ASTM-D2974 Humedad en Suelos Organicos
ASTM-D2974 Humedad en Suelos Organicos
ASTM-D2974 Humedad en Suelos Organicos
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Jul 30 11:52:57 EDT 2020
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Universidad Nacional De Colombia (Universidad Nacional De Colombia) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D2974 − 20´1
7.2 Work rapidly to prevent changes in water content or normal workday to allow air exposure to the whole specimen.
perform the sample and specimen preparation in an environ- Continue drying until there is ≤0.1 % change in mass per hour.
ment where the humidity is high (>50 %). Place the sample on Record the mass determinations taken to confirm the change in
a non-absorbent surface, such as a rubber sheet or oil cloth and mass has been achieved.
mix thoroughly. Use quartering to obtain a representative 8.2.4 Once the drying is complete as determined in 8.2.3,
sample that will yield 300 g or more. Put any unused sample in determine and record the air-dried mass of the specimen plus
a tightly-sealed, labeled, waterproof container. pan, Mpds, to the nearest 0.01 g.
7.3 Reduce the representative sample to obtain the test 8.2.5 Determine and record the mass of a container, Mc,
specimen by quartering. The mass of the test specimen for fitted with a lid or a heavy-duty aluminum foil cover to the
Method A is 50.00 6 10 g and for Method B is 100.00 to nearest 0.01 g.
300.00 g. Then immediately, place the test specimen and the 8.2.6 Thoroughly mix the air-dried specimen and take 50.00
unused representative sample in separate tightly-sealed, 6 10 g of the air-dried specimen and place it in the container.
labeled, waterproof containers. Determine and record the mass of the air-dried specimen plus
container with lid/cover, Mcad, to the nearest 0.01 g.
8. Procedure 8.2.7 Follow the steps given in 8.1.3 through 8.1.5 except
that the furnace temperature shall be 750 6 38°C.
8.1 Method A (General Classification):
8.1.1 Determine and record the mass of a container, Mc, 9. Calculations
fitted with a lid or a heavy-duty aluminum foil cover to the
nearest 0.01 g. 9.1 Calculate the water content, w, for Method A using the
8.1.2 Place the test specimen obtained in 7.3 in the con- following equation. This water content is referred to as the
tainer. Crush soft lumps with a spoon or spatula. The thickness water content as a percentage of oven-dried mass.
of peat or organic soil in the container should not exceed 30 Mw ~ M cms 2 M cds !
w5 3 100 5 3 100 (1)
mm. Determine and record the moist mass of the test specimen Ms ~ M cds 2 M c !
plus container fitted with lid/cover, Mcms, to the nearest 0.01 g.
8.1.3 Place the container in the oven and dry uncovered for
a minimum of 16 h at 110 6 5°C or until there is less than 0.1% w = water content, nearest 1 % for w <100 %; 5 % for w
change in mass of the test specimen per hour. Remove from the 100-500 %; 10 % for w 501-1000 %; 20 % for w
oven, cover tightly, and allow the test specimen to cool in a >1000 %,
desiccator to room temperature. Determine and record the mass Mw = mass of water (Mw =Mcms–Mcds), nearest 0.01 g,
of the oven-dried test specimen plus container with lid/cover, Ms = mass of oven-dried specimen (Ms =Mcds–Mc), near-
Mcds, to the nearest 0.01 g keeping exposure to the room est 0.01 g,
Mcms = mass of container with lid plus moist specimen,
atmosphere to a minimum.
nearest 0.01 g,
8.1.4 Remove the lid/cover and place the container with the
Mcds = mass of container with lid plus oven-dried specimen,
test specimen in a furnace. Gradually bring the temperature in
nearest 0.01 g, and
the furnace to 440 6 40°C. Record the test temperature of the Mc = mass of container plus lid, nearest 0.01 g
furnace to the nearest 1°C. Once this temperature is reached, do
not remove the container for a period of at least 1 h. The 9.2 Calculation the water content, wa, for Method B using
specimen is considered completely ashed once there is no the following equation. This water content is referred to as the
change in mass, which occurs after at least 1 h in the oven at water content of the air-dried specimen as a percentage of
temperature. Record the period of time in the furnace to the oven-dried mass.
nearest 15 min. M as 2 M s
8.1.5 After the specimen is completely ashed, remove the wa 5 3 100 (2)
container from the furnace and carefully place the lid/cover on
the container and place it in the desiccator. Allow it to come to where:
room temperature making sure to keep the exposure to the wa = water content, nearest 1 % for wa <100 %; 5 % for
room atmosphere to a minimum. Then, determine and record wa 100-500 %; 10 % for wa 501-1000 %; 20 % for
the mass of the container with lid/cover plus the ashed wa >1000 %,
specimen, Mcas, to the nearest 0.01 g. Mas = Mass of air-dried specimen (Mas =Mcad–Mc), nearest
0.01 g, and
8.2 Method B (Fuel Use): Mcad = Mass of air-dried specimen plus container with
8.2.1 Determine and record the mass of the large flat pan, lid/cover, nearest 0.01 g
Mp, to the nearest 0.01 g.
8.2.2 Spread the test specimen obtained in 7.3 out evenly on 9.3 Calculate the ash content as follows:
the large flat pan or tray. Crush soft lumps with a spoon or Ma ~ M cas 2 M c !
Ac 5 3 100 5 3 100 (3)
spatula. The thickness of peat or organic soil on the pan should Ms ~ M cds 2 M c !
not exceed 30 mm. Determine and record the mass of the test
specimen plus pan, Mpms, to the nearest 0.01 g.
8.2.3 Allow the specimen to come to moisture equilibrium Ac = ash content, nearest 0.1 %,
with room air for at least 24 h. Stir occasionally during the Ma = mass of ash (Ma =Mcas–Mc), nearest 0.01 g, and
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Jul 30 11:52:57 EDT 2020
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Universidad Nacional De Colombia (Universidad Nacional De Colombia) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D2974 − 20´1
Mcas = mass of container with lid plus ashed specimen, 10.3.3 Duration of specimen in the furnace.
nearest 0.01 g. 10.3.4 The mass of the container with lid, moist mass of test
specimen plus container with lid (Method A), oven dry mass of
9.4 Calculate the organic material using the following
the test specimen plus container with lid.
10.3.5 The mass of the pan, moist mass of specimen plus
O m 5 100 2 A c (4) pan, and air dry mass of specimen plus pan. (Method B)
where: 10.3.6 The masses as stated in 8.2.3 (Method B).
10.3.7 The mass of the air dried specimen plus container
Om = organic material, nearest 0.1 %
with lid/cover (Method B).
10. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s) 10.3.8 The mass of the container with lid plus ash.
10.1 The methodology used to specify how data are re- 10.3.9 The ash content.
corded on the test data sheet(s)/form(s), as follows, is covered 10.3.10 If calculated, the organic material.
in 1.5 and in Practice D6026.
11. Precision and Bias
10.2 Record as a minimum the following general informa-
tion (data): 11.1 Precision—Test data on precision is not presented due
10.2.1 Identification of the peat or organic soil being tested, to the nature of the materials tested by this test method. It is
such as project number or identification, boring number, either not feasible or too costly at this time to have ten or more
sample number, and depth. laboratories participate in a round-robin testing program.
10.2.2 Test number, if any, testing dates and the initials of 11.1.1 Subcommittee D18.22 is seeking any data from the
the person(s) who performed the test. users of this test method that might be used to make a limited
10.2.3 Any special selection and preparation process, such statement on precision.
as removal of gravel or other materials. 11.2 Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this test
10.3 Record as a minimum the following test specimen method, therefore, bias cannot be determined.
10.3.1 Method used, A or B. 12. Keywords
10.3.2 Furnace temperature used for ash content determi- 12.1 ash content; moisture content; organic material; or-
nations. ganic soil; peat; percent organic matter; water content
Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D2974 – 14) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved January 15, 2020)
(1) Changed from four methods (A, B, C, D) to two (A, B) (6) Section 6 included equipment needed but not mentioned
incorporated former Methods A and B into former methods C before; updated equipment specifications.
and D. All four original methods still exist within the standard. (7) Significant changes to Section 7 to include obtaining the
(2) Section 1: Reorganized with updates to reflect the change to specimen from the sample.
two methods. (8) Significant reorganization of Section 8 and combined
(3) Section 2: Added D4427 and removed E145 and D2944 former Method A with Method C and B with D to create
(D2944 was not previously referenced in the text). Methods A and B only.
(4) Significant changes to Summary of Test section. (9) Added calculation section and moved all calculations to it.
(5) Subsection 5.1 was replaced with new text; added D4427 to (10) Updated Report section and added two words to the
5.2. keywords section.
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Universidad Nacional De Colombia (Universidad Nacional De Colombia) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D2974 − 20´1
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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