IMP Introduction-To-Mobile-Computing
IMP Introduction-To-Mobile-Computing
IMP Introduction-To-Mobile-Computing
Tomasz Imielinski* and Henry F. Korth**
* Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903
** AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636
The rapidly expanding technology of cellular communication, wireless LANs,
and satellite services will make information accessible anywhere and at any
time. In the near future, tens of millions of people will carry a portable palmtop
or laptop computer. Smaller units, often called personal digital assistants or
personal communicators, will run on AA batteries and may have only a small
memory; larger ones will be powerful laptop computers with large memories
and powerful processors. Regardless of size, most mobile computers will be
equipped with a wireless connection to the fixed part of the network, and,
perhaps, to other mobile computers. The resulting computing environment,
which is often referred to as mobile or nomadic computing, no longer requires
users to maintain a fixed and universally known position in the network and
enables almost unrestricted mobility. Mobility and portability will create an
entire new class of applications and, possibly, new massive markets combining
personal computing and consumer electronics.
Not only will information be easily accessible from virtually any place and time,
but also, it will be stored in a highly decentralized, distributed information in-
frastructure often termed the "information superhighway." A wide variety of
information servers (both public and proprietary) will be accessible to mobile
computers. We are already seeing the beginnings of this with the rapidly grow-
ing popularity of the World-Wide Web across a broad range of computer users.
As the mobile infrastructure develops, it will become what is referred to as the
"first wireless mile" or "wireless on-ramp" for the information superhighway.
In some applications, mobile computers themselves may contain data, or data
may be stored on flash-memory "smart cards."
This book presents a snapshop of the new, exciting, and rapidly deV^loping
field of mobile computing. The focus of this book is on software issues of
mobile computing rather than hardware. Although hardware in this area is
advancing rapidly, and the capabilities of hardware spurred much of the initial
excitement regarding mobility, it is increasingly clear that it is developments
in the software domain that will bring the power of mobile hardware to a wide
group of potential users. Emerging developments in software are leading to
practical, easy-to-use applications.
The papers in this book address areas of interest both to software practition-
ers and researchers working in the fields of networking, operating systems,
and databases. Topics include network and communication issues, location
awareness (both at the system level and the application level), and application
software. Since the infrastructure to support mobile computing includes not
only the mobile computers themselves, but also the stationary computers (base
stations) that support mobility, many of the papers address client/server, net-
work control, and distributed information management issues. In other words,
the book considers anything above and including the network level of the OSI
hierarchy. Furthermore, the book includes several chapters in which interesting
prototype mobile systems are reviewed.
The general, abstract view of a mobile system consists of mobile hosts (MHs)
interacting with the fixed network via mobile support stations (MSSs). The
connection between the MH and MSS is via a wireless link. Each MSS is in
charge of a cell Cells can have sizes ranging from picocells of approximately
one hundred meters in diameter to macro cells and perhaps even global satel-
lite cells. The capabilities of mobile hosts will vary from "dumb" terminals
to complex "walkstations" which essentially have the capabilities of desk-top
computers. We expect that users of mobile computers will want to run a vari-
ety of applications, depending on the physical size and power of their machine.
These range from standard desk-top applications like word processors, spread-
sheets, and electronic mail, to remote information access via database system
applications or Web browsers. Additionally, there may be location-dependent
applications specific to the particular location of the user at a particular time.
host is no longer fixed) but also higher layers, especially for location-dependent
applications. Bandwidth and energy limitations will require solutions in which
several sites on the network will cooperate with the mobile unit.
Section 2 introduces wireless technology with its two main resource restrictions:
bandwidth and battery power. Next, Section 3 discusses the research challenges
in mobile computing. Finally, Section 4 provides a short overview of the book's
In this section, we discuss features of radio communication that are important
from the standpoint of software development: both for the mobile unit for the
network infrastructure.
crosses cell boundaries, thus significantly increasing the demand on the network
control functions. This trend toward smaller cell sizes further emphasizes the
need for a distributed control model.
During a fade, the signal may be so weak that an undesired, interfering signal
from a neighboring cell may dominate and, consequently, the receiver may lock
on that undesired signal. There are, in general, two types of fading:
Noise and interference have a significant negative effect on the bit-error rate
(BER). Typically, the BER in a mobile radio runs up to six orders of magnitude
higher than in non-mobile point-to-point radio.
Introduction to Mobile Computing
The high bit-error rate of the wireless environment eventually translates into
a lower bit rate for network throughput.^ Since mobility of the terminal con-
tributes to increased fading and consequently, to increased error rate, we may
expect that the bit rate between a mobile terminal and a base station will drop
with speed of the terminal's movement.
Let us review the basic relationships among power, distance and signal-to-noise
ratio. In the ideal free space, signal strength diminishes with the inverse square
of the distance. For example, if the received signal is 100 watts at a distance
of 1 mile, it will be 25 watts at 2 miles, 4 watts at 5 miles and 1 watt at 10
miles. In practice, since mobile terminals do not move in free space but rather
have to deal with various obstacles, the loss of power is much more significant,
ranging from inverse cube of distance to exponents as high as the 6th power.
For example, with inverse of the 6th power law in effect, the 100 watt signal
level at the first mile would degrade to only 1.5 watts at 2 miles.
A strong case can be made that BER and signal strength (SNR) are physical
parameters which should be "accessible" to higher level protocols (such as the
transport level and above). BER data would help the transport layer protocol
to decide if the drop in the channel reliability is due to congestion or due to the
error rate. SNR data can help an application to decide if the mobile unit should
attempt to defer a transmission to a time when channel conditions are more
favorable. Only with application-level knowledge can it be decided whether the
user is best served by delaying transmission or by potentially costly attempts
to transmit under adverse conditions.
In the AMPS system, 50 MHz of bandwidth in the bands of 824-849 MHz and
869-894 MHz are allocated to cellular mobile radio. In each geographic region,
there are two carriers ("A carrier" and "B carrier"), which control 25 MHz
each. This spectrum is subdivided into 832 channels, each of 30 KHz. To avoid
interference, neighboring cells use different channels. Typically, a cell has 6
neighbors and, therefore, the cell may use 1/7 of the allotted 832 channels. This
is called a 7-group re-use cluster. Analogously, in the 12 group frequency plan
each cell uses only 1/12 of the total bandwidth and its bandwidth allocation is
disjoint with that of 11 neighboring cells.
The Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) is designed to provide packet data
services on the top of the existing AMPS. The CDPD system provides data ser-
vices without interfering with the existing analog and digital telephone services
that use the same AMPS channels. In CDPD, voice transmission has a higher
priority than data transmission. Data can be transmitted on a channel only if
a there is no voice call which is using that channel. Voice transmission can pre-
empt data transmission. In such cases, another channel must be found for the
data transmission to continue. The base station, called MDBS, makes the deter-
mination about the next available channel either by a forward power monitor
(sniffer), which measures the signal strength on the uplink channel (from the
mobile terminal to the base station) or by using a deterministic algorithm for
channel assignment (unplanned versus planned hop). A given data transmis-
sion may thus possibly spread over several physical channels, especially when
the voice traffic is intense. The maximum supported bit rate is 19.2 Kb/s.
Two basic techniques for managing shared access are competing in digital cel-
lular radio: TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) and CDMA (Code Division
Multiple Access).
With TDMA, only a single user can use a given frequency at any time. With
CDMA (spread spectrum), a frequency-based channel is used simultaneously
by multiple mobile units in a given cell. Spread-spectrum techniques are very
effective in dealing with two basic problems facing cellular communication:
multipath fading and the interference from other users. This is due to the
frequency diversity introduced by the wide bandwidth, and results in poten-
tially higher cell capacity as compared to other, non-spread access methods
[KMM95]. Another consideration for using CDMA in the cellular system is its
attractive re-use factor. For non-spread techniques such as TDMA and FDMA,
Introduction to Mobile Computing
the same frequency cannot typically be re-used in adjacent cells due to the
possibility of interference. With spread-spectrum signaling, the possibility of
frequency re-use in adjacent cells exists. As a result, CDMA is anticipated to
have larger capacity in a multi-cell system than either FDMA or TDMA.^ Addi-
tionally, CDMA provides a natural way to explore the bursty nature of sources.
For example, for a two-way telephone conversation, the voice activity of each
participant is about 50% of the time. CDMA can take advantage of periods of
inactivity, effectively doubling the number of simultaneous conversations in the
system [KMM95]. Thus, spread spectrum promises both higher capacity and a
simplified frequency management scheme.
There are a number of basic standards and deployed systems in Europe, the
U. S. and Japan. Below we summarize some of them.
Cordless Telephony
There are currently an estimated 60 million cordless telephones in the U. S. with
total sales reaching 15 million units per year [PGH95]. Cordless technology
requires only very low power of transmission, but it is limited to very short
ranges. The main digital cordless standards include CT2 and DECT (Digital
European Cordless Telecommunications).
Introduction to Mobile Computing 11
The CT2 spectrum allocation consists of 40 FDMA channels with 100 KHz
spacing in the range of 864-868 MHz. The maximum transmitting power is
lOmW, which is very small. CT2 supports the transmission of data from 2.4
Kb/s to 32 Kb/s.
Wireless LANs are providing data rates typically two orders of magnitude higher
than outdoor radio. Thus, data rates exceeding 1 Mb/s are quite common.
FreePort provides wireless Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) and operates in the 2400-
2483.5 MHz (receiver) and 5725-5850 MHz (transmit) frequencies, using direct-
sequence spread spectrum. WaveLAN provides peer-to-peer communication
in 902-928 MHz (in the U. S.) and uses direct sequence spreading with the
CSMA/CA (carrier sense, multiple access, with collision avoidance) protocol.
Finally, Altair uses the Ethernet protocol (CSMA/CD, or carrier sense, multiple
access, with collision detection) and operates in microwave spectrum near 18
GHz and requires a site-specific FCC license.^
Standards such as IEEE 802.11 (which we discuss in more detail in the context
of power management features) are being developed in the U. S. and in Europe.
In general, the goal is to provide data rates exceeding 1 Mb/s and also to
support architectures with infrastructure (base stations) as well as "ad-hoc
architectures," where the terminals communicate directly with each other (peer
to peer) without the mediation of a fixed base station [PGH95].
^ F C C licenses are not required for WaveLAN and FreePort which operate in the I S M
(Industrial, Scientific and Medical) part of the spectrum. These frequency bands were origi-
nally designated for operation of equipment which generates and uses R F energy locally for
industrial, scientific and medical applications, excluding applications in the field of telecom-
munications. It WcLS later suggested to use these frequencies for local telecommunication,
such cts on-site communication.
Karn [Kar91] points out deficiencies of the CSMA protocol in the context of
the wireless medium. The hidden terminal problem arises when station Y can
hear both stations X and Z but X and Z cannot hear one another. In such
a case, X and Z will collide at Y since CSMA will allow both X and Z to
transmit. The exposed terminal problem arises when station X can hear far
away station Y even though X is too far from Y to interfere with its traffic to
other nearby stations. In this case, CSMA is too conservative, it will stop X from
transmitting, wasting an opportunity to re-use channel bandwidth locally. Karn
proposes to eliminate carrier sensing, turning CSMA/CA into MACA (Multiple
Access with Collision Avoidance). If station X wants to transmit to the station
Y, it first sends a short request to send (RTS) packet and inhibits its transmitter
long enough for the addressed station to respond with a CTS (Clear to send).
Collisions are still possible for the RTS and CTS packets, but the hidden and
exposed terminal problems are avoided. Different variants of this protocol have
been implemented at Xerox and at Berkeley but there are still a number of
interesting issues, such as power control which have to be resolved.
Infrared Technology
Infrared technology offers an alternative to the standard radio frequency com-
munication. In general, it is much cheaper to use, but it is restricted only to
Introduction to Mobile Computing 13
Satellite Networks
Mobile satellite services allow complete global coverage. In these systems, satel-
Utes play the role of mobile base stations. Satellite-based systems may be
categorized according to the orbital altitude:
The bit rates for the satellite communication systems are relatively low. For
example, for Qualcomm's OmniTracks, which provides two-way communication
as well as location positioning, the downlink data rate is between 5 Kb/s and
15 Kb/s and the uplink data rate is between 55 b/s and 165 b/s.^[Kat94]
Experimental satellite systems provide higher data rates, for example NASA's
ACT satellite offers T l data rates at 1.5 Mb/s.
Future PCS
Recently, the U. S. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) allocated band-
width in the 2 GHz range for "personal communication services" (PCS). This
bandwidth was allocated via auction, and earned the U. S. government almost
7 billion dollars. Winning bidders in markets projected to be lucrative (such
as New York and Los Angeles) bid approximately 20 dollars per person. This
amount is just for the right to use the spectrum - still higher costs must be
incurred to build the requisite infrastructure.
Two basic categories: high tier, which supports macrocells, and low tier, which
is optimized for low power and low complexity, will be supported. These two
tiers roughly correspond to the digital cellular and digital cordless categories.
At this point, the initial list of potential standards has been narrowed down
from 16 to 7 but it is still unclear as to what the standards will be and when
the initial infrastructure will be deployed.
^Note that handoffs occur here even when the terminal is not moving at all (since low-earth
orbit satellites move relative to fixed terrestrial positions).
^Note the asymmetry in uplink and downlink data rates.
Introduction to Mobile Computing 15
One of the main challenges is how to mix continuous, real-time data such as
voice (and perhaps, in the future, video) with the alphanumeric data (such as
electronic mail, which is less time-critical). Several protocols such as PRMA
(Packet Reservation Multiple Access) [WCW91] have been proposed. These
protocols are based on the concept of reservation of slots within frames. In
PRMA, the channel bit stream is first organized into slots, such that each slot
can carry one packet from the mobile terminal to the base station. The time
slots are grouped into frames. Each slot within a frame is either available
or reserved, on the basis of a feedback packet broadcast in the previous frame
from the base station to all of the terminals. Terminals with new information to
transmit contend for access to available slots. At the end of each slot, the base
station broadcasts the feedback packets that report the results of transmission.
A terminal that succeeds in sending a packet to the base station obtains the
reservation for this slot in the subsequent frames. The base station, on failing
to receive a packet in the reserved slot, informs all the terminals that the slot
is once again available. PRMA has proved to be suitable for data and voice
communication and demonstrated efficient use of spectrum for voice.
Battery Life
Energy supply is the major bottleneck for mobile wireless computers. In a
recent USA Today article, longer battery life was mentioned as the feature
most desired by mobile users.^ Unfortunately, expected growth of battery life
is very slow (only 20% in the next 10 years [CB92]). Thus, energy efficiency
®The issue of energy management is nevertheless controversial. Many sceptics claim that
periodic recharging will be sufficient to make the battery limitations go away. Others point
out that, for example, the mobile terminals used in cars will use car's energy sources, not
their own batteries. We still believe that longer battery life will be an important feature
driving the market.
Transmitting and receiving consumes power as well. In practice, the power re-
quired for transmitting grows as a fourth power of distance between the trans-
mitter and the receiver. Powering the receiver can also drain batteries. For
example, a WaveLAN card consumes 1.7 W with the receiver on and 3.4 W
with the transmitter on. An active cellular phone consumes even more, 5.4 W
[FZ94], while consuming only 0.3 W if in standby mode.
We believe that design of energy efficient software will be one of the main
research challenges in mobile computing. Below, we summarize some of these
efforts including CPU scheduling for low power, new communication protocols,
and energy-aware application design.
Storage Technology
Flash memories constitute new, more energy efficient, storage alternatives to
disks. Flash memories consume relatively little energy and provide low la-
tency and high throughput for read accesses. However, their high cost, $30-
50/Mbyte, is still a limiting factor. Furthermore, flash memories require addi-
tional system support for erasure management since writing to flash memory re-
quires prior erasing. Additionally, the number of times the same memory block
can be rewritten is usually limited (on the order of 100,000 times). Chapter 18
provides a detailed discussion of storage alternatives for mobile computers.
Introduction to Mobile Computing 17
Pen-based interfaces have been introduced in recent years with mixed accep-
tance. The mixed results so far are due in large part to problems with hand-
writing recognition (shown by early experience with the Apple Newton Mes-
sagePad). As recognition-related technology improves, it is expected that pen-
based interfaces will gain in acceptance.
Small display size is a serious problem, especially for users who would like to
access remote information services, such as those provided on the World-Wide
Web. The need to deal with varying display sizes suggests that applications be
structured in a display independent manner. Some of these issues are discussed
in Chapter 24.
In this section, we review the main research issues in mobile computing and
summarize current work in the field.
Since the users are mobile, there is a possibility of the user receiving the same
message twice (though in different cells) or not receiving a message at all while
in transition between two cells. Multicasting to mobile clients presents its own
challenges [AB94b]. The main issue in multicasting is how to guarantee "exactly
once" or "at least once" delivery in an efficient manner. The MCAST protocol
provided in [AB94b] offers a preliminary solution. An interesting problem in
multicasting is how to maintain efficiently a group view ~ the set of MSSs which
have, in their cells, at least one member of a given multicasting group.
Caceres and Iftode in [CI95] (included as Chapter 7) was the first to observe
that the congestion control in TCP may cause incorrect behavior of TCP when
dealing with mobile hosts in a wireless network. The lack of acknowledgments
from moving hosts who are in the middle of handoff between cells will cause the
transmitting host to back off (slow down) exponentially, and it may take some
time for the sender to come back to the original transmission rate. This leads
to an unnecessary drop in throughput resulting from TCP's misinterpretation
of the receiver's move as network congestion. Similarly, higher error rates on
the wireless link will be interpreted by TCP as congestion, again leading to an
unnecessary drop in the data rate. TCP was designed for wired networks with
low error rates and not for unreliable wireless networks with hosts which may
occasionally disconnect.
One possible solution to this problem involves extending TCP (or another trans-
port protocol) to handle wireless as well as wired links. Such a solution would
require eventual replacement of the old version of TCP by a new protocol. This
may not be practical. In order to avoid TCP modification, Badrinath et al.
[BB95a] (also discussed in Chapter 8) propose to split the TCP protocol into
two parts: one between the sender and the MSS local to the receiver and an-
other, which manages the connection between the mobile host and the MSS.
The TCP which runs between the sender and the MSS need not be modified.
Only the link between the MSS and the mobile host requires a modified proto-
col. The proposed protocol, called indirect TCP (I-TCP), has been implemented
[BB95b] and demonstrated to achieve much better throughput than the stan-
dard TCP, especially for mobile hosts which move across the non-overlapping
cells, and when the sender is located far away from the receiver.
The idea of indirect protocols can be extended further to other layers of OSI
and to include such application protocols as ftp, http (used in the World-Wide
Web), and remote procedure calls. To illustrate this further, let us consider the
http protocol, where the client has to make a separate TCP connection in order
to reach each single Web page. While this is a reasonable solution for the fixed
host, it is unacceptable for the mobile host communicating on a slow wireless
link. Indeed, since each TCP connection requires a 3-way connection set up
and a 4-way connection drop,^ the resulting overhead will be unacceptable on
a wireless link.
A better solution is to let the MSS represent a wireless client by opening and
closing such TCP connections for it. The mobile client would then open just one
http connection with its MSS. Such a solution would require writing a separate
protocol to handle the wireless link between the client and the MSS and would
leave the link between the MSS and the server unchanged. Thus, only the part
of the protocol dealing directly with the wireless and mobile host would require
modification. Making the MSS a local agent or proxy of the wireless client is
^To establish the T C P connection, the sender hcis to send a special packet with the initial
sequence number to which the receiver responds with its own sequence number. The third
packet is an acknowledgment from the sender. To close the T C P connection, four packets
have to be exchanged: the sender sends the connection closing packet,which is acknowledged
by the receiver, then the receiver also closes the connection on its side and the sender sends
an acknowledgement.
Introduction to Mobile Computing 21
natural choice since the MSS is "close" to the wireless link and can monitor it
better than some more remote intermediary.
Performance Metrics
Information content and methods of the information delivery depend on the
location of the user. Hence, user location is an important and dynamically
changing parameter. Cost of information will vary depending on the location
of the user, who may now face the choice of getting desired the information
now, but for higher cost, or later, for less cost. Finally, an additional precious
resource, battery power, has to be minimized when interacting with the fixed
network. We speculate that in the client's interactions with information services
(such as the World-Wide Web), measures such as queries per Hz and queries
per watt will be important. The analogous performance criteria in cellular
telephony is cell capacity: the number of telephone calls which may be handled
in a cell per unit of time. In the future, a query, a request for a page, will be the
analog of a telephone call in terms of performance metrics. Consequently, we
believe that in the future wireless services, the cell capacity will be measured
in terms of the number of queries which the local MSS can handle per unit of
time as well as the number of queries which a mobile client can issue per unit
of power.
Designing support for information services for mobile users will require address-
ing the following key new issues:
• Support for active services; e.g., triggers, periodic data delivery, etc.
Below, we describe the impact of the each of the above issues on the design of
wireless information services of the future.
• uplink channel
• on-demand downlink channel
• broadcast downlink channel
How much bandwidth is allocated to each channel depends on the cell, and is
a function of the cell population and the pattern of requests. For example, one
cell may carry stock market information on its broadcasting channel, another
cell's server may decide, due to a limited interest in stocks, to provide stock
information only on demand.
In general, cells will differ in the type of radio infrastructure and consequently
by the amount of available bandwidth. Thus, not only the content, but also
structure and the mode of information presentation will be location-dependent.
There is an obvious need for a protocol suite which would make this depen-
dency hidden from the user who relocates between such cells. Some of the
services will have to be continued upon crossing cell boundaries with minimal
service disruption. Thus, there is a need to handle service handoff in a manner
analogous to the way in which cellular handoff is handled now. To ensure rapid
response to client requests, a "hot list" of items which the client accesses most
frequently will have to be re-bound to a new set of addresses when the client
enters a new cell. Therefore, each cell must provide a "directory of services,"
mapping services to their mode of their delivery (broadcast, multicast, or on-
demand) and channel. This directory must include local services as well as
global, wide-area services, and must be provided on a standard channel. The
exact mapping between services and their addresses is not visible to the user.
The system seamlessly rebinds the services according to the allocation used in
the new cell.
• Stateless servers
Location-Based Addressing
In the http protocol, each page has a fixed IP address. Each client has to make
a connection (ftp connection) to that address in order to access this page. Thus,
there is only one address and one access mode (on-demand) which is currently
supported. This is inadequate for location-dependent information services for
wireless and mobile users, where the content of the presented page changes with
the user's location, and where the method of page delivery varies from cell to
cell. For example, the traffic conditions page will have different content in New
Brunswick than in Princeton, and its method of delivery may vary as well;
for instance it may be published every minute in Princeton, while provided on
demand in New Brunswick.
Thus, pages should be identified independent of the location of the server which
offers them. The best solution would be to use the same address for each
location-based page in every location, and create a binding to the local address
analogously to the way "800" telephone numbers in North America are bound
to actual telephone numbers [Che92, OPSS93, ABIN95].
Introduction to Mobile Computing 25
Presentation Autonomy
The local MSS should have the autonomy to decide how a particular remote
service is going to be presented to users registered in its cell. Consider again
the example of the stock information service: the MSS may decide to publish
(broadcast) stock quotes for the S&PIOO stocks every minute, broadcast stock
quotes for the S&PSOO stocks every 5 minutes and provide other quotes on
demand with a cache invalidation service[BI94], which broadcasts periodically
reports only about significant changes of the stock values. MSS may also decide
that special events such as a stock reaching a new high require a special broad-
cast message which should be sent to subscribers. The remote stock server
will not and should not be aware of this autonomous decision of the MSS and
different MSSs may decide to "carry" the stock information services differently
in order to best utilize their resources and perhaps also maximize the profit.^^
Presentation Adaptability
Stateless Servers
Web servers are stateless, that is, they do not keep any information related to
the state of their clients. Although this is a reasonable design for current Inter-
net users, this approach is less reasonable for low-power clients connected by
low-bandwidth links. By retaining information about a client, a server can deal
more effectively with such issues as location-dependent data and presentation
^^No one knows what the tariff structure will be for the future wireless services but one
may assume that the M S S will have to pay the remote server for syndicating its service and
will generate a profit by reselling this service to its local residents.
The paper also presents the necessary extensions to HTML for authoring active
Work at MIT [K-f 94] deals with optimization of wireless link between the mobile
unit and the MSS. In order to avoid expensive page transfers, an alternative
solution is proposed in which pages are generated locally by the mobile client.
Thus, the mobile client, upon requesting a particular Web page, receives the
HTML code which it runs to locally generate the page.
maximizing the time the CPU spends in the doze mode, keeping the receiver off
most of the time, minimizing energy consuming transmissions, spinning down
the disk, etc.
There is substantial room for power saving features on the apphcation layer.
We have already discussed the publishing mode of information dissemination
in which the server periodically broadcasts "hot spots" of information without
explicit requests from the clients.
• Operating Systems:
• Communication Protocols:
The main objective of the low-energy features of 802.11 is to let the mobile
unit keep the receiver off most of the time. This is accomplished by careful
synchronization between the MSS and the mobile unit. When the MSS receives
a message addressed to one of the mobile units which reside in its cell, it does not
forward the message directly, but buffers it. Periodically, the MSS broadcasts
a "preview" which is a list of identifiers of all the mobile units which have
an outstanding message to be delivered by the MSS. The mobile unit turns
its receiver on synchronously to listen to the periodic preview. If the preview
contains the the mobile unit's identifier, then the mobile unit either keeps its
receiver on until the message is received, or it informs the MSS as to when it
wants to receive its messages. In either case, if the mobile unit receives only a
few messages a day (even the most heavy e-mail users typically do not receive
more than 50-100 messages a day) it can keep the receiver off most of the time,
Introduction to Mobile Computing 29
saving considerable energy. For example in [IGP95], the energy savings for
the WaveLAN card are provided for a protocol which is a variation of 802.11.
With the average load of 30 messages a day, the receiver will be "on" for
approximately 10 seconds to a minute, rather than hours, leading to significant
energy savings. CDPD offers a similar low-energy feature. In [IGP95] some of
the effects of varying preview size are studied„ It would be useful to put some
of these features on the application layer, so that applications can influence the
size and the frequency with which the preview is broadcasted, based on their
tolerance of delay. It is also argued there that avoiding uplink transmissions
from the mobile unit to the MSS, which are very energy consuming (especially
in outdoor environments) is highly desirable. Therefore, solutions in which
the mobile unit stays active immediately following the preview message, which
contains unit's identifier, are preferable.
The energy management issues dealing with I/O operations are discussed in
Chapter 18, where it is demonstrated that replacing the disk with flash memory
can lead to very substantial energy savings.
Disconnected operation has been added to the AFS as part of the Little Work
project at the University of Michigan [HHRB92, HH93]. Before disconnec-
tion, most recently accessed data is cached at the client. Upon reconnection,
file system updates that are recorded in a log are propagated to the server.
While in disconnected mode, the mobile unit performs local operations but
network operations are logged and deferred. When the network connection
is re-established, the cache manager iterates through the log and updates are
transferred to the server. If a conflict is detected, then the replay agent notifies
the user that manual resolution is needed.
Work in this area [KS92, HPGP92, TD92] has focused on environments in which
the users are connected either over a fast network or totally disconnected from
the network. Weak connectivity (wireless connection) and energy restrictions
have not been considered.
Clients will, however, perform simple queries and transactions on local data,
especially when they are disconnected. Such transactions will generally use
operations of three types:
During periods when the mobile unit is connected, queries should be processed
in an energy-aware manner. This involves making tradeoffs between energy
used in communication and energy used locally. It may also mean choosing a
query processing plan that is suboptimal in terms of time, but optimal in terms
of energy (for example, by reducing the time the disk is spinning). This issue
is explored in detail in [AG92].
For many, perhaps most, applications, the user interface will be application
specific. However, general-purpose interfaces require an alternative to SQL-
based languages. Graphical user interfaces designed for workstations tend not
to map well to the small screen of mobile computers. For casual database users,
and users of PDAs, a pen-based interface is required. Preliminary work in this
area is described in [AHK92].
A more detailed discussion showing which database issues will be most affected
in mobile and wireless environments is presented in [1] as well as in [IB94].
In this section, we review the content of the book by briefly summarizing each
chapter o
After the first two chapters, the ordering of chapters is generally consistent with
the bottom up view of the OSI hierarchy. Thus, we begin at the network layer
by reviewing mobility management issues and ad-hoc networking (in Chapters
3 through 6), and then continue with the transport layer issues in Chapters 7
through 10. Chapters 11 through 14 discuss higher level protocols for infor-
mation services, and Chapters 15 through 21 general systems issues in mobile
computing. Finally, Chapters 22 through 25 review some research prototypes
and applications.
Chapters 11 through 14 discuss the higher level issues (above transport layer)
dealing with the wireless access to information. Chapter 11, "Wireless Publish-
ing: Issues and Solutions," by T. Imielinski and S. Vishwanathan introduces
the concept oi publishing into client-server interactions in wireless environments.
Publishing is a periodic broadcasting of information by the MSS over a wireless
medium. Publishing mode is intended for information which is likely to be
requested frequently and its advantages include reduction in uplink traffic, as
well as power savings on the client platform. Chapter 11 provides an overview
of different addressing methods for publishing mode, which are based either
on temporal or on multicast addressing. Addressing allows clients to tune se-
lectively to relevant pieces of published data and switch to a low-power mode
of operation (CPU in the doze mode, the receiver switched off, etc.), while no
relevant information is being published. Algorithms for adaptive scheduling of
publishing mode in conjunction with the standard "on-demand" client-server
interactions are presented as well.
Chapters 13 and 14 present first attempts (along with the DataMan project
described earlier) to study the design and development of location-dependent
information services.
Chapter 16, "Unix for Nomads: Making Unix Support Mobile Computing,"
by Michael Bender, et al., addresses the design issues for extensions of Unix^^
(and, specifically Solaris) to support nomadic computing. It is argued there
^Unix is a trademark of X/Open
Introduction to Mobile Computing 37
that substantial changes ranging from the kernel level through the user com-
mand set are necessary to support mobile computing. The paper discusses the
kernel changes to support power management, the PCMCIA standard, serial
line networking and new electronic mail applications designed to specifically
deal with slow, serial line connections.
Chapter 17, "Scheduling for Reduced CPU Energy," by Mark Weiser, Brent
Welch, Alan Demers, and Scott Shenker, discusses modifications in the CPU
scheduling policies to reduce energy consumption. The metric of interest is
how many instructions are executed for a given amount of energy, or MIPJ
(Instructions per Joule). Trace driven simulations are provided to compare
different classes of schedules with varying computing speeds allowing the CPU
to use lower voltage and consequently, reduce energy consumption.
Chapters 19 and 20 deal with the impact of disconnection on file system de-
sign. Disconnection is one of the central issues in mobile computing and Coda
was the first implementation of the file system explicitly supporting disconnec-
tion. Chapter 19, "Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System," by James
Kistler and M. Satyanarayanan, describes the design and implementation of the
Coda file system at CMU. Clients view Coda as a single, location-transparent
Unix file system. While a client is disconnected, its file system requests are
serviced solely based on the contents of local caches. File replication is used
in order to improve availability. While Chapter 19 describes design and imple-
mentation issues. Chapter 20, "Experience with Disconnected Operation in a
Mobile Computing Environment," by M. Satyanarayanan et al., presents qual-
itative and quantitative data on file access using Coda file system over a period
of about 2 years. This chapter describes the results of quantitative evalua-
tions including disk space requirements, reintegration latency, and the value of
log optimization» Hoarding and hoard profiles, which describe the path names
identifying objects of interest to the user, lead to cache-content optimization.
The impact of more advanced concepts such as multi-level hoard priorities and
"meta expansions" to minimize the size of hoard profiles is described as well.
Chapters 21 and 22 deal with some of the database issues in mobile computing.
Chapter 21, "Mobility Support for Sales and Inventory Operations," by N. Kr-
ishnakumar and Ravi Jain, describes the use of an escrow mechanism to allow a
distributed server architecture in which a mobile transaction can execute using
the data held by the server to which it is directly connected. The mobile sales
and inventory applications are examples of a well-defined market segment, but
the solutions described in the paper are more general, and can apply to any
set of mobile users who share a common database. Chapter 22, "On Query
Processing Strategies for Mobile Computing," by Masahiko Tsukamoto, Rieko
Tanaka, and Shojiro Nishio, considers queries that request data from mobile
hosts or request data about mobile hosts (such as location). This work con-
siders several different query processing strategies based on either broadcast
or notification. The optimal strategy depends upon parameters of the system
(computers and network), the degree of mobility of the mobile hosts, and rate
of query submission.
[AB94a] A. Acharya and B. Badrinath. Checkpointing distributed applica-
tions on mobile computers. In Proc. Third International Conference on
Parallel and Distributed Information Systems, Austin, Texas^ pages 73-80,
September 1994.
[Kar91] P. Karn. MACA - a new channel access method for packet radio.
Technical report, Qualcomm, 1991.
[KJ96] Narayanan Krishnakumar and Ravi Jain. Mobility support for sales
and inventory applications. In this volume, 1996.
[PB94] Charles Perkins and Pravin Bhagawat. Routing over multi hop wireless
network of mobile computers. In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM'94, 1994. Also
included in this volume.
[WSA+96] Roy Want, Bill N. Schilit, Norman I. Adams, Rich Gold, Karin
Petersen, David Goldbert, John R. Ellis, and Mark Weiser. The PARCTab
ubiquitous computing experiment. In this volume, 1996.
[WWDS94] Mark Weiser, Brent Welch, Alan Demers, and Scott Shenker.
Scheduling for reduced CPU energy. In First Symposium on Operating
Systems and Design (OSDI), November 1994. Also included in this vol-