IN IN: Government Diploma AND Certificate Co - Operative Housing
IN IN: Government Diploma AND Certificate Co - Operative Housing
IN IN: Government Diploma AND Certificate Co - Operative Housing
Additional lnformation -
(1) Closing stock is valued at Rs, 18,000.
(2) Audit fee payable Rs. 500.
(3) Charge Depreciation at 10o/o ot1 Dead Stock and 5% on Building.
(4) Make provision for Bad Debts Rs, 200.
(5) Authorised capital is Rs. 1,00,000 divided into share of Rs. 20 each.
2. (A) From the following information you are required to prepare Bank Reconciliation 10
Statement as on 31st March 2019 in respect of Janta Sahakari Urban Gredit
Society, Pune.
(i) Bank overdraft as per cash book Rs. 30,000.
(ii) Cheque of Rs. 15,000 was deposited in Bank on 29th March 2A19 and credited
in passbook on 2nd April 2019.
(iii)Bank had charged interest Rs. 4,238 on 30th March 2019 which was not entered
in the cash book till 3rd April 2019.
(iv)Bank had credited Rs. 6,000 in the passbook on 30th March 2019 toward
quarterly interest on Term Deposit of society. This was entered in cash book on
2nd April 2019.
(v) A cheque of Rs. 26,000 was deposited in the bank on 25th March 2019, however
the said cheque was dishonoured and hence debited the same in passbook on
30th March 2019. No entry of dishonoured cheque was passed in the cash book v
till 3rd April 2019.
(vi)Society paid electricity charge by cheque Rs.5,210 on 20th March 20'19. The
same was presented in the bank and paid by the bank on 4th April 2019.
(B) What is Depreciation ? What is the need of providing Depreciation ? Describe 10
the methods of depreciation.
3.(A) Rakesh accepted a bill for Rs. 10,000 drawn on him by Mahesh for mutual 10
accommodation. Mahesh discounted the same with the bank for Rs. 9,800. He
remitted half of the amount to Rakesh. On due date Mahesh remitted his share of
amount to Rakesh who honoured the bill on presentation.
Pass the Journal Entries in the books of Rakesh and Mahesh'
(B) From the following financial statement, you are required to calculate - (i) Gross 10
Profit Ratio, (ii) Net Profit Ratio, (iii) Stock Turnover Ratio, (iv) Current Ratio and
(v) Liquied Ratio.
Trading and Profit and Loss Account ending on 31st March 2019
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