Tutorial I4 IsightAbaqus Script Excel
Tutorial I4 IsightAbaqus Script Excel
Tutorial I4 IsightAbaqus Script Excel
Simuleon B.V.
Sint Antoniestraat 7 5314 LG Bruchem
T. +31(0)418-644699 F. +31(0)418-644690 E. info@simuleon.com W. www.simuleon.com
1. Introduction
In this tutorial, you will combine Abaqus and Microsoft Excel within an
optimization Isight workflow. Also, you will write (or copy) a user defined python
script to retrieve from the Abaqus .odb file new customized output variables
which are not directly calculated by Abaqus.
Microsoft Excel is used to calculate the volume of the structure. This task can be
performed with a basic calculator component as well. Instructions for both
approaches will be provided to allow the completion of the tutorial also to those
who do not have Microsoft Excel available.
A Python script will be used to calculate the final angle α retrieving the nodal
coordinated of vertexes A and B2 from the .odb file.
Simuleon B.V.
Sint Antoniestraat 7 5314 LG Bruchem
T. +31(0)418-644699 F. +31(0)418-644690 E.info@simuleon.com W. www.simuleon.com
1. Open the Abq_Beam.cae Abaqus file and look at the structural model
previously created. Note in particular the profile properties of the beams and
boundary conditions. Run the job called BEAM and look at the analysis results.
2. The python script called userscript_odb.py is used to open the .odb file,
retrieve information on the final geometrical configuration of the structure and
then calculate the angle α. This result is both printed at screen and written in the
user_params.txt file. Parameters written on this file are directly parsed and
recognized by the Abaqus component as output parameters. Once the analysis is
finished, run this script by clicking on FileRun script. Look at the results
printed in the command area and in the user_params.txt file.
3. Open the Excel datasheet called Beam_Volume.xls and look at the beam
volume calculation.
Simuleon B.V.
Sint Antoniestraat 7 5314 LG Bruchem
T. +31(0)418-644699 F. +31(0)418-644690 E.info@simuleon.com W. www.simuleon.com
2. Setting up the Isight workflow
- Open a new standalone Isight Design Gateway.
Simuleon B.V.
Sint Antoniestraat 7 5314 LG Bruchem
T. +31(0)418-644699 F. +31(0)418-644690 E.info@simuleon.com W. www.simuleon.com
2. Move to the Execution Tab. Check that the execution command is correct
according to the setup of your system.
abaqus.bat input=BEAM.inp job=BEAM interactive
3. Enter the Output Tab and browse to select the BEAM.odb results file
previously created. Click on Read File and look at the list of variables
automatically identified by Isight. Now, click on Use Custom Scripts and the
reread the file (Fig. 4). A new variable called Angle is now included in the
variables list. Select it and click OK.
Simuleon B.V.
Sint Antoniestraat 7 5314 LG Bruchem
T. +31(0)418-644699 F. +31(0)418-644690 E.info@simuleon.com W. www.simuleon.com
4. Edit the Microsoft Excel component
The Microsoft Excel component is used to calculate the volume of the structure.
If you’d rather use the Calculator component, go to Section 5.
1. Enter the dataflow tab and select the Abaqus component from the Model
selection area on the left. Select the profile parameter
Model_Beam_Profile_Rect_A as shown in Fig. 5 and change the mode from Input
to In/Out parameters. Map the parameter to the Excel component by dragging it
towards the Excel component on the right. A new blue dotted line will create
automatically (Fig. 5). Repeat the same process for the parameter
Simuleon B.V.
Sint Antoniestraat 7 5314 LG Bruchem
T. +31(0)418-644699 F. +31(0)418-644690 E.info@simuleon.com W. www.simuleon.com
Figure 5. Editing the dataflow from the Abaqus component to the Excel
Simuleon B.V.
Sint Antoniestraat 7 5314 LG Bruchem
T. +31(0)418-644699 F. +31(0)418-644690 E.info@simuleon.com W. www.simuleon.com
5. Edit the Calculator Component
If you have already used the Excel component. Go to Section 6.
1. Enter the dataflow tab and select the Abaqus component from the Model
selection area on the left. Select the profile parameter
Model_Beam_Profile_Rect_A as shown in Fig. 5 and change the mode from Input
to In/Out parameters. Map the parameter to the Calculator component by
dragging it towards the Calculator component on the right. A new blue dotted line
will create automatically (Fig. 5). Repeat the same process for the parameter
2. Go back to the Sim-flow tab, double-click on the calculator component and write
the following command to create a new Volume parameter. Click on the
parameters when you want to include them in the string.
VOLUME= ‘Model_Beam_Profile_Rect_a'*‘Model_Beam_Profile_Rect_a'*29.15
2. Save (FileSave) and run (RunRun Model) the model. The model should
complete in about 25 runs.
Simuleon B.V.
Sint Antoniestraat 7 5314 LG Bruchem
T. +31(0)418-644699 F. +31(0)418-644690 E.info@simuleon.com W. www.simuleon.com
Figure 7. Configuration of the Optimization component: constraints tab.
7. Optimization Post-Processing
Once the Isight run is completed, enter the History tab of the Isight Run Gateway
and make sure the Optimization component is selected in the left model tree (Fig.
8). Every line corresponds to a workflow run and shows the input and output
parameters used together with objective and penalty functions. Design feasibility
is coded by colour: red lines identify a run which does not meet the constraints
defined while the green line is the optimal solution found so far. The final optimal
geometry should resemble the one shown in Fig. 9.
Simuleon B.V.
Sint Antoniestraat 7 5314 LG Bruchem
T. +31(0)418-644699 F. +31(0)418-644690 E.info@simuleon.com W. www.simuleon.com
Figure 9. Final optimized geometry.
Simuleon B.V.
Sint Antoniestraat 7 5314 LG Bruchem
T. +31(0)418-644699 F. +31(0)418-644690 E.info@simuleon.com W. www.simuleon.com