DailyReport (N4)
DailyReport (N4)
DailyReport (N4)
Kanji ch6-5lone,
Chapter 33 Renshuu ,
Ch32 side exercises,
28.12.2020 Homework to write- Renshuu B,Mondai
Kanji (ch 6, renshu ch4-6)
Homework to study - Chapter 32 revision, Kanji chapter 4-6 revision,
Vocab chapter 32,33
31.12.2020 Holiday
Kanji Revision
Chapter 37 Grammar,Renshu A,B, Mondai, Fun kei, Rei Bun
Short Test Kanji - Chapter 9,10
Short Test Grammar - Chapter 36
Homework to write - Renshu B, Mondai
1.2.2021 Coup
Test Chapter 42
Kanji revision (11-13)
4.02.2021 Chapter 43,Grammar,Renshuu A,B, BunPo
Homework to write-Mondai - Chapter 43
Homework to study - kanji chapter 11-15 and kotoba 42,43
Chapter 44 Test
Kanji Chapter 17 - 5words
Vocab Chapter 46
10.02.2021 Listening, Renshu C, Kaiwa, Chapter 45
Homework to study - Chapter 45, kotoba Chapter 46
Homework to write - FukushuK
Test Chapter 45
FukuShuu K apyay tike
Chapter 46 BunKei,Renshuu A
11.02.2021 Kanji Chapter 17 5 lone
Homework to write - kanji chapter 17, essay.....
Homework to study-meaning 4 khan kanji 2 kan and revision(Kanji
and grammar)
15.02.2021 Off-Day
Kanji Revision
26.02.2021 Test (Kotoba chapter 47 - 50, Test chapter 50)
Listening and kaiwa chapter 50, additional exercises
Kanji Exam Chapter 16-20
01.03.2021 Review ふくしゅうL.せつそくし, せつそくし。会話表現のまとめ
Grammar Revision
Revision for chapter end exam
漢字そうごうれhしゅう(Lesson 1-20)もんだい(1-6)
Box Primitives
Coding Conventions (Typographical, and Grammatical)
Collection methods
File(Reading files, writing file and their respective examples such as
bufferReader, fileReader, Scanner, bufferWriter, printWriter, formatter)
Self-programs by using the contents up to this time ( It's for memorizing and
recalling all the lessons what we have learned so far)
Thread(Mutlithreading and synchronization)
Generic Class and Generic Method(Bounded and Unbounded generic class)
Java new features (Double Colon Operator, Stream APIs and Date and Time
Homework - > To test with the programs of all the features
Scene Builder and JavaFx Configuration
TreeMenu Date App(include menu and datetime picker, splitPane and so on)
Progress Bar App(which include javafx integer and double bean property,and
binding property, progressBar and progressIndicator)
Table App(which include table view and slider, and javafx bean property)
MediaPlayer(The most interesting app for this week.It includes the features of the actual media player such as volumeSlider,F
DB Installation
DB intro(Connection setting, creating db and table and inserting data)
Updating db to login app
Creating group(define individual task for project scope and other things which we need to browse before the project develop