Second Party Congress of SUCI

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Volume 43 No.


October 15, 2009 Founder Editor-in-Chief : COMRADE SHIBDAS GHOSH Price : Rs. 3.00


State Conferences and Conventions held
across the country with solemnity-resolve-enthusiasm
Toiling people of the entire world confronts a total devastation in their standard and that way for revitalizing and consolidating the party.
life from ruthless exploitation and oppression of capitalism-imperialism. To Responding to this call, the party has been carrying out ideological struggle
get out of this relentless crisis, there is no alternative but to overthrow for revitalization and consolidation inside the party since 2005. It is in
capitalist system at the stroke of revolution and establish socialism in its continuation and culmination of this struggle that the Second Party
place. In India, it devolves upon SUCI, the genuine revolutionary party of Congress of SUCI is going to be held in New Delhi from 11 to 17
the proletariat, to accomplish this task through building up revolutionary November next.
movement by organizing the exploited toiling common people of the On the eve of this Second Party Congress and as a part of the
country. With a view to preparing its leaders and cadres at all levels of the process of organizing it, the party organized state conferences and
party adequately and properly equipped for this task, Comrade Nihar conventions in different states of the country. The Central Committee
Mukherjee, the General Secretary of the party on behalf of the Central deputed a few leaders to conduct the delegate sessions of these conferences
Committee, issued a clarion call to them for rectifying themselves getting and conventions as also to address the open sessions. We present below
rid of all kinds of lapses and deviations, while elevating their ideological summarized reports of the conventions and conferences received so far.
ANDHRA PRADESH great leader of the proletariat who conducted the state convention statement of accounts of the SOC,
As a prelude to the ensuing Comrade Shibdas Ghosh by explained in his inaugural speech for a period of one year i.e. from
Second Party Congress of our party, Comrade Krishna Chakraborty. The the significance of the Second September 2008 till August 2009.
the SUCI, the Andhra Pradesh State music squad rendered the song Congress of our party, international The house discussed on the
Convention was organized from 26 composed on Comrade Shibdas and national situations and report and passed the report as well
to 27 September at Vasavi Function Ghosh. organizational necessity of the time. as the accounts unanimously.
Hall in Hyderabad. A condolence motion was Comrade K. Sridhar, Secretary, The ‘‘Draft thesis on
The Convention was initiated moved by Comrade Ch. Prameela, AP State Organizing Committee International Situation” was tabled
with the hoisting of the party flag at member, State Organizing placed the political-organizational by Comrade B.S. Amarnath,
Khairatabad Library Circle near the Committee paying revolutionary report that contained inter alia a member, SOC and the “Draft thesis
convention hall by Comrade tributes to departed Cental brief history of our party in the on National Situation” was placed
Krishna Chakraborty, Member, Committee members Comrades state, the major movements built up by Comrade Ch. Murahari. After
Central Committee. After this floral Pritish Chanda, Ashutosh Banerjee by the party and the mass each document was placed the
wreath was placed by him at the and Tapas Dutta and Comrade E.P.A organizations since the time of the conductor, Comrade Krishna
martyrs’ column. Comrade K. Rasheed, a senior member of First Party Congress in 1988. The Chakraborty invited delegates for
Sridhar, Secretary, State Organizing Andhra Pradesh State Organizing report also dealt with the debate and discussion on them. A
Committee also paid floral tribute to Committee. The Convention achievements of the party, the good number of comrades actively
the martyrs. observed a minute’s silence to pay limitations that all comrades have to participated in the dialectical
The session started with respect to the departed leaders. overcome in order to develop exchanges as a result of which a
garlanding of the portrait of the Comrade Krishna Chakraborty, further. He also placed the Contd. on page 2

Second Party Congress of SUCI

11 - 17 November, 2009, New Delhi
Delegate Session : 11-15 November, 2009, Shah Auditorium
Open Session : 17 November, 2009, Ramlila Maidan, 1 P.M
Main Speaker : Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, General Secretary, SUCI
Also addressing will be fraternal delegates of the communist parties of Venezuela,
USA, Jordan, Turkey, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Norway and others

Conducted on the edifice of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh Thought
Contd. from page 1 workers, youths, students,
total of 20 amendments on intellectuals and women including
International and 10 amendments on party activists and supporters from
National theses were passed by the 14 districts rallied on this day in
Convention to be placed Guwahati to attend the
before the Congress. open session and a more
Comrade Krishna than 1km long
Chakraborty announced procession marched
on behalf of the Central from Lakhiram Barua
Committee a new 7- Sadan premises to the
member State Organizing Sonaram H. S. School
Committee with Comrade Play Ground walking
K. Sridhar as the along about a 5 km long
secretary. He also K. Sridhar route in the city. The
announced the same Secretary, AP meeting at Sonaram
A view of the Delegate Session of the Andhra Pradesh State Convention
names as selected observer School Play Ground was presided
delegates to the Party Congress. over by Comrade Bhupendra Nath Karimganj, where district foster activities and culture
Total 57 comrades attended the Kakati, member of the State conferences were held and from following the revolutionary life of
convention. Towards the end of the Committee of the party. Comrade three districts, viz., Dibrugarh, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and build
Convention, Comrade Krishna Asit Bhattacharya, Member, Central Nagaon and Hailakandi where up united movement of the
Chakraborty delivered his Committee, attended the open district conventions were held. oppressed people relentlessly to
concluding speech dealing with how session as the main speaker. At the Besides, some state staff working in accelerate the process of
the comrades should respond to the outset Comrade Kalyan Chowdhury, districts of Sonitpur, Jorhat, Nalbari revolution.
call of the leadership in this crucial State Secretary, explained the and Barpeta also attended the In his address at the open
situation and conduct intense significance of holding the State session. Comrade Asit session, Comrade Asit
struggle in their personal lives, in Conference and Party Congress. Bhattacharyya was present as the Bhattacharyya pointed out: Holding
the party and among the masses. One hundred volunteers conductor of the Party Congress by a revolutionary
The Convention ended with the of Komsomol presented delegate session deputed party like SUCI, is not a regular
Internationale rendered by the the guard of honour by the Central feature at intervals of one year or
music squad. before the portrait of the Committee. In the two. It is held only when it becomes
With the state now reeling under great leader of the delegate session, a 17 necessary to take important
ravaging flood, the open session proletariat Comrade member State decisions based on the analysis of
was postponed and will be held Shibdas Ghosh. Committee was the national or international
later. The delegate session unanimously elected situations and in the event of any
was held on 3 and 4 with Comrade Kalyan pressing need. The object of holding
ASSAM October at Bishnu Chowdhury as the Party Congress is to strengthen and
Kalyan Chowdhury
The Second Assam State Niramala Bhawan, Secretary. In his consolidate the party, both
Secretary, Assam
Conference was held from 2 to 4 Guwahati. 108 concluding speech at the ideologically and organizationally,
October in Guwahati. The open delegates attended the delegate delegate session, Comrade Asit and provide the toiling people the
session was held on 2 October at session coming from seven districts, Bhattacharyya appealed to all the right direction of conducting class
Sonaram H.S. school Play Ground. viz., Guwahati, Darrang, Dhubri, delegates and the members of the and mass struggles in the given
Several thousands of peasants, Goalpara, Lakhimpur, Cachar, and newly elected State Committee to economic and political situations
both at national as well as
international spheres so as to
expedite revolution overcoming all
Ever since the founding of
SUCI as the only genuine
communist party on this soil by
Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the great
leader of the proletariat, it has been
a part and parcel of world
communist movement. Alongside
discharging its revolutionary
obligation to the toiling people of
the country, it has also been meeting
its commitment to the world
proletariat and world revolution. In
today’s critical national and
international situations, it has
become incumbent on our party to
organize and intensify the people’s
struggle on the correct base political
line of anti-capitalist socialist
revolution. During the freedom
Komsomol volunteers presenting guard of honour at the open session in Guwahati, Assam Contd. on page 3

Pledge to Revitalize the Party
Contd. from page 2 unprecedented and horrifying pace,
struggle, two opposing class the whole world is worst ever victim
aspirations were in existence. While of it. It has been proved that no
the toiling millions wanted prescription of capitalist-imperialist
emancipation from all exploitations ideologues is able to provide any
once the alien rule was over, the relief to gasping capitalism. This
national bourgeoisie like Tata, Birla, has amply vindicated the contention
Khaitan,Goenka desired political of great Marx that capitalism is
freedom that would saddle them to digging its own grave and its crisis
political power and place the vast will ever deepen. Comrade Shibdas
domestic market at their disposal. Ghosh’s Thought has not only
Owing to lack of adequate political enriched Marxism-Leninism, it has
consciousness, common people also proved that modern revisionism
could not detect the conspiracy of is posing the greatest danger
the capitalist class. There was also working within the world
no political party to expose it before communist movement. Comrade
them. As a result, usurping all the Shibdas Ghosh Thought has also
glory of the freedom movement, the shown us the correct path to fight it
Indian capitalist class captured state out. So it is our historic duty to
power through compromise and the strengthen the SUCI in every
Conrade Ranjit Dhar addressing at the open session of Bihar State Conference
oppression and suppression of the possible way to accomplish the twin
toiling masses, instead of being tasks of defeating modern the main speaker by Comrade together the two speeches of
abated, went on being aggravated in revisionism and overthrowing Ranjit Dhar, Central Staff, SUCI Comrade Ranjit Dhar delivered
the ruthless capitalist rule that capitalism-imperialism being guided who also conducted the delegate respectively at the open and
ensued in independent India. by the teachings of Comrade Ghosh. session on being deputed by the delegate sessions.
Continuing Comrade Armed with the teachings of Central Committee for Briefly referring to
Bhattacharyya showed that no Marxism-Leninism and Comrade the purpose. The open the vicious imperialist
political party other than SUCI is Shibdas Ghosh Thought we are session was presided over attacks on weaker
clearly saying that it is the ruling going to the people everywhere in by Comrade Shiv countries in a world
exploitative capitalism, which is the India and the SUCI is fast Shankar, Secretary, without the socialist
root of all evils. On the contrary, developing. Movements and SUCI, Bihar State camp, Comrade Dhar
they are all, overtly or covertly, resistances are going up against the Committee and was also pointed out that armed
trying to protect the exploitative capitalist class and in this way addressed by Comrade with the invaluable
capitalist rule. So Comrade Shibdas people’s consciousness in Assam Arun Kumar Singh, teachings of Comrade
Ghosh had once remarked that will also develop, he affirmed. With member, Bihar State Shibdas Ghosh, our party
though apparently there appear to be this in view, the Party Congress is Committee. The delegate Shiv Shankar has taken initiative to
going to be held so that we can session was held on 11 Secretary, Bihar unite all anti-imperialist
many a side, there are actually
two—one in favour of revolution equip ourselves to play as vanguard and 12 October at Ramdayalu forces to build up a militant anti-
and all others against it. of Indian working class our due role Smriti Sabhaghar, Motijheel. All imperialist movements all over the
Dwelling on the world situation, in reviving the world communist delegates from 17 districts of the globe.
particularly its economic condition, movement. state participated in the Conference In the national context,
Comrade Bhattacharyya said that with enthusiasm and resolve The Comrade Dhar made it clear that
media had nakedly and profusely BIHAR open session was attended by the so-called progress and
been propagating that capitalism has The second Bihar State thousands of common people from development are benefiting only a
turned USA a heaven but the recent Conference was held from 10 to 12 different walks of life, including handful of rich and affluent while
meltdown surpassing even the great October last at Muzaffarpur. The peasants and workers along with the common poorer people are deprived
depression of 1930’s, has been open session of the conference held delegates. of even the basics of life, like
making common people pauperized on 10 October at B. B. Collegiate In the two-day long delegate health, shelter, education and food.
even in the USA itself at an School, Motijheel, was addressed as session, the delegates took part in Crisis of capitalism in India,
the discussion on National and aggravated further by the global
International theses suggesting a recession, has robbed the people of
few amendments in the process. The purchasing power. The capitalists,
Conference unanimously adopted with a view to securing more
the draft theses with suggested profits, retrench workers, do not pay
amendments, as well as the them even the minimum wage.
Secretary’s organizational report. Unemployment and poverty
Comrade Shivlal Prasad, member, severely plague people’s life. As
Bihar State Committee placed Comrade Shibdas Ghosh
before the house of delegates the characterized, the present crisis has
panel of the proposed new state become a daily and hourly crisis.
committee, with Comrade Shiv Governments change, but there is
Shankar as the Secretary. It was no change in the life of the common
adopted unanimously by the house. people, as the governments nakedly
Comrade Ranjit Dhar, Central Staff, serve the class interest of the
SUCI then addressed the delegate capitalists. The state power does not
Open Session of Assam State Conference session. Below we summarize Contd. on page 4

Resolve to Consolidate the Party
Contd. from page 3 It should start right from there.
change through election. Military, Those who will provide leadership
judiciary and bureaucracy together to this movement, should inspire
form the pillars of the state power. people not only through speeches,
Revolution is needed to change but through their culture, character.
class character of the state. They should lead a simple life
Movements on the burning befitting true revolutionaries. They
problems of life must be developed should prepare themselves for
throughout the country. These must supreme sacrifice. They should have
be aimed at bringing about living relations with others.
revolution. The aim of movements Comrade Dhar concluded with the
by the ruling parties, which are words : Society calls for revolution.
none other than parties of the Build up organization. Save
capitalist class, is to gain power. But organization. Release the struggle
only the governments are changed for becoming true communists.
thereby. The aim of the movement Look after the cells, local and
of SUCI, the only party of the district organizations properly with
exploited people, the working class, deep affection. Party wants Comrade K. Radhakrishna, Karnataka State Secretary addressing at the Open
is to bring about revolution, to revolution. The task of revolution Session of Karnataka State Conference
organize common people, to educate rests with the party. We should try placed by the State Secretary SUCI and addressed by Comrade
and prepare them for revolution. our best to build up and strengthen Comrade Hem Chakraborty to Krishna Chakraborty, Member,
Comrade Dhar forcefully the party. which also various amendments Central Committee. In his
pointed out that Comrade Shibdas were proposed by the delegates. penetrating speech, Comrade
Ghosh founded SUCI with a JHARKHAND Comrade Ranjit Dhar in his Chakraborty called upon all to
handful of revolutionary On 8 October last, the first speech as the main speaker strengthen SUCI for intensifying
compatriots. Today SUCI exists Jharkhand State Convention was explained the object of the Party class and mass strugles conducive to
almost everywhere in the country. held at Bagaicha Hall, Ranchi. Congress. At the end Comrade Dhar anti-capitalist revolutionary
Thoughts of Comrade Shibdas Comrade Ranjit Dhar, Central Staff announced the names of an 11- movement.
Ghosh illumine the path of deputed as in-charge for Jharkhand, member State Organizing Delegate Session was held at the
revolution not only in India but also hoisted the red flag. Then, garlands Committee with Comrade Hem Engineers’ Alumni Association Hall
abroad. Now, we are going to hold were placed on the martyrs’ column Chakraborty as its Secretary. in Bangalore on 10 and 11 October,
our 2nd Party Congress mainly from by Comrade Ranjit Dhar, Comrade 2009. District conferences were
organizational considerations, on Hem Chakraborty, the State KARNATAKA held in 5 districts prior to the State
the premise of the Secretary, and the The 2nd State Conference of Conference and conventions were
struggle for revitalization leaders of different mass our Party in the State of Karnataka organised in 5 districts. Comrade
and consolidation of the organizations. The was held from 8 to 11October, 2009. Krishna Chakraborty, conducted the
party, a call given by convention started with There was a massive well-decorated delegate session on behalf of the
Comrade Nihar the song on Comrade procession as part of the open Central Committee.
Mukherjee, our beloved Shibdas Ghosh. 111 session on 8 October, 2009, at The delegates enthusiastically
General Secretary in delegates from different Bangalore. It proceeded from participated in the deliberations of
2005. We have to rectify districts of the state Chiklalbagh to Banappa Park, the conference. Several amendments
our weaknesses. Indi- participated in the traversing the main thoroughfares of on both the International and
vidualism degrades us. Hem Chakraborty Convention. Detailed the city. The procession was led by National Theses were passed by the
We should fight out Secretary, Jharkhand discussions took place the uniformed Komsomal delegates after lively debates and
individualism. Without accepting on the National and International volunteers followed by 6 volunteers discussions. Discussion was held on
collectivism, no one can fight out theses during which delegates carrying huge portraits of the giant the State Secretary’s political-
individualism. Collective process is proposed various amendments. Marxist authorities – Marx, Engels, organizational report as well.
very much essential even in a cell. Next, organizational report was Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong and Finally the delegates unanimously
Shibdas Ghosh. passed these draft documents with
Although a major part of suggested amendments.
Karnataka, where our Party is A new 11-member State
working, is severely affected by Committee with Comrade K.
unprecedented rains and floods, and Radhakrishna as the Secretary was
rail services are disrupted in various elected in the end. The delegates
districts, nearly 4000 people from also elected the panel of delegates to
17 districts took part in the open the 2nd Party Congress.
session held at Banappa Park. At the Comrade Krishna Chakraborty
outset, the Conference passed a addressed the delegates at the end,
resolution urging the state which inspired everyone present to
government to undertake immediate pledge anew to take the movement
and necessary rescue, relief and to newer heights. He said : The
rehabilitation works for the flood present national and international
affected people in North Karnataka situations are very much favourable
region. The open session was for the growth of revolutionary
presided over by Comrade K. movements. Our Party and the
Delegate Session of Jharkhand State Convention Radhakrishna, State Secretary of Contd. on page 5

Call for Fighting Menace of Individualism
Contd. from page 4 advance. State-wide propaganda
thoughts of Comrade Shibdas was carried out with postering,
Ghosh are attracting various vehicle announcements, street
communist parties around the corner meetings, collection-drives
world. So also at the national level, etc. An exhibition was arranged
all bourgeois parties stand exposed depicting party’s history in brief,
as anti-people and pro-monopoly. At mass movements, glimpses of
the same time the social democratic Comrade Shibdas Ghosh’s
character of CPI(M) and CPI stands revolutionary life and struggle, the
exposed before a vast section of the devastating effects of globalization
masses, particularly after the on people’s life and the real way
Nandigram and Singur movements. out. This was inaugurated on 1
In this condition it is the task of the October by Comrade A. Jalaluddin,
leaders and cadres of the party to state secretariat member. The
rise up to the occasion, consolidate exhbition continued up to 5 October.
and expand party organization. In Thousands of people visited the
Karnataka also the political same and got enthused. On 3 Dais of the Open Session of Kerala State Conference at Kottayam
atmosphere is conducive for the October morning, Comrade Krishna amendments considered pertinent ensued, in which many comrades
growth of our party. In order to Chakraborty, member, Central by it would be referred to the Party took part. Accepting the suggestion
utilize the favorable condition, the Committee, hoisted the flag in front Congress. On this basis, the Report of the conductor that the opinions of
party should come out of all its of K.P.S. Menon Hall, Kottayam was passed unanimously. the delegates might be scrutinized
weaknesses and shortcomings. Let and declared the Delegate Session Next, the revised draft and forwarded by the already
the historic Second Congress of our open. Comrade Krishna International Thesis was taken up. proposed committee. The National
party, be the right occasion to take a Chakraborty conducted the Comrade G. S. Padmakumar Thesis also was passed unanimously
pledge for the same. proceedings. formally placed it for the by the conference.
The conference ended with the The proceedings started with the consideration of the conference. Next was the election of the
‘Internationale’ and with thunderous song on Com- State Committee. Comrade V.
slogans raised by the delegates. rade Shibdas Venugopal on behalf of the outgoing
Delegates returned to their places Ghosh rendered State Committee presented the list
with great enthusiasm to build up by the music of members to be elected to the new
the revolutionary movement and squad. Remem- State Committee and the name of
particularly to campaign and bering the the State Secretary. Comrade S.
mobilise for the ensuing Party departed Central Rajeevan supported it. The
Congress. Committee mem- conference cheered with applause
bers, senior and unanimously voted in favour of
KERALA leaders and it. The newly elected State
The message of our ensuing comrades in the Committee has 18 members with
Second Party Congress has spread past 20 years after Comrade C.K. Lukose as the
wide and deep in Kerala. It has our 1st Congress, Comrade Krishna Chakraborty, Member, Central Secretary.
reached all the 14 districts. With the a condolence Committee addressing the Delegate Session of Kerala Thereafter the panel of
reading of the first draft theses resolution was State Conference, with Comrade C. K. Lukose, State delegates to the Second Party
involving all the comrades from then moved by Secretary, Kerala sitting on his right. Congress was placed before the
grass-root level, preparation for the Comrade V. Venugopal. The house First, the suggestions passed by the conference by Comrade C.K.
Congress started in right earnest. stood in silence for two minutes in district conferences were taken up. Lukose for its approval. This panel
With the reading of the revised their memory. Upon this individual delegates of 63 members was also passed
drafts and conduction of Then Comrade Krishna placed their points. Debates took unanimously. Comrade Krishna
conferences at different levels, it Chakraborty in his inaugural speech place in which 43 comrades took Chakraborty then gave his
picked up, gradually entered into a explained why the Party Congress, part. One point with regard to concluding speech.
higher pitch and now has how it should be carried through to ‘major contradiction’ was put on On 5 October, important streets,
culminated in the State Conference its fullest success and about the vote and decided upon majority public places, the maidan located at
held from 3 to 5 October 2009 at conduction of the Conference. After vote. All other points were referred the heart of the town Kottayam – all
Kottayam. Conferences at different that Comrade C. K. Lukose, State to the scrutiny committee as were decorated with festoons,
levels were held with sufficient Secretary placed the political- suggested by the conductor. This streamers, portraits of the great of
preparation, propaganda and organizational report and was approved by the conference and leaders etc.
extensive co-operation of the discussions ensued, in which several subsequently the International By afternoon, comrades and
people. Many of them especially comrades placed additions, Thesis was passed unanimously. supporters started flowing into the
district conferences ended in modifications or amendments while, On 4 October, the National town in continuous streams. A well-
impressive public meetings. Nine in the main, agreeing to the draft. Thesis was taken up. Comrade A. decorated and disciplined
elected district committees and three Certain points raised by the Sekhar formally placed it before procession was taken out with the
district organizing committees comrades for incorporation were the conference. Here also as in the Komsomol squad in uniform
evolved. In the two remaining readily agreed to by the State case of International Thesis, holding red flags marching in the
districts functioning cells and Local Secretary while it was decided that those suggestions approved by front. Observing the discipline,
Organizing Committees have taken some other points would be looked District Con-ferences were decorum and fervour of the huge
shape. into by a scrutiny committee to be considered by the house first procession the people of the town
Meticulous preparations for the appointed by the next elected State followed by individual dele-gates’ were filled with admiration. The
State Conference had started well in Committee and whatever proposals. Discussion and debate Contd. on page 6

Revolutionary zeal, alartness, initiative released in surges
Contd. from page 5 and elation that the comrades have ORISSA
procession converged at plunged into activities for making The Second Orissa
Thirunakkara Maidan filling the our Party Congress a historic State Conference of the
entire area with comrades, success with re-doubled vigour and party was held at Angul
supporters and general public. A enthusiasm. from 30 September to 2
towering stage decorated with the October, 2009. The open
portraits of the great leaders stood at MADHYA PRADESH session was held on 30
one end. The open session started The MP state convention was September at Angul High
with floral tribute at the martyrs’ held at Bhopal from 12 to 14 School Ground and the
column. Then garlanding of October. While the delegate session delegate session on 1 and
Comrade Shibdas Ghosh’s portrait was arranged at Mahatma Phule 2 October at Sabhaghr,
Angul. Altogether 110
delegates and 45
observer delegates from Comrade Provash Ghosh, Member, Central
15 districts joined the Committee, addressing the Delegate Session of
delegate session. Orissa State Conference,
Comrade Provash Ghosh, member, counter the onslaughts of the
Central Committee conducted the capitalist globalization in the wake
delegate session. of the dismantling of socialism in
In the delegate session the draft the USSR, China, East Europe and
National and International Theses Vietnam, the thoughts of Comrade
and political-organizational report Shibdas Ghosh are inspiring the
Open Session of Madhya Pradesh State Convention
of the State Secretary were revolutionaries round the globe,
by Comrade Krishna Chakraborty Bhawan on 12 and 13 October, the unanimously accepted providing beacon to lead
and state leaders took place. The venue of the open session on 14 after in-depth the exploited masses
public meeting started with the song October was Neelam Park. The discussions. against the mounting
on Comrade Sibdas Ghosh. The delegates came from the districts of In the concluding attack of the ruling
State Secretary presided over the Bhopal, Jabalpur, Raisen and Sagar. session of the bourgeoisie. Under these
function. On the dais, besides Comrade Asit Bhattacharyya, Conference on 2 circumstances, Comrade
Comrade Krishna Chakraborty, all Member, Central Committee, October, Comrade Provash Ghosh
the newly elected state committee conducted the proceedings. A four- Provash Ghosh said that emphasized, the leaders
members were seated. After the member state organizing committee our party SUCI was and cadres of our party
presidential address, with Comrade U P built up brick by brick should arm themselves
Comrade Ckhakraborty Biswas as the Secretary under the leadership of Dhurjati Das with the invincible
delivered the main our beloved leader, Secretary, Orissa ideology of Marxism-
was formed at the
speech. He started with convention. teacher, and guide Comrade Shibdas Leninism and Comrade Shibdas
the remark that the In his concluding Ghosh amidst worst adversities and Ghosh Thought and strengthen
conference had become speech at the delegate obstacles. The undivided CPI at SUCI under the leadership of our
really a conference of the session, Comrade Asit that period of glory of international beloved General Secretary Comrade
people of Kerala because Bhattacharyya said : the communist movement enjoyed Nihar Mukherjee. A 13-member
of their large-scale co- purpose of this recognition of the international new State Committee with Comrade
operation and convention is to communist leadership. Common Dhurjati Das as the Secretary was
participation. Further, he U. P. Biswas people leaning towards leftist ideas elected in the conference.
consolidate the party’s
Secretary, M.P.
dwelt upon the arduous leadership and generally rallied behind CPI
struggle conducted by Comrade organization and the principal task presuming it to be a real communist TRIPURA
Shibdas Ghosh in building up SUCI before the ensuing Party Congress is party on our soil. Comrade Shibdas Tripura State Convention was
as a genuine communist party on the to help us develop as true Ghosh himself 1and his handful held from 7 to 9 October at
soil and the great contributions he professional revolutionaries by revolutionary compatriots were Agartala. The inaugural meeting
made in this course to the treasure- releasing appropriate life struggle completely unknown to the people. was held on 7 October at
house of Marxism-Leninism. Now covering all aspects of life and They had no resources to develop a Shakuntala Road Hall, Agartala.
the party has emerged as the only successfully fighting to be free from working class party. Often they had Comrade Asit Bhattacharyya,
hope for the toiling people of our even a trace of individualism. It is in to starve and take shelter on the Member, Central Committee was
country. Comrade Shibdas Ghosh this way that Marx’s precept that in footpaths and streets. But with deep present as the main speaker.
Thought is now influencing the order to change the world, workers realization of the noble ideology of Comrade Asit Bhattacharyya
progressive minds all over the must change themselves first can be Marxism-Leninism and with also conducted the two-day long
world. The Second Party Congress translated into reality. Comrade unwavering revolutionary audacity delegate session held at Music
would mark a significant stride Bhattacharyya urged the delegates to build up a genuine working class College, Agartala. He unfurled the
forward – Comrade Chakraborty to apply Comrade Shibdas Ghosh’s party on our soil, they carried on red flag and laid wreath on the
emphasized. teachings in life, institute body with indomitable spirit. In Martyrs’ Column. He also garlanded
With the Internationale, the functioning at all organizational continuation of that unprecedented the portrait of the great leader of the
meeting came to an end. The levels, to lead mass life by staying struggle, the SUCI now has been proletariat Comrade Shibdas Ghosh.
conference, demonstration, public amidst the toiling people and able to develop its organization in as Seventy-one delegates from three
meeting – all created deep learrning from them, to develop many as 22 states of our country. districts of the state attended the
impression and great respect for our self-introspection, self-initiative and Not only that. When the world Convention. The State Secretary,
party in the minds of the people become innovative in discharging communist movement is suffering placed the organizational report.
which was openly expressed by our revolutionary obligation. from crisis of genuine ideological The delegates deliberated on it and
many. It ended in such a high spirit and organizational leadership to Contd. on page 7

Stand committed to proletarian internationalism
Contd. from page 6 Shibnath Shastri Bhavan
also on the draft National and (Municipality Town Hall) was
International Theses. They placed named after Comrade Subodh
some amendments. Lastly, Comrade Banerjee, the late Central
Asit Bhattachryya appealed to the Committee member who used to
delegates to give birth to a genuine rouse the peasants and workers in
left movement in Tripura where the the revolutionary struggle.
left minded people are frustrated by The first programme on October
the misrule of the 5 was the inauguration of
CPI(M). He also asked an exhibition of photos of
the delegates to give up Comrade Shibdas Ghosh
all sorts of individualism displaying his various
and to practice revolutionary activities
collectivism as taught by since boyhood including
Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. his last journey on Dais of Open Session of West Bengal State Conference at Joynagar
At the end he announced August 5, 1976 at the
the 6-member State Rup-Arup Hall. On the Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. in the party, there would be real
Organizing Committee dais, a blown–up life like After this, Comrade Provash collective leadership in the party
with Comrade Arun Arun Bhowmick photograph of the first Ghosh, Member, Central Committee and this collective leadership in the
Secretary, Tripura and the Secretary of the West process of struggle would be best
Bhowmik as the Central Committee
Bengal State Committee, hoisted the personified in a leader, who would
Secretary. formed in the founding convention
red flag at the venue of the delegate thus emerge as the leader of the
re-enlivened the spirit of that
session and placed wreath on the leaders. It is in this process that
WEST BENGAL historic moment. The exhibition was
martyrs’ column followed by Comrade Shibdas Ghosh emerged
The West Bengal State inaugurated by Comrade Anil Sen,
Comrades Anil Sen, Ranjit Dhar and as the leader, teacher and guide of
Conference of our beloved party, the veteran Member, Central
Manik Mukherjee. our party and a foremost Marxist
SUCI, was held from 5 to 7 October Committee, who in his inaugural
On the occasion of this State thinker of the era. However, it was
at the Joynagar-Majilpur. It is a speech said : This Hall is a historic
Conference a quotation exhibition not possible to develop this
small town where the party was place; the Party that Comrade
of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh was ideological centralism expressed
founded in 1948 by Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and his
organized in front of the venue of through a leader until the political-
Shibdas Ghosh, the great leader of revolutionary compatriots founded
the Conference at Shibnath Shastri ideological standard of the party
the proletariat along with a handful here is now spread throughout the
Bhavan. Comrade Ranjit Dhar, rank and file including the leaders
of revolutionary compatriots length and breadth of the country
Central Staff and a veteran senior was continuously elevated.
through a convention held from inspiring people in the noble
leader of the party inaugurated the Comrade Shibdas Ghosh showed
22-24 April 1948 at Rup-Arup, a revolutionary politics and life
exhibition. In his inaugural speech, that in this era of moribund
theatre hall later renamed as philosophy. Even genuine
Comrade Dhar said that the quest capitalism, individualism has been
Basanti Natya Mandir. The venue communists round the world are
for truth was the driver of Comrade posing biggest obstacle before
was named as Comrade Sachin now getting attracted to the
Shibdas Ghosh’s revolutionary life. social progress and communist
Banerjee Nagar to pay Comrade Shibdas Ghosh Thought.
What he thought as truth he movement. Without overcoming
revolutionary tribute to the late Today this party has appeared as a
implemented it in life. In course of this menace of individualism, no
Central Committee member of the most disciplined party based on
his search for truth, he came in one could attain the standard of a
party, who was the commander of higher proletarian culture and
contact with Marxism-Leninism. good communist, Comrade Ranjit
the class and mass struggles that values. We are sure that the anti-
As this philosophy is based on the Dhar emphasized. For this,
surged forth in the entire capitalist socialist revolution in
scientific experimented truth, Comrade Dhar said, Comrade
Sundarnban belt in the 1950s. The India will come about with the
Comrade Shibdas Ghosh adopted it Shibdas Ghosh stressed on the
dais of the delegate session held at illumining thoughts and teachings of
as his ideology. Realizing that sustained socialist struggle covering
because of the absence of a all aspects of life to attain the
revolutionary party on Indian soil, proletarian culture, which now is
the entire benefit of the glorious identification of individual interest
independence movement was with social interest, with the interest
usurped by the Indian national of class, party and revolution. This
bourgeoisie. He took upon himself was a unique contribution of
the arduous task of building the Comrade Shibdas Ghosh to the
SUCI on Leninist model as the treasurehouse of Marxism-
genuine Communist Party in India. Leninism. Based on this Comrade
He also realized that such a Ghosh said that those who would
Communist Party could develop come to the central leadership of the
only when democratic centralism party must be free from private
developed in a party. This property mental complex not only in
democratic centralism could material sense but also in the realm
develop only after ideological of thought and culture. It was on
centralism developed in the party. this basis that he introduced the
When one process of thinking, category of staff membership in the
uniformity of thinking, oneness in party. Comrade Ranjit Dhar also
approach and singleness of purpose mentioned how fascism had become
Komsomol parade at Tripura would become living and operative Contd. on page 8

Vow to accomplish anti-capitalist revolution in India
Contd. from page 7 military. Hence, the talk of any powerful, organized and
a general feature in all capitalist- ‘change’ that was rending the air of consolidated to fulfill the
imperialist countries. At the end, he West Bengal nowadays was inane urge of the suffering Indian
called upon all to follow the and deceptive and had no toiling masses.
thoughts of Comrade Shibdas relevance to the genuine change of The meeting which
Ghosh and conduct appropriate life the distressing plight of the people began with rendering of the
struggle to attain developed groaning under ruthless capitalist song composed on comrade
communist character essential for exploitation. Comrade Provash Shibdas Ghosh ended with
leading Indian revolution. Ghosh also showed why no the Internationale.
After this, everyone assembled philosophy other than Marxism- Immediately after the
there marched to the municipality Leninism, the concrete, enriched open session was over, the
playground to attend the open and developed understanding of delegate session began at Comrade Provash Ghosh, West Bengal State
session. Despite inclement weather which is enshrined in the thoughts 7.30 p.m. on the same day at Secretary addressing the Open Session
and continual rain, the ground was of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, could the Comrade Subodh Banerjee House.
full to the brim with huge crowd show the path to emancipation. The Mancha with the song on the great In his short speech, Comrade
even spilling over to the streets sad dismantling of socialism in leader of the proletariat Comrade Manik Mukherjee reminded the
around and surrounding areas. The Shibdas Ghosh. Comrade Ranjit delegates to conduct an all-out
open session was presided over by Dhar made a short opening speech struggle shunning all reservations
Comrade Yakub Pailan, veteran followed by Comrade Anil Sen. and discontents to be a true
member of the West Bengal State During the next two days, the communist cadre as taught by our
Secretariat and the Secretary of the delegates coming from different great beloved leader Comrade
South 24-Parganas district districts of the state deliberated on Shibdas Ghosh. He also urged the
committee. After a short presidential the Secretary’s Report, the comrades to conduct intense
address by Comrade Yakub Pailan, International and National Theses. A rectification, elevation and
Comrade Provash Ghosh, member, living discussion and debates consolidation struggle, the call given
Central Committee and the West participated in by the delegates and by our beloved General Secretary,
Bengal State Secretary delivered his the leaders at the dais went on Comrade Nihar Mukherjee to live up
speech as the main speaker. In his throughout the sessions. The to the present need of the communist
long speech Comrade Provash sessions were conducted by a movement, both nationally and
Ghosh detailed the character of the Presidium headed by Comrade internationally, as demanded of us
Indian capitalist state – all its Protiva Mukherjee, Central Staff of and fulfill the dream of Comrade
exploitative and decadent economic, Comrade Anil Sen, veteran Member, our party. After long and threadbare Shibdas Ghosh. Then Comrade
political and cultural facets. Unless Central Committee, addressing deliberations, the Secretary’s Provash Ghosh gave an inspiring
this capitalist system was Delegate Session at Joynagar Report and International and valedictory speech to the delegates.
overthrown by revolution, he said, Russia and China had been due to National Theses were adopted with Through a long discussion he
there could not be any solution to abandonment of true Marxist- a few amendments to be sent to the emphasized on the building up of the
the basic problems of life which Leninist line by the modern Party Congress. The delegates were character of the party comrades
stemmed from the exploitative revisionist leadership aided and visibly moved when Comrade following the teachings of Comrade
capitalist system. By merely abetted by the imperialists- Protiva Mukherjee felicitated Shibdas Ghosh.
replacing a government with capitalists. But it is heartening to Comrade Sudhir Banerjee, first Finally, Comrade Protiva
another, which is nothing but a find that the working people round district secretary of south 24 Mukherjee delivered her brief
caretaker of the state that is run by the world including those of Parganas and a delegate of the presidential speech urging the
the military, bureaucracy, police and capitalist Russia and China were founding convention in 1948. delegates to elevate their life
judiciary in essence no fundamental again rising up to unleash Comrade Sudhir Banerjee, in an struggle armed with the teachings of
change could be brought about. revolutionary struggle based on the emotional brief speech recollected the great leader of the proletariat
Even if a genuine pro-people force teachings of Marx-Engels-Lenin- how they had organized the Comrade Shibdas Ghosh for further
got a chance to be in the Stalin-Mao Zedong. In India also, founding convention with great strengthening of the party.
government, it could at best try to the SUCI is growing. No one can enthusiasm and also presented Filled with great enthusiasm and
free the administration from stop its advancement. Our comrades reminiscences of his association revolutionary zeal through the
corruption, provide some relief to might be killed by firing, consigned with Comrade Shibdas Ghosh as deliberations of the Conference, the
the people and ensure that people’s to life imprisonment, subjected to well as comrades Nihar Mukherjee, delegates, after a short break for
struggles grow and develop all kinds of torture and Sachin Banerjee and Subodh lunch, joined a huge procession and
without intervention of the police- harassment, but the ruling Banerjee. walked around the historic town of
bourgeoisie and its servitors of At the concluding session, Joynagar. Vibrating the streets with
different hues can not stop Comrade Gopal Kundu, a State slogans of the grand success of the
SUCI workers, the true Secretariat member of the outgoing Conference as also against the
disciples of Comrade Shibdas State Committee read out the list of inhuman atrocities on the Adibasi
Ghosh from fighting for 325 members proposed as delegates dominated people of Lalgarh by the
accomplishing revolution, to the Second Party Congress. It joint paramilitary forces of both the
cannot ruin their indomitable was unanimously endorsed by the Congress-led Central and the
spirit. While concluding, House. Then Comrade Manik CPI(M)-led West Bengal
Comrade Provash Ghosh said Mukherjee, Central Staff, proposed governments, the procession
: With this objective, we are the new 46-member State terminated its journey at the
struggling. After the ensuing Committee with Comrade Provash Joynagar Railway Station.
Comrade Manik Mukherjee, Central Staff, Second Party Congress, the Ghosh as its Secretary. This was
addressing Delegate Session at Joynagar Party will emerge much more also unanimously approved by the

The Vedic Village scam

CPI((M) politics is torn apart
to expose its ugly skeleton
An apparently inconspicuous that such a dreaded criminal along near the Writers’ buildings and the government to build an IT township
trouble over a referee decision in a with a few others worked in hand Lalbazar, the citadels of power of in the vicinity of the Rajarhat
football match being held at a local and glove with the Vedic Village government and police township. The IT giants Wipro and
ground near the newly developed authority to acquire land for them. respectively? Could those be Infosys were assured of lands there.
Rajarhat township at the eastern The tip of the iceberg was exposed possible without direct and active It was agreed that the Village
fringe of Calcutta metropolis, bare. Locals let loose their mind and support and collaboration of the authority will purchase a 1500 acre
changed complexion at a lightening tongue. It was soon clear to people ruling party, the administration and land for the IT hub. Out of it, they
speed only to flare up into a grave of West Bengal that this blue-eyed the police, central and local? How would hand over, free of cost, some
socio- political issue. In sequel to progeny of the development drive of and why did the Home Secretary 500 acre of land to the state
the on-ground trouble, a group of the CPI(M)-led state government, and his government allow this to government. In lieu, the government
dreaded criminals, obviously inaugurated by the Chief Minister happen when they knew what was will build the infrastructure for the
standing for one of the contending himself, stood upon a cruel and going on? entire extent of land. The Standing
teams of the football match, rushed dirty land-scam that thrived upon A brief history of the Village’s Committee of Industries of the West
into the much-trumpeted resort crimes and criminals. The whole coming into being may be relevant Bengal cabinet approved the
named, Vedic Village. It needs be project of the Vedic Village has a to bring out the scenario in fuller agreement on 28 February 2008 and
added here that this Vedic Village is land of 125 acre for it. The resort details. Land-acquisition for the while the cabinet itself ratified/
a posh resort equipped with all stands upon a meager 10 acre of that Village from the local farmers approved it on 17 April, the same
means of enjoyment, decent or not, amount. What was the rest for? And started in 1997-98. Jyoti Basu was year. The former meeting was
legal or otherwise, meant for how was this vast stretch of land the Chief Minister of the then Front attended by the Chief Minister
entertaining the richest of the rich, acquired, particularly when it government and Suryakanta Mishra, himself along with the ministers of
which was sanctioned, sponsored, includes wetlands and fertile farm- its Land and Land Reforms the Industry, Finance, Small and
patronized and secured with all lands that sustained thousands, if Minister. In 2003, the Village Middle industries and IT. Does it
efforts from a broadest nexus of not lakhs of people? The story was authority was charged with not clearly indicate that the leaders
industry-business houses, simple and pathetic. Working for the irregularities in changing the of the CPI(M), many of whom are
government and its administration authority of the Village, a trusted character of the land. Land and also the important ministers of the
and all the other collateral forces. band of criminals, turned land- Land Reforms department with government were fully aware and
In any case, the criminals went into mafias, used to call up the owners of Rezzaq Molla, its new minister, linked with the process?
and then came out of this Village the land required or desired by the marked about 44.27 acre land as How irregular the CPI(M)-led
with lethal fire-arms and brutally Village. They were offered a throw- beyond the land ceiling and state government was in the act of
and indiscriminately fired upon the away price for their invaluable declared it vested. The Village acquiring land is further evident
crowd of the football ground, means of subsistence. Whenever authority moved the court. Strangely from a recent relvelation. For the
murdering one spectator and there was any hesitation or enough, the government did not new Rajarhat township 7000 acres
injuring many. The aggrieved, irate resistance on the part of the owners, contest. Rather in 2006 they of land was acquired by the HIDCO
crowd, which included hundreds of they were thrown at the point of compromised with the Village (Housing and Infrastructure
local inhabitants, chased the gun, threatened of life. The hapless authority, came to an out-of-court Development Corporation), and is
criminals, who ran back into the owners found themselves forcibly understanding and leased out still being acquired, under Section
Vedic Village. The criminals evicted from their lands. Rather, vested land for 99 years to the same 17 of the Land Reforms Act, an
vanished. But long-accumulated they were implicated in false cases. authority itself, at a price which emergency clause which allows
wrath of people against the Land deeds were tampered or was 5% of its market value. Such quicker acquisition in the event of
criminals and the Vedic Village forged with the help of linkmen at acts of the CPI(M) government left natural catastrophe, such as flood
authority, against the latter for their the land-record offices, to the extent a trail of questions. Why was not the and earthquake, for construction of
sheltering, nurturing and even that the character of land was totally vested land recovered from the railway tracks and roads and under
sustaining upon the said criminals, changed. In short, no illegal or Village authority given back to poor which there is no scope of public
burst forth vehemently. Infuriated heinous means were spared to grab peasants? Why was the same hearing. That the acquisition of land
people carried out rampage and set the land by the mafias for the Village authority held for wrong- for a township by using even an
fire to a host of cottages and Village and its authority. The picture doing, given back the land declared emergency clause of Section 17
premises of the resort, including its came out so clear that even the vested? Why was that land leased earned approval of the CPI(M) led
office and such others. The incident, Home Secretary had to admit in out at a throw-away price to a rich government’s Cabinet in the 1990s
including people’s wrath and public to the Press that land had business enterprise? Was there, also endorsed by its Housing
discontent, rose to such a height been acquired even at the point of then, a huge sum of cut-money and Minister. There is a fresh recent
and dimension, that the police had guns; the police had to arrest some a nexus of important personalities directive by the Supreme Court,
to carry out raids in the Vedic key officials of the Village along involved in the process? Who were which leaves ‘no scope of acquiring
Village. A rich haul of arms and with its Managing Director as well involved in that shady deal? land under Clause 17 other than in
ammunitions was seized from as several other dreaded criminal Yet it was not the iceberg in full. case of natural disaster’, a fact
within the Village. It was revealed at associates of Gaffar Molla. Molla It further came out that “West admitted again by another minister
the same time, that some Gaffar too was finally arrested from far Bengal Electronics Industry (Land and Land Reforms) of the
Molla, a notorious strong-arm away Purulia district of the state. Development Corporation Limited”, same government.
turned a dreadful land-mafia, was But neither the Home Secretary, nor a government concern, jointly with As the Vedic Village scam was
leading the criminal gang, that the police made it clear : how could “ Webel Akash IT Links Pvt. Ltd.”, coming to surface, it also became
perpetrated the murderous incident the Village authority carry on such and “Vedic Diamond IT Links Pvt. apparent that the Vedic Village
only to demonstrate and establish criminal activities for more than a Ltd.”, two companies under the authority entrusted with acquiring
undisputed grip of the leader on the decade, at a place at the outskirt of Vedic Village authority, came to an lands, had adopted the same
locality. It also came to the surface the city of Calcutta itself and so agreement with the West Bengal Contd. on page 10

The Vedic Village scam

Both CPI(M) and its government are
deep in the Vedic Village-IT hub scam
Contd. from page 9 Wipro- Infosys demanded a own skin. And the remorseless party portion of these ‘gifts’ were meant
methods of coercion to grab lands minimum of 90 acre of land for their hastily tried to shut the mouth of avowedly for erecting
for the IT township. This they did project, when now facing the scam these mutually bickering big-wigs. infrastructural facilities, that largely
when negotiation with the the minister for Housing proposed Obviously it must have feared that included lucrative real estate
government was still on and there that he would ensure 10 acre land the blame game left to itself to business and entertainment ‘resorts’
was any agreement yet to be for the IT giants which would continue might dig out further for the rich. In the process, such
reached. The Village authority suffice for their purpose? Why was important names and still more dirty draconic appeasement of the
purchased from the peasants a huge 90 acre claimed if 10 acre was deals to bring more disaster to the interests of monopolists, MNCs and
stretch of land much beyond the sufficient? And how could the party. In fact, the blame game real estate sharks, necessitated large
land-ceiling limit and that too in the government proceed to provide the reached such a pass, that the Chief scale eviction of common people,
name of a score of Benam , i.e., IT giants with this huge amount of Minister posed tendering his mostly the poor peasants, from their
fictitious or spurious companies. extra land, grabbed again from poor resignation. In nutshell, the party and only means of life and livelihood.
The land thus purchased also peasants? its government was in total disarray For instance, whereas the Marutis
included vested lands, supposed to Caught on the wrong foot, the at the impact of the exposure and could erect their industry on a 327
be under the government control. government and the CPI(M) looked frantically for a way to acre land at Gurgaon, the West
Thus it boiled down to the fact that leadership are frantically trying to escape. Inner-party mouths were Bengal government grabbed about
ultimately through the agreement pose that it was not the CPI(M) ordered to remain shut. The red eye thousand acres of extremely fertile
the government, in the name of alone, but even some opposition fell upon the media. Initially so land at Singur in the state for the
erecting IT township, was going to leaders and personalities were enthusiast, the media suddenly lost Nano car complex of the Tatas.
legalise the unlawful purchase of involved in the scam. But who else steam and become dumb on the Proposing a SEZ at Nandigram area
land by the Village authority. Could were involved or whether they were, issue. The question that naturally with the Salims at the helm, the
that be possible without the do these questions help the CPI(M) haunted people : Why was this government was about to grab
knowledge, approval and even leaders in any way, to get out of the change? Was it just a threat on the fourteen thousand acres of equally
involvement of the CPI(M) party, quagmire they have bogged into; do media? Or, did the monopoly- fertile land as that of Singur, which
particularly its leaders, state, these help CPI(M) leaders shed off sponsored media step back from housed a densely populated area of
regional or local, as well as the their responsibility? Who made the exposing the CPI(M) to the hilt, to villages, farmlands, schools,
government machinery under its agreement for the Village and spare the party from further medical centres and such other
control? In fact, the Vedic Village Township? Were it not the CPI(M) embarrassment at the beckoning of inalienable parts of rural life.
scam brought to surface names of ministers and leaders themselves? none other than the ruling class Innumerable examples of lesser
different heavy-weight CPI(M) Who approved of the project of the itself ? After all, CPI(M) has magnitude are strewn about in the
ministers, including the then Vedic Village? Why did the unquestionably proved its sincerity state. What this brand of
Housing Minister, Land and Land administration, the CPI(M) leaders and efficiency in serving the ruling development really stands for is
Revenue Minister and others for and the ministers kept mum when monopolists in the best possible way amply clear once more glaringly
having played some role or other in the notorious land-mafias were and is sure to go the same way in from the instance of Rajarhat- New
the process at some stage of it or grabbing lands by hook or by crook? future and thus deserves some Town- Vedic Village.
other, including their helmsman, the The party of CPI(M) did have its respites! At the same time, the Vedic
Chief Minister himself setting the units live in the adjacent areas. Were In fact, the whole issue of all Village incident brings forth a few
ball roll by inaugurating the Village. not they aware of the plight of the these fraudulent, draconic deals of more important issues. Whereas,
Even the bourgeois Press could not local people? Was not the arrested land grabbing for a resort or IT hub people at Nandigram and Singur
but divulge the names. The Land Managing Director of the Vedic or that sort, and the associated host rose courageously to resist and
Reform Minister also admitted that Village close to the CPI(M) leaders of unanswered questions raised ultimately thwart the CPI(M)-led
there were evidences of and ministers? Were not the latter above or still mute, tear open the government’s design and thereby
involvement of a section of officers paying regular visits to the Vedic real face of the slogan and drive for released a surge of movements in
and employees in the Land Reforms Village to spend some free time ‘development’ that the CPI(M) led the state, becoming a symbol of
Department in tampering with land merrily in the plush cosy cottages of Front government dished out to protest and resistance even outside
records and otherwise helping in the the Village? It has already been people of the state and others. They the state, at Rajarhat and adjacent
shady deals. stated above that the star-studded claimed the development they were areas, CPI(M) could carry out its
In sum and substance, the Vedic list of ‘exposed’ or ‘involved’ have ushering in would open up design without any effective
Village scam, including forcible names of a number of important immense possibilities of resistance, with no movement of
grabbing of farm lands from leaders and ministers of the CPI(M). employment and would thus serve people standing in its way. Even, a
peasants, came out so glaringly, and Had it been a case with any the interest of people. On this plea CPI(M) minister of the Front
brought in its wake, the issue of revolutionary, or even a really pro- they started to hand over vast government, compared Rajarhat and
land-grabbing for the IT township people party, though unfortunate and stretches of even extremely fertile Singur instances and claimed
so unwarrantedly, that the unlikely, such a force would have land to the monopolists and boastfully to have tackled the issue
government had to scrap the plan promptly stepped out to order a multinational corporations of the of acquiring land so smoothly at
for the IT township. A section of thorough probe of the matter and country and abroad such as the Rajarhat that there was no grievance
media and influenced by them, a involvement of its leaders and Tatas, the Jindals, the Salims, the or resistance on the part of the local
portion of the affluent people of the ministers. But here the proceedings Wipro or the Infosys and such inhabitants there. What lay beneath
state lamented the decision of were different. The ‘exposed’ or others as well as the real estate the surface of this tranquility and
scrapping the project of IT ‘involved’ CPI(M) leaders and sharks. In these cases, it came out smooth acquisition of land has now
township, painting it as a great loss ministers started to sling mud on soon, the amount of land meant been made amply clear with the
to the state. But what could be their others, even their colleagues in the really for industries was only a Vedic Village incident.
answer to the question, why had the cabinet, in their frantic bid to save fraction; the major remaining Contd. on page 11

The Vedic Village scam

In power or not, CPI(M)'s opportunistic politics
only breed vices of corruption-coercion
Contd. from page 10 movement through moral and undue favours and privileges for of naked favouritism, corruption
But this apart, there were still ethical degradation’ helping personal gains”, the tendency to and unlimited plunder, pervading
vital issues. The grave incidents corruption to make ‘deep inroads’ develop the sense of ‘neglect of through the state. People of all
and the scams centring round the into the leaders and workers of the duty’ ‘instead of a growing sense of sections of society and spheres of
Vedic Village and the proposed IT parties. Comrade Ghosh also social obligation’, ‘a base tendency activities, were disillusioned,
hub, involving CPI(M) and its warned that a close watch would to stifle the voice of political abjectly dejected and totally hostile
government have no doubt come as reveal that the ‘their leaders and the opponents’ ‘instead of developing to the CPI(M) and its leaders and
a shock to people who believe in high-ups among most of their an attitude of philosophical cadres. Whether they expressed it or
leftism and have faith on leftists. cadres’ in CPI(M) are ‘deeply tolerance’ and last but not the least, not, depended on several factors.
They may wonder at the CPI(M) conscious of their personal a tendency to take recourse ‘to But as evident from the Vedic
going down to such depths of properties and family interests. They cowardly physical assaults’ on the Village incident, even the mute were
debase politics that indulge, if, for ensure their interests first’ before opponents, and that too, in ready to take up the slightest
argument’s sake do not perpetrate, doing anything for people. And favourable situations, ‘using the possibility to vent out their hatred
such events like the Vedic Village what was the effect of increase in police and administration as a shield and ire against the party. And this
scam. But they must also realize strength of a party whose leaders directly or indirectly’. character of the party acquired by its
that this phenomenon has not and a good section of cadres bore During the subsequent period position in power, is neither a
emerged all on a sudden. There was such traits? since the seventies of the last phenomenon exclusive to the state
nothing to wonder at such downfall Comrade Ghosh pointed out century, in their bid to rise to and of West Bengal. The case of an
of CPI(M). In fact, a close scrutiny that the “CPI(M) claims that it is a remain in governmental power of important minister of Kerala
of the politics of CPI(M), virtually Marxist-Leninist party. They the state of West Bengal, the CPI(M) charged with corruption by his own
ever since its origin and an analysis proudly proclaim that their influence not only chose to play total Chief Minister stands out glaringly
on correct Marxist understanding over the people and the youth, at subservient to the ruling capitalist as evidence of CPI(M)’s thick and
would reveal that this was nothing least in West Bengal, is increasing class, the party and its leaders have thin relation with the politics of
sudden, nor unlikely, for CPI(M) most….. Marxism-Leninism is the become overwhelmed with this corruption. The case of Kerala could
politics to reach this end. For that loftiest of all ideologies in this era. debase politics typical of their social and did reach the CBI’s hands.
matter, as far back as in the Naturally, it is expected that their democratic character. Thus, for Even, in the small poor state of
seventies of the last century or even growing influence over the youth governance, they rested Tripura, the CPI(M) in government
earlier, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, and the people should have a increasingly and totally on the nexus has amply demonstrated the same
the founder General Secretary of restraining effect on the cultural of the musclemen-police-adminis- traits of corruption and other vices,
our party SUCI precisely identified degeneration engendered by tration-bureaucracy-capitalists, a accompanying its politics. People
the dangerous potent in the capitalism, and at least the youth and combination that had already earned there have not been vocal, as they
character and trends in the parties the people under their influence, notoriety for its high-handed anti- are not organized. But it may not be
like CPI(M), known as ‘communist knowingly or unknowingly, will people character in independent far that the party will have to face
parties’ and their leaders and cadres. reflect a higher moral and cultural India. They transformed this nexus the same fate in the state too, as it is
Even at that time, on different standard. But has it ever happened aptly into a necessary part of their now facing in West Bengal.
occasions he presented his deeply or is it happening ?” governance. They turned almost The Vedic Village incident thus
penetrating analyses, based on “At the time of the United every police station and key not only exposes some shady deals
correct Marxist understanding and Front Government of 1969”, government office into appendages and the plight of the village –folk of
methodology and in regard to varied Comrade Ghosh showed, “ when of their party. the area, at the hands of the nexus of
contemporary issues like abject the strength of the Naturally, this politics of musclemen-police-administration-
cultural degeneration engulfing the CPI(M)…increased most of all, the grabbing favour and privilege, bureaucracy-capitalists. This and all
society of the country, or the tasks people got scared at the muscle corrupted the party to its root. It did such others have brought out the
that the people, and the youth or the flexing of their cadres and not remain confined to a few skeleton of CPI(M) politics, that
students in particular, faced. He supporters. Let alone reflecting a privileged at the leadership to enjoy was laid bare through the invaluable
pronounced categorically: “I had high moral and cultural standard the power and associated pelf. In analyses of Comrade Shibdas
asked the leftists way back in 1966 and exerting a restraining effect on every sphere of social activity, at all Ghosh made nearly four decades
whether they were looking the students and youths along with levels of the party and its mass- back. Through these, he repeatedly
themselves in the mirror. …before the increase in the organizational organizations, not only the leaders, tried to convince people of the
being in the seat of power, strength of the CPI(M),” this even the party-workers down to the danger CPI(M) politics bore in it.
corruption had surged into their became the period when in lowest levels, used this opportunity Since then, being in power through
house like flood waters? Already examinations in schools, colleges or to suck blood of people to all these years, CPI(M) has itself
they were plunged in corruption. … universities, ‘the phenomenon of fabulously increase their own proved clearly how true his
I said, those who were so sunk in mass-copying’ became rampant and benefits and wealth, each becoming warnings were. At the same time,
corruption before assuming power, ‘took the form of a movement’ of a tycoon at his own level and CPI(M) has also proved that it has
what do they do if they came to students, who were held largely domain. Thus, as in the case of the not just played successfully the
power? They would invariably under the leadership of the CPI(M) Vedic Village, not only its high-up subservient role to the monopolists;
bring about total ruination and and its student wing SFI. Along leaders and cadres, even a local it has actually turned into an
disaster. They would take the with the increase in their influence supporter of the party turned into a appendage of the ruling capitalist
country to doom by waving the red there is also a rise of the tendency deadly land mafia with unbridled class, feeling no compunction to
flag.” He pointed out that even among people, including the access to the seats of power, at the stand nakedly in the interest of the
before rising to governmental students and the youth, particularly local police station or administrative moneyed people , the monopolists
power, CPI(M) and others, practiced those under their fold, “to office or even at the district or state of the land and abroad as against the
such politics that ‘created a vitiated increasingly make use of police and headquarters. Obviously, with this interest of common poorer people,
atmosphere within the left administration to benefit from politics, they created a dark gloom even directly acting for that.
Regd. No. 13932/67
Postal Regd. No. SSRM/KOL/RMS/WB/RNP-145/2007-09
P. R. (FGN) No. SSRM/KOL/RMS/WB/RNP-145/FGN-036/2007-09

SUCI workers jump in relief work at

flood ravaged Andhra districts
The recent unprecedented heavy rains and floods of river Krishna and
its tributaries in Andhra Pradesh in the first week of October caused
havoc especially in the districts of Kurnool, Mehaboobnagar, Krishna
and Guntur. The colossal loss of properties is estimated to be above
12,000 crores of rupees apart from the loss of human lives and cattle.
In some villages like Rajoli 90 percent of the houses totally
collapsed due to the impact and flow of flood waters which washed away
the earthen dams at Sunkesula Project near that village.
Though it was nature’s fury the damage could have been minimal if the
government acted promptly. The government machinery especially the
officials concerned with irrigation and related projects not only lacked
coordination among them but also showed utter neglect in timely releasing
the water from the dams. Even when they decided to lift the gates at the
dams it was found that the gates could not be opened as speedily as required
because of their faulty maintenance. Even in the relief operations the
government did not act promptly. Not enough relief and rehabilitation At the call of the Forum of Artistes, Cultural Activists and Intellectuals a 20-
centers were set up. Since days together the flood affected people are thousand strong procession of well-meaning persons from different walks of life
starving and living in slush and stench caused by the flood water. Not was taken out in Calcutta on 10 October to register protest against unleashing of
enough medical camps were set up. The state organizing committee of state terrorism in Lalgarh and wanton attack of the CPI(M) government of West
SUCI jumped into relief activities by mobilizing money, materials and man Bengal on democratic rights. A citizen’s convention was also organized by the
power to its capacity. Three rounds of relief activities were conducted in Forum on 16 October to condemn subversion of democracy in the state.
the district of Kurnool starting from 5 October 2009. SUCI volunteers
distributed 21,000 chapathis, 500 breads, 1000 biscuit packets. 6ooo
water bottles and packets, 15 quintals of rice, 320 woolen blankets and one
Save Education Committee
full lorry load of clothes to about 10,000 flood-ravaged people.
Andhra Pradesh SUCI has demanded from the government to
Parliament March against
immediately concede to an eight-point charter of demand to help the
flood victims start life afresh and ensure exemplary punishment of the
destruction of education system
guilty government officials responsible for aggravating the plight of the Hundreds of activists and Mantar and marched towards
people. education loving people, upon the Parliament Street shouting slogans
call of Delhi State Committee of the demanding immediate scrapping up
All India Save Education of the anti-people education policies
Committee staged a protest of the government. After being
demonstration on 30 September stopped by the police at Parliament
against the Human Resource Street, a public meeting was held
Development Ministry’s there. Prof. Narendra Sharma
announcement of the programme of (Convenor, Delhi State, All India
‘educational reforms’ based on the Save Education Committee), Pratap
recommendations of Yashpal Samal (Secretariat Member, All
Committee and National Knowledge India Save Education Committee),
Commission (NKC) to restructure G.S.Singh, Dr. Jiten Murmu,
higher education and bring about Dipender Kapoor, Subha Dixit and
several changes in school education. Deepak Ranjan from AIDSO
The protesters assembled at Jantar addressed the gathering.

On the eve of the

Second Party Congress of SUCI
the following Works of
are going to be published :
Selected Works — Vol - IV (English) : Paperback : Rs. 100/-
Board Bound : Rs. 120/-
Selected Works — Vol - IV (Bengali) : Paperback : Rs. 100/-
Board Bound : Rs. 120/-
Selected Works — Vol - I (Hindi) : Paperback : Rs. 80/-
Board Bound : Rs. 100/-
Graffiti on Second Party Congress in different states and languages


Edited & Published by Sukomal Dasgupta from 48 Lenin Sarani, Kolkata 700 013 and printed by him at Ganadabi Printers and Publishers Private Limited,
52B, Indian Mirror Street, Kolkata 700013. Phone : 2249-1828, 2265-3234 E-mail : Website :

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