Hi-Styled High Speed Overseamers With Differential Feed For Foundation Garments

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39500 GR

CLASS 39500


From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Catalog No. 103 GR
(Supplement to Catalog No. 103 FA)





CLASS 39500


39500 GR

First Edition

Copyright 1967
Union Special Machine Co.
Rights Reserved in All Countries


Decembe r, 196 7

Printed in U.S. A.

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Each Union Special machine is identified by a Style number on a name plate on

the machine. Style numbers are classified as standard and special. Standard Style
numbers have one or more letters suffixed. but never contain the letter "Z".
Example: "Style 39500 GR". Special Style numbers contain the letter "Z". When
only minor changes are made in a standard machine. a "Z" is suffixed to the stan-
dard Style number. Example: "Style 39500 GRZ".

Styles of machines similar in construction are grouped under a Class number

which differs from the Style number in that it contains no letters. Example: "Class


This catalog is a supplement to Catalog No. 103 FA and should be used in con-
junction therewith. Only those parts used on Style 39500 GR. but not on Style 39500
FP are illustrated and listed at the back of this catalog. On the page opposite the
illustration will be found a listing of the parts with their part numbers. desc ription
and the number of pieces required. Numbers in the first column are reference
numbers only. and merely indicate the position of that p a rt in the illustration. Re-
ference numbers should never be used i n ordering parts. Alw ays use the part num-
ber listed in the second column.

This catalog applies specifically to the standard Style of machine as listed

herein. It can also be applied with discretion to some Special Styl es of machines in
Class 39500. References to directions. such as right. left, front, back, etc., are
given from the operator's position while seated at the machine. Operating direction
of handwheel is away from operator.


Hi-Styled High Speed Single Curved Blade Needle. Two Looper-Three Thread or
One Looper-One Spreader-Two Thread Machine. Differential Feed. Trimming Me-
chanism with Spring Pressed Lower Knife. Automatic Lubricating System.

39500 GR Medium to heavy duty machine for break open seaming and attaching of
elastic to girdle s and foundation garments with either a two or three thread
stitch. Machine can be u sed with or without the s t a ndard trimming knives. For
those who do not wi sh to trim the material. a front fabric guide is included.
Seam specification 503 or 505-SSa-1. hinged open to make LSa-1; standard
seam width 1/4 inch; stitch range 8-30 per inch; cam adjusted main and differ-
ential feeds. Maximum recommended speed 6500 R. P.M.


CAUTION! Oil was drained from machine when shipped. so reservoir must b e
filled before beginning to op e rate. Oil capacity of Class 39500 is six ounces. A
straight mineral oil of a Saybolt viscosity of 200 to 250 seconds at 100° Fahrenheit
should be used.

Machine is filled with oil at spring cap in top cover. Oil level is checked at
sight gauge on front of machine. Red bulb on oil level indicator should show between
gauge lines when machine is stationary.

Machine is automatically lubricated. No oiling is necessary, other than keeping

main reservoir filled. Check oil daily before the morni ng start; add oil as required.

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
OILING {Continued)

The oil drain plug screw is located at back of machine near bottom edge of
base. It is a magnetic screw designed to accumulate possible foreign materials
that have entered the crank case. It should be removed and cleaned periodically.

Each Union Special needle has both type and size number. The type number
denotes the kind of shank, point, length, groove, finish and other details. The size
number, stamped on the needle shank, denotes largest diameter of blade, measured
in thousandths of an inch, midway between shank and eye. Collectively, type and
size number represent the complete symbol which is given on the label of all nee-
dles packaged and sold by Union Special.

Class 39500 machines use a curved blade needle. The standard recommended
needle for Style 39500 GR is Type 154 GHS. Below is the description and sizes
available of the recommended needle.

Type No. Description and Sizes

154 GHS Round shank, round point, curved blade, standard length, single
groove, struck groove, ball point, spotted, chromium plated and is
available in sizes 025, 027, 029, 032, 036, 040.

To have needle orders promptly and accurately filled, an empty packag e, a

sample needle, or the type and size number should be forwarded. Use description
on label. A complete order would read: "1000 Needles, Type 154 GHS, Size 032".

Selection of proper needle size is determined by size of thread used. Thread

should pass freely through needle eye in order to produce a good stitch formation.

Success in the operation of Union Special machines can be secured only by use
of needles packaged under our brand n a me, ~ • which is backed by a re-
putation for producing highest quality n e edles in - materials and workmanship for
more than three-quarters of a century.

Release pressure on presser foot by turning presser foot release bushing {AG,
Fig. 1 and 1A) and s wing presser arm {U) out of position. Turn handwheel in opera-
ting di rection until needle is at its lowest point of travel. Using hexagonal socket
wrench No. 21388 AU, furnished with machine, loosen needle clamp nut about 1/4
turn. Again turn handwheel until needle is at high position; withdraw needle.

To replace needle, leave needle holder at high position and, with the flat to the
left, insert needle in holder until it rests against stop pin. Keeping needle in this
position, turn handwheel until holder is again at its low point of travel; then tighten
nut. Return presser arm (U) to position; re-lock presser foot release bushing {AG).


After thread comes from cone on cone support {A, Fig. 1) it is brought up
through the back hole of thread eyelet {B), then down through the front hole of thread
eyelet. The needle thread is then threaded through the upper hole of tension thread
guide {C) from front to back, and then through the lower hole from back to front.
The lower looper thread is threaded through the upper hole back to front, through
the middle hole from front to back, and finally through the lower hole from back to
front. Both threads then continue between th e tension discs (J), through tension
post slot {K) in tension post (G) and on through front thread guide {M).
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

After thread comes from cone on cone support {A, Fig. lA) it is brought up
through the back hole of thread eyelet (B), then down through the front hole of thread
eyelet. The needle and upper looper threads are then threaded through the upper
hole of tension thread guide (C) from front to back, and then through the lower hole
from back to front. The lower looper thread is threaded through the upper hole back
to front. through the middle hole from front to back, and finally through the lower
hole from back to front. All three threads then continue b etween the tension discs
(J). through tension post slot (K) in tension post (G) and on through front thre ad
guide {M).

NOTE: Refer to Fig. 1 for the 503 stitch threading or refer to Fig. 1A for the 505
stitch threading.


Only parts involved in threading are shown in threading diagrams Fig. 1 a nd

lA. Parts are placed in their relative positions for clarity.

It will simplify the threading of these machines to follow the recommended se-
quence of threading the lower looper first and the needle second, when using the
503 stitch (Fig. 1). The recommended sequence when using the 505 stitch (Fig. 1A)
would be to thread the lower looper first, the upper looper second and the needle

Before beginning to thread, swing cloth plate open, turn handwheel in ope r at-
ing direction until needle (X) is at high position, release pressure on presser foot
by turning presser foot release bushing {AG) and swing presser arm {U) out of

Be sure the threads, as they come from the tension thread guide (C), are be-
tween tension discs (J) and in tension post slots (K) in tension post {G). The tension
posts should be positioned so the tension post slot will be at the approximate angle
for the different threads as indicated in Fig. 1 and 1A.


Double end of thread and lead it through the right eyelet of front thread guide
(M, Fig. 1 or 1A). Then lead thread through both eyes of lower looper thread ey e-
let (R, Fig. 1 or 1A) from right to left. NOTE: Thread must pass in front of looper
thread pull-off (AF). Lead thread behind fabric guard (S) and through frame loop er
thread guide (T). Turn handwheel in op e rating direction until heel of lower looper
{V) is all the way to the left, then thread through both eyes from left to right. Left
eye of lower looper can be threaded easily if tweezers are in left hand.

NOTE: In Fig. 1A for the 505 stitch, the low e r looper thread eyelet is placed in the
upper position.


Double end of thread and lead it through the left eyelet of front thread gui de (M,
Fig. 1A). Turn handwheel until point of upper looper (W, Fig. 1A) is all the way to
the left. Lead thread through auxiliary looper thread eyelet (P} from back to front,
then through both eyes of upper looper thread eyelet (N) from left to right.

NOTE: Thread must pass in front of looper thread pull-off (AF).

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
~~ Thread Eyelet

[!] Tension Post

IIJ spring Shield

Cone Support

raJ Front Thread Guide

~~Lower Looper Thread Ey

Top Cover
_.,...,. Needle Thread Eyelet
~~ Fabric Guard
Upper Looper
Thread Tube Assembly

ID Presser

Fig. 1

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
li]Tension Nut
Thread Eyelet

__.....~':...' ;"

n Tension Discs ,

(~Tension Post Slo~- . B Cone Support

II Tension Disc Felt·-..

[i Tension Thread Presser Foot

j~~r-:.-.,~·~~~ Release Bushing

rlJ Front Thread Guide

Top Cover
.-.~~ Needle Thread Eyelet
(;~Fabric Guard Bracket
Upper Looper
Thread Tube Assembly
DFrame Looper
Thread Guide

m Presser Arm---
Upper Looper

Fig. lA Lower Loope r

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

After pulling up upper looper thread tube assembly (AA). lead thread under
n e ck of top cover casting and down through thread tube assembly (AA). P ull thread
out bottom of tube; push tube down and then insert thread throug h the eye of upper
looper from front to back.


Turn handwheel in operating directi on until needle (X. Fig. 1 or 1A) is at its
hi ghest position. Insert needle thre ad from right to left. through both eyes of needle
thread eyelet (AD). under n e ck of top cover casting; then down through hole in top
cover needle threa d eyelet (AC). Thread needle from front.


The amount of t ension on the needle and looper threads is regulated by knurled
tension nuts (D. F ig. 1 or 1A). Tension on threads should be only enough to secure
proper stitch formation.


Sufficient presser foot pressure to feed work uniformly

should be maintained. Should it be necessary to i ncrease or
decrease amount of pressure on presser foot. loosen lock
nut (A. Fig. 2) and turn adjusting screw (B). Adjusting
screw has a r ight hand thread so tightening increases pres-
sure. loosening decreases pressure. When pressure adjust-
ing screw (B) has been properly set, tighten lock nut (A).
With presser foot resting on throat plate. position locking
nut (C) so that its under surface is approximately 1/32 inch
to 1/16 inch from the top surface of adjusting screw (B).
Set cap (D) against locking nut (C). Fig. 2


Feed eccentrics used in Style 39500 GR machine s have been selected to produce
approximately 20 stitches per inch. It wi ll be noted that the part number of main
feed eccentric is No. 39540 B- 20, while that of differential feed eccentric is No.
39540 B-18. Minor numbers of the part symbol indicate approximately the number
of stit ches obtai nable when using that eccentric. Unless otherwise specified, rna-
chine will be shippe d with above combination of eccentrics.

Generally sp eaking. differential (right hand) feed eccentric determines number

of stitches produce d; main (left hand) feed eccentric is selected in relation to deg r ee
and direct i on of stretch of material being sewn. or type of operation.

Following stitch number feed eccentrics are available under No. 39540 B-4,- 5,
-6. -7. -a. -9.-10.-11.-12,-13,-14,-15.-16. -1a.-2o. -22.-24.-26,-28,-30,-32,-34,
-36,-40. Only two eccentrics are supplied with e ach machine. Additional eccentrics
may be ordered separately. To order an eccentric, use No. 39540 B with a minor
number suffixe d to i ndicate number of stitches desired. Example: "39540 B- 20".


Before assembling and adjusting sewing parts. remove cloth plate. fabric
guard. chip guard. upper knife assembly, lower knife holder assembly. then follow
this suggested sequence:

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
NOTE: The adjusting instructions that follow will pertain to both the 503 and the
505 stitch, the only difference is an upper spreader is used for the 503 stitch, while
an upper looper is used for the 505 stitch. All of the instructions are applicable fo r
both types of stitches, unless otherwise specified.


With throat plate assembled in position, needle
should center in the front end of needle slot. When
needle is at high position, needle point should be set
15/32 inch above the throat plate (A. F ig. 3). To
align needle or set the height above the throat plate,
move needle driving arm (B, Fig. 3) by loosening
clamp screw {C). After needle has been properly
set, tighten clamp screw and remove throat plate.
If needle thread cam pull-off {A, Fig. 4) over- Fig. 3
laps looper thread pull- off {B), separate by moving
looper thread pull- off back. When retightening loo-
per pull-off screw, be sure to take up end play in
needle driving arm.
At this point, in-
sert lower looper {A,
Fig. 5) into bar {B).
With lower looper at
the left end of its
stroke, set looper point
1/8 inch from center
of needle (Fig. 5), using
loor.ergaugeNo. 21225
-1j8. Do nothave low-
er looper deflecting Fig. 5
Fig. 4 needle. Tighten nut
{C). Now assemble differential {front) feed dog.


Set rear needle guard {A, Fig. 6) as high as possi-
ble, without interferring with either lower looper or
movement of lower knife holder, but still in position to
deflect needle forward . 002-. 004 inch. Screw {B) is used
to set rear needle guard. Make sure there is no interfer-
ence between rear needle guard and lower looper.


Now finish lower looper adjustment. As lower looper
moves to the right, its point should be set into the needle
scarf {A, Fig. 7) until the needle springs forward from
rear needle guard surface another. 002-. 004 inch. Tight-
en nut {C, Fig. 5) securely.


Assemble front needle guard {C, Fig. 6). When lower looper is springing nee-
dle off back guard, set front needle gua:Pd as close as possible to needle without
touching. Screw {D) is used to adjust and set front needle guard. After this setting
make sure there is no interference between needle guards and differential feed dog.

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Insert upper spreader (A, Fig.

8) in its holder. Screw (B) holds up-
per spreader in its holder, and per-
mits it to be pushed in or out, or
turned around its shank. Insert
spreader holder into spreader shaft,
if it is not already in place. Screw
(C, Fig. 8) on clamp collar holds
spreader holder in the shaft, and
allows holder to be rotated or adjust-
ed laterally.

Preliminary Setting: When upper

spreader is at the right end of its Fig. 8
Fig. 7 stroke, spreader holder should be
set to position spreader shank approximately vertical (Fig. 8).
Top endof spreader shank should extend 1/16 to 3/32 inch above the spreader hold-
er (Fig. 8).

NOTE: The above settings also apply when s etting the upper looper used for the
505 stitch.

As spreader moves from right to left, the Ve e notch

of the spreader should pass just behind the eye of the
lower looper, with . 002 to . 004 inch clearance b etween
spreader and lower looper (Fig. 9).

Turn the handwheel until spreader i s at the left end

of its travel. At this position, the lower point of the
spreader should extend about 9/64 i nch t o the left of the
centerline of the needle and should be 15/32 inch above
the top of the throat plate (Fig. 10). If resetting is neces-
sary, do so by moving the spreader holder (A, Fig. 10).

Now check setting between upper

spreader and needle . If needle rubs
Fig. 9 the back of spreade r, pull spreader
out of its holder s lightly and rotat e
spre a de r holder forward a short di stance. These same adjust-
ments, i n opposite movement, will reduce the clearance betw en
spreader and needle. R e set to lower looper (Fig. 9).

NOTE: The above di m ensional setting s and adjustments also

apply when setting the upper looper used for the 505 stitch.


Now assemble mai n (back) feed dog (B, Fig. 11) and chaining feed (C). Set all
feed dogs (A, B, C, F i g. 11) so the top surfaces of the teeth all lie in the same
plane. This can be checked by s ighting across the teeth with a straight edge. Now
assemble throat plate. Feed dogs should now be l e veled with throat pl ate surface by
rotating feed tilting adjusting pin (D). Thi s pin raises or lowers the back end of both
feed bars at the same time.

The feed dogs should be set level at the time the teeth first appear above throat
plate. Screw (E) locks feed tilting adjusting pin in place. Now set the feed dogs so
that the teeth rise about 3/64 inch above the throat plate.

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Replace lower knife hold-

er assembly. Lower knife (A.
Fig. 12) should be set with
cutting edge flush with throat
plate surface. Adjustments
are made with hexagonal head
screw which holds lower knife.
Lower knife is spring pressed
against upper knife, so nola-
teral adjustment is necessary
when width of trim is changed.

Fig. 11

Lower knife may be secured in any position by

tightening screw (B) and locking nut (C) against sup-
port bracket. Because screw (B) also serves as latch
p in for the cloth plate latch spring, it should always
be locked with nut (C) even when screw is not tighten-
ed against lower knife holder.


Replace upper knife assembly. Clamp upper knife

(D, Fig. 12) in position. setting nut (E) to hold clamp
(F) in its most clockwise position against upper knife.
At bottom of its stroke, front cutting edge of upper
knife should extend not less than 1/64 inch below cut-
ting edge of lower knife. The chain guard (G) should
be set down against the upper knife and slightly back
from the cutting edge.
Fig. 12
After upper knife has been set for proper width of
trim, screw (H) should be tightened to lock upper knife holding block (J) in place.
This will simplify resetting when upper knife is replaced.


Length of stitch is determined by the combination of

feed eccentrics used. Outer (left) eccentric (A, Fig. 13)
actuates main (rear} feed dog; while the inner (right)
eccentric (B) actuates the differential (front) feed dog.

In assembling feed eccentrics, be sure hubs are

facing each other. Be careful not to damage shaft or k ey.
Tighten nut (C) securely.

To change feed eccentrics, remove nut (C) and wash-

er (D) from end of shaft (E). Turn handwh el i n operating Fig. 13
direction until key slot in eccentric is toward front.
Using hooked eccentr ic extractor (F), supplied with machine, reach behind eccen-
trics as shown and withdraw eccentrics. It may be necessary to move handwheel
back and forth slightly during extraction.

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

If eccentrics are unusually tight fitting, in

addition to removing nut (C) and washer (D) (Fig.
14) from shaft (E), it may be helpful to remove
nut (G) and feed driving connection (H). Then con-
tinue as originally suggested.


Assemble the presser foot to presser arm.

Wi th needle in high position, swing presser arm
into sewing position and set the presser foot to
align needle holes (front and back) and flat on
throat plate. The front edge of needle hole in
presser foot must be aligned with front edge of Fig. 14
needle hole in throat plate. It is also important
that the bottom of the presser foot be flat on the throat plate. If necessary, pres-
ser foot can be realigned with throat plate slots by shifting the foot lifter lever shaft
(H, Fig. 15). To move the shaft, loosen collar screws (B, Fig. 15) and clamp screw
(G) and then shift the foot lifter lever shaft to the left or right as required. Retight-
en collar scr ews and clamp screw.

The foot lifter lever arm (A, Fig. 15)

and the collar (B) secure the shaft. Be sure
the presser arm does not bind and rise when
presser foot release bushing is unlocked.

Adjust lifter lever stop screw (C) so that

presser foot can be raised no higher than
upper spreader or looper will permit: then
lock the nut (D). There should be from 1/16
to 1/8 inch free mot~on of foot lifter lever
before the presser foot begins to rise. This
adjustment should be made with screw (E)
and locked with nut (F). Re-assemble the
chip guard, fabric guard and cloth plate. To
assemble chip guard, turn handwheel until Fig. 15
upper knife assembly reaches its highest


Be sure machi n e is threaded according to threading diagram Fig. 1 for the 503
stitch or according to Fig . 1A for the 505 stitch. With thread tensions light, set
looper thread ey e l e t (R, Fig. 1) or looper thread eyelets (Nand R, Fig. 1A) approx-
imately horiz ontal and in the middle of their front to back locations. Operate rna-
chine slowly, without presser foot in place, to make sure chain forms and moves
off stitch tongue freely. Swing press e r foot into position, i nsert material and sew


While sewing on material, check needle thread control as follows: Usually all
of the needle thread required for the stitch i s drawn on the needle downstroke. With
needle at the bottom of its stroke, needle thread cam pull-off (AE, Fig. 1 or 1A)
should just touch the needle thread. To increase the amount of needle thread drawn
on the downstroke, position needle thread eyelet (AD) farther to the rear.
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Set lower looper thread eyelet (R, Fig. 1 or 1A) approximately horizontal.
Frame looper thread guide (T) should be set with its eyelet approximately 1/8 inch
to the right of lower looper (V) heel eyelet, at the time the lower looper is at the
extreme left end of its travel.


With material under presser foot, set upper looper thread eyelet (N, Fig. lA)
so it contacts the lower looper thread eyelet (R) and is back far enough so upper
looper thread is a little slack when upper looper reaches the left end of its stroke.


Before proceeding, balance thread tensions to give a normal appearing stitch.

Keep tensions as light as possible and use eyelets and take-up to get the proper

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
The parts illustrated on the preceding page and described below, represent the
parts that are used on Style 3 9500 GR, but are not used on Style 3 9500 FP.

Those parts shown in phantom views and bearing no reference numbers are common
to Styles 39500 GRand FP.

Use Catalog No. 103 FA (Style 39500 FP) for all parts not illustrated or described

Reference numbers that are inside a bracket on the picture plate and have indented
descriptions, indicate they are components of a complete part or assembly.

Ref. Part Amt.

No. No. Description Req.

1 39578 U Chip Guard---------------------------------------- 1

2 39592 AE-1 Tension Spring, for needle thread-------------------- 1
39592 AE-2 Tension Spring, for upper looper thread -------------- 1
39592 AE-8 Tension Spring, for lower looper thread -------------- 1
3 39505 Chaining Feed Dog, 20 teeth per inch----------------- 1
4 39540 B-18 Differential Feed Driving Eccentric ------------------ 1
5 39540 B-20 Main Feed Driving Eccentric ------------------------ 1
6 22894 Y Screw, for upper looper or upper spreader ----------- 1
7 39560 A Upper Spreader------------------------------------ 1
8 39526 AA Differential Feed Dog, marked "AA", 12 teeth per inch- 1
9 39505 P Main Feed Dog, marked "J" 12 teeth per inch --------- 1
10 39556 E Presser Arm-------------------------------------- 1
11 39556 K Chain Cutting Knife--------------------------------- 1
12 90 Screw, for chain cutting knife------------------------ 1
13 39501 E Cloth Plate, for non-submerged installation----------- 1
14 39582 GG Side Cover----------------------------------------- 1
15 39582 J Rivet------------------------------------------ 2
16 39582 H Spring----------------------------------------- 1
17 22585 G Latch Screw, for side cover------------------------- 1
18 39580 AA Throat Plate and Lower Knife Support Bracket--------- 1
19 39524AR-1/4 Throat Plate, marked "BC-1/4" --------------------- 1
20 39520 AR Presser Foot-------------------------------------- 1
21 39597 AR Presser Foot Stitch Tongue, marked "EN"-------- 1
22 39530 Presser Foot Hinge Spring ---------------------- 1
23 22768 B Screw, for stitch tongue and hinge spring --------- 1
24 39530 H Presser Foot Chain Shield ---------------------- 1
25 22738 Screw, for presser foot chain shield ------------- 1
26 39571 C Upper Knife Cla mp Stud----------------------------- 1
27 39572 A Upper Knife Holder Block --------------------------- 1
28 39503 H Front Fabric Guide--------------------------------- 1

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

,, .,,
UNION SPECIAL maintains sales and service
facilities throughout the world. These offices will
aid you in the selection of the right sewing
equipment for your particular operation. Union
Special representatives and service men are fac-
tory trained and are able to serve your needs
promptly and efficiently. Whatever your loca-
tion, there is a Union Special Representative to
serve you. Check with him today.





Representatives and distributor• in all Important

industrial cities throughout the world.



From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

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