Case Sheet L3

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Case Sheet for Maternity Services - L3 Facility

lR;eso t;rs
Admission Form

MCTS No. Name of Facility

Booked Yes No Block

IPD/Registration No.
BPL/JSY Registration Yes No
Contact number
Aadhar Card No. (facility)

Referred from & Reason Name of ASHA

Name: Age: W/o OR D/o:


Contact No: Marital status:

Admission date: / / Time: Name of birth companion:

Admission category: presented with labor pain presented with complications of pregnancy
referred in from other facility
LMP: / / EDD: / /

Provisional Diagnosis: Final Diagnosis:

Contraception History:

Delivery outcome: Live Abortion Sex of Baby: Male Female

Fresh Still Birth Macerated Still Birth Preterm: Yes No

Single Twin/Multiple Birth weight (in kgs) Inj.Vit.K1

Delivery date: / / Time: Immunization: BCG OPV HepB

Mode of Delivery/ Procedure: Normal Assisted CS Other (specify)

Indication for assisted/ LSCS/ Others

Final outcome: Discharge/ Referral/ Death/ LAMA/ Abortion

Name and signature of service provider: Designation: .............................................................

Phone No:........................ Date & Time: ..................
Presenting complaints: Past Obstetrics History: Medical/ Surgical History:
APH: (Please specify)
Obstructed labor:
Still births:
Congenital anomaly: Family H/o chronic illness:
Anemia (Please specify)
Others (Specify):.......................

Date and time of onset of labor: / /

Gravida: Parity: Abortion: Living children:

General Height: cms Weight: kgs

Pallor: Jaundice: Pedal Edema:

Vitals BP: mmHg Temperature: oC/oF

Pulse: /min. Respiratory rate: /min. FHR: /min.

PA Examination Presentation: Cephalic: Others (specify):.....................................

Engagement: Lie:

Gestational Age LMP: / / EDD: / /

Pre-term: Yes No Fundal heights (in wks): Final estimated Gestational

Antenatal corticosteroid
Age (in wks):
given: Yes No Age from USG:

PV Examination Cervical dilatation: (in cms) Cervical effacement: (%)

No. of PV Examinations ____ Membranes: Ruptured Intact
Colour of amniotic fluid: Clear Meconium Blood
Pelvis adequate: Yes No

Investigations Blood Group & Rh: Anti-D given:

Hb: Blood Sugar:
Urine Protein: Urine Sugar:
Syphilis: Malaria:

Others: .............................................................................................................................

CHECK-1 On Admission

Does Mother need referral? Refer to FRU/Higher centre if any of following danger signs are present, mention reason and
c Yes, organized given treatment on transfer note:
c No c Vaginal bleeding c Severe abdominal pain
c High fever c History of heart disease or other major illnesses
c Severe headache or blurred vision c Difficulty in breathing
c Convulsions

Partograph started? Start when cervix ³4 cm, then cervix should dilate ³1 cm/hr
c Yes Ÿ Every 30 min: Plot maternal pulse, contractions, FHR and colour of amniotic fluid
c No: will start when ³ 4 cm Ÿ Every 4 hours: Plot temperature, blood pressure, and cervical dilation in cm

NO OXYTOCIN/ other uterotonics for unnecessary induction/ augmentation of labor

Does Mother need Give antibiotics to Mother if:
Ÿ Antibiotics? c Mother’s temperature ³38°C (³100.5°F)
c Yes, given c Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
c No c Rupture of membranes >12 hrs without labour or >18 hrs with labour
c Labour >24 hrs or obstructed labour
c Rupture of membranes <37 wks gestation

Ÿ Inj. Magnesium Sulfate? Give first dose of inj. magnesium sulfate and refer immediately to FRU/Higher center OR give
c Yes, given full dose (loading and then maintenance) if at FRU if:
c No Mother has systolic BP ³160 or diastolic ³110 with ³+3 proteinuria OR BP systolic ³140 or
diastolic ³90 with proteinuria trace to +2 along with any of:
c Presence of any symptom like:
Ÿ Severe headache Ÿ Blurring of vision Ÿ Difficulty in breathing
Ÿ Pain in upper abdomen Ÿ Oligouria (passing <400 ml
urine in 24 hrs)
c Convulsions

Corticosteroid Give corticosteriods in antenatal period (between 24 to 34 weeks) to mothers if:

c Yes, given c True pre-term labour
c No c Conditions that lead to imminent delivery like APH, Preterm Premature ROM, Severe PE/E
Dose: Inj. Dexamethasone 6 mg IM 12 hourly - total 4 doses

HIV status of the mother: If HIV+ and in labour:

c Positive c If mother is on ART, continue same
c Negative c If not on ART, start ART
c If ART is not available, refer immediately after delivery to ICTC/ART Centre/Link ART
Centre for further HIV management
c Follow Universal Precautions If HIV status unknown:
c Recommend HIV testing

Encouraged a birth companion to be present during labour, at birth and till discharge c Yes c No
Are soap, water, gloves available?
c Yes, I will wash hands and wear gloves for each vaginal exam
c No, supplies arranged
Explain to call for help if there is: Counsel Mother and Birth Companion on:
c Confirm if mother or companion will Ÿ Bleeding Ÿ Support to cope up with labour pains
call for help during labour if needed Ÿ Severe abdominal pain Ÿ No bath/oil for baby
Ÿ Difficulty in breathing Ÿ No Pre-Lacteal feed
Ÿ Severe headache or blurring vision Ÿ Initiate breastfeeding in half-an-hour
Ÿ Urge to push Ÿ Clothe and wrap the baby
Ÿ Can’t empty bladder every 2 hours

Name of Provider: .....................................................................Date: ............................. Signature: ...............................

jk”Vªh; LokLF; fe’ku

Adapted from “WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist”

Augmentation performed: Yes No

If yes, please specify the indication for augmentation ...................................................
Start plotting partograph when woman is in active labor, i.e., Cx > = 4 cms
Consent for procedures

I____________son/daughter/wife of____________age (yrs) _____ address ____________________

________________________________________myself_________ or other______age (yrs) ______

relation (Son/Daughter/Father/Mother/Wife/Other)__________provide my consent for

Medical/Surgical__________/Anesthesia________procedure (Write the name of procedure).

I have been informed about the probable consequences of this procedure/anesthesia in detail, in the

language I understand. I am signing this consent form without any undue pressure and in my complete


The doctor/provider shall not be held responsible in case of any complication/mishap.

Parent/Guardian's signature___________________

Consent for PPIUCD

I____________son/daughter/wife of____________ age (yrs)____address________________________

_________________myself_________ or other______ age_______ relation (Mother/Father/Husband)

__________ provide my consent for procedure (Write the name of procedure).

I have been informed about the probable consequences of this procedure in detail, in the language I

understand. I am signing this consent form without any undue pressure and in my complete


The doctor/provider shall not be held responsible in case of any complication/mishap.

Name & signature of patient Name & signature of attendant

Notes on Pre-Anesthetic Check-up
Date: ...../....../..... Time: .......................

Planned procedure: ..............................................................................................................................................

History: ..................................................................................................................................................................



Physical Examination: ...........................................................................................................................................







RS: ........................................................................................................................................................................


CNS: .....................................................................................................................................................................




Investigations: .......................................................................................................................................................



Instructions: ..........................................................................................................................................................




Signature of Anesthetist .................................................

Anesthesia Notes
Date: ...../....../..... Start time: ....................... End time: .......................

Procedure: ............................................................................................................................................................

Name of Anesthesiologist:..................................................... Name of Anesthesia Nurse: ..................................

Notes: ...................................................................................................................................................................















Post-operative Instructions: ..................................................................................................................................







Signature of Anesthetist .................................................

Just Before and During Birth ô SAFE CHILDBIRTH CHECKLIST

CHECK-2 Just Before and During Birth (or C-Section)

Does Mother need: Give antibiotics to Mother if any of the following are present:
Ÿ Antibiotics? c Mother’s temperature ³38°C or ³100.5°F
c Yes, given c Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
c No c Rupture of membranes >18 hrs with labour
c Labour >24 hrs or obstructed labor now
c Cesarean section

Ÿ Inj. Magnesium sulfate? Give first dose of inj. magnesium sulfate and refer immediately to FRU/Higher center OR give
c Yes, given full dose (loading and then maintenance) if at FRU if:
c No Mother has systolic BP ³160 or diastolic ³110 with ³+3 proteinuria OR BP systolic ³140 or
diastolic ³90 with proteinuria trace to +2 along with any of:
c Presence of any symptom like:
Ÿ Severe headache Ÿ Blurring of vision Ÿ Difficulty in breathing
Ÿ Pain in upper abdomen Ÿ Oligouria (passing <400 ml
c Convulsions urine in 24 hrs)

c Skilled assistant identified and ready to help at birth if needed

Confirm essential supplies are at Prepare to care for mother immediately after birth of baby (AMTSL)*
bedside/labour room: Ÿ Confirm single baby only (rule out multiple babies)
Ÿ Give inj. oxytocin 10 units IM within 1 minute
For Mother
Ÿ Do controlled cord traction to deliver placenta
c Gloves
Ÿ Massage uterus after placenta is delivered, check for completeness (all Cotyledons
c Soap and clean water
c Oxytocin 10 units in syringe and Membranes)
c Pads for mother

For Baby Prepare to care for baby immediately after birth

Ÿ Dry baby, wrap, and keep warm, give Vit. K, start breastfeeding
c Two clean dry, warm towels
Ÿ If not breathing: clear airway and stimulate
c Sterile scissors/blade to cut cord
Ÿ If still not breathing:
c Mucus extractor
c Cord ligature - Cut cord
c Bag-and-mask - Ventilate with bag-and-mask
- Call for help (Pediatrician/SNCU/NBSU/F-IMNCI trained doctor if available)

Name of Provider: .....................................................................Date: ............................. Signature: ...............................

jk”Vªh; LokLF; fe’ku

Adapted from “WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist”

Operation/Procedure Notes (If applicable)
Procedure performed .......................................................................................................................................

Indication for the procedure ...............................................................................................................................


Whether Patient/Guardian explained about the procedure and probable .........................................................................


Consent of patient/ Guardian Yes No

Procedure start time .................. Procedure end time ........................ Type of Anesthesia ..........................

Procedure notes: ..................................................................................................................................................







Condition at transfer to ward ..............................................................................................................................




Treatment advised .............................................................................................................................................








Signature of Doctor ...............................

Delivery date: / / Time:

Type of delivery: Normal Assisted: Vacuum Forceps

LSCS Others (specify) .................................

Outcome: Live birth Abortion Fresh Still Birth

Macerated Still birth: Single Twin/ Multiple

Episiotomy: No Yes Delayed Cord Clamping

Yes No
AMTSL performed: No Yes
1. Uterotonic administered: Inj. Oxytocin OR Tab Misoprostol
2. CCT: Yes No
3. Uterine massage Yes No

Complications, if any: PPH Sepsis PE/E

Prolonged labor Obstructed labor Fetal distress

Maternal death Cause and Time: .......................................................................

Others (specify) ....................................................................................................
PPIUCD Inserted: Yes No

Sex of the baby: Male Female Skin-to-skin contact done: Yes No

Birth weight: in kgs Preterm: Yes No

Did the baby cry immediately after birth: Yes No

Did the baby require resuscitation: Yes No

If yes, was it initiated in labor room Yes No

Breastfeeding initiated: Yes No Time of initiation: ...........

Any congenital anomaly (please specify):

Any other complication (please specify):
Injection Vitamin K1 administered: Yes No If yes, dose ................
Vaccination done: BCG OPV Hep B Temperature of baby

Identification for Baby

Continuation Sheet for Post Delivery Notes
Continuation Sheet for Post Delivery Notes
Blood Transfusion or Other Procedure Notes

CHECK-3 Soon After Birth (within 1 hour)

Is Mother bleeding abnormally?

If bleeding ³500 ml, or 1 pad soaked in <5 min:
c Yes, shout for help, refer if needed or
Ÿ Call for help, massage uterus, start oxygen, start IV fluids, start oxytocin drip 20 units in
treat if facilities available
500 ml of RL@40-60 drops/min, treat cause
c No
Ÿ If placenta not delivered or completely retained: give IM or IV Oxytocin, stabilize, and
refer to FRU/Higher centre
Ÿ If placenta is incomplete: remove if any visible pieces, and refer immediately to FRU/
higher centre

Does Mother need: Give antibiotics to mother if manual removal of placenta is performed, or if mother’s
temperature ³38°C (³100.5°F) and any of:
Ÿ Antibiotics?
c Chills
c Yes, given
c Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
c No
c Lower abdominal tenderness
c Rupture of membranes >18 hrs during labour
c Labour was >24 hours

Ÿ Inj. Magnesium sulfate? Give first dose of inj. magnesium sulfate and refer immediately to FRU/Higher center OR
c Yes, given give full dose (loading and then maintenance) if at FRU if:
c No Mother has systolic BP ³160 or diastolic ³110 with ³+3 proteinuria OR BP systolic ³140 or
diastolic ³90 with proteinuria trace to +2 along with any of:
c Presence of any symptom like:
Ÿ Severe headache Ÿ Blurring of vision Ÿ Difficulty in breathing
Ÿ Pain in upper abdomen Ÿ Oligouria (passing <400 ml
c Convulsions urine in 24 hrs)

Does Baby need: Give baby antibiotics if antibiotics were given to mother, or if baby has any of:
c Breathing too fast (>60/min) or too slow (<30/min)
Ÿ Antibiotics?
c Chest in-drawing, grunting
c Yes, given
c Convulsions
c No
c Looks sick (lethargic or irritable)
c Too cold (baby's temp <36°C and not rising after warming)
c Too hot (baby's temp >38°C)
c Excessive crying

Ÿ Referral? Refer baby to NBSU/SNCU/FRU/higher centre if:

c Yes, organized Ÿ Any of the above (antibiotics indications)
c No Ÿ Baby looks yellow, pale or bluish

Ÿ Special care and monitoring? Arrange special care/monitoring for baby if any of the following is present:
c Yes, organized c Preterm baby
c No c Birth weight <2500 gms
c Needs antibiotics
c Required resuscitation

Ÿ Syrup Nevirapine Give if mother is HIV+:

c Yes, given and will continue upto 6 weeks Ÿ If mother has received >24 weeks of ART, give syrup Nevirapine to baby for 6 weeks
c No Ÿ If mother has received <24 weeks of ART or mother is not on ART, give syrup
Nevirapine to baby for 12 weeks

c Started breastfeeding. Explain that colostrum feeding is important for baby.

c Started skin-to-skin contact (if mother and baby well) and KMC in pre-term and low-birth weight babies.
c Explain the danger signs and confirm mother/companion will call for help if danger signs present.

Name of Provider: .....................................................................Date: ............................. Signature: ...............................

Adapted from “WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist” jk”Vªh; LokLF; fe’ku

Notes for Mother:

Notes for Baby:

Clinical diagnosis, if any condition present:

Normal Infection Jaundice Hypothermia Convulsions Death
Others (specify)................................................................................................................................................

Date and time of transfer to PNC ward: / /

Condition at transfer to PNC ward: .......................................................................................................................................................................
If referred, reason for referral of mother/baby: ....................................................................................................................................................

Assessment of Postpartum Condition

Mother 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 6 hrs 6 hrs 6 hrs Day 2 Day 2
Morning Evening

BP (mmHg)

Temp (oC/oF)

Pulse (per min)

Breast condition (soft/engorged)

Bleeding PV N N N N N N N N N

Uterine Tone S S S S S S S S S
Tender-T T T T T T T T T T

Episiotomy/Tear (healthy

Baby Resp rate (per min)

Temp (oC/oF)

Suckling (yes/no)

Activity (good/ lethargy)

Umbilical stump (dry/bleeding)

Jaundice (yes/no)

Passed urine? (yes/no)

Passed stool? (yes/no)


CHECK-4 Before Discharge

Is Mother’s bleeding controlled?

c Yes
c No, treat, observe and refer to FRU/
higher centre if needed

Does mother need antibiotics? Give antibiotics to mother if mother has temperature ³38°C or ³100.5°F with any of:
c Yes, give and delay discharge c Chills
c No c Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
c Lower abdominal tenderness

Does baby need antibiotics? Give baby antibiotics if baby has any of:
c Yes, give, delay discharge and refer to c Breathing too fast (>60/min) or too slow (<30/min)
FRU/ higher centre c Chest in-drawing, grunting
c No c Convulsions
c Looks sick (lethargic or irritable)
c Too cold (baby's temp <36°C and not rising after warming)
c Too hot (baby's temp >38°C)
c Stopped breastfeeding
c Umbilical redness extending to skin or draining pus

Is baby feeding well?

c Yes, encourage mother for exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months.
c No, help mother, delay discharge; refer to NBSU/ SNCU/ Higher centre if needed

c Discuss and offer family planning options to mother

c Confirm post delivery stay at facility for 48 hours in normal delivery and 7 days in C-section cases
c Explain the danger signs and confirm mother/companion will seek help/ come back if danger signs are present after discharge
c Arrange transport to home and follow-up for mother and baby

Thank mother for availing services from you

Danger Signs
Mother has any of: Baby has any of:
Ÿ Excessive bleeding Ÿ Fast/difficulty breathing
Ÿ Severe abdominal pain Ÿ Fever
Ÿ Severe headache or visual disturbance Ÿ Unusually cold
Ÿ Breathing difficulty Ÿ Stops feeding well
Ÿ Fever or chills Ÿ Less activity than normal
Ÿ Difficulty emptying bladder Ÿ Whole body becomes yellow
Ÿ Foul smelling vaginal discharge

Name of Provider: .....................................................................Date: ............................. Signature: ...............................

jk”Vªh; LokLF; fe’ku

Adapted from “WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist”
Discharge Notes
Condition at Discharge:
Final outcome: Discharged Referred out

Condition of mother: Live and healthy Maternal death

BP of mother: mmHg Temperature of mother C/oF

Condition of baby: Live and healthy Newborn death Referred to SNCU

Temperature of baby C/oF Respiratory rate of baby /min.

Advise at Discharge:

Counselling on danger signs done: Yes No

Family Planning method adopted: PPIUCD PPS LAM Condom

None Others (specify): .........................................................................

Other notes:
Discharge/ Referral/ LAMA/ Death Form (Tick (ü) whichever applicable)

Name of Facility:

Block: District:

Name and Phone No.

signature of
service provider:

Name: W/o or D/o: Age (yrs): MCTS No.

Date of admission: Time of admission: Date of Discharge/ Referral: Time of Discharge/Referral:

/ / / /

Date of delivery: Time of delivery: Delivery outcome: Live birth Abortion Single
/ / Fresh Still birth Macerated Still birth Twins/Multiple

Final outcome: Discharge/ Referred out/ LAMA/ Death/ Abortion

(Tick (ü) whichever applicable)
Discharge summary: Referral summary:

Condition of mother .................................................... Reason for referral .....................................................

FP option (if provided) ............................................... ....................................................................................
Condition of baby ....................................................... Facility name (referred to) ..........................................
Sex of baby M F Birth weight (kgs).................. ....................................................................................
Pre-term: Yes No Inj. Vit K1: Yes No Treatment given ........................................................
Immunization: BCG OPV Hepatitis B ....................................................................................
Advice on discharge: ....................................................................................
Counselling on danger signs for mother and baby ....................................................................................
Rest, nutrition and plenty of fluids ....................................................................................
Tab iron .................. Tab calcium................... ....................................................................................
Treatment given ........................................................... ....................................................................................
...................................................................................... ....................................................................................
Follow-up date ............................................................. ....................................................................................
Notes on Discharge/ Referral/ Death
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