A Review of Sensor Technologies For Perception in Automated Driving

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A Review of Sensor Technologies for Perception in Automated Driving

Article  in  IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine · September 2019

DOI: 10.1109/MITS.2019.2907630

53 2,746

4 authors, including:

Enrique Martí Miguel Angel de Miguel

Tecnalia Corporación Tecnológica University Carlos III de Madrid


Joshué Pérez
Tecnalia Corporación Tecnológica


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A Review of Sensor Technologies for Perception in

Automated Driving
Enrique Martı́, Miguel Ángel de Miguel, Fernando Garcı́a, Member, IEEE, and Joshué Pérez, Member, IEEE

Abstract—After more than 20 years of research, ADAS are Perception is a very challenging problem for several reasons.
common in modern vehicles available in the market. Automated First, the environment is complex and highly dynamic, with
Driving systems, still in research phase and limited in their some cases involving a large number of participants (dense
capabilities, are starting early commercial tests in public roads.
These systems rely on the information provided by on-board traffic, populated cities). Second, it needs to work reliably
sensors, which allow to describe the state of the vehicle, its under a wide range of external conditions, including lighting
environment and other actors. Selection and arrangement of and weather (rain, fog, snow, dust). Perception errors are
sensors represent a key factor in the design of the system. This propagated and can be the cause of severe accidents. Some
survey reviews existing, novel and upcoming sensor technologies, real examples include the 2016 Tesla AutoPilot accident [4],
applied to common perception tasks for ADAS and Automated
Driving. They are put in context making a historical review of where a man was killed after its car crashed a truck: the camera
the most relevant demonstrations on Automated Driving, focused failed to detect the gray truck against a bright sky while radar
on their sensing setup. Finally, the article presents a snapshot of detection was discarded as background noise by perception
the future challenges for sensing technologies and perception, algorithms. Later in 2018, a Tesla model X crashed a highway
finishing with an overview of the commercial initiatives and divider after the lane following system failed to detect faded
manufacturers alliances that will show the intention of the market
in sensors technologies for Automated Vehicles. lines and the concrete divider was not recognized, killing the
driver [5]. Also in 2018, an experimental Uber vehicle killed a
Index Terms—Automated Driving, LiDAR, Radar, Artificial woman that was crossing the road [6] in the night, dressed in
Vision, Perception.
dark clothes. Only the LiDAR provided a positive detection,
that was discarded as a false positive by perception algorithms.
I. I NTRODUCTION Sensor technologies have been surveyed previously in the
literature, but usually centered on ADAS implementation [7],
Every year more than one million people die on road
[8] or at a general level within Automated Driving [9]. One
accidents and several million more get injured [1]. In addition
of the main contributions of this work is its focus on the
to the social cost, it also has an important economic impact for
relation between sensors and perception, which provide an
nations worldwide. According to [2] the most frequent causes
integral view of the process that leads from raw sensor data
for car accidents in the European Union are human related:
to meaningful information for the driving task.
speeding, driving under the effects of alcohol or drugs, reckless
driving, distractions or just plain misjudgments. The content of the article is organized as follows. Section
Automated Driving systems aim to take the human driver II reviews the sensor technologies commonly used for per-
out of the equation. This makes them a tool with the potential ception, its drawbacks and advantages, and related emerging
to reduce the number of traffic accidents. Based on recent technologies that can be used in the future. Section III starts
developments and demonstrations around the world, there is describing the most important competences in perception, to
a tendency to think that Automated Driving with a high level proceed with a state of the art of perception algorithms and
of automation will be available in a few years. This raises techniques grouped by competences. Sensors used on each
questions about its safety. work are enumerated, and their advantages and disadvantages
are discussed. Section IV gives a perspective of the evolution
The architecture of Automated Vehicles is usually divided
of perception in Automated Driving, presenting the most
into three categories: perception of the environment, behavior
relevant works and demos in the history of the discipline with
planning and motion execution [3]. Automated vehicles obtain
a focus in sensor technologies used for each one. Finally,
information about their surroundings using different sensors,
section V contains a discussion of the current state of the
such as cameras, LiDARs and radars. Raw data is processed to
discipline and the future challenges for sensors and perception
extract relevant features which are the input to the following
in Automated Driving systems. It includes a review of the most
stages (behavior planning and motion execution), that will
relevant alliances between OEMs (Original Equipment Manu-
perform tasks such as path planning, collision avoidance or
facturers) and technological companies involved in Automated
control of the vehicle among others.
Driving projects at the time of writing the article.
E. Martiı́ and J. Pérez work in the Automated Driving group,
Fundación Tecnalia, Derio, 48160 Spain. Corresponding e-mail: en-
rique.marti@tecnalia.com. II. S ENSORS AND TECHNOLOGIES
M. de Miguel and F. Garcı́a are in Universidad Carloss III de Madrid,
Leganés, 28911, Spain This work is focused in exteroceptive sensors, leaving
Manuscript received November 9, 2018; revised Xxxxx 0 , 201x. proprioceptive sensors and communications out of the scope

of the review. Exteroception in Automated Driving is related A more extensive review of camera and sensor problems can
with information in the surroundings of the vehicle, as opposed be found in [15], from the perspective of recording scenes in
to propioception that is related with the state of the vehicle sports.
itself (speed, accelerations, component integrity). 1) 3D technology: Traditional camera technology is essen-
Next subsections present the advantages, drawbacks and tially 2D, but there are some types of vision sensors that
current challenges for the three principal sensor technologies can perceive depth information. This section describes the
for exteroceptive perception in Automated Driving: artificial three principal types that are already available as commercial
vision, radar and LiDAR. Each one is followed with a review devices, although not always targeting the automotive market.
of relevant emergent technologies in the field. Stereo vision. Depth is calculated [16] from the apparent
After that, a taxonomy of information domains is presented. displacement of visual features in the images captured by two
It is useful for several purposes. First it allows to link sensors carefully calibrated monocular cameras pointing in the same
technologies with perception algorithms described in section direction and separated by some distance (known as baseline).
III, since the first provide the raw data needed by the second. One of the greatest advantages of stereo vision systems
Second, the categorization is used to structure a subsequent is their capability to provide dense depth maps, as opposed
analysis about the suitability and adequacy of the presented to sparse sensors (e.g. LiDARs). Stereo vision drawbacks
sensing technologies for perception in Automated Driving. include issues with low-textured patterns (e.g. solid colors)
This last part includes also the expected performance under that difficult establishing correspondences between frames.
different environmental and weather conditions. Monocular SLAM (Simultaneous Location And Mapping)
algorithms share some of the working principles of stereo
system: the motion of a single monocular camera creates an
A. Artificial Vision
artificial baseline between consecutive frames, from which
Artificial vision is a popular technology that has been used depth and camera motion are estimated. Some works as [17],
for decades in disciplines as mobile robotics, surveillance or [18] represent a good alternative to stereo sensors for location
industrial inspection. This technology offers interesting fea- and mapping.
tures, as the low cost of sensors –for most popular types– and Structured light. A monocular camera coupled with a
providing range of information types including spatial (shape, device that illuminates the scene with a known pattern of
size, distances), dynamic (motion of objects by analyzing infrared light. Irregular surfaces produce an apparent distortion
their displacement between consecutive frames) and semantic of the light pattern, that is captured by the camera and
(shape analysis). translated to a depth map.
Cameras available in the market offer a wide range of Structured light devices overcome some limitations of
configurations in resolution (from less than 0.25 to more stereoscopic systems: they do not depend on textured surfaces
than 40 Mpx), frame rate (up to thousands of frames per and have a lower computational cost. However, they require
second (FPS)), sensor size, and optics parameters. However, the same high-accuracy calibration [19] and its operative range
Automated Driving poses some particular challenges to camera (usually below 20 meters) is limited by the power of the
sensors and artificial vision technology: emitter and the intensity of ambient light. Reflections can
Varying light and visibility conditions. Driving happens affect its performance.
at day, at night, indoors, or at dusk or dawn with the sun Time-of-flight. Is an active sensing technology [20] based
close to the horizon. Dark spots, shadows, glares, reflections in the same round-trip-time principle of LiDAR sensors (see
and other effects complicate the implementation of reliable II-C): an emitter composed of infrared LEDs floods the scene
artificial visible algorithms. Extending the capturing spectrum with modulated light that is captured by the sensor after being
can solve some of these problems. Far infrared (FIR) cameras reflected by elements in the environment. The round-trip-time
(wavelength 900-1400 nm) are effective for pedestrian and can be calculated for each pixel based on the phase shift of
animal detection [10], [11], in the dark and through dust incoming light, which is then translated to a distance.
and smoke. Near Infrared (NIR)(750-900 nm) complements Using a non-directed source of light (as opposed to the
visible spectrum with a better contrast in high dynamic range low divergence laser emitter in LiDAR) has advantages as
scenes, and better night visibility. In [12] authors compare the ability to create dense depth maps and a high refresh
visible light, NIR and FIR cameras under different light and rate exceeding 50 Hz. However, its operative range is short
atmospheric conditions. for automotive applications (10-20 meters) and has problems
Scenes with a High Dynamic Range (HDR) contain dark working under intense ambient light. Some research lines
and strongly illuminated areas in the same frame, as entering as indirect time-of-flight [21], pulsed light time-of-flight or
or exiting a tunnel. Common sensor technologies have single avalanche photodiodes [22] could increase working range to
shot dynamic range of 60-75 dB, which cause a loss of 50-250 meters.
information in the extremes (under- or overexposure). In 2017 2) Emerging vision technologies: In event-based vision the
Sony launched a 120 dB automotive sensor and 2k resolution. elements of the sensor (pixels) are triggered asynchronously
An automotive grade sensor combining HDR capabilities and and independently when they detect a change on light intensity
NIR light detection is analyzed in [13] and the work [14] (an event). The sensor produce a stream of events that can
presents a sensor with 130/170 dB range (global/rolling shutter be grouped in time windows for getting a frame-like image.
configurations). Independence of sensor elements raises the dynamic range

of the sensor to 120 dB, allowing high speed applications in and environment mapping. An example can be found in [28],
low light conditions. [23] shows tracking at 1000 FPS under where a 90GHz rotating radar in the roof of a car is used
regular indoor lightning conditions, although the sensor works to map the environment, including vehicles, static objects and
in sub-microsecond time scales. Events can be the input to ground. The paper [31] demonstrates the feasibility of radars
visual odometry [24] and SLAM [25] applications, relieving operating between 100 and 300 GHz, analyzing atmospheric
the CPU of time consuming operations on raw images. absorption and reflectivity of materials usually found in driving
There is an active line of research [26] around sensors scenarios.
capturing light polarization, which perform consistently under One of the key technologies that can lead to high resolution
adverse meteorological conditions and provide exotic types of radar imaging are meta-material based antennas [32], [33]
information (e.g. materials, composition, water in the road). for efficient synthetic aperture radars. Some manufacturers as
Metawave are starting to offer products oriented to automotive
B. Radar sector based on the technology.
Radar technology use high frequency electromagnetic waves
to measure the distance to objects based on the round-trip time C. LiDAR
principle, which is the time it takes the wave to reach the LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is an active ranging
object, bounce on it and travel back to the sensor. technology that calculates distance to objects by measuring
Most modern automotive radars are based on the Frequency- round-trip time of a laser light pulse. Sensors for robotic and
Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) technology, and use automotive applications use a low power NIR laser (900-1050
digital beamforming [27] to control the direction of the emitted nm) that is invisible and eye-safe. Laser beams have a low
wave. FMCW consists on emitting a signal with a well known divergence for reducing power decay with distance, allowing
and stable frequency that is modulated with another continuous to measure distances up to 200 m under direct sunlight.
signal that varies its frequency up and down (typically using a Typically, a rotating mirror is used to change the direction
triangular shape). Distance is determined using the frequency of the laser pulse, reaching 360 degree horizontal coverage.
shift between the emitted and reflected signals. Radars also Commercial solutions use an array of emitters to produce
exploit Doppler effect to get a direct observation of the relative several vertical layers (between 4 and 128). This generates a
speed of the target with respect to the sensor. 3D point cloud representing the environment. LiDAR sensors
One of the strongest arguments for including radar sensing are a good choice for creating accurate digital maps, because
in automated vehicles is its independence of light and weather of their high accuracy measuring distances which averages
conditions. It works in the dark, and detections are almost a few millimeters error in most cases and degrading to 0.1-
equally good with snow, rain, fog or dust [28]. Long range 0.5 meters in the worse [34]. However, they have several
radars can see up to 250 m in very adverse conditions, where drawbacks to take into account.
no other sensor works. Low vertical resolution. In low cost models, which usually
Radar sensors present some difficulties and drawbacks: feature less than 16 layers, vertical resolution (separation
Sensible to target reflectivity. Processing radar data is a between consecutive layers) falls down to 2 degrees. At 100
tricky task, due in part to the heterogeneous reflectivity of m distance, this is translated into a vertical distance of 1.7 m.
the different materials. Metals amplify radar signal, easing High end models reduce this to 0.2-0.4 degrees, but at a much
detection of vehicles but increasing the apparent size of small higher cost.
objects as discarded cans in the road, while other materials Sparse measures (not dense). Commercial device Velo-
(e.g. wood) are virtually transparent. This can cause false dyne HDL64 has a 2 mrad divergence [35] (0.11 degrees) and
positives (detect a non existing obstacle) and false negatives a vertical resolution of 0.42 degrees. At 50 meters distance,
(not detecting an actual obstacle). the 0.3 degree gap between layers is equivalent to a blind strip
Resolution and accuracy. Radars are very accurate measur- 0.26 meters tall. In low end devices (Velodyne VLP16) this
ing distance and speed along the line that connects the sensor gap grows to 1.5 meters. Small targets can remain undetected,
with a target. However, horizontal resolution depends on the and structures based on wires and bars are virtually invisible.
characteristics of the emitted beam. Raw angular resolution Poor detection of dark and specular objects. Black cars
in digital beamforming systems falls between 2 to 5 degrees can appear as invisible to the LiDAR, since they combine
[29], that can be improved to 0.1-1 degrees using advanced a color that absorbs most radiation with a non-Lambertian
processing techniques [30]. With this angular resolution, it material that does not scatter radiation back to receiver.
can be difficult to separate (detect as independent targets) a Affected by weather conditions. NIR laser beams are
pedestrian from a nearby car at 30 m distance. At 100 m affected by rain and fog because water droplets scatter the
distance it can be impossible to separate vehicles in neighbor light [36], reducing its operative range and producing false
lanes, determine if a vehicle is in our same lane, and even if measures in the front of the cloud. The effect of dust has been
a detection is a vehicle or a bridge over the road. explored in [37]. LiDAR performance in these scenarios is
1) Emerging radar technologies: One of the most active worse than radar, but still better than cameras and human eye.
research area is related with high resolution radar imaging for 1) Emerging LiDAR technologies: FMCW LiDAR [38]
automobiles. Apart from benefits in target tracking and object emits light continuously to measure objects speed based on
separation, a higher resolution can get richer semantic infor- Doppler effect. In the last years some research prototypes suit-
mation and enable further applications as target classification able for the automotive market start appearing [39]. Apart from

improving target tracking capabilities, observation of speed

can be useful to enhance activity recognition and behavior
prediction, for example by detecting the different speeds of
limbs and body in cyclists and pedestrians.
Solid state LiDAR is an umbrella term that includes several
technologies, two of which are oscillating micro-mirrors and
Optical Phased Array (OPA). The first technology directs
laser beams using micro-mirrors that can rotate around two
axes. Manufacturer LeddarTech commercializes devices based
on this technology [40]. Optical phased arrays [41] is a
technology similar to that used for EBF radars that allows
to control the direction of the beam with high accuracy
and speed. Quanergy [42] is one of the few manufacturers
commercializing devices based on this technology.
OPA technology can apply random-access scan patterns
over the entire FoV (Field of View). This allows observing
only specific regions of interest, and change beam density
(resolution) dynamically. These features can be combined to
do fast inspection of the full FoV with low resolution, and
then tracking objects of interest with a higher resolution for
enhanced shape recognition even at far distances.
Fig. 1. Sensor adequacy for relevant types of information
D. Relevant information domains
The task of a perception system is to bridge the gap between
E. Using sensors for perception
sensors providing data and decision algorithms requiring infor-
mation. A classical differentiation between both terms is the Sensor selection and arrangement is one of the most impor-
following: data is composed by raw, unorganized facts that tant aspects in the design of a perception system for Automated
need to be processed, while information is the name given Vehicles. It has a great impact in its cost, with some setups
to data that has been processed, organized, structured and having several times the price of the rest of the vehicle. This
presented in a proper context. epigraph summarizes two aspects of the uttermost importance:
Table I presents a taxonomy tightly related with the goals of type of information acquired and impact of environmental
perception stage (section III). It allows to present conclusions factors. For an analysis of spatial coverage and range see [43].
about the suitability of sensor technologies for different per- The characteristics of a sensing technology determines its
ception tasks in a clear and organized way. Elements marked suitability for acquiring certain types of information, and
with an asterisk are derived information that can be inferred restricts its range of operative conditions. Figure 1 relates the
from sensed data but not directly observed. It is mostly related principal sensing technologies currently used in the automotive
with internal state of external entities, as the intentions of market and Automated Driving initiatives with relevant types
human beings and animals. of information identified in Table I. The adequacy of a sensor
for acquiring a certain type of information (or equivalently,
the expected quality of that type of information when captured

Category # Information type

1 Kinematic/dynamic (includes position)
2 Proprioceptive (components health/status)
3 Driver awareness/capacities
Occupants 4 * Driver intentions (mind model)
5 Passenger status (needs, risk factors)
6 Spatial features: location, size, shape, fine features
7 Identification: class, type, identity
8 Semantic features: signs, road marks, regulation
9 Contextual factors: weather, driving situation (e.g.
jam, off-road, emergency)
10 Spatial features: location, size, shape, fine features
11 Kinematic/dynamic: position, motion
External actors
12 Identification: class, type, identity
13 Semantic features: vehicle lights, pedestrian
clothes, gestures
14 * Situational engagement: collabora-
tive/aware (adults, other vehicles) vs non-
collaborative/unaware (animals, children) Fig. 2. Sensor robustness under atmospheric and environmental factors

by that sensing technology) is classified in three levels: Good 1) Camera based solutions: Cameras are the most common
(green shading, tick), Medium (yellow shading, letter M) and sensor for TSDR. They can be used for TSR, TSD or both at
Bad (red shading, letter B). the same time. As an example of TSR, [48] proposes a method
Sensors and perception are expected to work uninterruptedly based on the Polar-Fourier Grayscale Descriptor, and [49] a
during vehicle operation. Weather and other environmental learning method based on a histogram intersection kernel. For
factor can degrade sensor performance, but each technology is TSD, [50] proposes a method based on a fast Convolutional
affected in a different way. Figure 2 summarizes the effect of Neural Network (CNN) inspired in the YOLOv2 network.
common external factors in the performance of the analyzed This algorithm can detect the position of the traffic sign and
sensing technologies, using the same notation as Figure 1. classify it according to its shape. [51] detects stop and yield
signs with a statistical template built using color information in
different color spaces (YCbCR and ErEgEb). TSD techniques
III. P ROBLEMS AND APPLICATIONS can also be applied to traffic light detection, as in [52], where a
Bayesian inference framework to detect and map traffic lights
This section analyzes the state of the art in perception sys- is described. A different approach is proposed by [53] that
tems for Automated Driving. A set of behavioral competences uses a dual focal camera system composed of a wide angle
is identified, followed by a systematic literature review that camera and a telephoto camera which is moved by mirrors
analyzes the solutions for each category, organized by sensor in order to get higher quality images of the traffic signs.
technology. Camera sensors can also perform TSD and TSR tasks as
is shown in the following works where first the signals are
detected attending to their color or shape, and then they are
A. Behavioral competencies classified using machine learning techniques (CNN or SVM)
Behavioral competencies in Automated Driving “refers to [54], [55], [56]. In [57] a system composed by eight roof-
the ability of an Automated Vehicle to operate in the traffic mounted cameras which takes images every meter perform
conditions that it will regularly encounter” [44]. The NHTSA offline TDSR to create a database with more than 13,000 traffic
defined a set of 28 core competencies for normal driving [45], signs annotations
that have been augmented to a total of 47 by Waymo [46] in 2) LiDAR based solutions: LiDAR sensors have been used
their internal tests. Table II selects a subset of those behavioral for TSD. Their 3D perception capabilities are useful to deter-
competencies and arranges them in categories that are used mine the position of the sign and its shape, and can also use
to structure the state of the art in perception algorithms in a the intensity of reflected light to improve detection accuracy
purpose oriented approach. based on the high reflectivity of traffic signs. [58] performs
This set of competences represents the link between per- detection in three steps: first the point cloud is filtered by
ception and decision (planning), as a counterpart to the in- laser reflection intensity, then a clustering algorithm is used
formation taxonomy presented in the previous section (Table to detect potential candidates, followed by a filtering step
I), which linked sensors and perception algorithms. Both based on the lateral position, elevation and geometry that
tables can be combined to evaluate the suitability of sensor extracts the signs. [59] goes one step further and makes a
technologies for creating some set of Automated Driving primary classification attending to the sign shape (rectangular,
capacities. triangular and circular).
3) Sensors Fusion solutions: A system that combines Li-
The next subsections describe the state of the art in percep-
DAR and Cameras can improve the sign detection and recog-
tion techniques for the three identified categories of behavioral
nition as it has the advantages and the information of both
sources. [60] trains a SVM with 10 variables: 9 of different
color spaces provided by the camera (RGB, HSV, CIEL*a*b*)
plus reflection intensity observed by LiDAR. After verifying
B. Automatic Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition (TSDR)
the 3D geometry of detected signs, a linear SVM classifier
Traffic signs are visual devices with a well defined aspect, is applied to HOG features. [61] method detects traffic signs
that transmit a clear and precise piece of information about in LiDAR point clouds using prior knowledge of road width,
traffic regulation, warnings about factors affecting driving and pole height, and traffic sign reflectance, geometry and size.
other informative statements. The spatial and temporal scopes Traffic sign images are normalized to perform classification
of applicability are also defined in the sign, either explicitly based on a supervised Gaussian–Bernoulli deep Boltzmann
or implicitly. Acquiring information from road traffic signs machine model.
involves two major tasks: Traffic Sign Detection (TSD) which
consists on finding the location, orientation and size of traffic C. Perception of the environment
signs in natural scene images, and Traffic Sign Recognition The purpose of this competence is to characterize and
(TDR) or classifying the detected traffic signs into types and describe the road, which represents the most direct piece of
categories in order to extract the information that they are environment of a vehicle. This involves two different aspects:
providing to drivers [47]. characterize road surface geometry and detect road marks
Below are shown the most relevant solutions according to (lanes and complements traffic signs as stops, turns or stopping
the type of sensor and the technology used. lines).


Competence Information type Behavior

8 Detect Speed Limit Changes, Speed Advisories, Traffic Signals and Stop/Yield Signs
Automatic Traffic Sign Detection 8 Detect Access Restrictions (One-Way, No Turn, Ramps, etc.)
and Recognition (TSDR) 8 Detect Temporary Traffic Control Devices
6, 8 Detect Passing and No Passing Zones
8 Detect Lines
6, 8 Detect Detours
Perception of the environment
6 Detect faded/missing roadway markings, signs and other temporary changes in traffic patterns
9 Perception under weather or lighting conditions outside vehicle’s capability (e.g. rainstorm)
10, 12, 13 Detect Non-Collision Safety Situations (e.g. vehicle doors ajar)
10, 11, 12, 13 Detect Stopped Vehicles, Emergency Vehicles, Lead Vehicle, Motorcyclists, School Buses
Vehicles, pedestrians and other 6 Detect Static Obstacles in the Path of the Ego-Vehicle
obstacles detection 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Detect Pedestrians and Bicyclists at Intersections, Crosswalks and in the Road.
10, 11, 12 Detect Animals
10, 12, 13 Detect instructions from Work Zones and People Directing Traffic in Unplanned or Planned
Events, Police/First Responder Controlling Traffic, Construction Zone Workers Controlling,
Citizens Directing Traffic After a Crash (Overriding or Acting as Traffic Control Device)

Road marks, as traffic signs, are designed to be detected and higher amount of power. Road limits have been estimated with
correctly interpreted by human drivers under a wide variety of a maximum error of half a lane at zero distance from the host
external conditions. This is achieved using reflective painting vehicle and less than one lane width at 50 meters distance.
and high contrast colors. Cameras and less frequently LiDARs This information can be fused with camera images to improve
have been used for detecting them. Road geometry description both detections [74], [75], [76].
has been approached using cameras, LiDARs and radars.
In the following lines, the most relevant works about this D. Detection of vehicles, pedestrians and other obstacles
topic are presented, organized by the type of sensor they use.
1) Camera based solutions: can be grouped in three cate- This competence involves moving elements that can be
gories depending on the specific sensor configuration. in the path of the vehicle, so it requires extracting more
Single Monocular. Using only one camera looking at the information. Apart from detection and classification, it is also
road in front of the vehicle it is possible to estimate its shape important to determine the position of obstacles with respect to
and lanes, the position of the vehicle in the road and detect the vehicle, their motion direction, speed, and future intentions
road marks. A survey of the most relevant algorithms used for when possible. This information will be the input to other
this purpose, mainly for camera sensors is presented in [62]. systems like path planners or collision avoidance systems
Multiple Monocular cameras. Some works [63], [64] (reviewed in [77]).
arrange multiple cameras around the vehicle (typically four, 1) Camera based solutions: Different configurations have
one on each side) to get 360-degree visual coverage of the been used for camera based obstacle detection, includinng
surroundings. A different configuration is used in [65], where single monocular camera, multiple cameras, stereo cameras
two lateral cameras are used to localize the vehicle. and infrared cameras.
Binocular or Stereo. The main advantage of binocular Cameras can be placed in different locations. The front of
cameras is their 3D perception capabilities. It makes possible the vehicle is the most common placement since the most
to detect the ground plane and road boundaries [66], [67], critical obstacles will be in front of the vehicle, but many
improving road mark detection. works explored other positions in order to increase the FoV.
2) LiDAR based solutions: Main application of LiDARs A camera placed on the side-view mirror, in the passengers
in road perception is related with detecting the ground plane window [78] or looking backwards [79] can prevent backing
and road limits [68], as well as detecting obstacles that could crash and improve the decision of lane change maneuvers [80],
occlude parts of the road. In recent works, LiDAR based [81], [82]. An omnidirectional camera mounted on the top
solutions also take advantage of the higher reflectivity of road of the vehicle has been used in [83] to detect obstacles and
marks with respect to the pavement (gray and black material) estimate ego-motion.
to detect lane [69], [70] and pavement markers [71]. Poor Stereo cameras are widely used for obstacle detection as
road maintenance can affect markers reflectivity to the point they provide 3D information of the position of the obstacles.
of making them undetectable by LiDAR. This can be solved A large review of the different algorithms used for this
by fusing LiDAR data with cameras able to perceive non kind of cameras can be found in [84]. FIR cameras are
reflective lane marks [63]. Some works use a 2D LiDAR independent of scene illumination and can spot obstacles at
sensor to extract road geometry and road marks [72], [73]. night [85]. Relevant moving elements (vehicles, pedestrians,
3) Radar based solutions: Radars have been used to deter- animals) are usually hot and, thus, easy to detect with FIR
mine road geometry based on the principle that the road acts cameras. However, this sensor has to be complemented with
as a mirror for the sensor, returning a very small amount of the other technologies as in [86], since cold obstacles like parked
emitted power, while the sides of the roads return a slightly vehicles or trees can be not perceived. [87] presents and

explains in detail several camera solutions and the algorithms

used for detection.
2) LiDAR based solutions: LiDAR technology allows to usa ye
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detect and classify surrounding elements, providing a very m o
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accurate 3D position and its shape. As it is an active sensor its ma
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performance is not affected by the illumination of the scene,
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so it can work also at night. Several approaches for LiDAR m
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obstacle detection are shown in [88].


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3) Radar based solutions: The primary use of automotive are

radars is detection and tracking of other vehicles on the H a rdw

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road, thanks to their high accuracy measuring target distances top
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-2 r u ck r
and relative speed, long range detection and performance in fe b t e
er Ub

eis tto- i
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adverse weather conditions [89]. Radars have low angular Bu 016 a


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resolution, causing misplacement of detected elements and ive
rle Way
Dr 2016


reporting targets that are close to each other as a single larger ma

object. A common solution consists on fusing radar detections

with other sensors as cameras [90] or LiDARs [91]. s t- to-
oa hi
4) Multiple sensors fusion solutions: This competence re- -N
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Y C Delp


quires estimating a large number of variables simultaneously, r- -L V
ma 5 SF
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creating difficulties for any single sensor solution. This is a S2
CE 015


n -2 r dw
good scenario for sensor fusion systems, that can combine the ja H a
ilot esla
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strengths of each sensor to improve the solution. Au 014

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Radar and LiDAR fusion [91] increases the precision of efl
Fir 2014
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the speed obtained only with LiDAR and keeps a good m a y- jec
pro rced

a e a
position and speed estimation quality when radar is unavailable Be
rth 3 M
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(especially in curvy roads). Radar and vision fusion techniques au D
UD VisLa
e b
use radar information to locate areas of interest on the images, PR 13

which are then processed to detect vehicles and improve

their position estimation [92]. LiDAR and vision sensors are lC

fused in [93][94]. Obstacles are detected and tracked with the n e
nti rma
sco Pa
LiDAR, and the targets are classified using a combination of A C T ran sLab
V i gra
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camera and LiDAR detections. V 1 4

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This section describes some of the most relevant technolog- no
v - 2 ley
tan hllg

. (S rd. C
ical demonstrations, competitions, challenges and commercial rd
U n i v
nfo DAR
platforms related with Automated Driving, starting from pio- Sta 005

t- 2

1990 1995 2000 2005

neering works in late 1980s until present day. Figure 3 arranges
them in a timeline, with the focus on the sensors equipped by
each platform.
The timeline allows to discern different stages (“ages”) in UC
mo kley
the development of Automated Driving technology, and to A
TH 7 Be
P 99 EU ch
identify trends and approaches from the perception point of

u g-1 o @ n i
a m Mu
view for Automated Vehicles. MP
Va Univ

94 nce
r c ar
be IA

A. Pioneer works (1980-2000) 19

s V an Mun

M oR v. BW
Va Uni
Pioneer works in Automated Driving starts around mid-

1980s focused in vision based techniques, which represented
a huge computational burden for the embeddable computers

of the time. Automated Vehicles VaMoRs [95] and VaMP [96]



from Bundeswehr University of Munich used a saccadic vision

system: cameras on a rotating platform that focus in relevant
elements. The University of Parma started its project ARGO
in 1996. The vehicle completed over 2000 km of autonomous
driving in public roads [97], using a two camera system for Fig. 3. Timeline: relevant AD demos and their exteroceptive sensor setup
road following, platooning and obstacle avoidance.

The Cybercar concept is born in early 1990s [98] as an were founded by people coming from the DARPA experience,
urban vehicle with no pedals or steering wheel. In 1997 a or hired them to lead the project [106].
prototype is installed in Schippol airport to transport passen- Examples include the nuTonomy (co-founded by the leader
gers between terminal and parking [99]. It used a LiDAR and of the MIT team in 2007 Challenge), Cruise (founded by a
vision system to drive automatically in a dedicated lane with member of the same team), Otto (founded by a participant
semaphores and pedestrian crossings. in 2004 and 2005 Challenges), Uber (hired up to 50 people
Also in 1997, the National Automated Highway System from the CMU Robotics Lab), Zoox robotaxi company (co-
Consortium presented a demonstration of Automated Driving founded by a member of the Stanford Autonomous Driving
functionalities [100], intended to be a proof of technical feasi- team) [110], and Aurora (similar story with people from Uber,
bility. The demo showed road following functionality based on MIT and Waymo [111]).
vision sensors, distance maintenance based on LiDAR, vehicle Car manufacturers reacted a bit slower. Some of them
following based on Radar and other functionalities including started independent research lines, for example BMW has
cooperative maneuvers and mixed environments. been testing automation prototypes in roads since 2011 [112]
and Mercedes-Benz Bertha project [113] drove in 2013 a 103
B. Proof of feasibility (2000-2010) km route in automated mode using close-to-market sensors (8
radars and 3 video cameras) , but in the end most manufac-
In year 2004 DARPA started its Grand Challenge series to
turers have created coalitions with technological startups as
foster development of Automated Driving technologies. The
enumerated in section V-B1.
achievements over those three years not only represented a
Mobileye started working in a vision-only approach to
huge leap forward, but also called the attention of powerful
Automated Driving a few years ago. After testing in real
agents. Two first challenges (2004 and 2005) consisted in
conditions [114], they presented a demo with an automated
covering a route over dirt roads with off-road sections, with a
Ford equipped just with 12 small monocular cameras for fully
strong focus in navigation and control. Stanford University
Automated Driving in 2018 [115].
won the 2005 edition, equipping its vehicle Stanley with
Tesla entered the Automated Driving scene in 2014. All
5 LiDAR units, a frontal camera, GPS sensors, an IMU,
their vehicles were equipped with a monocular camera (based
wheel odometry and two automotive radars [101]. The Urban
on Mobileye system) and an automotive radar that enabled
Challenge (2007) changed the focus to interaction with other
the Level 2-3 AutoPilot functionality. Starting 2017 new Tesla
vehicles, pedestrians and obeying complex traffic regulations.
vehicles include the “version 2” hardware, composed by a
Carnegie Mellon University team ended in first position with
frontal radar, 12 sonars, and 8 cameras. This sensor set is
its vehicle Boss [102], [103], featuring a perception system
claimed to be enough for full Level 5 Automated Driving
composed by two video cameras, 5 radars and 13 LiDAR
[116], which will be available for a fee (when ready) through
(including a roof mounted unit of the novel Velodyne 64HDL).
a software update.
These events triggered the attention of Google. The com-
In 2015 VisLab was acquired by Ambarella, a company
pany hired around 15 scientists from the DARPA challenge,
working on low power chips able to process high resolution
including the winners of 2005 and 2007 [104], [105]. Google’s
dense disparity maps from stereo cameras [117]. Its latest
(and Waymo’s) approach to self-driving vehicles is largely
demo [118] fused data from 10 stereo pairs into a ultra-high
founded in LiDAR and 3D mapping technologies [106]. All
resolution 3D scene delivering 900 million points per second.
their vehicles have had a roof-mounted spinning LiDAR:
Long range vision mix a forward facing 4k stereo pair with
Toyota Prius (2009), the Firefly prototype (2014) and Chrysler
a radar for better performance under low light or adverse
Pacifica (2016-present).
weather conditions.
The University of Parma created the spin-off VisLab in
Delphi Automotive completed in 2015 an automated trip
2009. They are strong supporters of artificial vision as the
between San Francisco and New York city using a custom
main component of perception systems for AD. In 2010 they
Audi Q5 with 10 radars, 6 LiDARs and 3 cameras onboard.
completed the VisLab Intercontinental Autonomous Challenge
In 2017 they acquired nuTonomy (the first company to deliver
(VIAC): four automated vans drove from Italy to China over
a robotaxi service in public roads) and created Aptiv. Aptiv
public roads that included degraded dirt roads and unmapped
presented an automated taxi for CES conference in january
areas [107]. The leading vehicle did perception (with cameras
2018, as part of a 20 vehicle fleet that has been serving a
and LiDARs), decision and control, with some human inter-
set of routes in Las Vegas for some months. The taxis have
vention for selecting the route and managing critical situations
an extensive set of 10 radars and 9 LiDARs embedded in the
[108]. In 2013 the PROUD test put a vehicle with no driver
bodywork, plus one camera.
behind the wheel in Parma roads for doing urban driving in
Meanwhile, Waymo has grown a fleet of Chrysler Pacifica
real traffic [109].
minivans that has self-driven 10 million miles by october 2018.
Their efforts have reportedly cut prices of LiDAR sensors to
C. Race to commercial products (2010-present) less than one tenth in a few years. They claim to have created
In the last decade the landscape of Automated Driving has two “new categories of LiDAR” [119] in the way, one for
been dominated by private initiatives that foresee the coming close range perception including below the car, and the other
of Level 4 and 5 systems in a few years. This vision gave for long range. The long-range LiDAR can reportedly zoom
birth to several companies devoted to this end, most of which dynamically into objects on the road, letting the vehicle see

small objects up to 200 m away. This reminds the features of 2) Implantation challenges: The final goal of research in
OPA solid state LiDARs (see section II-C1): random sampling automated driving is to bring technologies to market, either
across the scanning area and adaptive resolution. for private customers or for shared applications (automated
fleets). Commercialization and implantation is feasible only
if products fulfill certain scalability, costs, and durability
V. D ISCUSSION requirements. Some sensors are among the most expensive
The last section of this article presents a discussion of the and fragile components of a vehicle, so their implantation is a
future challenges for sensors and perception systems in new key factor in the development of automated driving vehicles.
Automated Vehicles, both from the technical and implantation Production scalability and costs. Mature technologies
point of view. A description of the next commercial initiatives as visible light cameras and radars have already scaled up
and OEMs forecasts is shown followed by the final conclu- their production and reduced costs so that every vehicle can
sions. equip them without a significant impact on its price. This
remains a challenge for LiDAR devices and other break-
through technologies. It is difficult to get an exact estimation
A. Future challenges of an acceptable cost, it depends on the use of the vehicle
(private or commercial fleet) in between many other factors.
Sections II and III show many works that solve the most For a discussion on costs and impact of Automated Mobility
important perception competences, based on different types services, see [123].
of sensors and with a large variety of algorithms. Translating Durability and tolerance to failure. The perception system
these solutions into a functional, safe and secure commercial of an Automated Vehicle must work for long periods under
Automated Vehicle requires overcoming additional difficulties. harsh conditions, as the rest of critical components in a vehicle.
1) Technical challenges: Sensor setups in Automated Driv- Low mean-time between-failures (as for mechanical LiDARs),
ing are usually focused on the areas relevant for the usual external factors (a stone chip at high speeds can damage a
driving tasks (covered in section III). But for a commercial sensor) or intentional attacks [124] are important factors to
system expected to work in the real world there are still some consider in the future sensors technologies.
specific challenges that do not have a proper solution yet.
Very short distance, including close to or below the car. A B. Commercial initiatives
person, animal or object right below the vehicle or intersecting
the path of the wheels represents a safety issue. While most In the last decade the automotive market has grown the offer
situations can be anticipated when the element approaches the and complexity of ADAS [125]. The most requested ADAS
vehicle from the distance, it is not the case right before starting in 2009 [126] were Anti-lock braking system and Parking
the vehicle, while executing high accuracy maneuvers in Assistance by Warning (SAE Level 0). Today most advanced
certain conditions (close to people or other moving elements). cars equip an ensemble of ADAS that place them between
This problem can be tackled by adding redundant sensors like SAE Levels 2 and 3.
[83] which uses a 360-degree-view parking system or a special 1) OEMs in Automated Driving: Around 2015 most impor-
LiDAR monitoring this area used by Waymo. In the future tant OEMs decided to take serious initiatives towards bringing
there will be a need of specific devices for this task. high and fully Automated Driving (SAE Levels 4 and 5)
to the market. In order to accelerate their roadmaps, they
Very long distance. Detection and classification above
established alliances with technological companies startups
200 meters is an open issue. Among current approaches,
and technology/research centers that can hint about their
Ambarella integrates a Ultra High Resolution camera (cited
approach to Automated Driving.
in IV) that is claimed to be enough for discerning small
Table III shows a resume of the most promising research
objects at that target distance, subject to the limitations of
and collaboration for Automated Driving with OEMs involved.
visible light cameras. Solutions based on saliency (a common
The most relevant works are leaded by Ford, GM and Daimler.
term in artificial vision [120], [121], [122] to name relevancy
However, the influences of Waymo and Tesla, and the alliances
or importance) can be an alternative to the high resolution
with other actors (NVIDIA, Apple or Intel-Mobileye) plays
and computational cost associated to brute force approaches.
an important role in this automated race. Another important
Solid state LiDAR capable of random and adaptive sampling
consideration is that most of the OEMs started their Automated
is a potential candidate solution for such technology, achieving
program just two years ago.
something similar to Waymo’s claims about their custom built
Environmental and weather conditions. Section II sum- C. Conclusions
marizes the suitability of common technologies under different Choosing the sensors configuration of an automated vehicle
conditions, some of which surpass human capacities. This is can be challenging. Each sensor has different strengths and
an always active field of research, following the road when weaknesses regarding the type of information acquired, overall
most marks are covered by snow, improving detection under accuracy and quality and working conditions. This survey has
heavy rain or dense fog are examples of problems that can reviewed the most popular sensors technologies, describing
be solved at sensing level without requiring further efforts on their characteristics and how they are applied to get useful
processing algorithms. information to solve the main perception competences. The


OEM Test site Technologies Since Collaborations Forecast Test fleet

Ford Detroit, Arizona & LiDAR, and mapping ∼2016 Argo, Velodyne, Level 4 (2021) Fusion Hybrid
California (USA) SAIPS, civilmaps. (∼100 by 2018)
GM Detroit, S. Francisco LiDAR, HD map, radar, ∼2016 Waymo and Jaguar- 2020 (Fortune) ∼50 vehicles
& Scottsdale (USA) camera Land Rover (2017)
Renault- Japan, USA & China Front radar, LiDAR. ∼2017 Transdev, Microsoft. <2030 (Level 5) —
Nissan Speed/steering control 2020 (Level 3)
Daimler Germany Vision, data fusion, radar. 2015 Bosch 2020 Commercial cars
(Level 2)
Volkswagen- Germany LiDAR, data fusion, adap- 2015 Delphi (2015) 2025 (Level 4) Commercial cars
Audi Group tive cruise control, Trafic Aurora (2017) (Level 3, Traffic
Jam Assist, self-parking Jams)
BMW Germany, China Vision, LiDAR, DGPS 2011 Intel, Baidu, HERE 2022 (Level 5) Commercial cars
(Level 2)
Waymo California (USA) LiDAR, vision system, 2010 Fiat-Chrysler, — 100 autonomous
radar, data fusion, RT Path Velodyne. Pacifica minivans
Volvo Sweden. & Uber: San Vision, LiDAR, GPS, V2I 2011 Uber (U.S), Autoliv ∼2020 Commercial cars
Francisco, Pittsburgh (Sweden) (Level 2)
Tesla USA Camera, radar, AI ∼2015 Apple, Mobileye and ∼2020 Level 5) Commercial cars
Nvidia (Level 2)
Hyundai South Korea AI, LiDAR, Camera 2014 KIA, Aurora AD Level 3. —
2020 (Highways).
2030 (city streets)

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[124] J. Petit, B. Stottelaar, M. Feiri, and F. Kargl, “Remote Attacks on were achieved in 2009 and 2012, respectively. He
Automated Vehicles Sensors: Experiments on Camera and LiDAR,” has more than 11 years of experience in the Intel-
in Black Hat Europe, 2015, pp. 1–13. ligent Transportation System field, and more than
[125] J. Pérez, D. Gonzalez, and V. Milanés, “Vehicle Control in ADAS 100 publications related to Automated Driving and
Applications: State of the Art,” in Intelligent Transport Systems: ADAS.

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