Theory - 1: Villa Sistemi Medicali ARCOVIS 2000 R - Theory - 1
Theory - 1: Villa Sistemi Medicali ARCOVIS 2000 R - Theory - 1
Theory - 1: Villa Sistemi Medicali ARCOVIS 2000 R - Theory - 1
1. INSERTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. ON/OFF UP / DOWN ARM MOVEMENTS.......................................................................................................... 2
a) ON/OFF CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................................................... 2
b) UP / DOWN ARM MOVEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 2
3. WATCH-DOG POWER SUPPLIES ..................................................................................................................... 3
a) POWER SUPPLIES........................................................................................................................................ 3
b) WATCH-DOG SECURITY TIME MAX RADIOGRAPHY ................................................................................. 3
4. STARTER CHECKING CIRCUITS ...................................................................................................................... 4
a) LOGIC CONTROLS ........................................................................................................................................ 4
b) POWER CONTROL ........................................................................................................................................ 4
5. kV CONTROL CIRCUITS.................................................................................................................................... 5
a) INVERTER THEORY ...................................................................................................................................... 5
b) INVERTER POWER CIRCUIT........................................................................................................................ 5
c) INVERTER CHECKING CIRCUIT ................................................................................................................... 5
a) INVERTER THEORY ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Inverter working principle............................................................................................................................ 7
2. Inverter advantages .................................................................................................................................... 8
b) INVERTER POWER CIRCUITS...................................................................................................................... 9
c) INVERTER CHECKING CIRCUIT ................................................................................................................... 9
1. kV Set ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
2. Controls PRE-RX and RX forming .............................................................................................................. 9
3. Function of signals PRE-RX and RX .......................................................................................................... 9
4. IGBT control.............................................................................................................................................. 10
5. REAL kV signal ......................................................................................................................................... 10
6. mA reading................................................................................................................................................ 10
7. kV > 85% signal ........................................................................................................................................ 11
8. kV Block.................................................................................................................................................... 11
9. Min. kV safety - feedback kV lack ............................................................................................................. 11
10. Primary max. safety current .................................................................................................................... 11
11. kV+ and kV- unbalancing safety ............................................................................................................. 11
6. FILAMENT HEATING........................................................................................................................................ 12
a) HEATING CURRENT SETTING ................................................................................................................... 14
b) FILAMENT CURRENT READING................................................................................................................. 14
c) FILAMENT CURRENT ADJUSTMENT AND 400Hz CONVERTER .............................................................. 15
1. 400Hz CONVERTER ................................................................................................................................ 15
d) DYNAMIC CONTROL OF ANODIC mA ........................................................................................................ 17
e) PROTECTION CIRCUITS ............................................................................................................................. 17
1. Safety max. current................................................................................................................................... 17
2. Safety min. current.................................................................................................................................... 17
7. CONTROL UNIT................................................................................................................................................ 18
a) MICROCOMPUTER B4................................................................................................................................. 18
1. Console..................................................................................................................................................... 18
2. Inputs ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
3. Unit Dip-Switch function............................................................................................................................ 21
4. Programming for the thermic signal reading ............................................................................................. 23
5. Outputs ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
6. D/A Conversion......................................................................................................................................... 26
7. Reading voltages ABC of correction kV.................................................................................................... 26
b) X-ray CONTROL ........................................................................................................................................... 27
1. Radiography with cassette........................................................................................................................ 27
2. Continuous fluoroscopy and fluoroscopy snap-shot ................................................................................. 27
c) X-ray SAFETY............................................................................................................................................... 28
d) MICROCOMPUTER B5................................................................................................................................. 30
1. Console..................................................................................................................................................... 30
2. Input / Output ............................................................................................................................................ 30
e) COLLIMATOR ............................................................................................................................................... 31
1. Parallel diaphragms Opening/Closing....................................................................................................... 31
2. Parallel diaphragms rotation ..................................................................................................................... 31
3. Iris diaphragm ........................................................................................................................................... 31
(05461 drawing for DIP500)
(05462 drawing for DFM576)
The unit is supplied by a single-phase + ground, with 50 (60)Hz mains frequency. Two mains are
foreseen: 115V, 230V (±10%). The mains is protected by the magneto/thermic switch SWL1 of 16A. All
the electrical circuits are separated from the mains by the isolating transformer TR1, located in the
monitor trolley.
1° Closing the key switch “KEY” on the monitor trolley, the teleruptor K1 is controlled. The isolating
transformer is supplied through current R1 limitation resistance. After the time determined by
B1-C5 and R9 (approx.400 ms) the teleruptor K2 is excited short-circuiting resistance R1. To
protect the armored resistance, a thermal sensor is used, which opens the insertion circuit, in
case of malfunctioning and a consequent R1 overheating.
2° Pushing ON placed on stand panel, teleruptors K3 and K4 are supplied (see following
If one of the emergency switches SWK1, SWK2 is pushed, or if the thermal sensor intervenes, all
power supplies are disconnected. The monitor trolley can be supplied even though the stand is not
connected. In this case the relays B1-K1 remains de-excited, allowing the teleruptors K1 and K2
excitement, through switch KEY. The opto-triac B1-OC1 gives power supply to the x-ray emission lamp
on the monitor trolley.
Transformer TR1 provides service voltages to the following:
B1-K2 and K3 are manually excited thanks to the WATCH-DOG signal supplied by microcomputer
(board B4) through OUTPUT 24. This output is activated with intermittence at a fixed frequency of 4Hz.
The relays open, cutting off the power to the exposure control circuits, for two reasons:
a. Microcomputer B4 does not work therefore the output WATCH-DOG has a fixed status (whether
active or not-active).
b. X-ray control during radiography with cassette lasts more than the time set by B1-R37, P1 and
C32 (approx. 5,1s).
After this time, the IC3 flip-flop status is inverted, bringing IC3-3 at a low level; therefore relays
B1-K2 and K3 are disexcited.
The PREP. signal excites the K4 coil, the 2-15 and 8-9 contact supplies the circuit while closing; the
voltage present on OC1 controls in a fix way the TRIAC TH1 B9.
Once the starting time selected by P2, R48, C38 has fallen and the current measured during the
“MAIN” and “AUXILIARY” phases is right; the anode is kept in rotation by the maintenance voltage
selected by P3 and, closing the K5 contact, the “STARTER OK” signal is sent to the B4 board.
The circuit composed by IC9 and IC8 has a reading function of TA1 and TA2 current on the B9 board;
if once the starting time has fallen and TA currents are not proper, the maintenance phase is
interdicted and, without the “STARTER OK” signal, the microcomputer will display a fault.
LD9 diode Led (yellow) lights up if RAD PREP or FLUORO PREP are activated.
LD10 diode Led (yellow) lights up if the anode is supplied.
LD11 diode Led (green) light up when the maintenance phase is activated.
B9 board components perform the starter control power; the main component of this function is the
TRIAC TH1, which constitutes the voltage adjustment element on the stating phase.
During the starting period it is controlled in a fix way, thus the voltage on phases is the one present on
TB1; during the maintenance phase the TRIAC is continuously open and closed from the control
circuit, in order to obtain the voltage needed for the anode rotation maintenance.
(drawing 05383 for DIP500 e DFM576)
(drawing 05415)
(drawing 05416)
(drawing 05417)
kV setting is performed by kV+ and kV- keys, manual fluoroscopy and radiography. In automatic
fluoroscopy the setting is automatic, in function of the signal supplied by the TV camera.
The kV range is comprised between 40kV and 120kV both fluoroscopy and radiography.
Primary voltage is supplied to the monobloc in high frequency by means of a C.A. - C.A converter.
The block drawing of picture 1 (following page) shows the working principle of a HF generator supplied
at high frequency.
1. Inverter working principle
The inverter is an apparatus that converts the electrical power from continuous to alternated current. In
x-ray it is the circuit which allows to supply the x-ray generator at high frequency. The whole Inverter
working principle is shown at pictures 2 and 3.
Pict. 2
Pict. 3
Through the feed-back signals, H.F. transformers are controlled by a 20kHz constant frequency signal,
at a variable width, in function of the charge applied to the x-ray tube.
The mains voltage is rectified by the RE 1 diodes bridge, C1 and C2 converters filtrate the continuos
voltage, the F1 fuse protects the inverter. IGBT transistors, leaded at the 20kHz constant voltage, are
controlled by the inverter logic checking. (S18/S19 boards). During the first phase Q1 and Q4
transistors close the monobloc primary mains circuit again, bringing high voltage to the X-ray tube. Q2
and Q3 transistors remain deactivated. During the second phase working modalities are converted: Q2
and Q3 are activated, while Q1 and Q4 inhibited. IGBT transistors are protected by over-voltages from
the associated filters: for example Q1 is protected by R3 and C3. L1 inductances and C7 capacitor
make the control square wave form similar to a sinusoid to lead the high frequency circuit of the
monobloc. The C8 capacitor stabilizes the oscillations caused by interferences on the connecting
cables. The TA1 coil checks currents in the H.V. transformer primary. In fact, the checking circuit will
send to IGBT the control signal, only when the current in the primary is null, so when the IGBT couple
previously controlled is certainly turned off.
2. Inverter advantages
Using the inverter, a H.F. x-ray generator is obtained; which presents advantages if compared to the
traditional single-phase generator:
- The output voltage applied to the x-ray tube is practically continuous, with minimal ripple.
This means:
* Lower skin dose to the patient thanks to the delete of rays which do not contribute to the
making of the x-ray image (see picture 4).
* Shorter exposure times thanks to mR/mAs ratio, higher than 40% (see picture 5).
- During exposure the kV check is in real time, therefore its value remains constant even with mains
voltage variations.
kV kV
0 t 0 t
kV output conventional, 50 Hz, RX generator with
Voltage in output generator multipulse X-RAY low energy RX that do not reach the image
Pict. 4
1 A
0,66 B
0 2
50kV 110kV kV
A: X-RAY Generator
B: 50Hz. Conventional X-RAY Generator
Pict. 5
1. kV Set
(drawing 05394)
kV SET is set by the B4 microcomputer through the B3-DAC1 serial DAC.
4. IGBT control
(drawing 05383 for DIP500 and DFM576)
The same functioning principal of Q1 transistor is applied also for the other IGBT.
Both base and IGBT transmitter power supply are discoupled by the corresponding transformer: Q1
from T1, Q3 from T2, Q2 and Q4 from the same T3 transformer, as they have a common transmitter.
The control logic leading IGBT (Com1and Com2 signals) is discoupled by the opto-isolators OC1,
OC2, OC3 and OC4. In case Com2 signal is null the JFET TR4 transistor is off. The TR5 transistor
leads, bringing the Q1 base at -15Vdc; this way the Q1 power transistor is kept off. Vice-versa, if Com2
is at high level the JFET TR4 leads, bringing the Q1 base at high level.
5. REAL kV signal
(drawing 05415)
The real kV signal is obtained by adding the kV+ and kV- signals coming from the monobloc, a signal
equal to -1V=10kV is present on the TP1 and TP2 Test Points.
The two parts of the IC1 integrated circuit have the function of impedance adapters between the two
circuits; monobloc and inverter, the IC2 component adds the two signals and generates kVT.
The kVT signal is presented in output to the inverter by C5 on TP3 in the 1V format=20kV.
6. mA reading
(drawing 05415)
Anodic mA of the x-ray tube run through the R65 resistance of the S19 board, the voltage difference
present at its leads is proportional to the same mA.
This voltage is adapted by the IC5 integrated circuit amplifiers, to the following formats:
1V=1mA fluoroscopy; present on the TP5 Test Point
1V=10mA radiography; present on the TP6 Test Point
For this purpose the voltage proportional to mA is sent to the B3-IC2 voltage/frequency inverter,
(coord.85D), to whose output is present a signal with a proportional frequency to the anodic mA in the
following format:
• 1mA=800Hz in fluoroscopy
• 10mA=800Hz in radiography
The microcomputer reads this frequency, and mA, through the TR1 counter (coord.117C).
8. kV Block
(drawing 05417)
If the kV applied to the x-ray tube exceed the max. allowed value of 120kV, the inverter stops its
functioning and sends the kV FAULT block signal.
KV- and kV+ signals are compared to a reference voltage selected by the J2A and J2B jumpers, in
function of the x-ray tube max. voltage of 110kV or 120kV.
The kV block signal generates the STOP control, and the LD3 Led lighting up, signals the kV MAX.
safety intervention.
Furthermore the INVERTER FAULT deactivates the B3-OC1 interface opto-isolator, taking the power
supply off form the INPUT 4 (kV OK) of the B4 microcomputer, sending the “ERROR kV” alarm signal.
(drawing 05387)
(drawing 05388)
(drawing 05389)
The B2 board controls the filament heating in order to obtain the desired mA value.
1 1
In automatic fluoroscopy L.D.F./ H.D.F. and Snap Shot L.D.F. / H.D.F. , the mA variation range is
combined to kV.
In manual fluoroscopy L.D.F. and H.D.F. , it’s possible to set besides each kV values, also any other
possible value of the mA range, even using the same mA values of the automatic fluoroscopy,
In radiography mA are combined to set kV.
The 5kW or 2.8kW power selection occurs in automatic mode for each kV.
By setting until 8mAs, the 5kW power is used; from 10mAs the 2.8kW.
mA value is determined by the set kV, according to the curves here below listed:
40kV 0.2mA
4 50kV 0.5mA
3 60kV 2.0mA
70kV 3.5mA
2 80kV 3.6mA
1 90kV 3.7mA
100kV 3.8mA
0 110kV 3.9mA
120kV 4.0mA
40kV 0.4mA
8 50kV 1.0mA
6 60kV 4.0mA
70kV 7.0mA
4 80kV 7.2mA
2 90kV 7.4mA
100kV 7.6mA
110kV 7.8mA
120kV 8.0mA
4 80kV 8.4mA
90kV 8.8mA
100kV 9.2mA
110kV 9.6mA
120kV 10.0mA
6 80kV 9.5mA
2 90kV 10.2mA
0 100kV 10.8mA
110kV 11.4mA
120kV 12.0mA
40kV 65mA
50kV 56mA
60kV 46mA
70kV 40mA
40 80kV 35mA
20 90kV 31mA
0 100kV 28mA
110kV 26mA
120kV 25mA
40kV 90mA
50kV 80mA
60kV 75mA
70kV 70mA
40 80kV 60mA
20 90kV 55mA
0 100kV 50mA
110kV 45mA
120kV 40mA
The circuit has been studied in order to keep the filament current heating stable, even with mains
variations of ±20%.
Furthermore, the circuit foresees the possibility to insert, during x-ray, a dynamic check of anodic mA,
which adjusts the filament current in real time: this ensures constant efficiency and reproducibility of x-
ray data in the future.
The galvanic isolation is obtained through two converters V/f (B2-IC4) and f/V (B2-C10).
The integrated circuit IC4 constitutes a converter voltage/frequency 1V=1kHz:
the voltage present in B2-Tp3 is converted into signal f = I FIL.
The signal f = I FIL, uncoupled through B2-OC2, constitutes the input of the frequency/voltage
converter (1kHz=1V) B2-IC7: in output of the latter is therefore obtained a galvanically separated
voltage, but with an equal value to the one present in Tp3.
In Tp7 this voltage is found again, but negative and called V = I FIL.
The current provided by the converter is adjusted by the Q1 mosfet, which constitutes the adjusting
element of the B2 5,6,7 filament current, and provides in output a negative and proportional signal to
the difference between SET FIL and V=FIL. This error signal is sent to the gate of Q1 mosfet, by B2
OC1, B2 OC3 and B2 Q2.
The circuit inserted between TR3 transformer and filament, converts the filament power supply
frequency from 50Hz to 400Hz.The AC-AC converter is a half-bridge type; in input a 50Hz alternated
current is present, while in output a square wave alternated voltage of an equal width to the alternated
voltage peak in input, is present. The output square wave frequency is determined by the R102, R103
and C30 (coord.103C) values, connected to the IC11 integrated circuit (LM555 bistable configuration),
and is aprox.430Hz ((1.44x(R102+2xR103)xC30)/2). The IC11 timer with the IC12 flip flop, and the two
gates NAND (IC13) lead, through Q7,Q8,OC3 and OC4, the Q9 and Q10 gates alternatively, bringing
them to the conduction. By the capacity resistor divider a 77,5V continuos voltage, equal to half of the
one of the input rectifier bridge leads, is present to one lead of R118, so to an output clasp. (D19, D20,
D21, D22). On the other lead R118, so on the other output clasp, 0V (Q10 conducting)and 155V (Q9
conducting) continuos voltage are alternatively present. This way a +77,5V and -77,5V at the aprox.
430Hz frequency will be present between the output clasps.
Pict. 6
During x-ray the anodic mA value supplied by the inverter, is controlled through the FLUORO mA
(1V=1mA) and RAD mA (1V=10mA) voltage present on B2 TP5. If these are different from the
reference SET mA value, there is a correction of the filament current, in order to obtain the chosen mA.
During x-ray B2-K5 relay is controlled by the output mA CORRECTION, therefore the output of the
error amplifier B2-IC8-3,2,1 becomes proportional to the difference between SET mA and anodic mA:
This voltage is sent to the input through the contact B2-K5-2,8, inverting the amplifier B2-IC9-5,6,7.
(REG. I FIL.).
1. Safety max. current
Two circuits for the limitation of the filament current are foreseen:
a. Purpose of the first circuit is to avoid overcharges due to malfunctioning of the control circuit or to
a wrong setting of I FIL. The circuit is inserted in serial to the piloting of the mosfet Q1 and its
format from B2-IC1-3,2,1 limits the voltage value of Gate of the mosfet itself.
B3-P2 adjusts the max. value of the large filament current.
B3-P3 adjusts the max. value of the small filament current.
b. The second circuit interrupts the power voltage of the adjustment circuit, when the filament
current exceeds the preset max. value. The operational amplifier B2-IC2-3,2,1 compares the
voltage I FIL to values fixed by divider R10-R12 for the small focus and R11-R12 for the large
focus. If I FIL exceeds the reference value, then the relay B2-K1 is excited, opening the filament
power supply circuit. The intervention of this safety is signaled by the lighting up of the B2-Ld2
red Led.
It is possible to restore the power supply to the circuit only by switching the unit off, and on again.
To make balancing operations and filament heating circuit checking easier, the following
potentiometers and service jumpers are foreseen:
• The potentiometer B2-P1 [coord. 95B], inserted by jumper JP1 position c Þ b, allows to simulate
different values of filament current to perform the V/f and f/V converters adjustment.
• The potentiometer B2-P10 [coord. 85B], inserted by the jumper JP5 in position c Þ b, enables the
manual setting of different values of filament current.
• The jumper JP6 in position c Þ b excludes the circuit of mA dynamic correction during exposure.
(drawing 05390)
(drawing 05391)
(drawing 05443 for DIP500)
(drawing 05449 for DFM576)
The unit control is performed by two microcomputers: B4 and B5. The main microcomputer B4
manages the interface with the generator, with the digital system and the alarms. B5 manages the
collimator and some controls towards the TV Chain. The only function not controlled by
microcomputers, is the motorized upward/downward arm controls.
It is based on system Z80 and manages the following functions:
• Watch-dog output control.
• Automatic set and display of the working modes.
• Buzzer control for x-ray and alarm situations signaling.
• kV -mA selection and display, manual and automatic modality.
• - mAs selection with check of the max load. Power selection: 5kW or 2,8kW
• 5kW or 2,8kW power selection.
• Alarms control and display.
• Fluoroscopy time counter and indication.
• mAs calculation of exposure time in radiography.
• Filament selection and filament current setting.
• Thermic units management and control.
• Interface with digital image system.
• Interface with inverter and exposure control.
1. Console
To microcomputer B4 is connected the following:
• N.2 alphanumerical displays, 20 characters
• N.2 kV setting keys
• N.2 mA and mAs setting keys
• Fluoroscopy mode selection key. L.D.F./H.D.F Selection, if foreseen by the configuration.
• Radiography mode selection key
• Manual fluoroscopy mode selection key
• Pulsed fluoroscopy mode selection key Rate selection
• Reset alarm timer 5' of fluoroscopy key
• Fluoroscopy timer reset key
• Selection of the recursive filter weight key
• Image storage key
• Stored images selection key
• Signals Leds
B6-P1 and P2 potentiometers are used to adjust the direction of the liquid crystals of the display.
2. Inputs
24 inputs divided into 3 groups, 8 inputs, are foreseen.
- INPUT 4 : kV OK
The input is deactivated if:
• the kV FAULT signal supplied by the inverter is present, this means, if during x-ray exposure the
voltage applied to the tube has exceeded the max. value allowed, or however, one of the inverter
safety has intervened.
• if the SET kV signal value (set kV to the inverter) is higher than the max. allowed value of 6.75V
(125kV) adjusted by B3-P5.
If the input is deactivated the “kV FAULT" alarm is generated.
The input is activated if the filament current heating is higher than the minimum fixed.
If not, the “FILAMENT” alarm is generated, and x-ray emission is interrupted.
They are present in function of the width of the x-ray correction signal and determine the kV variation
speed in automatic fluoroscopy, as to the table here below.
NOTE: Their value is valid only with the presence of the following signals: ABC kV +, or ABC kV - of kV
- INPUT 20 : SEL M2
Selection 2° enlargement of the I.I. TUBE supplied by microcomputer B5
Safety control for x-ray emission.
Exposure control will occur only if this input is present, besides the normal x-ray control input
The input is directly activated by the +24V1 power voltage of all the inputs of microcomputer B4.
In case of this voltage lack the "SUPPLY FAULT" alarm is given.
Ver.= Version
In case of modifications concerning SOFTWARE, but which keep the HARDWARE interchangeability,
the only number of YY is updated.
Fluoroscan mode
SW2 Do not modify. Programmed by the manufacturer
SW8 ON X-ray stop in fluoroscopy if the Thermic Units value decreases under 1%
From now on, the microprocessor will generate “THERMIC” when the N.C. thermostat contact does not
1 ON 2 3
5. Outputs
24 outputs divided into 3 groups, 8 outputs, are foreseen.
The output is active when the corresponding opto-isolator is conducting.
Enables the signal of gain level change to CCD.
CP0 = Pulsed time selection for DIP 500 memory
CPU-LO = Pulsed time selection for DFM576 memory
CP1 = Pulsed time selection for DIP 500 memory
CPU-L1 = Pulsed time selection for DFM576 memory
CP2 = Pulsed time selection for DIP500 memory
CPU-L2 = Pulsed time selection for DFM576 memory
- OUTPUT 5 :
FILT= Recursive filter selection for DIP500 memory
FILT0 = Recursive filter selection weigh for DFM576 memory
FILT1 = Recursive filter weigh selection for DFM576 memory
FRMO-UP = Stored images forwards sliding for DFM576 memory
M-UP =Stored images forwards sliding for DIP500 memory
FRMO-DOWN = Stored images backwards sliding for DFM576 memory.
M-DOWN = Stored images backwards sliding for DIP500 memory.
Not used
- OUTPUT 17 :
VR2-HOLD = Image storing control for DIP500 / DFM576.
It is activated by the key of the stative control
- OUTPUT 18:
FLUORO = Fluoroscopy control towards the digital system DIP500.
FLUORO -2 = Fluoroscopy control towards the digital system DFM576 version
Always present when a fluoroscopy is activated.
- OUTPUT 19:
PULSE = Pulsed fluoroscopy control towards the digital system DIP500 version.
Present with MEM-FLUORO when pulsed fluoroscopy is activated
- OUTPUT 20:
M.SHOT: Snap Shot fluoroscopy control towards the digital system DIP500 version
Present with MEM-FLUORO when snap-shot fluoroscopy is activated
SMART FILTER for DFM576 memory
6. D/A Conversion
(drawing 05394)
The B4 microcomputer sets the voltages SET kV, SET mA, SET SMALL FIL and SET LARGE FIL,
through two converters B3-DAC1 and DAC2. These are converters D/A model YM3016, with two serial
channels and double track input at 16 bit.
The analogic output is obtained adding a buffering operational amplifier.
The double track values of SET voltages are tabled in EPROM and present in the Test Point:
The voltage ABC CONTROL assumes values included between 0V and +12V in function of the value
of the video signal. When the level of the video signal is correct, the ABC CONTROL signal voltage
value is nearly +6V. Vice-versa:
• When the video signal is too low and a dose increase is required, the ABC CONTROL voltage
value increases.
• When the video signal is too high and a dose decrease is required, the ABC CONTROL voltage
value decreases.
The ABC CONTROL voltage, present in B3-Tp12, is compared to the voltage of set supplied by B3-P7.
In output IC4-1 there is a voltage, equal to the difference between the ABC CONTROL signal and the
voltage of set:
Voltage is positive if the ABC signal is higher than the value set by P7, while negative if vice-versa.
This voltage of error is sent to the 6 comparisons IC5 Þ IC10 which supply control logic signals of the
inputs of the B4 microcomputer.
b) X-ray CONTROL
The x-ray control to the inverter is directly supplied by the B4 microcomputer after proper control and
safety verifications.
The radiography preparation control (HAND SWITCH - PREP) is sent to microcomputer through the
If alarm conditions do not exist, the Radiography Preparation phase will be activated through the
If the radiography control is pressed, (HAND SWITCH - RAD) and sent to microcomputer by INPUT
11, after approx. 1s, the Radiography phase is activated through the outputs:
- OUTPUT 11 that supplies the PRE-RX signal for the inverter and, after nearly 0,3s
Once the microcomputer has counted the mAs set value, it controls the end of the exposure
deactivating the OUTPUT 10.
- OUTPUT 9 (PRE RX RELAY) that controls the teleruptor of pre radiography K1.
- OUTPUT 11 that supplies the PRE-RX signal for the inverter and, after nearly 0,3s
c) X-ray SAFETY
Besides x-ray controls "dead man" type, several security levels are foreseen in order to avoid
accidental x-ray, due to hardware or software faults.
8. SET kV check
In case of fault, the “kV OK” signal to the B4 microcomputer is cut off, blocking x-ray
(drawing 05397)
(drawing 05398)
It is based on microprocessor single chip MC68705 R3 and manages the following functions
• Choice of the I.I. tube enlargement
• Images on monitor inversion control
• Image rotation control
• Collimator shutters management and control
• Collimator iris shutters management and control
1. Console
To the B5 microcomputer the following are connected:
• Nr.2 iris opening/closing keys
• Nr.2 shutters opening/closing keys
• Nr.2 shutters rotation keys
• Nr.2 I.I tube enlargement choice keys
• Nr.1 image horizontal inversion key
• Nr.2 image rotation keys
• Nr.1 led in the iris opening key
• Nr.2 leds in the I.I. tube enlargement choice keys
• Nr.1 led in the image horizontal inversion keys
2. Input / Output
1 input and 7 outputs are foreseen:
The signal is provided by B4 computer, when a radiography with cassette is selected. In this case it's
possible to open the shutters completely, and the iris diaphragm in the radiography position, by
pressing the iris opening key for a while. The led lighting up in the key itself, signals the status of max.
opening obtained.
- OUTPUTS: M1 and M2
Information on the I.I. tube enlargements choice.
At the same time the microcomputer excites the K2 or K3 relay, for the control of the I.I. tube
enlargement itself.
Image horizontal inversion control
Output not used.
The unit uses a collimator with:
• Parallel diaphragms with motorized opening and rotation.
• Motorized iris diaphragm.
This way the outputs of the two amplifiers are at the same potential and the motor M2 is stopped.
By means of the opening control, the switch IC5-14,15 opens (PC2 at high level) and the switch IC5-
11,10 closes (PC3=0), bringing the input IC6-6 at a value of voltage lower then 7,5V: the motor is
supplied with a voltage equal to: (7,5V - Volts in IC6-6).
By means of the closing control the switch IC5-14,15 opens, (PC2 at high level) the switch IC5-11,10
opens (PC3=1), bringing the input IC6-6 at a value of voltage higher than 7,5V: the motor is supplied
with a voltage equal to (7,5V - Volts in IC6-6), which is of opposite sign than the previous one.
The opening and closing voltage, and therefore, the opening and closing speed can be adjusted
through P10 and P11 potentiometers. The diaphragms movement is equipped with max. current
limitation in order to obtain the motor block, when the diaphragms are in mechanical end-run. The
interventional value is adjusted by potentiometer P13.
2. Parallel diaphragms rotation
The movement is obtained moving simultaneously and at the same speed, M2 and M3 motors. For that
reason, the circuit foresees the M2 motor power supply in the above mentioned way, and
simultaneously the B5-K1 relay control, which connects M3 in parallel to M2. P12 adjusts the max.
current safety intervention.
3. Iris diaphragm
The movement is activated by motor M1, supplied by a circuit equal to the one used for M2 and M3
motors. In fluoroscopy the iris diaphragm opening is adjustable by the operator from a minimum fixed
diameter, to a maximum fixed diameter, determined by the I.I. tube dimensions, and by field selected.
In radiography (if the diaphragm opening key is pressed for a while), the iris diaphragm assumes a
fixed position, in order to give an image of 24cm diameter on film.
The microcomputer B5 controls the M1 motor movement, through the outputs PC4 and PC5 in function
of the following:
• real position of the iris diaphragm, supplied by potentiometer P1 in the collimator and read by the
analogical input AN0;
• the selected I.I. tube field dimension, or the radiography field dimension, read by the analogical
input AN3;
• min. dimension accepted by the collimator and read by the analogical input AN1;
• max. dimension accepted by the collimator and read by the analogical input AN2.
The potentiometers B5-P1..P6 adjust the reference dimensions setting, as to the indication in the
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