Pulse Connect Secure: Release Notes: PCS 9.1R8.1 Build 7851 PDC 9.1R8 Build 3143.1 Default ESAP Version: ESAP 3.4.8
Pulse Connect Secure: Release Notes: PCS 9.1R8.1 Build 7851 PDC 9.1R8 Build 3143.1 Default ESAP Version: ESAP 3.4.8
Pulse Connect Secure: Release Notes: PCS 9.1R8.1 Build 7851 PDC 9.1R8 Build 3143.1 Default ESAP Version: ESAP 3.4.8
Pulse Secure and the Pulse Secure logo are trademarks of Pulse Secure, LLC in the United States.
All other trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks are the
property of their respective owners.
Pulse Secure, LLC assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Pulse Secure, LLC
reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without
The information in this document is current as of the date on the title page.
The Pulse Secure product that is the subject of this technical documentation consists of (or is
intended for use with) Pulse Secure software. Use of such software is subject to the terms and
conditions of the End User License Agreement (“EULA”) posted at
http://www.pulsesecure.net/support/eula/. By downloading, installing or using such software,
you agree to the terms and conditions of that EULA.
Revision History
Table 1 lists the revision history for this document.
8.1 July 2020 Updated the Fixed Issues section > 9.1R7 and 9.1R8 list.
REVISION HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
HARDWARE PLATFORMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
VMWARE APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
UPGRADE PATHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
UPGRADE SCENARIO SPECIFIC TO VIRTUAL APPLIANCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
GENERAL NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
NEW FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
KNOWN ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
DOCUMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
TECHNICAL SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
This document is the release notes for Pulse Connect Secure Release 9.1R8.1. This document contains
information about what is included in this software release: supported features, feature changes, unsupported
features, and known issues. If the information in the release notes differs from the information found in the
documentation set, follow the release notes.
Hardware Platforms
You can install and use this software version on the following hardware platforms:
Note: From 9.0R1 release, Pulse Secure has begun the End-of-Life (EOL) process for the VA-SPE virtual
appliance. In its place, Pulse Secure has launched the new PSA-V series of virtual appliances designed for use
in the data center or with cloud services such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, OpenStack Fabric and Alibaba
The following table lists the virtual appliance systems qualified with this release
VMware Applications
The following table lists the VMware applications qualified.
Platform Qualified
Upgrade Paths
The following table describes the tested upgrade paths. Please note that here x and y refer to the following:
9.1Rx Yes -
9.1Ry - Yes
9.0Rx Yes -
9.0Ry - Yes
8.3Rx Yes -
8.3Ry - Yes
For versions prior to 8.3, first upgrade to release 8.3Rx|8.3Ry, then to 9.0Rx|9.0Ry, and then upgrade to
Note: If your system is running beta software, roll back to your previously installed official software release
before you upgrade to 9.1R8.1. This practice ensures the rollback version is a release suitable for production.
Note: : On a PCS/PPS virtual appliance, we highly recommend to freshly deploy a PSA-V from 8.3Rx based OVF,
when any of the following conditions are met:
a. Upgrade to 9.0Rx.
b. Install Core license through Authcode.
c. Upgrade to 9.1R8.1.
2. If PSA-V is running 9.0Rx or later:
General notes
1. For policy reasons security issues are not normally mentioned in release notes. To find more
information about our security advisories, please see our security advisory page.
2. In 8.2R1.1 and above, all PCS client access binaries (Network Connect, WSAM, Host Checker, JSAM,
Windows Terminal Services, Citrix Terminal Services) are signed with a SHA2 code signing certificate to
improve security and ensure compatibility with Microsoft OS’s 2016 restrictions on SHA1 code signing.
This certificate will expire on April 12, 2021. For details, refer to KB articles KB14058 and KB43834.
3. Important note: Windows 7 machines must contain a March 10, 2015 Windows 7 Update in order to be
able to accept and verify SHA2-signed binaries properly. This Windows 7 update is described here and
here. If this update is not installed, PCS 8.2R1.1 and later will have reduced functionality (see PRS-
337311 below). (As a general rule, Pulse Secure, LLC recommends that client machines be kept current
with the latest OS updates to maximize security and stability).
4. When custom ciphers are selected, there is a possibility that some ciphers are not supported by the
web browser. If any ECDH/ECDSA ciphers are selected, they require ECC certificate to be mapped to the
internal/external interface. If an ECC certificate is not installed and mapped to the internal and external
ports (if enabled), administrators may not be able to login to the appliance. The only way to recover
from this situation is to connect to the system console and select option 8 to reset the SSL settings.
Option 8 resets the SSL setting to factory default. Any customization is lost and will need to be
reconfigured. This is applicable only to Inbound SSL settings.
5. Pre-5.0 Android and pre-9.1 iOS devices don’t support Suite B ciphers. If Suite B is enabled, Pulse client
on pre-5.0 Android and pre-9.1 iOS devices will not be able to connect to PCS device.
Note: From 9.1R2 release onwards, Network Connect (NC) client and legacy Windows Secure Application
Manager (WSAM) client are not supported.
Note: From 9.1R1 release onwards, Active Directory Legacy Mode configuration is not supported. If you have
an existing Active Directory authentication server using Legacy Mode, first migrate to Standard Mode and then
upgrade PCS. For the detailed migration procedure, refer KB40430.
2. On some of the installations, it was observed that a few read-only files were being overwritten.
Customers are experiencing HTTP 500 response for some of the admin requests. The 9.1R4.3 release
addresses this issue.
3. Upgrade works only if VA is deployed with 8.3 OVF onwards. If VA is deployed with pre 8.3 OVF, upgrade
to this image will not work.
4. Refer to KB44408 for the recommendations / best practices to deploy Virtual Appliance and the
logs needed for analysis/troubleshooting.
New Features
The following table describes the major features that are introduced in the corresponding release.
Feature Description
UEBA package for fresh In case you have a fresh installation of PCS/PPS, you may download latest UEBA package from
installation of PCS/PPS Pulse Secure Support Site (my.pulsesecure.net) and add the package at Behavior Analysis
page before using Adaptive Authentication or Geolocation based Conditional Access.
Show users by access Apart from showing the number of concurrent user sessions, PCS Dashboard now shows the
type L4 access type (PSAM) and Clientless access type (Browser) logins as non-tunnel users.
PCS Protection from This feature disallows user login, user login via Pulse Desktop, HTML5 connection or
Overload connection to a web resource when the CPU load is above a certain threshold. By default, this
option is disabled for PCS upgrades and enabled for new installation.
Reset/Unlock TOTP user This release provides REST API to Reset/Unlock a user under a TOTP server.
through REST API
New license SKUs for In this release, added around 120 new license SKUs for PCS/PPS.
Support for pool of NTP PCS now supports pool of NTP servers up to 4 NTP servers to sync date and time.
servers and NTP status
Automatic enable/ This release provides automatic management of ICE license. PCS enables ICE license when
disable ICE license the logged in users count crosses the maximum licensed users count and disables ICE
license when the logged in users count drops below the maximum licensed users count.
As an example, If you installed 100 licensed user counts, when the 101th user logs in, ICE
license gets automatically enabled.
Show current HTML5 This release provides HTML5 sessions information in the dashboard and the trend graph that
RDP sessions in helps admin to view the CPU usage and take necessary action to provide better remote
Dashboard access experience for the users.
Support for srcset PCS provides support for the responsive images (in web applications) via rewriter by rewriting
attribute in HTML the srcset attribute value. The corresponding images would be fetched on client application
based on screen size, resolutions and other features.
Feature Description
Enable/Disable FQDN FQDN ACL feature was enabled by default earlier even though there are no policies
ACL configured. A new admin configurable option to enable or disable FQDN ACL feature is added
in 9.1R7 at System > Configuration > VPN tunneling.
Hyperlink to Host In the User Realms > Authentication Policy > Host Checker page, the policy names now have
Checker Policies hyperlinks. Click the link to view the policy configuration.
Hardware ID in the The System > Maintenance > Platform page displays Hardware ID along with the other
System Maintenance platform details.
Serial number in the The System > Configuration > Licensing page, displays Hardware Id and Serial number.
Licensing screen
Enable/Disable option This release provides REST API to do the following on a Standalone/Cluster:
for ICE license • enable/disable ICE license
• get the current status of ICE license.
Terraform template PCS can be deployed using Terraform templates on supported hypervisors and cloud
support for AWS and platforms.
Location based Conditional Access feature for Cloud Secure now provides a mechanism to enforce access
Conditional Access control policies based on location parameters by defining policies for applications.
Password management LDAP based password management works with generic LDAP servers such as OpenLDAP.
for Open LDAP
Microsoft Intune MDM In this release, the Pulse Secure device access management framework supports integration
integration with Microsoft Intune.
HTML5 Sessions report Active number of HTML5 sessions on PCS can be obtained using a REST API call to api/v1/
MSSP Reporting It is now possible to extract any particular license client/cluster report through REST API.
enhancements Enhancements include:
• Cluster-wise view in the license report.
• License report in JSON format through REST.
• Options to get cluster/client/period sub-section of the granular report through REST.
SSLDump for VLAN In this release, SSLDump utility supports VLAN. Admins can use this tool for debugging / data
collection purpose.
Edit default gateway In PCS hosted on a cloud environment, it is now possible to edit default gateway configuration
configuration from UI.
Host Checker feature Host Checker policy to detect and allow hard disk in which encryption is in progress.
Feature Description
Conditional Access Conditional Access feature for Cloud Secure provides a mechanism to enforce access control
policies based on user and device parameters by defining policies for applications.
Conditional Access policies are evaluated during application access time while roles are
mapped to the session during the session creation time.
vTM and PCS Integration The Platform Limit, Maximum Licensed User Count and Cluster Name attribute values are
for Load Balancing available for optimal load balancing.
Support for Windows In 9.1R4 release, Windows Redstone 6 - version 1909 is qualified.
Redstone 6
Feature Description
Support for VMware VDI In 9.1R4 release, VMware VDI versions 7.9 and 7.10 are qualified.
7.9, and 7.10
Support for Citrix Virtual In 9.1R4 release, Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 1909 is qualified.
Apps and Desktops 7
Protect passwords When a new local authentication server is created, now admin has a choice to store the
stored in local auth password with strong hashing using pbkdf2.
server using stronger
Support license Licensing report is enhanced with usage statistics for each PCS instance - maximum user
reporting per license count per month per PCS/per MSSP.
client MSSPs can now:
• generate accurate usage reports of their customers.
• make the structured report in XML format to enable for parsing and usage for
Consolidated system The various system logs and troubleshooting logs that help in investigating user access issues
and troubleshooting and system issues can be configured and accessed using the Log Selection page.
Connect to nearest The LDAP authentication configuration is enhanced in 9.1R3 to locate the nearest Microsoft
available DC domain controllers, which are spread across the globe, by resolving DNS SRV records.
Zero touch provisioning From 9.1R3 release, PCS can detect and assign DHCP networking settings automatically at the
PCS VM boot up. In the script included in the PSA-V package, the PCS parameters should be
set to null in order to fetch the networking configuration automatically from the DHCP server.
Note: This feature is not supported on PSA hardware.
PCS hosted in OpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform that allows deploying and managing
OpenStack cloud a cloud infrastructure as an IaaS service. As part of this release, Pulse Secure supports
deploying PCS KVM in OpenStack cloud.
VMware tools support From 9.1R3 release, VMware support is qualified for VMware 10.3.10, ESXi 6.7 Update 2c.
Debug Log storage From 9.1R3 release, the maximum debug log size is increased to 1024 MB on hardware
expansion platforms.
Periodic iostat data From 9.1R3 release, the “iostat” information is gathered periodically and made available as
collection part of node monitoring in system snapshot.
Control copy/paste 9.1R3 release provides option to the administrators as well as end-user to enable/disable
option for a user from copy/paste from HTML5 RDP sessions. This option will be available under User Roles as well
an HTML5 session as Admin Created Bookmarks”.
Enhancements to Local From 9.1R3 release, for a fresh installation, the valid password range defined is 0-999.
Authentication Server Minimum length 10 and maximum length 128 are set as default values.
default password
Feature Description
Restricting access to From 9.1R3 release, for a fresh installation, the following predefined resource policies are set
default resource policies to “Deny” state by default.
• Web Access Resource Policy “Initial Policy for Local Resources”
• Windows File Access Resource Policy “Initial File Browsing Policy”
Note: The predefined policy for VPN Tunneling is not provided.
IKEv2 Fragmentation IKEv2 packets can be larger than the MTU especially the IKE_AUTH packets which include the
certificate chain. These larger IKE packets get fragmented in the intermediate devices. This
feature implements fragmentation at IKE level and avoids IP fragmentation.
MSS value for TCP Due to larger IPv6 header as compared to IPv4, if the MSS of the PCS external interface is not
connections on Tun set appropriately, the packets would be dropped on the external interface. This feature
devices enables to set MSS to a lower value so that TCP connections are not dropped for 6-in-4 cases
or when there is NAT translation somewhere in the network before reaching PCS.
Release 9.1R2 Features
SP-Initiated SAML SSO Pulse Secure supports SP-initiated SAML SSO when PCS is configured as IdP in gateway
mode. PCS uses the existing user session in generating SAML assertion for the user for SSO.
IDP initiated SAML This feature provides a single logout functionality wherein if a user gets logged out of a
Single Logout session from one application, PCS (configured as IdP) notifies all other connected applications
of that user with Single Logout.
Flag Duplicate Machine Pulse client expects the machine ID is unique on each machine. If multiple endpoints have
ID in access logs the same machine ID, for security reasons, the existing sessions with the same machine id are
A new access log message is added to flag the detection of a duplicate Machine ID in the
following format:
Message: Duplicate machine ID "<Machine_ID>" detected. Ending user session from IP address
<IP_address>. Refer document KB25581 for details.
Microsoft RDWeb The newly introduced Microsoft RDWeb resource profile controls access to the published
HTML5 Access desktops and applications based on HTML5. The Microsoft RDWeb templates significantly
reduce the configuration time by consolidating configuration settings into one place and by
pre-populating a variety of resource policy settings.
Note: In the 9.1R2 release, Microsoft RDWeb HTML5 access does not support Single Sign On.
SSO will be made available in the future release.
Backup configs and Two new methods of archiving the configurations and archived logs are available now apart
archived logs on AWS from SCP and FTP methods:
S3/Azure Storage Pulse Connect Secure now supports pushing configurations and archived logs to the S3
bucket in the Amazon AWS deployment and to the Azure storage in the Microsoft Azure
V3 to V4 OPSWAT SDK PCS supports the migration of servers and clients to OPSWAT v4 to take advantage of latest
migration updates.
Report Max Used From 9.1R2 release, the licensing client (PCS) starts reporting maximum used sessions count
Licenses to HLS|VLS instead of the maximum leased licenses count. For MSP customers, this change helps in
billing the tenants based on maximum sessions used.
Feature Description
VA Partition Expansion PCS/PPS supports upgrading from 8.2Rx to 9.1R2 for the following supported platforms:
• VMWare ESXi
• Hyper-V
When upgrading a VA-SPE running 8.2R5.1 or below that was deployed with an OVF template
to a higher version, the upgrade was failing. This feature solves the upgrade problem for
VMWare, KVM and Hyper-V. Refer KB41049 for more details.
Software Defined Pulse Secure SDP uses PCS appliances which individually act as either an SDP controller or an
Perimeter SDP gateway. Mobile users of the Pulse Secure Client perform authentication on an SDP
controller which runs an Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) Service. The SDP
controller then enables direct communication between the user and the SDP gateways that
protect the user’s authorized resources and enables requested encryption.
DNS traffic on any Prior to 9.1R1 release, DNS traffic was sent over the Internal interface. Starting with 9.1R1
physical interface release, an administrator can modify the DNS setting to any physical interface namely Internal
Port, External Port or Management Port.
Authentication failure Account Lockout option is provided to manage user authentication failures for admin users
management of local authentication server. The admin user account will be locked after specified number
of consecutive wrong password attempts. The account will be unlocked after the specified
lockout period or by using the Unlock option.
Support for “client- User can pass "client-name" in HTML5 rdp using launcher method. The %clientname%
name” parameter in variable is matched with a workstation ID and normally that variable is unique and dedicated
HTML5 Access remote desktop computer name.
Deploying PSA-V in KVM User can deploy PSA-V in KVM using a template.
User access to internet AWS VPC GW and Azure VNet GW drop packets if the source IP is the endpoint tunnel IP. This
resources on an Azure- feature NATs endpoint tunnel IP to Internal interface IP. The NAT allows user to access
based or AWS-based internet resources when connected to a VPN tunnel on an Azure or AWS-based PCS.
Fixed Issues
PRS-393434 Time drift is observed when NTP is configured on Virtual Appliances. This can affect
authentication, cluster sync, and cause licensing issues. This is addressed in 9.1R8.1
PRS-393243 Host Checker policy evaluation fails very intermittently for some time if policy rules need to be
evaluated based on Custom Rule expression. This is addressed in 9.1R8.1.
PRS-392995 dsagentd crashes occasionally in load condition during initial data channel establishment.
This is addressed in 9.1R8.1.
PRS-392842 The Overview/cockpit graphs representation will now show data similar to the Classic UI (It
will omit the duration for which the data is not available).
PRS-392593 Restriction of REST API commands via the internal port is now fixed.
PRS-392254 SNMP polling was not returning false PCS Model Number and device type. This is addressed
in 9.1R8.1.
PRS-391990 SSH/Netconf clients should now be able to connect PCS DMI Agent successfully.
PRS-391708 Quick navigation link added to Enable/Disable FQDN ACL. And the following warning message
is also added:
“Ensure that there is no DNS latency/delay in the network to avoid performance issues”.
PRS-391690 When a license client surrenders a license, the expiry date of that surrendered license keeps
changing in license server to keep the expiry date always as 10 days (default) ahead of
current date. The change is reflected in “License Summary” page of license server admin UI.
But the change is not always reflected correctly at the “Pool of available licenses” section
under the “Configure Clients” tab as there is a sync-up issue. This is addressed in 9.1R8.1.
PRS-391253 When Pulse Desktop client is used, PCS server does not provide session ID in User Access log
after a successful login. Here “session ID” denotes the last 8 characters of actual session ID in
server, and it is used to differentiate a session from other sessions for one user. From
9.1R8.1, PCS server will provide this ID for all types of Pulse clients after successful logins.
PRS-390500 From 9.1R8.1, PCS end user name will appear as client name (instead of Localhost) in HTML5
RDP session.
PRS-389526 From 9.1R8.1, a warning message will be sent only when the lease request fails or no leasable
license is left with the number of users reaching towards maximum concurrent users limit.
PRS-387936 Global session configuration values (Users > User Roles > Default Options) are used when
individual user role is not configured with session options.
PRS-392244 Active users were not able to sync to the newly added node on a 3 node Active/Active cluster.
This is addressed in 9.1R8.
PRS-392040 User sessions are not synced across the nodes in an Active/Passive cluster. This is addressed
in 9.1R8.
PRS-391879 Intermittent audio disconnect issue with HTML5 RDP session is addressed in 9.1R8.
PRS-391837 tncs process crash with Host Checker caching enabled is addressed in 9.1R8.
PRS-390937 In 9.1R4 to 9.1R7, when multi monitor option is selected under the Terminal Services session/
bookmark page as well as under Terminal Services Options page, XML config data shows
incorrect value. This is addressed in 9.1R8.
PRS-390916 Kernel panic during upgrade on PSA5000-V running 9.1R3 on Hyper-V. This is addressed in
PRS-390907 Log rollover is implemented for postgresd so that it does not cause the Disk to get full.
PRS-390831 SAML authentication is now successful when signing is enabled for SAML requests/responses
using certificates.
PRS-390828 As dshealthstatsunity process was getting exited due to exceeding process size, data was not
being sent to Pulse One for that particular interval and thus calculated cumulative count at
Pulse One was incorrect. This issue is addressed in 9.1R8.
PRS-390769 Kernel logging options are added by default for better debuggability.
PRS-390426 As process was getting exited due to exceeding process size, data was not being sent to Pulse
One for that particular interval. This issue is addressed in 9.1R8.
PRS-390274 For config elements with unicode characters and having length exceeding 4096 bytes, the
config import fails on Pulse One client. This issue is addressed in 9.1R8.
PRS-390217 Tunnels get dropped during connection resumption due to a server error. This is addressed
in 9.1R8.
PRS-389927 The TCPDump filter expression can now contain characters from the set "<>|;()[]?#$^&*=\'`""
PRS-389771 Multiple VIP fail over was seen on Virtual A/P cluster due to the time drift between system
clock and hardware clock. This is addressed in 9.1R7 (KB44457).
PRS-389756 The dsagentd process crash during assignment of IP address from DHCP server is addressed
in 9.1R8.
PRS-388630 With current OPSWAT library code, the verification of update functionality was not working.
OPSWAT has fixed the issue and provided a new library.
PRS-388104 The top-roles section displayed on dashboard was not showing the roles name in Japanese
and other languages. This issue is fixed for both Classic UI and New UI in 9.1R8.
PRS-385646 Whenever a user tries to access the VDI resource, a wrong error code for timeout was written
in the logfile. The user sees the message "Missing host name/IP, Invalid host name/IP: "
To address the issue:
1. Timeout error ID is passed to write in logfile.
2. A proper validation has been done for the wrong false alarm.
PRS-364693 Bandwidth Management policy not getting enforced for VPN tunneling users is fixed in 9.1R8
- https://kb.pulsesecure.net/articles/Pulse_Secure_Article/KB44402/?kA13Z000000L3Dc.
PCS-20480 PCS was returning "Incorrect ICE action" error message when trying to execute api/v1license/
ice REST API to fetch the current status of ICE. This is addressed in 9.1R8.
PRS-391296 Application access using Citrix Terminal Services through IE browser fails in 9.1R5-9.1R6 PCS
versions. This is addressed in 9.1R7.
PRS-390778 Host Checker support for OS version check is added for iOS versions 13.4 and 13.4.1.
PRS-390775 PCS syslog forwarder does not work if connection to syslog server fails during startup of the
syslog forwarder process. This is addressed in 9.1R7.
PRS-390530 Enterprise user onboarding fails in Mac OS Catalina as the filename extension was not
populated as '.mobileconfig'. This extension is added in 9.1R7.
PRS-390475 Noticeable slowness was seen in several applications including Citrix HTML5 video rendering
in 9.1R3-9.1R6 PCS versions. This is addressed in 9.1R7.
PRS-390401 SNMP functionality was not working after cache sync. This is addressed in 9.1R7.
PRS-390234 User access log now shows real-time active HTML5 sessions count.
PRS-390118 In PCS A/P cluster split and joined scenario, lease license IDs are validated to reset the stale
ID and license client will be able to lease licenses successfully.
PRS-389481 Cloud Platforms: Improved SNAT performance by tuning kernel module parameters based on
the memory available in the device.
PRS-389209 With PCS 9.0R2-9.1R6 and Pulse 9.0R2-9.1R3, the client continues to send the CAV traffic to
PCS every 300 seconds even when Cloud Secure license is not installed. From PCS 9.1R7
onwards, the PDC client (Pulse 9.0R2-9.1R3) will contact the PCS server only once per user
session - KB44410.
PRS-388932 From PCS 9.1R7, the "Synchronization of last access time in user sessions" option in A/A
Cluster mode will be auto-enabled and grayed out when the "Synchronize user sessions"
option is enabled (otherwise, it can affect session migration). Existing cluster configuration is
not modified during upgrade, so we recommend admins to enable this option for existing
configurations as well.
PRS-388455 If epupdate_hist.xml is hosted internally with no authentication and if "Use Proxy Server"
(With/without auth) is enabled with FQDN or IP Address, the first 3 characters are ignored
thus causing it to fail. For example, proxy.domain.net is taken as xy.domain.net. This issue is
now fixed for both PCS and PPS.
PRS-382777 Client's original Source IP was not logged if Load Balancer is used. Client's Source IP is now
retrieved from 'X-Forwarded-For' header and logged in user access logs.
PRS-390370 Java Script is displayed after the user scans the QR code only during the TOTP user
PRS-390352 Hostname resolution for an FQDN with up to 255 characters was not supported through the
L3 tunnel in PCS 9.1R5.
PRS-389811 CPU Allocation issue on PSA-7000 (all flavors/varieties) appliances in case of Single-Arm mode
VA deployments is now resolved on PSA-7000 HW and ESXi (VMWare) solutions.
Refer KB44446 for more details.
PRS-389744 Process snapshot for "dsserver-tasks" is generated while deleting meeting objects for
corresponding users.
PRS-389544 Some of the examples listed under "Split Tunneling Networks" policies are not supported.
PRS-389523 External backend resource access using HTTP GET request with username in the URL for the
file login.cgi fails through Rewriter.
PRS-389517 Web server crashes and results in User disconnections due to webSocket upgrade related
messages during Auth Only URL access.
PRS-389440 User Accounts under TOTP Auth server Users section cannot be exported.
PRS-389406 Delayed or no response from PCS for SNMP queries under load condition.
PRS-389276 The corruption of blob during the epupdate results in Host Checker scan failure for users
until the next successful epupdate.
PRS-389262 Web process snapshot is generated while sending POST request by REST API with an empty
PRS-389127 Garbled text in Citrix VDI profiles page when accessed using bookmark with the Japanese
PRS-388796 The dsagentd process (client server process) crashes and frequently disconnects in 9.1R4
when there are more than 1024 tunnels including MobIKE IKEv2 tunnels.
PRS-388645 After upgrading PCS/PPS to 9.1R3-9.1R5, slow Host Checker response is observed due to a
very frequent re-evaluation of Cybereason Active Probe product.
PRS-388542 Garbled text in file share page when accessed using bookmark with the Japanese language.
PRS-374603 During system downtime activities such as an upgrade, Event IDs such as 20412/20413 are
missing in the Syslog server.
PRS-389550 Intermittently, the system throughput falls drastically and user connections fail.
PRS-389246 “500 Internal Error” is displayed when opening Authentication related pages.
PRS-389212 Intuitive Customer friendly ways and relevant logs to avoid customers configuring single core.
PRS-388958 Idle timeout session is not working, OWA 2016 keepalives not ignored through web-rewrite.
PRS-388885 License Surrendering not happening due to the heartbeat not sent.
PRS-388743 Host Checker :: OS Checks :: MAC :: Add support to configure Minimum Service Pack/Version
for MAC Catalina(10.15).
PRS-388734 PSA7000 at 30% total CPU due to two guacd processes at 100% CPU, planning pandemic and
wanted to know root cause.
PRS-388536 One node in Cluster is surrendering the licenses to the License server. However, the
increment of the surrendered time is not happening.
PRS-388479 PSA5000 : 9.1R4 : A/P Cluster : REST API calls are failing intermittently when they are executed
in a loop continuously.
PRS-388429 Text corrected under Log/Monitoring > Admin Access > Settings.
PRS-388421 PCS 9.1R4 incorrectly reporting duplicate machine ID.
PRS-388409 Unable to upload config to Pulse One: Configuration changed while preparing configuration
to upload.
PRS-388331 After upgrade VA-DTE & PSA-V to 9.1R4, nfqueue unable to create IPTables when VM is
configured with 1 CPU core only.
PRS-388244 FileShare:: Customer unable to download direct file from FileShare on 9.1R4 PCS version.
PRS-387954 Rewrite: Web page of the maps web applications fails to load via rewrite.
PRS-387780 Registered PCS Appliance failing with Pulse one communication after importing user config
and shows registration expired error message.
PRS-387641 "Sign Out message" does not properly display unicode text (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc.)
with Sign-In Pages via browser.
PRS-387359 Unable to authenticate user using certificate. Reason: Wrong Certificate::unsupported name
constraint type.
PRS-387349 System: Built-in Trusted Server CAs cannot be removed if they have subCAs.
PRS-385027 VDI Bookmark would not establish connection to the VDI resource without host entry on the
client machine.
PRS-384955 XML Import of trusted server CAs generates a spurious admin log message for each
unchanged CA.
PRS-382364 System: Device does not boot up when upgrading from 8.3R7.1 to 9.0R5 with option DELETES
all system and user configuration data before installing the service package is selected.
PRS-381972 System : Licensing : "License server low-level protocol error, server=, Code = [6] :Could not
resolve host name" populated in event logs of license server.
PRS-381905 After upgrading to iOS 13, HTML5 Access users seems to have broken the on-screen mouse
PRS-381716 AAA::Issues with host checker when user logs in to a different realm with TOTP auth server
PRS-381699 Pulse One 2.0.1902: Certificate > Trusted Server CA changes not being distributed (deleted
expired CA).
PRS-381678 VIP became unreachable from enforcer when upgrading from 5.4R7 to 9.1R2.
PRS-380298 User access log indicates Login failed using auth server LDAP Server (Failed::unable to verify
the first certificate) for wrong password.
PRS-379137 Gliffy Plugin in Confluence does not work via Web Rewrite.
PRS-376852 IPV4 Settings change in External or Internal port keeping Default VLAN ID same does not
reflect under VLAN tab..
PRS-389246 “500 Internal Error” is displayed when opening Authentication related pages.
PRS-380298 User Access log indicates “Login failed using Auth. server LDAP server (Failed: unable to verify
the first certificate)” for wrong password.
PRS-387780 Registered PCS Appliance fails with Pulse One communication after importing user config and
shows “Registration Expired” error message.
PRS-382268 PDC throws Authentication rejected by server [Error : 1319] when using global PCS url.
PRS-367786 Device locked up and dropped all connections due to Web process consuming CPU.
PRS-375181 VLS does not throw any error if there is no response for Heartbeats sent to PCLS.
PRS-377456 EasyPrint feature using the Premier Java RDP Applet not working.
PRS-379411 PCS not sending any Syslog traffic to configured Syslog servers.
PRS-379801 Active Sync stopped working after upgrading the device to 9.0R4.
PRS-380765 Program dsagentd recently failed after upgrading PCS from 9.0R3.2 to 9.0R4.
PRS-381100 Program dsagentd recently failed while running Mixed [V4 and V6] 60K VPN Tunneling ACL's
throughput test on PSA5k for secure cache build-3164.
PRS-381621 9.0R4 and 9.0R5 SPE (PSA-V) do not show the User Record Sync column in Admin UI > Auth
Server page.
PRS-381633 Host Checker checking for virus definition file based on Number of updates fails for Sophos
Endpoint Security and Control 10.8.4.
PRS-381736 After Upgrade from 8.3R7.1 to 9.1R1, error encountered while upgrading cache (in Host
PRS-381795 [FQDN ACL / NFQUEUE] Request DEV help in determining why thousand of VPN Tunnels
dropped traffic within.
PRS-381960 Facing slowness when accessing web application through Authorization-only access post
upgrading to PCS OS 9.0R5.
PRS-381963 Group Names in the role mapping rule will get added with &, # and; special character if more
than 5 groups are selected with AD as the auth server.
PRS-382021 Button to dismiss the banner on PPS/PCS Dashboard for not accepting Perpetual license is
not working.
PRS-382031 Need to replace VA-SPE|PSA-V in "Only EVAL licenses are allowed for manual installation in
PRS-382035 Proper logging for NFQUEUE full and drops needed, also consider this situation for cluster A/
P failover or add to healthcheck.
PRS-382191 Unable to ping the IPv6 VLAN-Gateway from the PCS device after changing the Gateway
PRS-382240 User dropped from the VPN tunnel connection ##g_dhcp_proxy_wbuf is maxed!.
PRS-382804 Active node went unresponsive in A/P cluster and generated multiple Watchdog snapshots.
PRS-384939 “Invalid EKU text” error found while configuring "E-mail protection" under EKU text.
PRS-384963 Host checker: After upgrading to 9.1R3, HC "Successfully loaded" message is garbled when it
is initiated in browser with Japanese language.
PRS-385144 Web Rewrite: Images not loading on the web page for a web resource configured via rewrite.
PRS-385159 Home page of eTime (Timesheet) Web application is not rendering properly via Rewrite in all
web browsers.
PRS-385500 VLS should use only MSP Authcode for registering with PCLS.
PRS-385550 Users cannot see full display of shared screen, if the size of text, app and other items in the
"Scale & layout" in Display settings is set to 150% (Recommended) on the client's machine.
PRS-387541 Web Rewrite: Drop-down menu, Refresh button, Change Password option and Login button
not working on the login page.
PRS-366490 System| Temperature status value on SNMP server displaying wrong value.
PRS-371351 Citrix sessions drop regularly causing various issues. These issues are observed in PCS 9.0
with Citrix port 2598 via JSAM. This issue is not found in 8.2R8.
PRS-372999 Host checker is failing for Host Checker (OS-Check only) for Chrome OS 71.0.3578.127 with
PCS 9.0R1 firmware version.
PRS-373160 Dropdown option misses internal menu while accessing via web rewrite.
PRS-374124 VDI Session are not showing under Virtual Desktop Sessions.
PRS-374344 Last core dumps being generated at customer after 9.0R2.1HF6 with fixes.
PRS-374831 Login page is not rendering properly for a web resource configured through rewrite.
PRS-374992 PCS using DUO as secondary authentication fails the first authentication attempt after
.PRS-375079 CORE.fqdnacl crashes continues to occur even after 9.0R2.1HF6 (with fix).
PRS-375880 None of the contents in the Azure web portal are loading through rewrite.
PRS-375906 Unable to load a sign-in page getting stuck in loading the web page while accessing a web
resource configured through the rewrite.
PRS-376036 PCS evaluation of the custom expression "time.dayOfYear" is not working as expected.
PRS-376247 Factory-reset does not work in 9.1R1 instead it boot up PCS with current image.
PRS-376249 Logon page of SAP fiori portal displayed as blank in IE11 only via rewrite.
PRS-376343 Mails are not getting synced in Native Email Client in iOS when using SA as ActiveSync Proxy
due to stale records present and crash is happening in aseproxy-server service.
PRS-376840 Running Add command when the Disk is missing will cause a minor error message which
requires a reboot.
PRS-377482 After upgrading to 9.1R1, host checker word is garbled when it is initiated in browser with
Japanese language.
PRS-377681 PSA7000f reports HDDs missing and inactive after upgrade to 9.1R1.
PRS-377825 After upgrading to 9.1R1, the name of the user role displayed in submenu is broken if the
language is in Korean.
PRS-377979 When accessing the resources via bookmark, contents are not displayed correctly.
PRS-378049 Failed filesystem integrity check message seen on PSA5K console after upgrading from 9.1R1
to 9.1R2-2119.
PRS-378882 Periodic Snapshot settings via REST fails with error "Modification of Attribute not Allowed".
PRS-378964 When the admin clicks on 'Agent', they receive an error "the page you requested could not be
PRS-379125 Pulse One 2.0.1901: With PCS 9.0R5 (EA) having failure in target importing SAML using Artifact
- empty "Source Artifact Resolution Service URL".
PRS-379974 Critical Events do not get displayed in System > Overview Page.
PRS-380148 When syslog server's FQDN resolves to two IP addresses, one of which is reachable, PCS/PPS
may fail to connect.
PRS-381014 Japanese words are garbled when we click on the File share bookmark.
PRS-381318 DMI get-config of RDWeb resource profile returns badly formed XML.
PRS-370210 Clear config on PSA 300 fails with unable to mount /webserver partition.
PRS-373290 Clear config on PSA 300 fails with unable to mount /webserver partition.
PRS-375013 Radius OTP as Secondary authentication fails for the Pulse Client.
PRS-376312 Factory reset from VMware VA console does not load the factory reset version and loads the
current version.
PRS-376348 VMWare View 5.1 client does not connect after upgrade.
PRS-376859 Premier Java Applet for Terminal Service failed to download .jar file.
PRS-377945 Publishing for certain block types causes many log messages and other side effects.
PRS-375534 JSAM Stats value (Bytes count) is not getting displayed in IE - Activex.
PRS-374597 The definition update is not listed for Sentinelone product in "epupdate_hist.xml" file.
PRS-374057 Unable to add the resource <userAttr.Framed-Route> in IPV4 address under Split tunneling
policy for PCS version 9.0Rx.
PRS-374037 Rewrite: PSAL launching Citrix app multiple times in an infinite loop on all the browsers.
PRS-373948 Contents of a web response are not getting compressed as content encoding header is
missing in the response from PCS.
PRS-373769 Host Checker IMC detects the Antivirus Change in the client PC and report it to IMV even
when Perform Check every min is set to 0.
PRS-373696 Split tunneling FQDN policy with special character, fails to save.
PRS-370953 Unable to edit word documents hosted on SharePoint 2013 via PTP using MS Edge.
PRS-371023 Resource access dropped (RDP, SSH etc.) intermittently on SAW environment.
PRS-373102 Core Access: E-mail web page getting stuck on "login processing".
PRS-373076 Core Access:Web page shows horizontal scrollbars at the bottom of screen.
PRS-372181 DanaLoc fails in case of old window object reference from a new window object.
PRS-372834 PSAM:Pulse SAM takes at least 40 seconds to open custom start up page in UI Options
compared to WSAM.
PRS-372677 AAA/Security/Pulse: SAML AuthnRequest leaks data across users with "Reuse NC/Pulse
session" enabled.
PRS-372595 User getting same IP address assigned from IP pool in few hours.
PRS-372489 Pulse browser Toolbar is flickering when accessing OWA 2016 resource on iOS device through
PRS-372285 PSA 7000f Frequently reports one of the power supplies is back up.
PRS-372055 Unable to save Citrix listed application using Hostname with port number.
PRS-371973 HC: Compliance fails using Pulse Desktop client 9.0.2 build 1151.
PRS-371970 Users with username in UPN format in System Local Authserver are unable to log in using
TOTP after upgrading to 9.0R3.
PRS-371944 Killed user session admin log "ADM23534" does not display admin user but the actual user
being terminated.
PRS-371800 PCS device is unable to get the enrolled mobile device attribute from MDM server.
PRS-371394 Setting the hash property of location object causes problem in IE, Edge and Firefox browsers
because the URL is appended with fragment identifier. In chrome and Safari browsers things
work fine.
PRS-371602 Post upgrade to PCS 9.0R3, "License server low-level protocol error Code = [47]" error is
triggered on license client.
PRS-371406 "Auto populate domain information" behavior when unchecked: blank first then if wrong
password, auto populates domain.
PRS-371357 HTML5 RDP logging do not show realm and shows ().
PRS-371266 Menu is not loading when accessing the application through web-rewrite.
PRS-371205 Multicast Traffic not working intermittently in the VPN Tunnel in 8.3R6 / 5.3R6 version and
after restarting services, works fine for all users.
PRS-371154 Wrong information in the log messages for Authorization Only Access when source ip
restriction is configured on role.
PRS-371114 Add support for adding parameters “client-name’ for HTML5 Access.
PRS-369351 LDAP authorization does not work when using ikev2 tunnel (handle 10K tunnels+few hundred
ikev2 clients).
PRS-370138 Read-only admin sessions see an option as disabled that is actually enabled on user roles.
PRS-369960 Page displayed while PSAL downloads to a Mac client shows instruction for Mac; but then
references Windows System Tray.
PRS-369200 Logs are not fully displayed if select the date as filter.
PRS-369142 File browsing SSO is not working with user details are given in variable form as well when
configured to use system credentials.
PRS-369031 When a configuration object is renamed, not all of the resulting configuration changes are
uploaded to Pulse One.
PRS-368927 Web process crashes and logs "ERR31093: Program web recently failed." in the event logs.
PRS-367879 Core Access: Unable to import or download the image using PTP.
PRS-367285 System| Active/Passive cluster responding to ICMP request even after shutdown.
PRS-366634 Randomly users are not able to access IPv6 resources through VPN device via VPN tunneling.
PRS-366490 System| Temperature status value on SNMP server displaying wrong value.
PRS-371351 Citrix sessions drop regularly causing various issues. These issues are observed in PCS 9.0
with Citrix port 2598 via JSAM. This issue is not found in 8.2R8.
Known Issues
PRS-393440 Symptom: Host Checker fails with Error "Host checker did not get installed properly. Your
computer does not meet requirements"
Condition: Cache Cleaner policy is enforced on role or realm.
Workaround: Disable Cache Cleaner policy and restart Pulse services.
PRS-393174 Symptom: Local proxy PAC file not working in Internet Explorer 11.
Condition: When PAC file resides on a local system.
Workaround: Store the PAC file on an HTTP/HTTPS-accessible server and use that link for
Internet Explorer 11 proxy settings.
PRS-393172 Symptom: Windows client connecting to PCS using Firefox ESR 68.10 intermittently throws
error during Compliance check through Proxy configuration.
Condition: Using Firefox ESR 68.10 version.
Workaround: Once a successful connection is established from the client to the server using
Chrome/IE, try connecting to the server using Firefox ESR. This works as expected.
PRS-392934 Symptom: PCS does not restrict user logins, even though dsagentd crossed 80% CPU
Condition: Noticed the issue especially with clusters and when changing from Active-Active
to Active-Passive cluster or vice versa.
Workaround: Restart of System Services should solve the issue.
PRS-392749 Symptom: Pulse collaboration client version is not same in Mac and Windows.
Condition: When user installs 9.1R8 Pulse collaboration client.
Workaround: None.
PRS-392345 Symptom: Archiving on AWS S3 storage and Azure is failing when DNS server is not
reachable from internal interface.
Condition: When admin trying to Archive using AWS S3 bucket or Azure storage account on
management port and DNS server is not reachable through internal port.
Workaround: Admin has to configure internal port for DNS resolution, Archival interface can
be internal/management for archiving on AWS S3 bucket or Azure storage account..
PRS-392236 Symptom: Hyper-V 9.1R8 upgrade from earlier versions is not supported.
Condition: When upgrading from the earlier versions, say 9.1R5.
Workaround: Install a fresh instance of 9.1R8 and import the config from the earlier version.
PRS-391305 Symptom: Upgrading Azure images from 9.1R5 to any later releases returns with error
message if the factory reset version is 9.1R5.
Condition: When factory reset version is 9.1R5.
Workaround: Export the existing PCS configurations, deploy the new PCS image with the
latest version, and import the PCS configurations.
PRS-390577 Symptom: Active user page is not displaying node details correctly for the users connected
in AA cluster after split and join.
Condition: After cluster split and re-join.
Workaround: Display issue, user sessions will not get impacted. Newly connected sessions
are showing the details correctly.
PRS-390488 Symptom: Host checker is getting timed out (can be seen on user access log) and user is
getting logged out.
Condition: When periodic evaluation is enabled.
Workaround: This issue is not replicable every time, but as a workaround, we have
suggested to disable dynamic evaluation or increase the periodic policy evaluation interval.
PRS-384976 Symptom: Host Checker installation error found Intermittently while installing Host Checker
or Pulse Client [HC enabled] through browser [Chromium Edge/Chrome/Firefox].
Condition: Fresh Installation of Host Checker or Pulse Client [Host Checker enabled] through
browser [Chromium Edge/Chrome/Firefox] after uninstalling old Host Checker components
1 Uninstall the Host Checker/Pulse Client components manually and reboot the system.
2 Manually kill Host Checker process before installing Pulse Client/Host Checker
PCS-21262 Symptom: Update in PSAM Resource policies configuration from Admin portal is not getting
applied immediately to existing users with UDP PSAM sessions.
Condition: When Admin changes ACL action from Deny to Allow for a particular UDP based
resource (i.e., UDP Server Application) for which user already has UDP PSAM Session active,
user will still see access denied and vice-versa. But this condition might occur very rarely in
real world scenario.
Workaround: Admin can choose to delete existing UDP PSAM user sessions for which ACL
action changes from Deny to Allow and vice-versa.
Alternatively, user can disconnect and connect PSAM UDP based application session.
PCS-20664 Symptom: Pulse client is not showing correct error message when there is no bandwidth to
allocate for L3 tunnel.
Error message in Pulse client - "Unable to allocate IP address".
Condition: When there is no bandwidth to allocate for L3 tunnel for that specific user.
Workaround: Display issue, correct error message will get displayed in User Access logs.
Error message in User Access logs - "Cannot find a qualified bandwidth management policy
for user based on current available bandwidth."
PCS-20433 Symptom: Existing HTML5 active sessions are not displayed under "Active Virtual Desktop
Sessions" tab.
Condition: After cluster upgrade, existing HTML5 sessions are not displayed under "Active
Virtual Desktop Sessions" tab.
Workaround: User has to re-login and connect to HTML5 session.
PCS-19628 Symptom: Platform page shows hypervisor information as KVM instead of Alibaba-Cloud-
KVM or OpenStack-KVM.
Condition: This issue is seen only with PCS deployed on Alibaba Cloud and OpenStack
Workaround: None. There is no functionality loss though. PCS will function without any
PRS-390106 Symptom: Inconsistent upgrade issues seen while upgrading Hyper-V images in clustering
and single node.
Condition: Upgrading a Hyper-V image to 9.1R5.
Workaround: If cluster upgrade fails, reboot the node which is not upgraded. If the issue
persists, try upgrading the nodes individually and then form cluster.
PRS-389742 Symptom: Cannot register the device with Intune to get SCEP profile that has IMEI as
common name.
Condition: The devices like Wi-fi only iPad / Wi-Fi only android tablets that do not have IMEI
support or do not have IMEI.
Workaround: None.
PRS-389737 Symptom: Cluster VIP is not getting migrated to other node when active node's internal
interface is not reachable and external port is reachable.
Condition: In AP Cluster configured with both internal and external port, when active node's
internal port became unreachable.
Workaround: Reboot the cluster node having issue with internal interface is unreachable.
PRS-389642 Symptom: XML import is failing if configuration file has syslog IPv6 settings.
Condition: if one of the devices configured IPv6 syslog server on log settings, the XML import
will fail on another device if the same XML is exported from first device.
Workaround: Export the binary system configuration and import on another device.
PRS-389451 Symptom: TCPDump fails to capture packets when multiple interfaces are selected.
Condition: When multiple interface - Internal, External and Management are selected.
Workaround: Select individual interface to capture packets using TCPDump.
PRS-389409 Symptom: User sessions will be removed for the session logged in at the time of second
node upgrade in AP cluster.
Condition: During AP cluster upgrade, when the first node comes up after upgrading newer
version, it informs other node to upgrade. During this time if any new user logs in, then all
those sessions will be removed after second node goes for upgrade.
Workaround: User needs to re-login.
PRS-388121 Symptom: Reliable users may be prompted for secondary authentication despite Adaptive
authentication being enabled for the realm.
Condition: Adaptive Authentication feature may not work in some scenarios where nodes
are in the cluster setup.
Workaround: None.
PCS-18480 Symptom: Bookmark based access flow for Cloud based apps does NOT support MFA.
Condition: When user tries to access any Cloud apps using Bookmark based flow, MFA based
Conditional Access policies does Not work and will Deny the access to user.
Workaround: Access Cloud apps using SP Initiated flow for MFA to work, or do NOT configure
MFA for these Bookmark based Cloud apps.
PCS-18217 Symptom: License report did not show proper values for older dates (Dec month) after
upgrading to 9.1R4 image.
Condition: License report generated from License server running with lesser than 9.1R4
version will have older data (For example: Dec-2019) and after upgrading the license sever to
9.1R4 image, data for older months will not be accurate.
Workaround: None
PCS-18002 Symptom: Pulse Collaboration meeting is not getting launched with PSAL in macOS Catalina
from the second time.
Condition: In macOS Catalina, Pulse Collaboration meeting can be launched only after the
fresh download of the client. If we try to relaunch the meeting, it is getting failed.
Workaround: Delete the Pulse Collaboration client folder and perform a fresh download
before launching the meeting.
PCS-17932 Symptom: TOTP server, Certificate server and SAML server authentication do not work for
MFA based Conditional Access policy settings.
Condition: When TOTP server, Certificate server and SAML server are configured as MFA
server for Conditional Access.
Workaround: Any other supported Authentication server can be configured as MFA server.
PCS-17926 Symptom: License report doesn't show the software version for one of the members cluster
Condition: When cluster is in license client
Workaround: None (Display issue).
PRS-387697 Symptom: HOB launch on CentOS failing when Oracle JDK is installed.
Condition: Oracle JDK installed on CentOS.
Workaround: Install OpenJDK.
PRS-387572 Symptom: AliCloud PCS-7K-V: Watchdog restarting cgi-server auth processes (cgi).
Condition: Beyond 20K concurrent users under Pulse ESP and PSAM throughput test.
Workaround: None
PRS-387499 Symptom: Hob auto-launch - PSAL failing with error "Failed to contact server".
Condition: When auto-launch is enabled on HOB bookmark.
Workaround: Disable auto-launch.
PRS-387452 Symptom: SSH does not work after restarting services in AWS and Azure.
Condition: After performing restart services.
Workaround: SSH works after a reboot.
PRS-387192 Symptom: Rewriter issues with SharePoint 2019 – a few buttons and icons does not load and
rename file does not work.
Condition: When using PCS web bookmark for the new SharePoint 2019 server.
Workaround: Switch to Classic View in SharePoint 2019.
PRS-384976 Symptom: Host Checker error found Intermittently while installing Pulse Client via Chromium
Edge browser in presence of Host Checker configured.
Condition: Host Checker configured.
Workaround: Click on Ignore button.
PRS-382259 Symptom: DNS address and domain names are taken from DHCP server when deploying
new PCS instance in AWS and Azure.
Condition: When passing DNS address and domain name as parameter for initial
configuration, DNS address and domain name are taken from DHCP server.
Workaround: Reconfigure DNS address and domain in network over view page.
PRS-382085 Symptom: Not able to enable "copy/paste" option for end user created bookmarks after
upgrade from 9.1R2 to 9.1R3.
Condition: After an upgrade, not able to enable "copy/paste" option in the end user created
Workaround: The user has to delete and create the bookmarks to enable "copy/paste"
PRS-382083 Symptom: Not able to enable "copy/paste" option via RDP launcher URL.
Condition: When trying to enable "Copy/paste" option via RDP launcher URL.
• User should use admin created bookmark.
• User should use end-user created bookmark.
PRS-382078 Symptom: AWS or Azure new PCS deployment fails when customer using old templates with
admin password is less than 10 characters.
Condition: When the template contains admin password with less than 10 characters.
Workarounds: Customer has to provide admin password length with minimum of 10
PRS-382021 Symptom: Dismiss until next upgrade option is not working for banner related to perpetual
Condition: Admin clicks on Dismiss until next upgrade.
Workaround: Use the Close button for temporary solution.
PRS-381990 Symptom: During peak hours when multiple users try to do browser-based login on PSA5K, a
few users might not be able to connect in the very first attempt.
Condition: When PCS is upgraded to 9.1R3 on PSA5K.
Workaround: When the failed user tries to reconnect, the login will happen successfully.
PRS-381853 Symptom: Azure PCS - Network interface speed is showing as “Unknown” in the Network
Overview page.
Condition: When deploying new PCS instance in Azure, the network interface speed is
showing as “Unknown” in the Network Overview page.
Workaround: This is just a display issue.
PRS-381707 Symptom: Intermittently, Behavioral analytics dashboard page shows "Unable to connect to
database" error.
Condition: Sometimes, when admin navigates to Behavioral analytics dashboard page,
"Unable to connect to database" error is seen.
Workaround: Administrator can reload the Behavioral analytics dashboard page after some
time to get the details on the page.
PRS-381579 Symptom: Sometimes logs are not shown under Log/Monitoring page.
Condition: Not applicable.
Workaround: Refresh the page or click on the Update button on the logs page.
PRS-381554 Symptom: When File rule configured for validating a file location using System default
Directories <%HOME%> policy evaluation failed on macOS 10.14x or any higher versions.
Condition: If file located at System Directories <%HOME%> and configured a Hostcheck
policy with File Rule for macOS 10.14.x or higher versions.
Workaround: Need to add permissions for "Pulse Client" under "Accessibility" and "Full Disk
Access" and which can be accessed from "System Preferences" > "Security & Privacy"->
Or without providing permission /tmp location can be used for File validation.
PRS-14530 Symptom: Shutdown of PSA-V deployed on KVM hypervisor does not complete.
• PSA-V is deployed on KVM hypervisor.
• Shutdown is initiated from PSA-V virtual console.
Workaround: None
PRS-374575 Symptom: DNS Search Order notes for macOS needs correction as Device only DNS is
supported in macOS.
Condition: macOS supports Device only DNS.
Workaround: None
PRS-377700 Symptom: Using REST API - Archiving Schedule settings change from hourly to specified time
does not update the hour/minute setting.
Condition: None
Workaround: Apply the same API again the second time.
PRS-379014 Symptom: After single logout with PCS as SP, the SP lands on either IdP page or SP page.
Condition: PCS is configured as IdP and another PCS configured as SP with single logout
Workaround: None.
PRS-362240 Symptom: User sees detect receiver window rather than PSAL download page upon clicking
the apps.
Conditions: Users are unable to launch Citrix Apps/Desktop that are published in storefront.
• Forward the Cookie: CtxsClientDetectionDone=true as name value pair in SSO form or
using custom header policies.
• Re-click the bookmark by returning to home page and access the SF application again.
PRS-373014 Symptom: Virtual Appliance platform license activated message seen every 10 mins in Admin
• Admin has installed Virtual Appliance platform license through authorization codes.
• Admin has also leased cores from a license server.
Workaround: Delete the installed Virtual Appliance platform license (as the cores are
provided by license server).
PRS-373762 Symptom: Named User Remote Repo (NURR) mode does not work when MSSP unlimited
license is installed on the License server.
Condition: MSSP Unlimited License installed on License server.
Workaround: Pulse Secure advises MSSP customers with MSSP SKU to not use NURR mode.
PRS-374091 Symptom: All client installations fail when using auth proxy in MAC OS.
Condition: Client installations in MAC OS using auth proxy.
Workaround: None
PRS-374790 Symptom: Unable to edit Power Point files within any browser from Share Point 2016 server.
Condition: In Rewriter mode of browsing Share Point 2016 server.
Workaround: Create Custom Header Allow policy for the Share Point URL.
PRS-375051 Symptom: Unable to edit existing client to increase or decrease the number of cores leased
Condition: Observed in REST PUT request and XML import.
Workaround: Use the UI to make changes.
PRS-375138 Symptom: Client upload logs fails for Network Connect and JSAM.
Condition: After launching Network Connect and JSAM on Windows 10, client upload log fails.
Workaround: None
PRS-376021 Symptom: Intermittently end-user gets “Detected an Internal error” while logging into a
browser-based session.
Condition: When end-user tries to log in to Pulse Connect Secure through Safari browser on
Workaround: Reboot the Mac laptop
PCS-11922 Symptom: DNS Port selection will not take any effect. DNS traffic will go through Internal Port
Condition: On a PCS Virtual Appliance, when Administrative Network is enabled under Traffic
Segregation. This issue is not applicable for PSA Hardware Devices.
Workaround: None
PCS-12383 Symptom: SNAT functionality failed to work even when it is enabled post the fresh
Condition: In cloud instance (Azure/AWS), admin enables the NAT behavior from its initial
disabled state and sees the NAT functionality failed to work.
Workaround: PCS needs to be rebooted from the portal post the deployment.
Cloud Secure
PRS-371781 Symptom: Blocked ECP users will not be updated if Generic is selected under LDAP server
Condition: LDAP server type selected is Generic.
Workaround: Select the LDAP server type as Active Directory.
PRS-372846 Symptom: Blocked ECP users will have a “Blocked till time” of 5 minutes.
Condition: Request count for a particular user is less than 3.
Workaround: None
PRS-372861 Symptom: Blocked ECP users will not be removed from the ECP reports page based on
“Blocked till time”.
Condition: When a user entry is present in the ECP reports page.
Workaround: None
Pulse documentation is available at https://www-prev.pulsesecure.net/techpubs/
Technical Support
When you need additional information or assistance, you can contact "Pulse Secure Global Support Center
• https://support.pulsesecure.net/
• support@pulsesecure.net
Call us at 1- 844-751-7629 (toll-free USA)
For more technical support resources, browse the support website https://support.pulsesecure.net/