating 5S methodology and preparing the workforce
reasons are some works like Put away and Mapping should be
to participate meaningfully in 5S activities. Workers are
done on same day so that Product with that day Sticker should
encouraged to participate actively in the application exercises
be proceed on same day. QC repairing Works should not take
in this training programme, which is the beginning point for
more than 1 week for process so that the sticker with color
5S. After completing the preliminary training, everyone will
should proceed within next week same day are shown in Fig.8
have the necessary basic knowledge and will be responsible
for ongoing actions. During the 5S declaration, plans defining
the implementation of the 5S phases must be produced and
released. The most common mistake businesses make when
implementing the 5S system is failing to appropriately train
employees from the start. Training should include 5S
Awareness (for Top Management), 5S Awareness (for
Operators), 5S Implementation (for Facilitators), Internal 5S
Audit (For all) is shown the Fig.5 below.

Fig.7. Colour Code System

Fig.5. 5s Foundation


A. Red Tag Area

Create a Red Tag Area are shown in Fig. 6 so that

whatever unwanted Material should be kept at this area and
Fig.8. Colour code implementation
working area should be free of unwanted clutter.
C. Visual Communication

In visual communication shown in the Fig. 9, it gives straight

forward instruction to everyone working on work floor
department wise Quality check department QC checker
got clear instruction how to do QC same is for inward and
Outward department.
Visual guidelines such as process guidelines and material
handling guidelines give workers a brief information on how
to process SKU and how to handle the material while
loading, unloading and QC and the dashboards and PDCA
chart were prepared as shown in Fig.10..

Fig.6. Red Tag

IJERTV10IS080114 187

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 08, August-2021

E. 5S Audit
5S audit is the process of evaluating the proper
implementation of 5S in the workplace with team were made
are shown in Fig. 11. Conducting 5S audits help ensure that
the workplace is consistently following the 5S principles:
Seiri (Sort), Seiton (Systematize), Seiso (Shining), Seiketsu
(Standardizing), and Shitsuke (Sustaining).

Fig.9. Visual Guidelines for 5S

D. PDCA Chart and Dashboard for daily process tracking

Fig.11. 5s Audit


By implementing 5S, following objectives are achieved: -
• Hygiene Maintaining on Work floor /proper Floor
• Implementing color code system on permanent basis.

• Increase in Productivity.
➢ Same day put away and Location mapping
➢ QC Productivity
➢ Refurbish Productivity Increase

A. Floor Management
Arrange Warehouse floor as per types of products on which
actual process to be done lane wise are shown in the Fig. 12.
Sort various SKU’s on which similar work is required for
repairing purpose. Sort SKU’s as per color code, so that delay
can be prevented. Start Same department for same work on
floor so that there is no time delay due to hurry. Start daily
Tracking on each department by sticking dashboards of each
Fig. 10. Dashboards and PDCA chart
department and observe hourly.

In PDCA cycle process,1. Plan 2.DO 3. Check 4. Act ,this 4

terminologies are used .In this implementation we have
implemented this for the 3 processes Inward, Quality check
and Inventory and other .Plan should be decide on every
morning and as per plan DCA will be implemented

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 08, August-2021

Fig. 12. Floor Arrangement

Fig. 14. Putaway chart

B. Same day putaway and location Mapping
As per above Bar chart, it is clear that the Putaway and
As there were no Segregation method for Location wise Mapping of the SKU’s for the months of Jan, Feb, March
and Hub wise, there is difficult to put away the SKU which April and onward after the implementation of 5s pillars and
are of same day or 2-3 days delayed SKU’s. We have colour code system and PDCA chart is shown in the Fig.14,
implemented Color code system as well to determine the there is a large qty of SKU’s whose putaway and Mapping
same day product, so that Put away should be done on same done on the same day compare to earlier months
day. It gave as good results as shown and increase the put
away Productivity for Inward SKU’s.


As per below table shown, it is a data of Count of SKU’s

i.e. no of products to be In warded and Putaway done on
what date is shown in the Table 1. It shows the delay for the
putaway and mapping of SKU’s months wise and is used
for the analysis and is shown in the Fig.13.

Table 1 Putaway Data

Count of Fig. 15. Putaway Graph

SKU Delays in days
Same Grand
Row Labels Day 5 4 3 2 1 Total
2021 2430 340 319 2050 1323 1066 7528
Apr 1119 446 1565
Mar 1311 620 1931
Feb 136 74 492 1073 1775
Jan 204 245 1558 250 2257
2020 2882 2805 2042 48 7777
Dec 285 442 1420 10 2157
Nov 273 1101 608 23 2005
Oct 948 1136 12 13 2109
Sep 1376 126 2 2 1506
Total 2430 3222 3124 4092 1371 1066 15305

Fig.16. Putaway data pie chart

As we can see from above results, the same day and 1

day delay putaway percentage on the months after the 5s
Implementing are more with respect to previous months .it
is due to proper floor management and maintaining 5s
pillars along with proper colour code system for each and
every SKU inward in the warehouse is shown in the pie
chart I Fig. 16.

IJERTV10IS080114 189

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 08, August-2021

C. Per day QC increase SKU’s. Repaired Products are help as a Refund Saviour for a
company. We apply 5S in sort /set order, increase the Section
There Is a Quality Check process is for Each and Every from 2 to 4 so that productivity in increase. Daily Target
SKU which is Inward in a Warehouse, and then as per Assign and tracking with Dashboards so the results got in
Action plan we have Segregate them after QC done. So, it favor as per Table 3.
is important to conduct Maximum QC on available time to
Table 3 Daily Target Assign and tracking with Dashboards
finish daily QC and there is no lag behind. We need some
strategy to increase the productivity, so that we Implement Row Labels Sum of Qty
dashboards tracking system, PDCA continuous Increment 2020 681
Charts, Targeted Area and focus Area Boards. Plan and Oct 228
Nov 218
implement those daily plans were help us on increasing the
Dec 235
QC Qty per day. Also, we implement Same color Code 2021 1177
system which ever SKU’s inward on day must be proceed Jan 270
within 1-2 days so that target is achieved is shown the Fig. Feb 330
17 Mar 399
Apr 178
Grand Total 1858

As seen in above table, it shows total no of SKU’s got

repaired in the months of 2020 and 2021 .as seen total no of
SKU’s got repaired in Oct -228, Nov-218, Dec-235 And after
5s, in Jan270, feb-330, March-399 SKU’s had been repaired.
Fig.17. Per day QC Graph As we see in below Fig. 19, the no of SKU’s repaired in the
month of Jan, Feb, and March are 270, 330, and 399
In above line chart ,we can see that that huge increase in respectively which much higher than the previous year
the total no of QC done in the months of Jan, Feb ,March months. The count of SKU is higher after the implementation
and onwards .as in October no are 642, which are of 5S, colour code, dashboard system which helps in the
increasing to 1366 in Jan,1817 in feb, and 2195 in March improvement in productivity.
.as per implementing of 5S ,PDCA chart dashboard, and
colour code system and proper visual communication and
training, Increase in the QC are seen in the chart .

Analysis in below Pie chart, it is seen that the

percentage of QC done in previous months i.e. before
implementing all tools, the percentages of 7.3% in the
month of Nov is going to increase 17.3 ,23 and 27
respectively in the month of Jan, Feb, March respectively is
shown in the Fig 18.

Fig. 19. Repaired SKU’s graph

5S initiatives offer significant benefits to manufacturing
and service organizations to attain drastic improvements at
workplace, thereby motivating the organizations to learn
more knowledge about 5S technique for its effective
implementation in their organizations. The conclusion from
the above 5s Implementation, color code system, PDCA
Chart, Dashboard Implementation, floor management in the
Warehouse are as: Implementation of Sort and Set in order
gives appropriate place for everything, it results in proper
utilization of floor for raw materials, finish products and
transport equipment’s also less time required for finding of
Fig.18. QC data pie chart material due to permanent location as per destination and
proper mapping and sorting. Productivity increases due to
D. Repairing of Rejected SKU’s /Refurbish SKU’s the time management with the help of dashboards & PDCA
We have separate Department called Carpentry Area Where CHARTS along with workplace management. Prohibit of
Repairing work is done on Damage/dent, or incomplete unwanted materials at the workplace which affects the

IJERTV10IS080114 190

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 08, August-2021

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