KDIGO Quick Reference Guide
KDIGO Quick Reference Guide
KDIGO Quick Reference Guide
A Quick Reference Guide
About The Quick Reference
The 2012 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO)
Clinical Practice Guideline for acute kidney injury (AKI)1 aims to
assist practitioners caring for adults and children at risk for or
with AKI. Guideline development followed an explicit process of
evidence review and appraisal.
Grade** Clinicians
Level 1 Most patients should receive the recommended course
‘‘We recommend’’ of action.
Level 2 Different choices will be appropriate for different patients.
‘‘We suggest’’ Each patient needs help to arrive at a management
decision consistent with her or his values and
Grade Quality of evidence Meaning
A High We are confident that the true effect lies
close to that of the estimate of the effect.
B Moderate The true effect is likely to be close to
the estimate of the effect, but there is a
possibility that it is substantially different.
C Low The true effect may be substantially different
from the estimate of the effect.
D Very low The estimate of effect is very uncertain, and
often will be far from the truth.
*Please refer to the Guideline for the implications of the recommendation for patients and for policy
**The additional category ‘‘Not Graded’’ was used, typically, to provide guidance based on common sense or where
the topic does not allow adequate application of evidence. The most common examples include recommendations
regarding monitoring intervals, counseling, and referral to other clinical specialists. The ungraded recommendations
are generally written as simple declarative statements, but are not meant to be interpreted as being stronger
recommendations than Level 1 or 2 recommendations.
CRRT - Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
RRT - Renal Replacement Therapy
AKI Definitions
2.1.1: AKI is defined as any of the following
(Not Graded):
• Increase in SCr by ≥ 0.3 mg/dl
(≥ 26.5 μmol/l) within 48 hours; OR
• Increase in SCr to ≥ 1.5 times baseline,
which is known or presumed to have
within prior 7 days; OR
• Urine volume <0.5 ml/kg/h for 6 hours
2.1.2: A
KI is staged for severity according to the following criteria (below).
(Not Graded)
Staging of AKI
Stage Serum Creatinine Urine Output
c workup
nostic workup
Check for changes in drug dosing
Consider Renal Replacement Therapy
Consider ICU admission
Avoid subclavian catheters if possible
5.1.1: Initiate RRT emergently when life-threatening changes in fluid,
electrolyte, and acid-base balance exist. (Not Graded)
5.1.2: C
onsider the broader clinical context, the presence of conditions
that can be modified with RRT, and trends of laboratory tests—rather
than single BUN and creatinine thresholds alone—when making the
decision to start RRT. (Not Graded)
5.2.1: D
iscontinue RRT when it is no longer required, either because intrinsic
kidney function has recovered to the point that it is adequate to meet
patient needs, or because RRT is no longer consistent with the goals of
care. (Not Graded)
5.2.2: W
e suggest not using diuretics to enhance kidney function
recovery, or to reduce the duration or frequency of RRT. (2B)
RRT Anticoagulation
5.3.1: In a patient with AKI requiring RRT, base the decision to use
anticoagulation for RRT on assessment of the patient’s potential
risks and benefits from anticoagulation (see flow chart on next page).
(Not Graded) W
e recommend using anticoagulation during RRT in AKI
if a patient does not have an increased bleeding risk or
impaired coagulation and is not already receiving systemic
anticoagulation. (1B)
Some of the uses of the products described in the KDIGO guidelines have not been
approved or cleared by the FDA. For example, citrate has not been approved for
use as an anticoagulant for CRRT in the United States.
5.3.2: F
or patients without an increased bleeding risk or impaired
coagulation and not already receiving effective systemic
anticoagulation, we suggest the following: F
or anticoagulation in intermittent RRT, we recommend using
either unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin, rather
than other anticoagulants. (1C) F
or anticoagulation in CRRT, we suggest using regional citrate
anticoagulation rather than heparin in patients who do not
have contraindications for citrate. (2B) F
or anticoagulation during CRRT in patients who have
contraindications for citrate, we suggest using either
unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin, rather than
other anticoagulants. (2C)
5.3.3: F
or patients with increased bleeding risk who are not receiving
anticoagulation, we suggest the following for anticoagulation during
e suggest using regional citrate anticoagulation, rather
than no anticoagulation, during CRRT in a patient without
contraindications for citrate. (2C) W
e suggest avoiding regional heparinization during CRRT in
a patient with increased risk of bleeding. (2C)
Flow-chart summary
of recommendations
regarding RRT
Heparin includes low-
molecular-weight or Rec.
unfractionated heparin.
NO Underlying condition NO
Impaired requires systemic
coagulation? anticoagulation?
Proceed without
anticoagulation Use anticoagulation
adapted to this
Rec. NO
Intermittent RRT
bleeding risk?
Proceed without
YES anticoagulation
Choose RRT
Rec. & Rec. Rec.
CRRT Contraindications Increased Proceed without
for citrate? bleeding risk? anticoagulation
5.4.2: W
hen choosing a vein for insertion of a
dialysis catheter in patients with AKI,
consider these preferences (Not Graded):
A. First choice: right jugular vein;
B. Second choice: femoral vein;
C. Third choice: left jugular vein;
D. Last choice: subclavian vein with
preference for the dominant side.
RRT Modality
5.6.1: U
se continuous and intermittent RRT as complementary therapies
in AKI patients. (Not Graded)
5.6.2: W
e suggest using CRRT, rather than standard intermittent RRT, for
hemodynamically unstable patients. (2B)
5.6.3: W
e suggest using CRRT, rather than intermittent RRT, for AKI
patients with acute brain injury or other causes of increased
intracranial pressure or generalized brain edema. (2B)
RRT Solutions
5.7.1: W
e suggest using bicarbonate, rather than lactate, as a buffer in
dialysate and replacement fluid for RRT in patients with AKI. (2C)
5.7.2: W
e recommend using bicarbonate, rather than lactate, as a buffer
in dialysate and replacement fluid for RRT in patients with AKI and
circulatory shock. (1B)
5.7.3: W
e suggest using bicarbonate, rather than lactate, as a buffer in
dialysate and replacement fluid for RRT in patients with AKI and liver
failure and/or lactic acidemia. (2B)
RRT Dosing
5.8.1: T
he dose of RRT to be delivered should be prescribed before
starting each session of RRT. (Not Graded) We recommend
frequent assessment of the actual delivered dose in order to
adjust the prescription. (1B)
5.8.2: P
rovide RRT to achieve the goals of electrolyte, acid-base, solute,
and fluid balance that will meet the patient’s needs. (Not Graded)
5.8.3: W
e recommend delivering a Kt/V of 3.9 per week when using
intermittent or extended RRT in AKI. (1A)
5.8.4: W
e recommend delivering an effluent volume of 20–25 ml/kg/h for
CRRT in AKI (1A). This will usually require a higher prescription of
effluent volume. (Not Graded)
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