Feasibility Study For The Construction Delta Barrage (Indus River)
Feasibility Study For The Construction Delta Barrage (Indus River)
Feasibility Study For The Construction Delta Barrage (Indus River)
The geographical location of Sindh province and its dependence on Indus river creates highly
sensitivity regarding availability of water, which have been also adversely effected due to
recent climate changes phenomena, associated with trend of floods and droughts , water
mostly governs seasonal only, these factors enhance the need to build or develop river
storages at least to negotiate the demand of domestic & agriculture consumption of lower
reaches command of District Badin & Thatta, particularly during dry time. Further the low
flow of Indus also invited the sea intrusion associated with rapid transportation of high salts
and soil erosion, hence it is imperative to construct the Tidal barrages and manage the storage
facilities of lakes complex of Kadhan Pateji and Ochito in order to conserver the fragile echo
systems of coastal / sub coastal region of Indus Delta, with addition of off-taking right and
left canal to deliver the water to the end user and balances the environment sensitive echo
systems with add-on the recreational facility for the local & international tourism.
The Ministry of Water and Power under Federal Flood Commission, during 2005 initiated the
detailed Indus River studies to address the environmental concerns of all the four provinces,
particularly the Sindh sensitive issues on Sea Intrusion and its impacts on land degradation of
coastal to sub-coastal region which are under the influence of Indus delta and associated tidal
Based on the three Study I, Study II and Study III, it was concluded that water Escapages
below Kotri Barrage are primarily needed to: (1) check salinity encroachment in the river,
aquifer and coastal zone, (2) provide coastal stability, (3) ensure a sustainable environment,
(4) maintain fisheries, (5) prevent salinity accumulation, and (6) provide water for riverine
forests, riverine agriculture, pollution control and drinking water supply. To meet these
requirements as structural measure the need of Delta Barrage was conceived.
The main TOR of Study –I was focused on one of the most important considerations was
evaluating the feasibility of using structural measure to mitigate seawater intrusion and
selection of a site for the structure. The criteria was used in site selection coupled with site
visits to confirm the site conditions:
Both radial and vertical-lift wheel gates options were studied preliminary and found these
could perform the intended function satisfactorily. However, a comparison between these two
types shows that the radial gates are simpler, more reliable, and less expensive than vertical-
lift wheel gates. Radial gates of 50’ x 30’ size, made of structural steel are proposed because
of their local fabrication and other advantages as compared to vertical gates, the salient
features of the gated structure are.
During low flow season, all gates are to remain closed and freshwater flows shall pass
through the openings provided in the concrete masonry under the crest in each bay as shown
in Exhibit 8.3. These openings shall provide a passage for fish in both upstream and
downstream directions. The size of the openings may be selected to correspond to the desired
environmental flows to maintain a certain constant differential head across the gates. For
example, for a opening of 2.5 sq. ft. cross-sectional area in each bay shall maintain a 3.0 ft
differential head between the upstream pond level and the downstream sea water level during
high tide period with a downstream Kotri Barrage flow of 1000 cfs. The flow discharge
through the openings may increase or decrease with the low and high tides and the upstream
pond level may fluctuate accordingly. The main function of the gated barrage is to impound
freshwater upstream of the gated structure to check seawater intrusion in the Indus River. The
backing-up of freshwater upstream of the gated barrage would maintain a higher water level
in the local groundwater aquifer near the coast, which would in turn act as a hydraulic barrier
to the saltwater intrusion. During the wet season, particularly in the months of June, July and
August all gates shall be in open position to pass any high discharges. Since the structure is
located at the extreme downstream position of the Indus River Basin, adequate monitoring
and forecasting of peak discharges is possible and operation of the gates could be planned
accordingly. Both manual and motorized arrangements to operate the gates may be
incorporated in the design.
Cost of No Control
Agricultural and economic appraisal was made of the riverine area as a part of this study.
Based on the latest statistics the riverine area covers about 138,800 ha (about 343,000 ac) of
which about 61,200 ha (about 151,000 acres) is cultivated on an annual average basis. The
Kotri Sea reach can be divided distinctly in two sub-reaches, as indicated in the previous
sections. These sub-reaches are
Non tidal sub-reach, from Kotri Barrage to Thatta – Sujawal bridge, and
Tidal sub-reach, from Thatta – Sujawal bridge to mouth of the Indus River.
The cultivable areas in the non-tidal and tidal reach are about 28,900 ha (about 71,400 acres)
and 32,300 ha (about 79,800 acres), respectively. The Consultants carried out detailed
investigations to comprehend the cropping pattern, cropping intensity and potential impact of
seawater intrusion in the riverine area. The primary impact was identified to be on
agriculture. It was determined that the current cropping intensity, on the average, is about 35
percent in the non-tidal sub-reach compared to about 25 percent in the tidal reach. This
clearly demonstrates that the low intensity in the tidal sub-reach is because of seawater
Non-Tidal Sub-Reach
In this sub-reach, there is no seawater intrusion. This reach is not likely to be impacted as a
result of mitigation measures to control seawater intrusion. In this reach irrigation activities
are being carried out by the use of lift pumps from the adjoining canals on both banks and
from the river when flow is available. Shallow groundwater quality has largely improved as a
result of recharge from the irrigation system and cropped area. The cropping intensity in the
area is estimated to be about 35 percent. Because of no effect from seawater, this intensity is
expected to continue in the future
Tidal Sub-Reach
It is observed through field survey and discussion with official of concerned agencies that
there is a vast variation in historical cropped area and production in this sub-reach due to
variations in river flows and seawater intrusion. Comparison of crop yields and productions
cultivated in the non-tidal and tidal areas indicates that existing yield level in the tidal area is
about 16 to 45 percent less than that in non-tidal area. Average cropping intensity is about 25
percent. It is postulated that the control of seawater intrusion with the construction of a
structure (barrage or weir) at Dandho (Sherazi Bander) would create favorable conditions for
increasing the cultivated area and improve the cropping intensity. The cropped area is
anticipated to increase from about 4,800 ha to 6,500 ha with an incremental benefit of about
Rs 467 million. A non-structural measure to stop the seawater intrusion or dilute its effect
would be to provide sufficient flow in the Indus River during cultivation and growing
seasons. This would also improve the overall cropping intensity. If no flow conditions
downstream of Kotri Barrage are eliminated, as suggested in Section 9 of this report, the
effect of seawater intrusion would be significantly reduced. The increase in the cultivated
area would be similar to that computed for a structural measure.
Pakistan is a developing country having highest population growth rate of about 3% per
annum that requiring the increasing water demand year by year. The demand of water
consumption can be coped with modernization of irrigation system through integrated
Resources Management and support agricultural modernization for the sustainable
development, socially, environmentally and economically.
Pakistan is bestowed with the largest integrated irrigation network in the world. This makes
Pakistan essentially an agricultural-based country and, therefore, its economy largely depends
on the irrigation system. Surveys carried out from time to time indicate that conveyance
losses range from 20% to 30%. The colossal wastage of water, not only decreases water for
agricultural, industrial and domestic uses but also creates the problem of waterlogging and
The irrigation system of Sindh province should be fashioned in such a manner that it may
result in enhancement of crop yield and thereby increase in income of the parties associated
Water Sector is playing vital role to fulfill social, environmental and economic needs,
however, no serious concentration has been paid on the Water Sector. Therefore, due to lack
of better management of water resources, huge quantum of water has been losing from Indus
River and irrigation network. The infrastructure of irrigation and drainage system is in very
poor condition due to deferred maintenance over the period of time. Owing to silt deposition
in the irrigation network of Sindh province has affected equitable and reliable distribution of
water from head to tail reaches of irrigation system. Further demand of water of irrigation,
industrial and municipal utilization has been increasing as in line with augment in Cultural
Commanded Areas (CCA), development of industrial sector and growth in population.
Therefore, there is hard need to prepare strategy of water resources management to save
water from losses of irrigation network and to develop management of water for Sindh
Irrigation system in Sindh has a history of several thousand years. Irrigation Canals were
extended and improved during the late 1800s. Later on a major programme for improvement
and construction of new inundation canals was undertaken in the later half of the nineteenth
century but it was not until 1932 that barrage commanded irrigation was introduced with the
construction of Sukkur Barrage system commanding a gross area of some eight million acres
on the both banks of the River Indus. Later two barrages, Kotri (1955) and Guddu (1962)
completed the system as it is today.
The water share as well as the distribution in the entire system is regulated on basis of
experience and professional judgment of engineers and completely to the discretion of the
Chief Engineer. No rules, criteria or indicators are available and the professional judgment is
based on intuition and other undocumented reasons, rather than facts since many of the basic
characteristics of the system are not well known. For example the most basic one, knowledge
of the area to be irrigated, is not systematically updated and conflicting data are present at
offices of different levels. Measurements of discharge are only taken irregularly, while the
methods are disputable, often based on old calibrations for hydraulic conditions that are not
valid any more. Hence a judicious water distribution between the different canals
withdrawing from the barrages is not possible. The conditions of the gates are reasonable,
although some irregularities are hampering the fine tuning of releases, while complete closure
if so required is difficult. With every step some inaccuracies or irregularities are (willingly or
unwillingly) introduced and the water distribution observed at different barrages is often
rather different than the one published before the season.
The combination of all these factors cause that the water distribution is based on doubtful
grounds, can not be carried out exactly as planned due to technical deficiencies and is further
disturbed due to managerial interventions. The system therefore has a serious lack of
transparency and enables irregularities to pass unnoticed. Therefore, this system led
mismanagement of distribution of water and caused of waterlogging irrigated agriculture
lands. This twin problem of waterlogging and salinity has not only been cause of degrading
of fertile lands but also developed adverse environmental socio-economic impacts.
Project Area
The Indus River outfall area is the downstream-most part of the entire Indus Basin System,
which includes a terminal opening into the Arabian Sea. The Kotri Barrage lies at the head of
the reach, which is about 270 km (168 miles) in length. In this river reach the lateral
outflows are nil except for the flood spills and evapo-transpiration-cum-valley storage losses.
Lateral inflows are also negligible except for those of the non-perennial streams such as the
Baran Nai during the monsoon period, the regenerated inflows during low flows, and the
direct precipitation on the main river channel. The entire reach is embanked on both sides
except for some lengths near the seashore and where the bank topography overrules the
necessity of a flood control embankment. The rivers and main streams of the Indus Basin
System downstream of Kotri are shown in Figure 3.
Kotri Barrage is located three miles north of Hyderabad City. The Project was sanctioned few
months before the dawn of Independence in 1947. The head works were completed in 1955,
and the left bank non-perennial canals received weir controlled supplies in the same year.
Akram Wah (perennial and cement-concrete lined channel) was made operational in 1958.
On the right Bank only one i.e. Kalri Baghar Feeder off-takes. It is basically meant to feed
water to Keenjahr Lake through which domestic and industrial water is supplied to Karachi
city and to the agricultural lands of Thatta district area. It also started functioning from the
year Operation of the system
Most of the areas in the command of Kotri Barrage are extensively cultivated and regularly
irrigated. Pinyari Canal, Fuleli Canal and Lined Canal (Akkam Wah) offtake from the left
bank with a design discharge of 409 cms(m 3/sec) (14,000 cfs), 391 cms (13,800 cfs) and 116
cms (4,100 cfs), respectively, whereas, the Kalri Baghar Feeder Canal with a design
discharge of 255 cms (9,000 cfs) runs almost parallel to the river along the right bank. These
four canals command areas along both the banks of the Indus River.
A large part of population of Hyderabad, Badin and Thatta districts resides along both the
banks of Kotri-Sea Reach of Indus River and around the Indus Delta. A number of important
towns and villages like Latifabad, Hyderabad, Tando Muhammad Khan, Mirpur Bathoro,
Golarchi and Sujawal are situated along the left bank, whereas Thatta and Mirpur Sakro are
located on the right bank.
In order to save human life and dwellings, irrigation systems, agricultural land and
infrastructures, flood protection bunds have been constructed along both riverbanks of the
Indus River in the Project area. The construction and improvement of bunds started
sometimes in 1869 and continues today. The floods have been breaching these bunds since
the day of their construction. The first breach occurred in Uchito Bund in 1912. After the
super floods of 1970s, the bunds were raised and strengthened in order to sustain the future
floods. This process has provided protection against overtopping and breaching of bunds to a
great extent in the Project area. However, parallel flow, erosion and meandering of the river
pose a continuous threat to the safety of the flood protection works. The areas near the
Arabian Sea are also affected during high tide period when vast areas get inundated and are
subjected to saltwater intrusion.
The Central Indus River valley runs in a north-south direction of the Sindh Province along
the Indus river. The Kotri-Sea Reach being the lower southern part of the valley, is
sandwiched between the western mountainous area and the eastern desert comprising parts of
Hyderabad, Thatta and Badin districts.
Hyderabad district has an area of the order of 5,638 sq.km (2,177 sq.miles). According to the
current estimate, the population of the district is over 3.5 million. Thatta district includes an
area of about 17,355 sq.kms (6,700 sq.miles) with a population of about one million. Badin
district, comprising an area of about 6,560 sq.kms (2,534 sq.miles) also has a population of
over one million.
Kotri Barrage
The Barrage was constructed to pass a maximum discharge of about 24,780 cms (875,000
cfs). In 1956 the flood peak passing through the barrage exceeded the design discharge
The Barrage is the source of irrigation water supply for an area of about 1.126 million
hectares (2.78 million acres). The pertinent data of the canals off-taking from the barrage is
given in Table 1. Most of the canal commanded area lies in the districts of Thatta, Badin and
The Kotri Barrage sluice gates are generally operated during the high flow season (July-
September). During this period, the river is often in flood and the flows in excess of the Kotri
Barrage Canal System are released downstream into the Kotri-Sea reach.
There are four canals, i.e. three on the left and one on the right bank of River Indus, off-
taking from Kotri Barrage and deliver assured Irrigation water supplies for an area of 3.0
million acres. The feeder canal on the right bank, namely, Kalri Baghar Feeder has a unique
design where Keenjhar Lake forms the integral part of the canal system. The Kalri Baghar
Feeder upper puts its water at the northern end of Keenjhar Lake, whereas Kalri Baghar
Feeder lower draws its supplies from southern end of the Lake at Chillya. This Feeder gives
Irrigation supplies to an area which is partly designed to receive perennial supplies and partly
seasonal supplies. It is a major source of perennial water supplies for the metropolis of
Karachi. The other three canals off-take from left bank of the barrage. Akram Wah is a
perennial canal and lined with cement concrete while Fuleli and Pinyari canals are non-
The four canals which off-take from barrage and their total Gross Command Area (GCA) is
3018564 acres, total Cultural Command Area (CCA) is 2917375 acres and total design
withdrawal discharge of Kotri Barrage is 41480 cusecs, total number of minor &
distributaries is 345 and total number of outlets is 11675 respectively. The Silent feature of
canals of Kotri barrage is being given below in Table-I.
tBan 255 9,000 312 772 240 592
Drainage network
The Kotri-Sea Reach receives the surplus flows of the entire Indus Basin and all of it’s major,
small and minor tributaries To combat water logging & salinity the Kotri Barrage surface
drainage system was conceived & constructed except being utilized for drainage of saline
sub-surface water.
The area of the drainage circle commonly is located in deltaic areas low-elevation above
MSL Flat but slightly sloping from the apex to the sea, land under lain at shallow depth by
un-ripened soils & marine saline ground water drainage outfall to the sea constrained by the
tidal regimes, at the sea side the cultivated land of the command transits into extension flat
type of coasted fore lands, flooding by the sea is only the incidental problems and there are
no distinct coastal embankments. Natural drainage conditions vary with the higher lying
lands in the upper command...
The Kotri Barrage sluice gates area generally operated during the high flow season (July-
September). During this period the river is often in flood & the flows in excess of the Kotri
Barrage canal systems are released down stream into the Kotri - Sea reaches for controlling
sea intrusion through Indus River mouth.
Pre construction of Kotri Barrage 16,00,000 cusecs days of water was applied to an average
area of 6,00,000 acres during Kharif season through inundation canals for a period of not
exceeding 100 days per year. As the land remained dry for most part of the year, necessity for
artificial drainage was never felt. A few dhoras (Natural depressions) such as Nagan Dhoro,
Falak, Sukhat, Gungro, Pirani and Khui Gharo etc. efficiently drained the surplus water
during monsoon. The sub soil water table in this tract thus remained well within the control.
However under the post Barrage condition, the quantum water has increased more than five
times the pre-barrage period. By 1959 after about 4 years of barrage operation, a necessity
was strongly felt for providing adequate facility for disposed off Pancho water from the
peddy fields and run off from unusual rain storms. Consequently a pilot project of 316 miles
of open surface drains in an area of 2.3 million acres has been constructed. Now the system is
working, but needs further improvements.
A large network of surface drainage was constructed in Kotri Barrage command area. The
Kotri Surface Drainage System serves the whole Kotri barrage command area. It consists of
about 18 large independent sub-systems outfalling directly into the Arabian Sea and some via
tidal creeks. The independent drainage systems have sub-drains and are varying in length.
Furthermore, their catchment areas also vary. The details are given in Table-II.
Total Length Out falling
S. No. Name Discharge
(RDs) Point
10. LBOD
11. KPOD
The characteristics of Indus River flows are of comparatively small discharges from
November to March, increasing through the months of April to June and reaching the highest
flood dimensions in July and August. Over 80 percent of the flow in the river occurs during
kharif season with a major portion of which concentrated in the two flood months of July and
August. Records of summer floods show that the highest peak occurs most frequently in the
month of August, the month of July ranking second.
In the past several decades generally higher peak discharges have been recorded. The
frequency of occurrence has also increased. This is evident from the frequency analyses
presented in various studies carried out by different agencies. The increase in flood peak
flows is due to new bunds in the upper reaches of the rivers which prevent spread of flood
water over the land and hence increase the peak river flow. The tendency for a peak flow to
increase may also be due to the rapid runoff in the upper catchments of the river system, as a
result of increased and unplanned deforestation and denudation of vegetation. This process
leads to higher peak flows and lower winter discharges.
Figure 4 shows the release during each 10-days period from 1976 to 2004 during the post-
Tarbela era.
10-Day Average Flow of Indus River Below Kotri Barrage
Post-Tarbela (1976-96)
Flow (1000*cusecs)
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Month-10 days
Seawater intrusion occurs in river estuary regions where salty seawater moves and
encroaches into freshwater aquifers or freshwater estuaries. Seawater intrusion in estuaries is
typically associated with groundwater pumping in the coastal area. Two percent seawater in
freshwater will make the fresh groundwater unfit for drinking purposes and nearly four
percent would be harmful for crop use.
The extent and configuration of the seawater intrusion in the coastal areas depends on many
factors. These factors include: tidal effects, river flow, river channel configuration, quantity
of stream flow, salinity concentration of river water, type of aquifer (confined, phreatic,
leaky, or multi-layer) and its geology and geometry, groundwater table, saline concentration
of groundwater, seawater density, quantity of groundwater withdrawal or recharge, rainfall
intensities and frequencies, evaporation rates, etc.
Under natural conditions, the seaward movement of freshwater checks seawater from
encroaching river channels or coastal aquifers and the interface between freshwater and
seawater is maintained near the coast or far below land surface. This interface is a zone in
which seawater and freshwater mix, and is referred to as the zone of dispersion, or transition
When there is a reduced discharge or no discharge at all in the river estuary, freshwater, being
lighter will float on top of seawater as it intrudes inland during the process. Mixing of
freshwater and seawater will take place slowly and as a result, a gradational interface
boundary will form between them. This is illustrated in Figure 1.
Groundwater pumping can reduce freshwater flow in the aquifer toward coastal discharge
areas and cause seawater to be drawn toward the freshwater zones of the aquifer.
Seawater intrusion decreases freshwater storage in the aquifers, as shown in Figure 2. It can
result in the deterioration of groundwater quality and the eventual abandonment of supply
Project Objectives
The specific objective of this study is to determine the minimum desirable quantity of Indus
water that needs to pass through Kotri Barrage throughout the year to alleviate adverse
impacts, if any, downstream of Kotri Barrage and suggest structural and/or non-structural
measures to arrest/stop the salt water intrusion into the deltaic areas from the sea.
Scope of Works
According to the Terms of Reference, the Scope of Works for the project is as follows:
Collect all available maps, satellite imageries, reports, models and other information on the
Indus River from Kotri Barrage to Sea, covering the pattern of river flows and sea tides in
delta/coastal area.
Carry out a preliminary field review and analysis of the available information to determine
any serious lack of data required for the Study.
Analyze data and find out relationship, if any, between sea water intrusion (both in terms of
surface as well as groundwater contaminations), and the quantity of fresh water escaping
below Kotri Barrage.
Develop a computer model to simulate flow patterns and saline intrusion under past and
future flow patterns and assess the impact on water quality in the river channel below Kotri
Provide alternative solutions to minimize the sea water intrusion up the river system as
Establish the degree of seawater intrusion that has occurred since the operation of Kotri
Barrage began and its current monthly pattern.
Determine the impact on ground water of seawater intrusion into the Indus River and the
consequent effect on wells used for irrigation and domestic purposes.
Determine the location and feasibility of constructing weirs or barrages below Kotri Barrage
for controlling seawater intrusion.
Establish the minimum quantum of fresh water below Kotri Barrage to check seawater
(7) Develop a recommended monitoring and evaluation program for each of the alternate
minimum flow scenarios. The program should include suitable monitoring procedures, a
network of monitoring stations and estimated establishment and annual costs.