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The document provides an overview of early Islam and its spread, covering topics such as the Umayyad dynasty, trade routes, scientific and cultural developments under Islamic rule.

Some of the major topics covered include the Umayyad dynasty, trade routes, scientific and cultural developments under Islamic rule, military conquests, architecture and art.

The document is structured by page numbers and covers information in a chronological manner, beginning with the origins and spread of early Islam and then discussing subsequent political, scientific and cultural developments.


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A History of the World's Cultures



The Editors of TIME-LIFE BOOKS



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A Messenger from God lo

1 Picture Essay: 'THE PROPHETS PROGRESS" 21

Five Pillars of Faith 30

2 Picture Essay: DESERT SANCTUARIES 41

A Time of Conquest 52

3 Picture Essay: REACHES OF EMPIRE 65

The Golden Age 78

4 Picture Essay: A MUSLIM S LIFE 89

An Art of Many Peoples loo

5 Picture Essay: CRAFTSMEN'S TREASURES 111

The Scientist -Philosophers 120

6 Picture Essay: A PERSIAN BESTIARY 131

From Spain to Sumatra 140


A Durable Religion 162

8 Picture Essay: ISLAM'S MAGIC CARPETS 171

Chronologies, 183
Bibliography, acknowledgments, 186

Credits and art notes, 187

Index, 188

Islam is a way of life that has religious aspects, modifications of that law worked out by Mu-
political aspects and cultural aspects, and each hammad's successors at various times and in vari-

of the three overlaps and interacts. To do justice ous places. Initially, the state of Islam grew at the

to a triple story of this kind presents problems expense of the Byzantine and Persian empires, the
that tax the ingenuity of any author— what to two greatest forces in the Middle East during Is-

choose from the vast storehouse of the past, how lam's period of expansion, and this is still the

to make it intelligible and meaningful. heartlandof Islam. At its height, however, the Mus-
Of all religions, Islam is nearest in kin to Ju- lim empire extended from Spain to India, exceeding

daism and Christianity. In fact the alienation be- even the Roman empire in its prime.

tween the Islamic and the Christian worlds is more Islam the culture, unlike the religion and gov-

one of politics and economics than of ideology. Is- ernment of Islam, is not essentially an Arabian in-

lam the religion is a system of beliefs and practices vention. Except for the Arabic language through

revealed to Muhammad, enshrined in the Koran which it was disseminated, the Arabians contrib-
and supplemented by a traditional record, the ha- uted almost nothing. Islamic culture is a compound
dith, of the things said and done by Muhammad. of other cultures— ancient Semitic, Classical Greek,

In the course of its development, the religious medieval Indo-Persian. It was formulated for Is-

unity of Islam was broken down into a variety of lam largely by the peoples it conquered, the neo-

sects. Each added its own accretions to the learned Muslims. For a period of about 400 years, from

system, mostly in the form of folk beliefs designed midway through the Eighth Century to the 12th

to fit Islam to local needs. In all, some 450 million Century, the achievements of this synthesized cul-

men and women, representing every race and ev- ture were perhaps unsurpassed. In fact much of the

ery one of the six continents, today consider them- science and literature of the European Renaissance

selves followers of the Prophet. Theirs is the domi- was inspired by Islamic models.
nant faith in a broad swath of land, running from Desmond Stewart, the author of this book, has

Morocco on the west to Pakistan in the east; and done a thoroughly commendable job of putting to-

they are also the dominant religious group in Ma- gether this vast and sprawling story. His narrative

laysia and Indonesia. is vivid, his illustrations add authenticity, and his

Islam the state was a political entity that based documentary evidence will, I hope, whet the appe-

its laws on the canon law of the Koran and on the tites of some of his readers to further study.

Professor Emeritus of Semitic Literature
Princeton Urjiversity


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IRAQ • Shiraz
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. • Medina


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The Koran, a book of about the same length as the
New Testament, is one of the most remarkable
scriptures in history; it has molded the lives of
millions of people and given birth to a powerful
and enduring religion known as Islam, which has
helped shape the modern world. Unlike the holy
books of the Jews and Christians, which are col-

lections of religious narratives, laws, poems, prov-

erbs, prophecies and prayers, dating from different
periods and written by different men, every word

1 in the Koran was delivered

the lips of a single
to the

man, the Prophet Muhammad,

world through

over a 22-year period in the early Seventh Century.

A MESSENGER FROM GOD Some of the Koran's chapters, or suras, are short
and fiery warnings of doom, proclaiming a Day of
Judgment and demanding the worship of one God.
Others discuss the Biblical prophets and the les-

sons of their lives; still others lay down detailed

regulations concerning the family, property and
justice. All are phrased in a hypnotic Arabic that
helped convince the Koran's original hearers— Arab
tribesmen who prided themselves on eloquence
as much as courage— that this was no human speech
but the word of God Himself.
The Koran is the heart of Islam— a word meaning,
quite simply, "surrender to God." Islam began as
a religious movement in the torrid wastes of Arabia
and quickly spread through the Middle East. It en-
compassed many diverse peoples, who came to call

themselves Muslims, or believers, welding them

into a vast monotheistic state. In less than 10 years

after the Prophet's death, through conquest and

conversion, Islam shook the foundations of Byzan-
tium and Persia, the two most powerful civiliza-

tions of the era. In less than a century it swept

through parts of Asia, Africa and Europe, dominat-
ing an area larger than that of the Roman Em-
pire at its peak. Eventually it was to make Arabic
the common language of some 90 million people,
to dictate a way of life for one out of every seven
persons inhabiting the earth, and to exert a pow-
erful influence on the West.
For more than six centuries— from the dawn of
Islam, when on horse and camel the new converts
A MASSIVE MINARET, some 175 feet high, spirals skyward above the ruins of
surged out of Arabia, until the turning point in
Islam's largest mosque, in the Ninth Century capital of Samarra. From
atop its ramp, which echoes the stepped forms of ancient Babylonian its long history, when Mongol nomads sacked the
ziggurats, criers once summoned tens of thousands of worshipers to prayer. Muslim capital of Baghdad in 1258— Islam was the

world's most challenging religion, its strongest po- an ancestor of the Western novel, and the classic
litical force and its most vital culture. This culture Persian poem, the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
linked, for the first time in history, such varied and The religious movement that gave rise to these

distant peoples as Spaniards, black Africans, Per- great cultural and political forces took root in what
sians, Turks, Egyptians and Indians. In this uni- would seem to be one of the most unlikely places
fying role, Islam served to transmit more than one on the globe— a hot, parched wedge of land that
invention that proved crucial to the development spreads over one million square miles between Af-

of Western civilization. Muslims learned the tech- rica and Asia. In the Seventh Century many of its

nique of making paper from Chinese warriors they inhabitants were nomadic Bedouin tribesmen who
had captured in a battle near Samarkand, and even- lived in tents woven of goat's and camel's hair,

tually relayed the process to Europe. "Arabic" nu- subsisting on a frugal diet of dates and milk. Of-

merals were taken from India and transmitted to ten they were engrossed in blood feuds with other

the Western world, where they became the standard tribes; sporadic raiding was a way of life.

mathematical symbols. Islam also performed an- The pre-Islamic Bedouins worshiped stones, trees

other important service: the heritage of Classical and pieces of wood as the dwelling places of spirits
Greece— both scientific and philosophical— which whom they endowed with supernatural powers. The
had been lost to the West for centuries, was in supreme human virtue, in their eyes, was manli-
large part returned to it through translations un- ness, expressed in the traits of loyalty, generosity

dertaken in Islamic lands. and courage. Loyalty, above all, was necessary in

At the same time, the followers of Muhammad the struggle for survival in the harsh desert;

created a distinctive and valuable culture of their no man could live without the protection -of his
own. The genius of Islam was its ability to take tribe, and the tribe could function only as a unit.
elements of the various cultures that it embraced, Loyalty was the core of asabiyya, or clan spirit; a

synthesize them and then enlarge upon this amal- man was expected to be valiant to the point of
gam. In medicine, for example, Muslims enhanced death in defense of his tribe's rights, which related

Greek theory by practical observation and clini- largely to pasturage and water in an arid wilder-
cal experience. Significant contributions were also ness where wells were more precious than gold.

made in chemistry, physics and mathematics; al- Generosity was expressed in the desert concept of
gebra, geometry and particularly trigonometry were hospitality; a well-known Arabic folk tale honors
largely developed in Islam. a youth who killed three of his father's camels to

In architecture Islam's most distinctive achieve- feed some passing strangers. Courage demanded the
ment was the mosque. A popular style of surface protection of one's women, and the participation in

decoration used in these buildings was a rich pat- many raids; a great premium was placed on a man's
tern of swirling and interlocking designs; they were skill in archery and horsemanship.

widely copied elsewhere and came to be known as The eloquence that Arab tribesmen so admired
arabesques. In such minor arts as carpet making, was best expressed in their poetry, a spoken art

pottery, bookmaking, calligraphy, ivory and wood form ideally suited to people who could carry few

carving. Islamic craftsmen created exquisite works. possessions because they were frequently on the

In literature Islam produced famous works such as move. This poetry was their major artistic achieve-

The Arabian Nights, which some scholars consider ment, and it played an important role in their daily

as the Kaaba. Among its religious objects was a and selling goods in Mecca. Then he went to work
hallowed meteorite known as the Black Stone, em- as an agent for a woman named Khadija, a widow
bedded in a wall in one corner. The chief deity of with considerable business interests. On her behalf
Meccans was Allah, the Creator of the universe; he traveled north with one of the caravans to Syria.
He shared His power with some 300 other gods and Syria was then part of the powerful Christian By-

goddesses whose statues filled the holy place. The zantine empire and Muhammad must have come
people who came on pilgrimages to worship these in contact with many Christians there.
deities, like the commercial travelers in Mecca, at- At this time powerful outside religious influences
tended big fairs held in the city and left behind a were at work in Arabia. These influences had filtered

great deal of wealth. into the peninsula from Syria and Palestine, as well
The leading citizens of this commercial and re- as from Christian Abyssinia (Ethiopia) just across

ligious center were members of a powerful tribe the Red Sea from southern Arabia. Some Arabians
known as the Quraysh. Through their widespread had been converted to Christianity and several
interests the Quraysh had built up great financial oases were partly occupied by tribes of Arabian
and military strength, and they governed Mecca as Jews. A colony of Abyssinian Christians dwelt in
an elementary form of "republic," through a coun- Mecca; also in Arabia at this time there were hanifs,
cil made up of representatives from the city's most men dissatisfied with Arabian paganism, who lived

influential families. ascetic lives and believed in a single god.

It was in this bustling city that Muhammad was From these sources, as well as from his trip to

born, about 570 A.D. In Arabic his name means Syria, Muhammad undoubtedly heard tales about
"highly praised." He never knew his father, a trader Jesus and the Prophets, and about the God wor-
named Abdullah, who died shortly before his birth. shiped by both Jews and Christians. More and
Although Abdullah had little wealth himself, he more he must have felt the lack in his own people
did belong to the powerful Quraysh. Following a of a coherent faith. As one who had known pov-
custom of the Meccan aristocracy, the infant's wid- erty and orphanhood, he was particularly distressed
owed mother senthim into the desert to be wet- by the arrogance of the rich and powerful; these
nursed by a Bedouin mother. The desert air was men believed that money and material possessions
fresher and healthier than the stifling air of Mecca, were everything, and they no longer respected the
and it was felt that in this climate a city boy could former desert ethos, under which the rich were ex-
get a sturdier start in life. pected to share their wealth with the poorer mem-
After two or three years in the desert, the father- bers of their tribe.
less child was brought back to Mecca. When he was Muhammad, known for his thoughtful nature,
six his mother died, and he was placed in the care his gentleness and integrity, was highly regarded
of his grandfather; but the old man also died soon in Mecca; he was nicknamed al-Amin— "The Trust-
after. Muhammad's paternal uncle, Abu Talib, then worthy." Despite his temperate nature, he is said

became his adoptive father, and it was he who to have had a forceful personality, and he must
reared the boy to manhood. have made a striking appearance: handsome and
As a young man with no fortune of his own, Mu- burly, with massive shoulders, large hands and feet

hammad had to work for a living. He did various and a wide forehead above dark, bushy eyebrows
odd jobs, among them tending sheep, and buying and deep, large black eyes. He was of medium

height and walked with his head, which was un- Prophet as saying, "with a coverlet of brocade
usually large, thrust impetuously forward. When whereon was some writing, and said, 'Read!' I

spoken to he turned not only his head but his whole said, 'What shall I read?' He pressed me with it

frame to face the speaker. When he was angry, a so tightly that I thought it was death; then he let

conspicuous vein swelled between his brows. me go and said, 'Read!' . . . He said:
Khadija was impressed by Muhammad both as
Read in the name of thy Lord who created,
a person and for the way he handled her affairs,
and when he was about 25 years old she made him
Who created man of blood coagulated.

Read! Thy Lord is the most beneficent.

an offer of marriage. She had already been mar-
ried twice before and was some 15 years older than
Who taught by the pen,
Taught that which they knew not unto men.'
he. Nevertheless, Muhammad accepted Khadija's
proposal and was faithful to her for the remain- Muhammad awoke from his sleep in spiritual
ing 25 years of her life. She bore him three sons, turmoil. At first he feared that he was possessed
all of whom died in childhood, and four daughters. by some kind of demon. He was so distraught that
All the girls lived, but only one, Fatima, survived he set out to climb the mountain and kill himself.
him and bore him descendants. They were to fig- Then, according to the account, he heard a voice
ure in later Islamic history. from Heaven; looking up he saw "the form of a
His marriage relieved Muhammad of most of man with feet astride the horizon, saying, 'O Mu-
his financial cares and gave him considerable time hammad! thou art the apostle of God and I am
to himself. Often he would escape the bustle of Gabriel.'
the city by retiring to a cave on the nearby moun- Muhammad returned to Khadija and told her
tain of Hira to meditate; sometimes he went alone, what had happened. She immediately went to a
sometimes with his family. Here certain spiritual hanif kinsman of hers; the holy man heard the
insights came to him, he was to say later, 'like story and unhesitatingly pronounced his verdict:
the breaking of dawn." Muhammad had been visited by the same heavenly
In the year 610 A.D., when Muhammad was inspiration that had descended to Moses, and he
about 40 years old, he had an experience that shat- was to be the prophet of his people.
tered his tranquil existence and set him on the Muhammad, however, did not assume this role
path that was to transform the lives of millions at once. For a long time he received no further
of people. There are many colorful accounts of messages from God, and he suffered fears and self-

this event, based on the various traditions that doubt. He then had a second revelation ordering
grew out of his life; all of them, unfortunately, him to begin his work, to "rise and warn" the peo-
leave many questions unanswered. The account ple. Muhammad actually began preaching publicly
most often quoted is that of Ibn Ishaq, Muham- in Mecca in He taught that Allah was
613 A.D.
mad's first biographer, who lived in the century not one god among many but the solitary and eter-
following the Prophet's death. nal Sovereign of the universe, and that men must
On the eventful day, according to Ibn Ishaq, thank Him for their existence and worship only
Muhammad had gone to Hira with his family and Him. He preached that all believers were equal
was asleep in the cave when an angel appeared. before God, and that the rich must share their
"He came to me, "
the biographer quotes the wealth with the poor. At the same time he warned

that man's destiny was in God's hands: there
would be a Day of Judgment for all n^en.

Muhammad thus gave new values to life. Un-

der paganism it was believed that death was the
end of all existence. Now, according to Muham-
mad, every man would be held accountable in an
afterworld for his deeds on earth— a stunning con-
cept for a people who had believed that the crite-
rion of success was the wealth aman accumulated
during his lifetime. For those who accepted God,
and Muhammad as His Messenger, he said, there

would be justice in this world and a glorious life

after death. But for those who did not submit, there
would be hell-fire and terrible tortures.

The Prophet's first convert was his wife Khadija,

who was soon followed by three others: AH, a

younger cousin of Muhammad; Zayd, a slave he

had freed;

Bakr and Ali were

and Abu Bakr, a man
of substance.
play important roles in the
w^nj^Bi mmm
ISLAM S HOLIEST SHRINE, the Kaaba, a 50-foot-high stone cube draped with
rise of Islam. Many of Muhammad's early follow-
black brocade, is shown on part of a souvenir scroll once owned by a 15th
ers came from the ranks of the poor and down- Century pilgrim to Mecca. To the left is its only door and a recess contain-
trodden, who eagerly seized upon his message of ing the sacred Black Stone that pilgrims kiss. A colonnade, shown in plan

hope in this world and the next. However, most of view, once circled the Kaaba. This opened onto an array of holy structures,
including the domed Zamzam well and two companion store houses (left), a
the aristocratic Quraysh not only refused to ac-
shelter covering the footprints of Abraham (center), and a pulpit (right).
cept him as a prophet but greeted him with
fierce opposition. They saw a threat to their whole
privileged way of life from made piety
a faith that

rather than position the measure of human worth.

They also feared that if Muhammad won large
numbers of followers, he could eventually convert
his religious power into vast political power and
dominate the city. Finally, they saw Muhammad's
attack on their pagan gods leading to a loss of

profitable trade. The Quraysh ridiculed Muham-

mad, calling him a liar and a "poet" and suggest-
ing that his revelations were the products of his
own imagination. They even subjected some Mus-
lims to stonings and beatings.
After a time this abuse became so severe that
Muhammad advised a group of his followers to

escape to Christian Abyssinia; some 80 of them members of feuding tribes gradually submitted to

went, and were granted refuge there. But a dele- the commands of God, as revealed through His
gation of the Quraysh pursued the fugitives and Prophet Muhammad. The substitution of faith for

urged the Negus, the King of Abyssinia, to expel blood ties made it possible to suppress the old trib-

them as people who had slandered his religion. al rivalries and gave rise to a revolutionary politi-

The leaders of the Muslims were called in to refute cal unity. Yathrib, the heart of the new community
the Meccans' charges; as proof that Islam did not of Islam, became known as Madinat al-Nabi, "the
insult Christianity, they read a passage from the city of the Prophet, "
or simply Medina, "the city,"

Koran's chapter of Mary. The Koran paid Jesus the name it bears in English today.
and His Mother the highest reverence— though it From this time onward, Muhammad's role

held that Jesus was merely a prophet, not the Son changed drastically. While in Mecca he had been
of God. The Negus, finding this view inoffensive, merely the religious leader of a small group, some-
permitted the Muslims to stay. what in the tradition of the earlier Hebrew proph-
Meanwhile, Muhammad and his followers in ets. But once settled in Medina he played a new
Mecca were being subjected to even more severe and more powerful role, with increasing spiritual
attacks. At about this time the Prophet's wife and political authority. In keeping with his new
Khadija died; her death was soon followed by that status, the nature of his continuing revelations

of his uncle, Abu Talib, who had raised him and changed from being purely religious to having
through whom he had enjoyed clan protection. greater legislative and social content.

Muhammad's position in the city was now ex- One of Muhammad's early problems in Medina
tremely insecure and he reached a decision to leave. was with the Jews there. Several Jewish clans con-
At first he went to Taif, but he was ridiculed trolled the richest agricultural lands, and had made
and insulted by the people there, and was forced formal alliances with one of two Arab tribes that
to return to Mecca. At this point, fate came to Mu- dominated the oasis. Muhammad, according to

hammad's rescue. A group of pilgrims from Yath- Western scholars, expected the Jews to recognize
rib, who had heard Muhammad preach and were him as a prophet, thus strengthening his position
impressed by him, asked him to come to their city. in Medina. In an effort to win their support, he
Yathrib was being torn by a feud between two adopted some of their religious practices, among
Arab tribes who lived there, and an arbitrator was them fasting on the Day of Atonement and the

needed to bring peace. Muhammad accepted the in- custom of praying toward Jerusalem. A few of the
vitation, and encouraged his followers to go to Jews became Muslims, but the majority saw in the

Yathrib ahead of him. A few weeks later the Proph- growth of Islam a threat to their own political and
et himself slipped out of Mecca and joined them. economic self-interest. Far from accepting Muham-
The migration, the famed Hijra, or Hegira, took mad as a prophet, they rejected his claim and bit-

place in September, 622 A.D., and later was desig- terly criticized him, contendmg that many of his

nated as the beginning of the Islamic era. revelations contradicted their scriptures and were
In Yathrib Muhammad began to construct therefore false. Muhammad countered by saying
around himself and his followers a larger commu- that the Jews had distorted their scriptures and
nity of Muslim believers, who were to be the foun- only the Koran was the true Word of God. Seeing
dation of the Islamic state. Arabs who had been that he could not win the support of the Jews,

Muhammad now concentrated on building an Is- asking for reinforcements. The caravan subsequent-
lamic community that was, in the beginning, made ly escaped, but the Muslims ran into the reinforce-
up primarily of Arabs. ments at Badr, a caravan stop southwest of Medina.
As time passed, the Prophet started giving Is- Muhammad had about 300 men, the largest force

lam its own unique religious customs. In place of he had ever assembled, but the Meccans had close
wooden clappers or ram's horns, used as religious to a thousand. The Muslims could not turn back
signals by the Christians and Jews, the ringing without loss of face. For the Meccans it was an
voice of Bilal, an Abyssinian convert, called the opportunity to teach Muhammad and his follow-

faithful to pray; Bilal was thus the first muezzin, ers to leave Mecca and its trade alone. Muhammad
the crier who summons Muslims to prayer at the directed his followers from a nearby shelter, spend-
appointed hours in Islamic communities. The fast ing a great deal of time in prayer as the two sides

of the Day of Atonement was replaced by an en- clashed in battle. Surprisingly, the Prophet's small
month of
tire fasting during Ramadan, the ninth band inflicted a crushing defeat on the proud Qu-
month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Instead of raysh, who had not expected such fierce opposition.
praying toward Jerusalem, Muslims were ordered The startling Muslim victory had far-reaching
to prostrate themselves toward the Kaaba in Mec- effects. Arabs everywhere looked upon it as a mira-

ca as the shrine of Allah. The kissing of the Black cle, a sign of God's favor to the Prophet's cause,
Stone, the venerated meteorite embedded in one of thus strengthening Muhammad's claim that he was
the Kaaba's walls, was authorized. the apostle of God. In addition, the Muslim war-
This period also marked the beginning of a new riors shared in the booty from the raids, and word
form of activity against the enemies of the faith soon spread that the cause of God could bring re-

in Mecca. Muhammad started leading his follow- wards on earth as well as in heaven. Nearby tribes

ers in raids against Meccan caravans passing now began to join Islam and to fight under its

through Medinese territory. Some scholars think banner. If victorious they got booty. If killed in battle

that the reason for these raids was primarily eco- they were sure of going to heaven, where the Prophet
nomic, to help the emigrants acquire food and sup- had promised them they would enjoy, without sur-
plies. But others offer a different explanation. They feit, the most sensual delights known on earth.

say that some of Muhammad's followers learned The Quraysh, however, did not accept their de-
that their families in Mecca were being persecuted feat at Badr lightly. The following year a force of

and their property confiscated; they demanded 3,000 Meccans attacked the Muslims at Medina, in-

revenge against the Meccans, and Muhammad pla- flicting on them a minor defeat; the Prophet him-
cated them by attacking the caravans. self was wounded in the action. Two years later, in
One of these raids led to the first serious armed 627 A.D., the Meccans, determined to wipe out
clash between the Muslims and the Meccans. Two Muhammad, mounted a full-scale assault on Me-
years after the Muslims had migrated to Medina, dina with 10,000 troops mustered from among their

Muhammad learned that a richly laden Meccan allies, including a powerful front line of 600 horse-
caravan was about to pass near Medina. He im- men with which they hoped to overwhelm the Mus-
mediately made plans to attack it. But word of lims. Muhammad, allegedly on the advice of a Per-

this reached the caravan, whose leader promptly sian convert experienced in fortifications, dug a deep
changed its route and rushed a messenger to Mecca dry moat in front of the exposed portion of the

city— a novel tactic in desert warfare. The innova- pagan custom— he had shown Arabs that Islam was
tion so confused the attackers that it rendered their a religion with an Arabian character.

cavalry useless and halted their charge. Changing The following year Muhammad led 2,000 Mus-
tactics, the Meccans camped outside Medina, ne- lims on the promised pilgrimage to the Kaaba. But

gotiating with a Jewish clan inside the oasis to at- subsequent clashes between Muslims and Meccans
tack the Muslims from within. The negotiations ended the truce, and in 630 A.D. Muhammad
broke down, however, and the weather turned cold. marched on Mecca to settle the issue with a force

After 40 days the Meccans, now demoralized and of 10,000 men. Mecca, weakened by the loss of

short of supplies, went home. many of its leading men in the battles against Mu-
Muhammad, who had learned about the Jews' hammad and consequent dissensions over the lead-
negotiations with the Meccans, dealt harshly with ership of the city, fell with little more than a token

them: he sanctioned the decapitation of all the men show of resistance. Muhammad entered the Kaaba

—some 600 in number— and the enslavement of their in triumph, exclaiming, "Truth has come and false-

women and children, and he allowed his followers hood has vanished, "
and set about the destruction

to settle on their land. A modern reader may won- of the pagan idols that filled the holy place. Later

der at such violence in a religious leader. But what a tradition was established forbidding anyone but
surprised the people of Yathrib was Muhammad's Muslims to enter the city. The purified Kaaba in

total disregard of the long-standing alliance be- Mecca was now the spiritual center of Islam, just

tween the Jewish and Arab tribes there— an alliance as Medina was its political capital.

considered virtually sacred under the Bedouin code. The Prophet was a lenient and forgiving con-

By this dramatic act, the Prophet was not only queror, and soon even the Mecca leaders who had
showing the Jews, and any future enemies of Islam, opposed him most bitterly became Muslims. At
that opposition would no longer be tolerated. He was the same time his troops began to strike out farther

also showing his fellow Arabs that their previous and farther into Arabia; before long all but a few

tribal loyalties, which for so long had led to feuds of the peninsula's tribes had joined Islam, either

that weakened and divided them, were at an end. through new-found fervor or in hopes of material

The only loyalty now recognized was that given gain. Christians and Jews were permitted to prac-

to Islam itself. tice their own faith, but were compelled to pay a tax,

In 628 Muhammad set out on a pilgrimage to adding indirectly to Islam's ever-growing might.

Mecca with 1,400 of his followers. The Meccans, In the 22 years of his prophethood, Muhammad
hearing about this force, sent out 200 horsemen to had brought about a synthesis of the Judaeo-Chris-

stop it. Fighting threatened, but the two sides tian tradition of a single God and a latent Arabian

agreed upon a treaty that provided for a 10-year sense of nationalism, and his people found in this

truce, and for the Muslims to return to Medina on synthesis a cause for which they could unite, fight

the condition that they could come back to Mecca and win. Yet Muhammad himself remained remark-

on pilgrimage the following year. Both sides saved ably unchanged. Throughout his life, even after he

face, but Muhammad had won a victory by estab- had become the absolute ruler of a powerful new

lishing himself as the equal of the Quraysh, as a state, he retained basically simple tastes; it was said

result of having entered into a treaty with them. that he even mended his own clothes. As a leader he

Also, by having set out upon a pilgrimage— an old gave his people a broader concept of humanity by

abolishing many social evils. For example, he modi- wives, but Muhammad was an indulgent husband.
fied Arabia's widespread slavery; the practice was On one occasion he took A'isha on an expedition
still permitted but slaves had to be treated hu- with him and she dropped behind to look for a
manely. They were now allowed to marry and they necklace she had lost; later she arrived at Medina
could buy their freedom; moreover, the freeing of with a handsome young tribesman. Some of Mu-
slaves was regarded as meritorious. Muhammad hammad's followers accused her of infidelity, but

also outlawed gambling, usury and the drinking of the Prophet soon had a revelation exonerating his

wine as against the rule of God. young wife; the Koran ordered that henceforth four
To his followers, Muhammad embodied a new witnesses would be required of anyone accusing a
human ideal. His idealized figure, in fact, was so woman of adultery, and failure to provide such ev-

embroidered upon by pious admirers that at times idence would bring punishment of 80 lashes.
it became practically unrecognizable. The Prophet In his 63rd year, the 10th year of the new era of
was thought to possess all virtues, particularly Islam, Muhammad fell ill. He developed a sudden
those dearest to Arabs. Since virility in a man was fever accompanied by violent headaches; he spoke
highly esteemed, some Arabs pictured Muhammad to A'isha of death, but she replied lightheartedly,
as a man of immense potency— a portrait that later probably thinking, like many Muslims, that the

led to much Western derision and satire. It is true Prophet of God was immune to death. But the pain

that one tradition about the Prophet quotes him as increased, and Muhammad asked permission of his
saying that women were among the three things other wives to move into the dwelling of A'isha.

that he enjoyed the most (the others were pleasant From there he managed to stagger to the mosque,

odors and prayer). Whatever sensuality he may where he once again told his followers that the faith-

have had, however, was tempered by his kind- ful would follow him to Paradise, and that the un-
ness and loyalty. believers would be punished. From his tone his
For more than two decades Muhammad had been friend Abu Bakr could tell that he was about to die.

faithful to a woman considerably older than him- For the last time the Prophet returned to A'isha's
self. After Khadija's death he took nine wives. (The house. As the death agony came upon him, he mut-
Koran allowed Muslims to take up to four wives, tered, "Nay [I have chosen] the exalted company in

but an exception was made in the case of the Proph- heaven." With that, he died in A'isha's arms.
et.) Most of Muhammad's marriages were moti- As the word of Muhammad's death spread
vated primarily by political or humane reasons; through Medina, his followers were swept by a

some of his wives were the widows of his lieu- shock that verged on panic. In the confusion Abu
tenants killed fighting for Islam, while others were Bakr kept his head. "Whichever of you worships
the daughters of important Arab leaders. One of Muhammad," he shouted to the Prophet's dis-

them was A'isha, the daughter of Abu Bakr, the traught followers, "know that Muhammad is dead.

Prophet's dearest friend and closest adviser; he mar- But whichever of you worships God, know that

ried her when she was less than 10 years old and God is alive and does not die." He quoted a verse

still playing with her dolls. Muhammad's wives from the Koran that only then acquired its full

lived in separate rooms around the courtyard of his significance: "Muhammad is a Prophet only; there
house, and he took turns staying with them. The have been Prophets before him. If he dies or is

Koran gave husbands the right to chastise unruly slain, will ye turn back?"


THE VEILED PROPHET prays beside the Kaaba, the ancient reli^^tous sliriiie of Mecca.


In the Koran a Muslim could read all the revelations the Prophet received from

God, but few details concerning Muhammad himself. For a fuller picture of the

great man's life the pious had to turn to legends that were often fanciful. Some
of these attributed miracles to the Prophet, though he had claimed to possess
only ordinary human powers; others disagreed about where or when an event had
occurred. To establish a tale's authenticity, the scholars who compiled the stories

scrupulously gave each its pedigree ("Yasha ibn Abbad told me that his father

Abbad told him that his grandmother Asma said .").

. .

If the writers were scrupulous, the artists who illustrated the tales were equal-

ly so. They were particularly wary of painting the face of the Prophet or his

family, lest the portraits be inaccurate or sacrilegious. Thus, the 16th Century
Turkish artists who executed the miniatures for a biography titled The Progress

of the Prophet veiled Muhammad and surrounded him with a halolike flame

(above). Yet for all the documenters' efforts, the Progress inevitably intertwines

fact and fiction into a highly colored but pious version of the Prophet's life.

In Muhammad's early years,

just before Muhammad was born, an Abyssinian Dehind the elephants came a wave of cavalrymen, but A host of angels visited Muhammad's mother,
army tried to destroy the Kaaba, the pagan shrine they were also stopped from attacking Mecca when a Amina, in a dream and told her she would soon give
in Mecca. The Abyssinian elephants, however, re- flock of birds dropped stones from their beaks on birth to the Prophet. The angels instructed her to

fused to attack the future Prophet's birthplace. the invaders. The Abyssinians beat a hasty retreat. name him Muhammad, meaning "highly praised.''

V\hen the hour of Muhammad's birth at last As an infant, the Prophet was visited by more
arrived, angels rushed to see the event. They angels bearing a pitcher, a basin and a towel to in-

brought a mattress and a coverlet (top) so that augurate the ritual ablutions Muslims have per-

his mother, though poor, might rest in comfort. formed ever since, before offering prayers to God.

the legends say, heaven and earth gave signs of his future greatness

Vyhen he reached the age of 25, Muhammad married Vyhile meditating on a mountain near Mecca, Mu-
tt wealthy widow named Khadija (at right). She relieved hammad received a revelation from God through the
him of financial worries, bore him children and eventual- archangel Gabriel. Dazzled, Muhammad turned away,
ly became the first convert to the Prophet's new religion. but no matter where he looked, Gabriel's face appeared.

In the dead of the night a

I urified, Muhammad mounted a fabulous

creature named Buraq that had a woman's
face, a mule's body, a peacock's tail— and the

ability to cover, in a single bound, a distance

as far as the eye could see. Riding Buraq
(who, tradition holds, had borne up other
prophets before him), Muhammad passed
through seven heavens and enjoyed the rar-
est privilege of alt— seeing God's unveiled face.

After his meeting with Gabriel, Muhammad feared he might be possessed by evil
spirits. Although the Prophet continued to pray, God did not speak to him again for

a time. Then, one day, Gabriel reappeared and said, "Thy Lord hath not forsaken
thee, nor is he displeased ..." and commanded Muhammad to call men to God.

Unf night angels appeared to Muhammad and prepared him for a night journey

through Paradise. Gabriel, some of the legends say, awakened the Prophet, slit his

body from his neck to his waist, and removed and washed his heart. As the angel

returned Muhammad's heart to his body, he filled his soul with faith and wisdom.

magic beast swept Muhammad aloft

During, tin ii!j,/i( iouiiit.y, Mnhaiiinuid led patnarciis, Old Testament prophets and
angels in prayer in a celestial mosque. While in Paradise, Muhammad met Moses,
whom he later described as "a ruddy faced man." Jesus he depicted as freckled and
medium "
of height; of Abraham he said, "Never have I seen a man more like myself.

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Rejected by his people, Muhammad endured harsh persecution and fled Mecca

Kjne of Islam's early converts, Abdullah ihn Ma- Jurrounded by hostile Meccans, the Prophet Vyhen Muhammad brought forth a spring in

sud (at right), attempted to recite the Koran in front sought help from desert Most scorned him,
tribes. Mecca, however, the people declared he was an evil

of the Kaaba, but the idol-worshiping Meccans, but one tribe was converted when he conjured up a sorcerer, not a prophet; some in fact, led by the
outraged by the new religion, beat him severely. well, where the people could fill their water bags. wicked Abu ]ahl (blue turban), plotted his death.

reeling against Muhammad among the Meccans grew so

strong that one day they attempted to stone him; they spared
the Prophet only because Abu Bakr (center), a respected mer-
chant and an illustrious convert to Islam, wept and pleaded
with them. Muhammad approached foreigners who came as pil-
grims to the pagan shrines in Mecca and tried to make arrange-
ments for a new home for Islam in some distant city. Most of
them, however, had been warned by the Meccans that Muham-
mad was a "mad poet," and they refused to listen to him. But
finally, delegates arrived from Medina, and invited Muhammad
and the faithful of Mecca to their city, some 200 miles away.

Ill smalt and large groups the Prophet's converts
departed from Mecca and undertook the journey to

Medina. In September 622 A.D.—the first year of

the Islatriic calendar —Muhammad and his friend
Abu Bakr mounted camels and headed across the
desert. They slept the first night in a cave. Soldiers

tram Mecca— led by Satan, in a blue robe with a

quiver of arrows—pursued them, but they never
searched the cave because Allah had caused a spi-
der's web to be spun and a dove's nest to be built
lit the entrance— proving no one was hiding within.

One Meccan found the fugitives, but when his horse (at \Jne night Muhammad and Abu Bakr found shel-
right) approached the Prophet, it threw its rider. The Meccan ter with a poor Bedouin family. The Bedouins were

repented and received a written pardon from Muhammad, unable to offer their guests any sustenance, as their

which is beinghanded to him above by Abu Bakr (foreground). ewe was dry— until the Prophet made it give milk.
Granted refuge in Medina, the Prophet firmly

estabUshed the new reUgion

Awflifing the Prophet's arrival, the Muslims of Medina gathered out-

side the city every morning. At last Muhammad and Abu Bakr were
sighted in the distance on camelback. While crowds of men and women
awaited the Prophet, wealthy converts rode out to escort him into town.

JO many people in Medina wanted to be the Prophet's host that he de-

cided to stay wherever his camel stopped first. After creating great sus-
pense for the Muslims of the city, the camel chose the humble dwelling
of Abu Ayyub, who was so overcome the Prophet had to calm him.

^sAuhammad's stay with Abu Ayyub was only temporary; soon alter arriving, he and
his followers built a structure that would serve both as his house
and as the chief
mosque the city. The Prophet himself helped his followers clear the ground and
As the devout laborers worked they chanted songs in praise of Cod.^
lay the bricks.

riaving completed the mosque (pictured here in the style of After the faithful were called to prayer, Muhammad
later Turkish structures), Muhammad had to announce the hour mounted the pulpit and preached sermons on the new faith,

of prayer. He thought of borrowing the Christians' clapper or He exhorted his congregation to "Love God with all your
the lews' horn, until Gabriel told him to use the human voice. hearts, and weary not of the word of God or its mention."

V\hen the Prophet reached the age of 63,

the Angel of Death appeared and offered him a
choice: he could either live on earth forever or

join Allah in Paradise. Muhammad chose Para-

dise, hut his decision left his followers— par-
ticularly his devoted daughter Fatima (far
right)— deeply bereaved. After the Prophet
had distributed his few belongings to the poor
and enjoined his congregation to hold to the

faith, his soul was borne away by the angel.

Over the centuries, the political state and culture
created by Islam have been modified, but the sys-
tem of religious beliefs, duties and moral values has
remained remarkably the same. This system rests
securely on a foundation commonly referred to as

the "Five Pillars of Islam": faith, prayer, alms giv-

ing, fasting and pilgrimage. These pillars comprise
the ritual obligations of all Muslims; more than
anything else they gave Islam its unique form and

2 helped it to stand firmly since

ceived his revelations and worked out their impli-

cations in the Seventh Century.
The first pillar, faith,

was based on the shahada,

first re-

FIVE PILLARS OF FAITH the declaration of belief through which a man joined
Islam: "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad
is His Prophet." Not only was it one of the tersest

religious slogans in history, but one of the most

memorable, for in Arabic it had a musical allitera-

tive force: "La ilaha ilia Allah; Muhammad rasul

Allah." A man had only to recite the shahada, pref-
aced by the words, "I testify," in front of any Mus-
lim, and it made him a Muslim, just as it does to-
day. He thus professed his belief in the oneness of
God, and Muhammad as His Messenger. By impli-
cation, he also accepted three other articles of faith:

belief in the Koran as the Word of God, behef in an-

gels as the instruments of God's will and belief in a

final Judgment Day for all men. After the profes-

sion of faith there could be no turning back; the
punishment for apostasy was death.
One of the most powerful attractions of the sha-
hada was its remarkable simplicity. No special per-
son was required to administer the rite of entry into
the faith; there were no mysterious sacraments,
such as baptism or first communion, and no elabo-
rate indoctrination schools. There was not even an
organized priesthood, although Islam did develop a

formidable army of religious scholars known as the

ulama (meaning "the learned"). They fulfilled an

important role, formulating and interpreting Islam-
ic law; they also acted as judges and were the in-
tellectual and spiritual leaders of the community.
Throughout the centuries Islam has retained its ba-
sic simplicity, at least outwardly, as shown in a re-

jection of ceremony and a distaste for luxury and

A GOLDEN LEAF FROM THE KORAN, Islam's Sacred book, is elaborately dec-
orated with Arabic motifs. The verse commands the soldiers of Islam to ostentation. Inwardly, however, the faith gave rise
give one fifth of all plunder seized in battle to the mosque and the state. to many complex theological questions; Muslim
scholars have argued endlessly over such matters as
predestination— whether a man's choices in this life

determined his fate after death or whether it was

preordained by God.
From the beginning there was one dogma that

admitted no argument: belief in the oneness of Al-

lah, or God. Muslims conceived of Him as uncom-
promisingly transcendent and all-powerful, the
unique Creator of the world, the Father of no daugh-
ters and no sons. He had no sharers in His power
and those who associated other gods with Him were
guilty of the supreme sin of shirk (literally, "ascrib-

ing partners to God "). To this all-powerful Being,

the greatest virtue in man was unquestioning obe-

dience to His Word; this was exemplified by Abra-
ham, an earlier prophet to whom God had revealed
Himself, and the founder, with Ismail, of the
Kaaba in Mecca. "Abraham," states the Koran, "was
Islamic religious lore, which draws upon neither a Jew nor a Christian; he was an upright
Judaeo-Christian tradition, abounds with man, one who had surrendered himself to Allah. He
stories also found in the Bible. With mi- was no idolater. Surely the men who are nearest to
nor modifications, the Koran recounts Jo-
Abraham are those who follow him, this Prophet,
nah's engulfment by a whale, Noah's sal-
and the true believers."
vation in the Ark, and a Day of Judgment
surpassing even the Christian one in its
While God's transcendence was emphasized, He
visions of terror and bliss to come. was not remote from man; the Koran describes Him
Islam honored Christ, as second only as "nearer to man than his neck vein, "
and many of
to the Prophet himself, and portrayed the its poetic passages attest to God's goodness and
events of the New Testament in scenes
mercy and the bounty He bestows upon men.
like the 16th Century Muslim painting
This all-powerful but benevolent God could be de-
shown above. Although this version of
Christ's birth is uniquely Islamic— its lo-
scribed only by certain of his apellations, such as

cale is a desert oasis rather than a village the Merciful, the Generous, the Compassionate;
stablp— Muslims believed in the miracu- tradition established 99 of these as the finest epi-
lous nature of the event itself. The scene thets of praise.
pictures Mary making the desert bloom for
Next to God, as an article of faith, was belief in
her newborn Son by touching a withered
the prophets and their preachings. In Islamic doc-
date palm, causing its branches to bear
fruit and its roots to gush water. The in-
trine there were five major prophets before Mu-
fant Jesus' holiness, in the stylistic tradi- hammad: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus.

tion of Muslim art, is marked not by a Each of these apostles had brought the Word of
halo of light but an aureole of flame. God in his own lifetime; but men kept straying
from it, and a new prophet had to be sent so that

men could again find the path to salvation. Mu- and married no less than two of his daughters. Al-
hammad, however, had a special role: he was the most two decades after Muhammad's death, Uth-
last of the prophets, and the Word God sent through man formed a committee, headed by one of Mu-
him would guide men henceforth until the Day of hammad's former scribes, and their efforts led to a

Judgment. standardized copy of the holy book. Uthman then

As the final Word of God, the Koran was believed sponsored this as the official version of the Koran,
by Muslims to be infallible. During the two dec- the one that is read today. All other copies were
ades that the Prophet received the revelations, his destroyed.
faithful hearers either memorized them or wrote Only part of this traditional account is accepted
them down; the recitation of these revelations then by modern scholars. They believe that Muhammad
formed a part of Islamic worship. Some of the most himself had large parts of his revelations written
devout Muslims memorized the entire Koran, as down by his scribes, and that this text, along with
many of them still do today— a fantastic feat of pi- other versions then in circulation, was examined by
ety when it is considered that this holy book, al- the committee Uthman appointed and incorporated
most as long as the New Testament, contains ap- into the holy book.
proximately 78,000 words. Since no one was completely sure of the order
Shortly after the Prophet's death, Muhammad's in which the Prophet had received his revelations,

former companions took steps to preserve his reve- the Koran's chapters, or suras, were arranged ac-
lations in permanent form. Even then Islam's grow- cording to length. The longest ones, which were
ing holy wars were beginning to reduce the num- placed first, were the most legalistic and instructive
bers of those who knew the Koran by heart. Fear- ones, fundamental to the organization and regula-
ing that large portions of the Koran would thus be tion of Muslim life. After a seven-line introductory
forever lost, Abu Bakr, Muhammad's immediate sura called "The Opening," which praised God as
successor as the leader of Islam, ordered that the "Lord of the Universe," came the longest sura, "The
existing fragments be collected from wherever they Cow." Many of the suras were named after an inci-

could be found— from the "ribs of palm-leaves and dent or some striking word in them. "The Cow"
tablets of white stone and from the breasts of men." took its title from a story about the sacrifice of a
Thus, from various sources the revelations were yellow heifer. Despite its title, it is devoted primar-
gathered and a single text was prepared. But there ily to instructions on such diverse matters as the
were also in existence different collections gathered religious duties of Muslims, divorce and warfare.
by other companions of the Prophet. Inevitably this The short, ecstatic suras revealed in the first erup-
led to confusion. At that time Arabic was written in tion of Muhammad's inspiration come at the end of
a rudimentary form, with no vowels or signs to dis- the Koran; they are mainly concerned with warn-
tinguish certain consonants, and this led to disputes ings about Judgment Day and the awesome fate
about the reading of some words. awaiting those who worshiped more than one god.
The Prophet's revelations might have suffered The fourth article of faith, following belief in
the fate of other holy scriptures and become the God, the prophets and's revelations,
cause of lasting and bitter controversy but for the was belief in angels. Primarily, these celestial at-
resolute action of Uthman, Muhammad's third suc- tendants were conceived of as God's messengers,
cessor. Uthman had been one of his earliest converts but they were also thought to perform other tasks.

A MEDIEVAL MOSQUE, shown in a cutaway drawing, was domi-
nated by a minaret (A), from which criers called the hour of
prayer. Worshipers entered through doors (B) into the courtyard;
they prayed in the sanctuary (C) facing the qihla wall (D), which
indicated the direction of Mecca, and its mihrah, or niche (E).

such as supporting His throne, guarding the gates be inflicted on the guilty soul who, realizing that his
of Paradise and Hell and interceding with God for power has gone and his wealth has been profitless,

men. Only two angels are mentioned by name in hears God command his angel:

the Koran: Gabriel, who delivered the revelations

Seize him and bind him
to Muhammad, and Michael, who executed God's
Then burn liim in the fire
commands for the universe, such as sending the
Then in a seventy-cubit chain control him.
winds and rains. But according to tradition there
For he disbelieved in God
were other angels, among them Israfil, assigned to
And towards feeding the hungry did nothing.
blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgment, and Is-

ra'il, the angel of death, who appeared to dying men The Koran also painted the exquisite delights that

to take their last breath. awaited those who had believed in God and treated
The final article of faith was the belief that aft- their fellow men kindly. Heaven was described as
er death there would be a Day of Judgment for all a garden of bliss where the faithful reclined on
men. At that time those destined for Hell would be thrones encrusted with jewels, while around them

separated from the blessed, who would go to Para- circulated "youths forever young," with goblets "of

dise. Only God knew when the world would end, pure drink," the choicest of foods and "houris

but the Koran warned that the final day would be (young women), like guarded pearls, a reward for
announced by a shattering trumpet blast, and the good actions." It is small wonder that the prospect

dead would be summoned from their graves to be of entering the groves of such a Paradise— so ver-

judged by their deeds on earth. Those who were go- dant compared with the barren deserts of Arabia-
ing to heaven would have their "book" (the record inspired many Muslim warriors with a contempt

of their actions) placed in their right hand, and the for death and helped bring them great victories.

damned would have it put in their left hand.

What would befall the wicked and the righteous The second pillar on which Islam rested was that
was graphically portrayed by the Koran. One pas- of prayer. To a Muslim, prayer was the most im-
sage dramatically describes the terrible torments to portant duty of his relgion; through prayer he paid

homage to God, acknowledging that he owed to were available, sand or even dust was acceptable.
Him his existence and all that he possessed. Two If at any time of the day a Muslim broke his ritual

kinds of prayer were recognized by Muslims: du'a, purity, for example, by falling asleep or fainting,

the private or inner prayer, and salat, the formal he had to repeat his ablutions. If a part of his body
ritual prayer. or clothing came in contact with "impure" sub-
Du'a, while not obligatory, was considered meri- stances like wine, urine or blood, he had to wash
torious, and a person could use it to communicate this part. If he engaged in a major defilement, such
with God as often as he chose, even making per- as sexual intercourse, he had to wash his entire

sonal requests. Salat, on the other hand, was a body and hair.

precisely defined form of worship required of all Before beginning his prayers, a worshiper re-

believers. Since the early days of Islam, Muslims moved his shoes and covered his head. He then
have performed this essential duty five times daily. went through a series of specified movements,
The first prayer occurred shortly after dawn, when known as a rak'a, accompanied by prescribed
the faithful were awakened by the muezzin's ex- prayers that were said silently or in a low voice.
hortation that "prayer is better than sleep." The At each hour of prayer a different number of rak'as

other four prayers took place just after noon, late was called for, but sometimes Muslims performed
in the afternoon, immediately after sunset and fol- extra ones to win God's favor. Before praying, a

lowing nightfall. Muslim had to state silently that he was going to

At these appointed times the muezzin climbed make the salat called for at that time of day, and

to the minaret, the tower of the mosque, and called specify the number of rak'as he would do; without
the faithful to prayer, his powerful voice ringing this "declaration of intention "
his prayers were
out its summons: considered invalid.
The worshiper began his prayers standing up-
Cod is most great
right, with his hands raised beside his head, palms
I testify there is no god hut Allah
forward, saying "Allahu Akbar!" ( "Allah is most
I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
great!") This phrase was repeated many times
Come to prayer;
during the prayer, but the first time was the most
Come to sahiation.
important, as it cut the worshiper off from the
Cod is most great!
There is no god but Allah.
profane life about him and devoted him entirely
to God. He then bowed and prostrated himself, re-

Once a day a Muslim had to perform certain citing passages from the Koran, and ended in a sit-

ablutions or his acts of worship were not valid. ting or squatting position, in which he recited the

These ablutions were intended to purify a man's shahada. His final act was to turn his face to the

body in the same way that prayers purified his right and then to the left, each time saying, "Peace
soul, making him both spiritually and physically be with you and the Mercy of God." According to

clean before God. Usually the ritual was performed popular belief, an angel rested on each of his shoul-

before morning prayers. The worshiper had to wash ders, and he was thus addressing a greeting to these
his face, hands and arms up to the elbows, his feet observers of his piety.
up to the ankles, and the hair of his head. Normal- Prayers could be said with equal validity any-
ly water was used for such cleaning, but if none where: at home, in the open air, in a place of work.

Prayer was considered so important that the Koran hear cases and give decisions. They were always
even provided for it on the battlefield; one group open to weary travelers, who often refreshed them-
of soldiers was ordered to stand to arms while the selves by the fountain, napped in cool corners or

others offered their devotions to God. Prayers could slept overnight before continuing their journeys.
be said individually or, preferably, in congregation;

but once a week— at noon on Friday— the faithful The third pillar of Islam was the giving of alms.
were enjoined to pray together. Such corporate By donating part of what he owned, a Muslim was
worship was led by an imam, or prayer leader, and believed to purify the rest of his wealth. There
included listening to a sermon in which a preacher, were two kinds of alms: the first, sadaqa, was given

usually the imam, uttered certain formulas praising voluntarily, while the second, zakat, was manda-
God and Muhammad, and also talked about matters tory. Although the zakat was not considered a tax,

of public interest. but a "loan to God," it was collected by the state

For these devotions the faithful gathered in a and used to meet many of Islam's needs: support-
mosque, a building that developed out of the re- ing the poor, widows and orphans, helping slaves

quirements of Muslim worship. Its form was partly to buy their freedom, and equipping volunteers for

an outgrowth of Muhammad's own home in Me- the holy wars. The zakat was paid in kind, in

dina, which consisted of several huts, belonging to crops, animals, precious metals or cash, depending

the Prophet and his wives, set around a court- on the nature of a man's wealth.
yard. This courtyard was the place where the early The fourth pillar of Islam was fasting. "O ye
Muslims had come together for meetings with Mu- who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you," the
hammad, and for prayer. On the north side some Koran states, "as it was prescribed to those before

palm trees supported a roof made of palm leaves you, that ye may ward off evil." The season for

and mud to shade the faithful from the fierce fasting was Ramadan, the month in which the
Arabian sun. Echoing this basic pattern, the mosque Koran was first revealed to Muhammad, and in

consisted of a courtyard, usually surrounded on which the Prophet's followers defeated the Quraysh
three sides by shady porticos, leading on the at Badr, the first major victory over their enemies
fourth side to an enclosed hall of worship. from Mecca. As a lunar month, Ramadan rotated
Because the prayers had to be made in the direc- through all of the seasons of the year, and so Mus-
tion of the Kaaba in Mecca, a large, decorated niche, lims knew the rigors of going hungry and thirsty

or mihrab, was set in one wall, indicating the di- even in the oppressive heat of summer. The obliga-
rection of this holiest of shrines. There was also a tion to fast fell on all Muslims except the young,
raised pulpit, used for the Friday sermons, and a the sick and those on long journeys.
fountain was usually placed in the courtyard to Fasting was observed during the daylight hours

provide water for the ritual ablutions. The mosque of the entire month. Shortly before dawn, sleeping
was not only a place of worship, but an important Muslims were routed from their beds by a signal

educational institution: students were welcome to —the beating of a drum, a knock on the door or a

study there, and scholars often lectured in its tran- melodious call from the minaret— for a last brief

quil shade, leaning against a favorite pillar with meal. From the time when the light made it possible

their pupils crowded around them. Mosques some- to discern a "white thread from a black one" until

times served as courts of law where judges sat to sunset, Muslims were commanded to eat nothing.

drink nothing and abstain from sexual relations. climax, a feast lasting up to three days, during
During the hours of fasting, work continued, and which new clothes were worn and friends embraced
the ordinary business of life was supposed to be and congratulated one another. Special dishes were
conducted in a spirit of restraint and gentleness. made for the occasion, delicacies such as thin little

Despite its many injunctions, Ramadan was for pancakes dipped in powdered sugar, savory buns
Muslims a much-loved month, as it still is. The and dried fruits. The dishes varied with the place
Prophet had disapproved of extreme asceticism, and and the family's means, but whatever was on the
fasting was not seen as a punishment of the flesh. table, it was sure to mark a fitting end of this spe-

Like prayer, it was supposed to bring a person cial month of nearness to God.
closer to God, reminding him of a spiritual life The fifth and final pillar of Islam was the all-

beyond that sustained by food and drink. By fast- important pilgrimage to Mecca, a traditional Arab
ing, a Muslim also learned to discipline his body, custom adopted by Islam. Once in a lifetime every

and to understand the sufferings of the poor, thus Muslim capable of undertaking it was obliged to

enlarging his sympathies. To him, Ramadan was a go on this holy journey to the city where the
time of atonement for all of the sins committed Prophet had his first revelations. It was meritorious
during the year. to visit Mecca, and the Kaaba, at any season, but
The restrictions of the daylight hours, however, the obligatory pilgrimage, known as the hajj, took
gave way to gay festivities at night. The moment place just once a year, in the month of Dhu'l
the day's ordeal was over— signaled by the call of Hijja, two months after Ramadan.
the muezzin, or in later times by the firing of a Through the ages the hajj became one of Is-

cannon— a holiday spirit affected everyone, espe- lam's peculiar strengths. It gave Muslims a unique
cially the young. The pangs of the fast were first sense of brotherhood, as it brought together thou-
broken with a few dates or a refreshing drink (one sands of believers from the farthest regions of Is-

popular beverage today is a sherbetlike liquid lam. All of the pilgrims dressed alike and per-
made from dried apricots, which has the fanciful formed the same devotions, to remind themselves
name of qamar-al-deen, or "moon of religion"). that all men were equal before God. By bringing
After such an appetizer, everyone sat down to the into contact different people from different lands,
long awaited meal, an "evening breakfast" known these gatherings also led to an exchange of ideas
as the iftar, at which families came together. that helped to unify and strengthen the empire.
When the meal was over few persons slept. All Nothing was so inspiring to Muslims— even to

night the markets, streets and lanes were thronged those who were not making the holy journey— as
with strollers; children rushed happily through the the departure and return of the pilgrims on hajj;

darkness, carrying little lanterns and begging money in villages and cities all over Islam these mem-
from grown-ups for more lights. In the mosques, orable occasions were marked by ceremonies and
preachers expounded to large congregations on the charged with deep emotion. Many Muslims sacri-

significance of the holy month. Outside there were ficed and saved money all of their lives to spend
various entertainments: conjurors did tricks, acro- on the holy trip. Once he had arrived on the out-
bats tumbled, and crowds surrounded poets and skirts of Mecca, the pilgrim sanctified himself by
storytellers reciting their verses and tales. washing from head to foot, for during the forth-
The end of Ramadan was observed in a joyous coming days he would concentrate on the care of

his soul rather than on that of his body. From Muslims who did not care to perform the blood
that moment, he was forbidden to shave or cut his rite themselves, special butchers were on hand;
hair or nails, or to have sexual relations. part of the meat was cooked and eaten by the
Following the ablutions, male pilgrims replaced pilgrims, and the rest was given to the poor. This
their worldly garments with two seamless lengths sacrifice, which took place on the tenth day of
of white cloth, wrapping one around the waist and Dhu'l Hijja, was duplicated by Muslims all over
the other around the shoulders; women usually the Islamic world; they celebrated the day as the
wore a long, plain robe. The donning of this spe- "Great Festival" with an exchange of presents and
cial costume was accompanied by specified prayers the wearing of new clothes.

and the recitation of the talbiya, the pilgrim's Following the sacrifice, the pilgrims were allowed
statement that he had come in answer to the com- to cut their hair and don their normal clothing.
mand of God. The last ceremonies were performed upon return-
Upon entering Mecca, the pilgrim went directly ing to Mecca, where the pilgrims made seven final

to the Kaaba, where he kissed the Black Stone. He circuits of the Kaaba and ran as many times be-
then walked around the holy shrine seven times, tween the two small hills nearby, thus bringing
reciting different prayers in glorification of God. the hajj to an end.
Next, he ran seven times between two small hills For Muslims who made the pilgrimage, the cere-
nearby, a custom that had survived since the pil- monies left a lifelong impression. Henceforth they
grimages of pre-Islamic days. themselves were known as hajji, a title of great
The single most important ceremony of the pil- honor, representing an act of devotion that God
grimage was held at Arafa, in a valley some nine would count in their favor on Judgment Day.
miles from Mecca, on the ninth day of Dhu'l Hij-
ja. After traveling from Mecca by camel, on horse- The Five Pillars of Islam— faith, prayer, the giv-
back, or on foot, the pilgrims gathered there in the ing of alms, fasting and pilgrimage— formed an es-
afternoon, on and around a small hill. In an im- sential part of the complex system of legislation that

pressive ceremony, tens of thousands of pilgrims regulated Muslim behavior. Indeed, this legislation,
stood erect "before God," praying and listening to known as the shari'a ("the clear path to be fol-

a sermon preached by some dignitary. This was the lowed"), was perhaps the most distinctive aspect
greatest moment in the life of a Muslim, moving of Islamic life. Unlike Western cultures, in which
him deeply and inspiring him with a powerful law and religion were separated, Islam wove these
sense of his faith. two into a single set of rules that governed a man's
After sunset the pilgrims turned back toward relations not only with God, but with his fellow
Mecca, spending the night at Muzdalifa, a village men as well.

not far from Arafa; the following day they pro- The shari'a had four primary sources: the Koran,
ceeded into Mina, half way between Medina and analogy (based on principles underlying previous
Arafa, where they threw pebbles at stone pillars decisions), consensus (the collective approval of
that were supposed to symbolize the devil and religious scholars representing the entire Muslim
temptation. In Mina the hajj came to a dramatic community) and the Traditions (various actions
climax as each pilgrim made a sacrifice to Allah, and sayings attributed to the Prophet). To Mus-
cutting the throat of a goat, sheep or camel. For lims, the Traditions, or hadith, had a special mean-

ing, as the goal of every believer was to emulate
the Prophet in his daily life. Complex problems
often arose with the growth of Islam, and when no
solution was found in the Koran it became cus-
tomary to try to find a guiding principle in the
As individual Muslims sought authority to sup-
port their actions and decide their quarrels, the
manufacture of counterfeit Traditions became al-

most an industry. One imaginative rogue, who was

later executed, confessed to having invented no less FEASTS TO END A FAST
than 4,000 Traditions. By the beginning of the
During Ramadan, Islam's holy month of
third century after the Prophet's death, some 600,-
fasting and prayer, the Muslim command-
000 Traditions were said to have been in circula-
ment to give alms and be charitable to the
tion. At this point a group of scholars collected poor took on heightened meaning. At the
and recorded those that they regarded as reliable. conclusion of this period of abstinence,

Their criterion was the reputation of the people princes and rich merchants implemented
their faith by holding public feasts for the
through whom the incident or quotation could be
needy. Great mounds of succulent foods
traced back to a companion of the Prophet; each
were heaped high on fine ceramic dishes
link in the chain might begin by, T heard it from like the Ninth Century Persian platter
. . . who heard it from . . . who heard it from . . .

shown above, which is decorated in styl-

Of course not even this method was foolproof, re- ized Kufic script.

lying as it did on the memories of men. Among the many delicacies served at Id
al-Fitr, the post-Ramadan festival, was
The Traditions, along with the other sources of
chicken or veal, sauteed with eggplant and
the shari'a, were supposed to guide a Muslim on
onions, then simmered slowly in pome-
the road to heaven. As further guidelines. Islamic
granate juice and delicately spiced with
jurists placed all human acts into five categories: turmeric and cardamoms.
obligatory acts, such as paying zakat, or saying The climax of the meal often was kharuf
prayers; commended acts, such as freeing slaves or mahshi, a whole lamb— stuffed with a rich

dressing of dried fruits, almonds, pine

giving alms to beggars; morally neutral acts, such
nuts, cracked wheat and onions, sauteed in
as going on a pleasure trip; disapproved acts, such
clarified butter and seasoned with ginger
as eating onion or garlic, which could cause bad and coriander. Baked in hot ashes for many
breath; and forbidden acts, or haram, such as mur- hours, the roast was tender enough to be
der. The basic morality underlying this classifica- taken apart and eaten with the fingers.

tion was similar to that of the Bible, especially the To complete the menu, a variety of rich
sugar candies and pastries, flavored with
Old Testament; it enjoined Muslims to be patient,
spices or even flower petals, was served.
chaste and kind to the needy.
Some of these sweetmeats were taken
In other fields, however, there were significant home to be enjoyed in the days to come.
differences between Christianity and Islam. One of
the most marked was in warfare. Christ had taught

Christians to forgive their persecutors and turn the it had been previously. In the past an Arab could
other cheek; Muhammad, in contrast, had urged his marry as many women as he wanted, treat them
followers to fight for Islam; in fact, jihad, or "holy as he liked and divorce them at will. While the
war," narrowly missed being the sixth pillar of Is- Koran did not end polygamy, it at least limited
lam. But even while permitting warfare, the Koran it; a man was allowed to take no more than four
imposed certain limitations before fighting could wives, and each of them had to be treated equally
begin: an enemy had to be given the chance to em- and with kindness. The bridal gift, formerly paid
brace Islam, or, failing that, to submit to Muslim to the bride's family or guardian, now became the
rule and pay taxes. property of the bride herself. Moreover, the woman
In the matter of food, Islam followed a policy could keep this payment even if her husband di-
more similar to that of Judaism and the older Se- vorced her.
mitic traditions than to Christianity, which had A man still could divorce a woman without giv-
adopted the revolutionary doctrine that no foods ing his reason, as he had in the past, merely by
were of themselves taboo. "Forbidden to you," states stating, "Thou art dismissed," three times. But
the Koran, "is that which dies of itself, and blood, once the divorce was accomplished, he no longer
and pig meat, and that on which any other name could remarry her immediately; this discouraged a
than that of God has been invoked, and that man from divorcing his wife in anger, knowing
strangled, and that beaten to death, and that killed that he could remarry her the next day. It was still

by a fall, and that killed by goring with the horn, almost impossible for a woman to initiate a divorce,

and that which wild beasts have eaten and that but under certain conditions a woman could buy
which has been immolated unto idols." On the oth- her freedom by relinquishing to her husband the
er hand, Muslims could eat fish, game caught by property she owned. Sexual offenses by either a
dogs trained for that purpose and the meat of ap- man or a woman were severely condemned. The
proved animals, such as sheep, goats or camels. Koran specified the punishment: "The adulterer
In an emergency, to sustain life, anything edible and the adulteress, flog each of them with a hun-
was lawful to eat. dred stripes."
On the question of alcohol, Islam was the sever- If at times some of their strictures seemed dog-
est of the three religions. An early revelation in matic, or even harsh, all of the doctrines govern-

the Koran forbade the practice of going to prayer ing a Muslim's behavior were integral parts of a

while in a state of intoxication. A later verse ruled uniquely organized system of beliefs— a system that
out the drinking of khamr, an intoxicating Arabi- remained constant over the years precisely because
an drink, and, by extension, proscribed all alco- it served so well the people for whom it was de-
hol. However, this prohibition was widely violated, signed. For millions of individual Muslims Islam
mostly by the aristocracy, and the joys of drinking provided a total way of life— economic and political

wine were sung by Islamic poets. as well as spiritual and social— that made it pos-
In its treatment of women, Islam differed from sible for them to live in harmony with their uni-

Christianity more than in any other respect. The verse and to die at peace with themselves. Just as
Koran instructed male Muslims that"men are in significantly, this system served Islam as a whole,
charge of women." Nevertheless, in many respects providing the force that enabled it to burst out of
Islam improved the condition of women over what Arabia and transform much of its world.

THE DOME AND MINARET of the Cuyushi Mosque, built in the 11th Century on a bluff above Cairo, are boldly outlined against the eastern skies.


Muhammad regarded the mosque simply as a place for congregational prayer, and
cared little for architecture. Beyond stipulating that the faithful should be ritually

clean, face Mecca and perform an unvarying sequence of motions while praying,
he left few instructions for the physical components of worship. ("The most un-
profitable thing that eateth up the wealth of the believer," he observed, "is
building.") Yet the mosque very early acquired certain distinctive features. Basi-
cally, it was a rectangular structure formed by arcaded porticoes opening inward
to a central court. One side, facing Mecca, housed the sanctuary; the rest func-

tioned as a community gathering place. Beneath its cool arches teachers conducted
classes and scholars argued fine points of Koranic law; in its quiet courtyard mer-
chants strolled and talked away from the teeming life of the bazaar, while veiled

women came and went, sometimes filling their water jugs at the mosque well.

Photographs by Roloff Beny 41

A WHITE-ROBED MUEZZIN calls the faithful

to prayer from the tower of Cairo's an-

cient Mosque of Ibn Tulun, parts of which
were erected more than 1,000 years ago.


dwarfs a man standing beside the mosque's
dome-covered fountairt. The entire mosque
covers an area of some six and a half acres.

A House of Prayer for a Desert Religion

The early mosque was in effect a typical desert ret, Muslims were called to prayer, just as they
dwelling built on a majestic scale and put to reli- had been called, in the Prophet's time, from the
gious use. Its great central court was patterned rooftop of a nearby house. As Islam advanced, the
after the courtyard of Muhammad's palm-thatched mosque acquired a staff: an imam to lead the pray-
house at Medina, where the faithful had heard the ers and a muezzin to issue the call to worship, po-
Prophet preach. From the mosque's tower, or mina- sitions once filled by members of the congregation.

For the desert-dwelling Arab, water was scarce, sacred and
Water for Life and Purification intimately associated with his religion. "Prayer," Muhammad
reputedly said, "is like a stream of sweet water that flows past
the door of each one of you; into it he plunges five times a

day; do you think that anything remains of his uncleanness

after that?" One of the holiest places in Islam was a well

ELABORATE FILTER in f/u' center of the marble courtyard of the Great Mosque i» Qayrawan, Tunisia, channels rainwater into an underground cistern.
called Zamzam, in Mecca. Its wafers were universally re- mosques were without a fountain for the ritual ablutions that
garded by Muslims as a curative for ills of both the body and preceded prayer, and often these fountains were also the
the spirit. To dip one's shroud in Zamzam was a blessing, town's main water supply. So pervasive, in fact, was the con-
to drink its waters bestowed divine grace; few pilgrims to cern with water in the arid land where Islam was born that
the Holy City neglected these pious rituals. the Prophet, when asked to name the act of greatest merit,
Water was also identified with everyday worship. Few is quoted as once replying, "To give people water. . .

/ .<


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he cupUke catch-basins trap silt and clarify the water. A RITUAL CLEANSING in the fountain of the SAosque of Ibn Tiilun prepares a Muslim for his prayers.
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The Sheltering Arcades

The arcades of the mosque, which usually extended

around all four sides of the court, offered relief from
the blazing sun. In the shade of their arches— round,
pointed and horseshoe-shaped— Muslims were free to
sleep or talk, read or write, in fact to do anything
that did not disturb others. (Among the banned activ-

ities were spitting and shouting, and making an-

nouncements about lost property.) The arcades on
three sides of the court were shallow; those on the
side facing Mecca were often several rows deep, form-

ing the sanctuary where the congregation worshiped. POINTED ARCHES of Cairo's Ibji Tiilun Mosque are derived from Syrian designs.


PATTERNS OF OPENINGS, both rouiuiihi and pointed, are echoed across an inner courtyard of the Guyushi Mosque in Cairo.

A FOREST OF COLUMNS ill the Great Mosque of Cordoba, Spain, supports horseshoe arches of red brick and white stone. 47

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A OPENWORK WINDOW (left) of fine,
hard stucco, carved while wet, deco-
rates the sanctuary of the Ihn Tuhw
Mosque in Cairo. The vine leaves
around the frame are a Persian motif.

ARCHING SHADOWS enclose the high

stucco windows of Ihn Tulun's "qihla"
wall At the far end of the wall is the
"minhar," the traditional pulpit where
prayer leaders deliver Friday sermons.

The Sanctuary, a Cloistered Hall Facing Mecca

The Arabic word for mosque means "place of pros- mosque, the sanctuary, in early times, was tradi-

tration, "
and the heart of the mosque was the sanc- tionally decorated in a simple and austere style, for

tuary, where MusHms unrolled their prayer rugs the Prophet abhorred signs of idolatry. A niche,
and prostrated themselves before God. One wall of called the mihrab, was the qibla wall's only dis-

the sanctuary, the qifola wall, marked the direction tinguishing feature. Sometimes there was more than
of Mecca, and was in a sense a holy wall, although one niche: in a wealthy congregation, Muslims en-
its purpose was purely functional and it had no dowed the mosque with mihrabs much as Chris-
particular mystical symbolism. Like the rest of the tians endow churches with stained-glass windows.

A Focal Point
for an Act of Faith

At the beginning of the Eighth Century,

when the mihrab, the niche indicating the
direction of Mecca, was first introduced,
certain puritanical followers of Muham-
mad objected to it. It was, they claimed,
too much like the alcoves that held statues
of saints in Christian churches. But the
niche served so well as a focal point for
prayer that it was gradually incorporated
intomosques throughout Islam.
The mihrab shown at the right, in the

Ninth Century Mosque of Qayrawan in

Tunisia, is one of the finest surviving

from early medieval times. Its carved mar-
ble screen and lustrous patterned tiles

were imported from Baghdad. The superb

carved teak staircase to the right leads to
the pulpit where the prayer leader, or
imam, delivered the sermon every Friday
noon. Behind this pulpit is the maqsura,
an enclosure in which the ruler customari-
ly worshiped in privacy. The minbar and
maqsura in Qayrawan's Great Mosque are
the earliest surviving examples in Islam.





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Following the death of the Prophet in 632, Islam
embarked on an era of change and conquest that was
to transform it from a small religious community
into a mighty political empire. But even while this
new state was expanding with unparalleled speed,
it was torn by internal dissension and violence.
During this turbulent period, from the early Sev-
enth to the mid-Eighth Centuries, Islam was gov-
erned by a succession of caliphs, or "successors"
to Muhammad. Some of its bloodiest battles were

3 fought over the caliphate. Three of the

caliphs were murdered, and the empire
constantly racked by rebellions

was almost

and civil wars.

A TIME OF CONQUEST Two successive dynasties emerged to seize power,

shifting Islam's capital, in turn, from Medina to

Damascus to Baghdad, and altering its character as

well. It was under the second of these dynasties,
the Abbasid, that Islam was to reach its pinnacle
—a brief period when it was the greatest force on
earth, and its capital the fairest and foremost city

in the world.

Islam's opportunities, and its difficulties, be-

gan immediately after the Prophet's death. Mu-
hammad unwittingly caused many of its problems
by neglecting to name a successor or to establish a
system for selecting one. While he could not be
replaced in his role as Prophet, a temporal lead-
er was urgently needed to guide the Muslim com-
munity. In the beginning the problem was resolved
by roughly following the method used among Arab
tribes in selecting a new chief; a group of senior
Muslims simply chose the man they considered
best qualified to rule.
Muhammad's authority thus passed, in turn,

to four of the most respected Muslims, men who

were his closest friends, and who were linked to

him by marriage. These men, who continued to

govern Islam from the dusty Arabian town of Me-

dina, were later referred to as the "rightly guided"

caliphs, because they had known the Prophet and

had patterned themselves after him. Like Mu-
hammad, they made all of the major decisions
about Islam's destiny, relying on the advice of
their most trusted friends, in the manner of tribal
THE WALLS OF UKHA YDIR, which rise some 55 feet high from the desert south-
sheikhs. They were in close touch with the people,
west of Baghdad, enclose a seven-acre fortress-palace built in the Eighth
Century. The turreted and arched limestone fortifications conceal the ruined personally leading them in prayer and exercising
quarters of an Arabian prince, suites for four wives and a simple mosque. over them spiritual, political and military authority.

The first caliph was Abu Bakr. He had been one Foremost among these was the drought-stricken
of Muhammad's best friends, as well as the fa- poverty of Arabia, stemming from its almost total
ther of A'isha, the Prophet's favorite wife at the lack of resources. The peninsula had never been
time of his death. He was now about 60, and al- able to produce enough food for its population.
though outwardly unimpressive— stooped and sim- This chronic scarcity had driven previous genera-
ply dressed, with a dyed red beard (a Muslim cus- tions of Arabians to migrate north into that tan-

tom)— he was highly respected for his gentleness, talizing area of green that stretched in a fertile arc

wisdom, humility and piety. He took the title of from Palestine through northern Syria, and south-
Khalifat Rasul Allah, meaning "Successor of the east through the valleys of the Euphrates and Ti-
Messenger of God." gris to the Persian Gulf.

At the start of his caliphate, Abu Bakr was faced In this area, several minor Arab kingdoms had
with a major crisis, as many Arab tribes began to been established, and they acted as buffer states
withdraw from the Muslim state. They had given between the empires of Byzantium and Persia,

their loyalty to Muhammad as an individual and which had long been enemies. Both powers trained
had paid the Islamic tax because of this allegiance; and subsidized these border Arabs to fight for

after the Prophet died, many of the tribes felt that them as mercenaries, but when their treasuries had
loyalty no longer bound them. When Muslim tax been depleted by fighting each other they with-
collectors visited their desert encampments, they drew the subsidies and imposed taxes on the Arabs
refused to pay. Their rebellions became so wide- to pay for the wars. When Islam finally burst out
spread and serious that some Muslim leaders of its Arabian cocoon, the oppressed border peo-
doubted if they could be suppressed, even by force. ples looked to the arriving Muslims more as lib-

But Abu Bakr, despite his gentle disposition, re- erators than as conquerors, and many joined them
fused to compromise with the Word of God by to fight against their former masters.
permitting this repudiation; he energetically dis- A second major factor that helped the Arabs was
patched troops to bring the deserters back. With- the enmity between the two empires, ruled by He-
in two years the rebellions— known as the ridda raclius in Constantinople and King Yezdegerd in

(apostasy) wars— were over and the renegades had Ctesiphon. For more than two centuries there had
been suppressed. been power conflicts between the Christians of By-
Even while putting down the revolts, Muslim zantium and the Zoroastrians of Persia; in the ear-

troops began their first great wave of foreign con- ly Seventh Century, this friction had developed
quests. Shortly before his death, the Prophet him- into a major war. Persia had invaded the Middle
self had expressed a desire to carry the Word of East, capturing the "True Cross" in Jerusalem and
God to the peoples in the north, and preparations occupying Egypt; Byzantium had then counterat-
were begun for such a campaign. Abu Bakr, faith- tacked and ousted the Persians. Each of the two
ful to Muhammad's wish, sent Islam's banner into rivals was so intent on the threat posed by the
the Byzantine and Persian empires. Bearing the other that both were blind to the greater threat of
Koran and the sword, Muslim troops soon began Islam. They were like two feudal horsemen, eye to

to win many territories from the great powers. eye, lance twined with lance, so obsessed with best-

Religion provided the initial spark for Islam's ing each other that they did not see the approach-

expansion, but other forces helped to fan the flame. ing horseman who would unseat them both.


\a\irles J^
(Syr Daryjj

SEA Bukhara

Oxus /^ • Samarkand

::;iv SEA

^^^r DaybuN

Aleppo, H"^^
Antioch* ^"Phr^ff , Ctesiphon
Tunis* 5|ffj„, Shiraz

SYRIA Kerbelai"^ IRAQ ^
CYPRUS Damascus Kufa' Basra
Jordan R
AFRICA Jerusalem
Tripoli Gaza*



t I Islam just after the death of Muhammad
I 1 Conquests of the first four caliphs YEMEN
I ~l Conquests of the Umayyads

AN ISLAMIC EMPIRE, built Oil the backbone of the Persian and By- years. The Umayyads (661-750) broadened Islam's new empire
zantine empires, took form in two great waves of Arab expan- to the borders of India and China in the east and into North

sion. After the death of Muhammad in 632, armies of the first Africa and Spain in the west, lirjking three continents. Not until

four caliphs burst from the Arabian Peninsula, conquering Pal- 732, when the Muslims were defeated near Poitiers by Frankish

estine, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and most of Persia in less than 20 forces under Charles Martel, was their course of empire stayed.

In addition to these factors, still another element greatest strength in battle. While the Bedouin wars
contributed to Islam's success; the emergence of a of the past had not been particularly bloody, these
number of great Muslim military leaders, men skirmishes had taught the Arabian horsemen how
who turned initial raids for booty into sustained to use the horse and camel more skillfully than any
campaigns of conquest. One of the most famous other people on earth. Their cavalry advanced,
was Khalid ibn al-Walid. He had originally fought lances at the ready, charging, wheeling and charg-
with the Meccans against Muhammad, and upon ing again under cover of a hail of arrows fired by
converting to Islam had fought for the Prophet the infantry, until the enemy broke ranks.
himself. As a Muslim he had been among a force Islam's zealous warriors pursued their cam-
of 3,000 warriors who made an unsuccessful raid paigns of conquest almost simultaneously in three
on Mu'ta in Palestine, a Byzantine border town main directions: north into Syria and Palestine,
renowned for its manufacture of fine swords. In east by way of Iraq into Persia— the gateway to

this clash, almost unnoticed as the first skirmish Central Asia— and west into Egypt and North Af-
between Byzantium and Islam, the Muslim com- rica. While Khalid was feeling his way on the front

mander was killed. Khalid took charge, and only with the Persians, he was suddenly ordered by Abu
his great skill enabled the vanquished troops to Bakr to throw his forces as fast as he could into

make an orderly retreat. For his valor and leader- the battle in Syria to bolster the troops already
ship in the raid, Muhammad nicknamed him "the there. Khalid made a 200-mile march across the wa-
Sword of Islam." terless desert. According to legend, he took along
Khalid later became one of Abu Bakr's chief gen- a herd of camels gorged with water, slaying the
erals and played a key role in Islam's early con- beasts at each stage of the journey and watering
quests. He and other commanders molded the dis- his horses with the contents of their stomachs. He
united tribesmen of Arabia into one of the great joined Islam's Syrian army at Ajnadain, between
fighting machines in history. As warriors they were Jerusalem and Gaza; together they defeated the

individualistic; as strategists they inclined to meth- army of Heraclius and advanced to Damascus,
ods of warfare more like those of nautical peoples which capitulated in 635, after a six-month siege.

such as the Vikings than those of land-based pow- Before entering the city, Khalid imposed re-

ers such as Rome. They used the desert as a sea: markably equitable terms of surrender, which were
an element they knew well, over which they could to become a standard for future Islamic conquests:
travel rapidly and from which they could appear
In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the
unexpectedly to fall on their foes. One Muslim
merciful, this is what Khalid ibn al-Walid
leader, wounded in battle and dying, defined the
would grant to the inhabitants of Damascus.
Arabian battle formula for his successors: "Fight
. . . He promises to give them security for
the enemy in the desert. There you will be vic-
their lives, property and churches. Their city
torious, or, even if defeated, you will have the
wall shall not be demolished, neither shall
friendly and familiar desert at your backs. The any Muslim be quartered in their houses.
[enemy] cannot follow you there, and from there Thereunto we give to them the pact of Allah
you can return again to the attack." and the protection of His Prophet, the Ca-
Indeed it was this flair for attack, based upon liphs and the believers. So long as they pay
surprise and speed, that proved to be the Muslims' the tax, nothing but good shall befall them.

Only now Heraclius began to take the Muslim man who combined energy with modesty, courage
threat seriously. He could not passively accept the with undeviating obedience to the laws of Islam;
loss of Damascus, a key city believed to be the his moral scruples were so strict, it is said, that

To regain it, he began to muster

oldest in the world. he once had his own son flogged for immoral be-
an army of 50,000 men to drive the Arabs back havior. It was under Umar's leadership that Islam

into the desert. As the huge force formed, the made its greatest conquests.

Arabs evacuated Damascus and retreated to the Following Khalid's defeat of the Byzantines, Je-
Yarmuk River, at the southern end of the Sea of rusalem resisted behind its walls for another year,

Galilee. There Khalid camped, with the sanctuary until 637; then the city's patriarch, Sophronius,
of the desert at his back, and there he awaited the offered to surrender the Holy City if the Caliph

coming battle. of the Muslims would take delivery of it in person.

The two armies finally met on a hot summer day Umar accepted this offer and began traveling north
in 636. Whether by luck or by Arab strategy, on along the caravan track from Medina, wearing his
that particular day the wind was blowing vigorous- usual, much-patched cloak.
ly from the southeast; it swirled dust over the On arriving in Jerusalem, Umar treated the city's

battlefield and into the faces of the Byzantine troops Christian and Jewish inhabitants with the same
advancing from the north, half blinding them. De- restraint and consideration that Khalid had shown

spite their superior military training, their heavy to the people of Damascus. While in the city he
armor and the fervid prayers of their priests, the visited the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which
Byzantines could not withstand the Muslims' fierce Christians believed to be the site of Christ's tomb,

attacks. Theodorus, the Byzantine commander, was and while he was there Muslims were called to

killed, and his huge army was slaughtered. Soon noonday prayer. But Umar refused to say his pray-

after this stunning loss, all of Syria and Palestine ers in the Christian shrine, fearing that if he did

fell into Muslim hands, except for two well-forti- so his enthusiastic followers would insist on turn-
fied towns, Caesarea, on the northern Palestine ing it into a mosque. Instead, he went outside the
coast, and Jerusalem. church and prostrated himself toward Mecca on
Back in Medina, Abu Bakr had not lived to savor the bare ground.

this victory; two years earlier he had died of a Having at last conquered Palestine and Syria,
fever. But he had retained consciousness long Muslim armies were freed for new campaigns. In
enough to indicate that his successor should be 639, a shrewd and daring Muslim general named
Umar, a bald, spare giant of a man who had been Amr ibn al-As began "opening" (the Arabic term

one of his, as well as the Prophet's, most valued for conquering) Egypt, paving the way for the
advisers. In accord with Abu Bakr's wishes, Umar eventual conquest of all North Africa. Egypt, then
was chosen. At first he called himself the "Suc- under Byzantine control, was a threat to the Mus-
cessor of the Successor of the Messenger of God," lims as a base from which counterattacks could be

but later used the simpler title "Commander of the launched; the fertile Nile Valley also had vast

Faithful, "
a designation used by the caliphs who stores of grain that the Muslims needed for food.

succeeded him. Two years later, the city of Babylon, near the

Umar, who remained in office for a decade, is site of modern Cairo, surrendered after a seven-

regarded as one of the greatest of the caliphs, a month siege; within another year the capital at

Alexandria and the rest of Egypt fell to Muslim fared better under the Muslim government than
troops. While Egypt was thus being "opened," other they had under their former rulers.
Muslim troops were advancing into the heart of Those who did convert were supposed to receive

Persia. By 644 most of the Persian empire, along the same treatment as the Arab Muslims, but
with its great treasures, had been annexed by Is- often this was not the case. Newcomers to Islam
lam, whose expanding realm now reached from the had to be "adopted" by the Arab tribe, and were
Mediterranean almost to India. then known as maivali, or "clients," distinguishing

These extensive lands were governed under rules them from the Arab ruling class. In the beginning
laid down by Umar, who provided the guidelines the maioali had little significance, but as their num-
followed by his successors for many years. Umar's bers increased they caused serious financial diffi-

administrative policies were frequently based on culties: by paying the lower Muslim taxes, they
the teachings of the Koran, but adapted to the sys- made less money available for the upkeep of the
tems already existing in the conquered areas. In state itself.

the imposition of taxes, for example, the Koran Islam was still struggling with the problems of
clearly told Muslims their duty: "Fight against consolidating and ruling its empire when, in 644,
those who . . . follow not the religion of truth, until the caliphate again suddenly changed hands. Trag-
they pay the tribute." Consequently, non-Muslims ically, Umar was cut off in his vigor when a

were required to pay taxes, usually a head tax and Christian slave from Persia, nursing a private griev-
a land tax as well. ance, stabbed him just as the Caliph was starting
The Muslims differentiated between territories to pray in the mosque at dawn. Umar survived long
that submitted peacefully and those that had to be enough to express his satisfaction that the man
subdued by force. In the former, the people were who had mortally wounded him had been a Chris-
permitted to retain their lands and were granted tian, not a Muslim.
protection in exchange for paying taxes; in the On Umar's death, the caliphate passed to a pious
latter, the land and property of those who had and lenient Muslim elder named Uthman, a fastid-

resisted the Muslim take-over were regarded as ious aristocrat known in his youth for his love of
spoils of war. The Koran stated that one fifth of elegant clothing. Uthman had been the only mem-
the booty should become state property, the rest ber of the wealthy and powerful Umayyad clan to
being divided among the Islamic warriors. Even so, become Muslim during the early years of Islam.
the Muslims usually found it more advantageous Most of his family had been active persecutors of
to let the conquered people remain on their land, the Prophet, and only when Islam triumphed had
supplying food for the army and paying taxes to they seen fit to join it. Now, through Uthman,
finance its campaigns. they wished to take over the cause they had once
Peoples conquered by Islam were not forced to opposed so vigorously, and in large measure they
become Muslims, but those who did not were some- succeeded in this, dominating his actions during
times forbidden to carry on any religious activity his caliphate.

outside of their churches or synagogues. They were Uthman was caliph for 12 years, and his greatest
also prohibited from such religious expressions as achievement was the standardization of the Koran.
the ringing of bells, as well as the building of new In the beginning his reign was peaceful, but later

houses of worship. Still, the conquered peoples it was disrupted by many forces that he could not

control, among them the Arabs' own fierce resis-

ance to centralized rule. The immediate cause of

his undoing, however, was his appointment of

many of his relatives and friends to office. The

discontent came to a head in Egypt, where he re-
placed the capable governor with his own cousin,

who was better known for his ability to collect

taxes than his concern for just government. Even-

tually a group of 500 dissident Arabs from the

army in Egypt went to Medina to protest the ap-

pointment of the new governor, and to present

other grievances. Uthman promised to consider

their complaints, but his family persuaded him

to change his mind and to speak out against the
rebels in a Friday sermon at the mosque.
The rebels, infuriated by this betrayal, besieged

the Caliph's house. A handful eluded the guards

posted at the gate and climbed a back wall to gain
entry. Uthman was reading the Koran when the

murderers broke in and spilled his blood over the

book he had served so well. For the first time a

caliph had been murdered by his own fellow Mus-

lims, a deed that was to split Islam and bring civil

war and further bloodshed.

The new Caliph elected by the elders to replace

Uthman was Ali, one of the most respected of all

Muslims. He was the son of Muhammad's uncle,
Abu Talib, who had raised the Prophet, and the
husband of Muhammad's daughter Fatima, who
EARLY ISLAMIC DYNASTIES, Stressing Muhammad's lineage, fill a page of a Turkish bore him two sons. Ali had been among the very
chronology. The figure nearest the top is the Prophet's grandfather, whose an- first to accept Muhammad's revelations; he was
cestry traced hack through Noah to Adam's son Seth (large block of writing
admired by Arabs for his generosity and eloquence,
at top). At center below is Muhammad himself, surrounded by the first four
and, above all, his ability as a soldier. Although by
caliphs, Umar, Abu Bakr, Ali and Uthman. At left are other Middle Eastern

dynasties and a picture of Khosrau I, King of Persia at Muhammad's birth. this time he was stout and bald and had a white
beard, he was still impressive to his followers.

Many Muslims believed that he should have been

the first of the caliphs rather than the fourth.
From the beginning of his caliphate Ali was
faced with fervent opposition. Among his many
enemies were two men who had unsuccessfully

sought the cahphate, and A'isha, the influential formidable crisis developed in Syria. On becom-
widow of Muhammad. Some historians say that ing caliph, Ali had made enemies by replacing
A'isha's enn\ity to AH may have stemmed from the some of Uthman's relatives in ofBce; one of these
incident many years before when she had arrived was Mu'awiya, the powerful governor of Syria
tardily at Medina with a young tribesman, after and a member of the Umayyad family, an influen-
having dropped behind the Prophet's entourage tial Meccan clan. But Mu'awiya refused to stand
to look for a lost necklace; Ali was among those aside for his replacement; instead he accused Ali

who had suspected her of infidelity and she had of complicity in Uthman's murder, and demanded
never forgiven him for it. that Ali produce the killers. This demand won
Whatever the reason for A'isha's dislike of Ali, great public support, as the Arab law of retalia-

she joined forces with the two aspirants to the tion required that Mu'awiya revenge his slain kins-

caliphate; they gathered around them a group of man or lose his honor.

followers who staged a rebellion, accusing Ali of Ali either would not or could not produce the

not bringing Uthman's murderers to trial. Seeking assassins. He wavered, doing nothing, and Mu'-
support, the rebels went to the military town of awiya took advantage of his indecisiveness by
Basra, in Iraq, near the northern end of the Per- claiming that Ali was protecting the culprits. To
sian Gulf, where one of the rebel leaders had a inflame the people against the Caliph, he displayed
following; there they won over the garrison and in the mosque in Damascus the blood-stained robe

ousted the governor, who had remained loyal to Ali. that Uthman had been wearing at the time of his
Having no army with which to put down this assassination. Mu'awiya, an adroit politician as

uprising, Ali gathered a few followers in Medina well as a capable administrator, not only had the

and headed toward Kufa, another military town support of the people of Syria and its well-trained
some 200 miles northwest of Basra. The two towns army, but many of the people Ali had alienated
were rivals, and Ali capitalized on the fact to win also came to his side; among them was the shrewd
Kufa's support, raising troops there and setting Amr, who had been dismissed by Ali as the gov-

out to suppress the rebels. ernor of Egypt— an act that was to prove disas-
The two Muslim armies met at Basra, and their trous for the Caliph.
encounter became famous in Islamic history as the Ultimately, Ali was forced to lead his army
Battle of the Camel, because A'isha urged it on from against Mu'awiya. His troops met the force from

a litter on a camel's back. The clash ended in vic- Syria near the ruined Roman town of Siffin, in the

tory for Ali; one of his two rivals died from a upper Euphrates valley in July 657. After a hard
wound suffered in the fighting, and the other was fight, Ali was forcing Mu'awiya to retreat when
killed by Bedouin raiders soon after. A'isha was es- Amr proposed a brilliant ruse. He had the Syrian

corted back to the city, where she lived out her soldiers attach pages of the Koran to the tips of

life in retirement. their lances, and shout a passage adapted from

Instead of returning to Medina, Ali decided to the holy book: "The decision belongs God to

establish his new headquarters in Kufa, which was alone." Ali saw through the trick, but many of

more central to his extensive empire than the tra- his followers refused to fight an enemy bearing
ditional capital. From there he tried to reconcile the sacred word of God. The battle stopped, and,

matters with his enemies, but soon an even more much against All's wish, the dispute was put to

arbitration, which dragged on for six months. From loyalty to his eldest son Hasan. But after a few
the start, Ali was outmaneuvered: by agreeing to months Hasan, who was weak and politically un-
submit to arbitration he virtually conceded that ambitious, surrendered his claim to the caliphate in

his own caliphate and Mu'awiya's governorship return for an immense subsidy from Mu'awiya—
were on the same level, and that both were in dis- who was at last generally recognized as caliph.

pute. Further, the arbitrator who was chosen by Islam's focal point now shifted to Damascus, as

Ali's advisers was no match for the one represent- Mu'awiya established the new Muslim capital in
ing Mu'awiya— the wily and brilliant Amr. the land he knew and had governed and that was
Finally the decision was announced. According the source of his political and military power. Here

to one account, Ali's representative said that he and he founded a dynasty, having his son Yazid recog-

Amr recommended that both leaders be removed nized as his heir. From the time Mu'awiya became
from their offices and a new caliph named. Amr caliph in 661 until his last descendant in Damascus
then suddenly caused a furor by saying that he was overthrown in 750, the 14 caliphs in his line

agreed with this—but that Mu'awiya should be- were succeeded in office by their sons or some other
come the new caliph, filling Ali's vacated office. member of the Umayyad clan.
Ali, quite understandably, refused to accept this The Umayyads made sharp departures from the

verdict. But he was unable to renew the battle practices of their predecessors, not only in their

with Mu'awiya, as his ranks were torn by discord dynastic succession, but also in the manner in which

and rebellion. Many Muslims believed that by sub- they governed the Muslim state. Mu'awiya ruled
mitting to human arbitration he had violated the more like a secular king than a religious leader.

will of God. They abandoned his cause in disgust, He observed many of the egalitarian customs of Ara-

joining with other dissidents to form an extremist bia; like a sheikh, he surrounded himself with

group called the Kharijites, or Seceders. counselors who spoke frankly without danger to

The Kharijites, who were to play a troublesome themselves, and he remained easily accessible to his

role in Islam's future, became such a threat that followers. Mu'awiya also established a tradition of

Ali soon had to confront them too. The two sides excellence in administration. He reorganized the

met in battle in July 658, just east of the Tigris River system of government that had broken down dur-
in Central Iraq. Ali was victorious, but so weakened ing the civil upheavals that followed Umar's death,

by the opposition to his rule and the many factions and he and his heirs worked to strengthen and cen-
that split Islam that he still could not challenge tralize authority in the Caliph's hands. While
Mu'awiya. The Syrian leader continued to rule that Mu'awiya ruled largely through persuasion, later

country virtually as an independent state within Umayyad caliphs became more autocratic, relying

Islam; he added to Ah's humiliation by using Syrian on the Syrian army to control the empire.

troops to raid Ali's provinces, and even won con- Under the Umayyads, a distinctive Islamic cul-

trol over Egypt. ture began to take form, influenced largely by their

Three years after his victory over the Kharijites, Arab background. Arabic became the official lan-

Ali was entering the mosque at Kufa to pray when guage of the administration, replacing Greek and
a Kharijite zealot leaped out from hiding and Persian, which had been used in the conquered

plunged a dagger into the Caliph, killing him in- territories for keeping records. The first Islamic

stantly. Ali's dismayed followers then pledged their currency— gold dinars and silver dirhams bearing

Koranic texts— were minted to replace standard
Byzantine and Persian coins stamped with images
of the emperors. An extensive communications sys-
tem was established, with horseback postal routes
and staging points for official use. Numerous pub-
lic works projects were undertaken, including the
rehabilitation and upkeep of long-neglected irriga-

tion canals. Exquisite mosques were erected, among

them the magnificent Great Mosque of Damascus
in the capital.

In their private lives, the Umayyads enjoyed the

fruits of their empire. They relaxed in lavish desert
palaces, where they not only escaped the plagues
of urban life but also savored the pleasures of the
spirit and the flesh against exotic background mu-
rals of birds, beasts and dancing girls. They took
great pride in their ancient Arabic poetry, which
now flourished as it had not since pre-Islamic times, A CONQUEROR'S COIN, this Eighth Century silver dirham was

and in their own Arab lineage. minted by the first Umayyad caliph of Spain. The inscriptions
read, in part, "There is no god but Allah" and state that the piece
The Umayyads were also talented military lead-
—roughly equivalent to a U.S. quarter in size and value— was
ers, and under their rule Islam's second great wave struck in al-Andalus, as the Arabs called their Spanish domain.
of conquests took place during the early part of the

Eighth Century. They carried Muslim arms into

Central Asia as far as the Indus valley in India, and
west, through North Africa and Spain, to the Atlan-
tic. Their bold manner of conquest is suggested by
the rallying words of a Muslim leader who, upon
landing his troops at Gibraltar in 711, ordered all

of his boats burned, shouting to his men: "The sea

is behind you, and the enemy is in front of you. By
God, there is no escape for you save in valor and
Within seven years almost the entire Iberian pe-

ninsula had fallen into Muslim hands. In the east,

hostilities with Byzantium, which had continued

intermittently since the conquest of Syria, were
pursued with greater intensity; once the Muslim
armies advanced as far as Constantinople, and held
a strong point just outside the Byzantine capital
for seven years before they were forced to retreat.

But, as it had been with the enemies from whom Disenchanted with their rulers, many people
Islam had won its empire, internal weakness and joined anti-Umayyad parties, among them the Kha-
dissension finally led to the Umayyads' collapse. rijites and another militant group called the Shi'a
Economic and social injustices perpetrated under ("the party"), formed by Muslims who felt that the

their rule brought about deep resentments, and once Umayyads had usurped the caliphate from its

more Muslims became divided by bitter disputes. rightful heirs, Ali and his descendants.

One of the largest and most dissatisfied groups When Mu'awiya died in 680, the Shi'a tried to

was the mawali, Islam's converted subjects. The make All's younger son, Husayn, the new Caliph.
Arabs denied them equality, considering them in- Accompanied by his family and a small group of
ferior; to marry a non-Arab convert, for example, his supporters, Husayn set out from Medina for

was regarded as a social stigma. And although his father's former capital at Kufa, where he ex-
many of these newcomers to Islam fought in its pected to be eagerly received as the new caliph. But

armies, they usually had to fight as foot soldiers on the way he was halted by troops of Mu'awiya's
rather than in the elite cavalry, and they received son Yazid, who had already succeeded to the caliph-

less pay. Often non-Muslims were discouraged from ate, and ordered to turn back. Husayn's followers
converting so that they would have to continue to persuaded him to refuse. The soldiers seized him
pay higher taxes. Joining the mawali in their dis- and held him captive for ten days; then they killed

satisfaction were certain Arabs who, because they him and sent his head to Yazid in Damascus. The
were not members of the military aristocracy, did slaying of the Prophet's grandson shocked all of Is-

not receive pensions given to the warriors and were lam and made still more enemies for the Umayyads.
obliged to pay the land tax. The anniversary of his death is still observed in

Realizing the explosiveness of these inequities, parts of the Islamic world as a day of mourning.
the Umayyads repeatedly tried to institute new To make matters worse for Mu'awiya's heirs, the

measures. The caliph who made the greatest effort tribal wars that Muhammad had long ago tried to

in this respect was Umar II, one of the most famous abolish once more erupted. The Bedouin tribes had
of all the Umayyad rulers; during his reign, from never lost their spirit of independence, and resent-

717 to 720, he called an end to foreign campaigns ed any form of centralized authority. But now,
and devoted himself to tax reforms. One of his instead of fighting among themselves in small, iso-

most noteworthy achievements was to revive the lated units, they organized into two large factions,

former rule of exempting all Muslims from all taxes one claiming ancestry from northern Arabia and the
except the compulsory religious tax. other from the south. These factions, almost con-

However well intentioned, this had a disastrous stantly at war with one another, became a strong

effect on Islam's economy. Egypt was so hard hit force in Islamic politics, and their support some-
by the new policy that an official there asked Umar times even influenced the choice of caliph.

to rescind it, complaining that, "The conversion to While the Umayyads were occupied with these
Islam has so reduced [the tax revenue] that I have difficulties, there appeared a new revolutionary

had to borrow 20,000 dinars." But Umar stood firm. force that ultimately was to overthrow them.

Unfortunately, his reforms proved too costly, and This was the Abbasid party, headed by a ruthless

his successors also failed to find a solution to the Muslim named Abbas, a descendant of an uncle of

economic problem that was undermining the state. the Prophet. The center of the Abbasid movement
was in Persia, where there was much ill feeling Quraysh," who managed to flee to Spain, where he
against the Umayyads; the Persians considered founded a dynasty that flourished for 300 years.)
themselves heirs to a higher culture than these The Abbasids carried their revenge even to Umay-
haughty Arab conquerors who treated them as in- yad caliphs who were already dead, exhuming their
feriors. Exploiting this and other undercurrents of corpses and desecrating their graves. Only one tomb
discontent, the Abbasids won not only the support was not violated— that of Umar II, considered the
of the Persians, but also that of many Arab Muslims only pious caliph among all the Umayyad rulers.

who had various grievances against the Umay- In their effort to assure a stable government, the
yads. To undermine the ruling dynasty, the Abba- Abbasids tried to eliminate all dissidents who might
sids conducted an extensive propaganda campaign; undermine their rule— even those who had support-
they proclaimed that the Umayyads were not true ed them. The Shi'ites soon learned that they had
caliphs, that they lived worldly and decadent lives, been betrayed; the Abbasids not only failed to help

and promised that they, the Abbasids, would again their cause, but persecuted them as well. In their

make Islam a true theocracy in the tradition of the thoroughness, the new rulers also ruthlessly execut-

"rightly guided" caliphs. ed the men who had helped them gain office, so
In June 747, the Abbasids raised the black banner that the power of these allies could never be used
of revolt that was to become their emblem, over- against them. The victims were often dispatched
threw the Umayyad governor in Persia and took with ingenious cruelty. Abu Muslim, the general
power there. Led by a brilliant Persian general, Abu who had led the Abbasid forces against the Umay-
Muslim, they then moved west, overrunning Umay- yads, was hacked to pieces while conferring with
yad armies that opposed them. In 749 Abbas was the Caliph, and his head was thrown to his followers

acclaimed caliph by his followers, although the who waited outside the palace gates; another former
Umayyads still held Syria. The following year his supporter was killed and his body hung up to pub-
troops met those of Marwan II, the Umayyad Ca- lic view. The Persian general who had obligingly
liph, in a decisive battle at the Great Zab, a branch slaughtered 80 Umayyads at his banquet later made
of the Tigris in northern Iraq. The Abbasids routed the mistake of trying for the caliphate, and was
Marwan's army, bringing to an end Umayyad rule. promptly imprisoned. After seven years he was
The deposed Caliph fled to Egypt, but was caught taken from prison and led with great pomp into a

there and killed, and his head sent to the new house built especially for him. But the dwelling,
Caliph as a present. unknown to him, had foundations of salt, which
Settling into power, the new rulers of Islam and gradually dissolved. At last the house crashed
their allies began wiping out the rest of the Umay- down on the unsuspecting would-be caliph, be-
yads with systematic thoroughness. At one epic coming his tomb.
slaughter a Persian general named Abdullah invited The Abbasid dynasty lasted for 500 years, but
80 of the remaining members of the Umayyad clan it was during the first century that it reached its

to a banquet. At the height of the festivities he had apex, under Caliph Harun al-Rashid, who ruled

all of them murdered, then ordered the bodies cov- from 786 to 809. From his throne in the new capi-

ered while he and his aides resumed their meal. tal city of Baghdad, Harun presided over the world's

(Only one of the Umayyads escaped, it is said; he most vigorous culture, and Islam knew the brief

was Abd al-Rahman, known as "the Falcon of the hour of glory that was to be its golden age.

M uch booty hath God promised you. And ye shall have it.


As the Byzantine and Persian empires battled each other toward

exhaustion and decay, backward Arabia, lying between the adversaries

but shielded by its aridity and poverty, prepared one of history's great

explosions. In 633 A.D., under the unifying banner of the Prophet,

sinewy Arab warriors burst hungrily out of their hot, dry homeland
and reached for the good life of their neighbors. Behind them was a

peninsula one third immured in sand dunes (above), lacking a single

stream that flowed year round; ahead was an irresistible lure: booty

for those who lived. Paradise for those who died fighting the unbeliever.

Within 100 years, this zealous, individualistic people had carved

out an empire that stretched from Spain to India, and at their peak

of power were deep inside France battering vainly at the gates of Poitiers.

H e it is Who made the earth subservient to you, so go about it

In Arabia's land of heat and hunger— once described as "an iron wilderness"— to possess dates

and water was all a Bedouin tribesman could hope for. In earlier centuries many Arabs had
fled northward in major migrations; those who stayed sometimes practiced infanticide to

66 quiet hungry mouths and tribal warfare to gain their neighbors' meager goods. Yet only a few
the spacious sites thereof and eat of His providence.

days' camel ride away— in riverine Iraq, in Syria by the Sea of

Galilee (left), on tree-shaded Lebanese slopes (right)— the grain

grew tall, oranges ripened in January, wild flowers bloomed in

profusion and there were seasons of fleeting clouds and crisp air. 67
Tkhe Believers smote and slaughterel

// the going down of the sun. . . . And the fear of the Arabs fell upon all kings.

The Muslims' thrust hito the

fertile borderlands was made with

surprising ease. The Byzantines,

who held Syria, fielded an army

largely composed of Armenian and
Arab subjects, sullenly reluctant to
fight; the Persians, in Iraq, were

still suffering the effects of

four years of anarchy and civil war.

The Muslims routed both

in the same way. At Yarmuk in

Syria, shouting Bedouins attacked

out of the desert through a

swirling dust storm, overwhelming

the half-blinded Byzantines.

At Qadasiya in Iraq, less than

a year later, the desert-dwellers

again materialized out of the

blowing sand, and the decimated

Persians fled eastward.

Almost overnight, ragged

Arabs passed from a world of
dusty black tents to the mastery

of ancient cities like Syria's

fortress-crowned Aleppo (far left)

and Nippur (left) in Iraq.

Ihe Nile floods have fallen,

the spring grazing is good. There is milk for the lambs and the kids. Go out

To protect newly won Syria against vengeful Byzantine raids

from the south and west, an ambitious Arab commander, Amr,

led 3,500 cavalrymen into Egypt, from which the Byzantines
imported much of their food. Within nine months he had taken

a fortress on the site of modern Cairo, swept past the Pyramids

(above) and accepted the surrender of the mighty naval base of

Alexandria. Then he settled down to enjoy the rich land.

Two decades later, to protect the conquest of Egypt, Amr's

nephew Uqba rode farther west, adding Tunisia's pastures to

Islam, then all the way to the foothills of the Atlas Mountains,

sweeping over farms (right) long fortified against local raiders.

Stopped by the Atlantic in 681, he rode impatiently into the

surf, exclaiming to Allah: "Were I not hindered by this sea, I

would go forward to the unknown kingdoms of the West . . .

subduing those nations who worship other gods than Thee!"

vith God's blessing and enjoy the land, its milk, its flocks and its herds.

And take good care of your neighbors.


The Persians, a proud people
with their own thousand-year
history of empire, proved to

he the Arabs' toughest

adversary. In 642 Arabs

poured onto the Persian plains

(right) where herdsmen tended
cattle, and at Nehawand won
a "victory of victories." But

the war continued as the

Persian King Yezdegerd fought

stubbornly on, until killed by

a traitorous subject.

Leaderless, Persia slid into

the Arabs' empire. But it

turned defeat into a kind of

victory. Filling the cultural

vacuum in the pious but

barbaric Arab society, Persian

art, literature, philosophy and

medicine became major

elements of Muslim civilization.

Good news— the Persians have given us the soil of their country.

in c learness of sky and beauty

^ *J*f'


of landscape it resembles Syria . . . it rivals Egypt in the fertility of its soil.

From Europe, across the straits, the mist-covered valleys of

Spain (left) beckoned to the Arabs in Morocco. Conquest began

as a gesture; to propitiate his newfound Berber allies, Musa, the
Arab governor of North Africa, authorized a raid in 710. But

when the raiders handily mastered half of Spain within a year,

the temptation to push on proved irresistible; by 718 almost all

of Visigoth Spain had become an Arab province.

At the same time the Prophet's banner was borne eastward
into central Asia over fabled Samarkand, Bukhara and Kandahar
in Afghanistan (one of whose ruined Muslim forts is seen

above). The Arabs' expansion had reached its high-water mark.

In 732 the Arabs stood at the passes of the Hindu Kush (above) and gazed
over its snowy peaks to India. Militarily, their strength was ebbing, but

now another dream of the Prophet was coming true; Islam had legions of

76 new converts. Turkish and other proselytes moved beyond the Kush and
G od hath brought the dream of His Apostle to pass in very truth.

brought India under Muslim rule. In the West, Berber converts carried

the faith through Spain and halfway into France. People whom Muhammad
had neither seen nor known of were facing Mecca five times a day and
praying: "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet." 77
Out of the violence that characterized the early
days of Abbasid rule, there emerged, at the begin-
ning of the Ninth Century, an Islamic civiliza-
tion that was both prosperous and culturally well
endowed. But the epoch was like a meteor streaking
across the night sky; its vitality soon spent itself,

and by the middle of the Tenth Century the mighty

Abbasid caliphs had faded to little more than shad-
owy puppets whose strings were manipulated by

4 their own Turkish bodyguards.

At the beginning of
their capital

heralding the new


from Damascus
rule, the

Eastern influences that were to

the East,

THE GOLDEN AGE come in Islam. Abbas, the founder of the dynasty,
made his headquarters in Hashimiya, near Kufa, in
Iraq, where the Abbasids had received their early
support. When he died in 754, cut down by small-
pox after only four years in office, he was succeed-
ed by his brother, Mansur. The new Caliph's first

years as the ruler of Islam were beset by uprisings,

led by rival claimants to the caliphate and by disillu-
sioned Shi'ites who had hoped to see a descendant
of Ali on the throne. But Mansur diligently fol-

lowed his predecessor's example in removing his

enemies from the scene, and soon he had suppressed
the rebellions and consolidated his power.

At the same time he was looking for a site for a

new capital. Abbas' capital in Hashimiya had two
major drawbacks: from a military point of view it

was not strategically located, and it was too near to

Kufa, long a center of rebellion. But Mansur had

another motive for establishing a new capital: he
wanted it to be a magnificent symbol of Abbasid
power. The Caliph is said to have made many jour-
neys through Iraq before finally finding a suitable

location. He chose an ancient village named Bagh-

dad, approximately 20 miles northwest of the form-
er Persian capital of Ctesiphon.
From the start Baghdad proved an ideal choice. It

lay on the west bank of the Tigris, in the midst of a

fertile plain, beside a canal linking the Tigris with

the Euphrates; the two rivers bent briefly toward
each other at this point so that they were only 20
miles distant. The site was excellently suited to

serve commerce, dominating the crossroads of the

A POLYCHROMATIC PERSIAN PLATE of the 13th Century depicts tzoo court-

'j/ figures enjoying the pleasures of music, verse and the vine. While the great trade routes, both land and water, that reached
man phicks a harp, the lady sips and listens— and perhaps recites a poem. from the Far East to the Mediterranean and even

into Europe. Even before Mansur selected it, Bagh- largest, measuring some 112 feet in height, 164 feet
dad had been, due to its location, a meeting place of thick at the base and 46 feet wide across the top.
merchants and the site of monthly fairs. Because of It was fortified with lookout towers, and, like the

the two rivers that flanked it, and the irrigation other walls, was pierced at opposite points by four
canals that crisscrossed it, the land was rich. Equal- large gates that were guarded by soldiers.

ly important, as a capital city it could be easily The round city was designed as the administra-

defended, since enemies could approach only by tive center of the empire. The ordinary people of
ship or bridge. Baghdad lived in houses outside the walls. The
To Mansur, the new city that would rise in this space between the outer and middle walls was left

"island" between the Tigris and the Euphrates clear for purposes of defense. Between the middle
would be a "market place for the world." He said, and inner walls were the houses of courtiers and
"Praise be to God who preserved it for me and army officers. Behind the innermost wall were the
caused all those who came before me to neglect it. residences of the caliph's family and the highest
By God shall build it. Then I shall dwell in it
I as officials, including the commander of the army and
long as I live and my descendants shall dwell in it the chief of police. At the very hub of the round
after me. It will surely be the most flourishing city city was the caliph's palace, a magnificent edifice
in the world." Besides being struck by Baghdad's built of marble and stone said to have been carried
agricultural, commercial and military advantages, from the old Persian capital of Ctesiphon. Next to it

the Caliph was said to have been impressed by was the mosque. Mansur had picked this position for

reports that the region enjoyed two other assets: his royal residence, declaring that the caliph should

cool nights and freedom from mosquitoes. live at the very center of his empire.
Mansur named his new capital Madinat al-Salam The palace had two striking features: a golden
("The City of Peace"), but the people continued to gate, and a green dome that rose to a height of
call it Baghdad. The first stones of the new build- 120 feet, covering the caliph's main audience hall.

ings were laid in August 762, a time picked by the On the summit of the dome, overlooking the city

court astrologer as auspicious to begin construction. like a sentinel, was an imposing statue of a lancer on
(Mansur is said to have been the first caliph who horseback; later, legend would hold that this figure
kept an astrologer at court.) To help build the new swiveled and pointed to any area of the empire where
capital, every city in the empire was bidden to send peril threatened.

its most skilled craftsmen. Some 100,000 workers The round city was divided into four pie-shaped

were assembled from every corner of Islam— Syria, quadrants by two highways that cut across it at

Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia— and they worked four right angles to one another, linking the gates and
years to complete the extraordinary city. running out through them; these thoroughfares not
A great citadel of sun-baked bricks, Baghdad was only afforded good communication but also gave of-
built in the form of a circle nearly two miles across, ficials firm control of the city, permitting it to be

a shape believed to have been copied from Persian easily patrolled from the center. They also served
cities of the day; it was referred to as "the round commerce in Baghdad's early days: between the
city." Actually it was composed of concentric cir- innermost wall and the middle wall each street was
cles—a deep moat surrounding three huge, sloping lined with arcades that sheltered all manner of shops,
walls. Of these three barriers, the middle one was the providing four central markets. But suburbs soon

grew around Baghdad's walls, and quickly spread of rule. This trend was accelerated until, finally,

to the east bank of the Tigris. In the Tenth Cen- the Abbasid caliphs had absolute power, in the

tury the capital had an estimated population of manner of the Persian kings. For centuries, Persian

one and a half million, and by then the markets had monarchs had reigned not merely as sovereigns, but

been moved to the outskirts. This move reduced the as semi-divine beings invested with total authority

number of people entering the central city, giving over their subjects. To emphasize the idea of their

officials more control over who came and went there omnipotence, they had surrounded themselves with
and adding to its safety. elaborate ceremony, shielding their royal personages

In many ways Baghdad reflected the changes tak- from the people to create an aura of mystery.
ing place all over the Islamic empire. Persian influ- The Abbasid caliphs purposely imitated this ex-

ences, which were seen in the city's basic plan, ample. They screened themselves behind the walls
helped reshape Islam's character as well. The bril- of their palace in the heart of Baghdad, living in

liant cultural heritage of Persia gradually percolated awesome splendor. Mansur commanded his family

into Iraq, and from there it filtered out to affect and courtiers never to be seen in public unless
practically every facet of Muslim life. they were dressed in costly silken garments and lux-

The empire retained the religion and language uriously perfumed. The caliph himself was inac-

brought to it by the Arabs, but in other respects it cessible to all but a privileged few, who had to

was no longer dominated by these people. Under make their way past a multitude of guards and
Abbasid rule, the state took on an international chamberlains to reach his presence. Upon at last

character it had never known before. With the end approaching the caliph's throne, concealed by a re-

of the wars of conquest, the Arab aristocracy had splendent curtain, they were obliged to prostrate
lost its monopoly of high office. The once-privi- themselves and kiss the floor— a custom alien to the

leged Arab warriors, to their chagrin, found them- rude democracy of Arabia.
selves replaced by Persian soldiers and consequently A more vivid and grisly reminder of the abso-

had their pensions withdrawn. Officials and admin- lute power wielded by the caliph was a leather car-

istrators were now drawn from the many peoples pet spread in front of the throne for the use of the

making up the empire; they achieved social position executioner; this functionary stood behind the ca-

by their ability and the caliph's favor, rather than liph, sword drawn, ready to smite the head from

by fortune of birth, as in the past. Many of these any luckless person who displeased his sovereign.

new officials were Persians, who brought with them To further solidify their control over their sub-

their own traditions and ways of thought. Persian jects, the Abbasids emphasized the connection be-
and other non-Arab influences also entered Islam tween ruler and religion. In this they could have

through intermarriage within the Abbasid family taken their lead from a Persian saying which held

itself; although the family was originally Ara- that "Religion and government are twin brothers."
bian, of the 2>7 caliphs in the dynasty, only a few As a symbol of the sacred nature of their rule, on

had Arab mothers. important religious occasions the caliphs donned

One result of this was a marked change in the a mantle that the Prophet himself was supposed to

way in which the empire was governed. Even be- have worn. No longer were they merely successors

fore the Abbasids took control, the Umayyad ca- of the Prophet of God; in their new and exalted role
liphs had begun to exercise a more autocratic type they were the deputies of God Himself, calling
themselves the "Shadow of God on Earth." In an succeeded by Hadi's younger brother Harun. But
effort to bring the rehgious organization of Islam Hadi was determined to leave the caliphate to his

under state control, the caliphs kept religious lead- own son rather than to his brother, and he tried to
ers around them, and tried to exert influence over get Harun to give up his claim, without success.
them. An Arab historian later wrote: "This dynasty Harun was strengthened in this resolve by Yahya,
ruled with a policy of mingled religion and king- who had been his tutor and counselor.
ship; the best and most religious of men obeyed Yahya advised his young master to go hunting
them out of religion, and the remainder obeyed and stay away as long as he could. For Yahya, so
them out of fear." the story goes, knew that the horoscope cast at

As the caliph withdrew more and more from the Hadi's birth foretold that he would die at this time.
day-to-day direction of the state, there developed a Hadi learned what Yahya had done and threw him
new and powerful figure, the vizier, who stood be- into jail, ordering his execution. The very night
tween the ruler and the ruled. The vizier was the that Yahya was to be killed, however, the Caliph
caliph's deputy, his chief minister in charge of run- fell ill and died. Harun, then 23, was acclaimed the
ning the empire. His authority was so great that it new caliph; he freed the faithful Yahya and made
was second only to that of the caliph himself. him his vizier, saying to his tutor, "My father,

The role of the vizier was shaped by a remarkable your fortune and your counsel set me in this seat;

family called the Barmakids, who served the first and now I invest you with all my power." Yahya,
five Abbasid caliphs as counselors. Abbas brought with the help of two of his own sons, Fadl and
the Barmakids to prominence when he appointed Ja'far, then took control of the affairs of state.

Khalid ibn Barmak, the son of a Buddhist priest Apparently the Barmakids were excellent ad-
from eastern Persia, as his imperial finance minis- ministrators, but their rule ultimately came to a

ter. Khalid grew so close to the Caliph's heart that tragic and violent end. For 17 years Yahya served
his daughter was nursed by Abbas' wife, while Harun as vizier; his sons were tutors to the sons
his own wife was the nurse to Abbas' daughter. of Harun, and young Ja'far in particular became
Khalid rose even higher under Abbas' successor, Harun's most loved companion. Indeed, Harun was
Mansur, who appointed him to govern various so fond of Ja'far that to show his favor he allowed

provinces of Persia; in this period Khalid distin- him to marry his favorite sister. He intended it to

guished himself further by crushing a rebellion be a purely nominal match, never to be consum-
against Mansur and performing other services for mated; however, legend holds that the Caliph's
the Caliph. Khalid's son Yahya was schooled to sister gave birth to a son by Ja'far, and that her
succeed his father as vizier. efforts to conceal it from her brother were unsuc-
A story about Yahya illustrates how closely the cessful. Whether for this reason or, more likely,

Barmakids became involved in the Abbasids' in- because the Caliph had begun to fear the growing
trigues over the caliphate, even helping to manipu- power of the Barmakids, the ruler suddenly saw
late the line of succession. When Mansur died in a threat in the person of Ja'far. In 803, Harun sent

775, on his way back from a pilgrimage to Mecca, one of his eunuchs to get Ja'far's head. When the

he was succeeded by his son, and then by his head was presented to the Caliph, he is said to have

grandson, Hadi. Hadi's father, while he was the wept and addressed it as if he were speaking to a
caliph, had ruled that if fiadi died, he should be living person who had wronged him: "O Ja'far! did

A PERSIAN CHESSMAN, on a ^eorf/ess horse, is an ivory-hewn ancestor of the
knight in the modern game. By the Eighth Century, chess, which the Per-
sians had imported from India, had become widely popular in Islam, and
caliphs invited champions, including women and slaves, to palace matches.

I not make thee mine own peer. . . . Ungrateful, traditional Arab robe. Persia also introduced many
insensate fool! Reckless of what must come when new household items: home furnishings such as

thy luck must turn, in the turning of time. . . . mattresses and cushions, kitchen utensils— includ-
Ja'far, my shame! O the sorrow thou hast brought ing ovens and frying pans— as well as rich silks

on me, Ja'far! And on thyself!" and other fabrics.

Not satisfied with having had his dear friend put As these and other imported luxuries stimulated

to death, Harun had Yahya and the other son, popular demand, local artisans began to manufac-
Fadl, cast into prison, where they both died. The ture similar items. As the market grew, production

vast fortune accumulated by the Barmakids was increased and commerce expanded. Fabulous for-
confiscated and the survivors were ruined, their tunes were made out of trade. Mansur's prediction
power at an end. that Baghdad would become the marketplace for

Despite the intrigues and violence that revolved the world was dramatically borne out.

around the caliphate, the Abbasids helped bring Great caravans traveled overland through Cen-
Islam a prosperity that made possible its golden tral Asia to Baghdad en route to North Africa and
age. The time of conquest was over and the empire Mediterranean ports as far distant as Spain. Ships
was relatively at peace with itself and with its of the empire plied distant waters carrying mer-

neighbors. Moreover, Islam possessed the immense chandise between Far Eastern lands— India, China,
resources of the conquered lands, and its in- Ceylon and the East Indies— and Persian Gulf and
tention to enjoy them could be seen in the splendor Red Sea ports. The vessels arriving at Baghdad's

of Baghdad and other flourishing cities of the em- docks brought with them the varied resources of
pire. The Persians introduced to Islam pastimes the world. From China came silk, ink, peacocks,

such as polo, backgammon and chess. From the porcelain, saddles and spices; from India, rubies,

Far East they brought rag paper and porcelain; their silver, sandalwood, coconuts, ebony and dyes. Other
cooks offered exotic new dishes and served them cargoes included grain and linen from Egypt; glass

on tables— an innovation to Arabs, who were ac- and fruit from Syria; silk and other textiles from
customed to eating cross-legged on the floor. Bagh- Persia; perfumes from Arabia; pearls from the

dad's tailors popularized trousers, in place of the Persian Gulf. Slaves and gold came from Africa;

TWO VIEWS OF SAGITTARIUS, a constellation traditionally pic-
tured as a centaur with drawn bow, are, like much Islamic

astronomy, based on the work of Greek scientists. The left

view shows the constellation as seen from the earth; at

right it IS reversed, as pictured on a globe of the heavens.

drugs, trinkets and slaves from Byzantium; leather Along with the exchange of goods from all over

from Spain; furs, amber, ivory and swords from as the world, Islam also prospered from a fresh ex-

far away as Russia and Scandinavia. change of ideas. To Ninth Century Baghdad came
This international traffic in goods, and the pay- the most accomplished men of the age: poets, ju-

ments it entailed, led to a new profession— banking, rists, philosophers, scientists, artists. The lure for

an enterprise that reached a level of sophistication them was not merely the celebrated physical at-

in Islam that was not to be attained in the West for tractions of the capital, though they doubtless en-

another three centuries. Banking was a natural out- joyed the evenings of food, drink, music and verse
growth of the complex monetary system in the that still echo in the pages of The Arabian Nights.
Islamic empire. Two kinds of currency were in use: They were primarily drawn by the pleasures of

the Persian silver dirham used in the East, and the awakening minds, and the excitement of discussion
Byzantine gold denarius in the West. These coins and debate. Behind the intellectual vigor they dis-

fluctuated in value according to the price of the played lay the rich cultural legacies the Muslims
metal from which they were made, making neces- had inherited from the diverse peoples within their

sary the presence of money changers in every mar- empire, particularly the Greeks of late Hellenistic
ket to facilitate the exchange of the currencies. times. Indeed, in the scholarly circles of the empire

Eventually these men became Islam's bankers. it was as though the philosophy and science of
From the financial system they ultimately de- Greece had been born again.
veloped came many of the banking concepts and By an irony of history, this revival of Greek
terms later used in the West, among them the thought owed nothing to the Greek-speaking By-
word "check," from the Arabic sakk. They had zantines who were neighbors of the Muslims. Proud
central banks with branch offices, and an elaborate of their religious orthodoxy, the Christian emper-

system of checks and letters of credit; it was pos- ors who ruled Byzantium frowned on pagan knowl-

sible for a check written on a bank in one part edge; certainty, not questioning, was what they
of the empire to be cashed in a distant city. valued. The men who made possible the intellectual

awakening of Islam were primarily Christians and movement in science, literature, philosophy and the-
Jews from Syria. They translated Greek manuscripts ology. These same currents of thought also en-
into Syriac, and from that tongue into Arabic. couraged a daring theological school known as the
Soon, however, as interest grew, translations were Mu'tazilite, which had started about two decades
made directly from Greek into Arabic. before the coming of the Abbasids. Its viewpoint
Although Ninth Century Muslims had a pas- was expressed by a philosopher named Kindi,
sionate desire to learn what the Greeks had dis- who said, "We should not ... be ashamed to rec-

covered, they were limited by two factors. First, ognize truth and assimilate it, from whatever quar-
the only manuscripts accessible to them were those ter it may reach us, even though it may come
i^. that had been preserved by the late Greek schools; from earlier generations and foreign peoples." The
thus Homer and Sophocles were not to enter the Mu'tazilites began to apply reason and logic to ex-
Islamic heritage, because these Hellenistic schools amine concepts previously accepted on faith alone,

had shown no concern for drama and poetry. Sec- utilizing the Greek method of argument in advocat-
ond, the Muslims' own primary interest was in ing their dogmas.
practical matters, and it was mainly the works of To the horror of the Traditionists, orthodox
Greek physicians, astronomers, mathematicians scholars who accepted the hadith, as the basis of be-
and geographers that appeared anew in Arabic lief, the Mu'tazilites' reasoning sometimes led them
dress. Although Greek philosophy had no such prac- to startling new conclusions, and bitter public con-
tical value, it was related to Greek science, and was troversy ensued. One issue around which conflict

therefore translated along with the other works. crystallized was the nature of the Koran: Was the
Inevitably, this exposure to the Greek way of Word of God eternal like God Himself, as Muslims
looking at things had a profound influence on Is- traditionally had believed, or had there been a time
lamic thought. No longer were Islamic scholars when it did not exist? The Mu'tazilites shocked
concerned only with the systematization and codi- Muslim popular belief by arguing that the Koran
fication of Muslim theology, based primarily on was not eternal, and used Greek logic to prove it.

the revelations of the Koran and the hadith, or In essence, they claimed that the traditional con-

Traditions. Now they were introduced to Greek cept contradicted the basic principle of the Koran
speculative philosophy, which grew out of man's itself that God alone is eternal.
ability to reason. One Muslim theologian even For some 22 years this rationalist approach
went so far as to argue that doubt was the first re- actually enjoyed the official support of the state.
quirement of knowledge. To some Muslims this In 827 the Caliph Ma'mun openly espoused the
verged on heresy. But to many orthodox Muslim Mu'tazilite position and attempted to impose it

intellectuals the logical methods of Greek ration- on Traditionist theologians; he even established
alism were seen as a tool that could be used effec- an inquisition to seek out those who adhered to

tively to clarify Islamic doctrine and to defend their the popular view that the Koran had existed for-

faith against the heretical ideas being introduced ever. During the two decades that the Mu'tazilite
by non-Muslims. position remained the official doctrine, its op-
The interest in Greek thought, as well as the ponents were dismissed from public office and,
challenge posed by other foreign ideas such as in some cases, suffered physical persecution.

those of Persia and India, gave rise to a flourishing However, the Mu'tazilites' views eventually

were rejected. There were two principal reasons:
the people bitterly resented their intolerance and

the official attempt to impose their views on all of

Islam by force; even more, they rebelled against

the Mu'tazilites' insistence on exalting human
reason above God's Word. Public opposition be-
came so great that in 849 the Caliph Mutawakkil
reversed the official policy, giving victory to the

Traditionists. The state thus failed to achieve con-

trol of the Islamic religion, which remained in the

hands of the community.

Although the Mu'tazilites no longer played a

prominent role in Islam, they made a lasting con-

tribution by grafting Greek rationalism onto Mus-

lim thought. The man primarily responsible for

this fusion was a famous theologian known as

Ash'ari. As his thought developed, he turned away

from the Mu'tazilites' conclusions but did not re-

ject the logical methods of Greek philosophy;

instead he used these methods to strengthen the
Traditionist position. Much as Thomas Aqui-
nas had in the medieval West, Ash'ari asserted the
superiority of revelation over reason— but he used
the pillars of logic to support the structure of faith.

While philosophers and theologians debated ab-

stract intellectual questions, a mystical movement
called Sufism originated among the people. This
movement's origins can be traced back to Muslims
who, from the beginning of Islam, were drawn by
certain mystical elements in the Koran; as early

as the second century after the Prophet's death,

some pious Muslims had sought salvation through
lives of simplicity and poverty in imitation of

Christian hermits. As a sign of asceticism, they

wore rough, undyed robes of wool (suf, in Arabic)
from which the name is believed to be derived. A FOLDING KORAN STAND, with two upper panels that
cradled Islam's Holy Book m a 14th Century mosque, is
In the Ninth Century, Sufism attracted many
carved with Allah's name, fine arabesques and flowers.
devout Muslims and began to take definite shape.

In effect, it was a reaction, not only against the

rationalists, but against a tyrannical government

seemingly supported by orthodox religious leaders, Ninth Century, known as Hallaj ("the wool-
and against the mechanical observance of Muslim carder"), spoke in capricious, troubling riddles,
rituals by men more interested in worldly wealth now seeming to remove God from the grasp of
and luxury than in a spiritual life. The Sufis, un- mortals, now bringing him blasphemously close.
able to find complete satisfaction either in rational- His preaching in Baghdad inspired a cry among
ism or in ritual alone, turned to the cultivation of the people for moral and political reforms, causing
an inner, spiritual life, through which they tried orthodox theologians to demand his death. These
to achieve union with God and experience Him di- religious leaders were further incensed by reports
rectly and emotionally. They envisioned God as a that he had proclaimed, "I am the Truth," by which
Creator who loved His creatures and wished them he was said to have equated himself with God.
to draw near Him; they quoted from the Koran, Hallaj prudently fled the city, but a few years
particularly the verse describing God as nearer later was caught and imprisoned. He was freed,
to man than his neck vein. but was once more accused by theologians of he-
Sufism's adherents included many types of indi- retical statements, tried and sentenced to death. Be-

viduals, ranging from saints and poets to charla- fore the 64-year-old mystic was executed he was
tans. Some Sufis wandered like medieval friars led out of jail to undergo grisly punishments that
from village to village, living on alms and inflaming included flogging, mutilation, and crucifixion; at

listeners with their ecstatic message. Others lived last he was decapitated and, finally, cremated. He
apart, practicing rigorous self-discipline and spend- went to his death, it is said, smiling at his execu-
ing their days in contemplation and other spiritual tioners and praising God.
exercises to bring them into communion with God. While Hallaj's fate did not prevent the spread of

The one thing all had in common was fervor for Sufism, it was not until the Twelfth Century that
their cause— the love of God. A woman Sufi named orthodoxy ceased to look upon the movement with
Rabi'a, stolen from her family as a child and sold suspicion. The change is generally attributed to

into slavery, was freed because of her incandes- Ghazali, one of Islam's greatest theologians, who,
cent purity and her selfless love of God. "Love of analyzing various systems of thought and paths
God hath so absorbed me," she exulted, "that to salvation, finally chose Sufism as the one that
neither love nor hate of any other thing remains brought him closest to God. Ghazali did not re-

in my heart." She lived a life of extreme asceti- nounce orthodoxy, but made mysticism a re-
cism, rejecting the pursuit of virtue motivated by spectable element in orthodox Muslim practice.
hope of any reward. "O God," she prayed, "if I While religious and philosophical ferment con-
worship Thee in fear of Hell, burn me in Hell; and tinued, Islam was beset by deep internal troubles

if I worship Thee in hope of Paradise, exclude me that were to lead to its political disintegration. Al-

from Paradise; but if I worship Thee for Thine most from the beginning of Abbasid rule, the vast

own sake, withhold not Thine everlasting beauty." empire had begun to break up into independent or
Many great mystics, like Rabi'a, were venerated virtually independent local dynasties. As early as

as saints by the Sufis. Their passionate attachment 756 Abd al-Rahman had founded an Umayyad
to such saints and their tendency to disregard rules line in Spain, and soon thereafter other dynasties
incurred the suspicion of orthodox religious lead- began to take control in Morocco and Tunisia. In

ers. One of the most renowned mystics of the 820 the Governor of Khurasan in Persia declared his

independence from the Abbasids and, although he and the roof was supported by stately marble
acknowledged nominal allegiance to the caliph, he columns. The spiral-ramped minaret, some 175
and his successors were the actual rulers there. feet tall, could be seen for miles.
Within the next century all of Persia similarly fell While in Samarra, the Abbasid caliphs became
under the control of local rulers. increasingly dependent on their Turkish guards,
In the face of this fragmentation of their em- until they actually were their pawns. One of
pire, the Abbasid caliphs at first managed to retain Mu'tasim's sons, Mutawakkil, was, in fact, placed
considerable power, primarily through their com- on the throne by the guards and was virtually
mand of the Persian military forces. But gradually their prisoner. Ultimately Mutawakkil was mur-
their authority began to diminish, even in the capi- dered by the Turks at the instigation of his son,
tal itself. It was during the reign of Mu'tasim, a who sought to be the caliph himself— and who
son of Harun, who ruled from 833 to 842, that the was allowed to remain on the throne only six

Abbasid caliphate began to lose control. Mu'tasim months before he too was removed. From then on
included in his personal bodyguard Turkish slaves the Turkish guards appointed and deposed caliphs
from Central Asia, and he made what was to prove at will.

a disastrous blunder by placing them in command Under these caliphs, who had no real political

of the guard. By doing this he hoped to offset any power, although they retained great religious pres-
possible disloyalty on the part of his Persian sol- tige, the provinces of the empire continued to

diers—who had helped the Abbasids to power but break away from centralized control. In 868 Ibn
now were open to the influences of political rival- Tulun, a Turk who was appointed to govern Egypt,
ries. As a result of Mu'tasim's action, friction made himself a virtually independent ruler there,
grew between the Turks and the local population. founding the Tulunid dynasty. Nine years later Ibn
The situation became so acute that in 836 the Tulun annexed Syria. This encouraged various
Caliph moved his capital 60 miles up the Tigris, Arab tribes to seize lands in Mesopotamia and
where he built the new city of Samarra. This re- parts of Syria, where they established a number of
mained the administrative headquarters of the em- short-lived Bedouin dynasties.
pire for the next half century, during the reign of In 892 the caliphate was returned to Baghdad
seven caliphs. by the Caliph Mu'tadid in an attempt to reassert
Located on the east bank of the Tigris, Samarra authority over the world of Islam. But despite this
was renowned for its palaces and parks. On the last desperate move, the Abbasids could not regain
west bank of the river Mu'tasim laid out a special control over their disintegrating realm. In 945 the
pleasure'ground, which was connected with the capi- Buyids, a Persian family that had taken control of
tal by a bridge of boats; there he planted lush western Persia, entered Baghdad, and the Turkish
gardens with palms from Basra and exotic plants guards fled. The Buyids dominated the Abbasid
from distant regions of the empire. Samarra's Fri- caliphs until they, in turn, were ousted in 1055 by
day Mosque was the largest ever built, covering the Seljuk Turks— a powerful people who had en-
some 45,500 square yards (nearly three times the tered the empire from Turkestan, east of the Cas-
ground area of St. Peter's Church, Rome), and was pian Sea, in the late Tenth Century. Under the
celebrated for its magnificence: it was paved with Seljuks Islam was to enter a new era that was
marble, its walls were covered with enameled tiles. marked by conquest and relative unity.

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HURRYING HOME for the birth of his son, a wealthy merchant and his friend are met by his anxious servants.

^ VM
From the Eighth to the 13th Centuries, the Islamic empire
f was at the height of its

prosperity, ar\d a MusUm of good birth or enterprise lacked neither luxuries nor
leisure. Such a man's way of life, from cradle to grave, can be glimpsed in the il-

lustrations done in 1237 by the artist Yahya al-Wasiti for the Maqamat, a classic

series of Arabian tales. His birth, which may have taken place in an elaborate
mansion like the one above, was a joyful event celebrated by a week of feasting

and offerings. The first words that the child heard, whispered ritually into each
ear, were those of the sacred Muslim oath: There is no god but Allah, and Mu-
hammad is His Prophet." They were also the last words murmured at his grave.

t-Ue lit-^vivT or Ic^rviivi

At the age of seven a Muslim boy left the exclusive society of the women who
raised him and began his education as a man. His father entered him in a mosque
school where he learned to write by scratching passages from the Koran, dictated
by the teacher, over and over again onto a tablet. In the schoolroom shown be-
low, one boy recites for the teacher while another boy takes his turn pulling
the ceiling fan. These formal studies were supplemented at home; under his fa-

ther's tutelage, the boy learned the manners of a Muslim gentleman— not to eat,

or talk, too much, not to spit in public, not to speak ill of one man to another.

mzwamm '



1 he mosque school was open to all boys whose fathers could afford the trifling

tuition, but only the sons of the well-to-do moved on from literacy to training

in the niceties of literary style. In the book-lined library of the mosque (right),

young men destined for positions of wealth and privilege attended seminars, in

which they listened to men of letters discuss poetry and the classics. Sufficient

knowledge to quote a favorite poet, and even to do a bit of original versifying, ;vL

was considered essential to a Muslim who moved about in respectable society.

'^cf^^^est U life

For every male Muslim, marriage was not only a custom but a duty. "When a

servant [of God] marries, verily he perfects half his religion," the Prophet had

said. Usually a man took his first wife at the age of 20, and was permitted to

take three more— but only if he could provide each wife with her own quarters,

her own conveniences for cooking and sleeping, and her own household slaves.

Slaves were an integral part of Muslim life. They served as soldiers, servants,

clerks and concubines. In the typical slave market seen at right, a Muslim gen-
tleman makes a choice from a group of black and white slaves, while a dealer

transacts a sale on the platform above. Like all good merchants he weighs his

gold dinars to make sure that no one has lessened their value by clipping the edge.

A number of formalities preceded a Muslim marriage, but the girl was never a

direct party to these, nor did the marriage need her consent. The preliminary
arrangements were made by the respective mothers; then the suitor approached
the girl's father, as in the scene above. Finally, a contract was drawn up, affirm-

ing the girl's age (usually 12 to 20) and her virginity, as well as the purchase

of divorce.
that the man paid to his bride, and which remained hers in the event
Cjood women are obedient," said the Proph-
et, who beheved that Allah had made men
to excel. "As for those from whom you
fear rebellion," he ordained, "admonish
them and banish them to separate beds,
and scourge them." Should a man and wife
nevertheless fail to get along, they could

appeal to a qadi, or judge, empowered to

arbitrate domestic disputes.

In the illustration below, a qadi listens

to the complaints of a husband (center),

while his unrepentant wife (left), backed

up by two friends, points an accusing finger

at her spouse. If the qadi's conciliation

failed, the husband could divorce his wife

simply by repeating three times, "I dis-

miss thee"; he had to wait three months,
however, before the divorce became final.

Ic^svwc iv» ^ v>^/%vi s w»oir|^

A Muslim had few major holidays, but he generally made the most of them.
The biggest one was the Great Festival, a four-day period of feasting and gift-
giving that marked the final days of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Below,
mounted musicians prepare for one of this festival's parades, raising brilliant
flags, blowing a lusty fanfare on their trumpets and thumping a pair of drums.
Two of the banners in the background proclaim: "There is no god but Allah."

(^ I ^


wluslim society was a man's world. While his women stayed behind closed
doors, the man of the house spent most of his nonworking hours on the town-
gossiping, bathing, playing chess (which the Arabs introduced to Europe), meet-
ing at the local tavern. Although Muhammad had forbidden the consumption of
wine, the Prophet himself had drunk nabidh, a mild fermented beverage made
from raisins or dates mixed with water and allowed to sit in earthenware jugs. (Le-
gal nabidh was two days old; illegal nabidh was a good deal older and stronger.)
In the tavern scene above, a servant passes up an order for two customers in

the balcony, while a man below talks to a friend and sips his drink to the strum-

ming of a lute; in one hand he holds an embroidered napkin, a requirement for

polite wine-drinking. At the far right, a slave makes nabidh by crushing the fruit

with her feet; a servant strains the juice through a cloth suspended over a bowl.

^ t^CSCVfr I

The great wealth of Islam at the height of empire rested main-

ly on its far-flung commerce. Into the bazaars of Baghdad, the

capital, flowed porcelain, silk, paper and ink from China; spices
and dyes from India; rubies and lapis lazuli from Central Asia;
furs, falcons and armor from Scandinavia; ivory, gold and slaves
from Africa. Outward from the empire streamed Egypt's rice,

grains and linen; Syria's glass and metal, Iraq's paper; Arabia's
leather and pearls; Persia's silk and vegetables.
For a shrewd merchant, the best business of all to be in was
the long but lucrative treks of the camel caravans. In this illus-
tration a merchant prepares to take off on one of these great
overland journeys. As his camel kneels to let him mount, his

associates bid him good luck. Most desert travelers needed it:

brigands lay in wait, and so did thirst. Grouped together for

protection and led by a professional guide, the travelers rose

before dawn and moved at a steady pace of three miles an hour
for as long as 12 hours a day, and woe to the man or camel

that fell behind. At rare intervals nightfall found the weary

merchant at a caravanserai, a sort of primitive motel where he
found rooms for himself and his cameleers and a resting place

for his animals; otherwise, he slept under the stars. But the

trip, when it was over, was usually well worth it. Profits,

according to one account, were never less than 50 per cent.

tfvcfy^f^tictyys rov rf^v^^isc


At least once before he died, every Muslim able to do so had to make the
pilgrimage to Mecca, the birthplace of Muhammad; it was one of the prerequi-

sites for entering Heaven. Above, a party of joyous pilgrims sets out for the holy
city; one of their number is a wealthy lady, riding discreetly in a tentlike litter.

When death at last overtook a Muslim gentleman, his funeral followed a care-
fully prescribed ritual that included the lamentations of women and readings
from the Koran. Washed and wrapped in a seamless white shroud (dipped, dur-
ing his pilgrimage, in the waters of Mecca's sacred Zamzam well), his body was
laid to rest on its side, facing the holy city. In the entombment scene at right,

relatives of the deceased wear thin bands of mourning around their heads. The
domed structures in the background are the tombs of other wealthy Muslims.

Islam's contributions to the arts were generous, dis-
tinctive and lasting. Muslim art blended the beau-
tiful with the functional, the human with the ab-
stract, and this fusion gave it a character uniquely
its own. Its major achievements were in architec-

ture, an art that made religious worship decorous

and personal life pleasant, and in literature, which
embodied man's attitude toward life and death. Yet
even in the so-called minor arts— those that made
a man's house more beautiful, his body more strik-

5 ingly clad, his food and drink

—Islam created works of great beauty:
more elegantly served
brilliant tex-

tiles, including world-renowned "oriental" carpets;

AN ART OF MANY PEOPLES fine ceramics, glassware and metalwork, all en-
riched by the decorative ornamentation character-
istic of Muslim style.

Most of these artistic expressions represented a

synthesis of the many elements and peoples that
made up the Islamic state. For the Arabs to have a
material culture at all, it was necessary for them
to borrow from the people they conquered. Pre-
Islamic Arabia had been culturally barren, except
for its lyrical poetry, which emerged from the spir-

it of the desert itself. But through the Muslim con-

quest of Byzantium and Persia, and the establish-
ment of a new Islamic capital, first in Damascus
and then in Baghdad, the Arabs became the cul-
tural heirs of those highly civilized states.

Islam did not merely copy the arts created by the

cultures it embraced; rather, it carefully selected

those elements that pleased the discriminating Mus-

lim eye and purpose, assembling them in a new
organization typically and uniquely Islamic. As in

virtually every other aspect of Islamic life, religion

played a dominant role in Muslim art, largely de-

termining its expression, both in form and content.

It was in architecture that the religious influ-

ence was most clearly seen, primarily in the devel-

opment of the mosque, which was designed to meet
the requirements of Muslim faith. As the Arabs
began to assimilate the more advanced civilizations

they had conquered, their mosques became increas-

ingly large and decorative. But the basic, simple
form never changed; throughout Islamic history it

has retained the same open courtyard and enclosed

A HANDSOME BRONZE GRIFFIN, sfflttdmg more than 40 inches high, probably

decorated the home of an 11th Century Muslim nobleman in Egypt. Profuse

prayer halls that made up the Prophet's simple
Kufic inscriptions on its chest and sides wish its owner health and fortune. home in Medina in the Seventh Century.

In evolving their architectural forms, the Mus- from Constantinople. Working under Syrian and
lims had no real tradition on which to build; Ara- Persian architects, these artisans created the uni-
bia, the birthplace of Islam, had no public build- fied and harmonious patterns that eventually be-
ings worthy of the name. The only building of came typical of the Islamic style. There were now
importance was the Kaaba in Mecca; at the begin- abundant and varied building materials on which
ning of the Seventh Century, this rudimentary to draw, including Syrian limestone, which ac-

structure of stone and wood stood only some 27 quired a rich amber tint upon long exposure to
feet high and consisted simply of four walls and the weather, and Lebanese cedar wood, which was
two rows of pillars that held up the roof. The both decorative and enduring.
Prophet is said to have discouraged more elaborate Arabs, long used to the primitive simplicity of
buildings, believing that they consumed the wealth desert life, gradually found themselves surrounded
of believers to no profitable end. by beautiful buildings that reflected their own new
Not until more than half a century after the view of life. In place of the mud enclosures in

Prophet's death did Islam show any real interest which earlier Muslims had worshiped, there now
in a more advanced architecture. The first four ca- appeared resplendent mosques with stately marble
liphs after Muhammad largely adhered to the sim- columns, wooden gabled roofs and delicately col-
plicity he had advocated. During their rule, as Is- ored glass mosaics. One of the most celebrated of
lam expanded into Byzantium and Persia, Muslims these structures was the Dome of the Rock in Je-

occasionally worshiped in the holy places of the rusalem, the oldest surviving Islamic monument.
conquered peoples; upon taking over those edifices Built and decorated in the ornate Byzantine tradi-
they merely faced the wall in the direction of Mecca tion, the mosque is surmounted by a gilded dome
so that their prayers could be properly oriented. that shimmers in the sun, among the hills in which
With the establishment of the Umayyad caliphate it rests, like a crown of burnished gold.

in Damascus, however, Islam entered a new archi- To Muslims this splendid structure, built in 691,

tectural stage with a tendency toward luxury and had both religious and political importance. The
ostentation unknown to the Muslims' desert fore- building was set over a rock that was considered
bears. The conquering Arabs were not only struck holy by both Muslims and Jews. To Muslims it

by the older and more sophisticated Byzantine cul- was the spot from which the Prophet allegedly

ture of Syria; they also knew that the Syrians, took off on his ascension to Heaven— a mystical
used to the opulence of their former masters, would night journey described in many Traditions. To
not be impressed by the rustic Arab style of life. Jews it was the spot where Abraham was prepar-
Soon the Muslims were building elaborate mosques ing to sacrifice his son Isaac when an angel of the
that rivaled even the Christians' noblest churches. Lord stayed his hand. Thus, by building what they
To new capital a more lavish appear-
give the intended to be the most magnificent shrine in Jeru-

ance, the Umayyad caliphs took advantage of both salem over this hallowed rock, the Muslims hon-
the human and material resources of Islam's vast ored God and the Prophet; and by putting an Is-

new empire. From every part of their dominion lamic shrine on a spot holy to the Jews, they dem-
—and even beyond— they summoned artists and onstrated their political and spiritual superiority
craftsmen: sculptors from Syria, stucco workers over non-Muslims.
from Iraq, wood carvers from Egypt, mosaicists As more mosques were built throughout the

empire, new features were gradually added. One 60 miles to the north, lies in ruins, with only crum-
of the most distinctive of these was the mina- bling walls and broken foundations of two huge
ret, the tower from which the muezzin called the buildings to attest to its former glory.
faithful to prayer. In the days of the Prophet, the The most striking structure that remains from
muezzin had merely climbed to the top of a high Abbasid times is not in Iraq but in Egypt— a mosque
roof near the mosque to cry out his summons, but erected by Ibn Tulun, the son of a Turkish slave
now a tower was made especially for his use. How who was raised at the Abbasid court in Samarra.
these structures began is not known, but one theory Ultimately he was made the governor of Egypt,
holds that they were inspired by the great light- where he set up a semi-independent dynasty. Dur-
house of Alexandria, the Pharos, which was still ing his rule he enlarged the Egyptian capital
standing when the Muslims conquered Egypt in of Fustat, building many monuments there. The
642; the Arabic word manara, from which "mina- mosque, which still bears his name, is the largest
ret" is derived, means "a place of flames." place of worship in Cairo.
Another theory about the origin of minarets is Ibn Tulun displays the marriage of delicacy with
that they started in Syria, by chance. Beautiful strength that became typical of Islamic architec-
Christian churches abounded there when the Mus- ture. Its basic plan is that of earlier mosques, but
lims annexed the territory. These edifices were its materials and decoration reflect later Persian in-
said to be "so enchantingly fair and so renowned fluences. Its wide, pointed arches rest on great
for their splendor" that the Caliph Walid built the brick piers, forming the arcades and sanctuary.
Great Mosque of Damascus in 705 to keep Mus- Both the arches and their supports are covered
lims from being bedazzled and distracted from their with stucco and decorated with graceful bands of
own faith. It was the most remarkable structure carved patterns. Just below the massive ceiling
built by the Umayyads, and was considered by beams is an inscription in wood that stretches
Muslims as one of the seven wonders of the world. around the perimeter of the mosque, emblazoned
Rising on the site of some former sacred build- in a stately Arabic calligraphy with whole sections
ings, it utilized four existing outer walls; at each of the Koran. One of the most striking features
corner stood a square tower, in the Byzantine man- is the windows; there are 128, each in the shape

ner, and these were retained and were conveniently of a pointed arch resting on a pair of small col-

adopted for the call to prayer. umns topped with stucco capitals, and each win-
After the Abbasids moved Islam's capital to Iraq, dow is bordered with stucco ornament.
bricks replaced stone as the chief building materi- As the medieval mosque evolved toward its
al; they were cheaper and easy to make, and could final form, it incorporated various Persian ele-

be quickly put in place by unskilled workmen. Un- ments. The most dramatic of these, introduced in
fortunately, they were less durable than the stones the late 11th Century, was a high, domed structure

of the Umayyads, so fewer Abbasid buildings with- set in front of the mihrab, possibly inspired by

stood the erosion of the years and plunder by sub- pre-Islamic temples in which Persians kept sacred

sequent builders. Nothing remains of Mansur's fires burning. Another new feature was the iwan,

original round city of Baghdad, owing to repeated a high, vaulted open hall adopted from the madra-
rebuilding and enlargements over the centuries. sa, a building that housed an institution of higher

The short-lived Abbasid capital of Samarra, some religious learning. The madrasa, like the mosque.

consisted of a courtyard bordered by four arcades; schemes of the Umayyads, but, lacking good build-
in the madrasa, however, the arcades were divided ing stone, they constructed their palaces of mud
into cells where the students Hved and studied, brick covered with carved panels of plaster. These
and each arcade had at its center a large iwan, structures, erected at the whim of rulers, were given
which served as a meeting place and classroom. monumental proportions and vast audience halls in
Gradually this ground plan was adopted in the keeping with the court ceremonials that now sur-
mosque itself, and became typical of most Persian rounded the caliphs.
mosques from the 12th Century on. In the new Some of the most beautiful of these palaces were
plan, one iwan served as the main entrance to the in Samarra— and behind this was a curious reason:

mosque courtyard from the outside. Across the after the caliphs became virtual prisoners of their

court, another led into the sanctuary; the iwans on Turkish guards, they found time heavy on their

either side of the court were used as halls and hands, and occupied themselves laying out parks
gathering places. and gardens and designing magnificent state build-

As Muslim rulers developed increasingly impres- ings and palaces. One of the most famous of all

sive mosques for communal worship they also the structures in Samarra was the so-called Jawsaq

built huge fortress-like palaces to live in them- palace, built during the caliphate of Mu'tasim, who
selves. The Umayyad caliphs constructed many of reigned from 833 to 842. This huge complex of
their massive dwellings at the edge of the deserts buildings covered 432 acres and comprised every
of Syria and Jordan. They chose these isolated lo- kind of oriental splendor, including stately vaulted
cations because they were still emotionally attached reception halls and private living quarters, enclosing

to the desert environment from which they had large harems, that adjoined cool courtyards with

come, and they could also hunt gazelles and other pools, gardens and fountains.
game. Most of the palaces were inspired by the Unlike the Umayyads, the more urbane Abbasids
plan of Roman frontier forts in Syria— an enclosed built palaces in cities, with private dwelling houses
courtyard fortified with towers along the walls and clustered around them. These houses were very
entered through a single gate. Around the court- large, sometimes consisting of as many as 50
yard were arranged various facilities: a throne rooms, with lavish baths, pillared halls and under-
room, a reception room, living quarters, a prayer ground rooms to keep the occupants cool in the

hall, a guardhouse and storerooms. torrid heat of summer.

These castles were built on large estates that Despite the impressive buildings they erected,
sometimes included large bathhouses, which were Muslims were generally less interested in structural

often beautifully decorated. One such building had form than they were in surface decoration. They
an exquisite stone-mosaic floor showing a tree in had a passion for covering every possible surface
many shades of color, with two gazelles grazing with some kind of ornamentation: tiles, glass, mo-
beneath it and a third being attacked by a lion. saics, glazed brick, wall paintings, wood paneling.

There were also isolated hunting lodges; in one of They carved countless low-relief patterns in plaster

these the walls were covered with mural paint- and stucco, taking advantage of the brilliant sun-

ings of everything from scenes of daily life to nude shine of their latitudes to accentuate vivid contrasts

women and signs of the zodiac. of light and shadow.

The Abbasids followed the basic architectural The most striking aspect of Islamic religious

decoration was that its designs were abstract rather
than representational. In this the Arabs were un-
doubtedly influenced by their love of the geomet-
rical abstractions of mathematics and astronomy.
But the tendency was accelerated in the Eighth
Century when all human and animal figures were
banned from religious art, in accord with a deep-

seated fear of idolatry.

This prohibition on figural representation is be-
lieved to stem back to the Prophet himself. Al-
though no verse in the Koran specifically forbade

Muslims to depict living figures, the injunction

was voiced in a tradition attributed to his young
wife, A'isha. Muhammad is said to have found her
making a pillow with a picture on it, and he re-

monstrated, "Don't you know that angels refuse to

enter a house in which there is a picture? On the
Last Day makers of pictures will be punished, for
God will say to them: 'Give life to that which you
have created.'
With this restriction imposed on them, Muslim
artists turned instead toward decorative designs.
Among the forms from which abstract patterns
evolved were Byzantine motifs such as plants and
trees. The Persians, on the other hand, had been
especially fond of depicting animals: birds, pea-
cocks, lions, antelopes, gazelles, hunting dogs and
fantastic creatures such as griffins and dragons.
Out of these forms, Muslims developed intricate

imaginative patterns that sometimes bordered on

the bizarre, as when plant motifs were interwoven
A PREDATORY HAWK attacks a duck in a handsome stucco relief from
Persia. Despite the Muslim ban on figural representation, Persian artists
with animal bodies.
who embraced Islam continued their long tradition of depicting animals. Perhaps the best-known design was the ara-

besque. From Byzantium the Muslims had inher-

ited the classical ornament of the acanthus plant's

curving leaf but, characteristically, they stylized it

until they achieved a purely abstract design. It ap-

peared in an endless variety of shapes and forms;
sometimes the emphasis was on the stalk, some-
times on the leaf, the line bending in undulating


movements or curving in spirals. But whatever as-

pect it took the distinguishing characteristic was

the constant repetition of the basic pattern. Adapt-
able to any surface, the arabesque ornamented ev-
erything from small objects, like metal boxes, to
friezes, borders and even entire walls. The frequen-
cy with which it appeared indicates that it must
have been highly pleasing to Muslims, both esthet-
ically and emotionally.
Less well known in the West than the arabesque,
but even more esteemed by Muslims, was calligra-
phy, the art of elegant writing. The calligrapher
was honored above other artists, as nothing could
be worthier than to write the Word of God. And
since Arabic was the sacred language— the one in

which God had revealed His message to Muham-

mad—the writing of the Word in Arabic was con-
sidered the highest form of decoration. Verses of
the Koran, rendered in magnificent script, adorned
the walls of mosques; secular objects, including
textiles, ceramics and metal works, also bore in-
scriptions of worldly wisdom, Koranic phrases and But under the Abbasids, painting was influenced
words of praise in honor of the person for whom primarily by the formal style that had developed
the object was made. in pre-Islamic Persia; this tended toward the styl-
While arabesques and calligraphy were extensive- ized and symbolic rather than the realistic. The
ly used on religious buildings, other forms of or- physical type of figures represented in these paint-
namentation were found in secular structures. De- ings clearly reflected an Eastern influence: the face

spite the religious ban on figural representation, was characteristically round, with thick features

paintings of both humans and animals were popu- and enormous, slanting eyes; the hair was black
lar; generally they appeared in private places like and straight, falling to the shoulders, and the body
bathhouses, the harems where the women lived, was fleshy.

and the living quarters of the ruling classes. Fig- In their homes, Muslims considered decoration
ural designs were also incorporated into carpets more important than furnishings. Most dwellings,
and pillows; here they were generally acceptable in fact, had virtually no furniture as we know it. In

because of their less honored position, as these Arab style, the people walked on floors ornamented
articles were stepped or leaned upon. with mosaics, and sat and ate on beautifully woven
In the Umayyad era most of this representation- carpets, leaning against pillows. The only breaks in

al painting was naturalistic, due to a lingering the richly patterned walls were niches used for
Hellenistic influence, and depicted various subjects holding books and treasured possessions.
of court life, animals in combat and hunting scenes. Among the most varied and versatile objects

A GOLD-EMBROIDERED CAPE, showing lions attacking camels, was
worn by a Norman, Roger II, luhen he was crowned King of Sic-
ily. It was made at Palermo's Muslim textile works, which flour-
ished long after the Normans wrested the isle from Islam in 1091.

Eventually this highly valued technique was passed

to the West through Muslim Spain.
Luster finish was used extensively on tiles, an-
other popular form of Muslim ornamentation.
Tiles were especially favored by the Seljuk Turks,
who first used them to decorate the lower portion
of walls in mosques, and later to cover entire walls
and ceilings. These tiles had many exquisite pat-
terns painted on them— scrolls, leaves, flowers,

arabesques and lettering; at times they appeared in

gold luster against a white background, occasion-
ally they were outlined in dark blue or turquoise.
Among other so-called minor arts, Muslim glass

was especially renowned for its elaborately cut

surface designs, animal figures and lettering. Rock

crystal, a Muslim specialty, was carved into per-

fume vials, beakers and even ewers; handsome

chessmen were also made of rock crystal and ivory.

In metalwork, Muslim craftsmen produced elabo-

rate boxes, basins, bowls, jugs and incense burners

covered with arabesques, inscriptions and figures;
found in Islamic homes were ceramics, an art form these artisans specialized in brass and bronze, lux-

in which Muslims achieved particular excellence. uriously inlaid with gold, silver and copper. Also

At first these were simple and merely functional famous throughout the world were Islamic textiles,

vessels, but in the Ninth Century exquisite Chi- especially silks; these rich fabrics were celebrated

nese pottery was imported into Baghdad, inspir- for their texture, colors and patterns, which in-

ing the Muslims to equal it. Lacking the right kind cluded calligraphy and, to a lesser extent, human,
of clay, the Muslims never discovered the secret of animal and mythical figures.
the Chinese porcelain makers, but they did produce Such figures were also found in manuscript il-

ceramics of great beauty. Designed for practical luminations, one of the best-known forms of Mus-
purposes, these objects were made in many forms lim art. These charming miniatures were used only
—plates, vases, jugs, candlesticks— and decorated to illustrate secular manuscripts. The earlier illu-

with stylized human and animal figures, inscrip- minations accompanied translations of Greek sci-

tions and other motifs. entific works into Arabic; one medical book shows
In ceramics, Islam gained its greatest fame from pictures of plants, as well as teachers and students

its distinctive luster-painted ware, made by a secret discussing the merits of herbs they are seen hold-

process believed to have been developed in Iraq in ing. Other illuminations, found in books of fables,

the Ninth Century. An object was first shaped, portray jackals, lions and ravens. These miniatures

glazed and fired, then coated with metal oxides that were painted in brilliant colors, sometimes against
after a second firing assumed a soft, metallic sheen. backgrounds of gold. From the comparative sim-

plicity of these earlier Arabic manuscripts, minia- A youth's impetuous sword,

ture painting in Persia ultimately developed into not a husband's wiles.

a very sophisticated art in which figures in court Uncouth slim tribesmen I love,

scenes, hunts and battles move against ornate, not corpulent men.

panoramic backgrounds.
For a while poets living in cities were haunted
Although its achievements in architecture and by the nostalgia of desert life, but eventually Arab
other visual arts were notable, Islam's most origi- poetry broke with many of its former traditions
nal creative expression was in literature. In other and their limitations. During the Abbasid reign in

cultural areas it synthesized many elements foreign Baghdad, poetry, like art and architecture, came
to its primitive origins, but in poetry and prose it in contact with the products of ancient civilizations
grafted new elements onto a sturdy Arabian root. whose thought and culture permeated the Near
Islamic literature began with the Bedouin poets East— Greek rationalism, Indian philosophy, Per-
who developed the Arabic language into a supple sian court literature. All of these influences helped

and expressive literary instrument. To these early widen the poet's range. Verses of wit and pleasure
Arabs, poetry consisted of measured speech in became popular at the caliph's court, and a poet's

which meter and identical rhyme were vital. Along skill brought him vast rewards in gold and praise.

with this restriction in form, the poet was re- Two poets recognized as technically outstanding
stricted in content. The qasida, or ode, was pri- during the Abbasid reign were Abu Nuwas, who
marily designed to praise the poet himself, his pa- lived in the Ninth Century, and Mutanabbi, who
tron or tribe, and to satirize opponents. But it lived in the Tenth Century. The former is best

could also treat other subjects, such as moral and known for poems of love and verses singing the

ethical themes, or vivid descriptions of nature. praises of wine, in which he is brilliantly witty
With the spread of Islam beyond Arabia, poetry and cynical as he portrays the manners and mores
reflected the transformation of the society. The of the court. Mutanabbi, though he earned his liveli-

transition from a nomadic life to an urban existence hood by praising the virtues of his patrons, is also

is vividly evoked in plaintive lines attributed to renowned for stinging, satirical poems directed at

Maysun, the Bedouin wife of Mu'awiya, the first his enemies. The following lines he loosed against
of the Umayyad caliphs: the Abyssinian who ruled Egypt:

/ saw what I hoped never to see alive.

Breeze-flowing tents I prefer The dog that fouled me pampered and well fed.

to ponderous halls The black king in plumes, the good men dead.

And desert dress

In style, the content of Islamic poetry was sub-
to diaphanous veils.
ordinate to form; the poet was supposed to be a
A crust I'd eat in the awning's shade,
brilliant technician, preoccupied with the beauty
not rolls,

And watched by a dog that harks of his verse. Moral values, sincerity or consistency

not a cat that smiles, were not required; indeed, a noted Ninth Century
I'd sleep to the wind's tune, critic named Qudama saw nothing amiss in a poet

not to the tambourine. contradicting himself in two different works, as

long as he achieved perfection of form in each.
("On the contrary," he stated, "this better displays
the poet's mastery of his art.")

Further, overall construction was considered less

important than the perfection of the single line,

which was supposed to stand independently, as if

isolated from the rest of the poem. Such a limited

view of perfection, it might be supposed, could

easily lead to an obsession with how things were
said rather than what was said. Nevertheless, at its

best Arabic poetry produced fusions of content and

form that gave it intellectual as well as esthetic

Among Islam's most brilliant poets was Ma'arri,

one of the few of medieval times to speak without
reference to religious dogma. Jailed, as he said,
in the triple prison of blindness, "confinement to

my house, and this vile body for my spirit's dwell-

ing," he expressed a profound pessimism. He be-
THE CHANGING ART OF WRITING is revealed in three fragrttents from rare manuscripts
The characters at top, written in the Eighth Century, illustrate the
lieved in God but not in the resurrection of the
of the Koran.
early, formal script known as Kufic, whose simple forms were easily drawn on parch- soul; thus, he proclaimed, death was the end, bring-
ment or inscribed in stone. The middle panel is a more condensed Ninth Century ing deliverance from the miseries of the world. Be-
style known as "gliding Kufic." The bottom one, done in the 14th Century, displays
cause of this philosophy, he believed that giving
the flowery, cursive style called "thuluth"; it is more easily done with pen on paper,
and so closely resembles today's printed style that any literate Arab can read it.
life to a child was a sin, and consequently he nev-
er married; he alluded to this in a couplet that he
asked to have engraved on his tomb.
This wrong was by my father done

To me, but ne'er by me to one.

He also expressed the same bleak attitude toward

life and death in the following morbid passage:

This world resembles a cadaver,

and we around it dogs that bark;
And who eats from it is the loser;
he who abstains takes the better part.
And certain is a dawn disaster
to him unwaylaid in the dark.

Whereas poetry had begun with the pre-Islamic

Arabs, prose had its beginning with the Koran.
Through this greatest— and inimitable— work, the

Arabic language developed into a powerful and ef- wine and love songs, but they enriched them with
fective mode of expression. Because of the wide their own repertory of evocative images. One of
range of subjects covered, the Koran was obliged to the most famous of these was the Rubaiyat of
free itself from the rigid rules that governed poetry; Omar Khayyam, well known to the West through
content was more important than form. With the Edward Fitzgerald's brilliant adaptation.

spread of Islam, and the dissemination of the Koran The Persians also introduced new forms into
as the Word of God, Arabic became the official Islamic literature, among them the epic poem. But
language of the empire— not only of religion and they reached their height of excellence in mystical
government but of literature as well. poetry, especially that of the Sufis. The greatest
At first Arabic prose writers were limited in Sufi poet was Jalal al-Din Rumi, who founded
their work to translations of Persian court litera- the monastic order of the Mevlevi, or Whirling
ture, primarily treatises on manners— manuals con- Dervishes, who through ecstatic dances hoped to

taining information a polished gentleman might reach communication with God. Rumi's monumen-
need— but they soon developed their own prose tal religious poem, the Masnavi, a work dealing
style of writing. Not until the Ninth Century, how- with Sufi mysticism, fills six volumes and is con-
ever, did the language attain precision of expres- sidered by some Persians as "the Persian Koran."
sion, becoming a smooth and flexible instrument The Muslim literary work that had the widest
for the discussion of varied subjects such as ethics, and most lasting influence outside of Islam itself

politics and history. Because of this wide range was Alf Layla wa Layla, or A Thousand and One
of interests and its greater flexibility, prose re- Nights, often known as The Arabian Nights. The
placed poetry in recording the history and tradi- technical perfection of form sought by Islamic
tions of the people. From the Tenth Century on, purists is absent from the prose and poetry in
poetry was limited to an esthetic role. which this great popular work is written. Yet its

In the field of pure literature, there appeared a brisk, colloquial language is used to tell stories with
new form in the late Tenth Century— the Maqamat, a narrative skill that any novelist might envy. The
a collection of anecdotes usually centered on the stories of The Arabian Nights evoke better than
person of a witty vagabond who wandered from any other record life as it was lived in cities such

place to place, earning his living by performing for as Baghdad, Basra and Cairo between the Ninth
appreciative people. These narratives had historical and 16th Centuries. No one author wrote this great

as well as literary importance, leaving posterity work; the tales represented a variety of origins and
an invaluable social document of life in medieval types, among them Indian and Persian fairy tales,

Islam. But in pure prose, as in poetry, the major Arab legends and romances, Egyptian love stories

concern was for technical excellence, often at the and anecdotes. Through centuries of repetition

cost of content. In the Maqamat, the subject mat- and compilation, however, all of these facets even-

ter was considered less important than the treat- tually merged to reflect Muslim values and ideals.

ment; content here was, again, secondary to form. This famous book is, in a sense, representative

Most of the literature of Islam had been in of all Muslim art— an art that gathered and blend-
Arabic, but in the 11th Century there was an ed existing patterns into new forms, glowing colors
awakening of interest in the Persian language. and exquisite shapes, emerging from its synthesis

Persian authors developed traditional themes in as a unique expression of the Islamic world.

A BRONZE DOOR KNOCKER, in the form of two writhing dragons, probably graced a palace gate in Iraq.


Muslim theologians regarded the representation of humans or animals as a grave

sin. The artist who pictured a living creature, they declared, was vying with God
as a creator of actual beings. Although many Islamic artists ignored the ban and

depicted animals, men and even the Prophet himself, especially in later centuries,
most turned their talents instead to pure decoration and to fashioning functional

objects for daily use. Craftsmen created bowls, boxes, pitchers, vases and lamps,
working in traditional forms with only slight changes over the centuries. Often
these objects were so treasured that they were not used at all, but were displayed

in wall niches. They were also given as presents on special occasions, sometimes

inscribed by the donor with good wishes or with phrases from the Koran.
Though some pieces commanded small fortunes, the wares of the empire were
not limited to the wealthy, but were sold in great profusion in Islam's bazaars.
Practical pottery and civilized refinements

A STORAGE JAR, made in 11th or 12th Century Syria to hold dried

fruit, grain or pickled foods, is the sort of everyday piece that

was produced in great cfuantities arid sold from stalls in bazaars.

A ROSE-WATER SPRINKLER of Persian design harks back to the days

when etiquette required men to scent their beards before dining.
The rose was the Muslims' favorite flower, and rose water was
also used to perfume clothes and carpets and even to flavor foods.

A GOLD PENDANT made in Egypt (right), the center-

piece of a necklace, is bordered by stylized snakes.

Such necklaces were often given as marriage gifts.

AN IVORY BOX, made in Moorish Spain in the llti

Century, is intricately carved with animals, scrip)

and foliage. The inscription around the lid wishet

its owner peace, prosperity, health and good luck.

A BRONZE KNIFE used in Egypt is adorned with magic symbols on

the handle. The blade, inscribed with a verse from the Koran, was
placed against the afflicted part of a sick person to make him well.

A GOLD BRACELET from Persia is studded with cones of twisted

wire. Women could wear such jewelry without risk of public cen-
sure, but the strictest Muslim traditions forbade men to bedeck
themselves in gold because the Prophet disapproved of the metal.
Objects to cure the afflicted

and to delight the rich

AN ORNATE BOWL made in 13th Century Persia depicts a prince seated on a throne
surrounded by nobles. A ceramic piece like this might be the result of the com-
bined efforts of a potter and a painter. Extremely expensive, it was probably
made for an aristocrat or wealthy merchant and was intended only for display. 115
AN IRIDESCENT BOTTLE from Persia (right) displays the hues it acquired from
centuries of burial in corrosive soil before it was excavated. Originally it was
more translucent and may have been used as a flower vase or a candlestick.


A BOWL FROM KASHAN, Persia's greatest ceramic cen-

ter, IS decorated with flowers and cursive script in pie-
shaped sections (right). Kashan potters constantly
sought to emulate fine porcelain that was imported
from China but they lacked the essential kaolin clay.

A BRONZE EWER has a spout in the shape of a crowing rooster. Since Arabs
ate with their fingers— property the thumb and first two fingers of the right
hand— they used such a pitcher and a basin to wash before and after meals.

Elegant utensils for the rituals of Muslim life

A CEREMONIAL OBJECT, wfiic?! is more than a foot long, has

a horselike animal for a handle and the phrase "The King-

dom belongs to Allah" inscribed in Arabic on its blade.

A BRASS INKPOT Was part of a scribe's writing equip-

ment. Muslims regarded calligraphy as the highest

art and lavished great care on all writing articles.

A secret strongbox, a graceful lantern

and a key to a sacred mosque

A COMBINATION SAFE, this small bronze cof-

fer, which was made in Persia in the 12th
Century, was opened by turning the four
dials. on its lid to the correct positions. Three
small figures guard the front of the coffer.

A SYRIAN GLASS LAMP (left) is adorned with
apictureofa mounted falconer. Lamps like

this were often filled halfway with water,

on which oil and a wick were floated. To
keep the wick from drifting, it was secured
in the center of the lamp by a small holder.

Modern man— dependent as he is on the drugs of
the chemist and the skills of the physician, on the
reckoning of the computer and the predictions of
the economic planner— owes more of a debt than he

might suspect to the Islamic scientists of the Mid-

dle Ages. Between the Ninth and 14th Centuries,
Muslim chemists, physicians, astronomers, mathe-
maticians, geographers and others not only kept
alive the disciplines of Greek science, but extended

6 their range, laying


Many scientific

gebra" to "zenith,"
and strengthening the founda-
on which much of modern science
terms with Arabic roots, from "al-
reflect to this

day Islam's ac-


THE SCIENTIST-PHILOSOPHERS tivity in fields where knowledge was widened and

human suffering decreased.
Islamic science did not concern itself only with
man's physical environment, but included a pene-
trating analysis of man as a spiritual being and
of the society in which he dwelt. Its fame was so
widespread that everyone in the West who had any
thirst for enlightenment turned to Islam, where the
spirit of inquiry was flourishing.
In the beginning the main magnet that drew
these scholars was the capital city of Baghdad.

There the Caliph Ma'mun, who ruled the empire

from 813 to 833, created the "House of Wisdom," a

famous center of learning that included a library,

a translation bureau and a school. According to

legend, Ma'mun was at first hesitant about build-

ing the center; like many of his contemporaries, he
was uneasy about applying reason to God's uni-
verse. But, so the story goes, one night the Caliph

had a dream in which the ghost of Aristotle ap-

peared to him and assured him that there was no
conflict between reason and religion; with this re-

assurance he ordered the center to be built.

Within 75 years after the establishment of the

House of Wisdom, the greatest thoughts of the

Greeks and other early peoples had been trans-
lated into Arabic, among them the chief philosoph-

ical books of Aristotle, some important works of

Plato, and major studies by Euclid, Ptolemy, Archi-
medes, and the celebrated Greek physicians, Hip-
A PLAN FOR AN IRRIGATOR, similar to machines actually used in Iraq, was pocrates, Dioscorides and Galen, as well as many
devised in the 13th Century by the Arab engineer Jazari. The donkey
important Persian and Indian scientific works.
turned an upright pole, which was connected to a series of geared wheels;
the wheels were linked to four water scoops (shown submerged) that, ris- Some of these manuscripts were part of the booty

ing in succession, emptied their contents into a canal in a continuous flow. seized by the Muslims when they conquered

Byzantium and Persia. Others were purposely sought a final manuscript that would have the greatest
out later. Ma'mun is said to have sent emissaries possible accuracy. Hunayn's work was so highly
as far as Constantinople to find Greek works and esteemed that he was said to have been paid by
bring them to Baghdad for rendering into Arabic. the Caliph a sum of gold equal to the weight of

From the House of Wisdom, zealous scholars the books he translated, indicating the value then

turned out a torrent of translations, inaugurating placed on scholarship. In addition to his transla-

their age's great voyage of intellectual discovery. tions, Hunayn alsoa large number of
One of the foremost of these scholars was Hunayn among them the earliest
medical works of his own,
ibn Ishaq, known primarily as the translator of known textbook on ophthalmology. The great com-
Galen's works. Born in the town of fiira in west- pilation and translation of knowledge accomplished
ern Persia, Hunayn studied medicine in Baghdad by Hunayn and his colleagues did much to lay the

under a physician who had trained at the famous groundwork of modern science, particularly in the

Persian medical school in Jundishapur which was field of medicine, as the works of these men were
to have a profound influence on the development later translated into Latin and made their way into
of Islamic medicine. One day, however, the eager the West, primarily through Sicily and Spain.
youth asked his master more questions than he The basis of all Islamic science was the Greek
cared to answer, and the physician expelled him, belief that underlying the apparent chaos in the

saying,"What have the people of Hira to do with universe was a fundamental order. This order was
medicine? Go and change money in the streets." said to be governed by universal laws that could
Hunayn departed in tears, but resolved more be understood by human reason; once these laws

than ever to pursue knowledge. He continued his were comprehended, all phenomena, no matter how
medical studies with other teachers, learned Greek unrelated they seemed, could readily be grasped.

and was employed by scholars to seek out Greek For example, in astronomy, if one knew the laws

manuscripts. Once he was ordered to find a lost that maintain the heavenly bodies in their posi-

work of Galen; his tenacity was so great that he tions, one could predict where any given star or

pursued the manuscript into Mesopotamia, Pales- planet would be many years in the future.

tine, Egypt and Syria. "Yet I was not able to find In Arabic, knowledge of the universe was called

aught save half of it at Damascus," he lamented. falsafa, a word based on the Greek philosophia,
Eventually Hunayn was made assistant to the literally, "love of knowledge." Falsafa was indeed

Caliph's personal physician, and from this post he a lofty conception of the world; like the Greek def-
was placed in charge of the House of Wisdom; inition of the term, it embraced all knowledge with-
there he supervised all translations, assisted by in the grasp of man, theoretical and practical alike.

his son, his nephew and some 90 other disciples. In its total approach to the world, falsafa included

He and his disciples went to extraordinary lengths as objects of study not only the physical and nat-

to produce reliable manuscripts. In some cases ural sciences but philosophy and many other non-
these works were first translated from Greek into religious disciplines as well.

Syriac, in which Hunayn was most proficient, and Thus, in an effort to understand the true nature

then rendered into Arabic by one of his assistants of the universe, scholars pursued more than one

who was especially gifted in that language; by this branch of learning. The scientist-philosopher was
painstaking procedure they attempted to produce not a narrow specialist, but was expert in such

varied fields as medicine, chemistry, astronomy,
mathematics, logic, metaphysics and even music
and poetry. Such men were relatively few in num-
ber, and usually had to depend on the patronage Emerging from the desert with little but keen

of a court or some rich person to carry on their

curiosity, the Arabs quickly adopted ideas and
techniques from older societies, and developed
endless studies, but their learned activity stimu-
many of their own. Today, the West is indebted
lated an intellectual ferment in the cities of the
to Islam for many scientific terms, among them:
Muslim world. As their fame spread, students trav-

eled from all over the empire to study under them ALCHEMY-/1L-K/M/Y/1
and absorb their vast knowledge. The medieval predecessor of chemical science

While learning was pursued for its own exalted

sake, its fruits often had practical applications in A finely grourtd cosmetic powder, later a term
daily life. Mathematics, for example, not only could for any highly refined or distilled substance

be used to work out complex problems of the cos-

mos, but also served the more ordinary needs of Literally, "the still"; a vessel used by alchemists
commerce and surveying. By the same token, as- —and today by chemists— for distilling liquids

tronomy was important to religion; it enabled Mus-

lims to know such vital things as the hours of The binding together of disorganized parts

prayer, the direction of Mecca, the moment of the

first appearance of the moon of Ramadan; in addi-
Saltwort ashes, used in making lye, soap, water
tion it helped guide travelers on land and sea.
Although the Muslims excelled in many branches AMAICAM-AL-MALCHAM
The various alloys of mercury, applied to al-
of science, some of their most significant contri-
chemy and the refining and gold
to of silver
butions were in medicine. Before the great intel-
lectual awakening, Arab medical knowledge had AZIMUJH-AL-SUMUT
An arc of the horizon used to reckon position
been largely limited to desert superstitions, includ-
ing the discerning use of magic, talismans and
A white, powdery mineral used since early times
protective prayers, and a few primitive remedies.
in soldering, cleaning and the making of glass
Among the latter was henna (a red dye still used
for coloring hair), commonly taken as a remedy for
An aromatic tree gum often used in liniments
gout. Honey was used for headaches and fever, and
the ashes of burned weeds were applied to wounds Literally, "empty": hence, nothingness or zero
to stop bleeding.
Starting in the Eighth Century, the Muslims
Agent for changing metals to gold: a cure-all
gradually developed a more sophisticated approach
to medicine. The main impetus came from the Per-
Opposite of zenith, that is, the lowest point
sian medical school at Jundishapur, whose teach-
ings were based primarily on the Greek practice of ZENITH-S/IMT
The upward direction: figuratively, the acme
treating disease by rational methods. According to

tradition, the contact between Jundishapur and

the rulers of Islam began in 765, not out of the meant about what it does today: rest, clean sur-
search for universal truth, and the immutable laws roundings and keeping the patient comfortable.
that would explain the mysteries of life, but due to While Razi knew nothing about bacteria, the

a more urgent and personal reason— a chronic in- theory of which was not to be discovered until the
digestion that plagued Mansur, the founder of early 17th Century, he had an intuitive sense of
Baghdad. The Caliph's own physicians had not hygienic principles far ahead of medieval stand-
been able to cure him; in despair, he invited the ards. To appreciate his insight, it must be remem-
chief physician of Jundishapur to come to Bagh- bered that he lived in a world where contamina-
dad and treat him. The physician, a Christian tion and filth were so common as to go almost
named Jurjis ibn Bakhtishu', succeeded in return- unnoticed, and infections and contagious diseases
ing the ruler to health where the others had failed, cut down millions. Against this unsanitary back-

and as a reward, he was appointed court physician. ground, he was once asked to choose the site for a

The grateful Caliph also invited Jurjis to embrace new hospital in Baghdad. To do so, he suspended
Islam and thus assure himself of going to Para- pieces of meat at various points around the city,
dise. But the physician refused, saying that when and at the location where the meat putrefied most
he died he preferred the company of his Christian slowly, he recommended building the hospital.
fathers— be they in Heaven or Hell. The crowning work of Razi's career was a monu-
Like Jurjis, most of Islam's early medical prac- mental encyclopedia in which he compiled Greek,
titioners were Persian-born, but they spoke and Syrian, Persian, Hindu and early Arabic knowl-
wrote Arabic, the language of scholarship during edge, as well as personal observations based on his
the Middle Ages. One of the most celebrated of own extensive clinical experience. This book of-
these Eastern physicians was Razi, who lived from fered striking insights for its time and had a wide
865 to 925. His stature was so great that his col- influence in shaping European medicine.
leagues called him "The Experienced." The finest Great as Razi was, he was at least equaled in
clinician of the age, he has been compared to Hip- stature by another Arabic-speaking Persian Mus-
pocrates for his originality in describing disease. lim, Ibn Sina, better known in the West by his

Razi, known in Europe by his Latin name, Rha- Latin name, Avicenna. Called "The Prince of Philoso-
zes, is said to have written more than 200 books, phers" by his contemporaries, he is still recognized
ranging in subject matter from medicine and al- as one of the great minds of all time. He lived

chemy to theology and astronomy. About half the from 980 to 1037, and wrote some 170 books on
books are on medicine, and include a well-known philosophy, medicine, mathematics and astronomy,
treatise on smallpox. In his discussion of smallpox, as well as poems and religious works. He is said to
Razi was the first to differentiate a specific disease have memorized the entire Koran when he was
from among many eruptive fevers that assailed only 10 years old, and at 18 he was personal physi-
man. By giving the clinical symptoms of smallpox, cian to the Sultan of Bukhara, in Turkestan.

he enabled doctors to diagnose it correctly and to Avicenna's most renowned achievement was the
predict the course of the disease. He also recom- Canon of Medicine, an encyclopedia that dealt

mended a treatment for the ailment that has been with virtually every phase of the treatment of dis-
little improved on since his time. He urged gentle ease. Probably no other medieval work of its kind
therapy— good diet and good nursing care, which was so widely studied; from the 12th to the 17th

Centuries it served as the chief guide to medical judge in Seville and Cordoba. In addition, Ibn
science in European universities. Consisting of five Rushd is known as one of the foremost interpret-
books, the work was so comprehensive in describ- ers of Aristotle; his commentaries on the Greek
ing the discoveries of others that the originaHty of thinker brought Aristotle to the attention of the
some of the author's own incisive observations West, helping shape European philosophic thought.
were often overlooked. Another Spanish-born physician who influenced
Ibn Sina is now credited with such personal con- Western ways was Ibn Maymun, a Jew known as
tributions as recognizing the contagious nature of Maimonides who served as court physician to Sala-

tuberculosis and describing certain skin diseases din, the Sultan of Egypt and Syria in the 12th
and psychological disorders. Among the latter was Century. Maimonides— who wrote on medicine,
love sickness, the effects of which were described theology, philosophy and astronomy— was as cele-
as loss of weight and strength, fever and various brated for his wisdom and humanity as for his vast

chronic ailments. The cure was quite simple, once scholarship. He wrote the famous— and still widely
the diagnosis was made— to have the sufferer united read— Guide for the Perplexed, a philosophical study
with the one he or she was pining for. Ibn Sina that harmonized religious thought with Aristotle's

also observed that certain diseases can be spread scientific teachings. Included in his medical works
by water and soil, an advanced view for his time. are commentaries on Galen and Hippocrates, as
Outside the realm of pure medicine, he invented well as his own observations, primarily related to
a scalelike precision device that helped to im- diet and personal hygiene.
prove the accuracy of instruments used for meas- Islamic physicians also helped develop the science
uring angles and short lengths. He also made many of surgery, although it was considered a minor
investigations in the realm of physics, helping branch of medicine. This art had been largely neg-
to lay the foundations of the experimental sci- lected until the Spanish-born physician Abulcasis
ence that was to develop in the 16th and 17th Cen- wrote about it in the 10th Century. Most of his
turies. Ibn Sina died at 58, after treating himself work was based on that of the Greek, Paul of Aegi-

unsuccessfully for an illness; his enemies, jealous na, and contained illustrations of various surgical

of his vast knowledge and great fame, maliciously instruments and procedures.
observed that his medicine could not save his body, Muslim physicians performed many remarkably
nor his metaphysics his soul. complex operations for their time, including cranial

While scholars like Ibn Sina and Razi furthered and vascular surgery and operations for cancer.
Islamic medicine in the East, other great physician- Avicenna gave them advice on the treatment of the
philosophers arose in the Western reaches of the latter disease that would still be timely today— to
empire. Among them was the brilliant Spanish minister to it in its earliest stage, and to remove all

physician, Ibn Rushd, also known by his Latin of the diseased tissue as the only hope of cure.
name, Averroes. A man of broad interests like his Other operations included delicate abdominal sur-
fellow scientists, Ibn Rushd studied and wrote on gery, involving the use of drainage tubes, and the

medicine, philosophy, law and astronomy. His tal- amputation of diseased arms and legs.

ents were varied enough so that he was not only For these operations various anesthetics were
chief physician to Abu Yaqub Yusuf, a Berber who administered to render patients unconscious; among
ruled Spain from 1163 to 1184, but also served as a them was opium, which was sometimes made more
potent by mixing it with wine. Other strong drugs
are also beheved to have been used, but their exact
nature and method of use is uncertain. One al-

chemist claimed that he had invented an anesthetic

that knocked a patient out for seven days; he con-
sidered it so dangerous that he took its secret with

him to the grave.

Before a man could practice surgery, he had to

have special training and pass tests on his knowl-

edge of anatomy and Galen's writings. In addition,
specialists were required to have extensive informa-
tion about the particular area in which they prac-
ticed. Ophthalmologists, for example, had to under-
go an examination about their detailed knowledge
of the eye, as well as be able to mix certain
compounds to treat various eye ailments. Islamic
physicians were especially skilled in treating eye
diseases, perhaps because such ailments were so
widespread in the Middle East. They wrote text-

books on ophthalmology, and invented an ingenious

TOOL OF SCIENTIST AND SEER, this 13th Century Yemeni astro-
method of operating on soft cataract of the eye,
labe was used primarily to study movements of the planets,
using a tube to suck out the fluid that filled the
essential to casting the horoscopes consulted by camel drivers
capsule of the eye lens; this method was used for and caliphs alike. By aligning a pointer on the instrument with

several centuries before it was replaced by more the sun, the user could measure latitude or tell the time of day.

modern techniques.
In the treatment of other sickness with drugs,
the Muslims were equally progressive. Most Islam-
ic physicians prepared their own compounds, but
Baghdad had pharmacies that filled prescriptions

much as present-day drugstores do. These pharma-

cies sold a wide range of remedies made from ani-
mal and plant products and even more sophisticated
inorganic compounds like copper sulphate, which
acted as a styptic to help heal open lesions by draw-
ing the tissues together.
Drugs were considered so important— and often
so dangerous— that they were carefully supervised
by an inspector; this official kept a wary eye on
the medicines and how they were mixed, even mak-
ing sure that the jars in which they were stored

were kept clean. A druggist could never be sure minor injuries, while patients with more serious
when the inspector might drop in unexpectedly; he complaints were admitted to a ward.
was as likely to do so unannounced at night as dur- One of the most important parts of an Islamic
ing the day. Despite this supervision, there was hospital was its dispensary, which provided vir-
considerable fraud in the preparation and sales of tually every kind of remedy then known. Hospitals
drugs; cheap, ineffective remedies were often sub- also had their own medical libraries for the use of
stituted for expensive products, or drugs were doctors and their students. Physicians visited their
made impotent by dilution with worthless com- patients and prescribed medications. In the 11th
pounds. When the inspector caught a druggist Century, traveling clinics appeared, to serve areas

committing such offenses, the penalties were stiff, beyond the hospitals' reach. These were moved
ranging from heavy fines to more drastic punish- from place to place on the backs of camels, and
ments, such as beating the soles of the unscrupu- were generally run by one or more doctors. When
lous pharmacist's feet. they stopped in a village or remote spot, they
Islamic rulers also required that physicians be erected a tent, examined the sick and dispensed the
licensed in order to practice. In 931 a luckless citi- necessary medications. These mobile clinics were
zen of Baghdad died after a doctor made a mistake also used in time of epidemics when hospitals were
in treating him, and the Caliph Muqtadir ordered filled to overflowing.
that all practitioners of medicine be examined by While Islamic scholars made major contributions
his court physician, Sinan ibn Thabit. In the first in medicine, they also made brilliant progress in
year some 860 physicians took the test. However, laying the foundations on which modern chemistry
the standards apparently were not too strict: one arose. Many laboratory terms and techniques grew
old man pleaded to be allowed to keep practicing to out of the medieval passion for alchemy, the eternal
earn a living, although he freely admitted his lack of quest to change base metals into gold, which in-
professional training. Sinan felt sorry for the old flamed some of the finest minds of the day. The
fellow and granted him permission to continue, as most famous early Muslim practitioner was Jabir
long as he did not prescribe bloodletting or harsh ibn Hayyan, court alchemist to the Caliph Harun.
purgative drugs. He believed, in effect, that all compounds were
Doctors who were found qualified to practice basically composed of mercury combined with sul-

treated many of their patients in hospitals much as phur, differing only in their "varieties of sulphur
modern physicians do. As early as the start of the . . . caused by a variation in the soils and in their

Ninth Century, Baghdad had its first hospital, prob- situations with regard to the heat of the sun."

ably copied from the one connected with the medi- Like their medieval contemporaries in Europe,
cal school at Jundishapur. Soon other hospitals Jabir and other alchemists searched constantly for

began to spring up, and before long records indicate the so-called "philosopher's stone," the substance
that there were 34 throughout the Muslim world. believed capable of transmuting one metal into

Some of these hospitals must have been surprising- another— meaning into gold and silver. The theories

ly modern; in the larger cities they had different they proposed dominated men's hopes for centuries
wards for the treatment of different illnesses, and and consumed innumerable hours of talent and la-

special quarters for the insane. They also had out- bor. Many years after Jabir's death, according to
patient departments for the immediate treatment of legend, a lump of real gold was found lying in a

mortar in the ruins of his laboratory in Kufa, keep- medicine, the Islamic world did much to advance
ing alive the wistful dream that men could manu- the science of mathematics. In this discipline, as in
facture the precious metal. others, Muslims displayed their genius for borrow-
Along with his efforts to produce gold, Jabir ing ideas, particularly from India and Greece, and
conducted many other investigations that helped developing and refining them before passing them
bring about an understanding of how substances along to the West. From the Hindus they took three
combine to form compounds. He discovered new of mathematics' most basic tools: the so-called
techniques for refining metals, preparing steel, dye- "Arabic" numerals, which they popularized, the
ing cloth and leather, distilling vinegar to form decimal system and the concept of zero. Among
acetic acid, and using manganese dioxide in the man- other things, these innovations made it possible to
ufacture of glass. Jabir was also able to crystallize deal in large numbers in an efficient way, far more
some compounds, thereby obtaining them in pure so than with the cumbersome methods that they
form; this made possible more effective chemical replaced; previously numbers had been expressed
investigation, which depends on the purity of the either with full words or alphabetical letters.

compounds. Along with the techniques he devel- In the modern world it is hard to imagine a num-
oped, many terms passed from Jabir's Arabic into ber system without zero. Lacking it, the entire con-
European languages, among them alkali and an- cept of abstract mathematics would be impossible,
timony, alembic and aludel. as it enables us to express the difference between
After Jabir's death, other Muslim scientists car- two equal quantities, as 2— 2= 0; it is also essential

ried his investigations forward, often making con- to many other sciences, including physics, chemis-
tributions of their own. One of his noted followers try and astronomy. Islamic scholars represented
was the great physician Razi, who was as famous the concept of zero with a dot, or a small circle.

for his achievements in alchemy as in medicine. Of Their word for this circle was sifr, meaning an emp-
the 12 books Razi wrote on alchemy, the best ty object. When translated into Latin it became
known is The Book of the Secret of Secrets. De- zephyrum, and later, in Italian, zero. The English
spite its provocative title, with the implied prom- language retained it as zero, and also kept the orig-

ise of unraveling the mysteries of the universe, it inal Arabic word sifr, as "cipher."

is primarily a straightforward exposition of the Islamic scholars were so intrigued with numbers
chemical composition of many mineral substances. that they spent hours trying to stump one another
Razi not only outlined the chemicals and equip- with difficult mathematical puzzles, some of which
ment needed in a medieval alchemy laboratory, but are still worked by mathematicians today. For their

in an orderly and rational manner categorized sub- amusement, they also contrived "magic boxes,"
stances under the major headings of animal, min- grids containing numbers that added up to the
eral or vegetable, a classification still in use today. same sum horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

The typical chemical apparatus used and described With their love of numbers and abstractions, it

by Razi— including beakers, flasks, vials and glass was almost inevitable that Islamic scholars would
crystallization dishes— continued to be standard be attracted to the serious study of more advanced
equipment for centuries and, with some improve- mathematics. And, indeed, they took the elementary
ments, is found in chemical laboratories today. algebra of the Greeks and Hindus and developed
Along with its contributions in chemistry and it to a high level of sophistication. Algebra was

especially fascinating to Khwarizmi, Islam's most to guide their steps on journeys across the sandy
outstanding mathematician; early in the Ninth Cen- wastes; some of these star names are still in use
tury he wrote the first readily understandable text- today, among them "Algol," "Betelgeuse" and
book on the subject. He called his work Hisab al- "Vega." But it was not until the beginning of the

Jabr wa'l-Muqabala, meaning, roughly, "the art of Eighth Century that the Muslims had any scien-
bringing together unknowns to match a known tific understanding of the heavens. Their interest
quantity." The modern term algebra comes directly was aroused when the Caliph Harun al-Rashid had
from al-jabr, whose literal translation is "the bring- the Greek astronomer Ptolemy's great work, the
ing together of separate parts" (to the Muslims it Almagest, translated. In 830 the Caliph Ma'mun
also meant a bonesetter, one who brought together had an observatory built in Baghdad in association

broken bones). Khwarizmi's book was translated with the House of Wisdom. There Islamic scholars
into Latin in the 12th Century, introducing algebra made observations, verifying many of Ptolemy's
into Europe and serving as the principal mathemat- findings and discovering new stars on their own.
ics textbook there until the 16th Century. Probably the most important instrument Muslim
Muslims also helped to develop and transmit to astronomers used was the astrolabe, a device they
Europe other complex mathematical forms, includ- borrowed from the Greeks. Known to them as "the
ing plane geometry and plane and spherical trigo- mathematical jewel," it was essentially a flat disc,

nometry, whose concepts they also are believed to usually made of brass, and came in various sizes

have taken from the Greeks. These studies enabled from portable models some two inches in diameter
them to solve intricate equations and were equally to large stationary models a foot or more across.

useful in simple daily tasks; they were applied to Regardless of size, the circumference was marked
such varied functions as computing the distance off in degrees, and swinging on a pivot from the
of a star or the speed of a falling body, to measur- center was a pointer called an alidad. The astro-

ing a field or how much corn a granary would hold. labe was suspended by a tiny ring at the top and
One field in which mathematics played a prom- the pointer was aimed at a distant object, such as
inent role was optics. The master of this branch a star. The pointer thus formed an angle with a
of science was Alhazen, a Persian who lived in the horizontal line on the astrolabe, and by measuring
10th Century. Until his time it was commonly be- the number of degrees in the angle it was possible
lieved that the eyes emitted rays that struck on to determine the height of the star or other object
objects, enabling people to see. But his researches, being measured. Astrolabes were also used in com-
which made use of the geometry of his day, proved puting the position of stars and the movement of
that vision results from rays passing from objects the planets as well as to tell time. Like so many
into the eye. This is the principle on which the other Greek inventions, the astrolabe was intro-

modern science of optics is based, and Alhazen is duced into Europe by the Muslims, although it was
known as its father. eventually discarded because of its lack of preci-

Probably Islam's most significant application of sion and replaced by the quadrant and the sextant.

mathematics was in astronomy. The Arabs had tak- Despite the astrolabe's limitations, Muslim sci-

en a keen interest in the planets and stars since entists obtained some remarkably accurate readings
their desert days. Like many primitive peoples they with it, even managing to measure the size of the
had given the heavenly bodies names, using them earth. Like all learned men of their time, Muslim
scholars generally believed that the world was a Ibn Khaldun's fame rests on his classic Muqad-
sphere; by measuring a terrestrial degree they de- dima, the introduction to a comprehensive history
duced a fair approximation of the circumference he wrote about the Arabs. In it he presented the
and diameter of the earth. A few scholars, far first theory of historical development to take cog-
ahead of their time, even postulated what then nizance of the many factors that influence human
seemed the highly unlikely theory that the earth events— the relentless physical facts of climate, ge-

rotated on its own axis, although more conserva- ography and economy, as well as the moral and
tive scientists rejected this concept. spiritual forces that guide man's destiny. Like other
As astronomers charted the stars to gain new great Muslim thinkers, Ibn Khaldun combined his

knowledge about the universe, other scholars began scholarship with political activity. He traveled

to map earthly landmarks to guide man's steps. widely, acting as secretary to several princes and
Because the Islamic empire was so vast, the gov- serving as an ambassador at courts in Spain and
ernment compiled guide books that contained a list- Africa. His participation in the turbulent politics of

ing of roads and the names and locations of towns these regions helped prepare him for the penetrating

and the distances between them. Knowledge grew observations that mark his classic work.
rapidly as the reports of merchants returning from Seeing the gradual and painful decline of the Is-

journeys aroused interest in distant lands and peo- lamic world in the 14th Century, he raised with
ples. The earliest Islamic description of China and personal urgency the disturbing question of what
India appeared in 851; the first Muslim travelers strengthens and what weakens human societies.
went to Russia in 921 and wrote colorful reports One of his theses was that when human beings
of their experiences. One of the most gifted ob- have group loyalties, a strong state can be built.

servers was the scientist Biruni, who went to In- This form of loyalty, he wrote, is in one sense akin
dia in the 11th Century and wrote a monumental to patriotism but can equally be the bond of an
book about that country, describing in detail every- idea or an ideal; when intense it could enable a

thing from its terrain to "Siamese" twins he had state to become strong and creative but usually it

seen there. Other Muslim geographers worked with was eroded by second or third generation selfish-

astronomers to execute a composite map of the ness and a liking for luxury. Such a state, having
skies and the earth, which was to help convince lost its vital group loyalty and cohesion, was then
educated Europeans that the world was round. overthrown by some new, external force that pos-
While Muslim scholarship had an impact on vir- sessed a greater solidarity.

tually every field of science, it probably reached a Although the Muqaddima was rooted in the ex-

climax in the work of a single historian, Ibn Khal- perience of a Muslim living in the medieval world,

dun, who was the first to examine society scien- Ibn Khaldun filled his masterpiece with insights

tifically. Ibn Khaldun is considered the greatest his- relevant not only to his own time but to later times
torical philosopher that Islam produced, and, in- as well. What gave it a sad irony was that its au-

deed, one of the greatest of all time. He did not thor was diagnosing, with scholarly detachment
merely document the events of the past, as his and brilliant clarity, the decline of his own society's

predecessors had done, but gave history a new di- culture— a culture that was soon to collapse— while
mension by trying to find rational laws to explain it setting a standard of scholarship that was to be

and the human behavior that shaped it. part of Islam's legacy to the West.

he Simurgh, found in inaccessible islands

and near the equator, is fearless beyond all other animals. He can carry

off exceedingly large animals like the elephant and the rhinoceros and

when he does, rocks quake and tremble. He builds his nest upon large trees.

In medieval days, encyclopedic accounts of the beasts, called bestiaries, were as
popular in the Islamic world as they were in Europe. Of the many such illu-

minated manuscripts, one of the most engaging is the Manafi' al-Hayawan

("The Uses of Animals"J now in New York's Morgan Library, an account of

many beasts and the medicines that could be extracted from them; it was com-
piled in the 11th Century by Ibn Bakhtishu', a physician to the Caliph in Bagh-

dad, and two centuries later was translated from Arabic into Persian and illus-

trated with 94 charming miniatures. The drawings and the text (translated

freely here), combine fact with folklore; the home remedies are hardly recom-
mended, and a few of the animals are fanciful. The "rhinoceros" (page 139),

includes elements of zebra and gnu, and, unhappily, no Simurgh (above) exists.
olves go about singly because they are so that the dog is misled; then she attacks the flock

ferocious and do not trust one another. For sleeping, and snatches away a sheep.

they lay themselves in a circle facing each other. A The flesh of a wolf, beaten in a mortar, and cooked

wolf cannot stand hunger. The female is more in the juice of celery and honey, then mixed with

wicked, more searching and courageous. She howls saffron, galangale and white pepper, a little bit of

until the shepherd's dog hears; then she goes toward each, and taken with the juice of mouse ear, is good

the harking of the dog. As the dog comes nearer, she for fever. A wolf's right eye, carried as a charm,

turns away and howls from another direction. will protect a person against the evil eye and spells.

/ all wild animals the lion is the strongest. Fearing no

other animal, he travels alone and not in groups. He does not attack women or children; he flees from nothing

as he does from a little ant. He is afraid of a white rooster and does no harm to a caravan in which a rooster

is found. He is quieted hy hearing a sweet musical voice; when he bathes himself he becomes so gentle that a

child might sit on him and lead him everywhere. The bone of his neck and spine is one solid piece; for this reason

i I
he cannot turn his neck. His bones contain no marrow. By rubbing or striking them together, one can produce

fire. When the lion scents the hunter he effaces his footprints behind him with the end of his tail. Lion's flesh

produces bad humors but it is good for paralysis. A lion's tooth tied on a child makes teething easier.


.n elephant lives three or four hundred years; the animals with

the longer tusks have a longer life. The elephant is afraid of a young pig and a horned ram hut he is an-

most of all by the gnat and the mouse. When an elephant is tired, people rub his feet with oil and

warm water and he gets well. One dram of his ivory is good for leprosy; a piece of an elephant's skin tied

on the body stops the ague; his fat relieves headaches when it is burned and the patient sits on the fumes.

he leopard is a fierce enemy of man, unmanageable and ferocious. He eats only of

his own game. When satiated, he sleeps for three days and three nights in succes-

sion; on the fourth day he wakes up with such a loud roar that other animals are

attracted to him. A sick leopard gets well by eating mice. His skin is tender and

if he is wounded it breaks with a slight stroke.

The flesh and fat of a leopard, boiled in the juice of olives, serve as a good salve for

the sores, abcesses and pimples that break out on the body; his blood is a preventive

liniment for all skin diseases. Three carats of leopard gall, mixed with liquid pitch

and drunk in hot water, cure the spleen disease and the yellowness of jaundice.

he bearcats like beasis of prey and grazes like cattle; VJhen struggling with an ox, the bear jumps on

he climbs trees backward and likes to be concealed the back of the ox, holds his horns with his paws,

andlive in caves. During the cold weather and winter and bites his shoulders until the ox falls. He fights

he stays in his den and never eats, but licks the palms with many other animals.

of his hands and feet until the weather grows warm; Bear bile with ground pepper restores the hair; with

by that time he has grown so fat that he can hardly honey it is serviceable for asthma, chills, liver and

come out of his hole. spleen troubles, and will improve the sight. If a man

The female keeps her young outdoors until they are puts the hair of the tail of a bear upon his ear, however

strong enough, then she carries them on her back much wine he drinks, he will never be intoxicated

up the big trees to feed them with fruit. The bear is so long as he keeps it there. If his right eye is dried

very annoying to the honey bees; he throws the hive and tied on a child, the child will not be afraid in

into the water, so as to drown the bees and eat the a dream; the left eye, tied to the arm, cures malaria.

honey. When sick he eats ants and becomes well. His tooth tied on a child makes teething easief.


' amels are revengeful and of a good memory; whenever they are

beaten they seek an opportunity to avenge themselves. They can see well in the night, and live nearly 80 years,

sometimes more. The camel does not like the company of a horse, as they always fight. His flesh is tough; it

cannot he easily digested and produces melancholia.

The brain of a female camel, dried and liquefied with vinegar, is good for epilepsy resulting from melancholia.

The hump of a camel, taken internally, is good for dysentery; and the milk is useful for dropsy and for trouble

of the liver and spleen. The shin bone, pounded small and with an admixture of water, exterminates mice

when placed in their holes; the melted marrow, taken with date wine four times, will help epilepsy and cure

diphtheria; the saliva, in vinegar, is given to an insane man who is as violent as an infuriated camel.

ne of the wonderful traits of the mountain goat is sign of Aries, he will have no fear and apprehension

that he leaps down from places that are at a height for one year, until the sun again reaches the sign of

of about a hundred spears, and stands on his horns. Aries. The dung, burned and applied to baldness,

Another wonder is the peculiarly perforated horn restores the hair; it is also good for burns, mange

through which he breathes; if the hole is stopped up, and the sores and accidental swellings that appear

so as not to let the air enter, he dies shortly thereafter. at the root of the ear; applied to the eye, it removes

The number of the joints of his horns corresponds cataracts. When the fat is applied to the body, the

to the number of the years of his age. sting of the scorpion and the bee do not cause any

If one half dram of the goat's bile is taken in the pain; the scorpion dies of its smell. If the hair is set on

juice of wild lettuce by a person when the sun is in the fire, insects and reptiles run away. Allah knows best.

.he rhinoceros is the rarest of all the animals of his kind, as the female bears

only one offspring during her lifetime. The rhinoceros hates the elephant and is not afraid of him. As soon

as he sees an elephant he runs toward him and, standing on his hind feet, he raises his forefeet and strikes at

the shoulder of the elephant with the horn, which he cannot pull out, and so he remains hanging to the

elephant until they both perish. The horn is about a cubit long, but stronger than the tusks of the elephant,

more pointed and harder, hence the blow is very effective. The usefulness of a rhinoceros is in his horn and

gall; if they are set on fire, the spell and evil eye are offset. He is fierce in reedy places but timorous elsewhere.

The civilization of Islam profoundly affected the
states and peoples that touched upon its borders.
Some were drawn by Islam's Five Pillars of religious

wisdom, some by its window on the lost world of

Hellenic thought, some by its customs and atti-

tudes, as richly and intricately patterned as a Per-

sian prayer rug. The influence of Islam took many

forms because Islam was many things— a religion,

a culture, a political system. Each of its neighbors

7 absorbed what it needed or was attracted

pending upon the conditions of
national character.
To the west, Islam influenced Europe through
its geography or
to, de-

FROM SPAIN TO SUMATRA three main areas of collision or contact. One was
in Spain, one in Sicily, and one in the Levant— where
Christianity's Holy Places were for almost 200 years

the targets of the Crusades. To the east, Islam con-

verted millions of Turkish-speaking tribesmen wan-
dering between the Caucasus and the Great Wall of
China, and through them eventually affected the
destinies of lands as distant from each other as In-

dia and the Balkans. In Africa, Muslim caravans

penetrated the Dark Continent deeply enough to es-
tablish a thriving Muslim university in the city of
Timbuktu by the 15th Century. Meanwhile, Mus-
lims engaged in seagoing trade carried Islamic cus-
toms across the Indian Ocean to Java and Malaya
and even to the Philippines.

The channels through which Islam reached its

neighbors were sometimes peaceful, but just as of-

ten its influence was a by-product of war. For every
scholar or merchant who planted the seeds of Is-

lamic civilization by precept and example, there

was a soldier for whom Islam was a call to battle.

Defensive warfare was explicitly enjoined on the
faithful by the Koran, and aggressive warfare was
popularly believed to be equally justified. Just as

Christians of the Middle Ages took up arms to ad-

vance the religion of Christ, so Muslims took up

arms to advance the religion of the Prophet.
Modern men, guided by enlightened principles,

choose to believe that war never benefits its victims,

but in fact this is not always true. History contains

many examples of marauding armies that enriched
PRAYING ANGELS. 10/70 stand and bow in the ritual required of all believers,
the culture of those they attacked. A case in point
reflect expanding Islam's absorption of varied cultures. The concept of angels
is ludaeo-Christian, the custom of croivning them Central Asian; they are
is Alexander the Great, who introduced Hellenic art

pictured in a Turkish translation of an Arab work on metaphysical theory. to Buddhist sculptors in the course of invading the

Indus valley, and thus laid the groundwork for a Muslim ruler was ousted from Spain, a brilliant

whole new school of Indian art. Today Ghandara Arabic-speaking society flourished on Spanish soil.

sculpture is considered to be one of Buddhist India's It was a society many layers deep, for Muslim
greatest artistic accomplishments. domination brought prosperity to many levels of

Similarly, the armies of Islam turned a swift mil- Spanish life.

itary foray into Spain into a cultural conquest that At the top of this Islamic Spanish society were,
transformed Spanish history. Although Spain was of course, its Muslim rulers. More often than not
not to remain permanently Muslim, its cities, un- these were Berbers, but Spain's most spectacular
der Muslim rule, glittered with a brilliance that last- Islamic dynasty was founded by an Arab, the last
ed for centuries. In receding from Spain, Islam left of the Umayyads, Abd al-Rahman. Fleeing across
behind a legacy of astonishing palaces and mosques, Africa to escape the Abbasids when they seized
and certain modes of thought that were to be- power, Abd al-Rahman finally came to the city of

come permanent possessions of the Spanish people. Cordoba. There he established an Umayyad state

The conquest of Spain, launched in 711, was the that resolutely refused to recognize Abbasid au-
last great feat of the Umayyad dynasty. It was ini- thority. In fact, his descendants proclaimed Cor-
tiated by the Arab governor of North Africa, Musa doba to be a separate and independent caliphate.
ibn Nusayr, but the actual invasion force was com- Below the Muslim rulers in the hierarchy of
posed entirely of Berbers. This indigenous North Spanish society were the Spaniards who accepted
African people, fierce and proud and never quite the religion of Islam and became Muslim converts.
happy with their Arab rulers, had nevertheless ac- Next came a much more numerous group, the Span-
cepted Islam. They did so for much the same reasons iards who kept their Christian faith but adopted Is-

as Islam's earlier non-Arab converts: to be Mus- lam's manners and mores. The fourth element in

lim was, among other things, to avoid taxes. De- Islamic Spain was the Jews. Finding the Crescent
spite such materialistic motives, the Berbers were to be far more tolerant of the Synagogue than the
dedicated Muslims and in less than five years they Cross had been, they readily accepted Arabic cul-
had added most of Spain to Islam. ture. Underneath them all, submerged but still

Like earlier Islamic invasions of other lands, this alive, was the Catholic Church. Embittered by its

one was helped by conditions in the country under losses, the Church worked ceaselessly among its

attack. Spain was a divided nation. Its native peas- Spanish sons to fan the flames of vengeance.
antry was oppressed by an alien aristocracy, the For those who did not become embroiled in court

Visigoths, and its sizable Jewish population was intrigue or in the Catholic counter-offensive, life in

oppressed by the Church. Together these two fac- al-Andalus— Islam's name for its Spanish possession
tions made things easier for the Berbers. Toledo —was highly agreeable. While Europe north of the
fell to the Muslims with almost no opposition, Pyrenees wallowed in the brutish conditions of the
thanks to the disaffection of its Jewish inhabitants, Dark Ages, Cordoba's citizens were enjoying public
and Cordoba was captured through the help of a plumbing and illuminated streets. The city's half-

Spanish shepherd who showed the invaders a million inhabitants worshiped in 3,000 mosques,
breach in the city wall. By 716, when Seville fell bathed in 300 hammams, and enjoyed all the feast

to the forces of Islam, the conquest was virtually days of Christianity and Islam combined. Cordoba,
complete. Thereafter, until 1492, when the last and also Granada and Seville, boasted institutions

of higher learning where philosophy, law, literature, Ximenes ordered 80,000 Arabic books to be publicly
mathematics, medicine, astronomy, history and ge- burned in Granada, and denounced Arabic as "the
ography were taught, and the status symbol for a language of a heretical and despised race."
wealthy man was a well-stocked library. In attacking the people it considered its arch-
In this sunlit civilization. Christians imitated enemies, Christianity did not even hesitate to dis-
Muslims by establishing harems and adopting Mus- tort history, A classic case is the saga of the Song
lim literature and music as their own. So extensive of Roland. The real Roland, a soldier in Charle-
was this cultural assimilation that a certain Bishop magne's army, was killed by a band of marauding
Alvaro composed an angry broadside: "My fellow Basques as Charlemagne was returning home from
Christians delight in the poems and romances of an expedition in northern Spain. But the Roland of
the Arabs; they study the works of Muhammadan legend was killed by Muslims. As the hero of the
theologians and philosophers, not in order to re- troubadours' Chanson de Roland, he became one of
fute them, but to acquire a correct and elegant the great rallying figures of the Crusades. Centuries
Arabic style. Where today can a layman be found later, in Ariosto's epic poem Orlando Furioso, he
who reads the Latin commentaries on the Holy was still providing propaganda for the Church's
Scriptures? Alas! the young Christians who are anti-Muslim position during the Renaissance.
most conspicuous for their talents have no knowl- And yet, despite the Church's official attitude,
edge of any literature of language save Arabic: the ordinary Christians of Spain— those who had
they read and study avidly Arabic books; they accepted Muslim culture while retaining their own
amass whole libraries of them at vast cost, and faith— remained permanently affected by their Is-

they everywhere sing the praises of Arabic lore." lamic experience. Hundreds of Arabic words passed
Far from coming to terms with Islam, Alvaro and into their daily speech, ranging from place names to

other Churchmen like him looked upon any com- humble turns of phrase. Spain's longest river, the

promise with the Muslims as a victory for the Anti- Guadalquivir, takes its name from the Arabic wadi
Christ. They encouraged their followers to seek al-kabir, "long valley," while the hasta of hasta ma-
martyrdom by blaspheming the Prophet and wel- hana comes from the Arabic word for "until," hatta.

coming the punishment that followed. Often the In dozens of Spanish cities the Muslim mosque be-
Muslim judges of these frenzied wrongdoers were came, with a few architectural modifications, the
reluctant to grant their wishes— a reluctance not Christian church or cathedral. Similarly, Muslim
shared by Christian judges when, after seven centu- mysticism passed directly or indirectly into the very
ries of Muslim rule, the roles were reversed. After fiber of the Spanish Christian tradition. St. Teresa
the 11th Century, Spain's Christian princes, in one of Avila and St. John of the Cross might never have
province after another, gradually reclaimed their written as they did if they had not been exposed
lost lands, a process that reached its height in to such Sufi doctrines as the concept of God as the

1248, with the reconquest of Seville. The resur- Beloved and Friend, and the belief that God could
gent Christians turned on their Muslim subjects be known only through renunciation of the world.
and persecuted them without mercy. They forced Even Spain's concept of the ideal man owes some-
them to deny their faith, drove them from the thing to Islam. The hidalgo, or Spanish gentleman,

country, and took drastic steps to uproot every one of the world's great patterns of human perfec-

trace of Spanish-Muslim culture. In 1499 Cardinal tion, has many of the qualities of the wandering

Muslim holy man, the fakir. Both regard nobility was a union of souls, "a sublime bliss ... a lofty

as a matter of spirit rather than of birth, and be- rank ... a permanent joy, and a great mercy of
lieve that a man arrayed in beggar's rags can still God"— sentiments later to be echoed in many a me-
have the bearing of a prince. One of the supreme dieval romance.

portraits of the hidalgo carries the similarity even Even the greatest poet of the age may have been
further. Don Quixote, Cervantes' tragic and ridicu- influenced by a Spanish Muslim. Although Dante
lous knight, longs to be noble with an intensity that Alighieri, fervent Christian that he was, put Mu-
blinds him to reality; his life, like the fakirs', is hammad in Hell alongside religious schismatics,
completely internal; the real world does not exist. the plot of his Divine Comedy, a visit to the world
The hidalgo, as an ideal, never ventured much of the hereafter, has many affinities with the Proph-
beyond Spain. But in other ways Spain's contact et's night journey through the seven heavens to the
with Islam profoundly affected Europe. Scholars in throne of God. Also, more specifically, Dante's de-
universities north of the Pyrenees fought to obtain scriptions of man's ascension through the infernal

Arabic manuscripts from Spain, valuing both those regions to heavenly bliss owe much to the allegori-

that were original and those that were translations cal writings of a Spanish mystic, Ibn Arabi. In Ibn
from the ancient Greek. One of the most respected Arabi's account of man's spiritual passage from ig-
thinkers in all of medieval Europe was a Spaniard norance to knowledge, the delights of Heaven and
named Ibn Rushd, or— more familiarly, Averroes. the tortures of Hell have many of the physical at-

Through a series of penetrating commentaries on tributes of Dante's Heaven and Hell— and there is

Aristotle's philosophy, Averroes reintroduced Eu- even an intermediate stage comparable to Purgatory.

rope to the true nature of Aristotle's ideas. Indeed, The second bridge between Islam and Europe lay

he laid the groundwork for one of the great intel- across Sicily— and Sicily, unlike Spain, offered Is-
lectual triumphs of the Middle Ages: St. Thomas lamic ideas a much smoother passage. Possibly be-
Aquinas' Summa Theologica. cause it was ruled by Muslims for a much shorter
Arabic Spain also inspired poets north of the time and reconquered with much greater ease, Sicily

Pyrenees. In Provence, troubadours sang the praises never tried to wipe out the traces of its Muslim oc-

of their mistresses in a rhymed stanza that had been cupation. On the contrary, its Norman kings be-
invented by Muslim poets in Spain, and spoke of came ardent Arabophiles.
love in the Platonic terms much favored by the cul- The island was seized for Islam in 827 by a dy-
tured aristocrats of al-Andalus. Indeed, chivalry nasty of Tunisian Arabs, the Aghlabids. It reverted

may have originated in Muslim Cordoba, where the to Christian hands two and a half centuries later

voices of court poets were constantly raised in when young Roger de Hauteville of Normandy oc-
praise of the delights of spiritual love. One of the cupied it and became its first Norman ruler. Under
most exhaustive treatises on this subject was com- Muslim rule, Roger's new domain had been thor-

posed, oddly enough, by a rigorous theologian. His oughly Islamized. Its administrative system was
name was Ibn Hazm, and his book. The Ring of the Arabian in concept, and Palermo, its capital city,

Dove, was a product of his youth. It explores all was a center of Arabic art and learning. The culti-

the nuances of desire, and concludes that the no- vation of sugar cane, flax and olives had been intro-
blest of loves is arrived at through patience, re- duced, and the royal palace at Palermo contained a
straint and chastity. Such a love, said Ibn Hazm, thriving silk-weaving establishment.

Roger, a rude Prankish knight, was fascinated Islam in which all of Europe soon joined. Ironically,
and awed by his new possession. He permitted his the Crusades not only failed in their objective but
Muslim subjects to practice their own reUgion, re- also accelerated the flow of Eastern ideas to the
cruited Muslim soldiers into his army and welcomed West. To Europe, the Crusades were an event of
Muslim scholars at his court. Roger II, his son, car- epochal importance. To Islam, they were as routine
ried a liking for Muslim ways even further. Al- as the border wars that periodically engaged their
though technically a Christian, Roger II was called forces on the frontiers of the empire. One scholar
Roger the Pagan. His coronation robe was decorated has described them as being to Islam like the tick
with a border of Arabic inscriptions and dated ac- on a camel's back, which lodges for a while and then
cording to the Muslim year. The most illustrious falls off— scarcely noticed by the camel.
member of his court was a Spanish Arab cartogra- The ostensible purpose of the Crusades was to

pher, Idrisi, whose greatest work was done under assure Christian pilgrims access to the shrines of
the Sicilian King's patronage. More than three cen- the Holy Land. Permission to enter Palestine had

turies before Columbus made the idea famous, been guaranteed the West by the Abbasids, but
Idrisi was suggesting that the earth might possibly the country was now under the control of the Fati-

be round— and presented his royal patron with a mid dynasty in Cairo—and the Fatimids did not
circular map, engraved on silver. seem disposed to honor the guarantee. This threat
By the time Frederick II ascended the throne of became much more real after one mad Fatimid Ca-
Sicily in 1197, to rule as king (and later as Holy Ro- liph, Hakim, ordered the destruction of Jerusa-
man Emperor), the royal court at Palermo was more lem's Church of the Holy Sepulcher in 1009. But
Eastern than Western. Frederick dressed in Muslim Pope Urban II, in proclaiming the first Crusade in

clothes, kept a haren\ and was on the best of terms 1095, may also have had other motives in mind.
with the ruling Sultan in Cairo. The royal entourage The Crusades held out the promise of reuniting
included a falconer, imported from Syria, and Fred- the Eastern and Western branches of the Church,

erick himself was the author of a treatise on fal- bringing back into the fold of Rome the schismatic
conry—the first natural history to be published in sects that had formed their own Church in Byzan-
Europe. Arab scholars graced his table. Arab ad- tium 86 years before. The crusades also offered
ministrators ran his government, and Arabic was an alternative for the constant feudal warfare that
one of the kingdom's four official languages: Sicil- troubled the peace of Europe. Instead of turn-

ian coins and documents appeared in Arabic, as well ing their swords inward upon each other. Chris-

as in Latin, Hebrew and Greek. In 1224 Frederick tians could now turn them outward upon Islam.
founded the first chartered university in Europe, the As for the men who joined the Crusades, they too
University of Naples, and gave it hisown collection had other motives. Younger sons of feudal families,

of Arabic manuscripts; one of the men who studied deprived of any hope of patrimony at home, saw in

there was St. Thomas Aquinas. the Crusades a chance to carve out for themselves

It was an accident of history that Sicily's Chris- estates in the Middle East. Merchants from Genoa
tian reconquerors happened to be tolerant of Is- and Venice saw an opportunity for great profits to

lam, disposed to accept the best it had to offer. It be made from trading outposts established in the

was also an accident of history that the reconquest Levant. Artisans and peasants and shopkeepers saw
touched off a series of military aggressions against an escape from the restrictions of their daily lives—

taste for sesame seeds and carob beans, rice and len- were also great builders, and they invigorated Is-

tils, lemons and melons, apricots and shallots, and lamic architecture by combining it with the archi-
soon these foodstuffs enlivened the Western diet. tecture of the people they conquered. Ibn Tulun
Muslins from Mosul, baldachins from Baghdad and built Egypt's first hospital and a royal palace whose
damasks from Damascus introduced Europeans to walls were covered in gold. But he is best known for
a whole new range of clothing materials; even the the Great Mosque in Cairo that bears his name—

word cotton comes from the Arabic (kutn). Life in mosque designed for him by a Christian architect.
the West was also brightened by Persian tapestries Similarly, the Seljuks, who founded the first madra-
and carpets, toilet articles such as glass mirrors and sas, or mosque-colleges, originated a new cruciform
face powder, and brilliant dyes such as lilac and plan for these buildings— created for them by Per-
carmine. Cleanliness was reintroduced to a dubious sian craftsmen. As for the Ottomans, when they
Europe by Crusaders who had sampled the Arabian took over Byzantium they also took over Justinian's
bath, and were unwilling to forgo its pleasures- famous Church of Hagia Sophia and subsequently
long frowned on by Christians as pagan. Even the used it as a model own Turkish mosques.
for their

Church itself benefited materially from its contact But it was the Mughals of India who probably
with the East. St. Dominic's invention of the rosary fused Muslim architecture with the style of another

was inspired by the chain of beads on which faithful culture most effectively. Like the early mosque-
Muslims told off the names of God. builders of Cairo and Persia, who turned the col-
But if Europe was captivated by its contacts with umns of Greek temples and Coptic Christian
Islam, so too were Islam's neighbors to the East. On churches to a Muslim purpose, the mosque-builders

the broad and barren plains of central Asia, the of India incorporated elements of Hindu architec-

Prophet's faith found ready followers among a se- ture into their Muslim buildings. Later, under the

ries of Turkish-speaking tribes that were destined Mughals, Indian Muslims developed one particular
to refurbish the military tradition of Islam. At first, kind of building to new heights of grace and refine-

these Turks were military slaves in the service of ment. Perhaps the Turkish conquerors of India
the Umayyads and the Abbasids, but later they in- were recalling some contact with the ancestor-wor-
vaded Islam with armies of their own. Under such shiping Chinese, who memorialized their dead with
leaders as Ibn Tulun— the Turkish slave who became gracious buildings in lovely gardens. Whatever the
Egypt's governor— and under such dynasties as the Mughals became great builders of tombs.
reason, the

Seljuks, the Ottomans and the Mughals, Turkish The Indian mausoleum was designed to reflect the
Muslims were to influence vast areas of the earth. pleasures of this world and to foreshadow the pleas-

The Seljuks, who took over the Abbasid empire, ures of the world to come. They were set in elab-

expanded that empire into Byzantium, laying the orate gardens embellished with flowers and splash-

foundation for the modern state of Turkey. The ing fountains, and were used by their owners as

Ottomans, who followed the Seljuks, carried Islam places of entertainment. As the architectural his-

across the Bosporus into Europe. Far to the East, torian James Fergusson points out, Indian Muslims
the Mughals introduced Islam into India and left "built their sepulchres of such a character as to

behind a flourishing Muslim civilization that be- serve for places of enjoyment for themselves and

came the basis for modern Pakistan. their friends during their lifetime, and only when
But the Turks were not only great soldiers, they they could enjoy them no longer, they became the

solemn resting places of their mortal remains." This means in the Far East. As early as the 13th Century,

was often quite literally true. Under the building's Muslim trading ships from Persia, Arabia and In-

central dome, where eventually he would be buried, dia were putting into the ports of Java and the oth-
the owner held decorous picnics. One of the loveli- er islands of Indonesia, carrying the seeds of Islamic
est buildings on earth, the Taj Mahal at Agra, is culture. Marco way back from the court
Polo, on his

built upon this dual-purpose premise. Erected be- of Kublai Khan, found a Muslim kingdom on Su-

tween 1630 and 1648 by Shah Jahan for a wife who matra in 1292, and in 1345 an Arabian traveler named
died while she was still young, the Taj Mahal was Ibn Battuta reported that the kingdom's Malayan
intended as a tomb for Mumtaz Mahal and as a ruler was a man deeply interested in Islamic learn-
pleasure garden for the Shah who loved her. ing. By the 15th Century, partly through the inter-

The Seljuks, the Ottomans and the Mughals car- marriage of Muslim sailors and Indonesian women,
ried Islam far afield mostly by means of the sword. and partly through the proselytizing zeal of Muslim
But equally great victories for Islam in distant places traders among the islands' princes and leading men,
were achieved by nonviolent means. As merchants the whole Malayan archipelago with the exception of
and teachers, Muslims were even more persuasive Bali had been converted to Islam. Indonesian schol-
than they were as soldiers. Islam had originated in ars, like all the other peoples absorbed by Islam-
a country where trading was an honored profession Turks, Berbers, Persians and Somalis— traveled to
—Muhammad himself had been in commerce before the great Muslim universities such as al-Azhar in

receiving his call to become a prophet. And the reli- Cairo, to study the Koran and carry Islamic learning
gion of Islam had from the beginning honored the back to their homeland.
scholar's pen as much as it respected the soldier's Thus Islam used religion to hold together a far-

sword. In two great areas of the world— Africa and flung empire, much as Alexander the Great had
Indonesia— Islam took root largely through the con- tried to do many centuries before. But where Alex-
tacts made by Muslim traders and teachers. ander's method had been to make himself a divin-
Throughout the Middle Ages, from Muslim cities ity, Islam's method was to make every Muslim a
all along the North African coast, caravans plodded messenger for what it called the House of Peace.

south across the Sahara in quest of the gold and Soldiers, sailors, merchants and scholars impressed
ivory of Negro Africa. The traders practiced and Islam's modes of being on Indians and Africans,
preached a religion that had the same attraction for Spaniards and Indonesians. In a world whose ulti-

nomadic Negro tribes that it had formerly had for mate destiny it was to grow smaller and more unit-

the nomadic tribes of Arabia. The traders were fol- ed, Islam managed to fit many varied peoples into

lowed by Muslim scholars who established acade- one mold. The Don Quixote who tilted against
mies in such places as Timbuktu, schools whose windmills in Spain, the Crusader who returned to
reputations were often as great as those in Morocco Europe with new habits of thought and new styles of

and Tunisia and Cairo. The Muslim school at Tim- dress, the Turk who battled across eastern Europe

buktu had a library, for example, that attract- to the very walls of Vienna, the patient cameleer
ed many eminent Muslim scholars to study there. who bedded down his camels in some African cara-

Gradually, over the centuries, Islam became one of vanserai, the Sinbad who beached his ship on a coral

the major cultural forces in Negro Africa. shore- each had been affected by a society that at

A similar result was accomplished by similar its zenith straddled most of the known world.

SLENDER COLUMNS, reflected in a floor splashed by fountains, surround the Alhambra's Court of Lions.


In their genius for ornamentation, the architects and craftsmen of Islam had no
peers in the medieval world. Their mosques and palaces abounded in rich interior
views carefully framed by patterns of columns and arches (above), and walls and
ceilings were everywhere surfaced with intricate configurations in plaster and
ceramic tile. The most dazzling single example of this virtuosity is the Alhambra,
the fairy-tale palace in Granada from which the Nasrid sultans ruled southern
Spain until Christian armies expelled them in 1492. In its halls and chambers
can be seen the whole range of basic Islamic motifs, drawn from geometry, writ-
ing and vegetation, and woven into an endless variety of enchanting forms.

Photographs by David Lees 149

A Bright Play
of Geometrical Design

Prohibited by religious strictures from

creating representational art, Muslim art-

ists relied heavily on abstract patterns.

Geometry, in particular, provided crafts-
men with a fertile source of designs. The
Muslims were the greatest mathemati-
cians of the medieval world, and they de-
lighted in logical, coherent systems of lines
like that of the tile mosaic shown here.
The artist started with the 12-pointed star
in the center of the panel, which is about
five inches in diameter and is made of

white tile inlaid with one continuous,

delicately carved piece of black tile; it is

regarded as the finest example of inlaid

ceramic art in the Alhambra. By extending
patterns from the star, the artist was able
to generate the rest of his design, and by a

careful arrangement of straight lines, he

created figures that give the brilliant illu-

sion of star shapes, circles and curves.

I The Divine Language of Script

Of all the arts, Muslims respected calligraphy the most. Writing was consid-
ered the invention of God, and the use of the pen one of the major skills He
passed on to man. So exalted was calligraphy that Muslim architects used
it both as writing and as pure decoration in their buildings. The walls of
the Alhambra abound with Arabic inscriptions, written in two styles. The
style known as Kufic (left) was made up of characters so angular and orna-
mented that only a practiced eye could read it. The more cursive style, called
Naskhi, was equally elaborate but somewhat easier to understand. The
in the medallion below, like many Islamic inscriptions, praises the surround-
ing architecture— while doing much to contribute to the beauty it celebrates.




W ^!
Stylized Gardens

of Plaster Flowers

Plant motifs were the most widely used

designs in Islamic art and architecture, hut
in their treatment of plants, as in their

rendering of all aspects of the natural

world, Muslim artists sought to give them
an abstract and unrealistic appearance.
One way to stylize vegetation was to
render it with a minimum of depth; an-
other was to picture imaginary plants that
were made up of elements borrowed from
different kinds of vegetation. In the stuc-

co panel at left, for example, a curling

acanthus vine is attached to highly simpli-
fied leaves, flowers and pineapplelike
shapes— a fanciful combination that never
grew in any garden. Finally, artists depart-

ed from nature by isolating single parts of

plants. Thus, they took palm fronds and
made them into a background for the
acanthus vine shown at left, or arranged
detached leaves, cones and blossoms
(right) into purely decorative assemblages.

Richly Interwoven Forms

Although MusHm motifs— geometric, calli-

graphic and floral—occasionally appeared

separately, they were more often woven
together. In the panel at left above, octa-
gons and stars, script and acorn forms are
combined. In the friezes below, designers
introduced ribbons of calligraphy (far left),

and superimposed a raised grillwork over

a background floral pattern (left).

As with all decorative Muslim script,

the writing in the octagons above relates

to the surroundings; it says "Honor and
glory to the Lord Sultan Abu'l-Hajjaj,"
and is inscribed in the Sultan's throne
room. Similarly, references to water were*
written around niches where jugs were
stored.The phrase "Only Allah is the
most powerful" was placed beside the mas-
sive entrance to the palace— a reminder to

its proud rulers that protection lay not in

wooden doors but only in almighty God.

"The women
A Fantastic Fusion of Design their attire
of Granada
and adornment
are carrying the magnificence of
to the brink of fantasy," wrote a

14th Century chronicler of the court ladies who inhabited the

Alhambra. The description could have applied equally well to

the palace itself. Its builders concealed almost all the solid
functional components— walls, arches, ceilings— behind ethe- usually sat or reclined on the floor; looking up, they could
real webs of decorative plaster and tile. Even the capitals of fully enjoy what their architects had wrought: scalloped arches
columns, like the one pictured at left below, were elaborately and walls, and ceilings exquisitely patterned with honey-
carved with a profusion of plant forms and capped by hori- comb vaulting that hung like stalactites, bathed in light
zontal bands of Arabic script. The Alhambra's residents filtering down from jewel-like domes (below and overleaf).

>-" -^

^ ^

i5l ft

plaster Stalactites. " The ceiling is generally considered
composed of thousands of carved
A SUNBURST OF ORNAMENT. the dome of a chamber in the Alhambra
be the finest of its kind in the Islamic world. A Muslim poet once claimed that at the sight of its beautiful proportions "all other cupolas vanish and disappear."


During the Middle Ages, Islam had justifiably re-

garded the West as a civilization less advanced

than its own; to the Muslims, the Crusades had
been not so much a challenge from equals as an
incursion of barbarians. But from the late Ren-
aissance onward, the roles began to reverse. De-
spite the rise of a new and powerful Islamic state
—the Ottoman empire— the lead in scientific and
cultural matters was to pass to the West. The
threat would no longer be from Islam to Christen-

8 dom, but from

lam fell
a resurgent Europe to the
world. Western civilization forged ahead, and
behind. For those who believed that

A DURABLE RELIGION hammad had been Cod's
and that the Koran contained God's
final messenger to man,
last and most
complete revelation, the future would be a time
of sternest challenge.
The beginning of Arab Islam's decline dates from
the 11th Century. When the Seljuk Turks invaded
Baghdad in 1055, they briefly revived a disintegrat-

ing Abbasid empire, but they also signaled the

end of that empire's rule by an Arab dynasty. Al-
though the Abbasid Caliph remained on his throne,

he was little more than a figurehead. The Seljuk

commander was acknowledged by the Caliph as
Sultan and King of the East and the West and
held the actual power. Thereafter, while the Turk-
ish empire expanded, the power of its traditional

ruler declined. In the 13th Century, the caliph's

role was eliminated altogether by another wave of
invading Turks, the Mongols.
In 1219, Genghis Khan crossed into Islam from
the Mongol lands in central Asia, and by 1221 had
reached Persia. Six years later Genghis himself was
stopped by death, but the Mongol hordes swept
onward under his grandson Hulagu, destroying ev-
erything in their path. In 1258 they laid siege to
Baghdad, and took it almost without a fight. Tens
of thousands of its peoples were massacred, the
Caliph's palace was reduced to smoking ruins, and
the Caliph himself, along with most of his family,

was killed (the few who escaped found refuge in

Egypt, where one eventually became the puppet

Caliph for another Turkish dynasty, the Mam-
luks, who reigned for almost 250 years).
CONQUEROR OF CONSTANTINOPLE, the 15th Century Turkish sultan Mu-
hammad II, shown here in a conventional pose, greatly increased Ottoman The Mongol destruction of Baghdad ended an
power by taking the Byzantine city, as well as Serbia, Greece and Albania. important phase in Islamic and world history. No
Vienna •




Maximum extent of the Seljuk empire
Maximum extent of the Ottoman empire

A UNITED ISLAM was achieved by the Seljuk Turks in the 11th Century, after
the empire's political breakup under the Arabs. The Ottomans, heirs to the
Seljuks, marched into Africa and Europe and dominated the areas shown in

green until 1683, when they suffered a major setback at the Siege of Vienna.

longer would an Arabic-speaking caliph, claiming a society. As a society, it had strengths and weak-
descent from the Prophet's tribe, preside with char- nesses. The latter brought about its defeat at the

ismatic authority over the world's most powerful hands of pagan conquerors; the former, in a very

state and complex culture. After the Mongols, and short time, turned the conquerors into ardent Mus-
partly because of them, the Muslim states were to lims. The same strengths and weaknesses were to

rearrange themselves into new patterns and new determine how Islam confronted the future.

empires; Islam was to change its perspectives. The Islam's most durable strength had always been

fall of Baghdad had shown the debility of Islam as its religion. For a variety of reasons this religion

a state— but it was a state that was far more than a appealed to a variety of people. Its warnings and

body of political rules and customs. Islam was also promises spurred its faithful followers to selfless

action, while its sense of brotherhood, transcending essential to preserve the stability of Muslim society.

race and class, created a human solidarity in which Under the leadership of this reactionary elite

the slave and the sultan were equal in the eyes of the adventurous spirit that had once characterized
God. Its personal approach to God, worked out in Islam yielded to one of self-satisfied certainty. Ev-
the various Sufi movements, aroused an ardor in ery attempt at change or renovation, no matter
its followers that made it more effective as a social what its point of origin— inside or outside Islam-
force than any system of legal obligations. Thanks was stubbornly resisted. Only when religious con-

to its religion, Islam continued to expand long after formity had so enfeebled Islam that every Muslim
the caliphate had ceased, in any real sense, to exist. state stood in danger of being dominated by infidels

In every succeeding century it would advance, of- did this pattern begin to crumble. And nowhere did
fering honor especially to those dishonored by his- the effects of the pattern— and its break-up— show
tory or society. more clearly than in the rise and fall of the last

But Islam's strength was also its weakness. Mus- great Islamic state: the Ottoman empire.
lims were convinced that they possessed in the In the wake of the Mongol invasion, the Mus-
Koran the final and incontrovertible statement of lim lands in Asia Minor were overrun by a variety

truth. To this conviction was added the doctrine of Turkish tribes. Most of them from time to time
that the Koran was eternal and uncreated. Togeth- encroached upon the border lands of the empire
er, these led to a basic conservatism. In the Ninth of Byzantium, none more successfully than the peo-
Century this attitude became dominant when the ple who came to be known as the Ottomans. Under
doctrines of the rationalist Greek-inspired Mu'ta- the leadership of Osman, the man for whom they

zilites were rejected by the conservative members were named, the Ottomans (from the Turkish Os-
of the ulama, Islam's intellectual elite— the scholar- manli) gradually pushed back the borders between
jurists who Interpreted Koranic law and formed Islam and Byzantium and by the time of Osman's
the backbone of Islam. The Mu'tazilites were re- death in 1326 had reached the western coast of
placed by orthodox Muslims, who used their pow- Anatolia. Osman's son inherited his empire, ruling

er and prestige in later centuries to oppose inno- as Sultan and "Hero of the World," and his sons
vation and experiment. and grandsons carried on the dynastic tradition. At
As the administrators of Islam's educational sys- the time of its collapse in 1922, the Ottoman em-
tem—from the primary-school kuttabs where little pire was still ruled by a descendant of Osman, the

boys swayed back and forth, memorizing the Ko- 36th of his line.

ran, to the great mosque-universities like Cairo's Shortly after it was begun, however, Osman's
al-Azhar— this orthodox ulama controlled the empire very nearly expired. In 1379, another wave
minds of generations of Muslims. Believing that all of Mongols from central Asia swept into the Mid-
that was worth knowing was already known, and dle East. They were lead by Timur the Lame, some-
that the ideas of non-Muslims were of no account, times called Tamerlane, who ruled an Asian em-
they instilled in Muslims a mood of complacency pire from his fabled capital of Samarkand. Timur,
that lasted for centuries. When tyrants governed who claimed to be descended from Genghis Khan,

Islam, the ulama— the one force strong enough to outdid his forebear in the extent of his conquests

oppose them— instead urged Muslims to accept bad and in his brutal treatment of those he conquered.

rulers along with good ones, since it was far more Timur's exploits took him twice into Russia, once

spend a year in Moscow. His sojourn in India followed by subsequent sultans right down to the

took him east to the Ganges, and left much of the close of the loth Century.

(Like Genghis, Timur in- By 1453 the Ottomans had raised their banners
subcontinent in ruins.
above the walls of a conquered Constantinople,
dulged in wholesale massacres, and made a practice

of piling up the heads of his victims into enormous and the capital of Christian Byzantium was hence-
pyramids: one such, outside the city of Delhi, forth for many centuries to be the major city of

numbered 80,000 skulls.) In IS^a, Timur's westward Islam. The Ottoman Sultan now ruled an empire

drive took him into the once-proud city of Bagh- that included most of the Balkans and Asia Minor.
Damascus to his troops. A year To the south and east, however, lay two other
dad. In 1400, fell

westward drive had taken him into the powerful Islamic states, the Safavid dynasty in Per-
later his
sia and the Mamluks in Egypt. In 1512 Selim the
Ottoman lands of Anatolia.

By this time the Ottomans had absorbed most Grim, newly come to the Ottoman throne, resolved

of the old Byzantine empire except for its capital to put an end to both of them. Within a year he

city of Constantinople, and their armies had had captured the Safavid capital of Tabriz, and
might have moved eastward into the rest of Persia
reached the shores of the Adriatic and the borders
Hungary. Much of their military success was if it had not been for the appearance of a Mamluk
due to a newly formed infantry corps, the yeni army on his western flank.
Conscripted In 1516, near the town of Aleppo in Syria, Selim
cheri(New Troops), or Janissaries.
from among Christian boys in the Balkans and destroyed this Mamluk army in a battle that fore-

raised as Muslims, the Janissaries were not only shadowed many another Ottoman success. All
trained as soldiers but were encouraged to think of through its history the Ottoman army, unlike the

themselves as an elite brotherhood. A century later other armies of Islam, welcomed the notion of

their courage and prowess on the battlefield were technological improvement. At Aleppo it won be-

tomake them the scourge of Europe— but against cause it used artillery while the Mamluks did not.

Flushed by victory, Selim pressed on through

Timur they were helpless. By 1402 the Ottoman thi';

army was crushed and the Sultan was Timur's Syria and into the Nile valley. By 1517, he stood
the at the gates of Cairo, demanding that the Mamluk
prisoner. For seven months, until his death,
hapless monarch accompanied the Mongol on his Sultan relinquish his authority. When the Mam-
campaigns, locked, legend says, in an iron cage luk Sultan refused, Selim had him hanged-and

slung between two of Timur's horses. Egypt and most of North Africa became part of

Fortunately for the Ottoman empire, Timur's the Ottoman empire.

days too were numbered; in 1405 he died. While Selim carried back to Constantinople one impor-

fought among themselves for possession tant hostage. Living in Cairo as a shadowy religious
his heirs
puppet was the last survivor of the Abbasid dy-
of his vast holdings, most of his conquests reverted

to their former owners. In Anatolia the Ottomans nasty, a purely nominal Caliph. Later Ottomans,

lands and, after some family attempting to shore up a sagging empire, argued
took back their lost

that this Caliph had transferred his sacred rights

squabbles of their own, the empire finally fell to

Ottoman line— as perhaps he had. But the

one ruler, the Sultan Muhammad I— who stabilized to the

by the simple expedient of mur- Ottomans were in no sense descendants of the

his sovereignty
brothers. This bloody practice was Prophets tribe, necessary for a true caliph, and in
dering all his


their heyday they ruled without resorting to any adviser to the Sultan observed that Europe's grow-
pretense of religious authority. The Ottoman em- ing maritime power might soon cause it to bypass
pire was held together by military force, able ad- the overland routes to the East— a threat to the em-
ministration and the sultans' ability to utilize Mus- pire's economy. Yet his advice to the Sultan was,
lim ardor in propagation of the faith. in effect, an attempt to turn back the clock. He
But though they ruled from the city that had suggested sending an Ottoman fleet into the Indian
once been Europe's headquarters in the East, and Ocean to drive out infidel shipping, a recommenda-
though they brought within their empire most of tion the Sultan could not afford, since the empire
the southeastern sector of the European continent no longer had the resources for such an offensive.
—and in fact reached the very walls of Vienna be- Finally, after a century of military defeats, Selim
fore being turned back— the Ottomans were never III, in 1793, decided on a policy of wholesale mod-
able to recapture for Islam its economic and cul- ernization and reform. He began with the army,
tural superiority to the West. With Vasco da proposing to reorganize it completely— new rules
Gama's circumnavigation of Africa at the end of and regulations, new schools, new weapons and
the 15th Century, the Middle East was no longer equipment, even new taxes to support it. Selim's
the crossroads of world commerce: India and the plan was called, in fact, the New Order, and it was
Orient were accessible to Europe by sea. Neither partly inspired by the New Order that had risen
were the Ottomans able to revive the intellectual in France in the wake of the French Revolution.
vitality of the early days of the Abbasids, when Almost immediately it landed Selim in conflict with
scholars of many kinds— Christians, Jews, Greeks, the Janissaries. This once-great fighting force had
Zoroastrians— made Baghdad the cultural capital of deteriorated into a military caste that stood, like
the medieval world. the Mamluks in 13th Century Egypt, as the pow-
By the middle of the 16th Century, the Ottoman er behind the throne. Corrupt, lethargic, opposed
empire was the major military power of Europe; by to all reform, the Janissaries saw the New Order as
the end of the following century it had already be- a threat to their own position. So deep were their
gun its long period of decline. In 1683 a second fear and resistance that in 1808 they assassinated
attempt to take Vienna ended in a complete rout; Selim— but not before Selim's modernization of the
in 1686 the Ottomans were driven from their 145- army had created a new, young officers' corps.
year occupation of the Hungarian city of Buda; in Western in its outlook.

1699, by the Treaty of Karlowitz, the Sultan was In 1798, despite his initial sympathy with the
forced to relinquish to various European powers French Revolution, Selim had sent an army to Egypt
Ottoman territorial holdings in Hungary, Poland, to fight the invading French army of Napoleon.
Croatia, Slavonia, Dalmatia and the Greek Pelopon- Western ideas were one thing, but the prospect of
nesus. Armies that the Ottomans had once despised Western territorial holdings in Islam was another
were beginning to inflict upon them defeat after matter entirely. One of the officers in this Ottoman
defeat and whittle away their empire. expeditionary force was a young Macedonian Mus-
For a long time the Ottomans thought that their lim named Muhammad Ali, a man of no education
troubles were purely military; they refused to con- but of vast ambition. Muhammad Ali was deeply
cede that the origin of the problems might lie deep impressed by the technological superiority of the
in Islamic life. As early as 1580, for instance, one French he had come to fight. When Napoleon left

Egypt for France— partly because a power struggle
was brewing at home, partly because the British

Mediterranean fleet had cut his lines of communi-

cation—the young Muslim stepped into the vacuum
created by the French departure. By 1805 he was
undisputed ruler of Egypt.
Muhammad Ali engineered this feat by first get-

ting Selim to name him pasha, or governor. Then

he disposed of the opposition, Egypt's old-guard
Mamluk aristocracy, by cleverly inviting 300 of its
leading members to a reception in Cairo and having

them massacred. After that, he embarked on a series

of reforms designed to make Egypt an independent-
ly powerful nation. He built technical schools and
colleges and staffed them with teachers from the
West.He encouraged Egyptians to study in Europe.
He established the first Muslim printing press in
Egypt and put it to work publishing translations of

Western textbooks, as well as a newspaper and his

official decrees. He modernized Egyptian agriculture

and built the country's first large-scale irrigation

system. He even tried, without much success, to

establish Egyptian industry.

Most of this effort was directed at improving the

Egyptian army and navy, with which Muhammad

Ali hoped to advance his fortunes. With his army
he added Nubia and the Sudan to his Egyptian

holdings and then, at the behest of the Sultan, sent

his forces across the Mediterranean to put down
Ottomans in Greece and on PROTECTION FOR A WARRIOR, these chain-mail trousers from
uprisings against the
Persia were mourtted on leather and fitted with steel

Crete. For this service, he was awarded Crete and weapons and armor, were the
The Persians, famed for their

was promised Syria, but the promise was never ful- Ottomans' only serious rivals for power in the Middle East.

filled. Undeterred, Muhammad Ali again used his

army, this time to take Syria. In fact, only the

threatened intervention of the British prevented the

Egyptian Pasha from attacking Constantinople it-

self and, in a palace coup, setting himself up as the

Sultan of a new Islamic state.

The Sultan, a cousin and disciple of the mur-

dered Selim III, could scarcely approve of his vas-

sal's ambition, but he did admire his tactics. Mah- —it became obvious that Western arms and East-
mud II was quick to copy many of the Pasha's ern dress were not enough. To meet the overwhelm-
methods, and to initiate similar ones of his own. ing power of the West, so attractive in some ways
He disposed of the Janissaries in a massacre that and so repulsive in others, Islam needed a pro-

became known in reformist circles as the Auspi- found spiritual renewal. In Egypt in the closing

cious Incident. He imported Western teachers and years of the 19th Century, two men did much to

technology to create a new army, and founded new inspire this renewal— one a disciple of the other.

schools to teach Western ways to his officers and The earlier of the two was Jamal al-Din al-Af-
men. He even opened an Imperial Music School to ghani, who was born in 1839, probably in Persia,

provide his army with trumpeters and drummers. but who claimed to be an Afghan— as well as a

Like Peter the Great of Russia, with whom he is descendant of the Prophet. Whatever his country of
sometimes compared, Mahmud believed he could origin, Afghani spent most of his life as a wan-
modernize his people's attitude by modernizing derer. He lived for a while in Constantinople, then

their dress. Over the violent objections of many in Cairo, then in India, then in Paris and London.
Muslims, to whom the turban was sacrosanct (there At the end of his life he returned again to Con-
is a popular saying that "two prostrations with the stantinople, where he was a virtual prisoner of the

turban outweigh 70 without the turban"), Mah- Sultan— who feared his outspoken anti-British sen-
mud outlawed this traditional headgear as well as timents. Afghani believed that what Islam needed
the long Eastern robe. He put the army in tunics was not to imitate Europe but to rediscover its

and breeches, civilians in frock coats and fezzes. own strengths and virtues. Islam, he said, was a

But however effectively Muslim rulers adopted civilization as well as a faith and Muslims should
Western ways, they could not do so fast enough to put aside their differences to unite against their
keep abreast. Muhammad Ali was forced back into foreign rulers.

Egypt and out of the running as a Middle Eastern At his corner in the teaching mosque of al-

power by the British fleet's ability to knock out Azhar and in his favorite coffeehouse in Cairo, Af-

the military force behind which he had proposed to ghani always drew a crowd of admiring students.
modernize his country. His grandson Isma'il, hop- One them was the man who ultimately gave Af-

ing to restore Egypt's strategic importance with the ghani's ideas deeper meaning. His name was Mu-

opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, instead invited hammad Abduh, and he was the son of Egyptian

disaster. Finding the Canal an irresistible lure to fellahin, simple peasants who lived in a village of

its imperial ambitions, Britain first bought a con- the Nile Delta. Abduh was destined to be the most

trolling interest in it in 1875, then occupied Egypt influential thinker in modern Islam. Like Afghani,

in 1882, and finally, at the outbreak of World War he traveled in the West, but unlike Afghani, he was

I, made Egypt a British protectorate. willing to accept whatever he found good there-
Similarly, the Ottoman Sultan, despite his eager spiritual and intellectual, as well as material. He
reorganization of his army, could not bind together was quick to call attention to the contrast between

the pieces of his rapidly disintegrating empire. As Europe's ebullience and tolerance and Islam's big-

province after province was wrested from him— to oted conservatism. In fact, he was so critical of the

become independent nations like Bulgaria and Islam of his day that he was often taken by West-

Greece, or the protectorates of England and France erners to be an agnostic: they found it impossible

to believe that a Muslim could find Christian atti- allowed women to play vigorous roles, and Koranic
tudes in some ways superior to his own. law even allowed them to control their own prop-

Abduh, however, was not an unbeliever. On the erty—long before such an idea occurred to Europe.

contrary, he thought that the religion of Islam, The distinctions made by men like Abduh and
rightly understood, could inspire an approach to Amin, between what Islam had become and what
life that would combine both personal piety and it had once been and might be again, played an im-
public-spirited action. The Prophet, he pointed out, portant part in the crisis of soul that troubled 20th

had preached the need for a virtuous society as well Century Islam. For some, it led to a decision to dis-

as virtuous individuals; consequently, the quality card the old concept of a unified Islam in favor of

of Muslim society was a proper concern for good new secular states. For others, it meant the re-

and pious Muslims. But a society, Abduh argued, birth of a spiritual force strong enough not only to

was only as successful as its laws— and these in create a new Islam but to include within it alien

turn must grow out of a society's particular values modes of thought and action.

and circumstances. To return to the laws of a for- In the heartland of the defeated Ottoman em-
mer society was to invite a kind of inner decay; pire, Kemal Ataturk tried to build a modern Turk-
"Laws vary as the conditions of nations vary," he ish nation, entirely divorced from Islam. He abol-
wrote, and urged Muslims toknow themselves. ished traditional Muslim modes of dress, outlawed

In pursuit of this goal Abduh demanded and the Arabic alphabet so that Arabic and Ottoman
worked for two basic reforms: the modernization texts could no longer be read, replaced Islam law
of Muslim schools and colleges, which still taught with Western law, did away with such traditional
much the same subjects that they had in the Mid- institutions as the caliphate and sultanate, and an-
dle Ages, and the purification of the Arabic lan- nounced that Friday would no longer be an official

guage, a once pithy and subtle tongue grown flow- day of prayer. In short, his new Turkey turned its

ery and diffuse. Neither reform was wholly achieved back on the entire Islamic past.
in Abduh's lifetime. Despite the fact that he rose to Elsewhere, however, modern Muslim leaders have

the post of Mufti of Egypt, the highest judicial found it possible to accept Western ideas without
position in the land, Abduh was never able to use rejecting their own past, and in fact have revived

his influence to gain the cooperation of Egypt's this past and used it as a basis for establishing a

ruler, the Khedive. It remained for his disciples to new sense of cultural unity. Islam has proved to

carry out his reforms, eventually altering every as- be not only as resilient as Christianity, the religion

pect of 20th Century Islamic life. of the West, but as open as the West to new ideas.

One of these disciples, Qasim Amin, advocated In the fields of education, science and philosophy,

the emancipation of women. Amin put his thesis once cultivated so well and then neglected, it has

into a book, published in 1899. In it he argued that shown promise of new harvests. It is even possible

Islam's decline was caused by its suppression of that educated Muslims might form a new consen-
women. The basis of a sound society, he wrote, was sus, restating for a changed world those ideas of

the family— and when women were made mute and piety, brotherhood and justice which the Prophet
powerless, family life deteriorated. Qasim Amin had so vigorously preached and humbly practiced.
claimed that the harem and the veil were alien to As the spokesmen for the Muslim world they might
Islam's true spirit. Islam, he pointed out, had once yet bring about a new golden age for Islam.

A FRAGMENT of a 13th Century Turkish carpet, one of Islam's oldeM surviving rugs, echoes the pointed shapes of early Arabic script.


The most original and lasting expression of Islam's artistic genius is the so-called

"Oriental" carpet, knotted on looms in the Middle East for more than a thousand
years. Its brilliant colors and exquisite patterns have long set the standards of

the art, and a Turkish or Persian rug is a prized possession today.

Perhaps more surprising is the basic, and pervasive, role that these carpets

played, and still play, in the Islamic world. They covered not only floors, but

walls as well; in a Muslim's tent, which lacked furniture, they also served as

storage bags, cushions and blankets, and as prayer rugs they sanctified the

ground on which he worshiped. Out of these magical coverings, in fact, was

made everything from the saddle cover for a nomad to the throne for a king.


king receives his courtiers. Beneath

his dais is spread a ntedallion rug.

The Rugs of Royalty

Directed by a salim, or foreman, who monotonous-

ly chanted the sequence of colors, Muslim carpet-
makers painstakingly tied some 900 knots an hour,
averaging a weave as dense as 320 knots to the
square inch. For the wealthy they produced carpets
of stunning grandeur, sometimes using silk instead
of wool and even silver and gold thread and semi-
precious jewels; the CaUph Harun al-Rashid had
no less than 22,000 fine rugs adorning his palace.
The carpets of royalty were generally of the

"medallion" type, characterized by complex ara-

besque designs around a central motif, and some-
times extending over 25 feet in length. Russia's
Peter the Great, it is said, gave Austria's Habs-
burgs a silk medallion Persian carpet of 783 knots
per square inch that took several years to weave.

172 UNIVERSAL PATt'Ewi. the' rtiediitKon wd

iover^hroughout Islam. The carpet at left came from Ushak, Turkey. The one at righf^Slncl^fibws a fleet of Portugw
The Paradise of a Persian Garden

A FORMAL GARDEN is recreated in a 1 7th Cen-

tury Penian rug. Pools, connected by channels
in which fish can he seen swimming, are set
off by trees, flower beds and borders of lilies.

In accordance with the words of the Koran, Mushms air. Lacking garden furniture, they used carpets (left).

envisioned Paradise as a verdant garden where the Gardens played an important role in daily life, and
chosen recHned on beautiful carpets, delighting in the their owners spent many hours in them, relaxing, en-
perfume of flowers, the ripple of water and the rustle tertaining friends, playing chess.

of leaves. For the wealthy it was possible to strive for Persians, in fact, so cherished gardens that they

a near-duplicate on earth; Persian aristocrats in par- brought pictures of them into their homes in the form
ticular created lush gardens with pavilions and brim- of patterned rugs like the one below, which reproduced
ming pools, underlaid by lead pipes fitted with as many in silk and wool a man-made oasis where trees, shelter-

as 500 jets that rhythmically sprayed water into the ing nightingales, spread over beds of stylized flowers.
MUHAMMAD ON HIS PRAYER RUG is depicted in a Persian miniature.

Patterns For Prayer

Prayer, the single act most essential to a Muslim's

faith, brought into use rugs unlike any others.
Prayer rugs, generally large enough for one person,
made sacred the area the worshiper used. Each had
a central panel that contained at least one pointed
niche resembling the mihrab or prayer niche in a
mosque. Above it was a rectangle that the worshiper
touched with his forehead. The decorations often
included other mosque motifs: hanging lamps, elab-

orate archways, inscriptions from the Koran.

Five times daily the good Muslim spread his rug
with its niche facing toward Mecca, prostrated him-
self, and intoned his devotions. A prayer rug, like
the Turkish ones shown here, is to this day the one
piece of property that all good Muslims must own.

TALL TULIPS (top) are a characteristic Ladik motif.

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FLOWERED COLUMNS line the niche of a rug from Chiordes in Turkey. Like man}/ other prayer rugs, if fs bordered tpith abstract floral
ORNAMENTAL FRIEZES made of narrow smp^of carpeting are wound
around the tops of Persian tents. Other rugs adorn the tent walls and floors.

OCTAGONAL MOTIFS, called "camels' hooves," woven into a 13th Century

Konya carpet, resemble those on the tent frieze in the miniature above.

178 A COLORFUL DONKEY BAG. made of carpeting in Persia's

Wandering was a way of life for many Muslims, and as they
Carpets for Traveling
roamed their rugs traveled with them in special ways. Knotted
pile carpets made like saddle bags (below) were laid across the
backs of camels, horses and donkeys to carry the nomads' pos-
sessions. Inside their tents special carpet bags, stuffed with
household items and clothing, functioned as bureaus and cup-
boards, and as cushions on which to rest. The nomads made this

"furniture" for themselves on small portable looms, which they

packed and took with them, like their carpets, when they moved.

The weave usually was coarse and loose hut sturdily utilitarian 179
Shiraz region, carried nomads' food, clothing and sometimes their little children.
A Jewel Worthy of a King The creation of the brilliant, many-faceted carpet below, once
the property of the House of Habsburg, has been whim-
sically associated with a charming Persian fairy tale. Long
ago, the story goes, a thief was running off with a king's


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most precious diamond when, suddenly, it fell on a rock Whatever its origins, experts consider this 16th Century
and shattered. The grieving monarch ordered a carpet woven Mamluk rug, made in Cairo of finely knotted silk in ka-

that would look like a landscape strewn with the pieces from leidoscopic colors, a supreme achievement of Oriental car-

his favorite stone; such a medallion carpet was the result. pet making, and one of the finest carpets in the world.

AD 100







This chart is designed toshow the dura-
tion of the Islamic and Ottoman Empires,
and relate them to others in the "Cross-

road" group of cuhures considered in one

major group of volumes of this series. The
chart is excerpted from a comprehensive
world chronology which appears in the in-

troductory booklet to the series. Compar-

ison of the chart seen here with the world
chronology will enable the reader to relate

the crossroad civilizations to important

cultures in other parts of the world.
On the following pages is a chronologi-
cal listing of important events that took
place in the period covered by this book.
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These books were selected during the preparation of this vol- An asterisk (*} marks works available in both hard-cover and
ume for their interest and authority, and for their usefulness paperback editions; a dagger (f) indicates availability only in
to readers seeking, additional information on specific points. paperback.

GENERAL HISTORY Liebetrau, Preben, OrientalRugs in Colour. Macmillan, 19o2,

Luken, Marie G., Islamic Art.^ The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1965.
Arnold. Thomas W., and Alfred Guillaume, eds.. The Legacy of Islam. Oxford University Pope, Arthur Upham:
Press. 1931 Masterpieces of Persian Art. Dryden Press, 1945.
Boviil. E, W
The Golden Irade of the Moors. Oxtord University Press, 1958.
. Persian Architecture. George Braziller, 1965.
Brockelmann, Carl. History of the Islamic Peoples.^ Capricorn Books, 1960. Sebag, Paul, The Great Mosque of Kairouan. Transl by Richard Howard Macmillan, 1965.
The Encyclopaedia of Islam: Wilkinson, Charles K ed., Iranian Ceramics. Harry N Abrams, 1963

Vols. 1-IV 1st ed Leiden. E, J, Brill. 1913-1942,

Vols, l-II, and Fascicles 41-46. New ed. Leiden. E. j Brill, 1960-1966.
Esin, Emel, Mecca the Blessed. Madinah the Radiant. London, Elek Books, 1963. LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THOUGHT
Gibb, H.A.R,, and Harold Bowen, Islamic Society and the West. Vol. 1. Oxford University
Press, 1950 (pt, l)and 1957 (pt. 2). Arberry, Arthur J., Classical Persian Literature. Macmillan, 1958
Glubb, John B,, The Great Arab Conquests. Prentice-Hall, 1963. Browne, E G., Arabian Medicine. Cambridge University Press. 1962.
Hitti, Philip K History of the Arabs.* 8th ed. Macmillan, 1964
, Campbell, Donald. Arabian Medicine and its Influence on the Middle Ages. 2 vols. London,
[kram, S. M., Muslim Civilization in India. Ed. by A. T. Embree Columbia University Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner &. Co., 1926,
Press, 1964, Campbell, Joseph, ed., The Arabian Nights.* Viking Press, 1962.
Landau. Rom. Islam and the Arabs. Macmillan, 1959, De Boer, T I The History of Philosophy in Islam. ^ Dover Paperback, 1965.

Lane, Edward W., Arabian Society in the Middle Ages. London. Chatto, 1893. Dunlop, D M,, Arabic Science in the West. Karachi, Pakistan Historical Society, 1967.
Levy, Reuben, The Social Structure of Islam. * Cambridge University Press, 1957. Gibb. H.A.R ,.4rflfaic Literature. 2nd ed, Oxford University Press, 19o3.
Lewis, Bernard: Gibb, H.A.R, ed.. The Traue/s of /bn Battuta, A.D. 1325-1354. Cambridge University Press,
The Arabs in History.* Harper Turchbooks, 1960, 1958-1962.
The Emergence of Modern Turkey. Oxford University Press, 1961. Hourani, Albert, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 1798-1939. Oxford University Press,
Mez, Adam, The Renaissance of Islam. Transl. by Salahuddtn Khuda Bakhsh and D. S 1962.
Margoliouth- Palna. India. Jubilee Printing and Publishing House, 1937, Hourani, George. Arab Seafaring. Verry, Lawrence Inc., 1963.
Rauf. M. A,, A Brief History of /s/am.t Oxford University Press. 1964. Ibn Khaidun, The Muqaddimah. Transl. by Franz Rosenthal. 3 vols. Pantheon Books,
Roolvink.Roelof.ed., Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples. Harvard University Press, 1958. 1958.
Schroeder, Eric. Muhammaii's People: An Anthology of Muslim Civilization. Bond Wheel- Khayyam. Omar, Rubaiyat. Transl, by EdwardPauper Press, 1949.
Fitzgerald,* Peter
wright Co., 1955. Kritzeck, James, ed.. Anthology of Islamic Literature.* Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1964.
Sordo. Enrique. Moorish Spain: Cordoba, Seville, Granada. London, Elek Books, 1963, Nicholson, Reynold A.. /4 liferary Hisfory of the Arabs. Cambridge University Press, 1962.
Spuler, Bertold, The Muslim World. Transl. by F.R.C. Bagley. 2 vols. Leiden. E. J, Brill, 1960. Rosenthal, E I.J Political Thought in Medieval Islam* Cambridge University Press. 1958.

Stewart-Robinson, J., ed,. The Traditional Near East.j Prentice-Hall, 1966, Sarton, George, Introduction to the History of Science. 3 vols, William & Wilkins, 1927,
Von Grunebaum, Gustave E., Medieval Islam. * University of Chicago Press, 1953. 1931,1947-
Von Grunebaum. Gustave E., ed.. Unity and Variety in Muslim Civilization. University of

Chicago Press, 1955,

Watt, W. Montgomery, and Pierre Cachia, A History of Islamic Spain. Edinburgh University RELIGION
Press. 1965,
Andrae, Tor, Mohammed, the Man and his Faith.* Harper & Row, 1960.
Arberry, Arthur J., transl,. The Koran Interpreted.* Macmillan, 1955
ART AND ARCHITECTURE Arberry, Arthur J., Sufism. London, G. Allen &. Unwin. 1950.
Coulson, N. J., A History of Islamic Law. Edinburgh University Press. 1964.
Arnold. Thomas W,, Painting in Islam.f Dover Publications, 1965. Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Maurice, Muslim Institutions. Barnes & Noble, 1961,
Creswell. K.A.C., A Short Account of Early Muslim Architecture.^ Penguin Books, 1958. Gibb, H.A.R.
Dilley, Arthur U,, Oriental Rugs and Carpets. Rev, ed. by Maurice S. Dimand. J. B. Lippin- Modern Trends in Islam. University of Chicago Press, 1947
cott, 1959, Mohammedanism An Historical Survey.* Oxford University Press, 1953.

Dimand, Maurice S., A Handbook of Muhammadan Art. 3rd ed. Metropolitan Museum of Guillaume, Alfred. Islam.* Barnes & Noble, 1964.
Art, 1958 Guillaume, Alfred, transl,. The Life of Muhammad. Oxford University Press, 1955.
Erdmann. Kurt, Oriental Carpets. Transl. by Charles G, Ellis. Universe Books, 1962. Jeffery, Arthur, ed,. Reader on Islam. The Hague. Mouton & Co 19b2. ,

Ettinghausen, Richard: Nicholson, Reynold A., The Mystics of Islam. London, Routledge &. Kegan Paul, 1914.
Arab Painting. Skira. World Publishing Co., 1962, Pickthall. Mohammed M., ed.. The Meaning of the Glorious Koran.'f New American Library,
Turkish Miniatures from the 13th to the 18th Century. New American Library, 1965, 1954.
Gray, Basil. Persian Painting. Skira, World Publishing Co., 19ei, Schacht, Joseph, An Introduction to Islamic Law. Oxford University Press, 1964,
Grube. Ernst J., The World of Islam. McGraw-Hill, 1967 Von Grunebaum, Gustave E., Muhammadan Festivals. Henry Schuman, 1951.
Hill, Derek, and Oleg Grabar, Islamic Architecture and Its Decoration. University of Chicago Watt, W. Montgomery:
Press, 1964. Islamic Philosophy and Theology. Edinburgh University Press, 1962.
Kijhnel, Ernst, Islamic Art and Architecture. Transl. by Katherine Watson. Cornell University Muhammad, Prophet and Statesman.* Oxford University Press. 1961.
Press, 1966. Muslim Intellectual: A Study of Al-Ghazati. Edinburgh University Press. 1963.

For the help given in the preparation of this book, the editors are particularly indebted to L'lnformation, Tunis; RiccardoGizdulich. La Grande Mosquee, Kairouan, Abdel Rahman Ab-
R. Bayly Winder, Chairman, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, New del Tawab. Director of Inspectorate and Excavations for Islamic and Coptic Monuments,
York University; Jeanette Wakin, Committee on Oriental Studies, Columbia University; Cairo; Ahmed Abdel Razik, Department of Antiquities. Cairo. Abdel-Raouf Ali Yousuf,
Richard Ettinghausen, Professor of Fine Arts, New York University, and Muhammad Abdul Curator, Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo; Tawfig Suleyman, Director General of Antiquities,
Rauf, Director, Islamic Foundation of New York. The editors also express their gratitude to National Museum. Damascus; Bachir Zouhdi, National Museum, Damascus; Hayrullah Ors,
the following advisers: Frederick G. Kilgour, Yale University Library; Richard Van Gelder, Director, Topkapi Museum, Istanbul; Kemal Cig, Deputy Director, Topkapi Museum, Istan-
Chairman, Department of Mammalogy, The American Museum of Natural History; John bul, Can Kerametli, Director, Turkish Islamic Art Museum, Istanbul; Filiz Ogutmen. Direc-
Plummer, Curator. Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts. The Pierpont Morgan Library; tor, Topkapi Museum Library; Yusuf Durul, Deputy Director, Turkish Islamic Art Museum;

George C. Miles. Director, The American Numismatic Society, Jeremiah F O'SuIlivan, Pro- Tulay Reyhanli, Chief, Ceramic Division. Turkish Islamic Art Museum; Department of Ori-
fessor of Medieval History, Fordham University, Ernst ]. Grube, Curator. Islamic Art, The entalPrinledBooks and Manuscripts, The British Museum. The Chester Beatty Library, Dub-
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Richard E. Fuller, Seattle Art Museum; Raffaello Causa, Su- lin; The Department of Oriental Antiquities. The British Museum; Department of Manu-

perintendent, Soprintendenza Alle Gailerie della Campania. Naples, Umberto Scerrato, Uni- scripts, Edinburgh University Library; Bodleian Library, Oxford; Royal Scottish Museum, Ed-
versita Degli Studi, Naples, Francesco Gabrielli, Universita Degli Studi. Rome. Luciano Berti, inburgh, Henriette Bessis, Chargee de Mission a L'Atelier Delacroix, Paris, Arlette Calvet.
Director, Museo Nazionale del Bargello. Florence; Enrico Pistolesi. Opera del Primaziale, Pisa; Assistanteau Cabinet des Dessins, Musee du Louvre. Paris; Jean David-Weill, Conservateur
AntonioGallegoMorell.Delegacion Provincial de Informacion y Turismo. Granada; Jesiis Ber- aux Antiquites Musulmanes, Musee du Louvre. Paris; Monique Ricour, Chef du Service de
mudez. Director. Museo de la Alhambra, Granada. Angustias Moreno Olmedo, Biblioteca de Presseau Musee des Arts Decora lifs, Paris; Johanna Zick, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Fried-
la Alhambra, Granada; Fray Dario Cabanelas Rodriguez. O.F.M., Universidad de Granada; richRauch. Munich; Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. Munich; Victor Griessmaier, Director, and
AmorMsadek. Directeur de L'Information. Secretariat D'Etat aux Affaires Culturelles et a Gerhard Egger, Oesterreichisches Museum fur Angewandte Kunst, Vienna.

The sources for the illustrations in this book are set forth by semicolons, from top to bottom by dashes. Photographers'
below. Descriptive notes on the works of art are included names that follow a descriptive note appear in parentheses.
Credits for pictures positioned from left to right are separated Abbreviations include "c." for century and "ca." for circa.

Cover— Title page from the Kamseh by Nizami, Persian, He rat School, ca 1430, The Melro- (Eddy Van Der Veen), plate, from Ntshapur, Persia. 10th c, courtesy of the Smithsonian In-
politan Museum of Art. Gift of Alexander Smith Cochran, 1913 8-9-Map bv Murray Tin- stitution, Freer Gallery of Art, Washington. DC
114— Box, ivory with silver filigree hinges
kelman and paste glass gems, about 2V; inches high, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, Carrand
Collection (Paolo Tosi)— knife, bronze, about 10 inches long, probably Egyptian, 14th c, Mu-
seoe Gallerie Nazionali di Capodimonte Aldo Durazzi)— bracelet, gold, Persian, llth-12th c,

CHAPTER I: lO-Photograph by Roloff Beny 13-Map by Rafael D Palacios- 16-Detail of courtesyof the Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C 115— neck-
pilgrim scroll, Ms Add 27560, British Museum, London (Derek Bayes) 21 through 29— All lace pendant, gold with filigree work, height about 2 inches. Egypt, Fatimid period, 12lh c,
illustrations from Turkish version of [he Siyar-i-Nahj (Progress of the Prophet), 16th c 21 Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, Carrand Collection (Paolo Tosi)— ceramic bowl from
—Ms. Hazine 1222, folio 151, courtesy Topkapi Museum, Istanbul (Ara Guler) 22— Ms. Ha- Rayy, Persia, early 13th c, courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art,
zine 1221, folios 196; 200; 216b; 214-223, courtesy Topkapi Museum, Istanbul (Ara Guler). Washington, DC. 116-117— Ewer, bronze, about ISVj inches high, Persian, 8th c, The Met-
23— Ms. Hazine 1222, folios 30; 158, courtesy Topkapi Museum, Istanbul (Ara Guler). 24- ropolitan Museum of Art, Samuel D. Lee Fund, 1941; bottle, glass, blown and carved, about
25— Ms. Hazine 1222, folio 382, courtesy Topkapi Museum (Ara Guler)— folios 3 recto; 5 redo 4'/; inches high, from Gurgan, Persia, ca, 1200, Seattle Art Museum, Eugene Fuller Memorial

—6 verso, courtesy The New York Public Library, The Spencer Collection (Lee Boltin). 26— Collection; ceremonial knife or saw, bronze, about 14 inches long, from Gurgan, Persia, 12th
Ms, Hazine 1222, folio 189a. courtesy Topkapi Museum. Istanbul (Ara Giiler); folios 190 ver- c, Seattle Art Museum, Gift of Mrs John C Atwood. Jr— ceramic bowl from Kashan, Per-
so; 161 verso— 136 recto, courtesy The New York Public Library, The Spencer Collection (Lee sia, early 13th c, courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution. Freer Gallery of Art, Washington,

Boltin). 27— Folios 303 recto— 309 recto; 319 recto, courtesy The New York Public Library, DC; inkpot, brass, inlaid with silver, about 2V: inches high, from Mosul, Iraq, mid-13th c.
The Spencer Collection (Lee Boltin) 28— Folios 343 verso—350 recto; 35ci verso, courtesy The Museo e Gallerie Nazionali di Capodimonte (Aido Durazzi). 118-119— Coffer, bronze with
New York Public Library, The Spencer Collection (Lee Boltin), 29— Folios 348 rectO; 448 applied gilt figures, height, 7'/; inches, Persian, 1197, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, The
verso, courtesy The New York Public Library, The Spencer Collection (Lee Boltin)— Ms Ha- Holmes Collection (Ken Kay), lamp, glass with enamel colors and gilding, height about S'A
zine 1223, folio 408, courtesy Topkapi Museum, Istanbul (Ara Guler) inches, Syrian, 13lh c by courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London— key, bronze

with gold inlay, Egypt. 15th c. Louvre, Paris (Eddy Van Der Veen); ceramic ewer, height,
13''4 inches, from Gurgan. Persia, early 13th c. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. The Holmes

CHAPTER 2: 30— Page from a Koran, Persian, llth-12th c, Iran Bastan Museum, Teheran Collection (Ken Kay)
(Fernand Bourges) 32— Illustration from the Qisas-al-Anbiya, Persian, probably late 16th c ,

folio 225, courtesy The Chester Beatty Library, Dublin 34— Diagram drawing by Gamal El-
Zoghby 39— Ceramic dish from Nishapur. Persia, "^th c Collection Foroughi, Teheran (Photo
, CHAPTER o. 120— Illustration from Ms. of Automata (Treatise of Abu 'I !zz Isma'il al-Jazari),
Bulioz). 41 through 51— All photographs by Roloff Beny except p. 4o, bottom (Anderson, Egypto-Arabic, Mamluk School, probably from Cairo, ca, 1315, The Metropolitan Museum
Rome) of Art, Rogers Fund. 1955 12o— Astrolabe, brass, Yemenite, ca, 1296, The Metropolitan Mu-
seum of Art, Bequest of Edward C, Moore. 1891. 131 through 139— Illustrations from the
Manafi' al-Hayawan (The Advantages Derived from Animals) by Ibn Bakhtishu'. Persian, ca,
CHAPTER 3: 52— Photograph by Roloff Beny 54-55— Map by Rafael D, Palacios, 59— Illus- 1295, Ms 500, folios 55. 19, 11, 13, 18, 24. 16 verso, 37 verso, 14 verso, courtesy of The Pier-
tration from the Zubdat al-Tawarikh (Cream of Chronologies), Turkish, ca. 1600, Ms. 423, ponl Morgan Library (Hans Lippmann).
folio 21b, courtesy The Chester Beatty Library, Dublin 62—Dirham, silver coin, from Cor-
doba, Spain, 722-723, courtesy The American Numismatic Society. o5— Photograph by John
Lewis Stage 6o-67— Photograph by Dmitri Kessel, photograph by Larry Sherman from CHAPTER 7; 140— Illustration from the Aja'ih ul-Makhlukat (The Mari'els of Creation) by
Black Star, 68-69— Photograph by Elmar Schneiwind from Rapho Guillumette; photograph Qasvini, Turkish, probably loth c , Ms. Add, 7894, folio 59b, The British Museum, London,
by Tor Eigeland from Black Star 70-71— Photograph by Eliot Elisofon; photograph by Sabine (John Freeman) 14o— Map by Rafael D Palacios, 149 through 161— Photographs by David
Weiss from Rapho Guillumette 72-73— Photograph by Bruce Davidson from Magnum 74- Lees.
75— Photograph by Elliott Erwitt from Magnum, photograph by James Burke 76-77— Photo-
graph by lames Burke
CHAPTER 8: l62— Portrait of Sultan Muhammad II, the Conqueror, by Sinan Bey, Turkish,
late 15th c, Topkapi Museum, Yang from exhibition
Istanbul (photo by Dudley, Hardin and
CHAPTER 4 78— Ceramic bowl fromKashanor Rayy, Persia, 13lh c courtesy of the Smithsonian
, "ArtTreasuresof Turkey circulated by the Smithsonian Institution, at Seattle Art Museum)
Institution, Freer Gallery of Art. Washington, D C (Fernand Bourges). 83— Chessman, ivory, lo4— Map by Rafael D Palacios 168— Trousers, riveted mail, with plates of steel inlaid with
Persian, llth-12th c. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Purchase 19o5, Gustavus A. Pfeif- gold, on base of leather and linen. Persian, 18lh c, by the courtesy of the Royal Scottish Mu-
fer Fund 84-85— Page from Kitab Suwar al-Kawakib atb-Thabita (Treatise on the Fixed seum, Edinburgh (Tom Scott) 171— Detail of carpet border, wool, from Konya, Turkey, 13th
Stars)byas-Sufi,fromCeuta.Morocco. 1224. Ms Ross. 1033 folioe4 verso, Vatican Library. 86— c Turkish Islamic Art Museum. Istanbul (Giraudon, Paris), 172-173— Illustration from the

Koran stand, from Persia or West Turkestan, wood, I3oO. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Kamseh by Nizami. from Herat. Persia. 16th c, Ms 8, folio 64a, The Metropolitan Museum
Rogers Fund, 1910 89 through 99— Illustrations from the Maqamat of al-Hariri, painted by of Art, Gift of Alexander Smith Cochran (Lee Boltin); medallion carpet from Uschak. Tur-
Yahya ibn Mahmud al-Wasili. from Baghdad, Iraq, 1237, Ms, Arabe 5847 (Schefer Hariri), key, wool, about 9 X 14 feet, ca loOO, Oesterreichisches Museum fur Angewandte Kunst,
folios 120 verso, 152 recto. 5 verso, 4 verso. 105 recto, 125 recto. 19 recto, 33. 11 verso. 94 Vienna(Erich Lessing from Magnum); "Portuguese" carpet, wool, about 22'/- x 12'/; feet, Per-
verso, 29 verso, Bibliotheque Nationale. Paris sian. 17lh c. Oesterreichisches Museum fijr Angewandte Kunst. Vienna (Erich Lessing from
Magnum). 174-175— Illustration from the Shah-Nameh by Firdausi, from Isfahan, Persia,
17th c. Ms 3. folio 475b, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Alexander Smith Coch-
CHAPTER 5- 100— Griffin, bronze, Egyptian, Fatimid period, 12th c, courtesy of the Opera ran (Lee Boltin); "Garden" carpet, wool, about 8'^: x 4' : feel, Persian. 17th c Musee des ,

del Pnmaziale, Pisa (Erich Lessing from Magnum) 105— Hawk and duck, fragment from Arts Decoralifs, Paris (Sabine Weiss from Rapho Guillumette). 176— Prayer carpet, wool,
stucco wall decoration, from Rayy, Persia, llth c courtesy of Museum of Fine Arts.
, from Ladik, Turkey, 17th c. Private Collection, Munich (Robert Braunmiiller)- prayer car-
Boston 10O-107— Coronation cloak of Roger II ot Sicily, silk with gold, pearls and gems, made pet, wool, about 4x6 feet, from Ladik, Turkey, 18th c. Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris
bv Egvpttan artists, Fatimid period, in Palermo. 1133-1134, Schatzkammer, Kunsthistorisches (Sabine Weiss from Rapho Guillumette); Illustration from Ms Or 8755. folio 4, Persian,
Museum, Vienna (Erich Lessing from Magnum) 109— Detail of page from a Koran, Egypt, 1453, courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum. London. 177— Prayer carpel, wool,
8th-9th c— detail of page from a Koran. Egypt, 9th-10th c— detail of page from a Koran, Ar- from Ghiordes. Turkey, 18th c, Oesterreichisches Museum fijr Angewandte Kunst, Vienna
abic, 14th c, courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art. Washington, D.C. (Erich Lessing from Magnum), 178-179— Illustration from Ms Elliott 149, (olio 22oa, from
Ill— Doorknocker, bronze, Northern Iraq, ca 1300, StaatlicheMuseenzu Berlin, Islamische Ab- Shiraz. Persia, loth c, Bodleian Library, Oxford— carpel fragment, wool, from Konya. Tur-
teilung- 112— Rose-water sprinkler, silver-gilt, height about 10 inches, Persian, 12lh c, cour- key, 13th c, Turkish Islamic Museum, Istanbul (Ara Gtiler); camel and driver, Persian,
tesy of the Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, DC; jar from Raqqa, Herat School, late 15th c, courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art,
Syria, 12th-13th c, height about 9 inches, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Bequest of Hor- Washington, DC; donkey bag. wool, from Shiraz, Persia, 18th c. Oesterreichisches Mu-
ace Havemeyer. 1956. The H. O. Havemeyer Collection 113— Gilded bronze object, possibly a seum fur Angewandte Kunst, Vienna (Erich Lessing from Magnum) 180-181— Mamluk car-
buckle, about 2'-: inches high. Persian. llth-I2lh c Musee Guimet, Paris (Giraudon, Paris)—
. pet, silk, about 17 feet, 9 inches by 9 feet. 6 inches, from Cairo, Egypt, early loth c, Oester-
incense burner, bronze with turquoise, height about 10 inches, Egypt, 15th c Louvre. Paris
. reichisches Museum fur Angewandte Kunst, Vienna (Erich Lessing from Magnum)

This symbol in front of a page number indicates an iilustration of the subject mentioned.


Mosque of Ibn Tulun, *42-43, *45, Cordoba, Spain, 125; cultural advancement Cairo. Ibn Tulun Mosque influence of Greek naturalism upon
•46-47. •48. *49. 103, 147; threatened by under Islam, 142, Great Mosque, "46-47; Entertainments. See Games and pastimes Islamic representational painting, 106;
Selim the Grim, 166; university (al- maps 8, 54; taken by Muslims, 142 Ethiopia. See Abyssinia uprisings against the Ottomans, 168
Azhar),148, 165.169 Crete, map 164 Euclid, 121 Guadalquivir River, 143
Calendar (Islamic), 27 Crimea, map lo4 Euphrates River. 13. 54, 60, 79, 80; maps Guyushi Mosque, Cairo. "41, "47
Caliphate: abolished by Kemal Ataturk, Croatia, lt>7 13, 55, 146. 164

170; arbitration, 60-61; duties of, 81- Crusades, 148, accelerate flow of Eastern Europe astrolabe introduced into Europe
82, end of, 164, governors of Islam, 53. ideas to the West. 145. Chanson de by Muslims. IZ^: challenge to Muslim
origin of designation, "Commander of Roland. 143. conquests of the First ascendency. 163-169, contrasted with H
the Faithful," 57, rightly guided," 53- Crusade, map 146; Crusader states, map Islam. 169; importation of Middle
54 See also Abbasids; Fatimid dynasty; 146; establish pockets of Christianity, Eastern goods following the Crusades, Habsburg family. 172, 180
Kharijites. Umayyad
dynasty, and 145; impact on Islam, 145, Muslim view 146-147. invaded by Ottomans. 147, Hadhramaut, the, 13; maps 13, 55
names of individual caliphs throughout of, 163. purposes of, 145-146; results 148, 165, 167, influencedby Islam, 11, Hadi, Caliph, succession of, 82
Calligraphy, 12, 117, 157, as decoration on of, 146; targets of, 141 141-140, 147, 148, mathematical Hadith (Traditions). 38-39
Ibn Tulun Mosque, 103; gliding Ctesiphon, 54. 79. 80. maps 13, 55 knowledge derived from Islam. 129; Hakim, Caliph, orders destruction of the
Kufic," "109, Kufic script. '39, '109, Currency. 84; first Islamic, 61-62; technique of paper making learned Church of the Holy Sepulcher, 145
•152-153; Naskhi script, ^153; revered Spanish Muslim coin, '62 from Muslims, 12; trade routes to, Hallaj (mystic), 87
by Muslims, 106. 153. "thuluth," ^109; Customs. See Manners map 13, Western ideas and teachers Hanifs (religious sect). 14
used as decoration on textiles. 107 Cyprus, maps 55. 146. 164 imported by Turkey, 169 Harems, 106, 145, 170. establishment of
Canals, use of in irrigation, 62. See also Expansionism: 54-64, 65-77, map 54-35 in Spain, 143

Irrigation Hasan (son of Ali). 61

Cation of Medicine (Avicenna), 124-125 Hashimiya. Iraq. 79
Caravans. 97 See also Trade D Heraclius, 54; attempts to regain
Carpets. 106, *171-181; camel cover, *178; Damascus, 57; defeated by Islam, 56
"camels' hooves" motif, *178. garden, Dalmatia, lt»7 Herat,maps 9. 55
•174-175; Ghiordes, '177; knotting, Damascus. 60, 63, 102, 122, 147; besieged FadI, son of Yahya, 82 Hidalgo (Spanish concept of the ideal
172, Konya, '178, Ladik. •l7o. lamp by Khalid ibn al-Walid, 56, as capital fakir (Muslim holy man). 143-144 man). 143-144
motif, •176, making of, 172; Mamluk, of Islam, 53, 79, 101, captured by Falconry, 145 Hijaz, the, 13
•180-181, medallion, ^172-173, •IBO- Mongols. 166; falls to Arabs, 57; as focal Falsafa (knowledge of the universe), Hindu Kush (mountain range). •76-77
181, in myth and legend, 180-181; oc- point of (slam, 61; Great Mosque of. 122-123 Hindus, 128
tagonal motifs, ^178, Persian, •173, 62, 103. maps 8. 13. 55. 146. 164 Far East. Muslim trade with, 13, 148 Hippocrates. 121, 125
•174-175, •178-179; prayer rugs, 171, Dante Alighieri, Muslim influence on, 144 Faraj, Sultan, lia Hira, Persia, 15. 122
•176, •177, role of in Islamic world, Danube River, maps 55. 164 Falima (daughter of Muhammad), 15, Hisab al-]abr wa'l Muqabala (Khwarizmi),
17i, royal, 172; saddlebags, "178-179; Dark Ages in Europe, 142 •29. 59 129
Shiraz, •178-179; silk, 172, •174-175. Daybul. map 55 Fatimid dynasty, prevents Christian access Historians. Muslim, 130
•180-181, supreme art of, 12; tulip Dead Sea. map 146 to Palestine. 145; map 146 Holidays "Great Festival," 36. '94
motif, '170, Turkish. ^171, •172-173. Decoration abstract patterns in, 105; the Fergusson, James, quoted, 147-148 See also Ramadan
•l76. *I77; use of as tent coverings, arabesque, 12, 105-106, 107; considered Financial system. 84 Holy Land, access to as a purpose of
•178; use of by nomads, 179; Ushak. more important than structural fbrm by Fitzgerald. Edward, 1 10 the Crusades, 145
•172-173 Muslims. 104, ot houses. 106: motifs "Five Pillars of Islam," 31-40, 141 Holy Sepulcher Shrine. Jerusalem.
Caspian Sea, 88; maps 13, 55, 164 in, "157, 158, Muslim genius for, 104, Folklore; animal tales in bestiaries. See Church of the Holy Sepulcher
Castles See Palaces 149, plant motifs in, 105. ^154. '155, 131-139; Arabic, 12 Homer, 85
Church See Roman Catholic
Catholic •157; profusion of decoration. 158-159, Food and Cooking; exotic cuisine of Islam, Horoscopes. See Astrology
Church stylization of natural forms, 155, 157; 83, post-Ramadan feast, 39. Middle Hospitals, 124, 127, 147 See also Medicine
Central Asia. See Asia traditional forms in. 110 See also Art Eastern foods introduced to Europe by "House of Wisdom," the, 121. 122. 129
Ceramics, 12. •ll?; art of, 107; Kashan, Delhi, India. 16b. map 9 returning Crusaders. 146-147. religious Household articles, 83. 106-107. •111-119
116, •117, •119, lusterware. 107; mosaic Dhofar, map 13 law. 40. See also Drinking habits; Hulagu (grandson of Genghis Khan),
tile,"150-151; Persian. '39, *78, "112, Dioscorides, 121 Eating habits 163
113. •115; Syrian, '112 Divme Comedi/ (Dante), 144 Fortresses, desert, 104 Hunayn ibn Ishaq (physician), achieve-
Cervantes. Miguel de, 144 Divorce, 33, 40. 92, Q3 France; inspires Ottoman New Order, ments of, 122; textbook on ophthal-
Ceuta. map 54 Dome of the Rock. Jerusalem, 102 167, invaded by Muslims, 55. 65, 77; mology, 122
Ceylon, trade with Islam. 83 Domestic life: household articles, 83, protectorates of. 169 Hungary, 166, 167; map 164
Chanson de Roland. 143 100-107, •111-119 Friday Mosque (Samarra). 88 Husayn (son of Ali). o3
Charlemagne, 143 Dominic, Saint, 147 Funeral customs, "98-99
Chemistry: chemical apparatus. 128, Don Quixote 144, 148 Furniture, 83. simplicity of, lOo
debt of modern chemistry to Islam, Dress Arab. 83, court dress at the Fustat, Egypt. 103; map 55
127; Muslim contributions to, 12 Alhambra, 158, elegance of 101; ,
Chess: carved ivory chessman, "83; modernization of, 169; popularization
imported from India, 83, introduced of trousers, 83, traditional Muslim Ibn Arabi (Spanish mystic), 144
by Persians. 83. popularity in Islam, 83 clothing abolished, 170, the turban, 169 Ibn Bakhlishu , 131
China, 55, 141 earliest Islamic description
Drinking habits proscription of alcohol. Ibn Bakhtishu'. Jurjis. 124
of, 130; map 55, trade routes to, map 20, 40, 95, enjoyment of wine. 79. Gabriel (angel), ^23, ^24, •20, 34 Ibn Battuta, 148
13. trade with Islam, 83, 97 tavern scene, "95 See also Eating habits. Galen, 121. 122, 125.120 Ibn Hazm, treatise on love. 144

Chivalrv. 146, possible origin of in Food and Cooking Gama. Vasco da. 167 Ibn Ishaq (first biographer of Muhammad),
Muslim Cordoba, 144 Drugs, use of in medicine, 126-127 Games and pastimes, 83 See also Chess; 15
Christ See lesus Du'a (private prayer), 35 Food and Cooking, Gardens, Holidays; Ibn Khaldun (philosopher and historian),

Christianity and Christians, in Arabia, Music, Poetry 130

14, assimilation of Islamic culture Ganges River, Ibo Ibn Mavmun. See Maimonides
in Spain, 142. 143. in Byzantium, 54, Gardens; laid out by the Abbasids, 104; Ibn Rushd (Averroes) (physician), achieve-
Christian churches in Syria. 103, conflict Persian, 174, 175 ments of. 125, commentaries on
with Zoroastrianism in Seventh Century, Gaza. 56. maps 55, 146 Aristotle. 125, 144; as translator ot

54, Greek manuscripts translated into East Indies, trade with Islam, 83 Genghis Khan, ltj3, lt>5, 166 Aristotle, 125

Syriac by Christians. 85; in Islamic Eating habits. 83, 116 See also Drinking Genoa, 145 Ibn Sina See Avicenna
Spain, 142. map 146; in Mecca. 14; habits. Food and Cooking Geographers, 130 Ibn Tulun, Governor of Egypt, annexes
Muslim-Christian struggle in Spain, Edessa, 146. map 14o Geometry, 129, developed in Islam, 12 Syria, 88, builds Egypt's first hospital,
142-143; religious activity suppressed Education; of boys, "90-91, educational Ghandara sculpture. 142 147: rule of. 103
by Muslims, 58; religious practices system, 165, in Egypt under Muhammad Ghazali (theologian), 87 Ibn Tulun Mosque. •42-43. MS. '46-47,
permitted in Islam. 19, treated with All, 168; modernization of schools and Gibraltar. 62 •48, '49. 147; style of, 103

restraint by Umar, 57 See also Crusades colleges, 170 5e< -i/so Jundishapur. Glass, 107. •116, •118-119; manufacture Idrisi (Arab cartographer), 145
Church Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem:
of the Madrasas. Universities 128
of, 80, Id al-Fitr (post-Ramadan feast), 39
destruction ordered bv Hakim. 145; Egypt. 12. 75, 80, 88. 122 adversely Granada. Spain. 149. 158; Arabic books Imam. 43. 50
visited by Umar, 57 affected by Umars tax reforms, 63, burnt, 143, culture of under Islam, 142; India. 12. 55. 58. 62. 85. 128, 141. 169;

Church of Hagia Sophia, 147 conquered bv Amr ibn al-As. 57-58, 70; map 54 art of. 141-142; Birunis book on, 130;
Coinage See Currency controlled bv Mu awiya, 61; conquered Great Britain: challenges Ottoman power, earliest Islamic description of, 130;

Columbus, Christopher, 145 by Islam. 55, 56, 103; 11th Century 168. defeats Muhammad Ali, 169; invaded by Mongols, 166; maps 9, 55;

"Commander of the Faithful " See bronze, '100, grievances against Uthman, policy toward Egypt, lo'^ Muslim architecture in. 147. origins of
Caliphate 59; invaded by Napoleon, 167-168, Greece: 128, 160, art of introduced to chess in, 83; as part of Islamic empire,
Commerce. See Trade Mamluk dynasty, 166; maps 8, 55, 164. India by Alexander the Great, 141; 65; scientific works translated into
Communications systems, 62 in the 19th Century. 169; opens the conquered by Muhammad 11. 163, Arabic, 121; tombs. 147-148, trade with
Constantinople. 54, 102, 122, 168. 169; Suez Canal, lC'9, relations with Great heritage of returned to Western world Far East. 148; trade with Islam, 83, 97;
captured by Ottomans, 166; conquered Britain, lo**, under Muhammad Ali, through Islam. 12. intluence ot Hellenis- under the Mughals, 147; under Muslim
by Muhammad II, 163; maps 13. 146, 164; 168; occupied bv Persia, 54, pyramids tic thought upon Islamic science and rule. 76. 77
threatened by Muslims. 62 of. "70, trade with Islam, 83, 97 See also philosophy. 84-85, 86, 107, 108, 122, 141, Indian Ocean, 141, 167

Indonesia: influence of Muslim traders Karlowitz, Treaty of, 167 Mansur. Caliph, autocratic rule of. 81; "28, 29, calligraphy as a form of
and teachers, 14S: trade with Islam, 148 Kashan, pottery of, 116, *117. *119 builds Baghdad, 80, cured of illness by decoration. 106; decoration, "48, 49,
Indus River. 62, 142; maps 13. 55, lo4 Kemal Ataturk, 170 Jurjis ibn Bakhtishu', 124; death of, 82; 149; development of, 101, distinctive
Infanticide, 66 Kerbela. map 55 early rule of, 79 features of, 41. Dome of the Rock
Insane, treatment of, 127 Kerman, map 55 Manufacturing: production of consumer (Jerusalem). 102; form of, 3t, 101-102,
Iraq. 13. 61, 64, 67, 80; conquered by Is- Khadija (first wife of Muhammad), 14, 15, goods, 83 103; fountains of, 45; Friday Mosque
lam. 55. 5o; held by the Persians, o9; 16, 17, 20; marriage of, '23 Manuscripts, illumination of. 107-108 (Samarra), 88; Great Mosque of
irrigation in. 121; mapis 9, 13. 5$. 164; Khalid ibn Barmak. appointed governor of Maps, early Muslim, 130 Cordoba, Spain. "46-47. Great Mosque
technique of making lusterware devel- Persian provinces. 82 Maqamat (Arabian tales), 110. illustration ofDamascus, 62, 103, Great Mosque
oped in, 107; trading commodities, 97 Khalid ibn al-Walid: attacks Syria, 56; from, 89 atQavrawan, Tunisia, "44-45, "50-51;
Irrigation: in Iraq, 121; irrigating machine. captures Damascus, 5o. 57; nickname, Marriage, 40, 94, 95; formalities, 92, See Guyushi Mosque (Cairo), "41, "47; Ibn
'120; use of canals in, 62 56 also Divorce Tulun (Cairo), "42-43. "45. "46-47, "48,
Isfahan, map 55 Khalifat Rasul Allah (Successor of the Martel, Charles, defeats Muslims at "49, 147; twan. 103-104, key to Great
Ishma il (son of Abraham), 32 Messenger of God). See Abu Bakr 55
Poitiers, Mosque of Mecca, "118-119; maqsura.
Islamic empire? absorption of various cul- form anli-
Kharijites (Seceders), 61, Marwan II. Caliph, deposed and murdered 50; mihrah. 49, "50-51; minaret, "10, "42,
tures. 123. 141; adopts Western w/ays, 169; Umayyad party, 63 by Abbasids, 64 103; minbar, 49, "50; in Persia, 147; plan
beginnings of. 11-20; boundaries of. 65. Kindi, 85 Masnavi. the (religious poem by Rumi), of, "34, qibla wall, 49, resplendence of,
contrasted with Europe. lo9: afler the Khosrau I, King of Persia, 59 110 102; ruins of largestmosque in Islam.
death of Muhammad, map 55. decline of Khurasan, 87-88; map 55 Mathematics: Arabic system of numerals "10; the sanctuary. 49; school, "90-91;
power. 87-88, lti3-lbo. emergence of Khwarizmi (mathematician). 129 becomes standard mathematical symbols. in Spain, 143. staff of, 43, tombs of
great military leaders. 56; era of change Konya, maps 8, 164 12, 128; algebra, 12, 128-129; concept of India, 147-148; translations of Arabic
and conquest, 53-64; expansion of, 11, Koran, 31-40, 111, on Abraham, 32, on zero, 128; decimal system, 128; geom- word, 49. See also Madrasas
53-64, 65-77. map 54-55; future of. adultery, 20, battlefield prayers. 36; etry, 12, 129. influence on abstract de- Mosul, 147; map 13
170;Golden Age of. 12. 53, 64, 79-88, Bible stories in the, 32; carved stand for, sign patterns. 105; Muslim contribu- Mourning customs. See Funeral customs
government of. 81. guide books lo, 130; *86; contains few details of Muham- tions to. 12. 128-129; Muslims as the Muawiya, Caliph, 108, becomes caliph,
heritage of. Io3-170; influence of, 141- mad's life, 21; contents of, 11, on the greatest mathematicians of the medieval 61, death of. 63. dispute with Ali. 60.
148; intellectual awakening. 84-85; Day of Judgment, 34; delivered by Mu- world. 150-151; practical applications 61; efficient rule of. ol
need for spiritual renewal, 169. prosper- hammad. 11. embossed leaf from, '30; trigonometry, 12, 129
of, 123, Muezzin. 18. 37. "42, 43, 103; duties of,
ity of. 89. 97; religious wars, 141-142; on fastinj- 36. as the first great prose Mawali (converts to Islam). 58. discrimina- 35
resources of. 83; respect for scholarship. work of Islam, 109-110;
on the giving of tion against. 63 Mughals: architecture of. 147; dynasty of,
122. 148; map 8-9; in the 20th Century. plunder, 31, on the goodness of God, 32, Maysun (wife of Muawiya), poetry 147; introduce Islam into India, 147
170; uniting of achieved by Seljuk on Heaven, 34; on Jesus and the Virgin quoted. 108 Muhammad (Mohammed) (Mehmet),
Turks. l65; unifying role of. 12 Mary, 17; Muslim belief in its infalli- Mecca: attacks Medina, 18-19; becomes Prophet: achieves unification of
Ismail I. Khedive of Egypt. 169 bility, 33. lo5, preparation of single important trading center, 13; Christians Arabia, 19; ascension to Heaven, 102,
IsraBI (angel), 34 text, 33; on the providence of God, 66, in, 14; clashes with Muslims, 18, at the assumes role of prophet, 15; becomes
Isra'il (angel). 70-71; read at funerals. 98: revelations crossroads of the caravan trade, 13; falls aware of lack of faith in his people, 14;
Ivory carving, 12, Persian chessman, *63 challenged, 84; standardization of, to Muhammad, 19. importance of. 13. birth of, 14, '22; birthplace of, 98;
58-59; suras, 33. on taxation. 58; key to Great Mosque. "118-119; maps 9, childhood and youth of, 14; children of,
Traditionists vs. Mu'tazilites contro- 13, 55, 164; pilgrimage to, 37-38. 94, 15; death of, 20. "29, 53. 54, 55;
versy. 85-8o; teaching of, 90. on the *98; as site of Arabia's holiest pagan delivers the Koran, II; depicted in
treatment of women. 40; on warfare, 40. shrine, 13-14. as spiritual center of Is- miniature, "176; desire to carry Word of
141; lam, 19. See also Kaaba God to northern peoples, 54; dream of,
Jabir ibn Hayyan (alchemist), 127-128 Kublai Khan. 148 Medicine, achievements in, 124-127; anes- 76-77; early followers of, lb, first
la far, son of \ ahva, 82-83 Kufa, Iraq, 60, 61, 63, 79, 128; maps 9, 55 thesia. 125-126. debt of modern medicine vision of, 15, flight from Mecca, 17,
Jaffa, map 146 to Islam, 122, development of surgery, "20; harsh measures against Jews, 19;
Jalal al-Din Rumi (Sufi poet). 110 125-120: drugs, 126-127; hospitals, 124, Hijra (Hegira), 17; home of, 36;
Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, 169 127, 147; influence of Islamic scholarship humanitarian laws of. 19-20; increasing
Janissaries, 16t). 167; massacre of, lo9 on European medicine, 124-125, med- power of, 17 instructions of worship.
Jawsaq palace, 104 ical schooljundishapur, 122, 123,
at 41. as the last prophet, 33. legends of.
Java, 148; Muslim trade with. 141 Language. See Arabic; Persian 124. 127; Muslim contributions to, 123; 21. life of, "21-29; lineage of. "59;
Jaxartes River, maps 13, 55 Law: Islamic law replaced by Western law, Muslim enhancement of Greek theory, marriage of. 15. "23; meaning of name
Jazari (engineer), 121 170. See also Koran 12, ophthalmology, 126, primitive med- in Arabic. 14; neglects to name a
Jahan, Shah. 14B Lebanon, *67 ical knowledge of Arabs, 123; psycholog- successor, 53: nickname of, 14,
Jerusalem, 56; Dome of the Rock (mosque), Levant, the, 145; influence of Islam on, 141 ical disorders diagnosed, 125, training personality, 14, 19-20, physical
102: falls to Crusaders, 145; invaded by Literature, development of prose, 109-110; and examinations, 12o. 127; traveling appearance, 14-15. pilgrimage to Mecca.
Persia, 54; King of. 145. maps 8. 55, flourishes in Ninth Century Islam. 85. clinics, 127; treatment of cancer. 125; 19, prays before the Kaaba (painting),
146, 164; remains undefeated by Islam, greatness of Islam's, 12; Islamic achieve- treatment of the insane. 127; treatment "21; Progress of the Prophet. "21-29,
Umar. 57- See also
57; surrenders to ment in. 101. as Islam's most original of smallpox. 124; tuberculosis diagnosed. raids against Meccan caravans, 18;
Church Holy Sepulcher
of the creative art form, 108; Maqamat (collec- 125. See also Hunayn ibn Ishaq rejected by Jews, 17-18; revelations of,
Jesus Christ, honored in Islam. 25. 32 tion of anecdotes). 8*^, 110; Persian Medina (Yathrib), 13, 17, 19, 3o, 43, 57, 15, "23, "24-25, 31, 33. 36, stay in
Jewelry: customs regarding. 114; Egyptian court literature. 108, 110, teaching of, 59. 60, o3. 101 , attacked by Mecca, 18- Yathrib. 17; takes Mecca, 19, teachings
pendant. 'IM. Persian bracelet, *114 90; translation of Arabic manuscripts 19; building of the mosque, *28, 29; as of, 15-16; trading journey to Syria, 14;
John of the Cross, Saint, 143 from Spain into European languages, capital of Islam, 53. maps 9, 13, 55, 164; victory at Badr, IS; on water, 44; wives
Jordan River, maps 55. 146 144, See also Koran; Poetry Muhammad's stay in, 26, *28; as politi- See also A
of, 20, isha; Khadija; Koran
Jordan. Umayyad fortresses in. 104 Little Armenia, 146; map 146 cal capital of Islam, 19 Muhammad 1, Sultan of the Ottomans, 166
Judaism and the Jews: 167; in Arabia, 14; London, lo9 Mediterranean Sea. 58, 83, 145; maps 13, Muhammad II, Sultan of the Ottomans,
disaffection of Jews in Spain aids Mus- 55. 146, 164 "162
lims, 142, harsh treatment of by Mu- Mehmet See Muhammad Muhammad Abduh, Mufti of Egypt,
hammad, 19, massacred by Crusaders, Men: life of, 95. See also Women
146, Muslim political superiority over,
102; reject Muhammad, 17-18; religious
M Merchants. See Trade
Merv, map 55
Muhammad Governor of Egypt,
167-108; defeated by British sea power,
activity suppressed by Muslims, 58, re- Ma'arri (poet), 109 Mesopotamia, 80, 88, 122 169
ligious practices permitted in Islam, 19; Madinat al-Salam ("The City of Peace '}. Metalwork. 107 Muhammadanism. See Religion
sacred shrine in Jerusalem, 102; trans- See Baghdad Mevlevi (Whirling Dervishes), 110 Mumtaz Mahal, 148
late Creek manuscripts into Syriac, 85; Madinat al-Nabi, See Medina Michael (angel), 34 Muqaddima (Ibn Khaldun). 130
treated with restraint by Umar. 57 Madrasas (mosque-colleges), 103-104, Military skills, during the Crusades, 146 Muqtadir. Caliph, 127
Jundishapur, Persia, medical school, 122, founded by the Seljuks, 147 Mina, 38 Muscat, maps 13. lo4
123, 124. 127 Mahmud II, Sultan of Ottomans, 168-169 Miniatures, 107-108, '172; Persian, Music enjoyment of, 79; Imperial Music
jurjis ibn Bakhtishu'. See Ibn Bakhtishu', Maimonides. Guide far the Perplexed, 125; 107. "176, "178; Turkish, "21-29, "140. School founded by Mahmud II, 169
Jurjis life and work, 125 See also Art, Painting Muslims. See Muhammadanism
Justinian. 147 Malaya: converted to Islam, 148; Muslim Mohammed. See Muhammad Mu'ta, map 55
trade with. 141 Monetary system, 84 Mu'tadid, Caliph, 88
Mamluks, lo3, loo, lo7; massacre of, Mongols: invade Islam, 163-164, 165, 166; Mutanabbi (poet), 108
168; rug, '181 sack Baghdad, 11, 163-164, 166; second Mu'tasim, Caliph, 88, builds Jawsaq
K Ma'mun, Caliph, 85, 122; builds observa- invasion of Middle East. 165 palace, 104
tory, 129; creates the "House of Wis- Morgan Library. New York, 131 Mukawakkil, Caliph (son of Mu tasim),
Kaaba (shrine at Mecca), 14, 18, 19, "ab, dom," 121 Morocco, 87. Muslim university in. 148 86,88
32,3o, 37. 38, 119: architectural form of Manners and Customs: behavior of gen- Mosaics. lOo; tile, "150-151 Mu'tazilites (school of theology), 85-8o,
102; attacked by Abyssinian army, "22; tlemen, 90; at court, 159; funeral cus- Moscow. 166 lo5
Muhammad prays before (painting), toms, *98-99; legislation regulating be- Moses (prophet), 25, 32 Muzdalifa,38
•21 plan of, "lO: purification of, 19; havior. 38; present giving, 111; use of Mosques, "41-51; arcades, "46-47;
Mysticism, 8o-87; influence on Dante,
Zamzam well, 'lo, 45, 98 perfume, 112. the wearing of jewelry, architecture of, 12, 41-51; building of, 144; passes into the Spanish Christian
Kandahar, Afghanistan, "75 114 62; building of the mosque at Medina, tradition. 143; poetry of, 110

N Persia, 80, 82, 85. 148, 169; armor, '168;
art, "78. 105, 108, "176, *178: attacked
Rayy, maps 13, 164
Razi (Rhazes): treatise on smallpox, 124.
Ottomans; Turkey and the Turks
Serbia, conquered by Muhammad II, 163
Nabidh (fermented beverage), 95 by Islam under Abu Bakr, 54; as Book of the Secret of Secrets, 128. Seville, Spain, 125, culture of under islam,

Napoleon, invades Egypt, 167-168 center of Abbasid movement. 64; encyclopedia of medicine. 124; medical 142, falls to Muslims, 142; map 54,

Nasrid sultans, 149 conquered by Muslims, 55, 56, 58, 72, discoveries of, 124, work in alchemy, 128 reconquest of, 143
Negus, the (King of Abvssinia), 17 101, 121-122; court literature, 108. 110; Red Sea. 13. 14, 83; maps 13, 55. 146, 164 Sexual mores, 40
Nehawand, Persia, battle at, 72 culture of as a major element of Muslim Religion: alms giving, 36, 39; Arabian Shari-a, 38-39

New Troops, the See Janissaries civilization, 72, 80; decay of empire, characteristics of, 19; articles of faith, Shi'a (the party ") (militant reform

Newspaper, hrst Islamic. 168 65; defeated at Qadasiya. o9; empire of, 31-40, beginnings of in Arabia, 11. group), 63
Nile River, 15, 57, 166, 169: maps 13. 55, map 55; as enemy of Byzantine empire, belief in angels, 34, belief in the oneness Shiites, persecuted by Abbasids, 64.

146. 164 54. entertainments in, 79: fallsunder of Allah. 32; belief in the prophets, 32. rebellion of Shiites. 7P

Nippur, Iraq, *69 invaded

control of local leaders. 87-88, and caliphate, 81-82, conservatism in, Shiraz. maps
9. 55. 164

Nishapur. maps 13, 55 by Mongols, 163, invades Middle East 85-86. 165, converts, 58, 76, 77. Day of Sicily, 122.captured by Islam. 144; and
Noah (prophet), 32, 59 and captures "True Cross," 54; love of judgment, 34, dietary laws, 40: early cultural legacy of Islam, 144-145. influ-

Nomads, use ot carpets as household gardens in, 174, 175; maps 9, 13, 164; persecution of Muslims, 16-17. ence of Islam on. 141, reconquest of.
144-145, taken from Islam by Normans,

obiects, 179 mosque-builders of, 147; occupies fasting, 3t>-37. Five Pillars of Islam,
Normandy, dynasty of Norman kings in Egypt, 54, ominipotent kings of, 81; 31-40, 141. Great Festival," 3&. 107; under Norman Kings, 145
Sicily, 144-145 as part of Islamic empire. 11. 102; plains badith (Traditions), 38-39; bajt Sidon, map 14t)
North Africa becomes part of the of, '72-73; poetry, 12, 110; Safavid (pilgrimage), 37-38; importance of Siffin. 60, map 55
Ottoman empire, 166, conquered by dynasty, l66; scientific works translated prayer, 34-35, 35-36; as Islam's most Siraf, map 13
Islam, 55. 56, 57. 62; map 55, trade into Arabic. 121, trade with Far East. durable strength, 164-165, jihad (holy Sivas, map 164
with Islam. 83, See also Africa 148. trading commodities, 97; trading war). 40. 141-142, ludaeo-Christian Slavery modified by Muhammad, 20,
Nubia, 168 routes threatened. 13 concepts in. 32. 141: legislation importation of slaves from Africa and
Numerals, Arabic, transmitted to the Persian Gulf, 13. 54. 60, 83; maps 55, 164 regulating behavior, j8; mawali, 58, Byzantium, 83, 97, slave market, '94-95
Western world, 12, 128 Persian language, 110 need for spiritual renewal, 169, not Slavonia, 167
Peter the Great, Czar of Russia, 169, forced on subject peoples, 58, no Somalis, 148
172 organized priesthood, 31, pilgrimages to Sophocles, 85
Petra,map 13 Mecca. 13-14, 37-38, plays dominant role Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 57
O Pharmacies, 126-127
Pharos (lighthouse at Alexandria), 103
in Muslim art. 101; rak'a. 35,
18. 36-37, 39, 123, religious war.
Ramadan, Spain, 55. 62, 64. '74-75, 107. 122, 130, 149;
art of Moorish, '114, and cultural legacy
Observatory of Caliph Ma'mun. 129 Philippines, the, Muslim trade with, 141-142; ritual ablution, '22, 35, 37-38. of Islam, 142-144; hidalgo concept and
Oman, maps 55. 164 141 •45. sacrifice, 38, shahada influence of Islam, 143-144, Islamic dy-
Omar Khayyam, Riibaiyat, 12. 110 Philosophy, 122; flourishes in Ninth (declaration of belief), 31, shari'a, nasties in, 142; Islamic influence in. 141.
Oriental rugs See Carpets Century Islam, 85 38-39; simplicity of, 31, state control of maps 8, 54, Muslim conquest of. 62. 75,

Orlando Funoso (Ariosto), 143 Physics Avicenna's investigations in, 125, religious life, 82, theories of predestina- 77. 142. 149. as part of Islamic empire,
Ophthalmology, 126 Muslim contributions to, 12 ulama (religious scholars), 31,
tion, 32; 65; trade with Islam, 83
Optics, 129 Plato, 121 165; unchanging beliefs, 31; unique Sports. See Games and pastimes
Ornamentation See Decoration Poetry: Arabic, 12-13.62, 101, in Baghdad, customs, 18 See also Christianity, Sudan, the, 168
Orontes River, map 146 108, Bedouin, 108: development of, Judaism Suez Canal, opening of, 169
Osman. leader of the Ottomans, 165 108-110, en)oyment of, 79; epic poem, Rhazes. See Razi Sufism, 86-87, lo5, doctrine of the concept
Osman II, lo5 110; European, influenced by Islam. Ridda (apostasy) wars. 54 of God, 143: influence on Spanish Chris-
Ottomans besiege Vienna, 148, 165, 167, 144; lyrical, 101; mystical, 110; Persian, Rui? of the Dove. The (ibn Hazm). 144 tians, 143; poetry of, 110

challenge Persia's power in the Middle 108, 110; qasida (ode), 108; reflects Roger de Hauteville, 144-145 Sumatra, 148
East, 168, conquer Byzantium, 166, transformation of Arabic society, 108; Roger II (Roger the Pagan), Summa Theologica (St. Thomas Aquinas),
decline of empire, 165, 167, 1d9; 108-109
style of, 107, 145 144
defeated by Timur, 16o; dynasty of, Poitiers, France, besieged by Muslims, 55, R.ola>id, Sotjg of. 143 Surgery. See Medicine
147, 165, efficient army of, 166; 65; map 55 Roman Catholic Church: conflict with Syr Darya, maps 55, 164
empire of, map 164; expansion of Poland, 167 Muslims in Spam, 142-143, and the Syria, 13, 14, 54, 67, 70, 74, 80, 85, 122,

empire, 166; fight French in Egypt, Polo. 83 Crusades, 145, See also Christians and 145, annexed by Ibn Tulun, 88; Chris-
167-168; invasion of Europe, 147, 148, Polo, Marco, 148 Christianity tian churches in, 103: conquered by

165, as major military power of Polygamy, 40 Rome, 56 Islam, 55, 56. 57. 62, 69; conquered by

Europe, lo7; march into Africa and Porcelain, brought from China to Islam in Rosary, Islamic origins of, 147 the Ottomans. 16o, held by Umayyads,
Europe, 165, modern Turkish nation, Ninth Century, 83. 107. 116. See also Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, 12, 110 64, influence of culture. 102, lamp from,
170, mosque architecture of. 147; the Ceramics Rugs, See Carpets '118-119. maps 8, 13, 55. Muhammad's
New Order. 167; origin of name, 165; Postal routes, 62 Russia: invaded by Timur the Lame, 165- trip to, 14; as part of Byzantine empire,
power of, 163. recapture Anatolia, 166. Pottery See Ceramics 166: Muslim travelers in, 130; trade with 14; pottery of, *112, promised to Mu-
take Constantinople,
rise of, 163, 165; Prayer, angels at, '140; form of. 18; Islam, 84 hammad Ali. 168, revolt against Ali,

166 See also 5eljuks, Turkey and importance of, 176 60-01. trade with Islam, 83. trading

the Turks Predestination, theories of. 32 commodities. 97; Umayyad fortresses in,

Oxus River, maps 13, 55 Printing press, first Muslim, 168 104
Progress of the Prophet, The, *21-29
Prose: replaces poetry in recording
history and traditions of Islam, Sadaqa (alms), 36
110 Safavid dynasty. 166
Provence, troubadours of, 144 Sahara Desert, trading caravans. 148
Painting Eastern influence in, 106. Ptolemy, 121 St Symeon. map 146 Tabriz, 166; map 164

Muslim scene of the Nativity, '*32, Pyramids, Egyptian. *70 Saladin. Sultan of Egypt. 125 Taif (Arabia), 13, 17; maps 13. 55
representational painting. 106, stylized Pyrenees, 142 Salat (ritual prayer), 35 Taj Mahal, 148

and symbolic, 106. See also Art. Samarkand, 12. 75, 165; maps 13. 55, 164 Tamerlane See Timur the Lame
Miniatures Samarra, 11, 103; as capital of Islam, 88. Taxation, of conquered territories, 58; of

Pakistan, 147 103; Friday Mosque, 88, [awsaq palace, Christians and Jews, 1"; reforms under

Palaces of the Abbasids, 104, the 104, map 9, palaces of, 104 Umar II. 63, refusal of Arab tribes to
Sana, map 13 pay Islamic tax. 54; as stated in the
Alhambra, "149-161, Baghdad palace
sacked by Mongols, 163, building Qadasiya, battle at, 69 Saracens: routed at Jerusalem, 145 Koran, 58
materials, 104, built m cities, 104. Qadi (judge), *''3 Scandinavia: trade with Islam, 84. 97 Teresa of Avila. Saint, 143
caliph's palace at Baghdad, 80; desert Qasim Amin, 170 Science, 121-130, basis of Islamic scientific Textiles, S3, 107, embroidered cape, 'lOo-

fortresses of the Umayyads. 104. Qayrawan, Tunisia Great Mosque, thought, 122, debt of modern science to 107, making of, 101, Muslim factory at

fortress-palace of Ukhaydir, 53; of Ibn M4-45, *50-51; maps 8. 55 Islam, 121, 122: flourishes in Islam. 85. Palermo, 107
Tulun, 147; Jawsaq palace, Samarra, Qazvin, map 55 107, 121; influence of Greek scientific Theodorus (Byzantine commander), 57
104, modeled on Roman frontier forts. Qudama (critic), 108 theory. 85; Muslim ascendancy is chal- Theology flourishes in Ninth Century
Quraysh Mecca, lenged by the West. 163. terminology Islam. 85; Tradilionists vs. Mu'ta/ilites
104. ornamentation of. 149 (tribe) as chief citizens of
Palermo. Sicily. 107, as center of Arabic 14, defeat at Badr, 18, 3o; opposition to derived from Arabic. 121. 123, 128 controversy. 85-86. See also Koran,

culture, 144-145. map 9 Muhammad, 16, persecution of Scripts. See Calligraphy Religion

Palestine. 14, 54, 122, Christian access to Muslims, 16-17 Sea of Galilee, 57, *6o-67; map 146 Thousand and One Nights. A. See Arabi-
as a purpose of the Crusades, 145; Seceders. See Kharijites an Nights
Christian states established in. 146; Selim the Grim, 166 Tigris River, 13, 54, 61, 64, 79, 80. 88;

conquered by Islam, 55, 56, 57, map Selim III. Sultan of Turkey. 167. lo8 maps 13. 15. 146, 164

55 R Seljuks, 88. architecture under, 147; ornamental. 107

Timbuktu, establishment of Muslim uni-
Paper, brought from Far East to Islam, dynasty of, 147, empire of, map 164;
12,83 Rabia (Sufi), 87 expansion of empire. 147, found the versity in, 141 , 148
Paris,169 Ramadan (holy month), 18, 36-37, 123; first marfrflsfls, 147; invade Timur the Lame (Tamerlane), 165-166
Peloponnesus, 167 post-Ramadan feast, 39 Baghdad, 163; unite Islam, 165; use of Toledo, Spain, Muslims, 142
falls to

Perfume, use of, 112 Raqqa, map 13 ornamental tiles, 107. See also Tournaments, Muslim origin of, 146

Trade: Baghdad as a center of, 79-80; u V Wood Carving, 12
camel caravans. 97; expansion of. 83; World War I. 169
with the Far East. 148. as an honored Ukhaydir, "52 Venice, 145 Writing, art of. See Calligraphy
profession, 148; importance of Mecca to, Umar, Caliph, *59; administrative policies Verse. See Poetry
13; opportunities for during the Cru- of, 58; assassination of. 58; character Vienna, 180; besieged by Turks. 148. 165, 167
sades, 145, 146-147; pre-Islamic trade of, 57; as greatest of the caliphs, 57; re- Vikings, 56
routes, map 13; trading routes, map 13; ceives surrender of Jerusalem, 57 Visigoths, 142
sea-going, 141; widespread trade of Umar !!, Caliph, 64; lax reform of, 63 Vizier, role of, 82
Islam, 97 Umayyad dynasty, 58, 60, 61-62, 147, Ximenes, Cardinal, 143
Traditionists vs. Mu'tazilites controversy, artistic and cultural development under.
85-80 102: autocratic rule of, 81; build Great
Traditions (hadith). 38-39, 102
Transoxiana, map 1d4
of Damascus, 103, conquests
54-55; desert fortresses of, 104;
of, W
Traveling, as a way of life, 179 dynastic succession of, 61; end of power, Walid, Caliph, builds Great Mosque of
Treaty of Karlowitz, 167 63-64; establishment of dynasty, 102; Damascus, 103 Yahya (son of Khalid), becomes vizier, 82
Trigonometry, 129; developed in Islam, expansion to the east and west, 55; mili- Warfare desert, 56; emergence of great Yahya al-Wasiti,89
12 tary conquests of, o2; in North Africa. military leaders, 56; military skills Yarmuk, battle of, 69
Tripoli (Libya), maps 8, 55, lci4 62; Spanish line, 87; systematic murder learned during the Crusades, 146; Mus- Yarmuk River, 57, map 55
Tripoli (Lebanon), map 146 of, 64 lims use of carrier pigeons. 146; religious Yathrib See Medina
Tulunid dynasty. 88 Universe, knowledge of (Falsafa), 122-123 wars, 40, 141-142; standard terms of Yazid (son of Mu'awiya). 61; slays
Tunisia, 87; conquered by Uqba, 70; Universities: first official university char- surrender, 56-57. See also Army Husavn, 63
Muslim university in, 148 tered in Europe, 145, at Cairo (al-Azhar). Water, importance of, 44-45 See also Irrigation Yemen, 13; maps 13, 55
Turkestan, 88, 124 148, 165, 160; 'House of Wisdom," 121, West, See Europe Yeni cheri (New Troops). See Janissaries
Turkey and the Turks. 12; in Asia Minor. 122, 129. modernization of, 170; in Mo- Whirling Dervishes, 110 Yezdegerd. King of Persia, 54, 72
165; conquer Byzantium. 146; empire of, rocco, 148; at Naples. 143; at Timbuktu. Women: care of young children, 90, as
map 164; invade Europe, 148; invade 141, 148; in Tunisia, 148 chess players, 83; emancipation of, 170;
Islam, 147; as a major world power, Uqba. nephew of Amr, 70 female poet, 108: Koranic law on control
147, military conquests of. 147; minia- Urban II, Pope, proclaims First Crusade, of women's property, 170. marriage
tures. *21-29; modern state of, 170; 145 rights, 92, on pilgrimage to Mecca, "98,
routed at Jerusalem, 145; at siege of "Uses of Animals, The," pages from, *131- seclusion of. 95; splendor of dress at Zfl/cflMalms),36
Vienna, 148, 165; Turkish guard of the 139 Alhambra court. 158; subservience to Zamzam (holy well in Mecca), *16, 45, 98
Caliph, 88, 104. See also Ottomans; Uthman, Caliph, *59; assassination of, 59; men, 93; treatment of according to the Zayd (slave freed by Muhammad), 16
Seljuks becomes caliph. 58; nepotism under, 5**; Koran, 40. See also Divorce, Harems; Zoroastrianism, 167; conflict with Chris-
Tyre, map 146 standardizes the Koran, 33, 58-59 Marriage; Men tianity in Seventh Century, 54; in Persia, 54

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